Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 18, 1895, Image 3

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    LOHJ OURTAINS, 13311 rpyVIJR, 75 CENTS,
mm cwvmi MB MV M
Our Stock is Now Complete in
-r x ... 1 em
Boota and Stioos.
please Pass the Hat-
If it does not pleas you,
and como
please Pass the Hat
That is out of stylo and sold down
to closo out u dead stock,
please Pass the Hat
You know by experience will soon
grow shnbby.and select one of those
Nobby, Stylish, Modern Headgears
by com. no
297 Commercials Salem, Oregon
gCdUUIUI u-r l Ww.w -
TPlno Very jsoq-&oi x-a
1,Iih' Tlm Table.
t "
I "
I 10 P
tt "
Mm iiimuIH
1 l III.
lrl '
; It in.
tut "
1 1 It I-1 '
ttt At . l.
I . Ml.
... "
tut -
' WlMttl.tlllt
. IU..I IM.
' i; i. lit i
I s W "
i "
: 4 "
i li
ti "
ill n-i ' 1'Ji.'IJS!-W niny fl
full miM-k of H.ih. Poors. Moulding",
(,l,t. Ftc f.T.yTiirniiii a (-(.fiul i v
at Milrliell A IhdiuiHimiV, Main "trod
Items of Local Nevs.
,.oiMii: iMiciarnmv.
In '
tli u -
. I..-I...
CVV .V V - '
'.''." . -. l.i..- til
f . iM :.' I " .. ...... ittttrrn I
I r ,7 .....7. .... i Hi"i i hi-
V-,! . ' V . A.KUAMHH
iPiriMaacif. oi. wood-ats'
ot iuk world-
l-lnrt .".I Third Tur..l..y rv. i.liC
.....i. Krll...H''-
V 1.1,1,.! B H-Mdlll!.- ..,hH..t.r.
T, A. n
la I', "Mit '. C 'u.
O. A. Kramer. Jeweler.
TIim rlvvr U now ut a viry low
It No. it
A. I'. A.
, ll i..vili
1UU, rv
o i.'.mt rt.i:i:
lll.fl irnv." .. I.vll,tll
li. r i i v-m I.uiiu ll k.
I -I. ii'lilllH Mll'l
... imi.i til l t--ni
i Mii.-e iivor i
, i I M
M., -'ulluw frinltv iiioilUal collt-r
r i ui-rrciiiiM.M. i.-oKni
Montmmtli Mtwl, li..l-l-i-.....
"i." i i ' v 11 i KS 1 1 ' K N T
Dr. M
Kir-t mi.l iiini uili
liiilH.tnli'iu- Nniii'i'"! in -K-
mv a SMITH. -ATroUNKY-
N.tloti.l IlHiik. liiil.''t'"'1, "tu' ur'
Hiuiiir 1
All lln..lHl in HuUj limfllllH rullUMl UT
1 lit-rw w no ti'iiiull iiiofl'niK Tui-it
IHV llltflll.
I .... ii. III lln. bark I'llil of
C'liHlfi lUT l!r. liHini.
Mlw Jrll lllllmlllM'll, if YuiuhlH
i:xirHitltiiiiit tlifCliy UihIuiuhiiI
mm. AUii)'" trmii on Hinuu.
Kkinvnt inn work wiw U-kuii uii-IIih
niiM ..f iliu Hrf hr.i;k ul'H-U Jwiunluy f
J-'ruju-r A futtroii Imvo llicexdimlvf
M.U- ..Hi.U.f n liiii.U ruii'l iiitnu-rfX-
Hit-. ,lil!llll lUlll
.!r. Nlii (iwvin n-luriu'il 1 e
riu'tur.ln.V li"'i. Il.uvrl..ii T,rl itl.f
i In.. Ut n urI in M'iutlvt.
I t . .. ...i. i.... ti...
fJIY-Ki AN ; .rl!.. lit '""
ai.ii.lK'.r W. 11. lUl.-.v.
V.. 1 tiiici'i'Mn
Jjf. 1 lilllir. " - . !
,! l-oiif li'Ti'iituu-.l ! tr.
j..ri!;:- .Muuiiiniilli.
