Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 30, 1895, Image 2

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i'S J
t 'i
he 03ntcvpruu
Enterprise Publishing Co., Publishers
J. T. Foltn. Killtnr.
J. It, MOWN. nuln.- MunHK-r
OrriCK EAST Nil) MAIN SliiKkT.
Mlllr4 tl lh p.MI.fH.i nt l...lnttii,'e., Or, M
vtHintli'UM mnll ttmlliT.
$1."0 PKU YKAK
Tlll'KSlUY. .MAY llu, IS'.ti.
Along in tha 50'i and early W the
Willamette valley was calle 1 "the lan.l
of big ml apples"' because of the sine
and ruddy color ot that fruit. The
meat of those "big rod apples" w ere as
delicious In flavor as their exterior ap
pearance was inviting to the eye, but,
alas, how lias the mighty fallen! It is
a well known fact to every old Oregon
jan that the oreharda of today produce
no inch magnificent fruit us they liid 'M
vcart ago, ami as this in to theie must
Iw ouio natural cause for it. S-c.iuc
writers claim that climatic cl.iinms h..i'
had toinclhlng to do with it, but there
hat leii no climatic change. S-Uen
changes are not perceptable iu ll.o hh
tiuiti of a tingle, individual. 1'ivl.
Xraper estimates that ti.e intuit tein
ieniture of Kuiojio has nut el.nnued
more than one and a haif ileiees nmv
the days of llil arvliiis. It l.a not
, cuauged iu Oregon thu Iruetionai 1 ai t
of a degree within the memory ot tl.e
oldest inhabitant. The cause id easy to
find. It Is in the lack of cure and culti
vation. The farmer of 'M years ao took
an intelligent interest in the veleetion
of hU fruit and eieeiul rido ia u
cultivation. The farmer ot" those daye
had one natural advantage over
successor of today, and only one, he
pUntcd Ids trees in a virgin euil, but
the conditions eau be made equal by
thorough cultivation and judicious fer
tilization. Fruit culture id out; of the
coining industries cf Oregon, indeed, it
will jroo.o be tiie leading iudusti iu
the not distant luture. Small farm
holdings will be the rale in this country
twenty-live years hence. The Willam
ette valley will then be one great or
chard and garden. Its climate, soilai.d
natural adaptability to the production
of frnits aud vegetables will matte it
audi. There are plenty of countries
that can raise wheat, outs and Uuley,
but only a few f ;vored sot9 are adopted
tn fniitjj .nil vpirrt:ililes and Hone Slir-
pass the a levof the illamette 111 this , 1 r 1 : . I
" asked of huu. !
particular. Diversified farming, which "I d.t not care to say anything.''!
includes the production of fruits nndfeniil ht. " 11111 not i!oil!' tu talk
vui.t,ii,u ia tiiR .mill which
the Oregon farmer ia steadily progress
ing. Thk New York Evening Telegram
recently made a pretty thorough canvass
among democratic and republican
national committeemen, and the chair
men of the state central committees as
to their respective choice for presidental
candidate in 1896, the place for holding'
the national convention and the political
issues involved. Tl.e answers received
show that Vice-President Stevenson is
largely the democratic choice for the
party's standard bearer in 1896, Chicago
leads as the place for holding the con
' vent ion and finance is considered, tiie
dominant issue. The republicans favor
WcKinley for president by a vote of
about 4 to 1, St. Louis is tiie winning
. card for the national convention an.!
the tariff is named as the primary and
finance the secondary issue before the
country. The vote shows furthermore
that the South and West are arrayed
against the East and North on the
money question. The East is solidly
for the gold standard, the N'orth conserv
atively favors it, while the South and
AVest are a unit for the rehabilitation of
the white metal. It is evident that
the people are thoroughly aroused on
the financial quesiion, and that both of
the old parties will be convulsed from
rim to center by the revolution now
going on within their lines. The out
come is problematical, but the proba
bilities are that the republican party will
"straddle" the issue, and the democrats
will incoporate a conservative silver
plank in their platform. At least this
is the present outlook. There w ill be
no new party in '90 that will sweep the
country. The republicans and demo
crats have the field and they will hold it.
