Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 25, 1895, Image 3

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    Our Stock
please Pass the
If it does not
nnd como
Please Pass the
That is out of stylo and sold down
to closo out a deud stock, nnd
como TO
please Pass the
You know by experience will soon
growshnbby.and select one of those
Nobby, Stylish, Modern Headgears
by coming TO
297 Commcrcl?! St, Salem, Oregon.
Motor I An Time Tull.
I. !. l-rava-a
I tt l p..ii-
' Mtll.tlHlilltl
IV 11, l.
14 w f.
, U
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I Ml
i.oiMii: iuiri-:jov.
OKU LOME, , 14, r
MfrU Wpdii'ft'lilV
rviii All mwii l r In
......Itixnilhi will l !, '-
7,H ami ...r,i
,.v.-.i-.-.' N Mil"
Kiiii)l '"' li'" "
l.n.l l,flnMiiillil.
'? 7 y . a
K HA l l-lli .
, K. II. .
Hw la Klrl and TlilM Tu'.lny r nilns
u(.li iiiiiiIi. reim" imu.
V tailing MiMil r IH '
T. A IAYK, ri-
ij.i irii. Clef,
I ...UnullllMllltW ( 'oiim'U. N
A. I. A.
U.i. In Odd Fi'dow HH, ryi-ry
r'dilav rwodng. h-jMiiriiinu
IllrlllU tr
reor.l h biOted
oris u. Mi' ri.i: :.-!
mill miiI"". -i'i,.v '
iwi Miri-iui. Imli'lK ii'U-mv
0. in ni lii'im' I'iiwt.
, (Irrk'oll. "I
Dtlt. I.KB ,,A",U,l7-T
I'liv.Uinn- mu MiritiMMix. hl-l'"
irnlioii Ml. to .li'i- V' T"T
otovT i'-" Nli""''' '""V
T.J.I-. M. ! W. M.
M.( KcIImw Trliiltv iiiiUmI "Vf.
F I UKTlUt'M.M. I.-HH( I
fc,l .Wrm. -urirr Knilr.-nl .....I
Moiiuioutli ilivt, 1ii.Ip'ikU'ih'. un-
7"rA. Ml'I.KKY. KKSll'KNT
liriitlct. 'Hi" r.f"i l-in. lui-l In M
ll. tr...idi. S:4fiHfutioi. i.rHi.r-l.
Hill, troiu rooiiiH MnniM- Hull, rncr
Kir-l nii.l M.nm"lii .trwln, ..k ito
lii.le-li.lciic.' Nutioiiiil "'"'
nt-Uw.. ()ltl- over lii.Ujx-ii.lume
.tloiml Bmik, IiiafiH-iKl'ii'i. Or.
B. T. 1IKNK1.K.-T1IK T"';
niAI- AIITIST. Miik no Hiipcrl" in
Ulialfliif All i llnlr-iMililnir. (live
y.ur work. ri5J"SIvlnf
Culling; Wc, Hut im skj,
Main Htrti-t.
k. oucl:.-l!'l,.)lI
lmrlx-r. Snca...r to W. A .Vim Nort ii;K.
Two rlialrg. SliBvlnif I.'m-.. Imtlm -"
kmun lionrd on nhort notlw. M'"
door to first Natioiml il. 1I''-
jMrTwo bath tubs- no mdloim wultiiig
For one week we
will sell 10 barsRoy
al Savon Soap for
25 cents at
- COME A -
is Now Complete in
Boota cxrid. Stioora.
pleaso you,
SAKII nil ' MCItH!--We carry n
'dill nliM'k ( Km,.. lliKirx. Mouldings,
liliisn, Etc. tS"'l uriihig h specialty,
at Mitchell A Unbannon's, Mifin street.
Items of Local News.
(). A. Kranipr. Ji'wi'li-r,
J. I'. Irvine rvlunuxl to McMlnnvllIu
j tii'iiUy.
Si'1ii nuiuliliiin rfiittnl li.v V. II.
J, A. Ktilvrla In pulling up a hiiiuII
I'iimi on lit m nilw.
OhLHiriii' ixiiii i Truor At'utirouV.
Molilimnlli, dr.
Buck lu.vliiK U irr,lni ut m ruilJ
rule on llio new brick liulMiuj;.
