n f ...., .,,.,rrt,,orirlS.-Jeff'r,on. mirilTIT"" --:;. ...v nToN. thubwaTki?kmkb . ! . ... I v: I ir l'li x 1 1 . m i'j. ivKiv vv.vi-.. - , 7 r . . . .. II ' liU'l1 . iriiiiiiiii.il. vm ' -- . - 1 i -- - ; 7 ' . . "7 .am! urufo nc THF WFFK. J. 1 HUH. IK 4- A - f ' - hrYY' Ul 4 CgHlllWIIlfJ ttiiin'nii Murelt -T1IIC- pirst atioqal Bank Of lllllflnltlH'M,'U,, Capital Stock, Burpln. (60,000.00 (14,000 00 I W. IIOIIKIITHON, wT M MAWI.KT, rMlltr. luuKCrous. . iir irniuiri Mini . r" V. W. Col ,Miiir, . '"... ....L ' Ixv In ;!' r.." i " liny" run HERE WE ARE ; "WITH THUJ B3BST ITST THE MTVIICET, Come end see their?. Respectfully yours. 0. A. KRAMER. II ? - THE AMEEIOAH CUP I Col..- Financial nvho Prama- ..,..... .f. Winn a 4. itmi To 1- fend tt.o Cup. (fr.ntb.OroDta..ndHili".".) T -v ik 'A CHOLERA IN HAWAII. Pan Francisco, Aug. 30. The Hteamer Monawai, wnic.i tonight from Australian ports, on -Inn lit IlOnOlUlU unu.. When oH that port the steamer wa. hailed by an American cona.il in a announced thilt .1.1 i.,t l.mVnnout in lionoiuiu UlllMcia iJ" , Already there ban been eigiu aeai.in - .Lm Mil. t 4t.4 ,iiu-iu ii 111 one ni" iroiu iui " . i,l Chinese. As cholera broke oat soon after the steamer t..i..: 1.r nn 1wr last trip, 1 wan preumel the di,eae was brought from Japan by that vessel. 1 he Mnnawa did not emer THE INDEPENDENCE Rational Bankl Capital Ht.uk, .',0,MH..K). HjiinscunKuu, A UK AM NKI.M)N. -W.l. CONSAWAY, 1'rcniilmit. Sr l'n'ni'liMit. . - CtiBliU-r. ONliV J11IT1STIC W'0B1( 'fllRjBb OllT. ' . i,,i:, hi l.-aHt 8i-vtn stated perMslu r: if - J1 1 During at 1-UHt B.-v.-n 'stat-d pcrl-xls in i ill.. . ... .r. .. tm( 'if A I,f u r rl hiimiKi jn. - pcrwm'H liki-new, hm follows: I.,r..l1..Hsl, ISabyho.Ml. ChlMhoml. loy . t....i .1 Mlddli! litre. Ol ' . .if.ivK.v tint nliotoKraplier, will supply you will, thine Ukcnw at (." very'lieHtrnt.--. UWe Mm aeall. u.....UHi; -'':, SS- nwlvwl on irr.M.l a.vom.1 tJroiiils. It. V. Kinltli. A. N'li"n. A AH.-.., ttowT. Hirm l.l-TK. Marble uranuo Montniwuts, Curbing j:t0' v 1 Corresismdenoe solieite.1. Tlie City Kestaurant, Will k'v' joiiKI.V irod l5-ef.it nieiils to." mrPiTiti.TRAKS WILL ORGAN IVAA W IZE KARLY. Ciucaoo, Aug. 20.-H.e .- -" . dire(it t0 Kttn al Ret.ubhear. League has WBiica """.. TiaSB(,ncer8 for . A.t iw.itn i mnriHCU. -0 proclamatiou to iJ" IIonoUllu ffere brought here, clubs and the repu.m; j - larue. The proclamation says ' .a, TO l view of the probably norv , EUROPE. of the next present ai --"M" v . IIandv & it , hnportant that ail worKOi ,Kw ... gll5,ization shall be started la xu.- - fa god aild pushed hi IU. mos, . .p,. Fuller ha,. ttn,ler- :......,i V,r KRO.000 their engage. . ithmt I nrlier in the weea. ROIERT J. ..,. ti uiun20().(X)0ingold ' ""li " C, " man & Bros.have v- Y,,rk. Auk. 29.-The fnost 0'"'T n ,h .ir shipment . "T . v':,.:.:' f ever aeciueu iu inspiring ex... -r--- .. to $1,500,000. ... 