Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 30, 1895, Image 3

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ill LUVLLY DU u itr oiuna
L.J W fc J R 2 K
IlllllHllElllDHBil . RR
a m m m n im m m u it fi - i i j a
1 liiJ , oT T -!
' " TIluO V Gry OBQT OJ. i-auaxui .
Boots exncl Shoo3.
Vc would like to call
your" attention to our
priees on
Just now you want a wiclo
rim Straw Hat, black band
with a silk cord to keep it
in sight of you when you
are out riding.
. Wo have them at Interesting Prices. . .
... . ....i,.) m Knlctii, Orifun.
SOT t onniM'n inl wit
N B. See our new Wall Trunks
Dr. F.nlcy, li-rit int, Monmouth.
Don't forget (lie hop-grower' meet
ing. Fifty cent sailors, also finer grade ut
Mr. Hurley's
(wined Unit Mini incuts of all kind
lit tin? Slur grocery.
E. C. lVntlaiid's little daughter,;
Aliliii, Ih iiill) hIc.Ii.
(J.i lo Clo.irellcr Bros. Hint votu for
I lie "(Juitii of IIohi-s."
Dr. Epl.y, the dcntM, Monmouth,
iIin'm crow n mill bridge work.
Mrs. Shaw, of Portland, Ih veiling!
Vah ,,idfor,,o,dlry and e JHE6RAND TOURNAM ENT j
tlit Star (! rarer u. i :
flllll HllO Of lllle Style shape, jUMt j J. ..,,1Jf K,
from Hun Francisco, at .Mr..
Cvi-nt f The Knison-
ilU-nt Truck.
at tli
Jiod Pills cure all livr ill, relievo pno-rpONED TO SATURDAY, JUNE 1.
constipation and SHit digestion. J i ruj 1 rui,LU v
. . i l "
The proprietor or mm ,.,.-r. -, fl - k
blllllI limn ... v...
Molr l.ln TImio TaliU.
IMrnd'o i MuuiiHMltn
4 , , ' Itf.uu
II l 1. HI.
4;u "
, ,IH,fi
iltt .ai n, 'mi
;J ... ,.. III.
6 iai
i w.w m. Hi.
IJ l (. HI.
: "
1 M "
! t M "
i.oihi: imi:"iKY.
OMtB LODM, . r
Mn-u v.ry W.Mhi..l;
Pfulml. All in l--r In'.n i"
.1 I .-nM'IM llll'lll
-tir ii. a. iviia-
II. Mom". H. It.
HrW Klr i" Tlilr.lTii-lr vo..liiii
mpH muiiiH, m Ki lli'w ll'iH
Vlottlui . n.lM n. Kill I tr.,mv.
T. A II A l. .
H4 U I'uinmi i"1'. "'''
j Tin Ufj ami liii !: tt tliiuu-r ut
lth( Williiiiu'H IIoiim-, Siituriliiy
'mid Smiiliiy, May '2.1 and -l
I lift tliiKN nil iiiiiimI cnoUory.
I McnN only -ciiti.
Items of Local Nevs.
O. A. KriiimT. .lowlitr.
i My liriMiuiM 'i'i'i fU-uii. F. V
CIiiiiiiIh IH.
Dr. Kly, Ihi; li'illt, i4Ui.rant.(H
I nil Ill" uoik.
full for t lit !inlritiilii'i iIkihi
ii.iiiiiif.iriuif.l ly F. K ii!tMli. Hiylt-H of vUU MCliiio frniiic
iiioiiillii-(iit K. It. I!t'.
II M. V"ihA('i. nr.-xoIc up ntH fr
Dei IhK mill MrCotiiiuk IiIikIcih,
Iiio" rr-uimI xtr.ic.
Tax, not jmiII in?: Imt ,uri t InrUni
ill Mm. K. W. ('iiii r'n In llilntity.
I'df.vD.A Imly'H niiHi', coiitiilnliiK
coliu- hllvi r, !. Call Ml lliin olllcc.
