Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, June 13, 1895, Image 2

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    ' m rnn fit iw Star Grocery.
Tomato Sauce; Mustard Sauce and PuwSptoeJfi
Broiled Mackerel Souced in
lie OButcrpvioc.
Enterprise Publishing Co., Publishers
J. T.'rViHP. Fitllor.
J. II, MilltIV, Uimluimi Munniicr
R:iUrv.l l ll. iliilitr. mi I tinwk4irm'M or, .
MM'tHllI-.'! II.mII tltHttrr.,
$1.50 PKK YEAH
Tl lUJisjDAV, Jl'N K 1 a, I S-.I5.
1 - - ,
Now and then there, is a man with
aeuw onoiiK'I to write a seiisibjo litter.
Oregon' chiet executive iiear to bo
that oi t of a i eron, at least, ' if cor
rectly reported, lio said wuii) seindblo
thing in answer U a ropiest from
F.astern Oregon (or tho restoration' to
citizenship of man convict! of
larceny. ! Uovernor Lord holds tlio very
FUUMiblo ami sound opinion that under
Mich cirounistanies citionhi; should
wot bo restored uutil the. applicant gives
mime evidence to society that bo will
use Ids vitmeuship well. He should
establish a reputation for good character.
Tl. Mrariior believes that the rights of j
,mwrn.i:ent khould lw con-j
eidored when n-stoiing citizenship to a !
man who ha been eonvieleJ of loiouy. .
This is certainly a correct aud vtjuitable j
n i... l.,.l.if .if i ivins? the
view. - - "
rL-htsofciliienshiptoaiuanas mton as I
.... .:
he su-ps ouunle ot prison wai.s is
In principle and injurious ... its cffoct j
'npoueoemty. In all eases let tho man j
..i.i.. l.wt liis citizeiishn. through .;
M UV " " !
rim first g':v. eviJcnce to st-ciety that !
ho is agaiu worthy of its cnitidtuotf.
An English writer, in a rcwiit miinber
of the North American Review . makes
out Tory iutores;!ngcjmi)Mr.soii8 in re
gard to -the relative uuinbv.-r of hands
employed iir. agriculture, the number of
buthels of graiu and j-ounda of meat
produced per capiu iu the United States
and the leading nation f Europe.
According to Mr. Mulhatl'a Uble of
ilatislics the United butes employs j
8,7liOOU3 handa who produce per capita.
3n0 bushels of grain and 1230 pounds of
meat; Uie United Kingdom. 2,4tX,000j
hands. 11U bushels of raiu aud 1000,
pounds ol" meat; France, Q.tHO.OU) hands,
US bushels of grain aud 250 pounds
meat'; Germany, 8,120,0'JO hands
bushels of, rain and 3S0 pounds of meat
Austria,' lO.CsO.OOO hands, 04 bushels of
grain and 200 poucdsof meat; Italy,
5,400,000 hands, 39 bushels of grain' and
lMpouncsof meat. "A farm hand in
the United States," fays Mr. Mulhall.j
"raises as uiueh grain aa U;ree in Eng- j
land, four iu Fiance, five iu Germany or j
six in Austria, which thows -what an ,
enonnous waste of labor occiy..iu Eu;j
ropt.Ucaose farmers are not iip.lieU j
with the tame mechanical appHalices as '
in the Utlted States."
Tar. apiKiintment of Attorney-General
Olnev to the first place in the cabinet is
not in the nature of a surprise to the
country. 'Mr. Olney had the good luck
to make a passable attorney-general and
his promotion was probably due to
merit alone. The new eecretary of state
is head and shoulders the ablest man in
President Cleveland's cabinet, and if lie
brings the cimie sound judgement into
the state department that he exhibited
in the legal department he will in a
measure redeem the mistakes of his
predecessor. Judge Harmon, the new
attorney-general, has tho distinction of
not being known to the general public,
but this is no proof that he w ill not
make a competent official. Indeed, it
is something in his favor for only the
comparatively unknown men in -Mr.
