Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, September 05, 1895, Image 2

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    Fine Country Cured Hams and -Shoulders at the Star Grocery, Try
She (!Butcrpiioi
I'iiIiIIhIic (I vi ry TlmiKduy ut I ud'x iilitiei,
Enteivil hi (ho INwInHlor at Indoiivml'Mioe,
On'K'MI. UIHlIlT til 111 MVOIld I'llli-K.
Phintkk's Ink Is always Faying
keen things. One of its latest is:
"Some papers are good mediums to
sear by, and othiru are good to
a wear at."
r. M Biiowfr, Klltr.
J. T.Kudii, A"a.-'iHti K.llior.
1., A. liAll.KV, liunlmwa Mnwvtrfr.
)nypr , ,.
Hlx month ... ".
1 tiH-e iiniilli
fillllilt! ('' . ,.
A OVKRTIHlNtl HATKM Will bt Ulft.! ktto lll
ant.lhwt .n.
' Jon enwTlvii of all kind dow on h,rt notliv
inil to nrwi oUss toKMtiir.
AtMrtwii nil i'minuHUit,'ona lo Thk Kntkk-
It is a fairly correct statement to
gay tluit threo-tiflhs of thuburgluries
ami highway robberies of which we
Jienr so much of late are committed
by criminals who have served two
fir more terms in the state prison.
jt is not uncommon for a person to
subsequently live a correct life who
JiaS served a short term iti a felonV
cell, but long association with the
degrading environment of prison
Jife saps the moral foundations of
pharacter and moulds the average
man into a confirmed criminal. It
is only by continual cultivation of
the virtue of self respect that men
and women become strong morally
and spiritually, and the criminal
.class has little or no appreciation
f pride of character. The con
firmed criminal is aleoh upon so
ciety and his hand is ever ready to
strike at the life and property of
his fellowtnen. When society onee
ideutiijeg such an individual its
only ,, protection is to place him
where be cannot make his criminal
Attacks upon its peace and safety.
The state prison ia the proper place
for this class and the pardoning
power in all such cases should be
taken away from the chief executive.
Jtisa practice in all the states,
as common as it is notorious, for
the governors to annually "pardon a
horde of criminals who are hope
lessly beyond the pale of moral re-:
deuiption Why 4 should this be
done? Such a practice is a crime
against society, an outrage upon
fhe rights of & Belt-supporting and
e?lf-respecting commonwealth, and
Should be made impossible by tak
ing the pardoning power away
from thg state executive.
Fkk.m h statistics show that "no
less than 21,(KKVX0 of the SS.lXXV
UK) inhabitants of France live in
the towns where they were born."
The Francb, perhaps, manifest
more intense attachment for their
native land than any other people.
Patriotism is with them a passion.
The Inpepksdrnoe FxTKKrnisn,
under the new management of
Messrs. Krown A lai!ey, who late
ly purchased the plant trcm J. U.
Morin. is on our table. Thk En-
shows. Success to Thk Kntkkimusk
and its new stall'."
'Transcript" is a daisy when it
comes to saying pleasant things.
In the days ol his gallant youth
Al Snyder kissed a charming Irish
lassie who had kissed the famous
Ularney stone, and he has Ix-en
wfrrveaeim? with blarnev ever
" o
since. We regret that Tuk Ester
pkisk fails to reach the Transcript
table regularly. The fault is not
wii h this office. The paper is mail
ed iiunetua 11 v every brntay to our
contemporary's address.
Important Happeniuga and Event
From tiieWiout Nigl;bor
hooda In tha County
Gathered by The Interr.riso' Corp
of Abla Corrcpoochmt.
TllH I Nl'Krh'MiKNCK Enteki'kisk
has changed hands, Editor Morin
retiring. F. M. Hrown, late of
South Dakota, and L. A. Bailey, of
tekphise is ably edited and is very Iowa, are now at the helm. Th
neat mechanically. The people of I Entkkpkise is all that its name tin
Polk county will doubtless appre- plies and its appeareneo under th
( iate such a newspaper as Tmk En- new management, shows praotiei
tekprisk. We wish them success, j ability and thorough actiuaiutam-'
liill R.eord. I with newspaper methods. I he Or
j egon press w ill welcome these gentle.
