Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 18, 1895, Image 4

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    fill K POLK COUNTY PRESS. doubted!? the domestic. So strung
in the attraction of the Boxes for
w Items and Editorial Ex
. 1 (Observer.)
Dr. W. S. Cary, of Nebraska, has
located in Dallas for the practice of
his profession.
I anyone going to run the Dallas
warehouse? If it is going t be
started up, it is time the people
were knowing it.
ench other that where it is not sat
isfied there must always exist a
measure of discontentment, which
is sure to be an impediment in the
struggle of life, resulting too often
in a lowering of mental and morn I
qualities, and a lessening of lh
energy and solution w hich u
needed in the severe contests of the
world. Sentiment waived, the man
w ho is happily married fliuU a
decree of comfort, contentment,
tii les of more or less value have
been stolen. Mr. Thomas Cooper
lost a set of harness from his livery
stable and George Lemont mourns
desire a sepaialion. But you d)
not enough tear, abhor und detest
it, shuddering at the very thought.
All the tireecdimr tern Item tend to
- - - s "
the loss of a set of double harness i:, and gradually prepare you for it.
from his barn during the past ten, b As to your outward behavior
days. Other articles have been ! I like the general tenor of your life,
taken from dilVerent persons. j devoted to God and seut in good
William Dunn has returned to doing.
Our iister town of Independence
is forging right ahead in the way J peaeo of ,niiul auj stimulus to ex
of improvements this season. tertion which makes it compara-
M. B. Hendricks has leased the jtively easy to do his best.
Derry warehouse, and we under
Prinevillo from a trip on the desert
ninety miles south of thai place.
Ha thinks lie has discovered an
I dislike your appointing such
meetings as hinder others from at
tending either the public prtnehm
immense salt bed at a point due jr their class or baud.
I dislike spending so much
time in several meetings, us many
stand that Hon. E. T. Hatch, of
McCoy, will be in charge.
Track laying between here and
Smith field is being pushed right
along. An extra force of forty men
has been added to the gang.
The insurance- war in Dallas has
been quite lively. The amazingly
low rates given by the different
-companies demonstrate how bitter
the fight is.
for Infants nnd Children.
south of Pnneville, and about
si'Vi'nt v-fivo miles distant, and
brought home with him as evi- j that attend can ill spare it Irom
.)..,.., .,fhU iimlsom.. verv Anal i IT duties of their unlet!
I'.ml.l ih strv of life beL...fc K,,lr . Kittled brine i they omit either their preaching or
laid it would be found that these ! ,Yoin a 1HH,i llr!ir the beds. 1 tl,lir or l"",J- TI,U ",ntMi' '
j I - '
inliuences have Ikhmi powerful fao- ijM May Trasher's l'as0 5s ai
tors in producing the best achieve- ulU)!imli oll0 g10 wtts thrown
inents of the world, and that uu- fn,m tt horse in Meacham iilxmt a
suspected" numbers of men who Lwk but no lmws Wllt.
hritkt-ii. it Mil no t'VlilinuV ol llitcrii.'W ' ... .
Djlcnmn' Irou, Ov
Do Vou Know r.w
. . .....I ...... it.lin i' iul, "I
have been mot honored, have
owed the largest part ot tlieir work j txjt!li till the young lady
to the happy cjtulition of their d-; jj,, A tHm.Uos0 slaU., ajt,,r.
mestic Iile. 1 his h the oesi ex
plai.ation of that increasing defer
ence that has Wen paid to woman
tends to dissolve our society by 1
cutting the sinews of it.
As to your more public meetings. ,
I like the praying fervently and
largely lor Kit the blessings of Ibid, j
-artli'i. '"' 11 ''
nated with a few hours of con-seiou-ness
daily, during which she
expresses herself as not f.eling hurt
Our very efficient county clerk,! 1,9 viluatioii has developed It , ftU, jokc &Um i0 aa.illo, t. ller
B.F. Mulkev, is coming to the ! has "ot arini fr0,a '"''lvalue j mvvory 8,,.m9 aoubtful.
front a a nublic sneaker. He de-1 'l"8t'iwt' leadinS t0 a dt'IiC8ltc "TL . .
front as a uublic siieaker. He de
livered the oration at Woods last
Thursday, and the eople pro
nounced it the finest ever delivend
in that section.
