Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, July 04, 1895, Image 4

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    English had a fuUtttli unto rank.
Colonization . in A morion and
Australia, ami particular' the en
ormous increase of jiopulation in
the- United States, lavorcvl the ox
tension of English.' Colonization
crops in limited areas toward in
creasing our insect posts, rests up
on the biological law tliul the in
crease of ny animal is limited to
its food supply. The apple-in a;ot,
ar railroad worm, tor example, is
uipposed to havo breJ originally
it the wild haws of llto woods,
t'ho parent Hies had then natal ly
.o lino! here iiml there an isolated
o list was liitH'tl I ruin fJugeno to !
tlreat I5r;tain I deposited its eggs. Iu chanues ot ;au Francisco by S. II. Friendly
h larper than I being caught by a bird or en t raped j Friday.
-Tin: l'OI.K county nuas.
2iv llfiini unit i:li(rlul 1'x-
j - . (Ittunuur.)
; Tha county has bought n ;UK)
road PcraiNtr, which will soon pay j in South and Central Atnerict
for itelf in the ex.ra uinount of; ftvorcd Spanish, and in Uriuil
w oik done, jl'onugueso. One reason of th
'Constable Hubbard arrived back rapid general extension of tin.
Oni Mnndav with Dick Edwards !Kg'iSl language lia- been that! tree lcaring the fruit iu which it
.. . . . . . . . . .. I .. .1 ...:...! r .
Wlto inrnislicd n olf-oUt) twill jcoiotitiaiuni iroui
Joseph KdtvanU E. D. Dotv uud i baa iHt-n very imir
Loll Hit ner a sureties, il'roui other countries, and the
Within the Wt few weeks sup-('l,h l',,irueiiw
lilies have I era received le lor ! ',!l uwn decisively than have the
Cm' ,viir,.... .:.).:.. .J the neonh; of other nations in col-
borders of this the U i0!'- Thus, for instance, Holland
Butler, located ot the (,rand!lms x extensive colonies
in various of the world.
Hie present population of Holland
is -U 00,000. and of the Dutch col
onitH lU ,000,1 tM The ana of Hol
land in square miles is 20,000, and
of the Dutch colonics C00.O00. Hut
the Dutch language has never been
i.i .. . . ... ... i.-
. i , .,1,,,i , ,. exteiitien ui uiiv great fiinn ny
t)V boat, some 12.U4) ixnillda ot , , , . . , , ,
i . 1 1 i . r . . f . reason of these colonics, the lnhab
w.tol sold by teuton & Toner to . ... .
men never UMineu I'im u
m iwiw n ww
William Bl.u k, wh owns a gt od
ranch between Mayville and Fossil,
left last week with a six-horse team
and wagou on the lookout for a
new locution. It appears that he
did not tell his family or any one
w here he was 'going, and the. sup
P'udlioit i tlist he is Uutitd for
Alberta, Caiutda.
A cuiload of 41UKK) pounds of
ttotiiidrt store, Sngarloaf, lltH'a and
ChandW, lying on the new Uock
Crftk route, and t!m last named
being thirty -seven miles from Falls
, A I. Dray has this week, taken
over to Independence, for shipment
the Oregon City woolen mil'd.
-Mr. and .Mrs- T. J. Ilayttr are
furamerhig at their farm beyond
Liberty w.luol housi and i-i the
mean time E. HayUr and family
will tnx'upy tin ir city :c-iiic;ice.
v C. G. liowell has jmrchased the
ten acre place where Dr. Luih.T
lived when burnt out, at $13 per
Never before during any one sea
,floii was so tiiUch work put on the
SaltCieek road as this vear. A
by a spider's web while on this
search were very good, so that the
scarcity uf the food supply not
only directly limited the number
of individuals that could bo pro
duced, but by being scattered, it
i net eased the chances of the adult
insect a falling a prey to enemies.
Lint iu a modern apple ore hard all
this is changed. Tim food supply
is almost unlimited, ami it is sv
masked together that the instct
runs little risk iu passing from
fruit to lruit, or from trie vo tree
lleiiCit it can
The pencil shipments from Ash
land this year are expeited to
amount to 150,000 boxes.
The underwriters' oHVr of $1000
fjr ihe conviction of the inceinliai
ies who set tire to the Cunningham
ranches, is supplonienud by Mr
Cunningham himself w ith an oiler
of Io00. y
It is a remarkable fact that 1 5 rant
county luts not one mile ol'r.iiliiMul,
telegraph or telojdione liuej nt a j
D nV.';
fcr Onfanto end Children.
rtilMN mitdtetn.
