r " 'r T- i.a.ohi ourFnTviisrs, PER Our Stock is Now Complete In HffifiFl' DRY G0ODS & CLOTHING, Q IBoota and Shoes. 1(M I I 111 A 9 THE MERCHANTS. RW ft HAW? B i I iii i1 n r. in ii I i . A.3ST3D Beautiful Dress Goods. LOVELY S6JttMER SILiKS. Tti Very Best of Hosiery. Motor I.lnn Tlmn Tuhlc. " WkfcH lux ,V.. I.XIV.- I HitrHll't'tt - i tllllKHII M i hi , hi;""! ' w "'i .0 w " m ' I" '"i " )w MI . III. Ml II III. i t " n ' : 4r M ia ii n " LrnVM I .PHVr lhil'M'iMl'i Minimi. II' An a. I In til , IS l . 1 iw ' A til a in 4 M l t l"l .11 MtiMii: iiiti:rroitv. UOMKM LOHOC, Nt. U, I tt t. Mini eviry Woiliie.ilny rvdilim All inmiilu'ra In mI luiiitlotf will Inkn iIiim jOtl'l HIM. I.M..TII I...-M.' !..vi. luv.ir.lliiiily- U 1 1 it kiilulili. hivltmt Ui ul- lulllf Wll.'U IKHIVl'llll'llt. II, A . K It A M K III ('. I!. J. II. Mollis, K, It, M. ;i)KrtNDEi:8CP, Mo. 801, WOODMEN OK THE WOULD n. Klr.t mill Tlilnl Tfliy ffVmiliiMii , ,,, I. III. Hllll, III HiIiI C' Hl Hull. V llnn iiimiilxr will 1 Wnliniue, T. A II A V Ka, liiii.ul. )ua I', 1't.imril.uii, Clink. 1 i,.tH.inWi' (loniioll, Nu. ill, A. I". A. it . l.i (Mil Fellow Hull, every i.-.l.i iv iiv.'iilnu. Siiiiiiriilnit niciiiU'rs air i'.iYlully In vil-i toulloiiil. hikim;sh cards. oris ii. iii ti.i:h.-i,iivsici.n mi.IHiitjtm.il. Serivtary V. 8. huaiiiiii inn hiiriiroliH. Independence, Oregon. Of lice la opera limn blink. HASH mi 1 IKOltH!W entry a full KliH'k i) HiihIi. Doom, Mouldings, I ilium, Etc. jrjVTuruliiit a specialty, at Mitulioll A IUiIihiiiiiiii'ii, Main street. Items of Local Nevs. DltH. I.i:i: HA1HUTT. I'lncuiuim nii'l Mun'iiiin. NKfinl at tention imi'l t" di'.eiw "I iiieii. ntli.-eover Independence National 'iiiik. T J. D'. M- w- M- 1 M.. FelL-'w Trinity medical college. i:.i ri:t('IIim. ii.-i'KH('K mii ri'iW-ii.f, "fir hailroad mid Monmouth mrn-lit, Independence, Ore-jjoii. HMITII.-ATTHKNKY .i.i'.w, Onto c.viT ln.l.-H-ii.l.'iico f.oW r. S. A. Mt l.Ki:Y.-KKHll)KNT li .iitini. Tin- i-tiif'-""!"" 'ti ii'--l in ii I (, l.mm-h.'M. St.tt-ftt.-H..ti j(.mnu.t.-.l Dili.-.. r..nl ro-.tn- tumn- llrtll, r-rni'r .l nml Moiillimilll -tr.'.-m, oflHWltO In,.''ii'!i'in-v .Niili.iiiiil 1""I- k. t. iii:nuu:.-tiu: rosso-i Id U AUTIr. Him m Ht.i rlur In ! Hl.uvi.mmi.l llMlr-Miltlint. ' '! V.u.r ..fk. Jt-fI.HvliiK 1-. " I li.lclM lllll'IH'. ! VTTON X VAN NOltTM ,,m-im1.mi.- I'.itrU'tH. Slirtylntf. ,vi.i. ;llirCiiltiii..,.'i "'". 1" l-,uU' 3y-Two Imth tul- naUHlioiiiwulting FLIES ARE DOING WELL Thin miimii.T Jnit Uf'iw gmxt ii.nny liHiplu tliink It' mummy l,.t tlii'lr liorm'H ! williout iiftn. Tlmt'ii a uilHluko. TKKAT YOVIl HOUSE LIRE A MAN!-:-:' He'll ilo liotUTWurk.lxi loHMU'tvoii ml rciuiro Una f.'-l wIhmi i.rot.tiHl fni.i. l.iM-t. H'H """ tluxmilof thom-amm jiml !... Ili.'H l.ito hnnl CHt un.l Htirk tiuM""t. N'W ra ,.,..HmhI now-iint at -.t. 't'' tiilchly H.nall .r0tit-Hom.i nt oil .-.nu, m.mi' "t Hiid H l'rlt''" ll0' twi'cn. W. H. Craven Co. Mm. Will I.lnin In wtloiiNly ill, lr. Kiili-y, (Ii'mIIhI, Monmouth, del ynu h laiili-ru at thu Iluulii'tKior. (.'IiwImk mil kliou tininlicH nt (.'loilf.'l Ur Jlm'i. J. M. Viiiiiliiyii wan vImIIIiik tliu lllf lloiiilU tliU work. A flnu HHMirtuioiit of li'K'al lilankn ki'it t'oiiKliintly on tiuiiil. HlBlloit AKi-nt (li'o. Howe, of Mc Coy, wiw In ih vily Tui-mlny. Ira CloilfclliT niiiilu n llylnir trip to tlm futility wilt on IiIn win I today. The mil) olllcu In the coiinly wli-r thti "lh tHfi (y Imp tlcki-l" UprlnUfd. .Mr. Ni'Imoh'b iu-w liop-hoiimi In wU inidiT vviiv Mini will Imi conipluU'd hill fi".v ila.VH. Mr. lli llulrk li liavliiK a larxe eleva tor tow i-r htllll on 111 Jlidielidi'iiei witri'hoiimj, J.H. CooiH-r In rmttlrHtliiK for few duyn over ut 1,1m olu couuty'ii fuvorile K'U hir ri'KOI I, If von iitnl a ctKik hlovo luiy the "Huperlor," thn very bent. F. K. CIiiiiiiIhtk, w.U) ii(tent. Mr. J. 1). IrvhiB and Mm. J. F, O'Doiinell left Friday for neveral tlaya outing over at Newport, J.