Tin-up i niiH'h truth as well as ! men heartily to the realm of the
wit in the following editorial para-
raph from the San Francisco Ex
"Naval authorities are nmeh con
cerned as to how warships can be
adequately ventilated, lo the lay
man the use of Carnegie tlaw-hole
plates would set in to partly answer
the question, ami the rest oi tn
problem w ill disappear if the ships
ever get into action.'
webfeet. Oregon
Wade (Amity
The following lines have been
engraved upon Professor Huxley's
tomb in compliance with his re
quest. And if there be no meeting past the
is tiurkness, silence, yet
If all
Be uot aftaisJ, ye waiting hearts that
For God still jriveth his beloved sleep,
And if au endless sleep he wills so
That "sentiment cuts no ice" in
putters of' business is a current
phrase pf commonplace talk, but
because the expression is common
place is no evidence of its truth.
Both individuals and communities
are largely influenced by sentiment
in matters of business. The people
pf one locality refuse to patronize
the merchants of a certain town
because they are prejudiced against
the town and they give their trade
to some other town for the opposite
reason, not because it is to their
pecuniary advantage in either case.
jL great many Americans are will
ing to pay a higher price for goods
bearing an English or French label
than for the home manufactured
.articje, though equally good in
every way. For instance, dealers
pften put French labels on Cali
fornia wines and receive a higher
price tfyirofor than they could pos
sibly get if the wines bore legiti
mate labels. Old P. T. Barnum
wag about right when he said "The
American people delight to be hum
bugged, but they don't want to
know that they have been humbugged."
A.v exchange says: "Too much
shouting may frighten people; but
don't forget to shout loud enough
to let them know w ho you are, and
where you are, and what you are
there for." A good many business
men might take a hint from the
above cue and do a little more
"shouting" in the advertising
columns of the local papers. At
least they should talk loud enough
to be heard by people passing on
the opposite side of the street.
The Orettonian says: It is as
serted that Li Hung Chang is the
fichest individual in the world
His wealth is estimated at 500,000,-
P00; but, of course, this is conjee
Jure, with no means of verification.
John D. Rockefeller is believed by
pany to be the richest man in
America, and the Duke of West
minister is said to be the richest in
England. The wealth of no one of
the Rothchilds is separable from
(,hat of the family, and the family
is large; so there can be no esti
mate of tie wealth of its individual
We understand that the early
rains have caught considerable of
the late sown grain standing in the
sheaf and even a few fields of oats
have not been harvested. It is not
always convenient for the farmers
of the Willamette Valley to have
their entire crop garnered by Sep
tember 1, but experience teaches
that this is the only safe method.
The fall rains occasionally come oi:
early in September, although
usually not until a month later.
The hop crop in this vicinity has
not yet suffered, but should the
wet weather continue a week longer
there will be serious danger of
mould All the yards are com
paratively free from lice, but this
insect propagates its kind politic
ally during damp weather and
some of our growers are apprehen
sive of trouble.
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phoelie Thomas, of Junction
City. 111., was told by her doctors
she had Consumption ami that
there wa no hope for her, but two
iKittles ot Dr. kitn; s .New Discovery
completely cured her and she says
it saved her life. Mr. Thus. Kg-
sjers, 139 Florida street, Sun Fran
ei sco, su tiered from a dreadful cold,
approaching Consumption, tried
without result everything else then
bought one bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery and in two weeks
was cured, lie is naturally thank
ful. It is such results, of which
these are samples, that prove the
wonderful ellicacv of this medicine
in Coughs and' Colds. Free trial
UHtles at Drug Store. Regular
size 50 cents and II.
The following good advice to ad
vertisers is from Printer's " Ink:
Don't try to tell too much in an
advertisement. If your story i
long, cut it up and give it to the
people on the installment plan.
Little matter and white epacecatch
the eye.
Council Proceedings.
J he city council convened in
regular session Tuesday evening,
September 3. Councilman Clod-
felter was elected president pYo
tem. Members present: Clou
felter, Pereival, Strong and Walker.
Absent: Cook and Finch. On
motion the city marshal was in
structed to enforce the ordinance
in regard to such cul-throat games
as chuck-luck, craps, etc.
Un motion tliecity marshal was
instructed to investigate the matter
of giving or selling liquor to com
mon drunkards.