Ti.... r, oi . """ '
inilo i.f express route, nor tt bank
. . " the. reM'ttrws of iniuerul, stock,!
-1 rh;
It is rich iu all !
T!:e French, Italian and Russian
languages have never Ix-en extend
ed grvally tiiroughout rxiloniatiou.
Asn oonsctjuence ef the changes
through coloir' ami otherwise
110,Oi 10,00.1 people now speak li!n-
glish inscal of 2"),lK;U,0C0 a at the
beginning of the century. German
has held its own without variance
formally 100 years, ami is ttili
IS ner cent of tl.o.-e speaking any
European language. Russia has
fallen oil a little not in number but
... ., .... ,. agricultural ami lumber luiltistties.
checking it. lhe same lute il i , " . . ...
reasoning applies to a large pro-
lucu have put 200 days work on it,
. undilis thought that nearly all
the .bad places are permanent! im
proved. The Airlie train has changed time
,makiiig the run to and frooi Fort-
land about 20 minutes quicker than
jioretoiore. i ne down tnu:i now
.goes from here at 8:50 in the morn
ing and up in the eveniug at 4:lo.
, Mr. II. Bressler, of near Lewis
.ville, was arrested and brought
before Justice Smith, Thursday, on
a charge of shooting a neighbors
stock.' lie was bound over to ap
pear before the grand jury in the
s sum of 100.
The Order of the Woodmen of
the World is taking a good start
in yauas. mursuaj evening
seven candidates were 'added to
the list of members. ,
The delegates to the Turner
camp meeting from this place were
li. F. JIulkty and wife, J. C. Adams
, and wife and Mr. Cora Repass.
" The Indians of Grande Rounds
are anxious to be assessed. Sheriff
Plummer will probably satisfy thai
longing. The total amount readi
ed by this source will not exceed
$50 to the county.
Mr. James Wilson has jcist re-
ceived some very favorable returns
from the general patent office on a
j, new; spray pump he has invented.
Miss Anna Katcher, of the Salt
Creek country, was brought before
: Judga Iiurch, and adjudged insane.
She was taken to the asylum by
Deputy Fheriff F. J. Coad the
same day.
. Dallas is soon to have a first
class agricultural implement, car
! riage aDg wagon depot.
Robert Grant and family passed
through town on Wednesday,
, bound for Big Nestucca and the
beich at Woods.
Born, to the wife of Frank Hol
man, a boy, June 25. 1S95.
Born, to the wife of R. P. Bonney,
of near Monuioulh, last Sunday, a
.dosen teams and quite a number of j in percentage, and so Lave all the
Latin languages. The number of
persons s;eakii:g French a the be
ginning of the century was 31,000,
000, and now it is 51.00.1,000. The
number of persons speaking Span
ish ut the beginning of the century
was Lo.000,000, now it is 45,000,000.
The number of those speaking Ital
ian has increased from 15,000,000
to ."0.000,000 just double.
In Europe today German stands
at the head. It is the language of
08,000,000 people, Russia follows
with 00,00,0000, French with 45,-
0O0:00O, English with 33,000,000,
Italian 31,000,000, and Spanish
with 17,000,000. In the United
States the grow th of English Las
U-cn and continues to b.-, most ra
pid, and the two countries which
arc gaining most by the increase ot
)Hf lulatiori, the United Slates and
Australia, are both English speak
ing countries, and bid fair to keep
English at the head. New York
por'.ioii ol our injurious tnstcis.
"We are iudcoted to our coiti
mereo on sea and laud for many of
tiie most noxious insects. Uiought
to our shorts from Europe, Asia or
Australia by ship, many of those
(tests Lave found a land which for
them was llotriitg with milk uud
honey, and iu which their lit re
iiary ci.eniies had not gained u
foothold. Consequently they have
muhipiicd without letorhiiidrance;
unil l-y natural ami artilieiiti
means notably the railroad trains
ihey have rapidly overrun the
country of thejr adoption.
"The iilai, duned or neglected
Ileitis ami orchards all over the
but ha never been developed.
Fraiil Heck's leg was broken
Isst week iu an maio.i r
U hilo iu a w agon near Urow nsviilc
in- turned hi.- team out of the iv t-l
to lot another wagon pa.-s, and in
U xiig so ills loot stunk a stuu.'tij
and ni.-. leg was broken ut thuunkte
Last Saturday thieves at Dayton
en.ereil the houses of Henry Flet
cher, (.hue Carter, Ueurgu .Morga
riilge ami John Gotlrich, and ltk
cvervihinj of value lying around.
