Tin: polk county imu:ss. lUiohiimin in Southern Oregon. The census taken in lS'.U?, by the npont, shows there wore but "4 living, and none tif them wu!d read or write, notwithstanding the i .... i ..... i i Jr. , . . . HUU'I mm "111. II.KI nil tlll-ueil U'ini o. ISoydaton and family nn.l , , , ,, i c, T.i v.,,, . ., , . J (schools for them. In iW I, nt the ............ il. .,., ...,,, v.t visit to J. 1). ShawV in Lnno t'V ' , . . . , , ... Indians. Huso consist.,! mostly jcounty. 1 hey captured about -200 ,. ,, , ,. r.i ... , . .. of the i.lamctte Indians, and the w Items uiul lMiloiiiil presnloiiH. (Itenmer.) Ed Shaw and wife have ltoen on & yoke of oxen for IOO, and bought j 'citialc 10 years old or over enitaii a ton in of tint bay Ir.trsea for (a). od in gainful occupations in this He says ho wiM buy n not of bar-j country in 1V.M. 'i 'ho reimu kablo ness and then liavo money loft manner in which woman i in- vatliii till holds ol labor is sink- ingly shown by a comparison with ,of the finny tribe and plow an ilk. from the palo, A now industry developed tit Ashland last week. It is no more nor less than the shipment of a lot of Unties to the San Franeison market. Three 1N.SU. Durimr tho .hoado the in- eieitso of Uio number of malm in) occupation wa . per com, turn j ... MM I sacks of them lein.uos -T.t per win, immuniM reooit 14 mom favorable as lo I...... I... ..vi.r. In.,! report Live a list Ol 1 COCU pa- m i . , , i'r ' niiv ct tit 1 1 n i- i rere wvro nine convomvns iiur-,t i:r....i . . i ! lions, uiui vi Uiom? womt-u art VvWv . VVvV. " ' VV.N for Onfcnts ntc! Chiiircn. jug the revival recently hold by . ,..,,,.1. Ti,.. ,.,..,( i.. ! .... i .. t.i.i 1 ...,, ttbsent from only x.njjolist Kosg. ,SWj n)lws Uuttht.,v, was lOitof jtSuHij!!! with what success it has Sanny and navy andsoblieiv, MimNay KobWns has a lot;ilii.n that could read and write, j not ,.!iriK.d. The turtle, ailois and marines m the set vie- which U now bearing wed for the j ttd 0f t lo wholeimmbor,u5I eoidd ! w,.ro wi!a, wo rdinarilv call "nHid''1' Stat.a. In eioiy third eeason, and standi four f.vt Knclish. Since the allot- j turtW and wore caught in Hear ",r trl' l"e.-sion, vocation, hih. Who can lat that Uot? twui f UmN to the Indians on !,.r.v near town. occupitioii, woman is i, rosontod. Iho reservation, there had been! , . ,n 1 Neatly MO.OUO women are je.u T .t"l 'tMtlllllJ Itl lit! UfPfniutv I "t ; born .v.) children on the t!rnd I f ,s.,, . .,. sA tomorrow for a week on Trusk I Uoumlo tiseney, and the j -a rents j l)u w,nim, lllr n,j,ita of Willam river among the pmall fishes and! of those ehildrn desired land for ' (.t(( V; .v j..ntx j3 ,1S follows: t,H-ollieelS of iinirTr,.wvMflf J. 1). Belt, II. 15. LVjH r, II. V Craven and J. J. Daly will leave big bear. In tolling fish yarns and bear stories each of the tiuartct is hard to beat. tneir balacs. At the Klamatlt V.llll!litl( tiil . i.illM f-,70; Marion, agencv, the agent rejauts tho (.oj,. , .-s(. Jaij lN,:k $.,77. 