A ri.H rlMit.-itt "'t-'',,.lfl Mau-1,1-ii...l.-.
i- ". UM.ImlUil KU.iri.ii
v,U..vvo F.K t
l'.f i'. A. lliivi-i l.-rtlii ieSiiturdiiv
r.iil.L'OH " ..tla'
ri.l.ui.i'-l'"""l"a,1' ',l"v,'"", 11
llieDuia villu Hop (itow.-r. A
t.ll,l...vl-iUcl.l a l-.v "Mi,., ii.mii.
Vl)ll. ., ,.y ao c-.iu .. ri...x i I'H-k
i liln vritr.
. ... I. .ll.i.u.rm
1,,,,,'t U-t jour
HiiinkxA l.ut ..U ... U.o tliy
UUMiii.wlHToyiHicuu got ut. vxlra
I IllClil.
ot ut I'livt-low Ii l1"'"
t,y Cl..lf.ll'l I'"-""-
I t only U-HI Tini"-
Dr. Kplry, di-ntlHt. Moiiiimiitli.
Thuro wuii HtmiitlMliiK at HiIn I'l'"'
NVviIik-mIuv uru-riiiHiii.
FrBXi-r A ( Hltron w-ll (Mover I.eur
tiluilliiK itvltii?. Muiiuiuulli.'i-iil furmiTit In thin vliilnlly mis
Ui-Kliinlit to Imrvi-nt tlmlr full ouU.
If you iimmI a ciK.k tove buy tlio
"HiiMtrlor," tlio wry wt. I'. J'-
CIlUlllU'lH, HdU' flK'Mlt.
i:. T. Ih-iikl.' Im uttt'iidliii; tlio A. O.
V. V. uriin.1 IoiIbh ut rortliinit un
WM-k in. ii .U'U-Kiito from Hie linU''iil-
tiuii IimIkis
Milken .uro bloo l. TlifHO Hir' orl
U'll tliii wlutlf tory ol the woiiucriiii
riiri-M liv IIihnI'k HHI'HUIllll'iUll. It ! the
l.-t Wood i.iliilli!rii!iriiH, liu-dirnio.
Home of tlio iniitt-rlul In on tin-
ground for Iho fiiuii.liiilim of tlic new
lirl.-k l.l.M-k, und tlm mioMiii" "
m.-iuvd prcpiirlnt? tli mortar Wedm-H-duy
KvtiiiKi'llHt Hon CMitiniicn to dmw
rowd.-d midli'iioen ut tlm CHKr.'ittt-
llonul churcli. We uiKl'-miitnn inn
(liofvnKi'llt U wukenliiK coiiHidt-r-ubto
ri-ll?liu fiidln.
Mr Hiinih rmitlnnn und Mm. H. 1.
JrllrcvH, of Orviilltri. w. r.'ln huh rnj
Moiiduv on llic-ir wny ti Klikrfnii
... .1 .
Wll.Ttf tlll-y Will VlHlt R'lllllWI, llll-
fMliilllcNof Jud Itlircll ttlid Jui-ob J.
lliinli. ,
Ttiu I'u.VHllup i-l'.li-iiH miy Hint
opinion, dlir.-r radlciilly n m H "-
Ion of f.Ttlllliiir lion ii'i'W '"
iiioii.' T coliliii'l Unit hI-
ll......rl. If ..rtullll-l-M A rank vino Ii lin-
,....,K.. ,
purl milinoli Ihivor to Hie liojm.
Ttt iiioU'Kit'd M mil.' bli-yide raw
for ttiu tlnm nil-did wiih run nt Siil. ni
i.'...i ,1... ..v.. nil... Ink- 11. Ii.'ttt'.t -n
(HUM' "..ii; ' ri ' V 1
Watt Shlii iind l'nul lluiiwu. hli!i
won In lK:tM, by twoii-lV li-nclli-,
ilm litMl iuurtv-r U-lon doim in 'M
H'U miiIm.