Mrs. Tom Graves, of McCoy, had
quite an accident befall her lust
week while going along a steep hill
side. One of the cart wheels broke
throwing her out on the ground,
the horse dragging her quite a dis
tance and bruising her consider
ably. The county court has just fin
ished a full and complete settle
ment with the various county offi
cers, and have placed the delin
quent tax lists in the hands of the
sheriff, who will proceed to collect
as rapidly as possible. Since Jan
uary 1 the sheriff has paid to the
treasurer the sum of 138.835. The
delinquent roll amounts to $14,0U0.
Wm. Townsejid, aged "G years,
died at his home near Perrydale
Jast Friday afternoon of cancer of
he stomach. His funeral took
plae Saturday, and his remains
were laid to rest in the Brown
graveyard north of Dallas. Mr.
Townsend was an exemohiry young
man and a prosperous farmer, and
was married to a daughter of Mr. j
E. C. Heyt. He leaves many rela
i unerase iiirm.t
Weslev on Holiness.
Helow we give a letter from Mr.
sideration -if the weaker stX, but it
has been due to the growing reccg- j
nition of woman's nower to help in '
the battle of life, not bv actual con-! U'l!i'.v 1,1 Mr- MtixtM-J on the sub
tlict herself, but bv inspiring man jj1 of holiness:
pre: ace or cct-
Capt. Brown, of Josephine Coun
ty, has a curiosity in the shape of
a live oak stump about l'J inches
in d'ameter, in which there is im
bedded the left half of the antlers
of a six-year-old elk, which had
been deposited ever U years ago,
tives and friends who mourn on jas shown by the rings marking the
to bear himself bravely, and by
creating the conditions under
which he can do bis work well.
This, notwithstanding efforts to
broaden her sphere, will always be
woman's noblest work.
The woman who has found the
man to w hom she can be an in
spiration, making him toil easily
and happily for her sake, has
found the widest possible sphere.
The instincts of every woman lead
her to seek this; whatever else
women seek is probably sought he
cause they have been denied or
disappointed in this direction.
s. s.
Gathered from osr Various Exchanges
Throughout the State.
Without anv
ninny, which is useless between
vou and me, I will simply and
plainly tell you what I dislike in
vour d.cttine, spirit or outward
1. I like your d.M'trine of jwt
fe;:tiou, or pure l ive lvo exclud
ing sin; your insisting that it is
merely by fai'h; that consequently brother.
it i- tnstan'aneous (though pre- Canterbury.
1, 1 11 .1
cp'ieu ami ioiioweii ny a grioiuai t
work), and that it may be now at!
tins instant, mil l iitsiikc your
saying a man may be ns perfect as
an anel: lie vm ! in! il.'ili! or I
above being tempted; or the mo
ment he is pure in heart he cannot
fall from it.
I dislike your directly or imli-l
rectly depreciating justification, j
saying a justified jerson id not in!
Christ, is not born of God. U j
1 kiiotf much good has Im-hi doin
hereby and I hope much more will'
bo done. Kut I dislike seveial
things therein. The using i in-;
proper expressions in pray r, some-i
limes tno pompous and mnguiti-j
cent, extolling yourselves ratlor:
.1 1 .1 1 ...n:.... it;.., 1
lllilll V.lHi, It Itlll llllll ,(..
you arc, not what you want. Your
ailirintu.; people will be justili-d or
sani'tilicd just now. Your affirm
ini tlr.'v are when thev arc not
The biilding tbem say "I believe.' f
The bitterly condemning any that,
oppose, calling them wolves, etc.,
and ironouucing them by procriti s .
or not justTlied. j
Head this calmly and impartially 1
U'fore the Lord in prayer. So shull
the evil cease and the good remain.;
...1 :n . 1 1.. 1...'.. i
kIIU tOli Will llilll I'V lll"H7 111.411
ever United to your nffV-etioiiale
J. Wksi.kv,
1 .,f or 1110111. uu r
wvwt ivawitl fjr :ii.iwi ;
ftVMK.. mil o.l .! "'-n'"!"" " i-r"' "''
nVoM K-oivMl,mll.l,'..u.(W...",.MHi,l..rUUU....v.l..