15l.. illation, in 1S!.".. to bo I'.V) Indians. , , ,,,,7 Vtt!.tuiiutan, Ui M. V. Uoork, who need to figure of vvt're u- "l!,!os !,,ul Chu kamas, i'.'S. o prominently as a jHipulUt in this region, is now a blatant rejuib lican in our native county in Ken tucky. I). M. Guthrie lias been in the pheep bu.-inesB aimtit loriy years and has always handle! tlie Ust trades of them. For his first lot of j females. I lioy were improv- ins very r.;i.liy, and they bad. deiToast'il roirt.'' . e i'Ai;iii:i: down ns fanueis, pl.tnli is and agri cultural laboiors, though i: is ex-, plaim-p that only a sm.tU poitiott; of thojio aotu.illy work l.r wa', and t:ey tire for tho tno.-t part the; wives and daughters of tanners, ll ' is rather surprising to read that al I Iii-re :i!it '1 .1 iijiii'li c al luliolS ' latniii' has ol'lt persons ot .. .... ' i 1 . I other linnets ol tho same sex, v-i-li.il !. W,il tint I IIMIitv- M'hillll ... ... a little since his Lst " , j,:,,. , 1 tetualeiptarryineu ami women suponuH talent has O.ISS to . . , I ' i v.oouchoppei s. Duo is not surprisf.i . divide autoti'' the sihot.l ilistncts.. . , i " i to se- that tm-ro are '. I ttetri s-es, Mrs. Sandt l Hunt n.ed at tlu;!.v,sh) ,5,s ,, , , ,s , ,.. :,---' . ,. rcsidoitce of Iter daughter. .Mr. S. , Kl0r ssS j.-umalist.-, IM, M.ss May lnadiey is att.-ud; -ig , n ia SovXh Yamhill, Juno j : .; , ,' ;,,,, t,f lu. the commeiieement cxer.uses at',, ' .. :,1, "lu?,lUM" Ull( u ,K '" 1 l" "'u . ..i. .i.:. ... .. S. 1 at the aire ol I . i .. I i . '. . ., t. i;,..i eheep he paid 3 ahead, and once -uonmoou, tms ee,. - ; .. " - PtJthen ho imported fmir bucks N L Kildwiu will ,:, Lmvo j ' 7 ro-i n ,r,!ilt t , l!r . , :,; from Vermont at a cost of 025. ' Norm is a tV. e sile. r ! ford ( i t he matilla on ho seb., !ollll?ts Uw s, .,. phy,,- . , , , . . J aovoettle ai.il pavs be has to won; ami leading a paci;noiso last eeK. c;aus and nroous, (M s!nn men Jle has sheared as many as l.oWj. . n - ... (. , ' .. . . , , 7 J 1 tor M.er in Oregon, -Itat in volo- ,1 j, i.ai-k 1 irse tai led back, t;.e , 1 ,...tn,... .a -u..! tu. vi-nr! 1.1. : ' . ... : ' - -till.. -mi -.,....,,,.;,, 1;,llllm.r ( Pun place. Success to o;-iit. . .' . , ., 1 ( r l miM .... .... ... ... A u.. a. It, r!'1i" tr-.ill'Jns r.f ? Miy VrvfvIOoiM. CArtrli pr.'VfiN vxin'i'nT furil. rnotorU cnra ytrrlw nmt.V.M-.ir rrU w.!lt Tf'tVit Tw"':!' rprli f- Crtp-lnti nti't !'!..?' . fn.(..:o'mi',m! .In .- H.-'-OM..- -t V-f - ;'' ' Hvlsj WlU y c v. .ii.i' - '.t J. IW irrr-'i! ...... ,,-,...5,1,,,; '.-' - r ! flint It la "jus r" '. " ;r!vt " wl"t o :. ' - fo tho. yon 0 ot C-;2tT-J'I?.rTlnj ' RJOKTHERN PACIFIC Rj R u N S 0 Pullmaii Sleeping Cars Elegant Dmlna Cars Tourist ni , Sleeping Cars at. '.r. DU.tlH TO ' ( . ' A .n .- li t..U't (I iu;u:,i t,i ;,''' a: Ithrough tickeitc "I t , n.un r fur.t 11 1 ,' (.' s' " , ,' t 1 W'.n ' 1 a' 7' .'A' 777 .on i,, i.t V. I! II AWl.lT. AtM-(,t, fit-rA ' ' - i r-' . 1 i ll l;l.';o'.. . , . ...r i ,u " t, I. '.en. I nt t. fi.i. , 1 '; I'y' II Oil, in one season and will this have 400 fleeces to sell. The btst price he ever got for wool was CO cents and the lowest 12 cents, lie has taken many premiums at the atate fair. His wool growers are the purest bred CoUvolds and r.'i --.., 4- n: Sfn frt:r."i" Mr. riidi:"s has his new house! alxnit Con;p!eted. It is a neat j little cottage and will add much toj the appearance of our town. From Stiver's '"Dailv llnip."