Cleveland's cabinet have done anything
to merit public approval. - Those who
havo mine into his cabinet with a large
reputation havo had the misfortune to
lose it.
Tub outlook for better prices in wheat
this "fall continue eiiite encouraging.
The large surplus has been pretty well
used iipand the partial failure in several
of tho centrnl wheat growing states is
full of promise to the Oregon farmer.
Of course wheat is not going to jump up
to a fancy price, ,but 50 cents, possibly
fjO eeats way be reached. This will
give the farmers a small margin for
profits where cicse economy is used.
We believe it is estimated that the cost
of growing wheat is about 35 cents per
bushel, although eome experienced
farinersclaim this is too low an estimate.
Be that as it may, however, 50 cent
wheat will give our farmers some relief
from the stringency of the last two
Tub "unspeakable" Turk is reluctant
i the sorelv oo-
,og. - -
pressed Armenians, but the moral pur-
ure belnz brought to bear at the Court
of Constantinople bv the nations of j
Europe ia sure to have a salutary e:-
' . ,
. 1
feet. ll,,sup... - - .
ense enough to know that Knroian j
liayoneU could caf ily set hiin acrjss the ;
ltoi.b.rt-us and obliterate Tnrkcy from.
,be map of Euro,., Ku.ia is only too
iinxiott for a plausible pretext to ex
tend her territorial dominions toward
tlio Mediterranean, aud only the
jealousy of tho other great powers ha
withheld the puissant paw of the. rapa
cious lionr from striking the fatal blow.
Tu Otvgotiiaii in a canst In cilitoiial
ou the extravagance of the last logUla
tare drfVe the following terrible spiko
Into the musty iMlti.iof that defunct wly:
"Kvervbodv who u'"d anything out
of tho legislature hist winter had only Wj jutj tl)dllas on tho 11th and j The religious POeieties of tho dif
togo Into tho 'comhimj' to get it. Tho j l .th instant. Oil the cvoring i r,.,Mt t,uirvpes hehl a joint session
consequence of all wai thai the
1 i
economy which the times ilcinanded
ami the people expected m defeated
at everv point, uml the Male's money
Un, anything kaown evenlwe . ,an,p Mi,8 Mtiry C,
ct boon. turn. And it luuat be said, , . ptorv 0f tria.a'tl Vf,rv
from iwt eXH-riencv, that It will I"'L, .I,.,,.,,,, in the early f ettU-1 ,1.;.lll,11,l r...
frvm ywl exinencv, that it m "oi
dotontin entiro oonlidonco that at
the nest, ion thews uluscs will wot
be reiateil."
Tim recent coiicescion to enipes
by several loading Kaslern inaiail'rte
turies is evideuco that a U tter feeling
exiMs bcueeu vu. plover and employe
a weli as an index of a leturning tide I
( prosperity
hu.sii.ess of the
country eamioi prosjier whpj
llr U"H , '
icbip exists Wtwevn ''"'j
,-ahlo relatioi the wage payor, for the;
. of each dermis upon toe;Uie Dalla l.itf pwu. n ... ,
.. i .i l.l 1. vil!ii,..!lr,. Hon. .. U Jilltler. oral... ,
ot nor. ..e vm,..o,. "
,o pay hisemplove wage, commensurate (
wjt, the profits ol his and the ;
eiiulov should lie willing to render a 1
faithful days rerv'.ec f .r the wage re-
ceived. When avai l-iousness is elimi
nated and the spirit of justice
prevails there will be no trouble 1
capital and hdior.
Tub senatorial nproarin the last
i.inn .. ..i ua t!i .mini, of Chinese ;
firp-rr.irlii rsto the booimiig of caisncii :
111 comparison to Uie mighty name mac j
w ill lon in ISOl'.. An CHvasional stray
shot is beeimiing to drop around
". -i
as each oPpn.g facUou caut.oiisly -
t -settlers. Alter .Mr. miner ... , ; I I I l,l mu-s.-od. !
tends its skirmifli line. Senator .Mit-1.