; DxirailliiinM nt tlit'City icnlnurunt
' now, Alww.v l' crcniii on Snmluya.
! Tin- J. I'". O'Ptmncll iMiinpuiiy nr
' anliMiKcut f'ir tln I'luiio IiIihIcm and
; repair.
I'm n r A CiiIIuhi liavo lln fxclimi v
:nU t.f t)lMirn ljinlcr and mower ex
' irn". Mniiiii'iuili.
i tut lint I lint Imikciio liaagnt t'tnlly
'elieitteij III llicpiiretliiw of oimwelielii-
j Icul it'v'eiiunu.
j Mmiiy imI lime mivcd I'v Inking tl
Norilit ru I'm llli' wl'cn yu go Kuat.
j luiiilie..f V. II. Huwlcy.
) l lii J. F. o'lJoniiell eniiipMiiy lme
Jjnt icti lvnl new eurgo t.f llieeelu
j lirnleil Sluilclmkcr fuim wiigoim.
A full;iwMirlllifHtnfeelelirulitiniiuw
SheiiiM tind Sw'it, nulinillcdguiirmi.
iili cvci v imlr. V. K. I'll amiikhs.
W. II. Citniplii ll A. o'"
Iruet of putting up llie new warehouse
lit iJcliiiuk'a Independence Holler
full at I'.. M. Wutle A fo. for any
Ihlng you nerd in the Vehicle nnd
Hardware line, the only limit that
nurua everything llt l rtwr
ruclcPiivldJoliinton returned from
H. lavllUTucH.lHy afternoon. 11" re
pnriHthHl hUwif. h l"t'- i'l !"
I, nihil for M Vciui veeka mid will im
mediately return hiuu.
If von nro weak and worn out, or have
that lired feeling I l'r fWparilla i
lent the medicine to rentore your
itrength and give you a good nppctil.
Hond'i inakea purB blootl. 0
It In believed that tho lone highway
m,n. who ngured In the Klamalh.
Agcr Mago "h,.l,l-up" him U-cii ur-r-ated.
ISheiiir Kltch on Monday ar-
n ated Watt l'lera .V,,l," y,"n xvho
,vca at Keno,u anmll phe
Klnmnth-Agerroad. There la xa.d to
U, atrong clreuumtantial evidence
against I'lernoii.
Cah pa id for poultry and egs
at the Star (Iroccrt.
Dr. Kilt dl'lltlat, Molimolltll.
Miimum commenced work on the new
brick bltM'k Tuesday morning.
IWrA Cut.r II Clovur Lr,,f
binding awlue. Monuioutli
Zi'd llowndiirf returned home UiIh
week from uu oullngover ut Newort,
l or tt illnuer pill and general family
eartlmi'tlc we confidently recuiii'nend
HixkI' Plllo. 0
J. I'. Irvlncciiiiie up from McMluu
villi) Tueaday (o look lifter liU Uualtieaa
iiiUreitla here.
If you need a cook alove buy the
"HuH'ilor," (lie ery beat. V. K.
ChuniU'ra, ale agent.
Mr. and Mia. J. 1). Irvlno wcro vlalt
lug relative at Marlon Station luat
Mnluriliiy and Hunduy.
(I. (1. (Strong, the baker, will deliver
bread In any part of the city again,
commencing Monday.
W. H. Lander, of C'oer (I'Alelin, la
vUlllng with lila brother In -luw, Mr.
A. J. (ioodniail, In thla city.
There w ill lie preaching ut tha M. 10.
church Kuiiduy morning and evening,
July i!Ktli, by die new minister, Hov.
L. M. Ilaworth.
Do you need uny more fruit Jnro'.'
IfyoudnJ. 1', Irvlno'a I the place to
get tliein aa we have cut the price way
down to work oil' a large atock.
Henry Kelao and John Clark atitt
their fiimiliea left, for an outiug over ut
Yaiiiliiu hny Wediieaduy ufiermMXi.
They will bo gone a week or ten duyw.
Oh, nay! Mury Ann, why la U that J.
1'. Irvine can give ten bara of Itoyul
.Savon Soap for ' centa, and the other
grocers are giving only live and aixV
Matthew Wullia, it pioneer of sr,
died al lila home in lugeiie on thelTth
inaluiit. Mr. W'allla w,i 7.1 yen in of
uge. Ik- left n widow anil aix grow n
Truvelera who desire giaxl uccouiti
dalioua always atop ut the Little
Paluce hotel, while In liidepvudcuce.