- II. FiirillnKunieletitlynvered from IiIm reeuiit nevere inularial alluek to be alHiut itio Ntreela uKiilu. Wanted III exHiaiiRu at tho Star tiriKt-ry I.bkoii, lard, chlekeiin, veel- nhlea. fruiu, oat mid U inarkelable iroiluci'. Mm. W. II. Craven returned from Portland hint Haturday, aoeoiiipanled by her nioth. r, Mra. L. W. Ilobertaon ami her lter, Littlo. The deputy Hherilfof Bent3ii county wa In the city Haturday looking for a who had atoh n a home aitfl biiitlty near Albany Friday. tr II A. Fuller lolned thu Inde t.eUilenee pleaMireaeekeraoverat New Hirt Saturday. She expeotH to taken two weeks outliiK hniiie. Arlhur I.nne, win of Hon. L. F, l.aiie,irib"'biiri;, I nut reeeully lieen ordained a ilet In tho Catholio ehuivh. Mr. Lane Ib mild to 1 aymniK nan of tine abilities. "Pap" H"lln Bnd W. P. Conimway left for Hoilaville Monday iimrnlng. Mr.Coiinawuy will tarry at the nprhiK a few day i only , and then Join Mm. Conimway over at Newjairt for a week or ten days ouiiu at the aea ahore. Hev. L. B. Flnher will hold relipioiw m-i-vlo-H In the KvauKelieal ehureh at Moiiinimtli. Sunday morn lint and even- Ini;, and will alao preaeh In the (irace ehureh, three miun norm . "- mouth, at thn-e o'clock in uie auer lioou. Charlie Irvine drove over to Boda vllle laat Sunday, aeeompanled by (irandina Irvine and Master Walter ,!,. will remain some elk'ht or (en day l health renort. on Monday. ... friend. (Jeo. V. Heed, of ..i ,, viHitinit In the city a few Mr Ueed aavs the (lava imi - - . ..liv iHeonnmratlvely iiulet lor tl.iHHeason of the year, but everybody expediiiKbellertlmetnmia.. the wheal and hop crops are harvested. Mr. and Mm. W. E. Creaay, who have been living In California for the , , r pvoret to reiui u io ni. i.. I'L'lJLISIII'.ltS' NOTICK. TlIK I.MiRI'KNIiKNCK K.NTKHI'KIHK piiMHt'd to tli owiicraliip of F. M. Urown nml L. A. liailey, on Aur- , 2.1, 18115. All bill iluoTor a.l- vertiHing, job work, uml HiibHcrip- tioiiH, up to Aii(UHt 2d, 1W)', are payable to ami will bo collected by Morin & Ford. All contraetH for ailverlining, Bulmcriptiont and job work iiiiule by Morin A Ford while proprietor of Tim Kntjkpkihk will bo lulfillod by F. M. IJrowu and L. Hailcy. Dated AuguBt 2d, 18M. J. 15. Mohin, J. T. Folio, F. M. ISitow.v, L. A. I5AII.KY. W II. Notary Public- . Lir Fl' m-iiranee. Sewing lliachlliei rented by W. II. Whetder. Every atyle of hop tickets jirlnk'd at IIiIm otllee l)nborno extras at Frazer AtJattron's. Moiniioulli, Or. Mr. m.d Mrs. Fred (ireeli'j oldet child In very Hick. Mr., and Mm. (1. A. Smith were viait lug In Salem over Sunday. lV,.A..r A Cut! ion Hell Clover Leaf binding (.wine. Monmouth. Dr. Knlev. the deullft, Monmouth, dias erowu and bridge work, Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, harmless, diet-live, do not pain orgrie Mr. and Mm. T. Layton Jeuks were vlxitltm iii Portland the llmt of the week. Mr. and Mm. O. W. Wheeler, of Leb- onoii, are visiting with their s. H. Wheeler, In this city. a fn.uli uml complete stock of the Celebrated Cleveland paint jut re ix-lyed. F. K. Chambem, Whv natronlze a btsik agent when CUxlfcller liro's can sell you any book published at the same price The lieach is hard on shoes, but we will sell vou a new pair when you coma back. The Uaket Stor l 1. Don-Is left Friday for Detroit, llmiton county, where she will visit relatives for a few days. James Alexander delivered the first load of wheat of this