. u;..,. tiia H..1.1 ;
:.. f n.ii.1,. i,!.,!.,.Li!n .11' civilizitioii ioi
. ! as it ...av, tho contest is suie to U-1
;iverrri.oniol...d every inch of the
Uund will U. uhb.rn.y contend.
,J ., , '
and bitter enemies
ru-iiiikun ti'ir n 1
. 1 ;
" "v'" i
ral seldom witnessed in the legUla- j
live hulls of Oregon.
Tiikuk it evidence that the farmers ;
of folk county are beginning to realize
the necessity of so diversifying the pro-
.l.w.t.i .-.I fni-tna thill pnrh vrir lilPV
,iaV(rt,.ll0thillj; t0 ,. w,,fc, yield's
(J,eln a f.ur profit. Tll0 farluer ,0
ljiu)6C,( ((J UltJ raiEiR of whmt
himself badlv handi-
capped when that cereal is down be
low bedrock, but tiie man w ho raises
wheat, hops, fruits, beef and iork al
ways makes money out of the aggregate
product of his farm. Our farmers are
learning this lesson and they have the
thrift and intelligence to take advan
sige of it.
The revolt of publh: sentiment within
the hist few years against prize fighting
'h evidence that the moral Fense of the
people is becoiuiirj: educated. Only a
decade ago a prize fight could be pulled
oil in more than a dozen slates in the
union, hut now tha lne Star state is
the only commonwealth where this
relic of a barbarian age dare show its
hydia head. Indeed, there is evidence
that the better :la-s in Texas w ill arouse
gjch a oiular clamor against the
Corbctt-Fitzsimiiiong mill that it will
never materiahzj into anything more
substantial than smoke aud froth.
A man's business prospers to the ex
tent that he manages his allairs in an
intelligent manner. If his business
largely depends upon public patronage
lie must keep w hat he has to sell con
tinuously before the publiu eye, not only
by artistic displays uion his shelves and
counters hut through the advertising
medium of the press. All auccessful
husiuets men understand this principle
and profit by it.
The Eose Fair.
The Annual Rose Fair boqins
today and promists to I e one f the
most Bucceesf'ul meetings ot the
kind ever held iu the county.
The comuiittee on arrangements
has been indefatigable in iheirj
elforts to make the fair a success
in every way. Excellent programs
both musical and literary, render
ed each evening. Balloting for
"Hose Queeu" will close this even -
"' " -i'" - -
A f.xuii n I tn I id thn lir
,iecorated street mraUe
jor which a cuiiauic iinic ...
t u: .1. . ...;ii i.u
awarded. The fair continues two
day, June 13 and 14, and will be
1 i . .i ... t.
nem a. iuC oFe , .
Admission lee is follows
,() ewuing 15 cents,
rm.rvtj geatlJ 2'y cents.
Interesting Kemtnlsoent Talk.
i:hibit of IMoneer KoHos.
Pionr Prd-Enrollmeat of 1894
An Eloquent Oraliou Social
reunion of tltcjwnN too tdiolt for KoV. Suu.pter to
., , pioneer's association ! show view.
the inn an oni uisnio.i".
. 1...I.1 I.. .1... iYi.kVM .
lire reunion was
held in tho grove -
mi tho banks of th
c LaCreoIe. A
number ot campers who i
pioneers train tno cuv n-i
a lid danwr in the early
inent of tho country. . i
On Wednesday morning l'i;-1
neers paranoia.-. ....... ......