without lnU.iinf liicia uulnoimf
von Know tht yon ,WJ o y -'" U " ;v'" ,v"f "
ttntn you 01 yvur pliy.iviuii kiww ol' wlul U l cim.i 1 f
Vnn Kiww t!i.,t Ca.toi'a ! l")" w'l W
lu iiijirvdiciil i puUmltct will! i-vriy UsCf
,. K.,,',,ll..,..rtVf . fr : ..,! PH. hrr.
l-.u,r UI,.,.Wv,. f..r :,::, JcuuJ f lu. m C;,.lu,U l
of all oilier ttmt Jl fr cIiIMicii cumblnr.: f
I.n v.... K.lV I'.,! r,lv,.l OTiiv lHt; -f '. f.. - '
catorla " i lu f..rm.i:. .i..t ! u. U.t " ' -'' 0 ,i"'M
,uv0u.cci..u..u."l"at.. 1.. 1 nb.ioti.lrty t-r.,U--f
t v,. U..QWI-..I S3 vcri:o ! uf "'" u f",tah"1 f,f
rciii. or imc ctiil !j '
v k-c V.t ,M..,..r,l,.f x:U ,...r.v! I.H-!r.,tm, ).,..! vh.M.c t
u i.ii.i wi.i, unit i:i.i "y hvc "sr..'...n iv .:
yi, Hi-- ':i'"yarniml'.i
. "'''Oiiri
f ,!'.
'TUr fiif-ntinllo
wlu'"'',"r' "f
tt on every
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
S7 I'.U'L
( 1 . . . . 1 . k t . w .-. . .
TO 1 i n'iioh. (kv
lit-' .A. W nn,l "
III J lK '
Ithrough tickets
1 ii'.N.v;m
I ' 1 1.IOFIVU l.i
j.vA'ir oti'K
! res rov un,i ,it
j 7".7'.v K.isr i yorrn
t lltf.iMltl'U.ill. t'Ml. llllll, ltlR ,
lit i,i l, i .ill .111 .r hiM
V. II. II AWI.rV. A-. ttt,
Jtttlt l'litli'MiV, (If
' - . -
A. I t il HM.IIIV.A.Bt.tMM, I'n- Xji,
N.i, i'n, .Mi.iiiui mnrt. ('uiiicr 1 liliil i.
Putt rl il tt , ( lu
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
pnsjifiiger, a i'ortland 1111 11. ! .- V;;
re robSied of i very cent '.Icy had, j "J " "
account of his early demise.
Judge Daly and C. W. Smith go
)to Portland next week to attend the
A. 0. U. W. grand lodge.
The county clerk said that Wal
ler Kitnaey and Emma Gross
pight be one and the preacher
made them so.
0 T. Beardaley, of Eola, has
about an acre of Royal Ann cherry
trees and, expects to get about 10,
POO pounds from them.
(J. II. Chapman is building a
ruit dryer at his large prune or
chard north ot town. It will be a
6 tea m dryer 30x50 feet in size and
with a capacity of 100 bu.shels er
Andrew Mfiir started Monday
afternoon with a force of thirteen
men to their tan bark camp where
they will in the next four weeks
cut bark for their ntxt winter's
Tale bearers and scandal bearers
are dangerous persons in any com
munity, and 6hould be ehunned,
for while adding blackness to the
reputation of others, they are al
most sure to spread some on you.
John Birks is lyi ng very low a1
his home near here, having had a
stroke of paralysis more than a
week ago. The left side of his face
and right side of body affected, and
there has been no visible change
since the first. He cannot speak.
While himself and family were
away from home visiting friends
on the Fourth of July some one
entered the house of John II. Rob
bins in Pioneer district, and pur
loined about $15 worth of groceries,
among which was a 100-pound sack
of sugar that had not been opened.
One of the needs of Polk county
is more population and a greater
development of its resources. We
have enough unfilled land to sup
port several hundred more families.
There are too many big farms only
half utilized- If they were divided
up aiid better cultivated it would
he better for the owners and the
country at large.
