Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 25, 1895, Image 2

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    For all kinds of Vegetables and Fresh Fruits leave your orders at the Star Grocery.
JtC (!BnfCVlUiOC Tkk liMth ot Hon. K. S. Strulmn ro-
llovca from our uiidnl a prominent char-
: after in tho legal mid political liiitorv of
.Enterprise Publishing Co., Publisher i j,, Matl, xii do.i jurist a man
of acknowledged ability and force
f. H, MolUN, HuMmM Muiiiiitr ehmaoter, Mr. 8tr.ihau was a domic
crtil in polities, hut lie was too broad-
minded to be in bondage to the political
viced of hiiv iarty. lie was a sineere,
, T jt,t. W(le ol Onm (uitlifiilly, both in
JUHaORlPTlUN: $ l..'0 IKft VEAK tw mu o e ,, the
THURSDAY, Jri.YMWi j "Prn. tench.
. i , T Horr-Marvi'v debate is attracting
?n same in-xonorab!e(?) law govern .- ,. , . , ,,
v ' k . conindcrabla nUiut:on throughout the
jlllll tniwu cmwo trrwurj umi raiuvin
jour neighbor. And totvign iialiona
Jiold the same doubts ot the govern
,Mr.fic tmr kuikhun xthkkt.
W. A. Moorlied ia building
summer kitchen oil the west aide of
his house.
Postmaster Iliggius has moved
into hi a eu miner residence north of
tho college.
lr. IVtr and family has moved
into their new house just north of
Ira 1 owell a.
Dr. Jeup, of Salem, ia taking
charge of Dr. K ploy's otlice during
the absence of the latter.
Miss Maud Lewis lias been quite
etek with asthma. At last reports
hv was slightly improved.
Miaa Lottie (i round ia recuperat
ing at Svh1;i Springs. May she re
turn much improved in health.
Mr. Lock wood, of Portland, paid
Monmouth a Hying visit Thursday
last, making liis monthly collec
tions. John Murphy and family and
Ham Mulkey and family are in
the mountains on the I5ig Luekia
mute gathering blackberries.
Prof. Ginn and wife went to Cor
vallia last Saturday morning to
visit islatives. They returned
law, at a time alien that law was in full a . .,ro;;. ,0 tl0 ..rower and puts a ( , ,. ' 1
;oree and effect, and concurrently with j amoullt of 1110Iu.y in innnediate The manv fr;enJs of Mri, '&n,y
the beginning of tbe great panic through cirinllalitm for ,,,1,,,. allJ Wljng. TI.e to lei(rn uU
.which the country ha only rt'oeutly S ;miictilioiis apiwnr to U good for hops i,,. trv i i ir. We hotni it lnav con-
At least the out-jtiuue until the will become ipute
well nguiti.
' o luntry.
niontV tolveney'that'yoii do ot jour i
neighbor. Why then bo aurpriwd at
,the condition of our treasury or at our.
Hoth disputants are reauy
fluent talkers, and iear to U ijuite
equally umtchetl in intolleelual iiiip-
alllng credit? The buainesa revival in
adue to the promise of a reversal of this
It is
inent. Mr. Horr in joint of fact the
most experienced debator, having had
large exieiience in oval controversy.
The public will watch with keen interest
! the points made bv each alvoi-ate pro
ult.v11i.w Pit. .ttitu.ii.wiirv
r ' . i and con on the tne coinatw queslion
a euriona fact, however, that the falling
,0ft In revenue receipts began more than Tiivke i some encouragement in rais
fi year before the rejual of the McKinlcy i,, 101,8 t m cent vr pound, it leave
. passed. And it is a!.-oa no: able fact that ; starting at 10 cents
in less than a year after the repeal of the for )10.lg j f ;( ol better than
McKluley law a marked revival in Imsi-, lhe fjr wat.
