Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 18, 1895, Image 2

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    For all
kinds of Vegetables and Fresh Fruits leave your orders at the Star Gntmyi
She (!5nterj.uUu
Enterprise Publishing Co., Publishers
"j. T. VuKP. Kdltor.
J. B. MoRIS, llualnru Mummer
Orric at sunt main htkkkt.
CnUr4 l th ptolle at tn...nrtiii-.., o.
' ii.d-'i mull miur.
w Apple IVil.
President Curd well, of the Oregon
state board of hortioulluro, says
the Salem Statesman, received from
C. M. Hinkle, of Silverton, un
cummer nt Parker, rusticating in
the hay fields and drinking Luckia
mute water.
If some parties in our town
would follow the scriptures wherein
it says, "Judge not, Unit ye ho not
IS communication tj llie West more
(land (Klin.) Recorder, Key. J. S. Smith,
formerly res dent pastor of this eity,
writes from Byron, Cd., in reir..rd to
the Willamette valley us follows: "If
one it afraid of drouths and wants to jet
where they call father moss from the
tree and rock, raise hop and oat, cat
strawberries and cherries and drive; solution
through mud nine months ol the year, I
chu assure him the Willamette valley
will suit him." It occur to our iu:ud
that our good friend writes in a slightly
ironical vein. What he says about rais
ing hops and oatf, eating straw berihu
and cherries is not only complimentary
but true, hut that "driving through mud
insect, new to him, which was i ji,) ' t tey would probably lead
working on tho leaves ot tne appie. h happier Hie.
1 (J. T. IWthhy and family, ol
Monmouth, passed through here
last Friday enroute for the Wilhoil
Springs, to spend tho summer rus
ticating. A hack bad of voting people of
the Christian Kmieuvor Society of
your town attended Sunday school
Mid assisted us with the Kndeavor
Society hero last Sunday evening.
Wo are to have them come,
and hope they will come again.
Mrs. T.eck and Mrs. Haley and
daughter, of Monmouth, also Frank
and Ktlph lWthby, of Klkins,!
were visiting relatives here Sunday.:
Heaping has commenced. The
merry click of tho sickle can be!
heard early and late.
Not being familiar with the est
Dr. Taid well sent the pest to nf the California
11.50 VIM YKARi' 1 ., ,
1 'hoard, who is ktithonty ol the
wast on insects, in. Lardvveii
received a letter paying: 'The
inject you semi in is corythua
arcuoto, and commonly known as
the tmgie. This is found in the
Fast, but has not Ikhui front me as
...... . i ,
yet front any t aliiorniu orcnaru.
They belong to the kudo family as
tho aphis, and the Fame propor
tions of resin or whale-oil soap
will ho found an effective
check to them. IVstroy the dead
leaves in the fall and spray the
trees in the winter with a strong
solution of the aliove.''
lone- than hut. There are -I.UX)
ncres in wheat, t'.OO acres of which
have been damaged by grasshop
pers; '.HH) aorta will give good
half rroit and S..VX acres will
yield piobably TO to'i't hushrU to
Ihe nere. it is estimated that from
the present outlook the Conley
'fields will turn out a total of 70,
000 to 75,000 bushels of wheat this
Tbeti, A. U. reunion held at
F'ginwasii complete success. It
is estimated that fully .rtKK) people
were in attendance. Congressman
Fllis, Hon. ii. M. Irwin, Klder An
derson and other well-known pub
lic speakers were present to assist
in making the occasion n n.tnior
able gathering for Kastcrn Oregon.
Mr. Kndolph Spiing, of Sweet
Home, has given the land nlliee at
Oregon City a ease to think over.
Five yca" ago It" obtained a patent'
to 1 1 10 acres tinder the homestead
The Hop Lonte.
