AJvarllauiy Mailluin -u, :ntkui,iuhi: Cotluly. rioriTiiLi Mioiw , , .! (olio faralul ar. lining IK ' l'awr. u lit ili mailer of - JLOOA1. NKW8 ajwayi. enileiiVorii l b but prefer art-inury f uuiiu-.il lojiliiaileilng J;J milano in thrjl'rUe of JJbfu.- jrfferMon. VOL. 2 rrir ".iZZixw vruK. THtJHSDAY. JULY 25, 18U5. NO. HI JNl)KrKM)i:CJ;, nuv v,v,u.i i, w ii - iiirri mot" - i mm i i a r r-. Till irillv i m-ihi iiTnmwiPi-B i ii i iil imp uu r- i a i id I ID : $1 .50 I'EIt YEA It. JEERS:' Colli""""""1 IIihuiipm March , lHM" TIIH- pirst Hat"lor?a Bonk of lmi't'Hilviir',rftf'ii. 160,000.00 14,000 00 0pltBtook' Barpl'Hi. .... I.. . IIOIIKHTWIM. ffia. , , W M llWI-t alllfr. '.lltr.CTOIlS. W. V.Oltlti. THE INDEPENDENCE Rational Bonk! Otpilul St.M-k. .V,IHI-).K. ii. iiiitsriuKtc. A Ii It AM NKUMN, W. V. t'ONN AW AY, I'li-it.il.'iit. VI,,. r'l'l-iit. . . I'mhIiUt. A general bank l."J and 1 '"' m:;.Tr-..-H-li iiittiU'. WM- . 'j; ,4. ..,,.u..r.-ll rmlli- "'"'. r,-ive.l .... r.,rr,,.t are. J-Ki ' 1""n"1 mia " itncK.rrous ,j. V.H..UI.. A. S.I-..". I. A Allen. II. .J,..i-r.... A-J."""''""". ' rr. It. IHm)ilTH. i Maroio uiiutiw f.J..MII,A7.V.. MniiintWHts, lint 'I stunt's, Cttibini M ,. . . Cnrrei-poiid.-nc' solicited. Sperlipg Bros., Meat Market - ir. vi.ki: v- r.hnir.R Meats. Hot Weather Headaches Aro Mostly Due to the Eyes. Tito lull-line limit and "glare" of the suit weaken often M;r- inant'iitly injure tho sight. ; ' A pair if SUITABLE GLASSES WILL REMEDY Ry All tltin. NVIl tnuko a (.oii-ntilio rx iiiniiiallon tU y.iu what glttHi..- ore iwt united for your vyea mid fii nl luljllHl tllt'lll" WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE KRAMER, The Optican- j HtruniHhli.H Collide at H- mid Oiiti Hundred and Forty ' OREGON PACIFIC 8ALE CONFIRMED. Crop Damaged in South Dkot-The Horr-Harfey Debate-A iJar Oonnty Tragedy Judge Btrahan Dead. . i Vnan the OrtKnlii, Hun oud HUU;iimn.) j " " fZduunfr 'I ' P'"' New Vohk, July 18. A diiqmtch to tho Herald front Berlin Bays: It U considered in well-informed cir cleK here that tho dcandalous mur der of Stninbouloir has added an (other dark elond .to a horizon al- iutlicientlv dark. France- S i .V Diirlmr Ht leitHt H. vcii Ht.iI.Ml jutIuiIh In I,lfi it rew.nl cliotiltl tie jttiwrveil of a HTBOIlV llUfll.H, iim followK: Iitf.ntlli.MMl. ltat.ytto.Ml. i "h I t.l I ...!, J toy- IkmhI, MuiiIiimhI, Ml.lllei.i.'. Ol.ltuje, mid D.ll.CUAVKN tlie .l.otorrH.lt.'r, will i..ly you wlilt tliemt llk.-iu-mn t I lie vtry lowettl riit.H. (Jive lilin aeull. The City Ilostaunuit Will tflve yon hlX ifimd l!." eitt itieuUlor $1. We try to mnlie our Kimdiiy Il" iit rs tli l st In IiKlepeit.loi.ee. .... MEALS AT A-X-. HOURS MRS.LCAMPBELU Prop., Mnlll Ht. INIiKI'KM'KNCl'. Don't be Sick! .KKN W Im- hI. I KNOW liuw it iiiakf" one f.fl to ltnt if vott will iti't n' k t.-tiicinU-r iluit it i our t.uKii. to hII Ali'.li( iin-H We've Im.l iHtnt-i.tfral.to t-x-IH-rien.-.. in .n-'Ufinif iii.-tlu-m'1 Lnowtl.o ...(vuniHtro ot "7h ..iro ItrugH. We kren no oilier kind. Whon You are Well v,Ai ,hH-, V ' 1 OVKS Hl'SPAYi KCUMH t..O .m. Free Delivery to ull tmit ol the eity. . lnili-iK'ii.l.'tfe. BOOTX.SHOE SHOP P. H. Murphy, rroi-. R KM KM li KU that we han- k,-llo luativ avticU'K you L . . - 1 1. ...... lv.- niav (U'sno, sueii v-"' "j Silverware, Watchou, (.'locks, etc. PATTERSON BROS., Mriin St. In(l.'H'tiit.Mtee. liciroii iiiCity truck & Transfer Co.jij ' W.DOCKSTKADHn-l'i'oP' 11. i.-,.i-iiltiiroearef i llliurr ? i! 'iNPKI'ENDKNCK. I . I OUEGON. j U.'.alrln of kII kln.UwIt' nni'lve I Dronii.t i Httetitloit i T. tM Ht of work turn.'l ''1 ,hort nt !'