' " """""" -" My--"'""- 1 , , u. ,.CTV, OKKGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, IBM. VOIAJMK II. HumiiiM Mrtrch TIIK 4, IKMI. t pirst Hat',0I?Ql Bonk ul lii.liKiiilttin,Or'oii, O.plUl Btook, Burplns 160,000.00 14,00000 , L. W. MOItrM I'HON. 'wM,;"i v-- lUUI'.CTOHS. i u -.ir. 1.. W. UWt-.on. IU Jl H( h&. .W. Wl.li.-k-r. V. W.lVllhi. V? Ir. V'm.ill'IH.ll I ' . ft HERE WE ARE ) M A 4.A WITH THE X3H33T IAI IATPII Z.3U WHIM THE INDEPENDENCE Rational Bank! Capital HI., A. I -r y y T T T T nil.V JlCTIXTiC WORK TiJRKBD OtiT. II. UUsC'l!lKH(i, A lilt AM NKl-HON, W. I'. CONSAWAY, l'rpwidfiit Vlrn PiWdfiit I'lmhW-r ?m" v,a oil r.irr,t ...t " to cliwk. inf"""1 I1,1 "U""' W"'J PIUKCTOItS It K. H...UH. A. NH-. A ""! Hoar. II. lUr"lrg. t 'fliPlMijmL'iBsrfc. Marble Granite Monuments, It ca'i stones, Curbing Ktc . , Correrpondence solicited- Come and see them. Respectfully yours. 0. A. KRAMER. TTTT NEWS OF THE WEEK, I,ira..f Attorney- will Trj to Prove ft Alibi for their Client. A PARTY OF P1CNICERS POISONED. A Mexican Officer I'unUhed for lUielllnir-Bulelde Mania l Kannan City-New York Hop Crop In Danger. f mm tl. Oretconlan Wnl rinrln at leant Beven Mated rlo1 lu Life a record tdiould l preserved of a person's liken, an follow: lurantiiiMMi, itahyh.io.1, ei.iiat.ood, ny- hood, Manhood, Middle W, Old bKu, and n.ll.CKAVKN the photographer, will wpply you with them, liken, at the very-lowest wtw. Cilv uliu a call. The City Ilcstaiiraiit Wlllirlvp yon HI X rol iift-wiit meal lr 1 . . We try to make our Sunday Din ner the best In Independence. -;- MEALS AT AXjIj HOURS. McGINN &. CATLIN, Prop's., ttnln Ml INDKI'l'.M'KNCK JAPAN PU'iHIN'O TRADE, Tacoma, Aug. 22.-TW Japan through its consul- B . . . 1 nnaa lha alen, in taking step w trade between Japan .1 Iu TTni,.d States. The chamber of commerce received to dv from Japan via Vancouver, ' ..A . t. BC six cases 01 emoReu ou r eel Japanese fmh, wbk the cham- Ui!r in " ... tain if a market tor tne pnuv. - obtainable in mm couhhj. CIIOLEHA MORE THAN WAR. Yokohama. Au. 22.-Slnce the outbreak of cholera in Japan there have been 2.r,tWU capes 01 mv dwe and 10,000 deaths. ,nm is less clear than speculators are disposed to admit. T,i.,u.r(u1 troubles have not en- IllUUn.ii". tirely ceased, but during the past week have been . much more strengthened. The price of wheat has fallen 6 cents during the week, recovering a a - r -ii fraction on Tliursday in spue u. efforts to hold supplies iro... fanners and to encourage uu,,.... Wheat ought to go abroad freely ai nreent prices. r ... 1. I..,t,a IkAPfl Failures tor tne wee. 222 in the United Static again 234 last year and 43 in wi.aaa against 33 last year. Highert of All fa Learenfag Powet-Uteit U.&Gf Report FOR Don't be Sick! Spctlipg Bros., Meat Market -UKAI.KH IV- Choice Meats. When You are Well H'"1 SSKSSS WE KNOW how It uiuke one iw lHS t k But it you will Kt nick .enratitUonel ,Tton hn prerh. and know the advai.UKe ' ubI" lre?.x , f",re Drug-. We keep no other kind. R KM EMBER that we han dle many articles you mav tU'Hire. such as Jewelry, Silverwart, Watches, Clocks, etc. JOE PATCH EN IS KING. A.ir. 22. Joe Patchen to-lay won the great match race against John R. Gentry in straight 1 neaiB. , -ru. -00 tnnlt iilacft on tne 1a- 1 no 1 , v..uKintrtnn Park track, but as the wind that amounted almost to a gale blew all the afternoon, a sensational time performance was OUt til wi" H , , The three heats were . 2:0oi, 208. 2:0Ti- t VALKYRIE VS VIGILANT. New York, Aug. 22.