- itr-: ir. i.,. 1 1 (Jake to tirant). J tke "I wis UVIIUUOi .AAV liua A ..V .lllV'l II UOU I . . , , . . . i e . , tliev wo.ii.i jrra:le tliusH lu.ls ilown I Moudiv ii!"ht v""""tl" "'c l'""-'"' out there by WolvcrtonV.' etrains and thirty-five kids txsid?s j Grar.t ' Oh. go on now, every-j 200 Iambs. Miss Nellie Collins, who is teach ing in the normal school at Madi pon. South Dakota, will uot be at home this summer, but will sp-nd pome time at the national teachers meeting in Minneapolis and then go to visit Missouri kindred. . (Observer.) The rose fair given by the Christ ian church is considered the suc cess of the season at Dallas. The floral display as reported to us . was simply immense, and finan cially the promoters are satisfied. The laying of heavy rails down about Perrydale is progressing rapidly. The Polk county annual teacher's institute will be held at Monmouth on June 24tb, 2.3th and 2Gth. Constable C. L. Hubbard left for Michigan, Wednesday, with the proper papers from Governor Lord to return here K. Edwards, who is charged by the grand jury with the crime of seduction. Snpt Hutchinson has been busily at work visiting Bchools and has so far, found them in a pro6- jerous condition. Last week he visitl the following school?: Crowley, McCoy, Bethel, Lowtr Spring Valley, West Salem, Lewis ville, Montgomery school, MeTim wonds Valley, Nelson school house, Teedee and Craton schools. Assessor Beckett is getting along -nicely with the 1895 assessment and census taking. The work will soon be finished up. He is in McCoy precinct this week. Mr. John Hughes left on Tues day for Denver, where he expects to find employment. All our people who attended the Balkton picnic from this place last Saturday report a grand suc cess. County Clerk Mulkey de livered the address for the occasion. chargi-d a bullet into lu:i.-etts thigh, lie had to rile IJ miles before reaching home. Louis r.tiger. of Em; ire City, is supjxisid to have drowned htt lie w;is rotundity t.ers ; ers, thins out that way is too high f.rl l,a:",",s ' 11 ,,,i"' ,J".r" IS'illlllll til lOllV SlOUgll. .lit you. Wm. Fuqna will soo:i build an addition to his hop house to lv used as a building and storage room. Alex Kerr will also build an addition to his dwelling in Parker. LlTTI E JoiCKK. BUKXA VISTA. John IlarjMjole and his son Dick, of Ciervais, visited wi'h relatives and friends here last week. J. A. MeClain ami wife visited relatives hi Corvaliis this week and last. A. Anderson and wife, aceoni panied by Miss Addie I'm titer, visited Mc.Mh'.nvillo this week. Mr. Miller. vet. r. nary sitrgnuis in the t.-n;ti!'- coluitins. The im ; I'ltai.t pat t play.j id by wuue-ii in tdiicat.o!) iuthisl, eouiitrv is stritiii"lv shown by ti e ! " - . - . i ' iiiiuns i.i ) nrolt s-ioi'p tu end) pa: and uttivorsiti and ! teach-; ers. Tiit-ro are -S-J"i uo.m u bar- and luiirdie-s.ers, -o."!'.' biianliii-l tlilH.l ! e CP '- ID i r keejM t, M ".,.' ini;-)'l.ii lets ai.d ' and : .