. i . r .... a hi ii
. t i i i... .1... i.,il..d n.,rn..L I
8tn" neaueti i-y m . -
. , ri.i II. : . ..... r.ltiul
I .til
arched '
nano. t n' em
on f.K.t, those of 1S-I4 taking trout .
rank, then in regular ordor down j Tho Novell. iiunrtvthr receive,!
tl i.s;,;), Un invitation to singat tho I loner
.1 stiiiwl tie! tit.., us si t H i I! i WcdncMl.lV. but
cr,,vv,J was seatod and thw niw'ttng
tailed to onl. r by I'rwldonl J. M.
. llawl'-v. Tho tt'reUry read nnn-
, e, .dlast xoai'.reumon. showing; .
,.liri.lli:;.t of 173 men.U-rs. j
, ,i iiitn-e of llllisio by
...... "-"v . .. .. . -
.V. ...I..., TI, k.,.ker made a
t.nllUfii:ls! io j
j,., , ;, u ajn-etally '" ;
1 -i ,., , " ,i.e me.iiory of tlio latn :
- - . " 1- , . !
Ex Senator M-smiui unu ni.-vn.u.o ,
tn organizing
rulK coum. .... .
establifliinil its
Iw.nii.hirv lies, i
.... . I n.... ..' ... I
. . .i
-i ne alicrnoon exercises vuus.--.. j
. , .11 1... ..l.l t
i iniii'iiv iii nriei mime.-;"-.- .
v." ' ixhil.i.i,,- mementos
I1:..n,H.ri, .....1 exlnhitli'2 momoi
0f pioneer d.i.VS.
President ilawl-y gave an in-
'...; in" talk Told aU'itt hard-
j - !!h,v who "cross-
. ..," :,, th,, '.!i)"s iiudl
. tii Li e riititi" - -
1 i-V ft.. i-a ilif(
the pioneer days of this co-Ji. try, j
mei.tioi.l Bomo of tho ,
and eo.npartu tne s nui.u .
.1 l m 1 .... I ,'11 i-,.ru im
ii . 1 111 ..ii ii 111 iu t r.iio iik"
Hit '"' "v ' ' . I
.No com moll wen 11 t-x.-r .. . . -
1.1 . .1 ....-I '
moro rapidly
Ill 1 111? .!" lil .I'll. ... '
.... J I .in.) ixilitical
in a cu;iiiiic.v rwv.... i
..... i . : . i.i ....j f
JP.I..HI I In-s.ilirt Mini
,;. ,,,.,, -era are now stepping I" i
r i .....1 I..,., !;.. in liie athiirs!
iiieiiimuu i.u...B. . ..-
of state and s.iety. '1 ho Country
has a splendid future, etc.
Dr. Kml.ree related his experi-
once in the Yakima Indian war.
T'nc voluntierd were reduced to
the verge of starvali m, o:.iy ,e -
noughllour to make soup and Isiiled
horc ilesh, fitarved cay use 8 at ;
that Got lirst provisions .m valley, pickled pora.
Hour and sugar. These volunteers
received their pay ten years aftor-w-.rds
in depreciated currency.
The doctor said that the native
Indians of the Willamette valley
were not worth the powder to blow
them into eternity
Adam JJrown said we had a fine
country, lie bad been nore .nj
years. We used to pay our taxes
and had our land, today we still
pay our taxes hut our land is gone.
W. C. Drown spoke aUiut early
experiences in this country, relat
ing some amuing anecdotes, said
he did his "sparkin" on the plains
sitting a straddle of a wagon tongue.
Joshua McDaiiiel ispoke of Gen
eral (iiliiam and the pplenuid work
he did for this country, considered
his untimely death a great Ios to
tho country. Interesting remarks
were made "by other speakers. Tin
slug shot li'red from the gun that
Hccidenlly killed General Gilliam
was exhibited.
The association adopted tho
mountain I ill v as the emblem of
their i rjanization.
The "following pioneers have
answered the last roll call since
the reunion in 1801: Aunt Katie
Savei v.Luke Mulkev Mrs. Slid
ton, Mrs. Laura Hudson Howe,
David II. Lewis, James Fawk, Mrs.