From the tirst houso they look a
Winchester shot gun, a g tld ne.k
late, a plug of tobacco ami two
notes; from tini second three
w toiK-s: Iroin the tlur l t.n-itl r
tt,. -TV, f ,h-.U nri r- er ' 1 i
Sleeping Cors i
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cart
: sr. iivr.
.... . i . k k :
"i i.i ink's J 1 1 V
in l i t: "
i'n i t.ii'urtu.i
A hir i i l: A'
I'fiSI'nX mi, l nil
i tif.vrx y.i.r forrn
...... -t. .
II. 1 trtU u f nt ,
V. II. U l.fV.Arxi.l.
A, I' I II t:i.Tt. ..l.;
.Vii, ss Mt.iM "iK-ri, t jutii-r Tintti IMl, till
",""""'"" " ' " " " II I
Children Cry for Pitchcr'o Castorla.
United Suites have proven pr,diiie able j weitry; trom th - fourth a
breeding-ground for many instct
pests. Tot) often the eltrls oi
painstaking i;.rntrs have bi-eu
rendered unavailing by the prox
imity ot such cour.-es of infection.
An crchard that has outlived its
usefulness had better be converted
into firewood than left to die;
uncarcd lor.
I Binders
I'wr fr "ir "" - T"Ti it
i:. Mo.VLtl.U ltHl r.
i .tift artious of little value.
VYiLiam Chase, un tin nnrr'eti j
i-.tan :.gel '2'i years, was tlrow i.eo i
Wednesday evening near Etigenc in
Cliesliern lagiHi.i. a tlctul liilnitarvl
to the Willamette river.
You i g Chief, of the Umatilla In
dians, invitea all li miiWon while
people to help the Indians celebrate
the Fourth f July, but he want.-
' Halves
, English the Leading Tongue.
" ' More people speak English thm
' any other language now in use in
the civilized world, and the in
crease in the use of English is so
rapid that it may ultimately out
strip all the European languages
collectively. At the beginning of
the present century French stood
4 at the head of languages in general
use. Then 20 per cent of the peo
ple of Eprope and America spoke
French. Then followed in the
( the order named: Russian, 19 per
! cent? German, 18 percent; Spanish,
16 per cent; English, 12 per cent;
and Italian, 9 per cent. French
! was the language of treaties, of
fashion, of international corres-
pondencc and, to a considerable
extent, of commerce. At the be
rinnine of the
twice as many
French as Enzlish and twice as
many spoke German as English.
Increase of Insect l'ests.
Charles M. Weed discusses this
subject in the Massachusetts
Pioughniaii, and points out various
reasons for their more rapid spread
and iiicreaso than formerly. He
"None of the evil effects of the
changes which modern civilization
has made upon the earth is morn
evident to the American fanner
than the increased difficulty of
saving his crops from the ravagi-s
of noxious insects ami parasitic
fungi. Many of us have heard
from eur fathers and grandfathers
of the apples which once grew iu in yards ami along
highways, strangers alike to the
. ! 1 .1 .... 1 . I
couiing mom, l.iaggoi or scao, vne
luscious peaches free from worms
or rot; the plums unmarked bv
th curculio, ami the pears that
have yet to learn the secret of be
coming dwarfed, gnarly and crack
ed; cf the grapes that know not
how to rot, and the potatoes which
had neither been blighted nor
bitten by the Colorado beetle.
Now ail is changed; every crop has
fe8 that often gather the lion's
share of the harvest. The enemies
have come from the north and the
south, the east and the west, from j
Iurope and the islands of the sea, I
and in our own midst they have
flocked from the forest to the field,
deserting a wild plant for its culti
vated congener, or changing their
habits to conform to a new en
t vironment.
"This increase of noxious insects,
however, is the natural result of
the changed condition . of things.
Among the principal factors tend
ing toward it may be mentioned:
First, the massing of crops in
limited aras; second, the facilities
fjr transporting insects long dis
tances by vessels and railways
SeieiitiHc Work for thc'Mnxaiuns.
The lioight of Mount Adan b, as them t be soil, r and act white.
stated in Professor Lyman'- a. i:el Eighty Hack of wheat of the
t . . , . t . . .
in last sunuay s urrgoiuan, is a ; t tit -stem vaiieiy, losnty ue iv
genuine sunrise to uiort people, ns'ered at the Heppner wartimti-e.
he asserts that Mount Adams i.t at j weighed l-'.OlS p .unds, a fraction
least a thousand feet higher tl. an Lwr 150 pounds to the sack.