-America's mmritee have selected Sep- t.i, next as the day on veiuuo .1 ...l:.u firt race between WIUCU l"v , .. ... nufmrl(r shall be vaiKyne "u held. MHUE YELLOW METAL EUROPE. u',tvnTi, Ausr. 23. The treasury was informed today of the rrom the subtreasnry in New York r... ..nnn tomorrow. This reduces .u rrvfl to 1100.829,524 HID -i The loss of gold wnce Saturday.ex- ClUSlVe OI voc wivuv..- $C'W 847 Tha syndicate deposuea $2000,0f)0. and 500,000 in Rold was added to the reserve u cellaneous sources. FEMALE LEGISLATORS IN UTAH. Salt Lake, Aug. 23.-The Salt t -l rpnnblican convention today nominated five canidates for .u. .t.tA .nate and ten canidates tUO DVlvw ... .u Un of representatives. lor iuc T Among them are Mrs. Libb.e Par dee for the senate and Mrs. Wells for the house. afford every facility to the foreign commiHSiong of inquiry. f t.hn Chinese, who had a hand in the massacre at Ho Shang, have been convicted of marder. New arrests are made daily. oo Chow is quiet. What was reporteu as rnaHHacre, was only a local riot. NEW AND YORK EXPORTS IMPORTS. Vahk. Aua. 24. The ex u r.f anei ie from the port of New ju. m r - . York for the week amounts to 4, 477,900 iu gold, and 98l,02S in silver. The imports were: Miver iwwnu DrygwrfB. ......... - ; . 7 1W to pay a fine of $1800 or serve 100 days additional. Furthermore, he was admonished that if he ever committed a similar offence the severest penalty of the criminal code would be appliad to him. The judge then sentenced him to pay to the lamny 01 v emeigui wi w years the sum of $4500 yearly and also to pay the cost of Verastegui'a funeral and all costs in the case. The severity of the sentence was considered almost extreme, but public opinion justines it. General Merchaiidise. FOR PATTERSON BROS., Mi, in St IndepeiHleiiee, Oreo; !:i.(Tr.irU Transfer uo. wjiy ni:n ProPi ta HE STRUCK IT RICH. .D1v Auir. 23.-lsaac Banta, formerly a gunsmith of this city, returned today from California He recently invented a process for separating gold from black sand, which is proving a wonderful success. He has sold a half interest in the process ui u Francisco parties ior it efficacv on the Cal- ifornia beach and now has an offer of $50,000 from a Mcaragua uiiu to cut machines m IUt vua --" j ' . , expert from San Francisco, Banta will leave in a lew w-" fields to accept the oner. NEW YORK'S HOP CROP IN DANGER. I ' New York, Aug. 25. The World will say: The hop crop of this state is in danger of ruit. because of FOUR IN FOUR DAYS. Kansas City, Aug. 24. Henry Xq u .g reporte(i tt tii fAi. manv vears a leading n h.v j. ivuii, '"-"j j- - 1 that tne growers bjcv dry gds merchant here, commitea harvested on the same suicide at noon uxiay oy iu--- basia M lhe wage8 0f ia8t year, ana Financial losses led to the act. .on.Dicker8 have organized a Roll was 50 years old, and at one enforce their demands, time one of the wealthiest men in if these demands are not grants Kansas City. This is tne lourwi , Btrike ... : mnn 111 1 suicide 01 promiucuv WILL TRY TO PROVE AN ALIBI. San Francisco. Aug. 25. The attorneys for Theodore Durrant Kansas City within as many days. Ol'KN BUNDAY8 FROM to 9 a.m. Free Delivery to all parts of the city. , a IndeiHUid.-nre BOOT-SHOE SHOP P. H. Murphy, Prop. The l''t 'f work turned out on nhort notlee. r I nrrumvA in it. ri-ui vj . V V . a r ' M t W t reason- i Pianos and Furniture care- ; CUii,..,lliiir done at reason n i T V I t ... .r, vnrm-VOOT nuuu u.l n.rn. Uurtl. Main Hlrret. i OREGON. Ik UoiittlrlnK of ! Kll KllltlH Wi" rM!i Ive prompt ui inn tlon A skrc of your, patronage 1 1,- ,..1iMtf'rl. I - . , , . Independence M n 1 it tit fOI't. r.itv ; Feea : Vvj - Ku Johnson, PP ?3 TvntrPKNDENCE, INDEPENDENCE STEAM DYE WORKS . 1 1 Faded Clothing Restored DEATH OF A BENTON COUSTY PIOSEEB. nr . Ann. 23. Geo. ... nnn nieneer 01 W. tiOUCK, "..