!(., II K-liiikwi--lit. the newly
1-I.-.-I.-.I prcttldli'K flur f.r iIiIm ilNtrln.
of Portland, will pwiu-li in tin KvanV
Ili-iiU'liurcli, of Moniii.iulli. next Htr.i
dav t-vi-nliii,' at ! m .i"
.-ondm-t tli t.'ulr iuartoily com-
iniinlon. Ail nrt liivl'i'l.
J. dm V. Ali-xiindi-r, of Ciinii-ro-i,
Mliwotirl. nriiv-d In IhNHlv last l-'ii-duv
llu Ii h (-oiihIii of J H. Ali-xaii-,."r,
of tlil-il.v. "! i ii''r
roliiiliy fur Hit- Hixt tl" Mr. AU-x-nud.
r niny fofi-ludf !o
tV li.VlIi'U'--
Mu.-.iiii. riH-.-i.ii
i. W. Iti.M.Ht. M. i- t .
...,. frill? T(M
Hlmv.nnMid ll.ilr-PiittlnK- work. FJL "'"'"f, . uir.H-t
loo Cream and Veav.Uvn at (lotf.-lltr
Dr. K.liy, the dentlHt, Buarantw-i
nil bin work.
Mini D-ll llolmuiion returned to
Yuiilna bay Turlay.
Dr. K.liy, tlm doiitlnt, Jloniuoiiin,
dot- crow u and bridge work.
(Julte a iiumbt-r of ouroltionii vl-iU'd
lliti bl eiK-u ut Kalem Tuwlay.
Jloo-I'i I'illi liavo won liitfli praim) for
tl.iirj.roi.ii.tand i-IIltlciit yet f.iy ac
tlori. ( 5
Tlio dfiuanil for wild black U-rrli-i i
(router tluiii tliu HU.ply lu thU v.
(let jour bread lit tlio Hon Hon.
They receive it freitli from Balein every
day. '
We undiMHtand that Mr. (uiniuy'
Urn by Ihu Airllo llro wlllttiiroxiiiate
Mime -.vm
Tlm liav harvi-Ht In nbout ov. with
I ,,rli. I,..rv"i wlli lieuiu hi mi'
aeclion next wwk.
1'rof. A. F. Caiui.bcll and family, of
i.... ....... ill urit niHtlealiuiT over Ut
New port I hi week.
(i O.Htroni;, tlm baker, "Will deliver
bread in uny part of the city ugu.u,
. omiiieiielilK Monday.
A fit-Mil mill complete fctoek 'of the
l.-biated Cleveland paint junt re-
ceiveu. i'. i' i.iiiiiinii.111.
Mr. llehniek haa the lumber on the
groiiii.l for thoahed to the Indejiend
eneo Uoller Mills w areliou.M?..
tr. t P. lt.ildrtln returned homo
liixl week from Ntwkirk.O. T., heie
alio ha been visiting relative.
I. P. iilinoie and family left here
Monday morning for neveral week
outing on lUo c-ia-tt near hluInw n.iy.
()Uriie extrau ut Krazer A Catttou'. i
MonmttUtli, Or.
Menxra. .Srott &. itigg Imve 1 1 veil
Dmity &. Jtneke'a and bun. Strong's de
livery wiigmiu a mat renuiutilig und
Tmvelcm who decire good ui-conio
.lutioim always t'l at tin- Little
1'iilace hotel, whiio ill Iu'
Tlie best ro(.iujiud tho biwt nieul in
thu eity.
J. A.l'tolicrts ia atiM eugaged in the
i-.. i,,., It v IiiimIiuim at his old ftimd on
Main hireet. lie i piepured to do uny
Kind of work in I.: lino lth p.-oni:-ues
uu.l diitpateli.
J. . Til u died at hi lionie in
Stuyton, June II. II was n native
ili. j.-oniati, aged il y. ars, and had teen
engaged in tin livery budita-ss iu Stay
ton lor eighteen year.
Anna Vaughn, ag. d 12 years, was
shot und feverely wounded by her 14
If you want a paper o.
cent, go to the Ituket Htor.
V. Jl. Luwler, the leading mining
..nerutor of the Haiitlum milling district,
Ih visiting relutlves ill till vlcliilly.
