Broiled Mackerel Souoed in Tomato Sauce; Mustard Sauce and Pure Spice, - Try a Cau at Uu; Star G nicer S7Tltl Tlttf itt tii I euofvi'tio KtiiilMtitii and go-ahead Enterprise Publishing Co., Pubiishera J. t. lamn, Kditw. J. II, Moll IN, nnnlM.'M Manager f CULISIIItO THl'liSDAY AT INIlKI'KNIMiXCK OrriCt K.T KIDK MAIN NTUKKT, uim'H men Independence can eilv maintain her uM lime iiirtiiioy aud and even push beyond anything alio ever yet achieved, Mm U in the front lo stay there. TliK continuous ruin) in llio of lKuuwiiOw(.t.,im i i.t-n''x,.,,ri employes la tlio Kanleru mamifnoltie is . indubitable evidence that better times HUBSCl'lPTJOXf ', $1.30 TKR YKaH ' are coming oil apace. The tidal Wave ' hit not yet broke over I ho ltockiea 1ml TlIUttSIUY, J V LY ll.lsCi. Prof. Hawloy, of Titckey 1'aw, lectured lor im Sunday, Mr. K. H. Jeter ami wife, of 1 5 as tor., wtro the gut-sis of J. H. Will- illlll8 last week. Mrs. Shiveaand daughters, Mary, I Welle and Sophia, are recreating at Newport. tiid Davidson and family rot tim ed from l ho last week. They report a pleasant time. Silas Prather uncle of JanitK in moral cftWt ii beim; Ml on t,i rauu-r, i uanp-rouHy in. count. KveryNidy I gainiiijjcuulideuee, r ) r...,.i... ..... i l, ....... i.. T-ii h. pre-eminently an Industrial j ; NV York Monday. ml cqtumercial age. i lie upiM snop , v here lv fall. Jteeper! of the Middle Aavs dominate j oei4 and rule the worhl. Tlio ph il of ndliury imii oecupU a riibordinute j Thk s. Kxau.iner.Wmie a bright jUc In the' lumvh of eividntio,,, j lvlilo,.ja, 0 1Wl.,r ,Iuxl.v whereaMhre hundred .vmn a, it j wtll t,, f.,iu,wllll, ctimlia n.wrk: ,11,0 dominant factor. The pomp and L,,.., ,ifu WM a .vf,,!,,., hrveae yircu.lnce of war I beeomimr bU. i. thro-l, the cv..Td.,n.of Kaj-IUh anoumij. reaor o. .-., j,,,,, T,w uwy U.Brt.;l,..r jdodden-. j)olff. Tlio world iii inovinjf linvarl j( llirougli llio tlie truiini'lis of tlie arts of e, and the natural tondonry of SR-iul rvolntiou i.ttioii); linos of imhiotiinl Itrojfr.'' The atunjration of wralili in the Lirtl of tho fow is a natural ik qnencvof the limes in which Me livo. Hintim- i condnctoil on a !::r ca!t. the luarkvt of-Ihe worl.l are lai;.Tlv coutrolUl-tn' Fvmlioatoi and vtnliiie.-, ; bo long iK'foiv we k-o a Kcien:idu man who can do :uoro lor t!io diin:iioii of knovUl,., 5dX't a Iverti-in lint Mininior," s JVinlor'a Ink, "or you inilit got ovr hoaivd a i t i ua on onftMiKors" Miss C.isi Davidson has !oon qui to ill but is now inijuovii,. John Ilnntor. Jid.n lvayn, Mon roo Krt'tiu and t'harh'y MtKtro ro enjoying thenisilves at Netuoca hoach. K. X. arvl Win. Hill haw just finUhed soitio lulled improveno-iits altotlt thy rciiool irt-iiusos, Iluirfth, wohas'oti lilacksitiith. The WoonuT tiroes, mvk hum orist of tlio West, is a pair of trous ers verv hairiv nl thy knws, nliii; j nially lull at tli pistol po,ketsand eoiisitloraldv full where you idrike janiateh. The p:irii:tnt is deo dele j at tlio s )i!i.!i end and tlio Inittotin ' kied around tho ankles or kne-s to & P I City Hook Store lisr.tTiox :' coxiwriosMiv ivi: r ;;.! .!. v;'. TSTKV Mrs. I). Xasa and fon, of llalsev, ! ,,l,t- you onn't pin ... . . i : i ! i:i... i arir viMtin tlio l.uiiilv of Mr. J. .. IvolnTts. J. II Jour?, aged (!