Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 30, 1895, Image 1

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    A l-
U.v.o.i.1 tn uniiv lii l'olk
t lull...).
lwn follow inrvliil lvr-
ll. .ll.'l. 'HT.
In lh mmicr of -s
Hi .N rKHl'HIrtK
slvrtty.. ehttrsvorft lu Ih
Lint ri-fri mviirMcy of
BlttU MM III lu Ullllllll'Mlltf
Ak.iaun. mem,
Eternal Wgllane U th fat " UhrHy.-Jejrtraon.
YUu. - " . . ... ...... - I
. "" - - " ' ..uLim.'iliirnio nc TUC APPIc
Mill III ..riiipiW'1, . ' " - M T 'iL-n)1-LJl' f, i-j f- ww Ill I III II ll la
I rvw:.T!ii!rf.r.jrj a, --rim mu vi y
$1.50 l'KIl YEAH.
month TM
8 niuiiUm
nm.l lu.n...M March ,
First Hatiorpal Bank
' of' i. i..Onni.H.
Capital Stock,
114,000 00
W. lloll-:IITnS,
vi.- rii-Mi'ifin.
w. II
IIAWI.KV, fimllltT.
k footier. I W, lli'l"'"'1"1'
"iTXilVk . .WMieiiUer,
W. W. Collin.
Rational Bank!
Capital St..U, t.VMHH).(K.
. I'lVUHll'llt.
Vji-o 1'n'nlili'iit.
. t'liellllT.
,,..tfa,.-i-.l; Iohmh 5 "
,VMu.iU rwvW,..! .... eurr.-.i t
' ii I; ia"K ;:.
It. F.P...IH.. A. Ni'lrii". A. AH.-,..
11. A..l.i.."l'""'- "
Knif. H. IliiwIiUrii-
fiCash Deal that Counts
U llio OIHI Jimt IliiilltfUiafeil "l ,1,M
Independence - Dental - Parlors.
from !. "l
... . .1.1 1 1 1 ...II f ll'l-l ll
i;.'H"i ii. nun 'm i' .,
'.tun.!-.! I". I'nlll iiotu
.ih'.- U- IIH lull..:
(Kiiii rmtiiir
Hates, .ii1t r lower
I'lottllllilf itittlitf 1 U.X tooth .''l"i.) '
KX AM I NATION H:i:K. ! ""
ilmrui" Ur .Mnu!tim wlfii """!r
w.iik In ilmi"
',.rl..r ov. r ll.u ! ,;.t. lliuib.
- - - Oregon.
-TV' '""
Oiitrul ICiilJI
i bo oi. Orrat Nation.
Enddon AdTno In Wheit-BjrAD
j Eep'.lei to Carllil-Enih for
! the Zickapoo.
ij!tKr...itl..(nKonlui.. Hi... nd Hlnl.-mu...!
1 ! Mud llllill for .IIP K J i:h".
rasa cMrawas rcaac'-'
Marble vbranue
a. .. if.iwh'f.v'
jlcutl ' Mimics,
J:tc- , i
Corr'Hlllll",'', hiiIicK''!-
Sperlirpg Bros..
Meat Market
Choice .Meats.
ii'' "I ;- j
rKir...(.MA Citv. May, 2. The
j Ka-kupoo opening wu much in the
? mature of a hunn farw. At 12:10
! nonrly all claim hml from 10 to M
luii.mnti un them, and thow
! farlhi Ht irom thu lino wro reach.-d
;J from tlm in 2.. ininuU-a.
14 In ono Bwrtton 100 claimauU, who
"i jhad run in frum ho'.h border?, are
1 "a : -. .:.,.. (.., Ilwir tlalillS. A.
M(BOU.IB - -
Slmwmi! the crowd icamo r.-n-"
lK.-f.iro lh noon hour arrivi-d. At
Ihm- minutes to twclvo, l-y boiih-watch..-,
and proc'midy noon ly
otherc, thorc wtx a bn-uk hero and
tlicroin tlm line, a .wuvoring, and
liny all broke into a run. Tin
race iutohh the k-vul plateau was a
very pretty fitfht.
10x hvnMury WirOullm-l. Ix-ud.
VaI!I.nt.s, May 23ih Hon.