The death of Secretary Gresham was
not unexpected, as he had been in fail
ing health for some time, and recent
Washington dispatcher gave the public
warning that the end was near. The
dead secretary is said to have been a
man of interesting personality, good,
all-round abilities, but neither brilliant
nor profound. His private life was 1
above reproach and no taint of dishonor!
ever marked his public career. The
position of secretary of state is the most I
important in tho president's cabinet, !
and the public is already sj ecul.iting
who will fill
the vacant chair in tiie
department of state. Many prominent
Going, Going, Gone!
muiio Iiiivh It-en mentioned, lmt In
Iho opinion of this pnncr, Ambassador
laistln is head nml shoulders the, Ifst
equipit'J mini fur the !tut. lh is pre
eminently American in hi convictions,
possesses largo abilities und great 'nv
,.f character. Mr. rait-ten' public ut
terances, since he has been auiliisa.Kr
at tlto French court, lui awakened the
admiration of every Into American
cititi. Ho U neither a
sycophant nor ail aristocratic toady, he
i an American through and through.
This is the kiiul of a man wo need ut
! lll'!'' of ,ho "'I''01"
of the government, I here u.v in,.n ; ll(W(.SM,s tl K,( u to l.oM Hie rt-rvur
qu -Miiiia of international iniportaiiee ,.,..,,.,1 leaiouts of suoces. in H. oi.el rt liouw.
now U-fore the country which roiuiiv j It supplier a untver.-'al Jo- At nn etu i V hour llu' people he
vigorous ira tiueitt, and Mr. Ku.tis U : maiul, lttriiisliing it lommoility U.U) t( tln aulevulk nnd
fully equipped for the
work in hand.
Wiiii x wo ui-e iu f.ivorof silver coin-
UiW ami Udievo that it shoukl U k-
stored toils constitutional place in the
eiirreney of the country, that
upon an exact and impartial
with gold, but we cannot t.eip the cood political sense Iiowii
bv tin tepnblican clubs convention at
I. rti,,,,.! ...i ilu 1-Jm . nstant. IU reins- the republic, party (
Oregon to any tlctinite iiosition on Ihw-
money i;i;ef'ion.
To have declared for!
cither sold or silver,
ilver, tr Uth, would
have caused bitter antagonisms
iprotluocJa cleavage of dissent in their a ,ll0. :
(any ranks, which, ev.ii tlio al)-oibingtucUt- .j w,ich, hilheito,
I interests involved in tl.e great atrgjle ' ,a8 U'ctl COtlsiJcrtvl Si lHtisaiiCO
of '!W could not have healed, flattoriii
resolutions nro the legitimate work of
state and national couve.u.ons, ano o,
republican friends were wise in adopt-
ing the course thev dl.t. Uur tteino-
cratie brethivn can herein karn a use
fnl lpson in iMj.itieal ftrategv
We believe iu shaking out h,
iiuti I' vt iat vi i v. ,.- p.
trumpet tones for the right ut the pror . as .u)y n tht) liarkl.t. The
time and plaej, but political unity is an -f Mr. J. ii. FfX. i-Ut',itic-
essential requisite to success. Any ' niiiii of inelllib anil huge bus lne.-s
other course means political defeat. . exper.eisce.
It is tho perp.iSL'of these p'litle-
AVuv should not the justices of the. men to the lu.siue,s as U,i...ily
, , as ii..ssioie. J ho lull miming- ca
supreme court decide tl.e income-tax ,w .Ml
.: I I, l.avi.i . i .. .1 :.. .1
law unconsmu"""-'. "
made a big Hole in ineir iat sa.a. i.
Governor Lord Justl Anjyj
Th. Fv.'iiiuLr Tclctrram siivs that
Governor Lora is angry over uiej
... .1
tlispatctl in yeteruay v.i c'm. 1.1.1,
crediting him with a certain quota -
lion on the Mlver question, and li?
denied it emphatically, 'lheii the
Telegrum goes on:
I for the news! aoers."