nes8 set iu. Nuinerons lactones a
am (
Several of our citizens have been
attendiix the meeting held bv the
. . I .. .. .....! .1.
aet their whec's to spinning and ralseil j Tiik Ked river valley ia no inconsi.i-; cvunueilst, twev. nos, in our m iu
, the wages of empk.yea 10 per cent over eial.:e w heat pnxlucing repion, and it is j jj"' ja
. . &i : ! . i t itnAiihi t ii. i ;imitt iiiiii friiim in w
pno wages iiibi. ircvaiievi ii bh.-.h , r- - i
under McKinleyism.- If a hish protec that section by rain, smut and rust may
- tive tariff is the cause of bnsiuesa pros- eTect tlie price of wheat on this roast,
perity and a low tariff the cause of bind-; There is nothing that would be a greater
,'neB depression how are the above facts benefit to the country than for wheat to
ito be explained? Our contemporary's j command a lair price, Si or CO cents
' explanation is puerile and re-j per bushel.
f erees the inexorable law of cause ami I
pffect, makes tho cart pull the horse and
puU business iiioii an imaginary or
psychoiogk-nl basis." Ths mere thr. a
of democratic tariff legislation produced
the financial conditions of 1S93, and the
promise of possible republican legisla-
the future caused
Charles Masterson was taking in
the sights of our burg, Sunday.
Ii. T. DiHitlibv, of Klkins, was
doing business in jur town,
I Monday.
ion three years in the future 'caused j J0hn McFarhind, who recently
business to i eyive and encouraged the .'came in from Eastern Oregon, had
helpless manufacturers toset their looms
to weaving. The actual conditions of
Jrade have nothing to do with all this,
supply aud demand is not a factor in
the misfortune to get one of his
horses badly crippled.
Our "mayor" (who is rather
small in stutnre; had a coup.i- oi
hobos in the pound the other even
Mrs. Ilat'.n Whitney gave a
pleasant party to a few friend
Thursday evening. lee cream and
cake were served and a very en
joyable time was reported.
Dr. Crowley and some of his
friends started for Netarts Bay last
Thursday. We hoj they may
have an enjoyable time and culca
all the fish they want to cat.
Rev. H. Schukwecht, Hie presid
ing elder of the L'vatigelieal church, j
n..A..k...l .. tur.r ivoiillonl fc.trnifitl!
pil ULUni M III. v.'-vii . . t u . i
Sunday evening. He is a gd
s)caker and a very pleasant map.
Rev. Dr. Parker
Is the beloved pastor of tho Universal.
t church at Fni-go, X. P., and has alo
jeeit a pastor III lVivldenee, H. 1., New
York City and Troy, X. Y. Ho aays :
'lregart IUwd's Sumspartlla the bt
blood purlrli'T, and I hv giiod rvaoa tor
this opinion. I
in now 80 yrs
of sirs. Fourywirs
Stfo I wir'ott
with rhuaatisin
in uvy back aud
limtM, so badly
that Uwaslmpos.
ible for me to
get my usual sleep
at UI2I1L I hsd
'$1 lust rsrtlally r-
covered from the
rut, a 40lb, Myapjie
tits was oor and I felt languid and weak.
Ia fact 1 w ss In a very dilapidated con
dition. HsAng heard and read so much
bout the wonderful cures produced by
Xlood's SarsapsTilla I resolved to give It
atrial. I followed the olree! Ions, aud be
fore the fifth bo'.tlo was Cubbed my ap
petite was restored, I felt
Invlgoratofi and Strong.
My rheumatio diiTlculty had entirely dis
appeared. I cr.aot but think very highly
ot Hood's Sarsapartlla." J. N. Pakkke.
Be Sure ( rfUfeS
to Get I Iood's -4.