4MOuai AT, r R'CIWW" " ' r ineaicai am cuum " dead by a rumbling noise like distant thunder. This was io.iow. two slighter shocks, which, accord ing to some reports, uieu auj low, grating tones. W try to iwtke " S...lay IMn . ,urs the iK-nt In I..aepe..ilenec. .... MEALS -A.T A.LL HOURS- McGINN&CATLIN, Prop's., it..,.. HI I.NDW'KSl'KNCB. nnn't be Sick! Sperling Bros., Ment Market tiVAl.KU IN Choice Meats. When You are Well KNOW how it makes one feel to In Hl.-k Hut U you ... au.la.r thut it ) our u"'"'" E"nU WeWel-leo..Hi.J.rabeex1 ... t.rriH.rin inetlieineH anil nMre l W We keep no other k.ml. . i v,o, R.itiert J., ."w"' John R, Gentry and Joe Patehen . i i?,.iu.ri .T. won in three e-iui ... ,..;,.Vit. ln'iits. Time 2:0(Vi; i5:4' -i- ttvanTMOUS FOR ATION. t am. 29. Col. McFar lane, formerly aide-de-camp to the lave - - , in Tendon. In an interview he ENCOURAGING IF TRUE v,vr Ans.30. Bradstreet Ct Tf -M. -0 .: ,.,nrrw sav: The concilia- nil wa"""-" : tt.lr nf Aceust surprises even .1 nntimlSllC WllU too IIIO Ulino .i 1 . . n- n t . vi tno V 1 1 1 1 1 11Li v ning increase " business. .,nn r 4 CT? AE A WELL UEHW iVJ" LEPROsx. T.mi. Aue. 30. A. leper, t.t. 1. New Jer- a,ii .l.pfnrnflof the earthquake, The tremor extended mrous.." the northern part, wiiwe me ,.f;n nnnpars to have escaped 1 T?,..w. ..11 .i ..f nM uniireiv. f'ulu"" IIIC CJUVI ... 1 in Ihc ..r l,a .,tlP9 ftllU VIUIU Ul H ,w . northern section, the story receive.. is the same. d,,., inrtPHiA. Sept. I. An earthquake lasting several seconds r.lt olfin'r. oeK tins moriuiifi- wan ici " " , tu j;oi, i,an'.ft was violent enough 1 JC UIOlU. III w hile it lasted to create a goou C1 of consternation and not a little damage. Buildings percepuoiy swayed, and pictures toppled from their places. A LABORER lNrAfliui KILLED. Padtt a n. Auff. 31. JohnSund- berg was instantly crushed to death at 2:15 this afternoon on Second utreet, near Washington. Sund- berg was struck on the head Dy a derrick, which split the skull open, so that the brains oozed out. ed in London. In an interview tie ou - - . said that he was informed the oia ' . by leadhlg wnrPHPnifluvcD i i 1 ffirm ot ooveruiijciiv .vr. - ioru. u. k rnn. nhvsicians i i ; miiin I rexiuei.n vv. W0U1U WU'V r , land when congress assembled to urge the annexation of the Islands. RKMKMHKH that wo han dle many articles you ,av leiire. lf'h as J'01' Silverware, Watches, Clocks, etc. PATTERSON BROS., fiiin t lndepiMi.lei.ee, Orevfon- 553t ilTKl""2 RvTruck & Transfer Uo.ii IUV .rT, mr.n. Prop. til r! .W.DO(JKr,i - ; r ?! llaullnsr done ..treason- . . . i a - Iir..wTtirnV Dpi Sept. 1- w- nprrntible 6hock of earth VUitU - i quake was felt in mis enj 6:30 o'clock tn is nwrums. physicians and the health author ities, left St. mollis ior P. known. Became lrom u..u Texas. SLA H A l 1 " 1 . , . . .. - nRROON. W OPKN SUNDAYS FKOM 8 to 9 a. m. Frco Delivery to all parts of tho city. . HitleiHsndenee. Main Btreet. ' BOOr-oSHOESHOP P. H. Murphy, Prop. '. liowt . work turned out oil hort notlee, TNDEPKNDENCK, I Nurii. Mm : Z.'-- - - fy-T.ri:ik-.'