year's crop at Hel- mick's lndepeiitience warenouse ou July HI. The Entkki'HIhe job ofllce is pre pared to get out any style of hop tickets on short notice and at prices to suit (be times. Mr. and Mm. John Kurr returned from Unper Soda lait Friday, where they have been taking a three weeks ouliugfortho henellt of Mr. Kurr's health. Mrs. Kate Goff and two daughters, MIshcb Ilessie and lane Lines, Lulu Robertson, Rosa Richardson and Anna Kelley left Tuesday morning for a week or ten days' outing at Sodayille. D, W. Sears returned from the Foley Snrlniis last Sunday. I. inn county's iauious Charlie returned home .September. Mr. health forsev- climate of nnti Knot lilcMulil SI A lli-IIK'' " ii..nce by U mi i" Creasy lias len in poor i ,ilis. the warm Hotithern California has been very en ervatliiKi'lMm his ".vs'eni. Cash paid for poultry amicus at the Star Urucery, It 9 il III To Trade At I RVINE'S GASH GROCERY, HEADQUARTERS FOR HOP PICKERS SUPPLIES, Don't forget thnt wo carry ..niuil'l'l!S i.lica forllv'i-iiv. all kindu of and that wo that can't be beat by supl ,.;i1 sell for prices any store this side of Portland. TICKETS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE COODS. Don't Foret Tho PI ce Independence, FOR Oregon. R Mr. Sears is much improved In health and speaks In tliehluhest terms of the medicinal properties of the mineral water at these springs. ' A Chicago editor pays a handsome and deserved tribute to Oregon climate and women, says the Statesman, by re marking that "every lady is beautiful, for her complexion it as clear as crystal t.1 ... ,1,. and tinted liueine rose. jmm m? v..- mate -Iocs It.' It Is not generally known that figs can lie raiseu in mo " . but such is the fact. Mm. Latoresr, oi Oregon City, bus now ripe on ner nets in her ciirden some very line nu. Thee trees have been planted about twentv-tive years, a second crop is coming on and a third crop is expect ed before the trees cease to bear for the season. Mr. and Mm. R. II. Wilcox, Rev. J. Raid win and wife, Mr. and mm. ft. i,..i.i ;., n.,,1 Mr. a-id Mrs. M. 1 . I. xm.u i ' Raid win leturned home from Fletch- er's lieacn rruia.y uui . i...., outing of neatly three weeks. The en tire party looked as aunmirneu aim rugged as tho sunshine, salt sea air and good living could make them. Constable Curt Hubbard, of Dallas, was shaking hands with old acquaint ances on our streets last Friday, curi i f..n ,.fiii r.-is'iit trln Last. He saw some fine country, especially in East ern Nebraska, Northern Iowa and East ern Illiuols. Mr. Hubbard says that Ogdcn is a nut beautiful and home- like city, while Chicago is a marvei oi bigness, thrift ana enterprise. A material change has been made In the matter of lighting the big O. A. R. hall. Instead of canvas w iudows at the sides the building will be lighted from the top by glass nidows In Hie tower. It is considered lhat this mein- odisan improvement upon me uiu at vie of canvass windows, besides be- Ing equally as elieap u is a uecmeu provement in the appearance of the building. Tlie lower win and will BfTord ample the building. There will also be a iruiiwm over each entrance or d.s.rway which will afford able light. O. A. Kramer. Jeweler. Dr. Kplry, the dentist, guarantees all his work. A. Tubular lantern at the Racket Stor 811 cents. Hon Ike Patterson, ot Halem, was In the city toduy. Subscription for any jierlodleal, at ClodfelterRro's. We print hop tickets with or with out stubs take your choice. Kxlradiunem at theClty Restaurant i . U,....l,a HOW. Always ice ureum nu.....v. The J. F. O'Dotiiiell icompauy are sole agents for the Pla binders and re palm. Mr. and Mrs. .I.E. Miller, of Mon mouth, wore