.1. r
He was llSKeil II lit' is ior uu: uee
and unlimited coinage of silver, to
wh c'l he answei-eil that ho would
make no statement. Then he was
.iskeil if he were in favor of the tin
gle jrohl Btaiulartl and bin answer
vns likewi-e. Hut he is very posi
tive that he did not tell any dele
g ite to the recent club meeting that
'free and unlimited coinage of sil
ver would deluge us with the white
The governor's position on the
question is understood by the free
silver men in the city to be one of
doubt, but of tendency tow ard the
free and unlimited coinage of Ml ver.
lie wrote a letter to the local "oi
tnetalist." He did not come forth
squarely for silver or against it.
'Governor Lord," raid one of the
ICto-l lfiu.'.e.s this morning, 1 does
not understand the question thor
oughly, h.cautc he IniR never given
it much study. I have discussed
the matter with him on various oc
casions and he seems to he in favor
of a Tun it d coinage of silver. He
realizes that tie coinage of the
American roduct alone would not
do, because it would necessitate
class legislation-a favoritism toward
silver mine owners. His ideas up
on coinage are .juite nebulous,
though I believe that in time when
he has studied the question more
that he will come out for the free
and unlimited coinage of silver."
The Annual Meeting of Polk County
Following is the program of the Polk
County Pioneers' reuui i to be held ut
the Dallas Camp ground June 11th and
1 lie eveiiio ..iiiiu jitu iwii uc utr- j
voted to camp-fires and old-fashioned
The procession of pioneeis will
fo rn on Kirst street and march to the
The evening of the 11 tit will be de
campgrounds. Arriving ut the camp
ground, there will be
1. Vocal music Orchestra.
2. Address Hon. X. L,. 15utler and
3. liasket dinuer.
4. Experience meeting.
5. Kong by Pioneers
Kyhibit of pioneer relics with narrations
7. Short addresses by pioneer '
, ' ,
8. Klectlon of a native pioneer asj
: un emblem of I'olk count v Pioneer . I
gocjation. '
9 BiJycIe races on the Academy!
Let all who can come and camp on
Ilje "ftlje llth ,jave 11 P1. j
old fa-binned camp talk, and let us
have a good lime. The camp ground
i,, ,i ,,-.
necessary i
Superior QnnTfty ft' Soaps Miinu-
lacturo.l IVum the M,M-
i-itit Ytu'ou Ktot.
Thu i;terpris au Entabluhed rot
Will Be iu Cperation wiliiiu a
rortcight-T8t "Uars"
The Iiulepetnleiu-o wmp inatiu-
faetorv in o:it of the most proniu-
i b ...i intnuhiiTi into 1 oik tMiinty
1 that t'lilt'lK liuo uie u". "V
the entire community .
2nd, The hulk of the mutcriiil of
which the foup is composeit, tne
i lexU-att Yucca root, grows U1110
j prolilicallv in it wiU lft in I'k
aiv iii the j prolilically n wud ulato tn 1 0IK
is to say.! county, ami can lv readily ohtaincil
ul tvfuliiv !t " iMinpanitively small 10
. "j the nuinul.icturer. while giving
j j rHlui.1r ,,! u i.Ulue.utlo.l lr
j lM ah.)r,
i o!,, The Mexican lUVU toot
: II. .1 T . !: j il. I I'inxii.
. Mu p n nun luiucw ..- -
a ; , . . .
lit L hilt 1 ns it 111'-!)
lIt. ,,.1 oap.
4th, This Map h:i. few cpi:Us ,
and ln tniperiors in mf j
oth, The ctiterpris' is a neiieu
i.. 1 1... ....... miiikit c. liec.iusc it
r ilia'i than a sollive til revenue 10
the farmer, unit also gives r liuiucl-
:itie t ninlovineiil to labor, ;
;1(, SuiHTiiiten.if.a UocU-
u;lu l:lr. t xpei'lelue lu
p.asleru liiaiuilatlTi.-, is looioo,.. -
l.V acutt
allileil w u ;i tut- uusn" ...