. A share of your . I .a anlil'itcd. I - Mainxtrfei, I.tdepende, City : Feed : Stable. Km Jhnios,1'. Horw f.nl t.y tlie day, tn'k or inontli Trail iviit ft.H-k left I" our inre ill I writ al teti.tcl to. Cl.uru" rouHouable. BLACKSMITHING lit vear. in X3-EXPENSE CAN BE SAVED" If vou will act judiciously in tne matter and take your work to THOMAS. FPElSTKrEILL, rviuri-n-D1CNCE. OREGON. i. Main 81., - llei.e...le..ee. OREGON PACIFIC KAILilOAD COMPANY. CHAS.CLAHK, B.ceiver r..n.,-..n. with h..u1. a,.l. n.l t.n Kr.nol.. wt.mer imw r",n,'MT;:h 1. U. :i.. bo- " h.n.-e will" ,t." rfIKllt ' wltUoutnotlw. . Ko.,r..gl,, r, ". rP'.V""" b.. lUndr Ho..' '. ttD FlMft"' H A. l-'Ul.I.K" s working fr nie THIS -:- SEASON. He employs onlv the most skilled workmen, guarantees all his work, and is as low in price as first-class work will justiiy. INDEPENDENCE STEAM -DYE WORKS Cleaned, Dgedand Gn ,!d also Ladies Jackets, Repaired, aisv . apt: Dr... cood- Faded Clothing Eestored "IaidJwJricM . TWO Blocks North Main Street Bridge. W. EVANS, Proprietor. UuHHinn intrigues in AhyHinia, the reotieHt malel.v tho ezar'a govern ment to Japan for her withdrawal of troops from Chinetto territory, tho reinforcement of the Hufiai llei t in tho far Kant, and the ar rogance of the French chauvinism, are all factor rendering the pres ent munition precarious. llrovy (Jold Hhlpinentto Kurope. Nkw Yokk, July 18. Notwith utanding the many iromtHes of the 'bond syndicate" to prevent the exrortatwn of Am. ricnn guiu, .t750,(X)() was i-hipped to London on .Saturday's steamers. The rate of exchange is so high that importers of c IL-e and sugar find it cheaper to buy gold. The 'exports ot the present week will be fully 1,000,000, with good pros pects of a steady increase tor tne future. The "syndicate" say it is all right, and that it is tho "or dinary course of business," and I can't be hotyted. Hubbcd by u Trutcd Miengr. . . . .1 New Yokk, July i imrii-o Gove, a trust.d messenger, robbed, the New York Ilera'd of $10,X0 on Wednesday. He whs ser.t to the bank after" the funds for t ha weekly pay-roll. He got the money and that was the lust seen of him.f It is supposed that he took an out going steamer There is no clew to his whereabouts. ltciti'titiitK Hluitrum Dead. I'knpi.kton. Or., July 18. George Shutrum lied this morning of cerebral meningitis. His illness lash-d three weeks. Shutrum was a republican member of the lower house of the hist legislature. He wns one of the wealthiest and most successful farmers in Eastern Ore gon. He owned 2000 acres near Pendleton and considerable wealth besides. He was Highly respected in this community, where he lived twenty years. He was born in New York state, and wns in tie war of the rebellion, enlisting from Illinois in the Ninth regiment, and served until mustered out in 1803. Until Father uiid Hon Killed. Oregon City, NIuly 18. Mark D. Bhickburn, a Springwater farmer, was killed by a Southern Pacific train at the Tenth street crossing in this city nt 11 o'clock this morn ing. His 10-year-old son, Klmer, suffered spinal and other injury t.l, t. ..my nrove fatal. Both horses they were driving were killed and the wagon demolished. Peath ot K. A. Cogswell. Klamath Falls, July 18. At torney F. A. Cogswell, a wen- known citizen ot Uregon, uiea at Sl,v..l Cretk last evening, while en route homo from Oakland, Cal , .. Knm Iia hud been taken a lew weeks ago for medical treatment, Large Wheat and Com Crop. New Yokk, July 19 Brad slreet'fl will say tomorrow: Not withstanding the season of prevail ing midsummer ouiet in some lines, the general trade volume and the general business throughout the country is