K. A. Thorp returned home lust Hut- j
urday from III Kouthern Oregon pro
e-tlng trip. Ho says tlial acureuj- ... j
water renders proHi'itlng Imprattic- ;
uhle t till seam of the year.
Polk county baa fcomo fairly good
trotters and pawrs, the Iiioki noiaine
being J. K. Kiiklainl's pacer, Little
Maid, time 2:1S, und the Ioiiow.iik
trotters: Hmlie is., lime i. .,"v..
I.v W. O. NeHinilh! ltlekreall, time,
':2(). owned by Mark llareh; Llllie Mc
Carthy, time 2::W, owned by Jolm
K. (J. Heath returned to till city
lajt Monday from the Huntiam mining
region, where lie has beeu doing some
t.r.wtiectinir. He brought home with
him several H.-ccimeu of gold diift
.. . 'T'f-'--?r"rrTzSJLv-ii'-'j--" ;(
; iucks ior ' j t
m i-1 i i'
Is the place to buy your
footwear if you -would
We know our prices are lower than
ot any other lace in the county, and
our choesara just as good.
I. ai.ho
Good Man Gone.
In 1W2 Mieajah and Jane Morrison
,... f this country ami Hrt lived ut
which he obtained from plaeers along j j,,. t!i,. ear Whentlaiid and later
the river. Mr. Ileatli 1 oi ine in
Hut he found ground Hint will W ''
tit-ing the bydraiilic methoil.
Tire ct Air)i6. Tlie new reaches u
that a dirtuHlnm lire .a-curred at Air'.ie,
lliesoutlieru lermlnns of the narrow
.r,.:1.m railroad. Into TueMlay afternoon.
The fne originated in AbramQ'ilnihy'
i...-,i.i..iir ..-lii-Ulv coiisuniiiig the
BII'IC .... . .... ..ft, . v
l.uiidingund atl.0 i,f B'""ls-
Mr. (Juimliy hud only recently pur
chased the store from Hasting Bros.
We do not know wheth.r there was
nny insurance or not. The depot
building also caught tire and was
.iiirned to the ground, only tho orliee
paper were saveu. nec.i..
building caught from Hie burning
cinder, but. no bcriou uumage was
f-ince pulling the above in type our
Airlie corre.-poiidfiit fceifls u the fol
low ing particulars:
T!ie lire was tir.Ht noticed in the roof
of the store building where the stove-1
miie throimh. but burneu
upon the Luckiutuuie. mu m i"
yt ars at Dallaa. For many .nonth lie
h,;s iH-eii on a gradtwldecline and passeil
away Monday, u post mortem exami
..ution r-howiug that u!l the cloctoia
were mistaken a to hi ailments.
Urother 15. F. Mulluy coinlucte-1 his
fui-erul trom the Christian church
vv.uiii(mduv afternoon and they laid
him away in the Odd Fellows' burial
We made our lionie
A Jb
Latent gunie.
und for a short lime.
It. II. Wilcox and M.
'. mit-d bv llieir
,,,., Tuesday morning f..r uu outing
,.v..r..n the Nestuewi U It. M. Wal
thing yu i"'"1
lhirdware line, thu
earrl.s iverylhing
, in ed ,
j .ni(,l,,0H,,n,,rl-ta.ljoininglb'Po
UdMcels Ulngll'led up for Mr. A.leoN
' .... 'n..,. Mr. lh.k.-r will also. .c-
r'l.Hvinif 1H'. 1 ! ........ ..i.t't of liie buthiiug for HI i
1 ui i
P. Ihddwlu,
laiikUUx. left
for any-
the Vehicle anil
only lions ? I hat
that tho farmer
Imrlirr. Sneces-or to W.AA an. NoH '
To .-hairs, rliavinif
i. . . .... -I...., .lotlce-
nitr.ors inin.ii r..... . ,...i,u.,,
.i.H.r to First National nana, i- -
Kriwobath tulH.- no tclious waiting
locate here if pleased Willi I lie touuio .