' 1 7 . ' ' . ' m,,, ,, tA,.
Ul o Its (Iflianiuent
ami will be
i'U,Wl) pot) nils per nay . unu m ' ne.i
. wrnplH'K .l. paritneut ' . i
to use ..........
tory will liivecniployincnt U ili' nlt
15 pi'ison
.... 1 ... .. r .1.:..
ine nuuinrM wrn 01 i .
uu c i.incu ..... 'v ...
, n,;,, ,.terprise established, giving
! it lotTi material and moral enivur-
at;(. mt.nis.
i The great importance of iutro-
diicing manufacturing industries
into this country is htcommj; more
and more appai-mi to tho people
every year. Th-y are beginning to
realize that this is one of Oregon's
greate.-t needs.
Tolk county is in epeei il need of
these industries. ii dependence
now hag a well equipped soap fac
tory and Dallas has a woolen mil!
tha"l should he turning the .-i.indos
every day. 'The Independence Soap
factory w ill have Home of its inaiiu
lactured product upon the market
within two weeks, not later than
three weeks nt the furthest, urn!
then the people ca-i jnde lo.' them
selves as to the quality and merits
of the article.
It is the intention (if the tiun
aiTS to pine a cample bur ol
this soap in the homes of every
family in the county, if. upon a
fair and honest test, the Mexican
Yucca soaps prove t b' the
1 qua! of other brands t.pon the mar
ket, our people should encourage
local enterprise, by using the home
product. We Ixdieve that the peo
ple of Polk county are sulhi ieiitly
public spirited to do this.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
t ''r
f&0 t"i(f
1 V T . 41
i;V'i v v' 1 V'll f ffll i
Right Arm Paralyzed!
Saved from St. Vitus Dance.
j '-Our dauehur, Iiianche, now fif-
j teen years of age, bad been terribly
I afflicted with nervousness, anil had
i lost the entire use of her riehr. arm.
We feared St. Vitus dance, and tried
tne best physicians, with no benefit.
has taken three bottles of In.
Miies- Jtervine and has gained 21
pounds. Her nervousness and svnip-
tomsof St. Vitus dance are entirely
gone, siie attends Sciiool reuuiariv.
an( recovered complete use of
Dr. Miles' Nervine
ro-rantw that the srst bouie will tier
If. Miles' Nervine ia wild on
" 11 " bottle forts, or
on rtt-plnt nt nrir-
by me It. Miies Uedical Co, ttkOart. 1 du.
r- -ft-,
ty?, ' 1
Another barrel of Unit
j t Vlolirnti- May :UI
VVUh Apim.prl.ite llonni.
Street ?ardFliHiu.ut AcJressar
l'loral Diccraiioti- Kattial
A houvy Kiay bk.V tlii imtniiiiK
gave wtmiinn Uwt u cloinly, chilly
UUV tlWiliteil lliellioliill liiTVtifM.
Aittitiuli vivpanniii hiul h-ti
tlm exeriint's ut the
! 1 , . .,..,iioi. owini! to tlio
iu..,i,cnm lal:i'M i i.u-nay
' e o ! rale iu liotioi' ol Uio p iuu ue
, . , -j , ,,ri0e!'sioti wu tornuil out
i trcot lii front l the Van iiy.i ha I
, j,, (lt. followiiii; ol'ik I : Miui-lei
; itl illt. following onU t : Mim-u i
j v( (lu( pri.!tlv,,.i:nn,l.iit;rci;u;ior.iil
! ua .Motliodist churchy, incuihcis
' n. cite council, city haml, l:.f
M.HK, vM iU WoaotnV U. h. f
! corps, incliiU I s of tin' ticiicltil
i ( . Ul.,m .U1!.ti ,m,l vUe p u. i al Iv .