-ti-wards, "Jl intit . t s ;u.d I r.. t -1 r.-, ! no 7,vtl jwi.-.to -, l'l'..t.lT !'. i. .la-.-.-, "ottl ";l.-!t)J iturse.i and mid a i i s, "J I iii ; r'-sturjtutkecpi'rs, "J'-'To saioi.n :.n p-, :::A GOOD vv'AGCDI::: 1-17 bartellii- ii.t.H'keepors, ; s. t ..!.! j whit v th.- th.- vry I i iii a -, t" -. I I Hrliif. Wf b tie b".-t ti ; I -1 S'll 1 1 "'Ol .0 :i id ( If r: II. VeM'.lI.r. Uoi lu r. roTin: l.l i iiiih 1. f v i r r -t , i r r - a i 3 . ? 7 ' . j - .i.0wC-..i,LLT.y-L - w l.: w day. Its capacity isWJOU p-tumls. J k'P"n' -''il ,uv The milk is made into cho-se ev. rv ' i;:"''5 iir" lmd;,'rs day. ami aUtut three tons of eio'i n' a business 'nian of'! U made each week. Oniiii n i.'v Salem, was with us Monday. F. J. McIIenry, Deputy Head Counsel of Woodmen of the 'orld, l.cture I to the people of this city in behalf of that order last Fiidn v evening. Mr. McIIenry is an able speaker, lie organized a camp here. Gid Davidson, Harry Squires and their families ara rusticating out on Salmon river, near the coast. We hope to have a blacksmith with us in a few days. If you want to see the prettiest hop yaid in I'ulk county just drop in at George Weils, .Tr's. There is a big red headed buy then; too. Chas. Moore, cur enterprising barber, is d ting a rustling business. Bulwo. 10 pounds of mile ma! pound of cheese. W. M. Kistner, a farmer living a few miles from Uainier, will spend the coming fourth with his1 mother, who will celebrate her; lUr'hd anniversary in August. This) ag.il lady resides at Highland; Prairie. Wash., and. considering j her ago, is bale and hearty. Her ; husband died the advanced v.'M of 118. SOME OREGON INlJlANS. How Ther Have Decreased Under the Influence of Civilization. "The Rogue riyer Indians," says B. F. Dowell in a letter to the Port Orford Tribune, ;have been grad ually dcrea6ing ever since the whites settled among them in 1S32. Agent Skinner estimated them at 800 in 1852. Agent Samuel H. Culver reports that in November, 1854, one-fourth of them had died since the treaty of 1853, after the war. Superintendent Palmer, about the same time, wrote that .pne-fifth of the Rogue river Indians had died during the same time. J. Ross Brown, a treasury agent, in his report after the Indians ITEMS Of IXTIJKEST Gathered from our Various Exchanges Throughout the State. Charley Fowier, A' Walton, on last Saturday met with a fearful accident by which he came near loosing his life. It seems that he was out hunting, and while at tempting to cross a gorge on the tin- party were intoxicated, Uergci's companions It.ive recollection of him after the was shoved off The 21 true Mill returned by 'its, :H) sext.msau.l 2.H w.i;eiin t:. ; the grand jury of L'matilla cunty; Mo.t people will bu surpt t.-ed to ' at the last term of curt were: For I b an: thai 22S.::uy women are cm larceny, larceny by bailee, l;'g:gU:i what the Census bureau; larceny from a building, -I; adul- j c-.lls trad- and tranu tatioo. (I'j terv, o; assault with s dangerous these Im.UJ.S a-ei-h-i ks and copu-ti- ' weapon, -1; larceny from person, '(irrespective of where they may be'' forgery, 2; polygamy, 1. j employed). 