The West Ni.le Trs.liug company o(
nix citv Ust Saturday Hied ineorpor
lion artieliswith I he . ereUr of the
.date to deal in merchaiidi.- and farm
product; capital, .Vi.lHKI; Still shares of
tltH) each; Incorporator, J. M. Van-
i i.' M,ili. J. A. Veupss. J. H.
'ti ir Wilcox and U. O. vi-ur-old brother near Eugene on Tucs-
aZ'U. ' '.y evening. The lad claim that t he
Messrs. F. M. Ilrown and L. A. jlns.tiug was acvideutal.
Ihiiley, from Hurley, S. I) , arrived in .uiiu-rn Oregon Peache at Clod
this city Halurday. They have come MU,rBlM.
West for the purpose ol -einiauei.... njrs. II . H. Wilcox and Mr. M.
loeatlsig, but will visit dl.T.-ront sec- Lj ,awlu !inived home last week 1'ionr
tiou or tho country Uetore sen i.i'i, i. oklumm territory whcie
down to business. They left here Mon-J . ,mvo Uvl, vWiiug tehitivi lor
day afternoon fori illainook, Hill e.. lllt;ht 11011th or six weeks,
pect to return to the valley ugain lu a Uw
few day. ( jji,!! tt fj.v mile north of here,
Mr. and Mr, (leorgo V. WebU-rnn.. M ,hat ,lc. hus (u.d of grain Hint
their son Ward, arrived in th a city sUuu,8 llV4,r sis f-t from ihe roots up.
Tuesday evening Irom (Sold Hill, nner ,ho bui,,.g v.u.:,
rt ttbuenee of some thirteen months. u ,Klj ut r m.arv ,,ie fkt.
Mr. WVbber says that cr,.,,sare poor in ini ()
...,.li..i-nO!Vixo..,andlhe M-atelty ol . ,..,.
water has cut the mining sous..,, mo,, - , ,
Hu say .hut a l.umUerol o n peac. ..- ., Mr
.hanls ate being dug -ne Mt
" "eu '"' ' ; ' ,. dedicating a new church there.
r,,nk Carlson, of C. K 8JJ; wJug L,)Ilslsi!ing of W. O
lou-gl.nj crew, was l ot: ; i ! Cook a-ui fan ilv, H. It. Patterson and
WiUametteatn, as M
Ue ami some :f his c . a nio n , . t(,
" he X zz - -
H1"' "U . 1, lie went Tho J. F. O'Donnell Company have
on 111 nice " " - ,..1f,1,..,.i, and
rLI I I ili u HUt 1" "
hboe shop
Cash paid for poultry and
t the Mar (lror-r;.
Mrs. V
rapidly that there was no show to save
ihe building, and in a very short time
the store building ami the railroad de
pot were in ashes. Perhaps one-third,
Koine think one liaif of the goods were
saved. Mr. Quimby, who recently
iiurciiased the store, had juft moved in
a day or two before, ami the loss falls
quite. 'heavily on him, a there was no
insurance either on llie miliums
i-ooils. The depot was perhaps insured
und most everything wa gotten out.
Etrsyet:. A large red and white
....iiH.I n-.ilch cow, marktd with u crop.
split and undernit in the right ear.
reasonable rcwurd win ue pain io.
foiination leading to the recovery ol
said cow. S. K. Ckowlky,
Monmouth, Or.
Eo? C02tractl -In tho office of the
county clerk yesterday the following
l.on contracts were filed, me pauy oi
the second part in each instance being Nel& t'o.: at. Vi. umau, ...
Aurora, COW p-ninds at 7fJ ccuts; Mrs.
Natalia (Jnenwold and Joan ureeu-w-ol.l,
of Aurora, T.O(K) pound nt 7!j
cents; Leonard Will, of Aurora, 7,0110
poui.tsal8 cents; S. W. Jones, of
IriM.Us, 3)00i) pound at 8 cents;
Charles Kulschi, of W.Mi.ll.urn, 13,000
i .,r S .eiits: uud Scbastain
Aiclier, of vVoodburn, l.";,0 )0 pounds ut
Scents. Delivery l to bo made not
later than October 10th and in some
leases t he 10th. Advancesof 4 ami o
cents uro to be made as picking money.