-, was and ewn thcciroulati:i; iiuiiiii ol the rvuntrri cnrtsiloj or intiale l intMxl- inif to the ranriof a fcw leadin tlieasyiOiu Tuesday fr.,lU - . . , I Miitoii. Orogon. fiumneient. Ofcourv all mimll ueu'er? i a areiuere'ii.innoxTs canning the ooean i Sl'v;r;l1 I'"K'pondeneo p.Mple will , .. , . , I B'.tend the t haulaini.ia tutiing ul of commerce, fooiiKirthesivatlevialhioif i , . ., 1 " Oregon (.it v. of the commercial deej). lint in Ste of I ,.-. . , . ,, , ; 1 ue.dsv aflernoon the residence tin fact life la not onlv emlnniho lint 1 r,, mo i ' i - . of t ap. IJeiiny n--ar McCov wasde- ftlesmnible. there is wore lieantr and fslruv,.tl by lire. 1.;nj KW, insur craoe nd liappmexf in the worhl of to- anco f a(X. lajf than ever before. The old primitive t over vour head like vmi do Your! kirr. nor arotpid yu like a corset, hut you must set on t e (I'Hir and liill it on as vmi il l your btoekio-. one I'iK.t at a time in each compart ment. You can easily tell which side t have in front by the buttons on the in-ck liind. Mr. I!. V. Ila'l.orMoscnv, Idaho, is wi;!i us at present. lKt.N0. "'A. "f j lYban Allan Hvi Wlndom, Kn. Scrofula From Birth Other Modiclnes Utterly Failed But Hood's Saraaparitla Cured. 'Stune time ilnce, our boy then font year old wan la the henrii of the family doetor for trmtmrnt for tcrofula. lie had been ffllotrd with thl troublo from birth ud we hd ben unable to give him 05ly Temporary Rellof. We dfcldnl to lve him Hood' 84nr rllla end are slid to ay 8 bottl of Hood eatlrety eared hint. Our ohlmt dURhtrr has been Uktng Hood'e 8ra (rlll for rbeumatbm with good rwult. W e have used from ftrat o last eome ftv worth of the medicine and have received the equivalent of teveml himdrt-d dollars' worth of doetor'a treatuicut and gootX Hood'sHCures health U boot. We eannot apeak too hlchlvof tlvwd'a Fnwi aril! a Mootl puritler. It l tit that l eUlmed for tt." C. K. MVKKiS Wliutom, Kaii'at. A oharo of your Uronnge nolieited j l! Mrivl, luar IVt tHtl"r, I INDEl'KXDKN'CK, - OUKiOX. S SflSH and DOOR M5HEi!i TAGfORY. wny mi nai In m-lrel Hum. AliaflineofsaiBfles"', SaHsFacHon Guaranteed . LJLYT01I JEHK5, Iiiilepenlfiiee, Or, J W. H. Wheeler, PIANOS, A'" Dealer III jnorld ia bt)ng heantifiml by the inven tive pei)iu and arts of man and the socitl jnntiuctsof l:e iai"e are beiiijf ethically developitlj The commercial era is probably not the highest era in the . rorid'adervlopiueiit, but it is essential Jo the progreea of the rai a stairv. ay fhatleaJs into the higher depart inenti pt uian'e hiture wunJane existence rhen will beetnne a law Jinto hiaiself and eom lete, well-rounded human beiog. We fimt loik forward for the Edea of iiian's exiftencp. not backward. Tbeadvunee in Inmlicr also upsets an- Y'e learn that all th jewelry beloi!j:iiig t; tlio family, also lunny valuable papers were lost in the lire that destroyed Mr. Whiteaker's rarin rt sidenee. There quite a demand for har vesting machinery anions the far mers of this vicinity, and consider able machinery ia being sold bv our dealers. The executive committee of the Willamette Hop Grower's Associa tion wnl b appointed next Satur day. A sa'cial nteetiii will be held for the purpose. Aoiiong thedistinguisbed speakers ll...r ...ii; ,l Ir.-J ft... M..1,...,.., I'.. ptl,en.ttlieoryoin which our ,b- eaiiipmi.t are metioned the names Jican eoiiteuiponines were continually j of lions. J. II. Mitchell, Hinger rinKiliZtlie chances hist campaign. The llermaliu, Cieo. L. broa nell and oeoole were carnnl in 1nlofnl,-. I t'rof. John M. Ulos.