callers at Hie j,NTKKriu olllc Tuesday. Fruzer (.'attron have the exclusive sale ofOHborno binder and mower ex tras. Monmouth. Money and time saved by taking the Northern Pacific when you go i.ai. Inquireof W. II. HawU-y. C. II. Teale and family, of near Monmouth, are resticatlng at the Soda Springs over in Linn county Pink Patterson has been upending a few days in the city. He is wei pleased with his -Situation over a Salem. Ilelmlok'e new warehouse at the In dejiendeiiee roller mills is obout com pleted. It will be ready grain the last of the week. Messrs. H. H. Patterson and W. O. Cook Monday afternoou leu mr Fletcher's ta-uch, where their families have been sojournlug for the past two weeks. Dr. Rabbit and wife, of Indepen dence, accompanied by Mm. Rabbit's sister, will occupy a cottage in New port for several weeks. Newport Rewrd. Mrs. J. A. Mills and Miss Eva Mills returned from Newport Wednesday afternoon, where they have been spending a pbatant vacation for the past week. W. U. Nesmith was iu the city to day. Hesaysthat threshing is only fairly under headway in the Rickreall neighborhoml, but the grain is turning out fairly well. Pure Rich Rlood is essential to good health, tieeati.se the blood is the vital fluid which supplies all the organs .ti,hnr Hood's Sarsamirilla is the great blood purifier. f'hnrlie Shiats anil Joe Hubbard's families returned from Waterloo lust week They had a very pleasant out ing and speak in the higest terms of the accommodations at this pleasure resort. Alexander Turnbull, who lives on the prairie two miles north of here, has a field of oats that yielded 08 bushels per acre the other day. So far as we have heard this is the biggest yield of the season. Can any of our farmers beat it? Mr. and Mra. J. E. Miller, of Mon mouth, accompanied by theirchildren, are visiting relatives near Portland. Mr. Miller and family expect to take nn outing for a couple of weeks in the Cascade uiouutai ns near Mt. Hood be fore returning home. Convict George Merick escaped from the penitentiary yesterday. Fifty dol lars reward Is wft'ered by Superiu- .uiidniii. nillitrt for his capture. He is described as follows: "Age, 34; eyas, gray; native of Kansas; height, 5 feet 10J inches, 197 pounds; hair dark brown; occupation laboier; two soars on rinhtarmeto. The Enterprise, lias gained an cuviable reputation for its fine job work, and it proposesto sustaiu that hop f Call and get our price on ticket before going elsewhere. 8. D. Tucker has been appointed postmaster at Crowley In this county. Get your bread at the Hon Ron, They receive it fresh from Halem every day. Rrlck laving recommenced again Monday morning In dead earnest on the big corner block. The J. P. O'Donnell company have Just received a new cargo of the ecle brated Htudobaker farm wagons. A full assortment of celebrated Clauss Bheara and Helssota, unlimited guaran ty, with everv nalr. F. E. C'H amiikkh. Uncle Joslah Johnson continues very low. There has been no maicuai i,. in lila condition since last week. If vou want first class Job work come to Tun Kntkbi'RIHB office and vou will get It. We employ enly first clans workmen. Extensive forest Ares are raging in fhn tlmlr d strict west or l.auraun which were started by lightning strik inirtt tree. Much damage is being done. t t? .Tru-L-ann'H farm residence, near Hubbard. Marion county, was totally .io.ir.ivMl i,v lire Tuesday night. The Winn 'J' J - building was worth about tl.OCO and M- i,.,.inu,n hud Ji.'