largely in excess oi vuat of a year ago. The Pacific coast advices are that the California wheat crop is .v..i,;ncr nnt noorlv. but in the Northwest spring wheat prospects r nr nt ine Of Si. t .1. .ill riroduce an unex tl arr a Turk. I'.'f.alL'd l. tn.r(c. nl. c,.. tnW 19 A serious fight occurred on the Turko-Macedonlan frontier between a force of insur gents stated to have nnmbereti 5.000 and a body of Turkish troops. The latter were defeated with a loss of COO. The lllaek Kluga Wake Hlul.lorn P. f. ne. Julv 1!). An oflicial f - dispatch from the island of Formosa savatho Chinese are making a stublKirn defense of that territory. After the capture of Lung luaho. inn. 14 mi uttemnt was made to elfeet a junction between 4he twoj Japanese battalions at vne ncrj Taku Kausi, butthcaiiempnauru. A s'juad of Japanese cavalry, who were suddenly attacked by a superior force of Chinese, was cut to piece, only three troopers es caping. The junction oi mo t battalions was ellected July During IxikIi b' an Knglnc-r. Utk a, N. Y., July 1!). The pas sengers on the Montreal express on tho Adirondack & St. Louis rail road, duo last evening at Utica.had a thrilling experience. As the train rounded a curve on a heavy down rrl Bfivpn miles above the chain of lakes, where ex-I'resiueni Harri son is spending the summer, En- i ..r t.:.,. gineer W illiam wrassei, oi inv-, saw. 500 feet in front of him. a trestle a quarter of a mile long en- mi a velojied in llames. ine nam were shooting twenty feet above the track. It was impossible to stop tho train before the trestle was reached. With lightning-like deci sion the engineer threw the throttle wide open. The train rushed swaying through the flames and stopped safe on the other side. Be c.,r.. it fume to a standstill the burning trestle fell in a heap of ruins on the rocks nitv ieet ue.... There were seventy-five passengers on the train. A Wayward Boy-Ocatli of a Pioneer. Vooim-uN, Or., July IS Jse Moore was tukeu to the reform school today by Orlicer Beach He had broken into the house ot ms F. II. Cowles, and stolen money. The boy tried to get 20 ..l.m.irmi which let! to his convic t in., hist nieht. He is about htleen years old, and his mother, who is a widow, is completely prostracieu over the waywardness of her son. Mrs. William Mack, of Cunby, Mrs. Charles Mosh- Higheit of all in Leavening PowerLate U. S. Gort Report PURE Cholera at IIKa. Wabiiixo'to.h. July 20. A cable gram to the state department, from the United States consul at Hioga. Japan: reports the presence of cholera at that place. ' ' prowned in Ihr Willamette. F.rnr.NK. Julv 20. Bruce, th-. 11- veur-old son of Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Black, drowned in tne inaui- ette river, near this city between 1 and 2 o'clock this afternoon. .Mr. i i i, ; ......K.vil in the saw mill, nnd the l.y had carried hi father's .i: i, i.im a he wai in the UlUIK'l .. f habit of doing, but did not return home promptly. Hi" hat was found floating a nong the logs in the boom, and, after a short search, the body was found. Keara for a Geological Patlv. Pkixcetox, N. J., July 21. The party of Princeton students thought to have been captured by the Ban nock tribe ot Indians in u yuiu...g is believed to be the Princeton ex pedition which left for the Bad Lands June 20. The object of the expedition was to collect geological f.siU. Professor J. B. Watcher is in charge. j Over One Hundred and Forty Passengers reri.n. Genoa. July 21. The Italian steamers Ortegia and Maria P were in collision off the Isla del Tinto at the entrance of Gulf Genoa today. The latter sank, and 148 pas sengers