- u J O'ft, art hr:nonloa:lt with t'ml 4 -O'f At-t- KINDS) rHiUsi7u.K AT Tills irHCK."T.t 8EW.N3 MACHINES! Sewiio? Mael.ine Neiiltes atol Oils. -. . . ! SEW1N-1 MACHINES NEATLY HLPAICcO I II!1ih tt III! I'll.v' I N.iirtlie iwt l5li , i Maiv St.. - In: i I'KM n ' JSI K 0 "J 0 e lid i in;: M'ctiml ilvt UUU lu rttofovi' iKfu;iit''l ly.l. A. Kol't U in ;t ftn ilry, v. wmilil ronj'fftfally aoi'ti oi 1 1 tin ui!i! i" tlmt vt nro j rppuivil tn il uH ki'.uh f worn I Wolk l.MUllly ili Mf i l JU-.'ll Ull fH lahlisliiiu ! I, Mich ih fhat the placiiifr of lumber oa the free lisfirould practically rniti the Iumlx;r businen all along tlie Paci.T.t roast and the Canadian liorder; that our hi:nler- peii eonld not euecessfally coinjate with the Cheap labor and inexhaustible f,r vnte oi British Columbia and Canada. Put we And that lumber is one of the flrat lacifie coast coinmod;tie4 to lx benefitted by the'retnrninir tide of pros perity. Wool w another article that is on the tabooed f row list, and vet the price of wool Is 'advancing. Our con temOTary' flippant remark about wages ia parnliarly unfortunate. Wages in on the risinxecale In the East and it will naturally come up o-.u'ii on thin coa?t. The pKre of labor is governed by the law of supply and demand the same as iiyv'other commodity. Ijw wanes naturally obtain when the demand is mall ""and ' the aupply lare, with in ereae demand the snpply becomes con inaally le8 and finally an increase in wages i f fie logical result. The trust js anoetupns that will flourish under either protection or free trade, nothing ihortof prohibitory legislation can ever reach Jt, and cafii tal is too powerfu i for a lytbina to lie done in that direction. lt.VLU-VS. The past week was very quiet in business Jine. The Sunday hod picnic held! at tne city park l.t week nasi quite a success. Rev. J. h. Futrell has Ucn preaching to the pei.pln nl t rablrce in l.itui count y. The l'reshytci ians gave a focial, at the residence of Mr. A. II. Muir's on Saturday of last Wee. J Our town has been well plaster-! ed with circus pu&ters. j There nas been com. iderable sick- r.css in town durinjj the past week.! Thellolman house has closed its j doors to the public, leiiving Dallas i with oiny second class hotel accoui modal ions. 3 w t. n o ? no j -:-WARI -:- O 0 o : Window Frames, Door Frames, 'k Building Brackets, Mouldings, Etc. g Wood Turping. y RusriRi isinn of -j - B Fire Insurance Dallas had stormy weather for the 4th. L. Ileimick is prtuaring. to iiu a brick foundation under the Indc- Mark Etiibrce, of Kings Yalii y. pendencc Roller Mills warehouse ! was transacting busineso in DaLa tie will raise the building about Wednesday. twenty inches higher and also' Several of our citil ns utlcnded Diiiiu a larore. BlieU addition lor lhv x.lebration at the capital ciU storing sacked grain. outhe4;h. There are a number of new Imp ,' Clvde and Van Kmb.-ee will start houses beinK built in this and 1 for tii Hilctz Tuesday to be uliecnt joining hop districts. In spite .of j several days. prospective low prices the hop Our Ci in j anii s itlidn-v. from t!u' Cciiilii-.o and i'mtcil the le'lr.ttii'ii. 5.V Kb ,6 i V. p. I, I I 1 'ft J iX r,?ui l ''' I'ltOt nut! lt.t )!