The liext rooms and I lie best ineala in
the city.
The Woin'Mj'a Belief Corpa will give
au Ice cieuin and law (i wadal at the
reaideiive of Mra. l'eter I'ook'a toiuor
row (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock.
Kverybody Invited.
Mr. and Mr. M. (). Potter nnd Mra.
. P. Cuuiiawny left for Yaijinua buy
Monday fnit'iioon. Mr. Potter will re
turn in a few days, but the ladles will
rein al u fur aevenil week.
It. M. Wiole A Co. have the cele
brated Bain f.ii'iu wugoim.
li. F. Whilt ulier antl family left here
Tiicmlay for l iKjulna buy, w here they ,
will enjoy the bracing hcu breeze aud
feast m clama nnd llouinlera for a week i
or tell daya.
Outing novels and tteualde reading at
Clodfelter Brim.
Mlaa Nell Hill, wliile attending the
Phautuuijua meetings ut Oregon City
recently, visited tile old lndiuii bury
Ing grouudj nnd secured u number of
Hue epccliucns) of Indian shell money .
l)r, Kplty, the dentist, guarantees
all his work.
On Tuesday Mary Plummer, aged
24, wun received ut the asylum from
Linn county, W. It. Johnson, nged 24,
was received from Yainhill, and l'd
ward tireenwuuld, uged 40, from
Soup! Soap!! Soup!!! Soap!!!! Teu
bars for 23 eenla for one week.
M. A. Itakcr lias oiH-ned his shop
again, one door west of the piwt ollice,
wliert ho can Ik? found ready to do
anything In the. wuy of shoe making
or mending, as cheap as the cheupest
and aa goo.l ns the beid.
Bleyelo to rent, Clodfelter Bros.
Mrs. Lizzie Fuller lift here Saturday
nflernoon for Wallace, Iduho, where
ahe w ill join her husband, Mr, It. A.
Fuller. Mr. Fuller has been in Wal
luc for n'vcral moullis, and expects to
make his permanent home there.
Br. Kpley, the dentlnt, Monmouth,
does erow u and bridge work,
Theatateollieera of the Christian Kn
deavor held a meeting at Salem Tues
day evening. It was decided to begin
(he publication of a state paper at once.
It will be a monthly, published ut
Salem, with W. V. Brooks as editor.
Now look here, Polly Ann, what Is
(he use of your baking bread this hot
weather aud hurningup ao niueU wood
w hen we can buy four Ida loavwj of
(hat fine bread for lOcentsul J. P. Ir
vine' nnd delivered fresh every day In
time for dinner.
II. B. Thlelsen, of Derry, wan kept
busy all day Friday locating the cor
ners of J. S. Coopers new brick block.
Mr. Thieiscn is an expert surveyor and
civil engineer and his services are fre
quently employed by our citizens when
it liecomes lieccjwary to decide a nice
point in Burveying.
Mr. J. II. Towimend delievered quite
au Interesting lecture at the Congre
gational church yesterday evening,
description of a Hire month visit to
il, Hawaiian Wanda. The lecturer
spoke f the fruits, flowers, grains.
vegetable, sugar and nee plan lai ions
of the Mauds. The lecture wa Illus
trated with over UK) stereoscopic views
i.b.n ih rilffrrent islands. Mr.
' mtr " '
Townsend willspeak again at the Cou
grcgalional church tonight.
Cash paid for pouHry and. t$s
at the Star Grocery.
Peuche at ClodfelUjr Bn.
Mr. A. W.tff.ot I'ortluuil, wiw In tl.
ctiy Momluy. Uo In lix.kliin uft-r
rAK IntorenU on tho Luckluu.ut.
A fresh and complete stock of Hie
Celebrated Cleveland pulnt Just re
ceived. F. K. Chamla-ra.
Churlle Doughty, editor of tho Dallas
Observer, w as elected president of the
Oregon Press association. We con
gratulate Bro. Doughty.
Dr. B. Henderson, who hut been
visiting physician at the Orrgoii atute
asylum, wa committed to tliut Insti
tution oil the 17th Instant.
O. P. Crane, a utwspiier man of
Areudln, Neorasku, was in the city
Monday. We understand that Mr.