Kln-rlll' I'luiiuinr wim IruiiMictiiiK
olllclul liUHliifHNiu llm city Tuvmliiy.
Mih. D. II. CloiirilltT liii removed
iiiieli Into tliu hotel i.Mjierl.v neiir the
(leiot. '
m. I.. .ui.ii
wiiyHK'ixi loexieiin niviin hi mo '
of iiiililMilmj Hiurirh notli eii mid other
IimhIh of puliUc Iliten-Ht, hut ull mi:h
mutter iniiHt In? In uh eurly iih Tuemluy
to(uurnnle() )iiihlieutloii, ei-pcelully If
if coniliitj from point ouuhle of tlic
Wheelmia ia Llae-0rnJ2treet
Bicjole Parade-
Tim heavy miim hift S.iturday
oa lined tlm liycl nu cH to he tt
poin d t'i SaUirdny, June 1. Ker
ul new f. aturcM lmvi: he-n ti-!d.-d to
tin pro:niiii uml other iiU-round
improvement made.
Duo ppceinl new feutpre of Satur
day 'rf raced a
Thi uniU(! innovation in hi
In attracting attention
all oer t!ie country
two, I
W. W. WillluniH, hud theinlMforiiine,
W Idle UHiUtliiK lo pluee it HiHrUle moil,
llliient in poiiltioii ul Soup Creek (Vine.
tery Wedmnduy, lo Imilly eriifli the
tlie flrnt uml ki i oiuI fliijer on hi h ft
huinl. Wayne now eurrie Hcoujileof
lienvlly huiulu -il linjiern, and cii.VH It
Ih tliu wort hurt that lie e er hud.
I ,..,.,,..1 M.iriln ui'U to ilo Itiekre-
Tin' nolorioiiH WIIIIh Jordan In under ;( fu.(1K.r i,,.,,,,,.) U!o tlii..lllee n I o'clock I), in. lliere will be one
arriHt In Morion county for the hneeiiy I m. rM, ,..r,y t Sulurchiy. Tins j the lart j
of a LorHOiind eait. ! fruit had a rieli pink cdor, a tHrt tate j mtVi I.K HTKKKT I'AItADKS j
If you wiint a IliHt cIiihh two wateil J u, WllH o( ordinary o'.a'. He nay I yV(.r witnesd in the ftate. It
huiy cheaper than you eould ever ex-limt it Ih from u edliuu, which ha j fu J y expected that at least 2"0 j
peel, cull ut It. M. Wade & Co. In-en lieuriinr for wveml yearn, and i w.,.;m,.,i will In' in I'm-. A mini-
Cleveland ripeiiH ul t two "eiKH oiioie au j iH j-.j,,, Hi e,'(iii-.-t rulers or me
other t-lety eon .t into inurhci N tiv, ,Bl wiu ,ak-; part m the
Mr Mnriln think that careful raf.-'
Intr would develop tin cherry into a MtA.M) .i . -
very rich early variety. There are en'.r.e, :m hau 1- ran-
... , ,.ia-o Snukaiio and laeoma l'ort-
Auu,,,iH, ofladleHof,ll,H c..y who U ', . , k
debate themHelve a- the ,.lVuk " - , T,,e
SihteiH," n name derived from the .