Wocaa's Hobleit Sphere.
The relation which exercises the
greatest influence over mankind,
Vhether for good or evil, is un-
1 growth of the tree. The two lower
'pikes of the horn project through
the stump.
Rattlesnakes are numerous in
the upper Rogue river and Big
Batte sections. W. F. Wilkinson
killed a large one at his kitchen
door last week, and Mrs. Henry
Sutton a few days ago found one on
her bedroom floor, and her infant
was crawling toward it.
The Albany Democrat S3ys its
readers will remember a shooting
affair that occurred in Schmeer's
livery stable two or three years ago.
Charles Denny obtained a license
for his marriage with Miss Nellie
Smith, but she refused to marry
him at the time. They met at Mr.
Schmeer's where the shooting oc
curred. As a result Mr. Denny
was sentenced to the penitentiary
for a year. A few days ago another
license was issued by County Clerk
Need ham fr the marriage of the
same couple, and the wedding took
place July 5, at the home of II. J.
We learn that on Tuesday a lady
went to look for black berries,
north of town, says the McMin
ville Transcript. She met three
boys, one of them a young mar,
and not knowing the exact loca
tion of the berries the lady asked
them if they could tell her where
they were. The young man told
her he knew where they were and
started to guide her, and when
some distance from the boys, as
saulted her with criminal intent.
She fought him off until he be
came frightened and left. It is a
pretty pass when a lady dare not
venture away from her door with
out a body guard, and that in a
christian community. The lady
assaulted says she would be able
to recognize her assailant if t-he
can see. him, in such event the
young ruffian had best have his
hide insured
sanctified, not a temple of the Ifnly
Ghnst, or that he cannot please
(ji'd, or cannot erow in graee.
I dislike your saying that one
saved from sin needs nothing more
than lonking to Jecus, n-eds not to
hear or think of any thing eNe; b
Sieve. be!ive, is enough; that In
nveds no -self-exaiiiiuatio'i, no
times of private prayer; needs not
mind little or outward things; and
that he cannot be taught by any
person who is not in the same j
state. j
' I dislike your affirming that jus-!
tiffed persons in general persecute ;
them that are saved from sin, and j
that they have persecuted you on !
this account. I
The Wllliolt Miuiif HiUI 1 .1.
OitEuov t'irt- July 1 i Wo ii ;
j was hrutight to town this evening 1
' that the outgoing Wiihoit st;u:e wi-.
held up by two highwaymen ;it the
Howuid hill, about nine n.iies IVum j
this city, at 11 o'clock this morn
iiij. Henry MaSloon, the driver,
; 1111U one
i said to ha ve hei-11 about jmU. The!
! rooberj are de.-ei ihrd 11s one short, j
heavy-set fellow, and one taller j
lii:lii, hniil weaiing woi kingiueii'w
clothes, :i:r.l l aving their f.ices t
envend with white nui.-ks. The
inciimiiig etagu had passed that. hill 1") minutes before, h'.il it
had time pii"sent;ers, two of hom '
had heen mi', hunting and hud
shot guns in plui;i sight, which is,
thought to have prevented a repeti
tion of the recent Ager-Klam illi j
Falls double xohherv.
Jllsscd t!ic lluUuu!, Hit I lie U'ir. j
AsToirtA, July 15. Mrs. Thomas I
Ecchs, wife of a farmer residing
near Vesper, this county, was bhoi I
Saturdav afternoon b-- Thomas!
- 1
Hopkins. The shooting grew out
Binders, Mowers, Hakes, Extras.
t.'.t 1
. PC .
) 1
.. .r,
i hi,
.5. fW
.Mcm:ij.i.. itc.uj-i,
to thi:
un 1 1 111: rii.iii or
i liliUT I.MON
:'i!l!!) I'.U 111'.
Eincling Twinoc.
You'll save money if von pureha-e tin - faU
..'it ULiO
I ( W I A rtn T Al t,
Frazer & Caitron, Monn-onl h.
Alexander-Oo'oper Prng- Go SAn n,.hcisco.
(K '.CAN
1 .
..Hilt .1
, .1. I. !"
1 ivf;: i:e.