Cmne is looking for a locution.
W. O Cook returned yesterday from
Fletcher's beach. his fumlly will remain
at the coast several weeks before com
ing home. He reports huvlng hud a
Mine hont.J M. Sturk, or liie l.nue
Pulnee hotel, has been bittening half
a dozen lurKcys lor me pui- --
and will serve them for dinner next
Sunday. Meals at the usual price-2i
Kvungelist Bos closed hi aerie, of
meet I ngs al the Congregational eliurcli
lust Hunduy evening. Considerable
Interest was inunil'eMied In these meet
ings, and several persons made a con
fession of religion
Thoinus J. Kvuua, of Mohawk, Lane
county, died suddenly ut his home
Tuesday, the probuble cause U-iug
heart failure. Mr. ICvaus wus 50 years
of uge. a pioneer, and w idely und fa
vorably known throughout the coun
try. J. M. (icplry, w hile building the
wall of a brick kiln at Cooer's brick
yard Tuesday ufteriioon. fell from a
scaffold, some eiglit feet high und dis
located the elbow of his left arm, be
sides sustaining aeverul ether bad
l'rcbli Oregon peaches at Clodfelter
Prof. F. F. Wachbnrn, of the Cor-valli-i
agricultural college has been
elected to th clialr of biology In t lie
s.ate university ut Eugene, and Prof.
McKlroy him been transferred from the
chair of Enulish literature to that of
F.ditor Doughty returned home Tues
duy from the Oregon press clambake
over at New port. Friend Charlie ap
peared lu in". nial heulth, excepting a
slight puller about the mouth which
Indicated a touch of razor clam dys-iH-psy.
Ctt your bread nt t lie Hon Bon.
They receive it fresh from Salein every
Some ealem con traetors arc to put
up CiMiper'a new brick block at Inde
pendence. Outsiders have secured
every important contract there for the
hist live year. Dallas
Will Bio. Wash please tell us how
ninny "important contracts" have been j
let to Dallas contractors lu that city
during the past five years.
Mis. June Baker, mother cf our fal
low townsman, M. A. Baker, died utj
her home lu Hutchinson, Kansas, on
llio llt'j Instant. Mr. Baker had
reached the ripe age of S2 years. She
was the mother if seven children, ull
of whom ara living, and leaves u hus
band now in liis S.'!rd year
There Is every Indication that the
hop yield in this vicinity will bo aUive
the uverage this year. We heur very
little complaint of hop lice, und no
otlier pest has made its appearance,
drained u living price, say 12 cents a
pound, the hop growers of Polk county
will net a fair profit this year.
it appears that the rumor going the
rounds of the valley press to the effect
that the San Francisco Examiner had
bargained for the Portland Sun is a
newspaper hoax. Mr. .1. B. Fitliiuti
corrects the reixirt nnd says that it is
nu injustice to the Sud, and csecially
an Injustice to him to say that the re
1 orl originated from him. " '
Next Sunday is Mr. Lister's Sunday
lure; the second and fourth Sundays.
Pleas bold the appointment in mind;
and the hour of preaching, 1 1 a. in.
nnd 8 p. in. nt lb? Christian church.
Morning subject on the 28th will' be:
The Bible Idea of the Church." At
night: "Is the Bible a P.winet of
Divine or Hmuau Thought?" All are
cordially invited.
The Marion county court last Tues
day decreed that A. D. Pettyjohn, ad
ministrator of the estate ot William
Pett violin, accept 5025 from the Oregon
railway & Navigation company in full
of the payment demanded of the com
pany because of tbe death of. William
Pettyjohn, w ho walked oh" the com
pany's wharf ut Salem some time ago
aud was drowned.
Mr. Helmick hns concluded to buiid
an addition to his Independence
warehouse luste-ad of the gram shed as
anuniiuced lu last week'a paper. The
foundation i 42x32 feet and the build
about 00.000 f.-et of
lumber. Ho has raised the fbmrof tbe
old warehouse some twenty Indies and
will put a brick foundation under both
building. Carpenters have com.
m-nced work on the new building.
The worm on currants and goose-
i .i... ., iii mnrar mi the lower leaves 1
nii after the fruit form. The remedy
for this peat U so simple, ay Thayer's
Berry Bulletin, there I no cause for
u (electing It use: Oneounce of while
liellebore dissolved In two gallon of
i water, ni.nlled with sprinkler or brush
broom w hen worms J ust appear, w 1 1 1 ex- (
, , ......
terminate them. Two, or possii'iy
three, application may be necessary.