21,1s.". art; Meie-u- ThJ new croamerv at Tillanmok ! Ml'!l,',!i 'yi-writers, "S,!-!!) are is receiving MJOd pounds of ::.i!k a! -ili''vi""t"1- -'"- ' 1 -'I 1 1 are ineivnmn ami Ulid h.ppei-. i oe o;ry wo-hi, r is thai m. ol these Siguriis :tr-) not larger, fo few people will b'- teady to lelieve th-ceosas bureau iia.s enunn rated a'! the typewriters and copyists. On the other hand, ne is seaiei ly prepared for lint stajemeii', that there are 4S7" agents tt.d iol lectors, two am tioneers, (M2 c.mu mercial travilers, J.'!7 diavmen, hitckmeu and teitmstors, 21 h st!)-rs, 22"J peddlers and hucksters, lJ liv..rv st-ilil.. L-i. .1...1-.1 .t t,..i.fn..tiei. S-)Uie years eg) at! ....,,', '.. ,,,, '..i.tel. , !,.n..,b.-r men. ( i :i,i iii-.. i rj hum no-nit ii, .m. iif i.' - Ueio'ers juid ..rr.-.nd nod i.i!ie Tho Women ti achcr outnumber La (irande capitalists have ho-: -l),Vtjt" 1 pilot, :U porters i jith" men nearly three to one, !'.-! come interefited in the development ; PrW( o'J saib'trs, M. H leant rail the s-tmo is true t.f bimidii.ghnnM' of the Hurricane creel; marble ; ra, t.mpluyeK, pj f-tn et r.:; 1 o. j. v ! h-- . is. 'i It li'spaii y s'dl mines and in a short time wi'l : ( mployes, ,S-17-i teh gr.ttdi and t):Io-' gr-at)T. of course, itniong iiur-1', commence work. They expect to ;.,,,,,. nperalors, lio'.) linemen and ; laundeD-rs and lanndres-:i place on the market this f..ll first- j ,.l,.,.trjc l'l.t ci.int.anv emnh.vi-s, ' keeprs and st ards, class monuineiits, as good as anv :t ,, dert i!;er i n I .i.'i h hv- o j manufactured from Vermont ; me.m-er .ami v.-eigbor-. tu'irble. ' ! More than 1.IA),01W wometi are Last Wolnorday, on the West) n iemnleyed in what the census bun-au mountain, Dick (ieoerning had a : denominates liiinn.faetuiitig ami rather di-asterous runaway. He mechani al imlrst :en. Tho gr-at-was cutiing wootl. and had tied his ' est number is under the head ol team to a tree He cut down ' dross ma k'-rs-USS. 000. Seamstresses umither tree near the iiors-s, and j come nest, 115,1)01); cotton i j i i 1 Cr-rrincc rr'J Rc,7Ci- Ij 'i ti'so li ilu'.'e t'.i' V. ) :i 1. 1. oil II j.i l!' nd Cliampicn Binders anc' ; Mcwcrc. r wo Tir.nr.ccntlr.rr.tsl HOUTES uiiT i m wmm i'.iciFif ti .Mn"Mt"TiI. I I si'oiiwr. :::;;!'Ak;Us A l PAUL l II O M AHA , S It Krr.::sCiW .Muni aim to plea.-)-and l.' . po 5Y: f, )i's. f fa:i..iery, N-v.-:'--" ' ""-x Paints. (v . .. oils. N--l..;: .. s r- ':itn;sh"S. . ' ." :.,' Prn-ler. (')'tubs. ' Syrit.fos, X';- ' 1 1. a ,etl T.t Ail I '.'I ;. ) 1 1 1 a ( ki i:..!,;i:s I , .. .. I , 'One. I ;..) t. IV p.'tto: Mte. iii i i Z.i'.r.L'lwtV. . ) ti. a i;, 'i-M el i , ii th i . ... t . . ) r. i.. t;t :;i in nr. i, en, I (.- Atrat, '..(iuw',r lit. Prescriptions Carefully -:- Cornpoimded fiirj. d .i'.-i' . Iav or Niitht. .-.w;..7VT.-.' tiin,tl-f jwntw .. .,( i.o It'' I I - I i...:t..f I'oli ,-i.. t.K. AT J lll-i hi 3 ;i i ; ' II II23HIEI, I lll.-'O- Cillll i I C-.-ej, am! ser'. ants. Tint t - I i-1 number ef ii rviiiits in the ooiitilry is y.'Z, 01,0 of whom . Iy 2:;7.'yf;o are In:ih"J. Wolin n take th nuiiiei ieidly in typewriting Portl.iml Sun. T. ID 1 "A r -'I U lea. I etc. Sa h Do l.'o tll l:,;u A t t '"TS i , .. r. .i4 f Lli r 1 ,-, ..l .). " I ,. f oW"' I I ..Kit'" :. ,' i. i,.t i" I .."uWII H4 . ; ' M '" ( ..I ...H "-' ,,. .,,,.i.