Hannah Townsend, Mrs. Sarah J.
Gilliam and James Tatom.
The bright stini-hining days have
come, the gladest of the year. Of
dusty roads and laughing streams,
and picnics too, are here.
As commencement time draws
near, the student wear long faces
account ot examinations.
Cheer up! There's a "sweet bye
and bye."
Lee Brown, from near Suver.
went through town Tuesday with
085 head of sheep on his way to
, portian(j where he will put them
. i i .
ion tne maraeu
Prof. W. A. Ginn and wife went
,. . , . , , 1
; rJ"s V Y.i... .p..I." .J.
1 DV war oi wa.iao. a lie j ,ci7uii.a
w.iv ot Wallas,
ir nb-nnant time.
.--. ,.!.! well morit.-d I l.uutrsnn.i .u........ ....... , . .,'1
twi-en : 1 V 1 r il ,i inuu's heart. It is shgiillv I'taoScti i lie
triotib-s to tho memories oi ouie. , . . i..." . , V 1 ....... ...iti.iii.tli.. till 1 .llhl rUl'' J 'tl " ;
Swell kno,nadh.Uuentia l'J;'f ,r I "LV. 1 , Vho V.vr i,er will bo i h..r.. ,'w t-hu'r.-h buihl.g on tho
I,gis- dress the meeting .ngonrnea ....... . .
Mr. Suitor has quite a force of i 'iVer
men working on his lumler she.!. I To preserve is better and cheap
They will soon have it completed. : er than to repair.
Quite a numlier of our people'
',,. tn Salem Saturday. o see the
field .ports. We are glad to sy
that Lester lliggin c;trri 1 olVtho
hiureU in tho fitly yard dash.
C'oiunionooiiieiit logins Saturday
evetiiijf with a joint scssiou ot the
societies. A good time i untie
i pate. I.
Croquet ami tennis I all. the
rsgw now.
Tho outortaii.tnont at tl'" 'hris
tian chuah last week was it pro-
.....meod SUOOeS. I'Ul tllO OVOIIlllg
xiw Kvangolteal ciiuion ihm
. . i... ... ....
- ,
iti'i.niiuf. .Vti interest i us!
' . i. .......i:.,., was tho re-
, ,ujt
,,,. .......... .,
0. 5. Fisher visite.l Dulhw Mou
rns! ness.
Coats is homo from
mt visit among
hioiulnmi relatives at Kui-oiio.
imniis!I niunMi"!!!
I ' . vI ........ if Ul
ii o i . .
wv...r.. lt,,t melerbom
- ,
H foe
eonside-ed anliiiuo regarding tUJlt
:.,., i
were iina.iio to accepi.
Mrs. Jjsso Wai 1. 1
I'arkor, v.-.ff thoptnug i oar
U it f.iirf.r on voii- L' ma:i to
I. I-HI .
, l
ii ,, ;.,
, . . ? ;
ruliii' ami!
ma .....
Ask Vint Uouts. i
aMm IV x,.rt.i,,s flt Hi- 1
Evangelical i-hurch li.-xt Sund :y !
,,..,;.. v., iniciii-tii. ' in -otrrutu !
bl.t. ,ri.,,.ircd l.-r tliu .. evasion.
' - . I
. l .. T. ..!.,.
l.-l .-oui.- nr. v i
.i . i. .1 in
I I 1CT . . ' t 1 . 1. V If... V. ' . "
. -
liver it to tho proper l-r-
.... . , .
will handsomely rewatu me.,.
their trotihle.
Hes A I'..-:
scv !:::.
01 r
... - ...
Workwitl fooii ur
new school house.
The new bridge on S ap creek
wilUtH)n he c-otnph led.