A site bus la-en selected for the new
wlewum or armory building, it I" lo
cated on the It. D. Cooper lot on south
side of C street between Fifth and bixtli
street. The plun of the building is i
hulf hemisphere, eighty feet wide mid
forty feet from the ground to the fop
of Hie dome, Chautuuiuuu style. The
seating cupucity of the building is esti
mated at nearly 1,200 people. We un
derstand that Preseott & Veness Lave
the contract to furnish the luinlwr, and
work will begin on the building in u
short time.
told ix sidh - iij:ais.
The Ht. Jollerson Party. After uu
nrduousaud rugged trip of peril undud
venture tho Muzunias party that left
here on the I!rd instant for Mount
Jefferson are ut home again, arriving
here late Tuesday afternoon. Alter ar
riving ut F'ish Luke ll wusuKcertuined
thai (lie par'y, owing to the presence
of ladies, could not possibly reach the
summit of Jefferson on (he lOih, as
previously arranged. Messrs. T. O.
Hutchinson, Dick Burford and C. C.
Lewit left lliut place on foot for the
mountain, currying heliograph, camera
and provisions, but no blankets. Tbe
greater pin t of the w ay there was no
I rui I. inn I tin distance proved to be
ut least thirty-live miles. The moun
tain was reached July JO," und tlie
ascent made in the afternoon. The at
mosphere w as very hazy and no Hash
light responses could be obtained from
either Mt. Hood or (lie Three Sisters.
. Thereat of the party. Mra J. S.
Cooper, Miss Maud Ciaiper, Mi Essie
Hohertsoii, W. H. I law ley, of lude
lamience; Miss Emma Fisher, Mrs.
Ella Wesson, Lou Lewis, aged 13,
Clarke and Clinton Teale, of Mon
mouth i D. A. Iio:ig, of Huver; und E.
G. Kirby. of Salem, uitempted to reach
I the mountain by uuolher route, w ith
leanis, but were compelled to abandon
llie Aiigona ut tlie old railroad camhs.
From this jioint they packed into
Marrow Lake, where they abandoned
the uorsfcs, leuring them lu the care of
Clarke Teale, whiie the other mem
bers of tho party pushed on to tbe
mountain on foot, reaching it on the
afternoon of tbe 12ih, and w ere joined
by the other who weut across from
Fish Luke. The entire party success
fully inm'.e the ascent on toe 13th, al
ter experiencing numerous hardships
and overcoming many obstacles.
These are said to be the first ladies who
ever reached the summit af Ml. Jell'er
sou. The view of the Willamette valley
was obscured by a thick haze, but the
view over into the Deschutes and
Ochoco country was very fine. No at
tempt was made to scale llie lofty
pinnacles, which shoot up some 2.30
feet from the summit of the mountain.
Several of the party have made the
usceut of Mt. iiood and other lofty
peaks, but in their opinion Mt. Jetler-
is the most difllclilt to ascend of
any in their experience.
A Giooaiy Outlook. The Puyallup
Citizen of July l'J, takes a gloomy view
of the hop outlook in Puyallup vall-y.
It says: "A forecast of picking never
I oked bluer at this season than at the
pnaeut writing. Lice are more plen
tiful, according to A. J. Query. Chas.
KiHsnnd many oilier close observers,
this early in tho t-eason than ever ie
fore. Vhe Citizen fully believes that
t lie state's crop this reason will not
reach over 20,000 bales unless there is a
sudden market change for the lietter.
Hops have lately made progress and
most of a'.l the well kept yards look
well, but the lice in very many cases
have already spread to such au extent
thatthcy are not likely to lie checked
enough to save the crop. , Last season
the Meekers who were about the first
in the field at spraying did no: com
mence before July 18. This year spray,
ing was general early In June.
Strayed. A large red and white
spotied milch cow, marked with a crop,
split and undei lilt in the right ear. A
reasonable reward will be paid for in
formation leading to the recovery of
said cow. S-K Ckowi.ey,
Monmouth, Or.
Parker School.