On motion a committee of three
was appointed to draft resolutions
of respect to the memory of tiie
late Mavor Hurley and that the
same be spread upon ti.e minutes
of the council.
The following bills were allowed:
West Side Publishing Co $ .M
Estes & IClkins 2.7i
'lodfelter Bros. : 1.75
Buckley & Ca-ster 4o
J. P. 1 1 vine 2.00
J. W. Hichardson, Jr 5.70
A. J. Tupper 76.12.5
J.T.Ford 15.4S
J. W. Fetzer 63.00
L. C. Gilmore PKIOO
Electric Light Co liifl.OO
Total li.-57.20
On motion the council adjourned.
One Ones Uelief.
It is so easy to be mistaken about
indigestion, and think there is some
other trouble. The cure is Ripians
labules. One tabule gives relief
Ask any druggist.
The Enterprise, bus gained an
enviable reputation for its fine yb
work, and it proposes to sustain tbat
reputation in spite of competition from
any source whatsoever. This office is
is prepared to do the latest tit vies of
job work, in a neet, artistic and work
men like manner, mid at living prices.
Give ut a call, sample our work, and
get our prices.
x.-vv l ,M.i.ntttll4V htull rvU-,l nol
Intr I ban V wln"i,ty i,flir,m nl'onill M I"
lit vy Ivwii uiiiUi lii in iviuit)',
IVrwspouilMK" l I'll K KNTKH I'lltSF.
llelmiek lros. are shipping con
siderable wheat this week,
Mrs. Lillie tlarr, from near
Seattle, is visiting her parents Mr.
and Mrs. ti. V. Do l?ord.
Miss Lorn Hutler, and Miss Net
tie Crosby, of Monmouth, were cal
lers atSlrs. Fuqna's Saturday.
Our little town is quite lively
now. Hop pickers are coming in
daily. Picking liegau Tuesday.
Miss Mildred I.inville, and James
Davidson, left last Thursday for
Corvallis, where they will join a
crowd of young people from Salem
and Gorvallis to ascend Mary's
A stranger wa recently heard toi
ay "Miver Had tiie ugliest gin?
of any town west of the Rockies,'
I wonder hat he would think if he
could see Parker's beauties.
Parker has a new song entitled
We will Rally Rjund the Tailing
Shed." Any person wishing t-.
hear the song, come to Park r just
niter the warehouse closes iu the
Ml 7
Ur, AU ?. Hyamt
The Baker City Epigram of Aug
pst 22, is a special illustrated edi
tion which reflects much credit on
ts publishers, Messrs. Foster &
Bell. Considerable space is devot
ed to the mineral resources of Baker
pounty, and the growth of its Iead-
Editor Fletcher, of the Salem
Independent, has the following
pleasant word for us:
"F. M. Brown and L. A. Bailey
have purchased the Independence
Enterprise. The Enterprise was
always a good paper, but now it is
better than ever. I he editor of
this paper is acquainted with the
young men who now own the paper
having lived in the same state
South Dakota for years, and he
wishes to say to the people of Polk
county that in these boys they
have gained a valuable acquisition
to the population of the county.
If integrity, push, fair-dealing and
industry can make a paper succeed,
Messrs. Brown and Bailey ought to
put their paper to the very front
and we can only hope they ma."
Our sprightly contemporary,
The Valley Transcript, gives The
Enterprise the following graceful
notice: .s
"For several weeks Transcript
missed The Independence Enter-
ing cities. Taken all together the trise from its table. But here it
edition is hiehlv creditable, and if comes again with new names at its
properly circulated will call the at
tention of the outside world to the
marvelous rwurces of this giant
rieultvjra! and mining region.
head Brown & Bailey. Of course
J. T. Ford is retained as associate
editor, and that means the paper
will lo none of its snap and vim,
which Thursday's number clearly '
$100 Kewarrt. )10O.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure iu all its stages and
that is Catarrh. Hairs Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known
to me medical fraternity. Catarrh he
ing a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Cat.
arrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous
serlaces oi the system, thereby des
troying the foundation of the diseane
and giving the patient strength bv
huililiug up the constitution and as
sisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in iU,
curative powers, that they offer One
Hundred JJollars for any case that H
tails to cure, hend for list of lestnuou
ials. Addrcs
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O
BPS-bold by druggists, iop. H
Oorrt'pottJcnc to Thk Kstkupkisib.