."tf'w,rTr':i:w,VA OREGON. i . . l)..i,nlrlllir of all klndH will reeelve protiipt utluntlou EJ A share ol your patronage i ,r . T - Independence Main Btreet, ' City Feed : Stable. w - Km Johnson, Prop Horses led bT . Jy. week or mouth, l"" BtoekWt In ojr care will I tendo.1 to. Charges reasonable. independenceTteam dye works- n 1 m A Faded Clothing Restored To B.oekS North M.ln Sir... Brid, r r ANS. - Proprietor. VV . - esander-Copper Drug Co -i i .. i knnn on hand BISSEL OFFERED THE VACANCY. o.-r.nn Ana. 29. An evening . jaaiam thnt ex-PoBtmaster paper ucua - Bissel has been ofiered oy r,..:.iI,nf PKve and tlie place u l I WlUiii" - . nnnrl. trie unueu .i --r bench made vacant bf tne ' judge Jackson. 1M W - - that it is not likeiy mm -will accept. Mr. Bis.el left early this week for Marioc, on Buzzards bay. THIRTEEN MINERS LOST. r .t Pttv. Cel.. Aug. 29. lMlu w-, - . - : . . I nnnfni i? ui The acciucuio o Americus and the Sleepy mines, this afternoon, caused the death, it is believed, of 13 miners. Every effort is being mau w . the men, but mue nop" tained. . Soon after 3 o'clock the . . r iu,i Vib the lower workings oi u.y mine, east of the main shatt, broke through the old workings ' . r,nt. 1lmi worked tor a WUICU imo . . k. vears. Coursing easi- i .tvnnk the Amencus, where ..... Ti;..a whoso names bavenot t i..,,,t were at work m tne oecu .i" i , , f t. in Bhatt. iney.c lower jioiu v. i 1 I vi lTfl ( IIUISC, w.. botn arowHBu. .i;.:rt.pd to the Sleepy xiui- low mine, the easterly portion of the Fisk vein. TO DEFEND THE CUP. v. vnv Anc. 30. The Amer it;v iui - .i j formally decided ,Mit held this eveniug that ii.., i.,i aMted the Defender to ll.ey " meet the Valkyrie for the America cup. MORE ARMENIAN. OUTRAGES. t Ana 30. A Chronicle dispatch from Berlin says the Vos Biche Zeitung. has heard from Tiflis that 500 Turks and iuw jvuiu . i i u Aminia.11 town of Ke taCKUll lire . ,, vi uses. They makn aim k"-" - plundered the churches and mon asteiies and burneu m CHINA GRANTS THE FRENCH INDEMJNUi. I T . ..Tfl A tl(T sn-OfEcial advices . pffect that the tin ners .o u . j ... .,i iont has grameu nese Bu.v.- - . French missions in tho province ot So Cluiou an indemnity of 4,00,0000 francs. MrKINLEY A BIG FAVORIIJ. c. -EuivrTsro. Aug. 31. tne k i 1 d cani. a lptter to the ravening i wk - i.: or, of f-verv republican coun- ITlli&ll " . 1 I . n a. r i . x .IttPP aHkiniE who considered the logical nomine j . v... .v;a TiHrtv. and who presiuenii r " a. kct ,.ftnidate for vice president, tllo i ft. onVmArfpr. McKinley naa mweu BUfr- four favor Allison; nar..uu on Don Cameron one. of two. For vice 19 BW'" " 1 .V president, five favor Beed ana u.e other votes are: Lincoln four; E? i TTtrn one: Elkins two; Morton two; and three favor a Fa cine coast canidate unnamed. NEBRASKA'S BIG BEET CROP. Norfolk, Neb., Sept. 1-1 here are aljout 4000 acres of sugar beets in Norfolk district all "laid by,' and in much better condition than in any previous year. Recent Kpnpfitied the .lx;ets raino greatly. With continued favorable conditions for roots, the results of harvest will exceed other season, and will probably be more than 40,000 tons, which would mean an output of some 7.000,000 pounds of granulated sugar, and a - iiA. i1m,a nnn run of more man