Report for the term of four months,
ending July 3rd, Parker distiict:
Number of days taught
Number 'if days attendance
Numbei of days absence
Number of lardies. ..;
Number of boys enrolled
Number of girls enrolled
Total number enrolled
Average number belonging
Average dally attendance.
Those neither absent nor tardy
ing the hist mouth wen Nannie
Chamber and Maggie Keir.
Nannie Chambers-. as neither absent
nor tardy during the entire term.
Nkttu: Ciiosuv,
KIBI5EY. In Indepentlt iKs-, Oiegou,
July 20, 1S. l. Mr. and Mm. W. S.
Kibb.-v, a w,a.
Beautiful Dress Goods.
1b the plnoj to. buy your
footwear if you would
We know our prices nro lower than
at nny other place in the county, and
our shoes ara just us good. ,
I also
nofiTS and biioks. j Independence,
Prune Growing Oonctrien. I
The leading prune growing countries
aside from the United Htiilenare Bosnia,
Servia, France, (iermany, and Austriu-
Hungary. The prune exportingcf -
tries are Bosnia. Servia and France.
The prunes which lire known as
"Turkish prunes'' comes chiefly from
Bosnia and Servia, although Bulgaria
and other adjoining countries furnish
a few. Bosnia and Servia are the
greatist prune producing countries of
the world Tin- exports of cured
........ r,-,., T'.nmia sometimes reach
lOO.OdO.OOO pounds a year, under which
circumstance the price i-onielimes
falls to two cents wcr xund, or even
less jln' 1800 the exports or prunes
from Bosnia were 44,OHO,0;l pounds,
valued at 2,40,O00, the price being
much higher than usual. The bulk
of the prunes exported from Bosnia go
to Germany, but a good many are seui
to Bordeaux, France, where they are
repacked and sold us French prunes.
Bural Northwest.
Hava Begun Operation--:
The Mexican Yucca Soup com
pany of this city liiive begun t'l-cr:
ulions in tl.c manufacture. of Foap.
They now have on liaud a fine lot
of laundrv poap, consisting of the
Borax and Pride of Oregon brand.--.
In a few day-! tho company will
ret out a special lot of their extra
toilet soaps. The hath and laun
dry roups will hft labelled Annt
Kate under,, urnnuiua f i .'
der, Pride of Oregon, and Goetz
man's Steam Refined Borax. The
qualit of some of these brands
have already been t'-sted and found
to be nior than sati.-f ictory i:i
every particular. It is the inten
tion" of the management' to in; n-ufu-ture
an article of unsurpassed
nioilhv nnd as cheap a the bent
irrmln soaps on the
market. A
limit her of orders ; hve
been filed with the company and
others are coining in. The factory
has a capacity cf about 1U,()(X) bara
a day, and "there will be no -iif,
fictilt'y in filling orders as rapidly
as they come in.
We call our readers attention to
a very readable communication on
fourth page from the pen of our ver
satile correspondent, "8. S.'
Haw'a Tins?
We offer One Hundred Dollars e
ward for anv case of Catarrh t hat can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cine.
F. J. CiiENEV & CO., Toledo, O.
We, tlie undersigned ' have known
p J Cheney for the last b" years, und
helieye hiiu'perrVctly honoruole in all
business transactions and financia.i.v
aide to cany out any obligation made
bv their linn. , , .
Wkst & TliL'AX. W holesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. Wai.Iiino, Kixxax &
ii,.v,- Wholesale Drujfuists. loledo.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
nnllv. iictiuif nireetlv upon the
lilood and" mucous surfaces of the
Teslimoiiials sent free. Price
Untie. Sold by all druggists.
7W. r
Tio Ideal P.usacaa.
James L. Fianeis, Aldernnin, Cliieavro,
savs: "Irezanl lr.Kiu-'s New lw
,.,,'verv ns an Ideal Panacea torlo.ighH,
r.,Ms and Lung C-oiunb.iuts,
I i, in inv lainil v lor ine
last live
to tlie exclusion ot pnicia.n
oscriptions or oilier prepaiatioi.s.
licv John Binges, Keokuk, J
'! have lx-eii a Mii'isier o
....-;,... "i nave uccii a .ti.i-,.-..
f tlie
Methodist i'.piseopal Cln-n-li for oOyears
or more, ami have never loumt ae.y
! tbinirsoU-nelicial.or that gave me sm-h
j speedv rehet as lr. ivmg ' -e;. , - - :,
sriwWTaSn ifr arf nniNS well .
i Store.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years tie StandanL
I v v
Wheat made a jump of- tr cents
at Chicago yesterday.