At Independence, in the State of Ore
gon, at the close of business,
July It, I-s-.kV
I.iiit unit iIipih.hhU
(vviilmfta, nvt'iiml uml iniwwilml
I', h In ii in i-lriiiuiuui
l'llillimul V. lli"l
HtiHm. m-i-ill ulm, PU'. - - -Kuiikliia
hmiw, inrnllure ml atnrtN
Cui. In. .11 Nki'l Itmilia (i'l Swcw Sl
In. Ill Mm llmik. Hint liiki r
Cur ir in i'in'viil uirviu
1 li.i'l. uml irtiwr ih iiii -N,
.u.. hi nilier NmiuiMl link
Kkm-mimiimI iiri I'miviu-y. iiii-hft miH
rt'lil. - - - -
l.titt ifiiitir iiiiiihi
I tr.wr 11
T.! SI
HtHU-ini'lliin niml Willi V. s. Trewuier,
4 i-vt i-en. ui oirvuimUiul
ul 1.1
til w
Mil M
,l.-i M
m.u: Hi
II, 1IM. Ill M,
I.1.1 m
iv'.,ill ht
.,:4 ii!
Hood's Pills arelhebert tamlly csUiarUo
ml Uv. me Jtciue. llaruilt'ss. reliable, sura.
Mtirilu.l.i.ul , 'u,1',"
I imivltiil (irniiin. iiw v
mii iul - ' V
NhIIi.ii.i. iiHiik iiulr" uul.luiiilliis -lint,
la ..tlii'i Niiii'iml M.iik '
Piiv Ui HiHiw liMiik mitl lM.nkT -
I II N llllMlllll IM'illl ' '
hiillviihlul ilvK.ll kiilll"-! Birlln'li
Pviiimm-i ivrlllli .linil iirii .il
Nulv KI1.1 lIH rv.ll. i.uh.iM ..-
Tul.l lll.ll M
M(te uronvi ". .
1 ..uiit.i i'i I'tilk, 1
I. v. I'. 1 '.in ijv. t'u.h'vr 1 Hti e-iimiiw.
tmik.iliiN l, hiiiIi-.iii- liil thw Mlii.i r lii iiivul
I. In llir u! r in kiinl.iii. .'".I li...ii-r,
. e.ili.N.NArt V. 1 n.liier.
mi, iw-itiiiil unit .wurii lu lii't r. uir On- 'Oi tlM
orj 'y, em.
. ...ilk. 1 -Airl
II. t . Mi. AH.,
Iim. A. H.1111,
Nui.ry i-ui'lii-.
Mrs. J. S. llolwiniioti mid two
little daughters icturnid iroin
Yuquinu Uiy today.
S I G X A L T 1 1 1 1 ' .M 1 ' 1 1 S ( .
By Dr- Price'a Crara Baking Towder
Two signal tiumphs have Ntu
aebleved by lr. Prii-e's Creu:tl iliikii g
Powder. First it rveervi'd liiglnti
Award and lliphumt nt the Willd'f
C'olumliiaii Kxpositioil of IS!!:!. .Vixl
I; pecured Highest Award uml (iu.'il
I Medal at the t'allfiirnia Miilutniei
Fair of 1U. At both Fuirs it sur-
;he problem at all. It is the imaginary j ing They vere LadI v puulllIed
bird in the distant bush that our manu
facturers are seeking, not the real bird
at band. ' Such is the logic of onr cor.
tetnDorarr and the reasoning of a parn-
'san. bnt it is not the losric of common ! as driving to Suver and turned
while here and when last seen were
pounding ties for parts south.
Wm Fuqua's horse became
frightened last Sunday, when he
sense or in aceord with sound business
principles. Intelligent men doa't do
business that wa v.