Mary Kidder is si, viy ,,
( h..XCr.-Illness cat
. ,
tUb mAtT ' nn.-. mien
I ..t.I.. f..ta. hnrwidt t l-'l
A III. If. l.l I . II IM V" . "V "
,.l..nit Siivit :ir iTinvln ' sii..;i. let I V
,- r- , .
i ... i . i. : . i: ....... !...
uiir ii'. nil.-. came..
v..... v, I. .,,! I,.,. ....((..n
. . .
t irotigli Willi ins slice MU-ar.i't'.
s " , ' ..
' Hwinnmid have a hi.c
looking whet c.- p . f -.0 a -res. j
j ,!, Steele will tln-'sh grain lhi J,, f ,,r one cent per bushel. t!u-j
j ;lr1(.r t(1 ,.lV xjh-h.-i-h. Moi-t.
j1(f XM ilirh'ing outfits -ill rtmrgo
,ju. wua j,riut. ;U1,1 (j cents per;
0hilti. v
Jack llockr lias a number of I
acres planted to puiaio.-s wnicu j
are looking very line. He cxpjttsj
to ship them Fast this fill. I
David Vaudcrpool, whih chop-j
ping wood, necideittly cut his leg. j
lie rcL-eived a serious "ash in the i
knee and is conlined to
bed. where be will probably remain
for several weeks.
Uiilders' lire putting in a new
mill iliim. They expect to have it
done by harvest.
The Soap creek picnic wns (jrile
a success in several particularr.
An excellent program wns rendered,
the singing being exceptionally
fine. A couple of fisticuff ih-cu.t .1
which added somewhat to the
hilarity of the occasion as no body
was badly hurt.
A stranger has appeared at lie
home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Thurp. It is a bouncing 'J pn.d
"Dob" lias visited Soap creek
eight Sundays in sin-eia-sion.
Wonder what the attraction is?
, Anthony.
On Friday even! up 'ast. I'lofeg'i r
and Mrs. Duckham, ot' .Mi.ninoulh.
gave a delightful reception be
tween the hours of 4 and 0 o'clocl .
The pleasant room were tastefully
decorated and delL-ious refresh
ments were served. The entire
Normal renior class enjoyed the
The grand jury "f tho Marion
county circuit court found a tiu-;
bill against Alonzo Kwarlz. chars
ing bim with murder in the first
degree. Toflay Swartz, through
his attorneys, will enter a plea of
not guilty.
For "Well l'eoplo.
M-t medicines are for the sick.
Some can he used with good effects
by persons apparently well. Oc
casional resort to Itipans TabVea
nrevents attacks that result from
ot tne tiomacii auu
I '
(f j GbeTHING. fc i
yfi V"HiO .
Hamilton, Ohio, !
The Samejis Bread
Hood's Sarsaparilla on tho Table j
at Every Moal
la wy opinion Hood's AirssparllU hs ;
not an i.pml 8 hlootl purifier. I duo- ;
toreU 8 months for tornnrh trouM and
Ntumicla of tho Heart j
without any j;ood nod then too'c Hood's
tr.v.rlllH: Every sprlnu sad UlUh.e.
. t j i
1 hsvo Ud It tu.1 it h di 'JO mo XoU of
J!hvi)iVj,n f,,rthrlt f..urym. My wlfa
I havo not hi-en attrailct nv a
wu aurtrruig wun wuicr tre'ia "n
Ftcllns A!) Tired Out.
Shows no.cre'y ainittod hut t:in niy
nrvvalllnr uw hir to t!;t' llisd' nii
mritlsaad Hood's Pills t It d.ter. I't V
.h.irt li:nr. Now li 1 tniU well.
V bv cna fiiUu la How. 'a rrp.-
Eaod'Sr551 Cures
UIV MUM' "1 "! t . .... . i.vl
T. v. i..wit.i. .1 fi; o.Tv.V... !
v .-.l. TI.U.I (....(. 1 Bill Inn.Uioo.
"i: --
ii-rrnfTj tasr ""' XL
JU' Vi c . .i.