pe:,Ue.l hat they wear, Kave an into-, ".embers uf .l.C
eMihK elltertui.imeut at Ki.-kreall on IXI)KPKDENCE ATHLETIC ( U B
Mondav evenli.j; of till week. Thone ; Have been untiring in their ef-
.. i... ."....i, ,.ki ... i.I.iv tt-en-: t.rN ,i ni:iki; this b-cries of races
I.M....- f..llii - iiiUllilllf 111 llllrt : i l T I I T A Wm.H4 -I- ilu. nwwt. 1 ll UTCST 1 11 11 V.WUl Ul l"-
,-ity Tuei-day. j K. Kirklauil, A. .1. Goodman, F. K. j history of bicycle racing in the
Money uml t:nieH,.ved hv takh.K the: (iriiiui,, W. II. Iitteion, Claire jtate. The Capitol Journal says:
Northern I'aellle when you Ko Kat. Irvine, Mr. Kinney, Min- Daiy J ".'alctn w heelmen t-ay llie J nuepen
Inuul.eof W. II. I law ley. I CI raven and lU-rtha Fryer. Wuite a j deuce inat.ais of trie amateur c.--
Mr M.F.. Uhclcrh, nrrni.K!i.K to I wan pr-nt. The en- cling tournament a"a"'
' . . , ,. I i.- liertuinnieiit a iriveii for the U-nelit urdaV are deserving ot great creud
oih'ii ii biiiiioiivi.i 1.1... . ... j ..I i .!!. , ., . t.....,r jo -i ml t he
1 .... ... ..r.l... I .....,....... i..i... I i.liiii'i-h of I liM ' l,ir I o-l r IMIICI .-nC .lllU HIP
tnrkliiii. in h inr a ' iiiIi:k me r-uii oi i.iu ......,-. - .,.
jrrtM-tT.v 'vlty. The reeeipt of the eveuins
MUCIara Irvine, of MeM inn ville, a"'"U"ted to $12. . . .
wlio hii lieeli ll:lii relullvf ! ! j-, IX SiiK - lUJ.VDS.
l'aliit Viair hoiiM! with
Cnttiitfe Color, ready mixed ut The
New 1 1 a rd ware. F. JC. ChamlHr.
J'rlee M.-IO a gallon
It. M. Wade fe Co. have the la-Hi
reveiHllde rolling harrow ever put on
the market. JuhI the t IiIuk f"'' hop.
10. T. Henkle lia kIvi-ii hi bnroer
parlor a new eoal of paint and u re
pu,cliiiK. Mr. and Mr. T. I. It -veil, of near
Til 'F'S Ol'K ADVIC'i:. ttV don't ihaa-eyou tent for the
adviee, and hut very little tnoie lor mi t-livant unit of Clothe,
or anvtliiiiK hi the line of u nv' fun.Wiini;
Ciiri.rieeHBrewrcanonahletliat tiny will actually RUtoniidi
you, and our kixhI are of the very l-t quality, iho latent
Htyle. You will probably wonder why
And vet of mieli a hiKh K'de. The qm-Htioii i readily an
ntrfanAHMWO The Salem Woolen Mill Store
Seilorra, . Oregon,
I'm eained an enviable repu'ation tor the elesnmt fit and ub
' F. J uniial quality of all c othinK tin ledont of their More. I he
U f; hut the company employ IS) liiiiid icont-lnMv. evidence
at thev are doiU an neue bn.n.e even u. thews dull
lime. The also should Mimulate toii.-uinem to patroi.lo
Tho Salem Woolen Mill Store
For I y o doiinr vou keep your money at Lome iiirt.-n.l of i-end-f
"J it eant, here it e..n..ot U: e it y..u or your ,,e1KhlH,r. 1 at
r ni70 homo institution i the Kmetuttxon of .a-ec
.iVTirwM.n. Hivreiarv I . . Kxuimn-;VurX.Ind.-,--.Mle.a,-,Or,l..o,,.lf
t In H.-ra lioiine ll.M-k.
,v n.viiinTT.-
hurwi-olii'. H-ecial at-
ili-eiiwH i-l wouieii.
j M. !' hal'lilit, M. I', t .
uh; M-:i-:
,Vielin" nod llllill
t ' KKTt'HUM. M. n.-Hl'l ICK
'J" "Mrnec. corner l.uiln.d and
oailMHIlh Mreet. In-lel-ndenee, the-in.
. . MIIKl.V
,r'. . . ...(..-.! r,l.-lie.-.l ill all
. t,run-lie. Halii-fueliou tfuaiuuli-
liUpeildenee, Orei'on.
luek puher and dr.ver at tut
lluidwaie, F. K. ChaiiiberH.
Traveler who dehe j;mmI aeeoiiio
.lull-. ii alwiUH l" ut the Little
: I...I I,.,i..l while III ludel'endenec.