.OO insurance on it. M. A. Haker has opened his shop aln. one door west of the post office, where he can lie found ready to do anything in the way of shoe maKing or mending, as cheap as the cheapest and as good as the best. The sneciul election held in Lafay ette, last Monday, ior me purpose ,wi,iin whether or not to bond tne town for river improvements, resulted in the affirmative. Bond to the amount of W,000 will be immediately floated. Tiik Independence Estebhribb has been purchased by Messrs. F. M. Brown and L. A. Baily, newspaper men from tho East. The Enterpeisk is a good paper In a good city in a good county and we can see nothing but success be fore it. McMinnville Telephone Regis ter. A Salem d'spatch to Wednesday'i r q..v V. R. Lawler, who WRpilllJ- -- la develooiue the Bantiam gold sud u;tpr mines, received a London cable today that he had been elected super intendent and resident director. lumn nil I nas oeeu oi..c.c. IU I " 1 disposal . Mr. and Mrs. W. Williams returned home from Yaquina bay Wednesday even i nut, ine weaiuer una phillv over on the coast dunuR Aurhsi the valley have been sweltering with heat the pleasure 0...l.-ers over on the beach have oeen indulging the luxury of over coats aud seal sacques. We learn that the man Christenson was arrested at the instigation of his own people, who were satisfied that he had stolen property in nis possession Tl. man has Ixirne a bad reputation since boyhood and has frequently brought, humiliation and disgrace up on his people, who staud well iu the community where they live. Rev. O. B. Whitinore the pastor the Congregational church, will preach next .Sunday at 11 a, m. and also at 8 p . in. Subject for the evening service: 'TI.p relation of the churches to Secret Societies." Bro. Whitmore was for three rears "Grand Official Instructor" of the I. O. U. W. and has been in the pulpit eighteen years, and ought to bmv how to discuss this questiou. All secret order people, and all who are i kt KvwKrm.-n.' At the BOOT & SHOE STORE Every pair of Boote or Shoes bought of us that rip, run over or soles come loose, will be re paired by us, Free of Charge. I AI.HO MAKE AND REPAIR BOOTH AND SHOES. J.W.Bentley, I ndependence, Oregon. 4 1 J 3 Win. Durham is carrying his arm In sling, caused from a catarrh iu the palm of the left hand. J. S. Coojier, president of F. N. Bank, Independence, spent hunday Willi ms laughters who are taking their vacation at Newport. Newport Record. The Independence pleasure and health seeker, who have been rusti cating at the coast and various mineral springs, are beginning to return to the humdrum life of the city. Messrs. Vanduyn, Veness & Wilcox have been quite busy tms wee laning an inventory ofscock on hand prepar- tory to opening under the name oi West Side Trading Company. Mr. A, Wing, who has been looking after his harvest on the I.ucKiainuie, was compelled to return to his home in Portland one day this week, because of a painful catarrh on the hand, from which he has been sunenng mr a week or more. The "Oregon Silver Imprint," a pop ulist organ, printed at a many " made its way iuro the i,NTEKPRisr, ... . ,1., office. "The Impnut" is unuer editorial and business management or J. A. Finch. It is neatly priuted and is quite a readable new spaper. Many buisy hands have been active with hummer and saw at work on the All the help is nignflii" .. volunteer, and everyone works with a zeal which gives evidence of the interest taken in the construction of the building by the general public. The big build ing will be nearly enclosed by Saturday night. No better evidence of the beneficial effects of tiling can be had tnan tne present splendid crop of bay, oats and wheat, raised on Joseph Digman's farm near here. Mr. Digman had sAVPral hundred rods of tiling laid last on tht. result has been one of the finest cropsevcr raised iu the neigh