A ckrtaix class of newspapars are
flouting the reil flag of Iree coinage in
. the fares of the people for the puriwse
. of cfeating a stampeJo in the ranks of
the great and trrowing party that be
lieves in both gold and silver as the con
atitutional money of this conatrv. Bi-
lnetaliism way not win the day in 1890.
but it will eventually triumph. The
United States mav have to wait for the
concurrent action of the lending nations
of Europe, but that day will come
sooner or later. There mav be "a silver
craze" in the United States, but there
1 1
. there is also a rampant gold craze the
world over. The reat ir.oncv symli
cates, banking institutions and corpor
ate wealth generally adhere to the sinje
gold standard because it is to their in
terests ty; do so. The elngle standard
enables them to easily corner the money
of ultimate payment, to "bull" or
. 'bear" the market as they see fit and
for their own selfish purjose8. With a
arge volume of money, in circulation
the cornering process becomes more
complicated, the people are more inde
pendent and prices not bo readily de
pressed. Tq be sure over-production
ias mucl to dp with a low market, but
the buggy over throwing the oc
jcupanta n:t. Xi tne was hurt,
j but the bui-'gy was badly smashed
One of the young ladies of our j
...l r 1 7.C 1 gnzij lonziiigiy nt eueii laiinrrs
ill l, II HltU J3 JOIM1 UI I lliai ff Mill i?, I I t 1 .1
'I ,'uliinU ii.iiim, l,a nnn Hull,
ICIIII'IC IIVLIIll 1 1 1 villi Jlwl Vli. in
out of their ditlicultv.
riid her luck with hook and line
The result ivai she caught a poor
little .minnow that could not get
are', out of the way of the bearded
hook. Agnes, you inn.-t bait your
hook differently; try grasshoppers.
Litti.k Joker.
the world's supply of food and rainment
(is not easily glutted when money if
plentiful among the iiiases. When the
'uiasies are' prosperous business pros
pers, and the' op; osite of this projwsi-
tion is equally true.
' 1
The republican precs (?) ol
Dallas admires Mr. Cleveland's
financial policy.
The track Ja3-ers on our railroad
are approaching the graveyard near
Dallas on the north.
Still our big hotel and woolen
mills cry out in pleading tones,
"Come over and he) us."
Last Tuesday evening the saloon
keepers and business men of Dallas
were in their shirt sleeves because
of the opptesaive heat.
Our merchants are laying in a
large stock of maimer and fall
goods preparatory for the good
times no w en route from the East
We have six doctors and only
two drug stores. We need another
drug ttore to relieve the druggists
in their task of falling prescnp
ims.sed nil iniiii.flilolH ill evel'V leMieel.
.Messrs. ISenlley, lortwoou ana , xi,e ward, iu instance, whs lor
fjmiln8 started I hcrsnay morning strongest leavening power, perfect
for .Newport and will he gone twoj m,r,tyUml general excellence
weeks. Dr. .bp.ey ana who ioj- uttinctJ by the umiuimouB vote
lowed the next morning. Ot course; in,!,- j
'the fish will euU'er while they are Tlie victory at Cbieauo h(nblih.H
there. 1
Mrs. Stump is having her house
remodeled and henceforth it will
be two stnries instead of one and a
half. Mr. Ililey, of Dallas, is do
ing the work for her. It will im
prove tho looks of her residence
very much.
Guess the Monmouth cows are
on a "strike." At least butter ha
been .1 very scarce article of lat
and lovers of the bovine production
longingly at each fan
Latest Form
Legal Blanks-
r AGf (DRY
Ktrtiri'il tliu ldiiKlliK'
llfl'l'tdfillV OtTtllU'tl llV.I. A. Ildl'tTt!
us a foiimli y, wo wmiM rtHi'it tfnlly
unin tiiuo to tin; pul'lif that wt nrc
jut ml to 1I0 all ki:il tf vimm
work usually l nc in Mifh au if
tahlihhn.fiit. null jh
Window Frames,
Door Frames,
I Building Brackets,
Ilouldings, Etc. gf
2:2 A!i Kinds.
the supremacy of Dr. lViet-'fju "Tl c'(1,j t I ij
r'mviii.wt liUing Powder, in tl,ej'Lli iOOK OlOTC
World." The triumph at Hull l'u.i.-
iseo Ciiiilliuia 11 in 1 ciiiphui.ij'.et it. I i'i'li) 'J'J'
. ! - j ViiXlTA'TlOSKllY
U t (;; cj;i:j.h', in v.