It would seem that another men
ace tm-atcus the hop grower in
the form of a little green worm
Beyond Description
tntcnao Sufforlna With Muacular
I hereby cert Ify that for seven yrr I
wu troubled with my knr. 1 d I"-
eiltlon ana
Itnltnimti but all
to no rHw,
Tho troublvkepi
rowing worse
and the Joints
Nirn toeatarir,
My knoetxHSUie
'almost stilt and
Jjvitucd me I
C T1. "V??WeeuM not rmt
iiine months of the year" is certain! v an which has appeared in the I'uvdlitip
overdrawn l icturo. a nnrtlonahle i.lav of valley hop field. The l uyalhm
the fancy, perhaps," but not Mrittiv in
Crops arc trood in this part of the; law. llo now make application
count r v. for caneellution of the patent, and
, . r , , , ! the pnvi.cge of hung over again
. ". . . i aiitl totug over tl.e jir.
came ... iron. Fasten. Oregon, ar- ( s . Ui(,,
Vi ft, .. ; tutfw I' Hn.reprovtiig up as re., tare.
" ' , .'I tv law. and he wa ted to do th
..raa.ey ii;aUi.r unw ,(. ,
a laimre in poruo. s i" .,,.... i,,....,.-. ,,,,,1 U.,,- i
is sai!;
immkUAWLl.i ., .
a tr l would have to 've my leg em
UtMl s the wla t.ccai:mit uiiemluf
able. IsuCvrvd twyond description. Kl
nstly, hearing of UohI's tsir.rlil I
onetudrd Ktrylt. Atler I had taken
n"'..oftl,, t fell much ; '''
tiiklisgst-ve.-al L.tlleseau irulhtulkjr say
1 am well,
My Knoo Haa neon Cured
and that I cnu walk sad go around s well
anv on of my iv'e. I " t53 rr 0,J
and work my farm, and my ability t do
so l ntlrlluiiO l tho tn'mlleul etteets of
Mood's llar.sperlll.. t ad l all V ho are
KftlluKHi -A llti rhi-uinnlfiM lu any form to j
take It.HHfe rlarMafa.llta." F.AHA Ms- I
KHUT. S'.romsburgh, NebraU. ,
i Mood's
"'j 11 llovvy
vallev hop field. i"e fuyamip. ,,rnons t.f I'matilia ";' ' il" ' 1,1 ' . "
"Ciii-'n ..f he Iti, inst'llit dc-ciilx-s 1 ' , , : hat w;. reuueil. ihis
acconl with the record of tho Wchfoitj
.weather clerk. However,
8aiith has so m
tOr.'gon that we
him tho eatinfaetlia of amttheiiialuhii:
Wcbfoot mud.
this insect and its habits asfol-i
un; v Hie crops are i.iu, 'm i , . , .. - i .,.,.
, . i . , i o i" ill" uim, kh in um 01 no
.Morrow eotintv tne s imrreis ami-.. , , ,, ,,
. s;rass noppers nav? tii-siro en niwv j
in.;iier "Tho hon worm which has Ikvu .i ,,.,.,. ,.'r iii, I.. S.i iluur's l..r Julv Prtsidont
any fine thunrs to Fay of j such a pest to California has made j ,.,,1 u)t XVeather. j Andrew has an interesting nrte'e
fee! inclined to i iduige) it advent in the Puyallnp valley j I.rrri E JoKKtt. jon how we paid ur natioi-td dibt.
A .,f ..ii...s,t...! ' qtile prevalent in w. ; 'President Atidreu ays that lot
.....t7t i
BesurctOBCt fUTQS !