The lt rooiiiHiind the Ih1 meal in j
tin- i:y. j
! InfautH eap and hood for cent (
; ami upwurd, at Mr. Hurley'. j
If coiii'i ofour really ;irlHj
want to Hie low pretty tln-y are, let i
i i. t . . i . . 1 1 ... i ,i i, .
tlieoi tali" a i''
udrror at W. ). Cmdv'.
1 Mr. J .'. Dm eh, wim live u u-
'mile lioifi . f i.lekreall, w..h in ll ej
i... . U'.Mlnevlav. and nave the;
I i;.M i:i;l'Ui:u: a plenatit call,
j The lion lion ha leeei.ed a fnsh
Supply of liollle.l MiWa ami the latent
: ht Freueh candles nVo frenll fruit,
S mii'h of all kinds, a well n the lluet
frienil In lid city a tew day, returned ;
red. ! line of clpir and tohaeco,
Anyone denlilnKto take lesson in
oil paint IliK or panlel drawliiK wouhl
. , do we I In call on .Mrs. c vnooo
T.O. A. SMITM.-Vn'ltN"-V- CMirirt,md examine her work.
..ri;,.:;::..?".' ,,. - r r- r;
piece yoilHend for elj.'iir Koe to help
- " " jiipport wmie other city mile you
. 11 I'M K I V - TIIF TONSO- HU.oke home inanufaelmed elKar
"SaV a n viHT. "lla noHUiH rlorln , ThoA.O. 17. W. I.odKe No. ot
inu ...... . U... 111... 1 ..... ll. II... .11.. .1..!.. I... I..
leeteu r., . nnum m-n- -f i , v
lioiiie TueHilay. I
j "1', ele" Win. I'erelval, of MM- i
I mouth, Htitr.'led a alight. iMilalytie
ltroko lat Frlihiv, bill in now Im-;
i proving M ini'" hat.
W. ). Cool; ha well red the wrviec;
'of 11. M. I.ine.n In I.i umlci tuker'j
elablililitcnt. Mr. bine lui had,
laiKe e. erU nee in the I.umUus, ue-,
Mil.' he holdna K'adualeM diploma in i
The ChriHlian t-u'i-lav w:iii w.i.
render a pioK;Ri" a' 1 he church u
itav evenlnir at H
uml.. i-i el!at nil, ele. the eve
I,,,. i'.ii.i,,.11'8 duv." You are
viled to le prewnt.
Tho Independence Athletic club'
have added a K'dd tilled cum.' jewel;
Waltham watch, uiid two watch!
chains and charm to their list of,
lournaiucnt prize. The elegant gold
watch is for china It, and the chain are
npeeial for t he tandem race. ;
W. W. Williauei ha clowd out, hi-;
hotel hui-incs-i and teiuoved liaell into I
hi old home on l:h anil A l recta, j
The tec -ut exehanne of properly tie-1
tween Mr. William ami Mr. Clod-j
feller w.i not conMUiumated, owiiiKto
come U-kiiI defect in giving title to.
fotil ilrink and lev cream Karlor at
Cl-idl'elter i:rf.
D1U ol I'cre Yo-.i can m-t any piieeil j
meal you want at.tlie City retaiiraiit
l'r..m Hi cent up. tin to the City res
taurant lor liort oruer meai.
Yi'iiUod. A hoy belween hi and IS i
.M ills oI'iikc to learn the ha!;er'a trad-.
Must, he wihiiiKto work and of steady
Imtiil. For further particular inquire
of (ho. (J. ir t r. 111.', the baker.
1 Pleasaut Gurj-iso The friend if
. . ).... i..l
Ira ChH'.felter visitt.l me v..j.o.
city yesterday.
Our Monmouth, ISuena Vista an.
Pm-ker eorrespondence will be Aamd
on 4th page.
LaUeDrriiab!eto be around on
theMrcetHHKaiu altera aeriou attack
of malarial feve-.
The McMinuviile Athletic club have
filed article ofincorMralioii with the
weretary of late. Dr. Ca! breath I
,i ! nresidcut. and II. L. Heath becrctary.