Mocd Turning.
I-t-iiijr i'juij'ail with tiio latfft
ami lust m uhim iy v feel juhtilu'i)
in htatin that wo an- jirojuUTil to
tu tho IhM wuik at Imvixt jMx(ilii
It is to be hoped now tjiat the su
preme court has con finned the sale of
the Oregon Pacific railroad the pur
chasers will push the road tq its Eastern
terminus at an early date.. Eastern
Oregon has long waited fpr the develon
pient and outlet that this railroad will
naturally give it, and Middle and South
ern Willamette valley wjll be greatly
benefitted by direct communication with
he East by rail. The mercenary grip
of the Southern Pacific has never relaxed
ts hold upon the people of this valley
only to the eitent that t.c traffic of the
Viliainette river has forced it to lower
Many of our young and old folks
have gone to face the briny deep,
while others are plucking the lus-
. : l t .1.1 r . . . 1
I eious oiueituerrjr jrom lis luorny
Rey. A. E. Ross has arrived here
and will tarry with our citizens
until he recuperates from the pros
tration brought on by his minister
ical labors among the sinners at
Tho rattle of the harvester is now
heard on every hand in the grain
fields around and about Dallas,
also the silent and cat-like move
ments of the male and female bi
cyclist flash along our streets and
upon the highway.
Miss Cochran, with several others
whose names we did not learn, h::ve
just returned from Oregon City,
where they have been attending a
two week's session of the Chau
tauqua circle. The report a pleas
ant and profitable lime.
We wonder if our ister towns
are well supplied with dust. We
are, and as there is nothing small
about Monmouth we will supply
all needs in that direction if de
mands are made accordingly.
Don't lie afraid to ask if you fee!
any such need.
The noise of the mower and
binder is now heard in our land
and the music thereof is very pleas
ant for it speaks of an abundant
harvest of as fine grain and hay as
ever grew in the beautiful Willam
ette valley. Success to the farmer.
If any one is deserving ot praise it
is he.
We have never before read fo
accurate a description of the
'bloomers" as your Buena Vista
correspondent gave. We quite
agree with them, for it there ever
was an article of dress partaking of
the ludicrous, it is they.
The overgrown bloomers,
The wide spreading bloomers,
The obnoxious bloomers.
Astride of the wheel.
Hex & Hex.
1 1 4 i1
Chronic Nervousness
Could Not Sleep, Nervous
Gentlemen: I have been taking
your Restorative Nervine for the past
three months and I cannot say
enough in its praise. It has
Saved Hy Life,
for I had almost given up hope of
ever being well a'ain. I was a
chronic sufferer from nervousness and
could notsieep. I was also troubled
with nervous headache, and had tried
doctors in vain, until I used your
Nervine, mus. m. 'wood, ninswcxxi, 111
Dr. Miles' Nervine
I)r. Miles' Nervine Is ld on thwIiIt
iruuranuje that tl,e flrnt lioiilo will bt-ncrti.
All liruKgliiU sell it at f I, 6 birttlrn fur V. or
It will b iwnt, prepuld, (.n rweiin of orira
by the Ir. Miles' Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind. I
A i-harc of your patronn; suliciied
l' Mn-rl, in ur 1 11.1 i.llln',
uluavK on lintwl
lo nvivvl frtmi-
Iliie of samples
Satisfaebiori Guaranteed
Imli pciidence, Or.
W. H. Vheeler,
Estimates Prcmptly Furnicbcd. ?
.... ...
A tliaif i f viuir wm k
main isti;i:i;t,
?J: Independence,
um.i.f Legal Blanks irm.