' ' . , M ..I .,
. ,,. nif Ol lliait il a a
8 wist on .Moi.liiO.ll. i, a u
u.. ci ii'-Vkyi I1 in' o;i-'i.i n ''''
I'll opt i a IioIIm was lillcd to over
llowiu. The cx. rcistK iu -re 'iit.
liiiCiestlMj:. llcv. A. li. I'rawioul
iloliven tl the i penin praxer. i .p,. , n, ui.i.i. mi t--'''-'
Aililrcis d' ivi'iC "no wa ih It i i l oil . ta au'l .fraB-. kt U i.
hv tiev. J. K. l..tUl'Ain, t.ho rpokc!.
iu h;s listnil earnest ami lnii'ica
st e liiiintie.". 1. Saimili'i s, of Sa! in. lc
lit . rul lf imnioii.1 oralnui, wlnt li
I was an cii uin'iii iriouie m uu
i ,.1,1.. o:inst which Ui.s liav toiu"
I nieuior.i','s. T ho m at i t vicwul
i some of the caDMH which h ad to
, . .
id' 'lil-tM, then lo I
ie tohi I tit hen. ic j
lei vtd anuua
i stmv ul I he l.ol'lo ihU'l "ho iul;
Uotv'n their lives upon ll. u '
! country's ultar. ami leiiu a glo.u. g j
' li ibiile to tlieir i ..ii.r:t.h s w o mi
l i vt ti lie nil a tinge of the hit t ;
iti. l'l. The iiii was l.sie..i-.l i. I
witli the i -'! t uttt tiih.ii. Si i -
i v ices were then lot
, dii n r. i
t 1;:10 p. in. tho hull wan again i
w( j (. . ( j ( ,( j,,.,,.,!,,, jx,.,.
I ivi-ro renni.'(l l.V a:i excellent
w ,v p, (.'..mkimuv. 1 he
; :ui(.., replete with nin. sl
llior.-lit ami imtrit.tic seiitiment.
; iuulit.K:iiU Iv
following the ad
ilrt-ss thil impressive
ciTemone o
, (l, l.t.r:itin the "unknown sold , is"
'graves with l!oes v as
A m at monument ai d pmiu collin
11 .,. jm,,r,.vin. l l r that pur-
- ftt.,. t-,,ni iI.-i i iili thi- cere-
Illt.liy. til ll.emiieis ot III" t.. A.j
U pfstni.d II. (.'.. tog-ihi-r wtthj
u number of citizens, prtn:e-ded t'j
I t-. low cell i l.rv b.r tin 1
p. s s of d coral in 4 lll! graves of
sounds ouri.'.i uu re.
ir- 1 . . . - i.t.
' B'Joro tie 1 ot li,.lr.S --The Salem
! Sjoei ii club will ic; eat at the itideH'l) I y
1 ilcliee opera bouse next JSattllihiy, )
! night, June 1, the highly nrtisti.; in d i
interesting opera hi. h lh,V rcc.-i.ll.
i lemler.'il so mi -c. sfni I y in Salem i-tjjj
! the "Mrs. hiley llenelil." This t ri.tip i
i ila s under I he :iii-Mfi of the Imle
' ieinleiiee Athletic club, inn! i-teompu-..
! ed .ilTirt c'ass iiinali ur talent. A lieli
ii!i I raielreat is giixianteed the j.ublie
' ami no one w ho i nj"s a pleasant ee
i iiings eiilertaitnneii; slioiibl iiiirsn Ihe
i.iii.rt unity lo be ('ii sent. Tickets on
! sale at Patterson Jirus. The follow ing
is the
i Orebestr.i.
I lieci'a; ion "Ziii;:ii-elln," in costume,
! M.s. Cna. S. Kiely.
.-kirt liani-i , is-i-s I.euna llirseh
i and Nettie lieckner.
j Paiitotniiiie .le.-iis Lover of .My
; Soul," .Mr. I!av l. (iilbci t
V.K-nl .wol. e!ve u I, Mir-s ,!u-ie
, Dungeon Seen.. fr-.m " l-:snii'rnlda,-
! Mrs Kielv iiinl M iss.hiliu .Miitlh.-w,
! The "Trilliv" tuar.eit. Mrs. II. P.