Out- dilivorv l.y's t.-am
av-.-iv M in-liiv hroakin thing-
riin I
1 1. ...lie at 'is i-
' jj'jind time is ...Npeclcil. j
I Tho I'Hiict r rounioti was a gram! (
! success. j
: Vi.c sawmill ols.tit Fall t;ty -
! urn furnidri.g Inn;.. l
.i:litlUi'S "I
liunU-r t tho ixvple in and
'around Dallas.
! l'lvnle fiom tho Lnekitttnutc
i,iive h.-eii coming to D....- t" i
,,:tt:f g.ela-rr..'.
! r,riU; Morris,' resideu,.
i (--iit"lt lir .. ;... av. whioit uii-ed
while but tho lire was j ut out b
. iuu.1( ,,UIll.IJ?tf.
I t!,.- It. A. Ini-s l-ioM-il tl
... ..
' ... i. . .. . ; .... . ..i-i-i. i ii
: ncehs ;ui-ii.
started lor All.atiy 1
I,.. i ' i Im 1. a I wo weei.". liieetini.
, f ..
IU b. Inamm f.ui Alnant.
t, lo Tang-m. Ind-. ..,.l-:.c.. an.:
i,.l(.k ,,.,1,, t VnUw, where he
wilt .et a few ks.
r - - - '
Dtt.v Rnok Store
feu cin'AM, im
j A share of your putr.mnge s...t.
t; sin. t, ii. or I i inii.-...
ini)i:!'i:ndp:ncic, oukgon
alwnys on hiinr!
In m !.: t fiom.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Independence, Or.
Goff and Goff.
Has lately returned from Sun
Francisco and Is prepared to
give her patrons the lienefit
;f a new system of
Dress Cutting ami Fitting:.
Cor. Hallroad and I) Kts,
ix cepi:n dkxdk. okkgox.
W. H. Wheeler,
Dealer in
Sewing Machine Needles and Oils.
omre wttl. City llb Slore
I'll I . 11 1 1 I l
Hitvlnjt h.en appointed agont
for thn-v of tho lntdiUK . .
..f Chiu'o, I ni now ircare.l to
undo a nit. or a puir 'f l'nls,
.i. r cheaper tlmn "
h iv out of iciidy-tiimlo w
Suits li-on: S5 :?.() and up
Pttnts fr;i;. ami up
Perfect Fit & Workmanship
f V V
y t V
Legal Blanks ..".iiu ?..,.
ll.H f
Ta:':o Bteamsr Altcna
l.e. ve For 1 11 d Tin n!av. "I bmnhn t
,. nc.. I t.-K i.ii.nco ,..i..lny, V.'.dii'
l. live Salem
7T,ri -j'f'
Who will coinmeiu'e i)usincss
.luno 1.
feA'i I i.; I i S
is...!-.. .. .: - - i
-auso nht knows what hIio is
argno with
arc monev -
sililo woman
that you can ofll-r no reason that can he Ktiilieient for jiaf
i:ig the ntore where the lied and Cheapest go ttigether.
ours when hlic oxjiresnly toll you to go nowhere else. Don't
do these thing if you exjieet t'i live long ami keep yur
hair on.
rurnishing (!oisl., Hioex, Dry (!Miils ami (irocerief.
have the largest line ever oil'creo! in the county, ami at tlio
lowest prices on earth. Come and see.
Monmouth Mercantile Co,
m t
an. I Saturday. t'. UIa, lit.
.L.vsund Fridays--li:.".t
Cheatt Rates.
h reserved lor
Eut I'll Never
Do It
Any More.
tlispiitc with a woman when i-lio ay
our good's aiD the only ont-w to buy, hf
talking uhout.
her whi-n thc myn our jii'ict'
iaviMH; hu talks liko a kcii-
try to t'xeusc yotim lf for going to Homo
other storo iiiftciul of onr. Von know'
exjiei t your wife t meet y.m pleasantly
if voti'vo Deen to Hume other ntoro tha'i
to lrop in ami seo
of Clothintr. Hat",