The colors adopted are black and war
let, the emblem being a w inged "McM"
in Hcurlet.
William Clark, a young man who
live near Monmouth, was arraigned
before Justice Irvine on Wednesday for
inakiiiK an assault upon J. O. Alore
weis . Y:.ung Clark w as lined $5, und
iu default of payment waa committed
to tlie county jail.
The late rain have brought the river
un toaM-lelldid boating stage, a rise of
about three feet since Fiiday. Tlie Al
tona. Elmore and Eugene are now d.-
n eood traine. Tlie Altoua is rec-
wlit-u there will he a larger alteml- Kized as the fastest boat on llie rier
, , .1 . . . i ... i
treatment uccurtlca mo w iiccui.'. ii
from all pails of the state. The
amateurs were not only entertained
but there was the most liberal pro-
Llcycllsts Mtoat-oa-You will lin.l : vision lot; mwla , uie . .!
nrx a :,.i'i a he I Hi" an v ."vo
ever i, H'ered. Tlie races have been
i,ii-tii(iie.l until next Saturday.
Wooi! AYool! Wool
lioscndorf & llirwlitierg, Inde?n-
deuce, Or., uru laiying wml uml aa
usual pay higher price than anybody
elae. e them before selling. ,
Boclen's Arnica Salve.
The liest f alve in th world for
Cuts. Bruises, Soreo, Ulc.ern, Salt
Kheuni. Fever Sored, Tetter,
Chapped Hands, Chilblain, Corns,
and all Skin Eruption,, and posi
tively cures File or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money re-
t ir.iti.ii rrice z.j ceuio iici uu.
For Fale bv all druggists.
Dr. Price's Cream Diking Fov der
World's Fair Hijliest Award.
. . - ii ... i than ever. - saiem wi,i , 11tJ is aRptcial favorite with uie iratei-
.i attendance next : ,i,n si, n so Uoes a luige
lull) inn " ""o" . lii j.wu...
ISuturdav than iai-t natumay . ...,.ullt of freighting.
There is every rcusou to believe; -'ar Pellcs. A unitiuc collection of
that this meeting will l:o the most I ' wM 0, ihition in the
rtant wheeling contest ot t"o .. i,..iow at Stockton A Heukk-'
The collection consisteU ol
' . . . ...! ..,.,,.11
grape and niusivei, ooa
, . i ": il ..i ... i. ,.t..
sc-ason, ana mere win .isv v.
ty ol'ollier tuod sport."
'ill-; Athletic Club made every jf , , the Lattleiiebl ut
., i. : ,..l I, , .iir i ,.i ,. i .1 ...,.)..t.. t..i. t ,o
o e oeK. consiHi nig "I , - , iv.. .Mission i.iu, t,'"r ,
...... . I , ..,., ml r,.i., I Inn ul . .i' 1 .... a .i.tfi , it Iii.r I la V 1 11:1 11 - . . . ... .. u..l.
'I he event he : " c '" ",t'-"-v j races "o .... v..... ..-j s,)ot j-roU uul .nimmaiu,
llie iiiiinse on Mom lay evening, me rilil v bui t :ns uie dier's cap and belt, a small testament
occasion w as cnjoyahle und well al.,,ja(e '. could b madu which i 'ht.ar8,e marks of usage, and sev
tt tided. Numerous gift of cnuedj Wolld guarantee tho presence. '! j trill Confederate script ranging in
fruit, sugar and tea were left in ihej 7UK citACK WlinF.I.ME.N. lk.m)!uiu.ali.m from vl to
manse, I use up . eca. -.. uy e .e- Thlt ll;Ue immediately following
THERE AKE shces and
shoes. There are Shoes
you want and Shoes you
don't want. When ycu
need Shoes,
Our Shoes are
The Shoes
You want.
i 1
and Mrs. CrawA.rd. " " "J " portla0?
,:e Kcvelloa at Portlaal The Mmi-1 ,, v.' (,r .i,0 stieediest cv-
mouth Novello quartette was one of . the coast to take pari in the Fn!)K,N. .-v.