.... . . . e. l.....r
tlio naif of 'Cage lorris.... .u.
a rear, uud know whereof we spcaK in
a-seiliug liiat in genuine Christian
manhood lie wa far above the average
church memlK-r. He was not a
demonstrative man. nor it.clir.ed to
make himself conspicuous in anything,
but when it came to doing hia part in
uny good cause be was always mere. ,
Sl.ams of all kinds, and especially Tt
Ihsious, lie detested. In short, he was
..neoftiod's noblemen, pure as gold in
true manhood Only hi most inti
mate liieii'! ever lealizcl bis true
worth. His brother, liarney, live
,i. ,. Yitdiiimi buy. Thomas in
l-Zasteru Washington, and their s.sier,
Mrs. Mary Hlielton, in Eastern Oregon.
Mrv. Morrison. In other, Jeff MiHer,
ihnir aister. Mrs. D. M. Ilcwitl,
livo bevond rdouuiouth. Dallas
E. T. Hankie, a banker of Inde
lemleiire, is at the St Charles.
Portland Sun.
Mw, H. L. Irvine, of this city, is
visiting thin week with Iier Bon, Mr.
J. 1. Irvine, in McMinnville.
0. G. Campbell is ab!e to be about
tho Ftreets again, but lie is still
limping from tho efl'ects of a
sprained aukle,
John Clankensl.ip picked up half
a dozen fine water agates while over
at Newport beach last week. lie
I refused $4 for oue of the specimens.
The mid-July number of the
Rural Northwest is devoted exclu
sively to prune culture. There , is
a number of very timely articles in
the current number.
John Ilaycraft, an indu-tnous
vountr farmer of Washington
county, was drowned near Forest
Urove last buiulay while bathing
iu the laulatm river.
A lively game of ball was played
between the, Je!Ferm and Inde
pendence baseball nins at Tal
mage Park last Sunday. The score
stood Independence 20; Jefferson
SIMPSON. At Airiie, Oregon, July
13, 1S',I5, io Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
fciinipsun, u dan-.rhter
HAVKINS. In indepamlence. Or.,
July 17, 1893, to Mr. and Mrs. O. L
Hawkins, a son, weight 0 pounds.
Oregon has 27,870 ucres planted
to primes..
Mrs. V. W. Lines is dangerously
ill with cancor of the breast.
Mrs. JL Davidson is improving
quite rapidly and will soon be
good health again.
Mr, and Mrs. E. T. Smith have
...,,.nn.l home from U ?ir outing in
the Cascades. They had a pleas-
'ant trip.
A teacher
summer school will
begin at Gearliurls ram- ica.
Onlv first class
.U.ll.u..,. . " - .
teachers are einploved and
.,.,... ennrse will eotisis
1 instincliou in literature,
and art.
Several new hop houses are go
ing up in this vicinity. The hop
growers, while not expecting fancy
prices, feel confident the price of
hops will he as good this year as it
was latt.
Mr. O. C. Cooper and family re-
j i' :il .-. A.4ltia
Uimed lroiu Mcwinnviue iucw'i
day and are visiting with relatives
here. Mr. Cooper's home is in
Montana, and lie represents his
county in the "state senate.
Mr. Levi Jones, of this city, has
he r.m met or putting up a 40
barrel roller mill on Pudding river
in the southern part of Howell's
prairie. Jlr. Jones will also op
erate the mill after it is constructed.
Prof. T. J. Jackson, principal of
he Asloria public schools, is yisit
ina in this city. Mr. Jackson was
...rmerly a teacher in tne inae
jendence public schools, haying
anahi. here during the last year of
Prof. V. L. JlcAdams' principal
ship. Jlrs. JI. JL Barlow, the eldest
laughter of General Joseph Lane,
diorfnt the residence of her son, A.
.T Harlow, at Gold Hill, Tuesday
mormnff. airs.
Lots of It
Eat all yu can,
and what
you can't eat you can can.