borhood, and by four told the finest crop ever raised on that particular farm. MARRIED. H A WLEY LAN DESS. In Mon mouth, Or., August 14, 1805, at 10 o'clock a. m. Curtis L. Hawley and. Miss Rose Landess, Rev. Bumpier, officiating. The marriage ceremony was cele brated in theCbristinacbnrcb which was tastefully decorated for the occa sion. The guests consisted only of the families of the bride and groom. The gallant young groom is the sec ond son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hawley, of Monmouth, who rank among the first families of the county. Curtis Hawley is a young gentleman of much promise, and stands well in the community where he lives. The fair young bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Landess, who reside near Monmouth, and are people of high respectability. The many friends of the young couple wish them a happy journey through life together. The groom and bride left for Newport on the 1 1 o'clock train, where they will enjoy a few days of the social sea son before beginning the every day realities of wedded life. SONS OF VETERANS. of A movement is under way to or ganize a camp of the Suns of Vet- ,..., a m connection with the G. A. R. Post and the V. R. Corps, The aee limit is placed at 18 years Anyone wishing to becomaa mem- i,ur eh. mid communicate with Mr. M. A. Baker of this city. LAWN TENNIS. -vputation in spite of competition from e(1 to se(.ret orders most cordially .... . PI,la f.dlou W I I' enure. wnaisorvci . v,... .in v is prepared to do tuo latest sij les oi job work, in a neat, artistic aud work nienlike manner, and at living prices. Give us a call, sample our work, aud get our prices. Samuel Vincent and liis son Charles, i who shot and killed JUiKe lvo.nopy laud John Rergniau in Ellensburg, Wash., last Suuday, were taken out or the county Jail Tuesday night and hung to the over hanging limb of a silver popular tree until they choked to death, with their faces within six inches of each other. The Coos bay stage was again held up Tuesday evening, en route fruiu Myrtle Point to Roseburg, at a poiut .i,c..,o nf the first hold-up a ncni i"T cvv - few weeks ugo. There were several passengers and considerable money aboard the stage, but the -'lone high, wayniau" secured only a few silver dollars.. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Laughary re turned home the first of the week from their outing over in the Alsea oouutry Mr. Laughary saya they bad a very pleasant trip., plenty of game and an abundance of exercise.- He says there i trnml muntrv over iu the Alsea, the farms are generally in good condition aud the crops look welU Bro. Wash, of t he Itemizer, in his sum me- perambulations over the coun- The tower win w i m ; - . .... of the i j Pi- light for : ty t "V "u . , neer (lavs. J-.uuor wu vi.-v.. farm of John Waters one day last wek r..nn.l lht enterprising farmer ......... ..oi . f.iiwd forks that were hroiiht across the plains in 1S53, and .cradle and scythe which his father bought of Uncle John Waymire in 1S54- consider- Cask paid for pmdtry n4 rTjf at the Star Grocery. iuvited. An electric sensation has broken out ... vTOI11,ir mi.lihe summer visitore there of a gossipy turn of mind are up to their eves in the dirty details. A musical man and the unmarried sister ofhiswifaarethechief figures in the affair, and their discovery iu asituatiou nn.nromisiiiL'. and the subsequent anx iety of the horn blower to quit Newport for the sequestered shades of Salem is the beginning and the end of the story. Since people sometimes go away from home to misbehave, it is well that this i v.o.1 their wns exuosed to the eud that a lesson may lie learned to the I