-) I ...ii i.'it.ii"'' iM I ) fT" l(trr,,tl'.n. -1 l'l- -' rCOVaLTY 1 Some lii)- Iiitalli Mjacn. rout- - ' holdiii"; it! i r. For . EverybmivVt the fall of it frightened them, j operatives third, with '.H'.OOO, aail Ki,. un,r(! c iifiifiic'i! ni 1 1 i r llii' i Ji' " "I. 'i t..... t. ,.i.. l... .. ...1 oi....l . ...t ! ! .. : i . e. ii .i. I- .mo . . . . M1 x ii.-jr i,i i'lui"; iiiki niuui.ii jirir t,uiuirrci-n louiiii, v. 1 1 jl oi,ooi', .jt.f t;it, tile Ja I' I." MS done coii;-i h-iah!'- )'ilina v, I f II t.t,- Rllil W'ui It yli:ili,l;l)-i'l lit c-, ,1.. . U , I I 1 . t.. , 11 .1 1 . I .1 I 11 . . 1 . i , due . i .1 inn i,c lust ma i.uiduiA j men inroun ino iiiuiht, iinauy : twiner occujiaiions m wiueii women (i ami Was lireciUltated down t he ! rnniiii.or nr:iint n trex Oni. lioi ue'ii I I'lnr.-lv firoiri. nr,.. Cw.l. l.t.wl...- , . , i -.i ; , , .j .. - oiiViTS are n il uoiiseu wnu unv ; N-rmTr T "r--t steep hill for the distance of tlOO leg was broken, and the animal H,000; boot and shoe r- , king. oC, (.x',ectal io . of a hi,! e market for OXT X LI V Y ' " feet, which inflicted cuts and had to be shot. The other was OOO; boxnmkerR, 1:5 uu; ear -ot- ',,..,. .;. i.. ,..,. .,,1 .,r,. i, V!f . S U I' i t.'i.'i.-n r i pi I l ' . . if . , ..... p I - i 1 1. . .1.1.- t .. .1 1 .... . - . I ...I'l.l.. O.U10.D on umcici.i jjaiio wi nip . v . j .. ... v, ...v ..o DiaKcrs, 1 1 ,uui); jol-ei and K ll 1 1 f, .r... , . .,t .. i-: ,, Kl,.l- ,,) ll,, ting mill operatives, j,000; mil-j r(lltM n.t.(;llliy ,.,irr,.l)t. (:,-p r,.. linets, 'j.WX); woolen mill op.-ra- j ,,orti lir(, f n,,. most ,;uru: fiv-PB .itlKIII- tittf l.iilla 91 CI t'l i . . r ., e'l.o.-, - uoO'it untiiMify K"'' ei . n . i i "' " mzL t , I " I. ll iirmi'T rin,n" t . I, I l. , r rjlkl,."'.-)1 Gtaibra: y and Marine Engiw UABi cAi-reior.il nv PALf.:2R& REV TYPE FOUHBRY body. d-.-molifehed. " 1 In the matter of bounties on Farmers in the vicinity of wild animals, the county court of i Weston say that spring grain Benton, at its last session, adopted i shows much injury on the account ....., . ... ......r-, . , ,. i:ir:i,-!er li.ll. lroin t i" iiioh!. re and tobacco and cigarette factories, j ii,,. ,,.,.,. f hiformation we coiiclud)' that b' twicn the dimarc KVAAAIY KOV, I'n.j H tmi, r l. A. V. I.,,, ui.,,, r. f ; ' .4-.. - oysr ' :) i.i- j!ooil turnouts for Ci.miiieii 'id rr.en lI)irMsluiur.le1 hy (Ik- vei l; or uiutilh. IXDKI'KMii M'K. OIL the following schedule: Cougar of dry weather and warnt winds, j 2i,00J. or panther, $2.50; bear, 1; wolf or and if rain do-s not come within j Women literally get into every- by CoId weather nnd the number of coyote, .f2.50; wildcat or cata-!a week the crop will be very short, thing. They are apprentices to ' We;tk yards the vi -Id in tl is slute . Sa . i . c . '.T . . l : it- ii i i. . : i i i -.1 . . . ' ' ' mouni, -tj; musKrar, zo cents; aimosi, nuuung. rati rain iihiks ; i)iaci:smiins, 10 carpeniers, t-i wi.g- j