Ma,- l-'niit - I-
i in .ill size?.
u.. imv ftfl now; we Ktir -
The fino-t H r KU"J
. I)e.-ora ted Glassware
ever offered in HS" city
MW being b-v
Don't purchase cheap out-of-date
re h. v'
.a .i. i. t nd new-
can ge "
t for tho
aame price at
. . i r...... ...r..f it I ..... i.i
.lnwn and came io u.e ru.....D , ...
Biruggledfor a few minutes and sank j Tin ware.
out of audit. 11 is body was recovered by u is reported
P...I. Hornliuckle, an exp. rt diver, nn. r
it hud lieen lu the water some twenty
. ii v Th-irn returned home
Saturday from a vUit among n-l..tive-1..
Kouthern IteiiK.n county. He was
ucoompanied by his ife, Mrs. Tliarp
n-malningfora more exieu.ieu m.-.u
Mr. Tharp says that the ouu.h.k
(rood crops Is very Haltering this year.
He saw several lleiu oi ne.ii n.., ...
his opinion, will nvorage forty bushels
... .. ...... Mr. Tharo is one of Polk
that fish are being
killed in the tsuitiaui river by means
of giant powder., The citizen along
the river complain of this criminal way
of killing lb-h, and IVel entitled to im:
munity from such pruciiccs. j
Peache at Clod feller P.fos., freli
from tho growers iu Southern Oregon
M.-s-rs. Joliu ami r.pu iou..s.
rived homo Monday from a iwo week's
outing on lheUpperMackin.:e. They
report upl.-nsant time, having caught
a number of line trout und killed some
large game, among. Ihem a inouutaiii
Our shoemakers wish to announce
that owing to the price or sole leather
! coming up they will now have to
Li.r. M trills ami ffl.Cll for soleiug
i men- boots and shoes und Co cents t..r
j women's shots. The former prices
i w.ere 75, 85 uud 50 cents respectively,
i It M..Vade & Co. have tho i-e'.e-1
braled Uain farm wagous.
Charlie Stasis, agent at this J.laCJ
iho Altoua Traiispoiiauou
... tl,.. ...-re Mr. Uiarpis
. r..t's pifictical ami suceesitiui
farmers, uud lie says that 00 cents n
bushel ought to make good times iu
this country.
Tlie McMinnville Transcript evi
dently has got it biistks up,, judging
from the following: "The Transcript
U the possessor of a a (). K'd bill for
f 1.50 that it will dispose of very reason
ubly say Scent wolth of gum or S
i-euts worm of tally. It i on a troupe
bilks that style themselves
ril. . .. .
tit.. ').. K. T. MH-ClallV a- j m-j
were here last
dead lieat raek
um u.e, - . I ..,,, ,, the AUoua
inori ing ea. , .... ull,,iii. xir a. Yldle. an iuduslnou far-
,K uiul ,oey " " 1 "v. . . , J .flew.... while laking
a 'Friday a,.d tried the pany. inform us that the Alto...
cket on everv one with undergoing r,paira uud the dr.
cntaeN winding Kag.e wilt .
.. !... . ln.l nil lite AttOUtt fH .lCUUie
inelil r-aiuroay -- - --
lortunate eio"K" in me nigms
till Ihrv i T....l..r aflerniMHi. was iHiiaim. ....a...
I ' khiii difcovcrta
w uo ruuutM i irnfti. - truckmen were
to zet hold of their baggage
pungled: Hie balauce
JaLt WUat's rieoded
Kxclaiins thousands of people who
have taken Hood's yarsaparllla at his j
st.,v..ii of tho year, and who havo noted j
tiiAksuwesi of the. medicine iu giving
theni relief from that tired feeling,
waning appetite and state of extreme
v-xluiustiou after the close confinement
of a long winter seusoi:. Ihe busy lime
attendant upon a large and presiiug
business during thespring months and
with vacation t hue ye some weeks dis
t ...t It is then that ti e building-up
lowers of Hood's Sarsapanlla are fully j says
appreciated. It seenn ncrf.tly
adapted to overcome inai prosuai.ou
juiised by change of seasou, climate or
life, and while it tones and sustains the
sU-!ii, It purines and vitalizes the
An Evidsnoa of Prosperity.