HOODS. Wo-ve
H. V.- n:it.? ""V t bur. eny n uke.
,.r U
rs i4 w
U'v t unisvtl tho I'liiI'linK
liort -tofori' fftijiiftl I e y . J . A. KoWrt
as a fo:i:nl:T, wo wnill rt jt-t t fully
imiK t.iifi' t tlin jnil'lit' tlntt we tiro
prt'i'itml to ! kiiuls of wmnl
wink r.Mnlly I"ih' in tuc'i an cn
t!tl!islinii'iit, Mu ll a
, Tua recent visit of Daniel S. Iunont,
Voi.s van. Ihe worm is the
! ..iiue shade of green as the hop leaf
! has a black head and i three-quar
ters of an inch in length. The hop
secretary of war, to this coast is serious- la phis emulsion dix-s not seem to ,u,
r . - .... . i l I
)y agiuting the editorial mind of eevcral destroy it. J lv leal ujumi w mcit u I
Ill'KX.V VISTA. ; twenty-three years lginnirg Aug
I lHt lC,."i, tUi reduction el' ihe i I t
Th" hay is alanit all hauled in ; proceeded at the r:i:t of 1,0 t)t II
ami lots ol grain many rcaoy to .Mtinuaiiv, or ..mi.ihsi a noiou,
severm t
interest of President Clevelautl's third
term boom. If Mr. Cleveland were as
popular today as he was three years ago,
which he is not, lie could not be renom
inated, lunch loss re-elected. Nothing
giiort of an extraordinary political crisis ers shouiii! care
j. n. wiir.-inH
leading Pacitie coast pa,ers. Mr. Ii withjn j h trip to your town la.t week.
inont's vist is thought to be in the i ori, l,,.;),! .,., n,,, iirm.a-! .Ii!.r. of (iaston.
iffatecfrcs Andrew Xix. who has ; visitini: n ith J. l!. u iluatn.i u
investigated its habits very care- family.
fully, fears that it may become j Mi c,.iril stanlev ,., y,,
Iveryda--rousiiest in a lew more, ;Atkin, , Seio, visited v. -uii Miss
seasons. ... ,.ri..; I ,t u.L-
The Willamette vallev hop grow-j
. Khonid! carefully titrainst ' J. L. Coulee and Ira Nash raid
' .. ". - . i ;.iit. ;i.i..o.. .. .-;.!!, i..i M.,.i.
would cause the American peopio to the appearance t-l pest in uieir : int--.-v ,..-.v ....-v ........
.I.nri.lenttoathird term. Such ! ,:elus- 1,s 'I". ", ".-
, ,. their vines should lie
a er hu never yet arisen ... tho l.i-, dWermi n:4l ion am
tory ol llieconnirv, ami uie ngi.i j tihoubf not be allowed to gt a loot- ... .,,,,,. T,,,..,! iv
for such a' place, perhaps, has never ap j hold in this vallev, for in this mild i , ,
neared in America,. ..litics. Mr. j climate the prolific breeding habits , tJZlZj"Z
i a i tr r of the nsect would so.m develop it ",ur 'lU' 11 t,1Jrctl re I. si
Cleveland has ab.llty and forc-e of char-1 dan t. 0.r hop ! l"-i evening and were q.i.te
acter. but he is not a great leader: he is ... ,.,;n i, ...... 0tr,.l ' boisterous-, assisted by some ol our
for from luMii'j lh man of destin v who i .. ,,nc." if (lior irnnM iirrinri'n I own Iieopie.
u-t .!..?.;, ,.r,w fr. 1 i.,,.r..ii!!Z-')3 dont want siicii conduct to
mil w lilliiv ctvMi yi vcjMrijif vi ...v. ...v.. v "-(' ....... ...w . .
. I . ..!, n . ... "HU.- IIMICIO .....
i ... . i hu inif wmi'.'I
I growing countries are aliiicu u.
llo.tVO a
ilav, f i ,..) t an nout,
!?li!l n minute. This record
' beet! equaled in the World. And C j- j J
: during these twenty-three yea'- i , '3
ihel'nioi. was ifcoiistrucied, the!
:.-urre:icv oft.'io nation placed r,u u fTlO T
... i i . i". .... t :.. i Uh uuO C
1 ll .1 :itt: is, i, o. i i.i it- i ii u i.u in. s i
i and commerce and agriculture we:
i made nwra progress th:i has been . AT
made in thrve tjtmrlt rs of a celitil' y
that pr.c tded the war.