were drowned. Maria P was bound from Naples lor Plata. There was a crew of 17 and the passengers numbered 17". She was calling here en route to her destination, and was entering the Gulf of Genoa when she met nut wit rd bound The C? Yellow KevcrCaaaa at Havana. Washington, July 20 Surgeon General Wyman, of tho Marina hospital, today received a telegram from Dr. Burgess, the representa tive of the hospital at Havana, stating there hsht-en a marked in crease in yellow fever cases in the city in the past few days among civilians. n Another Baker County Tragedy, Baker City, Or., July 21. James Circey shot and instantly -tilled a man named Brown, and seriously wounded Joseph Meyer tholen yesrday. The tragedy oc curred at the White mine, situated in the Auburn district, about twelve milts south of this city. At this time no cause is known for the shooting as all those con cerned are stiangers here. It i supposed that there was a dispute over the claim, which is said to con tain rich d. pjsits of gold About six years ago S. J. Fore shot and killed henry Dell over thin same claim. Circey has escaped, riding a sorrel horse. Officers are now pursuing him through the moun tains The Cuban, are Practically in Control. London, July 22. The Timet will publish a dispatch from Havana which says: . Yellow fever and dysentery aie causing great suffering among he.. Spanish troops. The rebel a Uva. cut the railway bridges, thus isolat ing Puerto Principe. Recent ar rivals at the latter city state that while the troops are garrisoned at the principal towns, the rebels have complete control of the coun try. Antonio Maceo is again menacing an attack upon jjianzat.- the Ortega outward oounur o - - v;l, berger. of this city, died this morn ,.n...t f,;inrp She was 70 lug oi inrmv ..- years old, and an old pioneer.having come to Oregon across the plains in 1853. The funeral will take place next Sunday at Canby. Too Horr-llarvey Debate. fWA.m. Julv 20. In the Horr- Haryey debate today Harvey al lege 1 that the integrity of the a, ,.-;,!, i nnotile was used as a aiuviivi... j-- - - i shield for those in high political nr.. l,mii he nroDoses to expose. Then he introduced the subject of . ti O the demonetization of silver in io.o, and quoted the Congressional Re cord to show that the bill passed without reading. Horr protested against Harvey s previous assertion that he would take everything for granted as be ing accepted by Horr as true if not deuied. He said that such wos not the case. Horr proceeded to defend Hooper's action on the bill of 1873. Harvey refuted these siaiemeiu by reading from the Congressional Record. Horr denied that the bill was ,;1,-,,,1,1 through. Harvey brought out Sherman's speech at the time, showing that i.;ii nlid onlv an hour's Liic paiu " consideration and he succeeded in getting it through in that time. War riKWlble Wlllim "" r ... T..K. on The news of Itr lu-i... v u j v. naunnlt imon M. Stambuloff, the distingnisl ed Bulgarian slates man, falling like a live bomb in the midst of the state of present calm reigning for some time, depressed .1 n.l mused eeneral con- 11113 l,wuicv '- . f . 1 11' . ... Some idea oi tne eueci last .tcp in life's journey, he had j Bit. 1 iiflvivit. ..it. 1 fwtivi iU4 tuw r. . . i iLJlmK. :it down to neiiorrvrt the fact tbuta high omciai ui ic , i ikfaai: a will ui v .... . . , urn n nm ininn ' .. ... ..n:.. ;.l in reot.rtcr IO- tn. ! iM-ctedly large crop of Indian com. . lore.g.. - a - 1 -a ?a-a 4 ri( ! ltfV -Withiu a month war may break out in the Balkan peninsula." M...cUr Knllfts in recent en- V itl. iuouov. " gagements which occurred between Manzanilloand r.ayuiuo, w.t, that the insurgents possess Maiisew. Kale or the Oregon I'aciuc t,u.i..r.