Denier in
Sewing Muchinc Nicdlcs and Oils
Oftlii) with City ll.M.k Hlori:
Ni-ar the ot oflli'i-.
Mai Sr..
To Hop Growers
Wu nr iiianul.icturitig tliu
Mr iiigeM, uuifi d irnblc. cuci.M to
operate, imint Kiiticfuclnry and inofl
miimmical HOP PRESS "tr
l't on tl, innrkil. Fully ar
ranted. Ci'iue and examine it.
And Make Mouey At It.
If you only knew it, the trouble
is with vour digestion. If that was
good you would Bleep better, wake
better, and make more money at it.
How can one "cet on" when the
whole system is sluggish? But
people don't realize what in the
trouble. A box of Ripans Tab 11 leg
makes life worth living. At drug
the coit of transportation. The Oregon;
pacific, nnder competent manageiucnt, I , Cora fmith is at the coast,
. . , . doubUess she will enjoy the outine.
will be a formidable rival to the Hunt-1 J
rrot. irinn made a flying trip to
i1.rf.0H octopus Ju this state. The only
fear that the people entertain is that the
new road has been booght by rerweeen
tatives of some of the old line. Future
JastVhafi Heeded
Exclaims thousands of people who
have taken Hood's Barsapurlllu at 'his
season of the year, and who have uoted
the success oft lie mediclue In giving
.. , , ... them relief from that tired feelinir
Citron s warehouse will soon wauing appetite and ,ute uf extrcu
00 completed. exhaustion after the close coufluemen
Messrs. Sh reeve and Morrison, of ; of a long winter season, the busy time
attendant upon a large and pretwiug
business during tbespriug mouths and
with vacation time yet some wee ks dis
tant. It Is then that the buildinit-up
powers of Hood s Sarsapanlla are fully
appreciated. It seems perfectly
"ei:s- ; adapted to overcome that prostration
It seems as though Ilex and Rex caused by chanire of season, climate or
' 1)dll(ia TK II tCl 1 mr mAvninff r knot
A Training School for Teachers
Coiiiiili'to Eiifht (iraile Trainin Ih-part-
ami Htronif i-riiii-Hiiiiiiii unit Ai-a-,
deinic C'i,ur-s.
THE DIPLOMA of tin; 8i-ligol entitles
inn; to ii-iii-ii 111 any tiiiiiitv 111 the HlHto
without further examination,
'BOARD LODGING, Hooks mid tui-
nun Ti.n ppr year, linintiliil mid Health.
mi lyxration o hiiI.hjiir. There is t
x demand for well drained t.icl r.,-.
there is an over supply of untrained
Ji$'i cl"H rf""'v w"t on 8i,i,,ic"tio!
r. i Oct mp Del I, t refluent,
or W. A. Wann, Secretary.
7i 'i I'I if UWt'l'',
are a little slow about their corres-
d-elopmeuU will determine the truth 1 jxmding, but they will now Uy to
r fallacy of this apprehension. : do better. '
1 ' i ' '
life, aud while it tones and sustains the
system, it purifies and vitalizes the
Take C34-
Leave Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, l:(X)a. in.
Icave Independence Monday?, Wednesdays and Friday s-b:;i(j
Leave Salem " " " 7;45
Fast Time. Cheap Rates.
With Up) bent f.ii-iliti..rt t, r m.ik
ii'K nun repuirtng nil kinds of
r arm .Marhiiierv mid Vcliiclcs.
and none but lirM-rl.-iM, WlM,d nil,j
iron workers cm ployed. V'H ,.,.
justified in Mating that wo are
better prepared in do vour wink
and iron work than iiiiv'olher firm
i .. It I 1. .nil.
111 1 oik count)-. Our
imft reiisunablii.
prices lire
To The Public
Independence, . . Oregon.
Exclusive Aironts
for tho
Wagons, Carriages
and Buggies,
in Polk county.