-a"" r - w-aterdav at ms uu"': lOOO, u . ... , ;w pat. of Monroe, in this IOUr UJin" " 0i . Ha war bom January county. - 1 t) . onpnt i830, in Manayuna, 1 -t---. i.-..u.vl ria.vs at Seneca, U. nis uuj" rf- .t. o I'n Mtornia vi lie - in 1852. and remained there until tv, time ne I 'H.lll. l.'UllK First irrw. fed bv the any , week or month . I rln met stock Lift I" ' rare will I t,,dd to. Charts reHo nablo. Blocks North Main Street Bridge. W. V.VANS, - Proprietor. Alexander-Copper Drug Co I 1 l; m St.. independency Ta7w..a7y" 50 CU ' TKKrKIHKl1l;"U ( 01Hn l CHA9. CI.ARK, Ri' . . .,in. and keen on hand Always aim . i , Perfunies, Stationery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Combs, Soaps, Syringes ... . "HOME1V wlthoot option . nU rHAS CLARK. V5!S lJI'' ftnlr,Vmr Patent Medicines Cigars, Thermometors Books, Pens, Pencils, Etc., Etc. a HEAVY DEFICIT AUGUST. wt 1 en tvr.Tox. Aue22. The ex penditures of the government for the first two-thirds of the present month exceeded the receipts by 7, 009 293. Only 11,250,000 remains . v :a aoniinnts of pensions, 10 oe ifinvi u. - . and the treasury officials estimate that the deficit will oe rm - , u0irt. mdavs to auoui, miring !li5.000,000. The excess 01 e K tures over receipts last buuiu m- $8,478,366. LYNCHERS HELD M UKDHiK. ....n Auir. 22. Justice l'jbl.r'""""i 0 , lr,nth. motion for lrrn.6- .--- , . , Oregon, he La -Hbout un. Tb. i.,e, e.d ,nd ,f onnvpnes the tirst iuou- dusuicbb, these men ill have aw . d cQUnt C01I1. the month. . " aarvna one term. He missiouci, o . .tc ot t.h time 01 tne THE LADY-BUW& w ; esent county W0RK- Lnrthouse, and his progressive r, a., 99 Secretary Geo. j mm.h to do in securing . . r tv.o horticultural ... that euince 1, argeanw - me uuuU6 -r , 9 took ni? t.T.,oi- urns married JUiy board, arrived Mr. , , . ?r the board's Loro t nQiiah Youne. who had n ace at nis uk 1000, w v... , , I"" . . 41, ctnttv ... 147 and who neWlV nn-eo-uF crosacu - , n y .iT.,f th board are V:, six children have . ... .1. i;fi Wbards in the . them, only three ot nidilinrJ I I IK uiwiiuw v. 1 nHHll uuiu ' ACQUITTED OF THE CHARGE. Montesano, Wash., Aug. 24. Some excitement was causeu yw- w.f- Jda7by tSrestofE.M.Lo8an, have at last consented make teraay me o .. f imnortant evi- a citizen o epect t0 clear burning the Hu6hes saw . j m.q l- ::isrof t;; 5. it- t r E1 on Market street at tne very muu.-. a justice of the peace at Jim y proBecution insists terday- Ui,of fiendish murderer was mo- JOHN PARKER HOME AGAIN, tilating the body of the dead girl in " 1:1 'tho u maniiei cuuitu nr.. AU2- 24.-John e uu, o.Wo. Lhn eneatjed from the state f n.ane asvlum. arrived home a few , ' Thio ; the third time aays ag. - HI 11 ID " ' w 1 1 Mb in eludine Dis Jtw to be at is a uangerouo large. RYE" SMITH'S BLOODY RE-VENGE. Burns, Or. (via Ontario, Or.,) Au 22. A courier irom valley, in the Southern part ot nar- ney county, reports tne au6j 15 Bannocks by cattlemen under the leadership of "Rye" Smith. ... for revenee tor the murder of hia tatner in 10.0 Diamond valley. There h gr excitement in the town and throughout the country. Troop A . i:QUQto march on short 18 in reuuiucco notice, and is awaiting orders from thi sheriff for autnorny Tndimis are reported approaching .1 Tlf. ftrf the town from tne buum, believed to be friendly. There were reports irom who had been riding the range of a.. i;w!n(r of sisnal fires by the FIRE AT THE DALLES. rp n,Tiig Or.. Auz. 25. Fire destroyed the sUbles of The Dalles Lumbering Uoamany as o this morning. Six horses were burned to death, all of them valu- able anirails. Two wagons, tons of hay and a large amount of chop feed were consumed. The fire is believed to nave oeeu . - incendiary origin, though the proof is not at all certain. A warrant was sworn out charging inom Denton, eHt son of C. W. Den ton, with the deed, and he was ar . nnton baa had trouble rente-- with the lumber company for sev The officers ah hunt- ing evidence, but unless more found it will not oe possum -nect the arrested man with tne crime. The loss is ouw, insurance. THREE HUNDRED PICKNICK- ERS fUisuiJs-y-IjApobte, Ind., Aug. 26.