effect that puritanic deportment is as important in Newport as it is iu Salem. Corvallis Tunes. Piehard F. Wells, Esqr. a prominent real estate dealer and attorney of Taco ma. is visiting frieuds and relatives iu this city and vicinity. Mr. Wells is ..ll known in Polk county, navmS made his home here from early ooy hood t mature manhood, but some ten yearn ago located iu Taeooia and at once became identified with the busi ness element of that enterprising -city. Mr. Wells has recently been East on business goiug as far as Ohio. He spent several weeks in the newly dis covered oil regions of Ohio, and says that region of the old Buckeye- state is u.inr through one of the biggest iMMims he ever saw. Mr. Wells pects to visit Alaska soon, and perhaps ... . , . : .. f 1 1 Southern lIilorma iaier .u w .r nleased to state that Dick (that is the way his Polk county frieiuls ad dress him) is looking as tine as auw, and is, as usual, the bean ideal of good fellowship. The first s ries of lawn tennis games it wwn Independence and Monmouth were played at the lawn tenuis grouuds f the Independence. Athletic club last Saturday afternoou. Quite a number of interested spectators witnessed the games. Independence was represent l.v V. Rurch and Oris Robertson on,l Monmouth by Lester Higgius and f.-mi! NewlHTg, wnose WELLS DAVIDSON. At the resi dence of William Wells, nearBuena Vista, Oregon, Sunday, August 11, 1895,Enimett Wells aud Miss Mabel Davidson, Eev. Lees, officiating. The gallant groom is a son of Wm. . Wells,' Esq., one of Buena Vista's pioneer hop-growers, and the fair bride has made her home with the family of Mr. J. B. Wil liams since last spring, ana uaa many friends in this vicinity. Her people reside in .Ashland, Oregon. The marriage ceremony was per formed in the presence of a few re latives and friends. The many friends of the happy couple wish tbeui a pleasant journey together through life, , a pathway strewn with roses and a home filled with mutual love and confidence. " I N. , BOUS. GREEN Near Independence, Or., August 14th, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green, a son, weight 8 pounds. ' a vouny man nam we did not learn, a - games were played. The score stood 17 for Monmouth and 13 for Indepen dence. A return match will be played Saturday afternoou . Bucklea's Arnica Salve The best alve in the world Cuts. Bruises, Sores, 1 T?hoiim Fever Son Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi- for rs. Salt Tetter, tivelv cures Piles or no j.ay re It is guara-iteca u give at!sf:iotion or money re pric-! !" cents p r box bv all druggists. quired, perfect funded. For sl- ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Jni, n-d o the 5tl, day of August. 1, in the n mtwr of the estate of 1). if. Clodfrlter. Ue Sl lwiiltroniaua alter the oth ay of Somber. 1KB, otter at Private Sale tho fol-f-epieiuoti. i , nmn.riv be iinelnic to S"smu- t W "Lit uumber v . in Kl ik n on her rtve (5), In Henry Hills Town two years, secuieu uy w4 AJiulnlslrairii. When Baby was rick, we g-re Csstorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Caswrta. When she became Site, she cluag to Castoria When she bad Children, she gayethem Castoria. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair.' v Most Perfect Made. 40 Years tie SUndartt, LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Corrected weekly by Star Grocery. Chicken, -.11.30 0 2..V)perdo. Side Bacon. 9 10e lh- Shoulders 7 9,3 " " Hams WW Lard Eggs Potatoes Cabbage rcas String beans Corn Onions yonntf) - Cucumbers Apples Teach phiroi... Black berries . - , 9e 9c doi. 25c bn. 40c do. ..2c lb. . .2c , 5c ,. doa. AOe .lsc .25c ba. 30c .66 a crate.