Mount Hood. In order to more; An esih.i.iv of lln year's wheat
thoroughly determine the truth ( Umatilla places it as low as
this, Professor Edgar McUlur-. fj from 40 to 50 -r cent belw that
the University of Oregon, i about ()f ittt ,,.,, As to to tl.o amount
to undertake the ciidicult and a.-u.i kl-,:cl, will Ix- ox:i.rted, one of the
ous task of conveying a im-rcurifil j ,ijrjiest etiiuaU- i: l(ll'.7,WJ0busU
baromctor to t!ie top of Mount j.j
Adams. It may not be BoncraHe i.-., t i : i n , .i .
1 c It is ktatetl in Pendleton that the
l.nn..... .t. t. . . ...
i arson committee of the board of un
usually carried in mountain climb- , ,.,;,,...J .;)i r . . .. i
. J ilerw riters will oiler a row aril oi
ing is not reliable, while the incr- !s... r, ,. , ....
" ; Vl.OuO lor the arrest or conviction
cunal barometer is abstdutelv uc :,r,i .. i i
ol the i ersor s w ho ilestroveil to
curare, nw laiier, However, is ex
tremely awkward to cirry, on ne.
iv 3) i
You'll stive tool 'V it' "M
jiurelitO'e these g'Ktd.t i.f
Fra::rr & Cattron,
it riiK i nm
Alexancler-Coopei" Drug Co
ii:.m i:u
!'e; f.. nes.
I Cuiii.inghain property.
count if i:8 lemt'i, and the fact'.
John Isom, presiileiit anil J. 1).
! ill.. . I-....... u... . t .1.. I .1
. .. t , IT. t . A uirtil ruticiiin Ol III' i.etl
Ihlir tl. ItlltCt II I 'Vtl 1... l-r. i,.ri.rl f J
...... . m ... ..v- ...... c r.v jr. tijfi 1,1:,,
The jar caused by a single misstep
is n ot to nrealc it. iverv attemut!
made to take a mercurial barome
ter to me summit; oi iiiotini Jianier!
has failed, and trianguiatiou hi re-
. , ., ... . !b
unrenauic as lueeummii is a rouna- j
ed dome, with no monument on j
which to focus the anchs. Had a !
party been stationed there with a j2''' at hi ,ni11 '" Ivillum Creek,
heliograph this diliiculty would jeiRht ,lli!l''8 "outh of Tillamoak
have been obviated. Cil-V- Mr. Anderson waa at work
Secretary T. lirooke White, of!a,1,ne " i'e lower tiower when hy
Crown roller mills, were indht-d
June '21) by the grand jury at Al
bany, for removing wheat from
the wa chouse without the consent
of the owners. They will idead to-
! morrow. Each is under $1,000
William Anderson of Xestocton
met with a fatal accident, on June
v rinses.,
Always niul to pieuse niul keep o:'. bain! j
KoI Ikt (ii iid", '
e-v--x " ..
l i'lelit Mi tlii'il.e (
T'o'MIIKMii'toO j
Lie., V.U
v V".
H'U lull's Li AM. .
l .'.sTt l-V I Itl S.
Ot.'LWS ii'l KAMKIlS
t I'tiril (Mil
(in . un hr
I II II. AO, .tflil-
, It. ill H m' lit r, I I. i
I'ur inli ilittti: m'
'I. I'. I oil 1.1,
l ...l.ln
VV II. 1,1 III IflJT,
Iu it. I u Atrial.
:-: Carefully -:- Compounded; fjEROULHS
Day or Niyht. L " ' T. .
the mazamus. savs that he carried
j some accident he was caught by a
four aneroid barometers up Mount '";lt a,1(l ,hrow'f " a largo
Ranier. but when he discovered ooaen pulley in such a position
how unreliable they were, he did not M 10 lmv ,li8 right -leg crushed
care to make public the results of an(1 KrounJ entirely oil' just below
his observations. He says that
through the efforts or the Mazamas,
the height of Mount Adams will
doubtless be determined bevond all
question, for, in addition to the use
of barometers, accurate triangula
tion will lie effected by means of a
heliograph at the summit for a io
cus. Oregonian.
mistake In. had them coin'.' across
ihc river inul ! inarri-ti niruio.
Latest Forms
. oc. .O - A. I !('1M.
kiJk'hai.k at t it is i r k it vTr..lX-' ''
Miiiiufiuliin r ol
to;, i
I: m f ;!""
j t - t i
l, iu
, , . ... . y .