-. Salem, July 22. In the supreme court today in the case 01 Farmers' Loan & Trust company, ...t the. as trustees, resu Oregon Pacific Railway company, appellant, on appeal from Benton county, the judgment of the lower court was affirmed, tne opinion uo- ing by Judge Moore. After reciiiiifc the well known history of the case in its various stages and discussing .-chIv various legal technicali- ties urged against confirmation of the sale, the court sustains ine ac tion of Judge Fullerton. Hop Picking Price. Woodbubn, Or., July 22. The Hop Growers' Association held a meeting in Woodburn today, and decided to pay pickers So cent a box. Some discussion arose over the tact that the county assessor placed a valuation of 5 extra on every acre of hops. This action the association denounced as nnjust. There were thirty-five mem here present, and from all reports ob tainable the growing crop is mostly r. ntul the vards ill iree irom ., - good condition. The prospects for a good crop and better prices make. the growers feel much . encouraged. t imit in Dakota Wheat Kleida. Chicago, July 22.-A special ' from Grand Forks, N. D., say: . The farmers of the region of Min nesota and North Dakota, compris ing the ten counties on the Red river valley, are gloomy rt prospects. A week ago the wheat promised the greatest yield known in this section, some placing it as high as fortr bushels to the acre,, but it has rained four days last week and the weather has been ne cloudy and hot. Smut and nj other I . , j t1 &larunii2 de- navc ttfcii-' , : i. !a n.,w feared that thous- looke.1 as though, having taken the . J " acrtg of wneat ,rts utterly starboard side of the Maria P, pen etrating six yards, and ripping up the Maria P like matchwood. Klgliting Said to Have Beg"'". Pocatello, Idaho, July 21. Settlers in the Jackson Hole coun try country, in Idaho and North western Wyoming, are in a panic over the imminence of an Indian outbreak. Disquieting rumors were confirmed tonight by J. C. Houtz, a wealthy rancher of Soda Springs. He and one of his herd ers, while trying to cross Salt river .. iTnnii' ranch, seventy-five miles northeast of here, were stopped with , ;t!e in the hands of Indian police. The police said Indians were on the warpath. Mr. Houtz says tne po li told him the Indians had killed a white man. his wife and child, and that the settlers had rallied and killed six Indians. Unionists IIbto Oained Blsty-Elgbt London, July 21. As a result of the polling thus far had in the gen eral election, the unionists now show a net gain of sixty-eight, giv ing the government a mojority of 108. The districts to bo heard from the coming week are almost en .;lvin th counties in the shires. V V The number yet to be heard from j is 140. The majority ot these were represented by liberals in the last general election. Sudden Death or jnoge s?..mn. Portland, July 21. Judge R S. Strahan died suddenly yester at 9:30 o'clock. The A J v O indre had evidently started to as- A atairwAV tO 1118 OBICC. lie got no further than the fourth step of the second flight. There, at '. :30 o'clock, the janitor found him dead, restiii-' in a sitting posture. There was a slight abrasion on his fore head,' which looked as though he lull eii against Ine III IX II v " i.iiwtrfl.1f There was no mark of injury upon hint, and he tl- ttnl vipid ot corn in tne country will probably even exceed the previous large crop views. from ikm lexy, unquestionably caused by over-exertion in climb ing the stairway. roa"sli.E at raw ortia