One of the best theimometers of the
Imsine atmosphere is iho slaieuient
of the IViimjlvitnia niilroad. lis
showing for the mouth of May, IS'J-'i,
.... it. earnings lnr
Ihe moiiCi over the earn ngs of May,
1SD4, of f 1,40!). 704, of w hich ?i-o,u.'
was 'lie increase iu the Kastem l ues,
and 523,5U5 the increase in the West
ern lines. It should le considered
that this gain of a million und a
liulfisonly about half the amount of
from Mav. to May, 1S04;
but, .f course, no one siipjKfrcs that we
are to the conditio" wliic-:i pre
vailed ju-t Ik-i.tb the panic. The fact
U lull ! tivourugeliieiit ll'at Hie
Peiin.vlvani i lim-s have done nearly a
millioii and a half more s ne
mouth limn Hey did io Hie same
mouth a Near ay... S. laelhintf like
half ofibU amount, or nbout lliree-
ouarters iM liui.ion " "
was six-id for lie .iil
How's This?
wfR.r One Hundred Dollars 't
ward for auv ease of tiatarrh that cau-
i.v 11,.11'a Catarrh Cure.
F I . C'IFiNEV & CO., Toledo, O
Ve 'the undersigned have known
F. J. Cheiiev for the last 15 years, aim
believe hinrperfectly honoraUe n. ah
business transactions and llimueiallj
..i.i.. .....m-i-v out any obligation mad.
w'lT&TKUAX. Wholesale Ih uirgists
Toledo. O. Wai.ims.;. Kixna-n
Mauvin, Wholesale Druggists, loa-ilo.
Halt's 'laiarrii Cure is taken inter
nally, acting oireetly upon the b . od
...a ,:......,. surfaces of the system.
fillet ltM"- . . -
iwi......,iMlsscnt live. Price .-e. pi.r
iKjiile. CoM hy all drugirist.
Rarlow is said to
Ill.O ...tig. .
have possessed many of the noble
traits that characterized her illus
trious father.
Bncklen'a Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruifes, Sores, uicer. .--a.u
Rlieuni. Fever ores, lenei,
Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns,
and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or nione? re
funded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale bv all druggists.
The Ideal Panacea.
James L, Francis,, Chicago,
I regard ur.Aviurt
coverv as an i'"-'ai i sua. . ..
Colds and lAintf w m' ..,
nd it in my familv for the last hve
vetirs to t!.o exclusion of physician's
'iiiv-eriptions or other pn-paruiious.
1 Mev Job- Bnrgiw. Keokuk, Iowa
.- .(.- ' I have been a ftluuster of the
IcihoaUt Kpiscn-al Church for oOvears
more, mid have never found anj
. I i,... m in-i eiicial. or that gave me such
ii.m-.Iv relief as nr. i.i.i
New IH
. ...:T.i..ul ...ii.rh
i-overv- ' rv iu u' --".- -
...ov . Trial Uottles Free at AnyDrug
TOcr. S-.'.y was stele, we gira iier Caitcala.
When ras a CUlld. she cri.Hl for CMloria.
ft'nen si b?cia Xtn. she cluns to C-AStorla.
When she had Chilrea.sho Svethem Cata.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
This summer jnt because a great
mary people think it's economy to
let their horses go without nets.
That's a mistake.
He'll do better work, be less nervous
and require less feed when protected
iron, insects. It's near the ed of
the season just when flies.bite haid-e-k
and Mick iihteM. Nets arc
M I..AV .it ' Co". -
I ro'r Pi.iie1 at
,, and ad pi i'vs U-
ii. i,-: iv sinali
.-. itl-', 'o'e at
t w . e
V. H. Craven Co.
I . .1.... Th.
-Svhere l, lrfM(. .r j.lU,r m, ..
ii ii i
Most Perfect Mde.
40 Yean the SUndaixL
Life and Fl J
, .1 If .w ' ow
Orr0"' 8"'cl',
. Heak:(
areweai. f-i led to locate the rascal
(?a7i paid for poultry and j"a
at the Star Grocery. ;
M. Ore-ol;iJ-