( him ry vi ful jii-tir.i'il in i thai v ;tu is't;aril to il.i t! f last vuul; at luvitf m silih i" I -1 . i"i Rates in independence U Estimates Promptly FornisIiciL! - , ... .. 1 ... . , h '75 growers are preparing to taie cure of this Keasoa'ii crop. W. S. Ferguson has ojiened a new eah and door factory in J. A. Roberts foundry building near the waterworks. .Mr. Ferguson is pre pared to do all kinds of work in hi3 line, and solicits a fair share of public p.'ttroiia. 4 The Dallas populist club have failed to hoid a meeting for several Weeks. J Prof. W. I. Reynolds was down ! to I ndependence on business Satur- j nay. Mr. Robertson's family have rc-j tiuiicd lrom tne coast. "Uncle' Cuy Tdorrifon died in WAK HAS LttiKS DEl'LAItED I c'ty Tuenday morning alter a j lingering illness of several months. PcBv esteemed contemporary, the Yan.tilj County Eeporter, advances the (ollow'ug peculiar argument: "The advance in Ju inter upe.-ts an other tlieory. Lumber U now on the free lint, and the . Canadian forests are priw-tHfRlly.iminitabltfand an vet hardlv ntaded,. The argument was frequently urg1iaagp?, that with free lumber the pojsr man who deeired to build a home coold do so at a iatly decreased cost wiih the tariff on lumber repealed than und't , the conditions then existing. trsr.u the busirtesg depression the prf a of lumber declined on ouut of lite U?M of demand,, but with the re-j ; il of business activity the old rates ' ar be restored in the East, with the ! will aid Mr. Muerill in any way rhaneea fnvoriu? a still further increase j that they ca-n, as this fierht is waged It Will BeTT'at'ad ia ths Iaterist of: The celebration hereon the 4th Property Owners and for the was land turned iu tin: forenoon on Eleit- i account ol the rain, but in the af- The country is now in a -late of l'"00" a ulf. gaU'ercd 'at the. actual war. not military war. the I ' rl ",Uae, "u "ateneu- w speecli crack of rifle shots and the roar ofi". Lx'Vverl,",'r 1 lttL',,er ,l,,1 cannon, but an insurance war, a I otlleIre'- 1 lle , "i''"' in big drop in rates. The moving and j rtlste Uljd wtU -ifved. attacking parties are the Phoenix j Mrs Dexter, of Mill Creek, has and Hmnc insurance companies, moved lo Dallas. Guoveb. who. through their lo-al agents, announced that tiiy have begun a fierce onslaught on the present insurance rates in Independence I and vicinity. Mr. A, E. Magill ha been the plucky and succensful Pacific coast manager of the Phoenix and Home Insurance companies for the past 1 thirty years, and he is today wag-j ing the most aggressive insurant ! war ever inaugurated on the coast, i lie is carrying the war into every city and village in Oregon, and the result of this is a great stampede amnrig the people to secure policies i in these two great companies which are "'time tried and fire tested." It is safe to say that the people or independence and 1'olK county J ju ,VJi Bring in your Policies and make y. P. your own rates. ;m We write brick building m long term. v w than any ether company. - for a it "J Vi S A Inn i I' wnl k i- s'!i i;,-i!. TT kl 11 0 V 4 rj P k Oregon, g Vi SON, main Ti:i;r.T, fj. Independence, jn ;pricc The lumber market is con treiledjjy a trust and under free trade it limply enlarges iu borders o ae to in elftde tb Canadian lumbermen. Free irjfdo foeter , trust, it does not fiuMpu the cot of any important com-' wedlty'to