Slut ion erv,
IVints, '
A.'ivnvs uim to please and kt
, .,r O..MI.I.I ni-nn f....Ir V ..I.wl
2. As to your spirit, I like vour' , , , , 1
- - i ,.,,n I,....,.,-. r,f.ll ..,.,1 I.....'......
1 . 1 1 . .1 uaoiio iiaiiui: uviuncu if-ni f :- i
cotifnlence in dod and your zeal j 1 0
for the salvation of souls.
I dislike something which
the appearance of pride, of over-
. 0
V". .--
IIuIiIht ( i in til ,
S i ! 1 ! 1 it r.
1'iitent Mediritien
-'CtC, Kte.
nil 1 I:. II, Arut-
l:, luilii 1.1I. i,r,, I I,
i i-r I11I1 iU i,,i 1
Si. O, I oi l I
i.f 1.111I11 '
: w ii. t,t u i t in,
! ii II, I u Afrtil,
r,, (i.
j .
Tha Voekly Crcgonian EO eta a Year. ; olio
Tin remihir ntihfcri fttiloii iricp dftliftKs-'
i 'i:i'KiK ttlJt ttu dthf rt i-nlur iiilrripti'Mi
I rif( if i'h Ai't-Kly nrvj.M mil Is tJl-i AIM
; wlioHitliMTilx fr liie Ktt(r'ti- una m.y ons i
year In Mdvtu.n! fun f(('t Hi) J,riii'tprir'
uinl th; Vf'k!y 4'n'-inlan iir ,v-ar lor t -hi.
i; Atlld Mti ImorlbfTH puyiut; I h-. Ir Hiilir rlpt Ititi
j for onp yt".ir in ad vhii'w will he entllU U u i
1 the Kum; oiler.
tiie men. Saturdav JCcclcs sent word
. I to Hopkins to come and take one of
line cauieoui 01 ni.s iwivh ) p is-
t,,,. HM,,. ,.toL-.wr ,..n tl.r
1 1 ') 1 - IUM 1 1 UU lirccnV 111.' 'IUIII 111
t'fl ninir rn rmi r n tiff 11 twlftrrii 1 11 1 1 inr 0
otherp, particularly 1 tie preacluTS, r 1 . . .
A , ,i i. a ' ll Jt:it Willi il Illlf. i I'l'i ' ilv" 1 1 1 i i I I I I
tliinking ?:ot only thev an; I'hnd , , , , . A ; w
i . 4, . . - f, , ' Lcclen, he drew a bt-nd on Iinu, but?
and that tljey are not fcent of God, ,
Illlf. IMflt. th(V fll'c lnrl r I i:t r f ' J l J
, r, , , . . i the r-hooter pull'-d the trifr, and' P"
tn I .aI nrw tvalL-trirr in hi uni ii ' a : 1"
iv uii nomine iii, I") . . , . .
,, " ! the bull struck Mr, hccles on
' ".,.. "i forehe.'id. The wound is not Rerioux.
you another; that they have no M
life in them, your speuking of j'our-
selves as though you were the only I
men who Knew ami taught the
Go&pel; and as if not only all clergy,
but all the Methodists beside?,
were in utter darknesn
I dislike something that has the
appearance of enthusiasm: over
valuing feeling and inward iin
prceidons; mistaking the mere
work of imagination for the voice
of the Spirit; accepting the means,
and undervaluing reason, knowl
edge ai,d wisdom in general.
I dislike something t'mt has the
appearance of antinomiauipm; not
magnifying the law and making it
honorable; not enough valuing
'ter'dernets of conscience and exact
watchfulness in order thereto; using
faith rather as contradistinguished
from holiness than as productive
But what I most dislike is your
littleness of love to your brethren;
your want of meeknes?, gentleness,
long-suffering; your impatience of
Carefully -:- Compounded
I lay or Nieht .
l T . CROW
yjiA. . . i I ...... w
TTi . i r. l t i .in i 1 l"""
H i I i T . ' M i Ih i II.I.M fulfil""
' 'C ' .' Va
y kc'-'"--Ii k iLr cn i..imiii.j--
' "-! i.'V.ij f,.ri.iiiii.Mti
tr .
f ft tin Bf
; I :'iln .Imiuw
wnl KtW
I.. film
r-UHi. mxip-
lu. nuifitl "
Dm I """
M 11 rii""
Maliiirit.'turi.r ol
Sash I
U.' f
ijji'rl K n iiHonulili! mill wm li nnaiioiti'i il
2 rT(Er3T-ia
) KiialBM "
" I'lurniluu.