Rain comes again.
Our town seems to be almost dt
serted since hop picking began.
Mr. Wristey, a student of la-t
ear, has rented the Cooper cottagr
Win. Boots reports business
good in his line, especially among
bop men.
Mrs. Zeiber has returned from
Seattle where she has been since
school closed.
II. S. Port wood has just received
new line of shoes which he is sell
ing at hard times price.
Miss Coretta Smith is improving
apidly and will soon Is) abl to be
among old friends again.
Frazer & Cattron have just re
ceived a new line of stoves which
add greatly to the appearance of
their store.
John E. Miller and family have
returned from Powell Valley where
they have been visiting among
relatives for the past month.
Mr. Sicklerais having his house
painted and picket fences built in
front of the same. Let the good
example be followed by others.
School opens on September 17
A full attendance is expected this
year. Miss Bassett, of Alabama,
has been elected to fill the chair of
music and drawing.
Prof. Allen, of Oswego, X. Y.,
the principal elect of the Xorrnal
training department, has arrived
with his family and has rented
the Hewitt cottage.
lUmllton, Ohio.
The Same as Bread
Hood's Sarsnp.irillaon tha Table
at Every Meal
" In my opinion Hood 'a HrpnrtlU hm
not u rtpiftl a blood purifier. 1 ilo
gml 8 mouth tor ttoinnoh Inmbt ud
Neuralgia of the Heart
Without any good mid thi'M look It-Kict'i
8iniiarl!lii. Kvvry uprhur and fallalm-a
I bav unod it and tt haa (Ion mo Iota ot
arood. 1 tiavs not Iwn attended by
physician for t he lat four year. My wit
waa aurkruig with waUr lirnuli and
Feeling All Tired Out.
Ph waa aeveroty alHli ted but nr"" T
prevMtliiiif iiikiii her U luke l!oint' Httra-
parillaiiui! IIvhiU a Pill he If 1 1 UiTorenoy
In a luirt time. Now ahe ia qiille well.
We havu great (allli In Hood 'a rara-
Hood's? Cures
rilla and put It on tha table at every meal
the aameaa bread." Al . tl. IIYAMK, with
T. V. Mow-Ki.i, Sons. reliiMe, i-U
North Third Street. Hamilton. Ohio.
Hood's pliiTTOvr
11 If II' -
in llio noxl .eonl ury.inuy
possibly bo able to (lis.
ponso Villi Iho article
oallod by somo
but in Ibis growl b of graeo it
is not policy lo do so.
I t?ow fpavc my fall samples for suits and
pants- Call and sec them. A perfect fit
land workmanship guaranteed.
lr. I'm rih and f.unily have re
turmd from Southern Oregon.
The doi tor report thing moving
nicely ut tho iniui and thinks
the prospect vrry iliittvring.
Tho bids for carpenter work nnd
painting of the public si hool build
ing waa otH'iied on th 2nd
Howell X- Quitnbv Imd the loweft
bid and were awarded tiie contract
W hy don't Home good man put
iu a ftvvk of dry j;imkU and clotli
ing in Monmouth? Thiti in a goo
point for the riclit man, and then
iM no reason why it wn;ild imt pay
The bus'iucm ban paid in the na.-d
and will do bo in the future.
F. Y. Mulky and Holt Crowley
have opened n grocery fctoro in thn
Mulkev Block. Thev haveallMXl
stock and are selling growth s at
hard times prices The boys an
well pleaed with the pro.pectn and
it will not ki long till they
will have as good a trade as any
store iu Folk county. Success to
the new firm is tho wish of their
many Monmouth friends.
Hex & Kkx.
orajnsr day and asriaHT.
Cnrt les tho finost llini ir VV I N LlUUOHii una
lo l" found In the cily
I. L. SMITH, Pcoprietor.
itit kki;all.
Vacation Time
Ia at band and is gladly welcomed
by all, especially those whoseduties
in life have caueed them to greatly
run down their system to meet the
requirements, physical and mental
forced upon them. With these and
others, it is important, whether at
home, at the sea shore or in the
country, that some thought be given
to diet, and as further assistance to
nature, a good building-up medi
cine like Hood a Sarsaparilla had
best be resorted to. If the digestion
is poor, liver deranged and frequent
headaches seem to be the rule.