11EI. I he big lepul.llean ; ,,,..,.,, i. Fine music Will he
havillK and Halr-eultn g. ;"""" tliU city, el
hi ii i
O. C.Mik nlternate to tit -
i. tfV-Slliill'llll
Mir WW. f '.....i I mill.
utthiK SAP, Hath ,..., t.114!..u id l'o.tland
ndepeudeiiei. : "
r July I-.
" " j TiideiH'iideiiee Camp,
I hn World, are miiKing cxici:ie ai
rangi'meul for the reception ot their
Head Consul, lIoil. F. A. l-'alkentiurg,
a leading attorney of Denver. Col.
Delay are ilaiiKerotis. A dollar
p.-iit I'iir Ihiod's Snisapaiilla now may
prevent nine which w ill be ixpeu
Mvealid hard lo liear. Now is the
time t take II.Hd'Saraparil!a. It
Cash mid for final r; and cs
clubs convention lit hi in Portland
tln-nd, iitstunt. We learn I
son who were present that the
Novellas made a title hupres-ion on
their Portland uiidioiK-e and were
ni .iti'.llv encored. The Portland Sun
of the .:!. instant hat tliii
their performaiiee : " The buims
dallying beyond the time expected,
the chairman asked the male q'larlel,
from Muuni.'Uth, Polk cotintv, t in
tertain the assembly w ith a Ii unioroiis
.. ...:.l.
song. I lie geuuellieii lespooueu woo
on ! ,. .... ...... i i... ,i,
, uirnisiicii u i"
l,l'r" I ,,-x..i.-v,-r enriPT I1AXD.
l.M 'i'.l ''-- " v '
And the public is assured of wit-
1 .. I ...-.. 1 un.irt Tt is
re nessi.ig a nay i i ".. .-j.. -
1 ... U.... ...lo ..'j Innriiil.
expected iruiumnj f
-i . . ii i... ..
to say of ; incut ui -
In Monmouth, Or,
May 7, 1SU3, Milton I'.dueimau, 01
quick consumption, aged iiUyeain.
MKS. B, LKWIS, Dailroad St.
North Independeiie.
V'ill liiako pood Suits for $3
Other wurk la proportion
Pav Scit a Families, 75 etuis a Day.
Coffee House
Open Day and Night
Ltinches from oc up.
A. T. M0SIE11, (Successor to Loo)
15 cents
ASH and lOOKS!-We carry a
ill itork of HiihIi. Dihth. Monldhitf.
I, Kto. rjflr"rurninir a Hpeeiitltv.
t Mitchell A ltolianiion', Main direct.
!. 15. FOKCK.-1M EPKNDI'.M E
rler. SuewHHor to V.A. an Noriwa-k.
wo nlmirt. Halving l"e. bath ;.'..
iatort honed on -hurt notice. Next
oor to Firnt National lnk, lndepen-
XTTwo laith tubH no tod ion waiting j a( $f(ir Orortri
The elegant gold! oil, red as
pli.e In Saturil.ty" l.icycle toiirna
nietit have been on exhihiti-ni in O. A.
Woodmen of i Kramer' show window for the last
week, and ha e attracted much nt ten- : at.,.p,y( ,m, suiting their individual
lion. Th. V are lltth' lieatitii-s, at trae- ...., ,..1,:...,,, t various plantation
live in d.slgti and very uriisiie in
worUmaiisiitp. 1 return and sin
Tlie Polk County Pioneer assm
Hon will hold lis annual le-uuion
h . I., hum II noil I '. TIlC.'O IllCCt
. ' ' . ii , i.. 1 1... ..l.l tlii oiiaitet e were Professor V . A.
logs tlie Ol especial ion nfi i i
... i-.i i,. .1 u, Oinn. whosami (irst tenor; I)
seiiieis o. i oi- .i..i. , r..-- .