Leqai Dianas.-
o o o
Window Frames,
Door Frames,
building Brackets,
Mouldings, Etc.
lou-ht wi'hj Several from here attended that!
..:.,. r i . . . . . i
4 : money-making seiieuie, t!:e cntt.s,
Kvery Cause Itnt The ltlRht One.
Your headache: iou lav it to1
every cause but the
diges'ion. So few
Ala !: !
true one-:MU na?5.
people Know
what indigestion really is. Haid-i
lv knew thev h'tve it. Thecuto is fIfwr V f jt, j
llipans Tabtiles. A single
lyivi'.s r''ief. Ask vour ilfitiggisl.
United .States.
Thb revival of business is !uc to
atural causes, that is to enterprise and
Jhrif:, seeking out the clumut'ls of ti a le
bat offer the readiest returns and lnost
profitable results. Artificial cauees of!i-r
only temjiorary checks or produce only
rporadio impulses to the volume ol
bustnefs at largs. The Anierieao people j
are tod wide awake and energetic and
the country too diversified m its re
sources lor business to languish any
great length of time. The irrepressible
Yankee can not be suppressed. Each
weekly report of Uradstreet's shows a
Steady increase in the volume of bus
iness - throughout the conn try. The
revival of trade is more marked in the
East thau it ia in the West, but the
prospects are quite encouraging for
fairly . good times soon as wheat and
hops begin to move in the fall
Mr. L. C. Parker says that wiihin
a radiu of a mile of Dallas there
Our law-abiding citi
biting such matters
the wi.-e is st'.tlicicnt.
Mr. J. Lane, our new blacksmith,
word to
;.....,,.,.!,.!,. ,1 ,,.! .,11 ii,,. u . ,f
are 33,000 prune trees, mostly four VUn.hl WurU puaran'tee,!
years old. i at reasonable rates. Cmie ami see
Considerable hay is corning into ' him.
town. The hay crop this year is j , little girl of this vu i-ntv,
unusuallv large and the inarscti , i i i . . ., , i ,. ,,,ti
;.Olilfilt.4' IIVI IliUlIK I , tllll
a picnic; given bv the Cathoh'-
price ia hardly so good c
a; last.
Th latest rrfturus from the English
lections indicate that the Salisbury
government is more than holding its
own against the opposition. It is pretty
generally believed that the new ministry
will adopt a:, aggressive foreign policy,
and in view of the recent complications
between Ru-.sia and Japan a good deal
tl interest is centered in Mr. Salisbury
Asiatic policy. If the new ministry ha
any stomach for fighting, it would be an
easy matter to find pretext for war in
the present strained condition of the
Eastern question.
Our good friend Al Snyder, alwave
sanve and genial, is unusually pleasant
since removing his newspajier plant to
McMinnvilfe. And, by the way, the
Transcript is decidely improved in its
editorial and local department. That
is to say, Bro. Snyder ie putting a good
deal of snap and vim into the articulate
'point of his faber pencil. Good pasture
wakes a frisky colt, and an appreciative
constituency makes the grey matter re
spond like an electric ha tery iu the
editorial brain.
President Jordan, of the .Stan
ford University, in an address at
Oregon City the other day said he
had discovered that Oregon was the
habitat of the summer liar, he who j
praised I eland Stanford university
in winter and maligned it in sum
mer. The distinguished professor's
verbal triumph was short lived.
President Miller promptly replied
that we had a glorious climate and
great ability to assiniiate matter
arriving from other states, and that
twelve hours were quite suflk-ient
time for strangers to become acclimated.
school in Albany some time ago. I
After watching the progress of;
things for awhile, the little girl
said: "Why! mammy, they act'
iust like other folks.''
J oi i
i U 'C V:u
(osi i:ctio::i:i: rj
kt: r:ii:A3:tJ-:'ic.
A .-iiure of your patronage solicited 1
V 1 1 t , mar l u- t ci'I.v,
1 arming.