. f!o land, Mii-Hes Alii" St. inei, Helen
: l on laud, .li s t; llrou n.
! ' Diaioalie Aeli' ll" Mr-. II H.
.Thompson, Mrs. Willi I Mm ni ;iv, '.iu..
II. V. .Meyers, .Mis. . V. .Me.Sarv,
Mioses Malalena br'yiiian, l.utii
llirseh, Kilna M'msIv, Jessie bn viiiui,
l-'ny Tlioiiiiun, l.i ey W'i i iisuns. Minni
Iliiseli, l'llu Waters, Klhel TIki;iiisi,ii,
IiIIIm: I liiehit,
ISi!iiiisii Danet Miss Helen Cope
kieil. hei itation "lieath's I i. am," Mi .
S. V. I'.iely.
Tamhopne I'rill Mis. I,. V. Meters,
Mrs. J. II. Me.Voy, irs. il. II. Thorn p
n, Mrs. W'illiH liiniiiwiiy, Misses
l.uise lluelat. Kthel 1 'h.mipsun, .lessie
Hreviiian. I ell.i Waters. .Maud llirreii,
Lucy U iiliious, Lay Thompson, Kdna
.Moody, Lulu llirseh, Jladalena lirev
man. Iondon .ssnrancr. Those of our
j citizens who enjoy good iheutrieals
should not fail to Het the ceiehialcd
comedy London Assurance ut the
I opera house tonight. The play Is giv
en by the ainuteurn of the X. mini j
school, miller the auspices of I lie I L A. 1
i H. post of this city, und the acting is,
pronounced excellent by tlnme w ho i Ihe play at Monmouth some
lillll II I'll Ti..l-,.tM .... utilu nt i...l,.r....
I5r.m. '
City Truck &
' . -.
:.; A. W.IIOCKSTKADKI!, I'i'op.
; J Hauling done at reason- INanos an.l I tiriiiliire eai e 1
docksti:ai)i:ij, imc,,.
: able
20 cent Colfro
A' 'e0T
m 1
ilra. tf. i Moiiiii
HprlngOeld, Ohio.
WalkcdWitii Crutches
Rheumatism -Eczema- Swelled 1
Nock-Hood' Cured.
For two ymni I hv Ihhu aU k, hlK
tou eoiinnwt to tho lioue tor a year. I
have' ha.l ' v,
.killed phv.lclana, but weelvct! no wnctlt.
I.t winter 1 tanglit cold a. id Iwanw
Affllctod With nhettmatlam,
which put m t crutch-. J"! 1
otuiummdtoe.0 nKHt'.H..r,.ir ll....a
t.fort. I had llnl.hed ono K.tlle 1 lU
crutches akl. taking two bottle,
thoccit-nia had left mo and I w. .Hm
ntlrr'V tro from tho -(!, 'lll
1 krmw thut It w llood'.Sr..,.
?Uta tha"url m-and 1 think U cannot
ha recommended too t j
hi.,-:,!-. 1 e.unot J1'11
praUv It enough for rvcaa
what It t. dona for mo. Altliotiirh K
vean old, 1 feel voum; aitatn." Man. t. I .
8l4Movt. Ka.t Soriim-tlel.t, hl". .
L-ft Arm Frnc'itrr,!.
Ml-s I'atie 1'iH.per met w Uh the m - '
j f,.rtuin Wcdiosday of U-liu.' llm-wu,
from n buggy and uisliiluli'H n set ere:
' frat tine of lh' al io, U-lwccn tlieelhw ;
! and shiailder.
Vorso Tli43 i;u:j.