wjjj. ), ir.l,t,.r than last vear black tail rabbit, 2 cents; gray or I well, ami the most of it promises to , on-makers, to iiia.on, to machin-! iinjeiiH wlmllv pniblennitie-j, ground equirrel, 1 cent, for each j make a good crop without anyjits, painters plumbers ami tin-! Fioni the Pacific coast the ad vises scalp presented as by law required. moisture. Some few hi Id are badly j smiths. There are .VJ W'Htieii!ar8 generally favorable No new An exchange tells of a rustling overrun with tar weed, it being aa blacksmiths, 72 brewers, PU brick-1 ,.n tracts a-,, maki:- -,t i,r,.Me,,t farmer who the other morning fedev?n chance as yet whether the ; makers, 10 builders ami contrac- Ti)(. ,,r()IM,S(l advance in freight I ,.., and milked 5 cows, turned the'wheat wi!1 "l""1 the'wceil crop or i tors, 12! butcherH, 1!)1 carp-nlcr?. fmlll iho ,.,,,. ,',.,, .nj ' n"' "luuzX calves into the pasture, threw a ; the weeds the wheat crop. How- j 5 1 coopers, 9 distillers, W) gun-; ,,ave .,t)W inl ,.l;.f.t JuiM.'1t WAGONS & CARR''HFS scoop-full of wheat to the chickens, ,fver, this pest is not generally in M.iiths. ho9 harness-mak-rs, CM I stjjj' ,m,j,.r r.,,sidera ion. but w, ' U M....... marble and stone cutters, 42 brick j mul(.Itll(1(J iat j, fl,lil(. ..,; - J ,.,i,.(.. , ie-,t and stone masons, Ml millers, 47 'j4.fl.rMi af.,.r ,:,.,,;,, -1,1,. p.v.. mold.rs, 5-1 paperhHiigcr, 42',h-M 1Ilonti, ,., !!r,iillir , market there is not uit.eh of in terest to any cl.a of )iperators. ,,-7 BAwltlKHT., AH I'm")-"" Estes & ElkinSi -L"nding- 7- City Draymen vllkimlH"f Hauling in or out of the city rronij.tlv atlcndi'tl to. Ch a rye: reason (rid e curried, fed and harnessed two ; Ul'' a?c horses, fed and petted the pigs, Woiiien arc in Kiery bine. were on the northern reservation, I pumped a couple of wells dry, reports that the Rogue river Indians j washed his countenance, ate break-: An important and interesting ; plumber, -US powder and catridge and Shata Indians numbered o,4. 'fast and drove to .Sawyer's mill, a contribution to the statistics of the ' makers. roofers and slaters, He did not state how many of distance of 14 miles by ten xniii-jneiv woman movement is that i boatbuilders, 6 boiler-makers. Jhese were California Shasta In-! utes after 7. 'made by the census bureau's re- j well borer, 1 whcclripht and 'J dians, and there were quite a num-j Mr. Green, who lives near New- P"rt fn occupations, just out it wbitewashers. ber of them surrendered to Colonel burg, recently sold a well-matched i shows very nearly 4,0JO,000 of,' There are few occnpati nn in ' ' : I I N. V. Producers' Trice Current. Dr. Price's Cream iiakinjf Powde, Awirdri GoU MbJ Midwinter hir. f rnca. j -rJcbwork Neatly Dono:- '"A ", lieh for mik'uiiiiniki i I k. it i-oiiflaiitly on l.aiel. ij YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED i II. I.. rolCI, Prop. li -r Th IViiin iri,,,, U IviiKI KXIiK.M i:, - - OilK.iO.X. HORSE MEN (iet your I'M ptintedat Ik KNTKHrKl. oil ice. "'I the lt iv..rk. You willtl"" " enabb-d t.t secure the bet . ri-sall' frotti your in vestment. We k"ve s.iine fim- STOCK CUTS- f "Ottr prices are the lowest J?'