I't in fi;tiij.c( with tlio lutt'sj.
ln-t tn;n liiiu rv u iVt jtu-tilii'tl
htati:i that wo :uv prepitrril t
tin thf I ifs t woik at lowest msih!i
j't ice-'.
a ml
EsMtes PfaiiOy Paraislied.
A hhato of vour work
H K"Ilftl'i
Gatiered frora onr Various Exchanges
Throughout the State.
Heart Disease 30Yrs!
Short Breath, Pa!p5tat!on.
till Itillltl
I fri.m.
The tiionumeiit erected by the j
Woodmen of the World to the!
Mr. G. 'W.McKlnscy, postmaster of
Kokomo. Ind., and a brave cx-soldler.
c i Ti savs: i naa Deen novereiy irivurjieu
memory of J. h. McCoy was i"i- wi-th heart disease ever eirico JcaviTig
veiled in Pendleton last Sunday. the army at- the close of the laic war.
I .,.., , ,r . I w:is trouolcd with paipitaiion t::;d
Mieritiknight, of Marion county, i shortness of breath. I couid not
I made his fourteenth trai.sfer of tax i ElecP ''n my left side, and had pain
i i ftrumfl mv heart- I nefianie no ill
I money to the c t.nty treasurer last that 1 was much alarmed
llinc line of saniples
SaHsfdcHcn Guaranlseccl
Independence, Or. -i-U'l 'f
p. Independence, - - Oregon.
Legal Blanks
For f-alo
at tli i OHit c.
W. H. Wheeler,!
Dallas was visited by a cold
wave Tuesday evening.
Miss Lena Harkey, of Portland,
is visiting with Mr. McGowau s
family in this city.
Rev. T. V. B. Eiribree preached
at Liberty Sunday.
A fire broke out in Germantown
Tuesday but no damage was done
The firemen in their rush for the
scene of the fire broke the bell on
the hook and ladder engine.
There is a wild animal in Dallas
from Eastern Oregon, called a cow
hoy, who is receiving a good deal
)f attention.
The DallasiteB who went over to
the Rock Creek country last week,
have returned home unharmed af
ter a successful trip.
Dr. Cary, of Nebraska, has lo
cated permanently in this city.
Our city is in need of a little
more enterprise on the part of its
leading business men. We are not
ready to be tumbled into the Dead
Sea yet.
The Lutheran Methodists
j Saturday. The run this time wi'I
bring $2,425.20, increasing the total
amount paid over to $12S,2i'1.4o.
There is a threatened clash be
tween the oflicers of the 1-wand
the squatters on the O. It. it X. Co's
property in South Portland, The
squatters have been notified to va
and fo!
mv attention was caiicd t'i
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
I decided to try It Tne first bottie
made a decided improvement In my
condition, and five hollies have com
pletely ctirod me. "
G. W. McKIXSEY, P. K., Koiioroo. Ind
Dr. 3'Ues Hart CtirH tssold on a fxwltlvo
piiiiranu tlial l lio bisi. Ix.iHx will b.iiHu
Ail CjrUKI!'! IUWA, M W .... UJ. l
cate the property, hut they pay no li will Ire w-nt. prepaid, on receipt of price
attention to the order. b' the Uc-UUt MuUlc;a 00 1Qa
The sheriff of Lane county has''
Dealer in
S i
"'ewing Machine Needles and Oils, i
'r!W'. nlth ('My UonU Whiii'
Nrai tilt' it titYn'i.
Mai -j Sr.
Tnu Statesman says: "Itis not likely
President Cleveland helieves in the
ingle itandard in fiimily p flairs irls
't the ratio of 3 to 0." Ourcontempo
rstr i possibly mistaken. At leat fate
)iub not yet dared to run counter to Mr.
Cleveland's single standard ideas hy
mixjnjj the grosser hmuan coin with the j
finer iu his immediate tamilv circle. I h
collected 1 12,Cj7.31 of the taxes j
due for the past year, leaving only J
about $7,500 delinquent.