HI!"' fJ2
Cn .-nl wn""! J
, tvi
, i.. Kim""
l.m l
,011m. "
lu 't'r- '-i '-,'.' 23
,11 ' - . S j , inj in'f
Vf .1.1 , 1 1 ii..ii-23
K-i lJ Jr..r.flitt
Gathered from out Variong EichkDges
Tbronghont tbs State.
At the annual meeting of the
Yamhill County Pioneers, held at
Newberg recently the officers elect
ed for the ensuing year were as fol
lows: President. l!ev. Mr. Ilun
saker, McMinnville; Vice President,
farms and'A-R- Kurbanks, Lafayette; Secre-
the knee. , He died the ic xt day
from the eff.'ct of his injir i
The frequency of stage rbbcrieH
on the Klamath Fallu mage line
has caused the Wells-Fargo express
company to close up its ollice in
Klamath Falls. The express com
pany withdrew from business over
a number of stage lines in North
ern Calilornia and southern
Oregon a couple of years ago, but
to accomodate the Klamath county
people, re-established their service
from Ager to Klamath Falls. The
people are now egain without this
Legal Blanks.
All Kinds.
1 !
riiiiuiiiih!i' nr! work u'luimnfei'U Jl
KKM.KY it IiOY, I'rot.s.
Kiic fiurH In A. V. Ii Uslimli r.
. our worVD In tW W
V.'it uiju limuiifo ln
sax eoa-fei Gas End
T!. I':)V I tm T'i.'iu. ...... ikiiI.m ..rrfiiiMPV 1
I I I I I I, In .'.ill. rka. Tlirr Ii J2
ii nil. .1 ii.i ,.( , .., i , i, i ii,Hiirr ,-,.nipitt"'
i. i.,u; j, i. iH ,,M '..r CMihiftiUi-, cn'Uiar".
; Goff and Goff.
carrying agricultural products;
I third. lh abandoned
'loichards that serve as breeding tr-, Mrs. Wilson Cooke, McMinn-
Mr. Oil-
present century j groUndg al)d faurtj,t the destruc- ville; recording secretary, J
people in hurope ( tim of cuJtivttion ofj key, Dayton. The director
Wo are prepared to do ilnttii
inakiiiK in the latent, rtvle. and
service, which in all probability; P"anmti-e sutiffivtion. Prmupt
will not be established oiain until I nnm uwl rnargMi.
that city h -connected with the
outside world with bands of rail
road iron.
Saturday last the 9-year son of.
B. F. Tittic, of She' burn, in some
way managed to let a heavy barn
ferviee " and
lrVn Cutting ami Fitting.
Cor. Jtailroad and I) Ht,
tors elect-, door drop on his leg, breaking and
ed were Dr. Sutton, Carlton; John crushing it in a horrible way.
my--::'y si!
t wmwt""
outs P ...
Oood turnouts for Commere'id men
lion hoarded ,v ,- .,.,. r ,,,, h
Ctatijr.iry and Marine Engiw
' 1 HA1-illl T., AM lH&MI.'l"W
Estes & Elkins,
City Draymen
All kinds of
Tbs Weekly OregonUa SO cts a Tear.
Tin" rPtoilnr witiwrlnllmi nrlr ..rik. -
TkhpkIsk ll..iHii,llli.. n-iiirmil,Tli.uu
l.riivirf 'l'lir Wcely ilr.,,1,1,,,, , tUt,
... . n . I T.- rf-L . I. I . T ,T - I .-!... forlh. 1. ... . .
t v.i,ci;iuriMTUo,.h aI,rfrj uiii.w. r.iLH t,iiuaitm: j.j. 1 1 fit- i r: :.....- . .
nrZlXl& iind that the tendency person, McMinnville; U. L. How- Illto I5eIiton aillSSS
jUnan than Lnghsh, and, id fact, of tLe firgtthat of tLe Juas,ing ofj land, North Yamhill. coupfcv but afterward; seeing hil "
I '
Mudeor repnired nil tlioit
lioliee, niul nl lowt-nl
' Hihle iriee.
-Jobwork Neatly Done :-
iMtpplieit f..r wninmifinkeni
ki pt iiiiifi.inily on hand.
II. U FOKI, I'rop.
Over Tlio. Fi-nnell'f slif.p,
m or out of the city
l'romjttly attctHlcd U)'.
CI i a rye reasonable.
Oft your hii'1
piinte-1 at tb
(tdicu. and dt
l.e best work. You will thai"1
nabled to w-ctire ,th lx-st rrulw
j from your investment. Wa ha
l some fine '
jfflOtir prices are the lowestjt?f