'.'a uiMt iiiui'iritltirp, . ur work In Hi" ""ft
.!( C2AL-riL GftS ENGINE
(inly l'i ftii Ktiniluiionlttiary Kern
r ..( t i, I, H in ,im ii' , '1 ! I no
:fU t of ( iiiMtrmin- i-t .
i"-j''iii..iu. 4 , a .ir tiMt4.4UB,c.r uU),io
V ' .; ' V ,,. it- ( - - T 'V" ' i
Latest Forms
MWrnBM Legal Blanks.
mmmmm ah Kinds.
t 'ECU LA70r? fT 1
. , T ,, . ... 'contradiction, counting every man
David Landles, proprietor of the1 ... '
I r.- A-'r. .' :.-r
IJoadrr, tild you ever take Muimoxs
Li.n.H Hr.uviATon, the "Kino op
Livj " I;::;:cixi-:; V Kverybody nectln
i.-.!i3 a liver remedy. It it a bluf'tr'th or
dir.jaxiJ iiv-r that impairs oigc:;tion
a-.'1, c '.uses constipation, when the wato
Ma; siiouia Do camect otr rema:ns in
Marshfjeld dye works, while tem
porarily insane, attempted suicide
by stabbing himself with a pocket
knife in be abdomen last week.
He inflicted a dangerous wound.
I'ettv thieves have been operat
ing about St. Helens of late. Dur
monishes you in love; your bigotry
and narrowness of spirit, loving in
manner only those that love yon;
censoriousness, proneness to think
hard of all that do not earnestly
agree with you; in one word your
I M.
in -uoay ana po.KOis tiie wnoie system, i
that C-ull, heavy feeiincr is due to a !
torjiitl liver. Biliousness, Headache, I J
Ma'aria and Indicc-sUon are all liver
diseases. Keep tl;o liver active bv an i
cxca" o:ml do'of Simmons Liver licg- :
n'r.t ir cn-1 you'll pet rid of these trou- J
l)i-s, and five tono to the whole eys-.
tern. l'.,r a laxative Simmons Liver !
Hnjrtil-.tnr il BETTEa TIIAX PILL3. It ! J
doc a no; rj.-i;., nor weaken, but greatly j
refn sin 3 and sirengthens. i
KKLLKY ct I!()V, I',-.,,,.
Hiiiriniirn lo A. W. IHN-kNimili-r.
i'.ic"!ary and Marino Engines
n..7 Kni nr.. Ham Euahi ihx
f$m$, At
flood turnouts for Commercial men
Ilorwn hoarded liy lh.. ,.,.(( r month.
divisive sniriL Indeed. I do not.
. , . i - 1 .t.-iv iit Kat- nan i iie jiea f,
ingtne rast weeK ft numDer oi ar-
j J 6 Zeii:a&Co.,I'I:il;Mleiphia. 1
Goff and Goff.
Wo are pn-parfd to do drene
iiiakinit in the Iati-nl elvlc". and
(fiiaranti-e ratisfaction. roiiiit
wrvioe and n-afoimhle chariot.
Dress Ciitting and Kit ting-.
Cor. Railroad and I) Kts.
Ev. ry acka(? lia (he Jfed Z Z!"
Made or repaired on tihort
li'itii-p, ami ut IowcmI jKiit
tiibli priccg
-:Jobwork Neatly Done :-
Hii..lii.K f,,r WHoiiuiukiTH
kept roiihtuiitl y on IihihI.
II. L. FOKIJ, Prop.
Over Thou. FmnHI ..hop,
Estes St Elkins,
City Draymen
All kinds of Haulingr
in or out of the city
I'romjitly attondod to.
Ch arteft reasonable.
(Jet yourlill
tainted at th
officii, and gt
the best work. Voti will tb be
rnahe to swure the Ix-nt rwult
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