.1...1 ii,,.,. Khool.l keen alive the Eplcy, second tenor-h. . Doughty,
memorie of the pioneer day s, "the .ltf bass; and J. F. lWell
. ... -..i.i . i. ...i... ,.t ....'.I ih.. iI.ivh bass.
nay oi oni, i in- o,..,o ... f, . - c--.o
1m I. UliUlilrti Ol I.Q
i memorial services
i;;;roi;n chf.akino hay
In the history of Oregon hicy-L-litig.
Admission, 23 cents; grand
stand fri c.
!tlv)0 iiewurU. f,100.
Tt,.. ,f this iianer will be
oleo.-cl to Ivurii there is at least
compositions to various plantation , (lu,;l . ,lis,.,l!i0 dial science has
melodies, found thcmselvis obliged l ,ot. tile to cure in ail its stages and
! return and sing for a third lime before ; that is Catarrh. Halls aiu-n i u
i;, i ,e large gathering would the , 111 "catarrh
at delegates to lvstiuie their seats. J he . ;) l1l1j,ll,j,mii disease, requires a
Eop Grower's Koetiofl. Tlie Polk
County Hop Growers Association will
hold a meeting at tlie city hall iu In
dependence, baturday, June 1. at 1,1 j " " 'ir.r
lor i he i, i f nerim - .
uent organi.alion. All liop-grower
o: Polk coiinly are requested to he pre
sent ami take part in the proceedings.
Tlie meeting will be one of more than
ordinary interest to those engaged in
the hop Industry of this county. A
large attendance is solicited.
names of tlie. gentlemen composinj.
Hail s Cat.
.lmi-t:oii she vas I vv..
Lots of It
Eat all ('n n'"' WH,,t
r ' you can't cut you can can.
Masons Fruit Cans liavo never l.ecn
ho low as now ; we keep them in all sizes.
were held in he
of '-ill. " Tlie coiuinltlee's program
1 . , .. . opera house last Sunday under
We Oregon ians some time feel 'j f ,e U. A. K. pest of
old Jupiter Pluviu Hcnd his copious J A, ,,,L. ,,,. 1(f ,J:3i, . ,,
shower iu too plentiful abundance m . ,
. il in hi 1 1 a 1 lieaimeui.
: ,ti i ll Cure is taken internally, a. um. , ;i1)f-s
1- ' diree'.lV UlKlil the liioo.l aim minu.
seltaee ol I tie sysi'-n., ...v.v...
. i... i ......1 , : i,.n i,r Ilur itlsease.
llilllllll iiii;i,i,ii,''.. - ' ; - Ill III M . - ,
I . . . , ulron.'l I 111' I . , . , : , I. ,1. 1:1 WUVI-Lll
lMi:wii.i , lilvlUg I UC l.l I Hi' s-.....-. - -v t lirotlgllt ounil no I""' (
i. it... ... 1 1 ii i mo mill as- ' - i . - .... iy,iti lie oaioxists ,i
i oiiuiiiHK ut' ' - ; , ,,,, : nii j. - M-i"
Aiiiiropriatelsisiing naiuiv m .lout'-' i's worn. ioe
I I 1 . . ...ill. III Us
Icons iia.csi, in, ii,, t .
that thev oiler our
Earvclcas r.ejnlts .
From a letter written by Kev
i: I.ii ol Diinondale, .Mich .
.' ;i,it i.i iimkii this extract : "
'have no hesitation n rei-oiimieiiding Dr.
New Discovery, as me n --
. . I ... t . ,nsi- nt II1V
were annosi mareiuuo - -.-
wife. U liile 1 was pastor ot the hai.tisl
htireli at Ktv
New MiMinery.
TlllTIXim BAZA Alt,
curuiive powers.
lit lie
if she
f. ienil
that it
Tho fincet line of ltuty
and Decorated Cilassware
ever i.flered in tliis city i
now In-itiR h11 ly
Don't purchase cheap out-of-date
ware when vh'j
ran get the l-st and new
est for the same pi ice at
Indepandence, . . Oregon.