the consumer. The real push the fieht with viffor. losers are the men who w ori for wajfes, j . ww are forced to complete with foreign- j BUEXA VISTA, ere ou much lower ar-alu than main- I Ia1n under protection." I ----- - - - vfn ft W :M M Mi Mi Mi M'm & ' '0 THE "OliD" -r-PIuriiix of Hartford -:- Cash Assetts, S5.588.O50.CO. Oliice: Afain Street, next iloor to IihIoj'UhIciico National I'auk. ; ... RUD THE hi. It j A ll : kind of LegaL Blanks I'or rale , at tliii Oilire. U 1 Tn Hon Oro waps , v op utviiuu to r0. .-iw.ra..n W utv loanulactitring lit fit ingest, most d iroble. caaiet to "J crate, most uitisfnctorv ami inosl m,",""i,Rl HOP PRESS I'Ut uii the market. Fully warrant-d. t'l inc H nd exaiuintit. M Honie Insurance Comj)any w OF NEW YOKK. With tin best facilities for in..k-1 mS uuu repairing all Kinds of arm .Machinery und Vehicles, and none but first-class wood and' irno U' ....... I I II' nin lllipioycil. )H lecl in nl ii I our 1 1,. , i u. - -" nc lir belter prepared lo l.i viir 1 and iron work than utiy'oih,.r i,-m in Polk county. Our on.,.- ... most leiifoiiabhi. To The Public pricea a re I :0 fa in their interest. As far an we can i Dicrhi A cm Do n I mrAi learn. W. P. Connaway and W. Il.i V'gu ' Ul UJ .CUl Murphy, the companies' agents in ! Saved from St. Vitus DanCC this city, have transacted a large ! , . , buinesB within the last few cI-ivr I 'VUT fi3Ufbtcr, Ulanche, now flf- Vt I Z . ' teeu years of aSe' had been terribly' and they are uniUr instructions to afflicted with nervousness, and had losi, iue entire use ol tier right arm. V e feared St. Vitus dance, and tried the best physicians, with no benefit. .Sue has taken three bottles of Dr. Miles' Kervine and has gained 01 pounds. IW nervousness and symp toms of St. Vitus dance are entirely gone, she attends scuool regularly, and baa recovered cotnpiete use of her arm. her arpetfte is splendid." Ulin. It li. CLLLocK. Brlsuton. M. T. VV. F3. Connaway, Agent Oflice in Infleifndfnce National Bank to- The 4th of July ia past and now we are having nice weather. Everybody head and ear in hay t0 energetic little city is - now fairly j tt tkaswim. The new bra block is , '"J nly an catering wedge to the general I . fmal ia business which is'comicg on. ' lT.' started for Portland i , ' . ,,, on ha bike last Saturday. : Independenco .jJaye aocofi4 fidMle to, J I one, in fact she usually beads tle pro-; .' prnson has been quite sick L. t .i. f. i . t. j but is Biowly mending. j reetson in thrift and enteronse. fcur- . I T 1 . , I b-'.ut:iu.vviI,i WAU. 1 11 OPnellt. -twadawl by m rieh -farming community, ra - a n returned lrom tlie long ,"5? ' Vd '7 " I iVQ O "f Wirt T,J withepfeudid trausportatL tscilitka; To,U COnDt ,8st tUld I fSc J? RSt 16. UHeap EatBS. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. -FOR and WAY LANDINGS : SALEM, PORTLAND Take Q4- rfV (T t'' r-w A 14. vt. niiw errine IS sola nn iuic fnaranu ltai toe Urst boiil. will lr itls n!Ut. I . Leave PCrilaiid Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. OrfjOa. m. Ieaye IndependeiK.e Monday, Wcdiienlays and Fn'daie ';:;() " Leave .aleta " " " 7:45 - KRENGEL & I-IILLIARD, the bl.acKS:m:t.t:h:s ence " - Oregon. The J. F. O'DONNELL COMPANY Are Exclusive! A gouts for the .4 STUDEBAKER Wagons, Carriages and Buggies, in Polk county. INDBPEiTDENCE, - OREGON, 1 I