;ore V Shinn is painting F.
A. Douty'd new residence. It will
be a beauty when 'completed.
Uilfred Zunnvait. of Perrydkfe;,
is visiting Eastern Oregon, and tvilll
prpbably he absent a month.
J. A. Mills, proprietor-of the Im
riejend";.ce iCucket Store, is takiag' '
a week's vac ition over at New fjort.
W. T. Bohaanan, a brother to J.
S. Itohuunaii of this citx, has been
appointed postniastar at Yaquina
City. 'I'-
Orville Butler, of Row'Jand, Or...
is visiting relatives in Monmouth
and liis son, Dr. O. D, Butler, in
ibis city. " "'
II. It. Patterson is lac,k from
Fktclicr's beach.' His family, will
remain several week before return
ing home.
Mr. T. C. Thorp has the '" new
grain separator and elaMitors- to
the Independence Holier. , Mills
about CQinpleted. ' - .
Pierce Higgs and J... C. ; AVhite,
two substantial farmers , of ' the -Crowley
neigjihorhood. were trans-
acting liusiness in the city today.
The Endeavor S'lcietj. v'at. .the .
Christiiiii cLurch Sunday evening -will
be of nore than usual interest. ,
A special paograni has been ar- -ranged,
consisting' of inusic. and
literary exercises. '.
Oar city, baker, George Strong, .
had a serious runaway early this .
morning. While delivering; over
in, third va-rd near the Kay's,' resi- -deuce
his- team took friglit and
niade'a wild dash down the street
towards the railroad. An inven-
lory id the wreck revealed two
badly smashed wheels, a broken
iiuigsie and double tree, : and a.
pair of iwrness that - needed con
siderabW repairing. '-,.' :
liaivclons Eesults. - - :r:
Fri is letter written by Kev.'-'J,
Giindeuiati,. of Diuiondale, Mich , wu
are permitted to make this extract; "I
have na lie? kation m recommending Dr.
King's Kew Discovery, as tlie results
er; ulnitwt uiarvelmts in the ease of
w iio Wliile 1 wus pastor of tlie Uantist
lnnfli lit Kives .(.miction slie was
(ironalit iio;.va with pneuui'jii succeed
iiii; l-i Griayije. paroXyama of
oni-hiiig Muiild last boors with little
inteiitiipliou and it seemed us if alio
cucid iioS survive tliem. A - fi ierid
i-eruiuiueiitkd J)r. King's New Discovery;
it. Mas ()niel; in its work and highlyjatis.-I'iu-tory
in posnlts." Trial boltles free at
anv J)in Store. Jieguiar t-ize oue.-ana-
EacLlen's Arnica Salve.
The best Milve in the world' for
Cats. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
ttheuiu. Fever ' Sores, ' Tetter,
Chapjied Hands, Chilblains, Corns,
and all Skin Eruptions, and posi-
lively cares Piles or no jiny re
fijuirft!. It is guaranteed to give
I'ertect satistiiction or money refunded.-
Price "o cents KrV box.
Fur sale by till druggists.
Vh?a E-y t. is k!cX vrs pa-re her Ca toHa.
"he. ilio was a Ci& slie crit. for Cas'-orla,
-tfata m bicin-.e lla, the cluuj to Castorla
sbe hX CiEivs. sa cave t-e Caotorli.
This summer jut l-ecaus, a grea -
veil y K'nil.- 1 b i nk i..'j- economy to. ..
let their horse- -o w il bout nets.
That's a mistake.
He'll do lietter work. I less nervous ' .
and require less feeil when pK)tecte.!i
lrom insects. It's near thread ot
the season just alien flies bite hard- .v
est and ftick ti,j!,tel. Net- ar-i ;
che:isst miv tiotiit co-t, Imt with
mi.-liry email ro!i: some at in
r ,ii-. some at (-', and ail pli't-s !
tv.i-ci .
V. H. Craven Co.
Notary Public.
-Ufr and FI--r luuraacr.
! IHTw Efltt IstlETlH
fridt-Miou U
NC. OkK.
i-,.,.-i-p S w-1 1U
4 lhnfc