Hood will change all this and en
able everyone to return to their
home and business in a refreshed
gtste of mind and bodily health.
Corrpflpondpnoe IuTiik Kntkhprihk,
H. B. Theilsen's new hop house
is completed.
Mr. deary, of Portland, is visit
ing friends here.
Miis Craven, of Dallas, has been
visiting friends here.
The interior of our school house
has just been painted.
Grain hauling is about over atid
hop picking has commenced.
Thomas Burch is now occupying
his new house near the church.
Cliff Kuykendall has been buy
ing cattle on the Little Nestucca.
Mrs. A. P. Kirkland and family
are picking hops near Indepen
Mrs. Paskett and her niece, Miss
Jennie Bristow, were at Newport
last week.
Miss Cauthorn, of Corvallis, who
has been visiting relatives here,
returned home Tuesday.
Independence, - Oregon,,
4 '
of wood work, such as I'Varuo-, iSmcket'
of woml tinning at tlm lowest possible
prices. We also carry u full line of
GLASS, (ilass ciiltiu (juickly done.
H'iiif citiij'jitl with
the latest and best woo J
working iiiai liinery weare
pn pnti'l to do nil kitnU
i, Mouliliiiiis, and all kind
Iinli'ifiiil;itii', ()roin. CIio to
railway statiims, -tt'iUii 1 at laii'lsng
anil the litisiiii'SH jart of tlto iity
llixiMiH ami Htiitt s for trancii-nt
ami permanent jiursts. .Ni rvii un
Hiirpassid. tales 1 to 2 jkt day.
U j'4il
Take -s-Y-n -Tv-
Leave Portland Tuesduys, Thursdays and Saturdays, C.Wft. ni.
Leave Independence Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays "
Leave Salem " " 7.45
Fast Time. Cheap Rates.
To Hop Growers
N'e are inanulacttiritig the
strongest, most durable, easiest to
operate, most satisfactory and most
""'""'"I HOP PRESS 'Ver
put on the market, Fully war
routed. Coine and examine it.
Chronic Nervousness
Could Not Sleep, iNcrvous
Gentlemen: I have been takinir
your .Restorative Nervine for the p.u.o
tbree months and I cannot say
enough in its praise. It has
Saved fly Life,
for I had almost given up hope of
ever beine well aeain. I was a
cht-onic sufferer from nervousness and
could not sleep. I was also troubled
with nervous headache, and had tried
doctors in vain, until I used your
fcervine. mks. m. wood, nineimnd. 111.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
rr. Mlli" Nervirii- m wiM on rvwlttr.
pjaranK-iJ-fti in flrt li:V lll l-HI.
Ail . r;iL-?Kt veil ii t i'.. ( .it,- for or
11 will Ikm, prp' s;-!. on rc ipi erf
br ttie Or. Mlifc' keoicsil Co, LUbkrU Id.
CorreHpondnnce to Thk Entkiikimk.
Lots of rain here this week.
Fi?h peddlers are quite numerous
in Dallas this week.
Several new buildings will be
constructed this fall.
Several of the bop men of this
place are short of pickers.
The new Southern Methodist
church building will soon be com
Hop picking commenced in sey.
eral of the Dallas yards the first of
the week.
Grandma Green, mother of Mrs.
Robert Howe, died in this city
V ednesday.
Rev. Futrell has been returned
to Dallas to preach for the Southern
Methodist church.
Several young people of this city
win attend me state Aencultura
College this year.
Rev. pKinnell, of Eticrene. has
been employed to preach one year
for the Christian church ot this
Clyde Embree and Link Shreve
returned Saturday frrm a pleasant
nuniingana nsinng trip over on
the Sik-U river.
With the hest facilities for umk
ing anl repairing all kinds of
rami Machinery and Vehicles,
and none but first-class wood and
iron workers employed. We feel
justified in stating that we are
better prepared to do your wood
and iron work than any other firm
in Polk county. Our prices are
most reasonable.
To The Public
independence, - - - Oregon.
Exclusive Agents
for the
Wagons, Carriages
and Jsutrirics,
in Polk county.