iw nights. "JACK THE RIPPER" WAS A MEDICAL STUUiNi. Sent. 1 Dr. Forbes f London, a well-known specialist on suicide and insanity, says that "Jack tne xuppei. r. bv his .crimes terrorizea aai.uu -few years ago. is incarcerated in a -jounty insane asyium in -s'- fact is known VT. l luciu" to the doctors, but they hushed up the facts. Dr. Winslow sajs u a medical student, suffering from suicidal mania. NEW FILIBUSTERERS HELD. Philadelphia, Aug. 31. The fli.hiif.ters arrived yesier- VUUuU i'4V" , . . day. They were held in $300 bail each for the United siaies wiu.h .- . Voir Th.WMW,Orc0onUnEOcU.Year. TUB WO" () KM. form." CHAS.CI.ABK.B'"'1''" Perfumes, Station crj, Taints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushee, Combs, Soaps, Syringes, i ..ln n and Keep Always aim vut Unbher Goods, lrlinr Patent Medicines Pi mir-R. Thermometors 15ooks, Pens, Pencils, Etc., Etc - ...iinMER" be- mTleaV-h ,9. a..h. -nhnut notice. Fortrel or r-" " , ii.. . rnrnnnnnded iinns :-: Caretuny -.- Independence Roller lour Mills, X.. HEt-MlCJ-i. re pealer in Flour f ham, Bran and all kinds oi ,;n at n lis. Iwarenouses at .IndepenW & Parker.! tt TTTTva CHANG AGAIN IN IjX JL v a FAVOR. T , TT.,r. Anr '2!. Lll nuug &HAHUHAI, - Chang has been appoinwu .u-i chancellor by imperial decree, in place of the viceroy ot the pro u of Chi Li, which office he has form erly held. READ IS NOT INSANE. Q . . A..r. 29. The Rev. J. C n-j oonnired notoriety in connection with an attempted bank i ,. l T'nrt and anu wo rouuci j i" . . ward placed in the insane asylum, .: u .lidWced in a few days Will uiovio for an unusual cause. Supennten T..;.,a and other officials at the UCUb A oftr H se.nssine me uucu- ,vwnit,h v. state iu eiven no evidence of insanity since his reception at the asylum, hence u;nt discharged not as 'im proved" or "cured" but as a sane rvnminff Read's commit- ment, the superintendent says he may have sbown signs derangement prior laere.u. awvfiATTOSAL RUNAWAY ACCIDENT. t.u,1 Anff. 30. A party rvl'CE."1- iiv, r?- . - e 5 n. Flint and wne. consibwug " . Thomas Hinkle, 3iis.es - Buick and Marie Wissing, Roseburg this morning for Tioga, twenty-five miles, east of here. When within live nines destination and at Lone V,nw errade. ine uew yoke of the hack broke, frightening Iu ua Tn running down grade the hack struck a large tree, iu. . .,, ... : o r,on. The ladies mgai.ouv... - -r r receiveu buuio ..v.n Kmised about the head. was uiy ,.li i,,. x a i imured aooui. riiub " j , f. lees, anu ucn " ....olila fr sneaK. iueun-. - Was U'"."' " i tendance left here this evening, DECISION AGAINST WOJUt g . t f. T . a ttp.. Aus. 31. The aa- i J that. preme court nas u,. women cannot vote ai, iu i; in November, ine caac . nn nm-ipnl in a suit ot came up " n Sarah E. Anderson againsi n.. Tyree, register officer at Ogden in volving the question of women vot T..Ja Mrrit said the Ed- Uig. "b , . , ..TnnVpr law had not been repealed and would remain enecuve .. 