New wheat was delivered at the
Peacock mills, in Milton, last week.
The fir.H crop to come in was from
the W. B. Powell farm and to the
amount of .000 sacks.
The Times-Mountaineer is in
formed that gras.hnppera are at
tacking the orchards near Ihe
Dalles. The informant says he has
seen them cluster on ripening
J peaches and almost devour them
in a few minutes. They leave the
are i ,.t .i. 4 ,. ..... ....
!.; j . j , . nuiugc i viic lira unu lii.-l.t ll un
Tin a It 1 n rr trrrn niiaHn'iv nn .... ... i o
-...'(5 t: ui-aiinii, VII 1-111. 11 i
Mr. Luce has finished his term
the fruit.
A G. A. R. post is
to be rrjran-
of school at Mill Creek, and has I zel at Toledo, Lincoln county, un
moved to this city. .
--r -r .
A Training School for Teachers
Complete Kilit tirade Trsti r i in -j Ilepurt
aiii firon rroievHionai ami Aru
ileuiie Cuiir-es.
THE DIPLOMA of (heSchiHil entitles
one to tench in any county in the Male
without lnrtlier e.xaiiin.alioii,
BOA R D & LODGING, Jtnok and tui
tion ri-jij per year. Jteantiful and lleulll.
fill I M'.t Iflll "l, TI...... Iu .
! i l-"jd demand for well drained teuehem,
Wft'l tneie is un over pujiply of untrained
tj, teacher".
, 'i R Cataiouiies cheerfnllv u nr r,n i,i.i;i;.. .
r' l li . . iZ ... - "" "
r:9Wi .
r. U OampDell, President,
or W. A. Wann, Secretary.
' mm .m wiii.i.mii i i ! iwiiipm
Ue lire imuitilaciiiring the
TA l-fAT'i r'rnWCPC' "Ir-mgeM, im rtrhe. easiest to
IU llllp UlUWoIO i ,,ri"'. inoft m,I factory and most
m- Tc-rs-g- -. eidfii.inic ftl (-J0P PRESS rvr
put on the market. Fully war
ranted. Come in,, examine it.
With thi best facilities for ni.ik-
i itig and repairing all kinds of
j Farm Machinery and Vehicles,
and nomi but iirsl-fluss wood and m ml tn t i .
in.,, workers employed. We k-ci TA Thfl PllhllP
jnstifieil in staling that we nr " l UUllU
better prepared to do your wood i ii.j.itm
and iron work than any 'other firm
in Polk county. Our prices are
IllOSt. I'l'HM.IIIIlhll'.
der the name of Lincoln tiost. with I
the following membership: J. S. SALEM, PORTLAND
Conklin, C. C. Kubler, Thomas'
Stakely. T. J. Kwinz. J. X. Arnold. ! Tn Vo
ABKixs.ts, the name of the state, says ! loads of wheat last Saturday, one
Printer's Ink, is officially pronounced as going to McMinn ville and the other
spelled, but the official prouuuciatiou of to iss at Independence,
the river U Arkansaw, Ithonifh spelled i Mr. Charles Clark, a lawyer
ju the same wbv a the stute. rom CufTalo, X. Y., n il! sp'.nd the
."W'jj.S. Oopeland. A.O.' KrogsUd
" ' T HP r T.-: l. fri
. rT , . , , . , i juc .Tiiong. i. i. r isu, i nomas
t. jj.fiuiic& Miiiinea two
1 Arryr. , ..Itlliuil llll.AUia aim
Steamer Altona.
Van Cleve.
The Conley farm, in the Grand
Ronde valley, will not have a first
class yield this vear, but a bett
Leave Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, G:00a. iu.
I-ave Independence Morxlay, Welnesdays and Fridavs "
Ieave Salem ' .
eriFast Time. Cheap Rates.
Independence, - - - Oregon.
Exclusive Agents
for the
o jl u u ju 12 J JTLxUlX
Wagons, Carriages
and Buggies,
in Polk county.