I he glad May time for our individual
ideasiire, hut when we read of the
worchuig Mmoona-yasiu.iuK nice. ;i-; B,1M1l street ,1 march
of Nebraska anil ivausas, we ie.ui.c
that W cbfoot ha not Hiieh u "locky"
elimule alter all. There are some
thing I hut even a 'Webf.Kiter'' should
he thankful for.
Asa It. Kobiuson. Jr., left here Wed
ucHilay morning on tlie steamer Al
toua for Spokane, where he ha secured
a lucrative position with the Demeit
tin. W. II. met at Y'un.iuvti ha
and about 11 a. tit. formed in pro-ee-
I in line
to the opera house, where a large
audience had gathered t i witne s
memorial services, in which ou st ol
tlie churches -of thc-city participated .
Excellent music was furnished by
local talent. Jlev. J. D. Lister opened
(lie service witli prayer, followed by
an eloquent address by Dev. O. 1'.
Whittuore. The speaker pant a g.ow
ii,,,,,!,..l iiiillm-s tor any ease
hi I fail to cure, (send for list oi Tesiimim
the; mis. Addre-s
il . E. J. CM r.. r. V 4 '
Kegular size 00c.
i tQ.Wold by 'H-UiiK'sts,
'.Vhen Ri'or was slc'. wo gare her Cn-ioria.
When she was a ChilO, she crL-d for Cis:eria.
When she beca-.ue Jliss, she claug to Castor-la.
When she haul ChUdren. she gave them Castoria.
Jerrihie oatoxys
---ii.. - - ,
coimliing would last hours won
interruption and it seeioe.i as
....!. I i,,,t survive them. A
re -ommeiHled Dr. Kins;' New Discovery;
it i. -is ni-.ick in its work and highly satis
factory in results." Trial Imttle free at
hiiv Drug tore.
. f 1 T-..-...f,
Of Salem, has just opened out J
., fi.ii' line of Snting Milli-
D- W. Fraser & Co.
nery. j-.veryiuniK
New-; - Stylish,
ami at priees 25 ptr eect low
er than you can buy else
where. Sailor Hats at 12i t-ts eacli.
T. A DIES BAZA A It. Milein,
c- .sf LilVumt Kt" It'sarnnro
oii;,k. i' it
A ticuklc's
uml has Ik-cii in the employ ot llie .teh-nce of the perpetuity oi tne niioii
Alexander, Cper Drug Co. of tin
Drug it Chemical Co. Vouug llobin- ing tribute to the nation's lnroe whoi Honors World's Fair, if
M.n I an IndetH-ndetice raised Hoy, t l,d fa-.l the -iron hail of battle' in nig MJdwInter Fair. i fl
. . a
His address was replete with many i a
et.Mpieiit thou -jlits an 1 was listened to
witli rapt ulleiiliou. Kev. A. it.
Craw ford made n few earnest uiin tks
appropriate to the occasion. Com
mander J. I.. Stockton addressed the
meinU-rsof thi-I"l wiiha few vainest
the! words, und invited those who
city for several yeart. He I indus
trious, worthy and competent, and has
the gHl w ishes or his many personal
Mr. Jacob Ilcfllcy, of Woleott, In
.li.iiui who is visiliutr hisH'Ui, (
llctllev. mar Monmouthi gave
K.NTHU-K1SK oniee a pleasant call wore I lie gray to comr .......
Tuvwlav. Mr. HelMey kii.v that join in the service. It w as pl. as-.ut
money is .-ompatatlvely plentilul in j sight locc ome half a d..cii ofour
Didiatia,and that real estate, e,--i- j Ut gallantly ioi.nd to I he
ally farming land, in many localities j cordial invitation and join with the
ha raimil at least oO ier cent lu value "boys who wore the blue- i.i noil g
i.. it.., l,i,.t lu'n vears. Money readily J honor t the oeensioa. 'I he very U-st
rents at G, x-r ceutou long loan. The .feeling prevailed and i veryone wnt
. - ....i.. L. l I nt Mvm- n-alizimr that they hail
for produce.
' sjH-tit a most profitable hour.
vllost Perfect Made.
One gallon Can
Star Grocery.