1 Ktatenoou There had been no intention on the ...i tho constitutional conveu :,i tn allow women to vote at tne tiun . et. wtir,n in November next, i ..x oii- them to vote there' OU VJ after. YORK BANKS STATE MENT, , New York, Aug. 31. The week ly bank Btatement shows the follow ing changes: " Rewrve. increase , T2fm Loans, decrease.. W;W0 Specie, oecreo 0 77K 4(H1 Legal tenders, increase Deposits, increase Citation, increase .. ... .. The banks hold f 00,10,0 excess of the requirements of the liw. FOUR CHEHALI3 A WINNER. Woodland, Cal., Aug. 30.-Che- halis won the 2:18 class pacing race today. Pathmont eecouu. Best time 2:10 1-5. rvTWKT OF THE DREADED 1 UlSliAMli. a. "Petersburg, Sept. 1. Official . ' .. t.Vint there have been returns 2250 cases of cholera ana o deaths from that disease in the government of Volnenia, Dei July 11 and August 17. THE AMERICAN CUP RACES. New York, Aug. Sl.-The con- t 1 Tnatran ferences between Loru wuu.-.--ad the cup committee resulted in " . .. -1..U lhl the issuance by tne ciuu nnouncement: . for the America cup contest will consist of the bestthree out of five races over coun- - miles in length, with a urn . uu... of six hours, The match will com- mence September , anu i -continued on alternate days The races will be startea ou Hook lightship, and tne atory signal being given . A. M. ann the starwug o'clock." COINS FINANCIAL SCHOOL DRAMATIZED. Chicago, Sept. 2.-Probably the most novel stage production ever witnessed in Chicago was given last night before a large audience at the Chicago opera house It , dramatization of free silver in pol itics, and judging " able circumstances v"-"6 first public performance u r 1 t .H...t wide- may not uuiieiy v. spread attention. ATLANTIC STATES SHAKEN. r, i-,v SPnt. 1. Three dis- shocks were telt UUUI. C"1""! . , . n l. ..wlanta Ot lirOOK.1V I. ttuiu. - this morning. No damage " . . . 1 r to life or property is reporieu .v- ... :i TVi rtu- any section ot tne eny. - tricts of East New York and South Brooklyn received tne gmu. i..v Kt f h rumblincs were dis- tinctly felt in other sections 01 . i..j,vinr renorts are 01tJ. :L th eiven as to tne fv,ij -shocks. The first shock which was felt at 6 o'clock, was followed DEATH OF AN OFFICIAL. ,r. m,iM.' Sent, 1. City ,n - T T Rurt-et died this lllBC." Ofion after 1 o clock. l;'e Ulll.uii'"" immediate cause ct msueaiu 1. ,Wp but he had ior tv- eral years been a sutlerer from con- J .l. nat. BIT iiiinnir iuc i.- guniHH""- 7 .11. months he has Deen very 1 n,j rA talked wtt. uim anu . " , j cultv. He has, however, attended ntipa of the ireab j in his office yester- OUICC nil" , day as late as 6 o'clock During . .,.1.- ..ni. choking and the nignn. - ,k .1(r of the bed. A eat ou i o- , . suited and before nemon u.i&- EUROPE'S PEACE ENDAN- pE4lEU. fint. S In a leading liOMK'-'i - , expresses the opinio.. . . lo.tmrn the man celebration f. peace of Europe. r nprs has- been offensive .od-ach-to-ey the feelings of me u;u irT, Theemporer has allowed himself to use language, u at least capable of . being misunderstood. While the Globe does not believe that the empWer desires war, his utterances, it is said, are assuredly ' not such as to further peace.