Indices' ion JloiN tn 'f'
I ves
than rum. Int you think voir
have malaria" or 'Vrip. ' ;r KJin.- :
thills' worse. Tl trouite i a'.l in '
the ili-stive trm t. Hi pans Tiihul i
l.nng a fort of Mill. -1111:11111 with J
ih. in. One gives r-licf, nml tin ir ;
habitual li e keeps the who!- sys-
torn in t nc, (I. t lh. 111 i f your
ilru-g;sl. ;
milW. H. Wheeler,
Healer lii
Sew ing Mai-bine .Ntidlc ami Oils.'
1 .Ut.-.. w I lh II. M I.I .., j
Main St.. - Imo tTM'i V' i
4, . . .- 1 1 1 t n 1 I At I ft r"
V.'. V.V.T,".L-IAM?, frop.
A llr'.-lll- I
Ol I.U II ll't'"llll.
The Ix il of .i.n.fil
ij-.o'lul loii fcr,.1
nun. . .
st-.'-.' Nt-ur s. I. J'e'il,
n !)i:i'KNi)i:N i'., mikcon.
Hi'! it linii fil:ii!iiili
ill 11 iiyi nil In. ml
.111,11 till. "I Hlll'li ,, ,,.1,.,-t m, I, i
J 1 1 b f (3 C b 1 0 11 GudrdnbeGCl
- "
t. inmi jenks,
Ind. neiideneo, r.
Mi33 Sophia Gof.
Mas b.'ely n turned from San
Kralieisen and Is prepared to
give her pal rolls the benefit
.if a new syleni of
Dress Cuttlii-' si ml l-'il ( lii-.
'or. Itailrond ami I) Sts,
i x k pT.x 1 1 1 :x I ) K. ( ) I ! K ;t x .
(irilllth A I'alterson tire fixing up
their billiard parlors in first class style
On the side, J. ',. Adeox, Ihe new
watchmaker, will tune und re,aii
pianos it ml or"iuis inn tlrsl cI.ims man.
ner tit ntmut one-half of the former
Transfer Coiil
1 !
fully mot-l , ,
at the Star Grocery,
IlilvlllK I'cell
for tliri-v of ili
of Chii ng". I "tn nw irriiril to
inuk n Mill, or I'ulr of '"t.
ch ui r cheiipi r tlmii " '"
huv nut of icily-nilo atock.
Suits from GI.50 and up.
Pants from SUM) and up. j
Perfect Fit & Workmanship1
Legal Blanks ::.
L 1 1 1 I -4 'l
rak Steamer Altons
I.. :.e I'o il.ii .1 TtieKlnvr. 'IhuM.hna jii..! f-.1 1 u r .J t y li.Ulai
.. ri f Imh lM ioh .M ..i-.I,. v W c.ll.ef.l.iya 1111.I I'ti.liiv r
" 1 H 7 -I I
Fast Time. Cheap Rate;
This space
Wiio will eoninienee busincv
Juii(k 1.
$W$r I tried it
once, i
JU3t once, pi
caiiM' t-ltt.' kiniWH
(lisiitiUi with it
dtir punls
what tshe
a roue with
are moncv -
sil.Io wmnnn
try to exeuHe
d her store
ttiatyou e;in ollbr n reason that eau he HUilieient An J?
i:io the store when the lirsl and Cheapest go togo titer.
TlOTVT'T1 t'x!', 1 y,mr t me;t vmi Ava&iH
if vou'xe l.ecii to Homo other ftorc tlf.'
ours when sh( e.ltsly tul.l you to o nowhere else. l,cj
Io these things if you icit t live long ami keep V,l
hair on. r'
VV A VV JIM J. ,. of cihinjr, Ha-
l-'urn Uh ing Coods, !hics, ry Cooda and (Jroeeries. '!
have the largest line t-ver oil't'ied in the county, and -t
lowest pricrs on cartlt. Come and se. " f
Ioninoulh Mercantile Co, j
A 4 ,
IcikIii'K .
is reserved for
Eut I'll Never
Do It
Any More.
wniiiiin when flie-
arc the lily ones to hnv
is t:i 1 k i nr ulxnit.
her when she pays r pruv
savers; she talks like a l
ymirKelf for piitifj to
instead of ourn. You