-Three hundred out of 1000 people were . t. a German Lutheran Indians in Diamond and Happy io icnic in a grove at Tracy valleys, and many settlers left thexr p wm homes and collected at Diamond y-t ftynd u i8 thought some mis- postoffice, but the capture 01 ... . " .muedL the poUtoes or - . 11 J 1 Kmm toATK. HH iV I 8quaw dispe, u - - drinking water was learneu .. - ,1.. rAmnniinHrd . ,.nc ... caretuiiy Prescriptions .. yfr Independence Roller Flour Mills, Dealer in Flour Germea Gra ham, Bran and all kinds of . mill stuffs. WareHouses at Independence & ParKer. VIBIH.'S v"" I . , fS.Um. while the secre- VlCllllJ, ' , tary is attending to correspondence j ;r for some experiment- anu n bi'b"b , . . , , u Th two soecies 01 ai wui " . . bugs imported from California last J UHD, .-r r fective work in dmeren., jn,. the state. The brown-nec . v vouring the aphis, wmie tne . . 1 v:j nnrtioularlv de- BtaoDed uiru r - whom are living NEW structive of the San Jose scale. DUN & New RE- CO'S WEEKLY PORT. vnr- Ail?. 23. R. G. XNEW i v... , o- Dunn & Co's weekly report of trade will Bay: The volume 01 uu. ia natural iu n'6"" shrinkage seems rather .1 nam necauea larger ' . fl , , ...;,. in Julv were inflated for that month. The prospect for 1.. i mcA although much depends upon crops and the out- YORK BANKS STATE MENT. t Am?. 24. 1 he snow- ing ot the associated bauks for the i Reserve, decrease Loan increase .M9.3H) Specie. lucreao s 141 7tX iigal .tenders, decree WW MLrcrtas;::::::::. w 1,IVUIW"-. , . . aa... -rA HC n AViaUU Tlnk8 hold 3,0DO,O o iuv- of legal requirements. shrinks and the on their annual hunting tour. THE FOO CHOO TRIALS. incr. 24. The World will print the following cable to- morrow from roo v,no, Firmness has brought the Chin ese to terms. Foreigners are now present at the trials of natives im plicated in the attack upon mis sionaries. The Chinese officials THAT MEXICAN DTTEL t Anir. 25. Yesterday was devoted to the Verastegui-fcomero duel case. The puoito pr. made a great speech, which was immediately circulated in printed , .11 r the citv. He de- iorui . j j..i; union crime, and nounceu uucu6 3 aA ti,nnnishuieut ofevery- Oeuiain' 1 1 nurnui ana paw OOUy - . ... J Romero and his seconus i ,m for Verastegui. t...j- n U Hox occum-d two hours in delivering the charge to the jury finishing at 1 o'clock this morning. Tne jury r- ing in a verdict at 6 ocioca. The judge 'sentenced Romero to three vears six month, at hard lab or in the municipal prison, with the liberty to choose the trade he prefeml. He was also sentenced The victims were attacked with violent sickness, and rolled about on the ground m ; until medical aid was Becui. ,et none have died, but many are still very ill. ' THE INDIANS MAY HUNT GAME. 26. It has been definitely decided by the In dian bureau that no atte.muu be paid to the game laws of Wyom- ing. where tne flict within the treiy -----States with the Bannocks and Sho . TJiann. The attorney snones - 5 x. eeneral, after considering ter hasiniormeu u the interior and the coumissioner of Indian ffai" the righU of In dians to hunt on unoccupied lands, in his opinion, are unquestionable, and the state of Wyoming has no power to limit or abridge this right. rir K', Mf.