Ihife'l. McCulloch. Beeretary of the
Treasury in Lincoln's and ArthurV
(-al.inet'dada liille before 2 o'clock
thi (Friday) iiioriimj?. Death van
! calm ami peaceful, too patient bc
ji.ig lor w.u.e previous time in
coniatoso condition.
I A lilc AUvm.'-o In l'rl- of Wliinl.
'.:w YoisK. May 2 .Wheat had
another ri-e thimnonr
Hill, an cnoriuoua bucineH,
I to a .out 10,WW,WJ"
Dmiiii; at lent b.-v,., MM.-.I -m . , fiKt ,lour. Ju!y
l.!,-.l..rti l"u''' . . ,
k-,9....'h I.Wvm, rnlluun: .opened at fco cent.-,
lufanil......!, llanyl.-oii. I Uoy-'cU-ar gain of 3 cents from the tlofc
I.oimI, Muni I. r.M't.oee. urn !.;:, '0j- Wt-Unc.-oCry, una c
nrb in ices. S'.imulutea ny wit-
they on!d bo nblo to enst their
ballots for tho reftoration of the
gr.M uml filvt-r coiiuiga of tho con
hlitution. (ii-iii-ittl Hi.lill lil not a .uiiilliliiU-.
Han Antonio. May 2 1. (Jenoral
John Hehofk-ld, to whom Imfl been
Bltiibuted j.reHidental up pirationn,
di-nied emphatically to a correspon
dent that ho had ever entertained
uni.Si.r-i fur nn iiiKtant. When
ohked if it wero true, as reported,
that he would bo a candidate tor
the democratic presidential non.i-
! nation on a free-coinage I'laiform,
1 "T I..H-.. never bail thill
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
rw D II
ofTering the silver iesue
to the I received tiday fioin the fifhing
OKermg wits i" ,
front will e to create a divi-ion in grounds near the entrance to Ilia
tho party ranks. ,nv.T mbim.. uw won.. ou.u..T
; ATreHtyofMii. il imporinnco. nighl v.iia one of the iiiont fevero
VahiiixgtiN Miv 2(5. New hafUKcnred forwveral month.
..e f.. (n.r imrv.rtancei As a re?ult Several lives were lout
he ( ii ni: 1 nave mnn irtuiuaui lar-fatinns yn - ,
,otur under coi.KiderDtion," and ,,ave recently ln mn.le between and much dauisgc dune to proirty.
Watchmaker &
i ..fu.lil l( an if lie
Ut'lll l I IIOII"l'l
wero really angry.
liniwii Aiitiiii IxJs.'l In JiiII.
r.nKHii uo.Or. May 21 Munler-
er Hrown is aain safely lodged in
tho county jail. Hrown I-lt the
jail at midnight Tuesday. Deputy
Shipley went to lx;d about iu p. m.
After Shipley w as as' cop. Brown,
L-r.,.ii,rr (tie ca-'C to OO UI)l(C.fO,
Our Cjoods
uro New
nrul Fresh.
t. ...!....., i K..V.-I, h'nii-il iwH.i'k'hi
...i iT,r,.inr!ia mid Mxieen dobih. me nroneri v oi u
,icarnj;ui unu - i ...
..I!kial copieH have just Wen re- Cutting Packing Company, were
. . . Tl... nid.n I'iwn Kilt.
etived in v ai-liingion. , nci unim v,..i.... .v.., ...
treaties have been under i.egotia- it u bciievea the men were all
tio.i for tome time, and weri-Uived. Another of the Cutting
fninllyputiiitoeflectbyprochima jl'acking Company'. boat, in
lirs i choree of J. Seaman, has Iwen
Mini n i M.'j
nractical ttepj toward the forma
tion of a Central American nation
ii t.i:..
out of feveral Bnian repuu..,
tn.iwing ine cu i" " - ' out vi !-.-. m. - -i -
lrcbed and efcaped from tl jail- Nicaragua. Honduras, Guatemala,
Salvador and Costa Rica.
Jam- Ijjliin Found O.illty.
I'otiTLAND, Or., May 26. The
federal court was filled beyond its
seating capacity yesterday to hear
the great opium smuggling con
spiracy case, United States vs.
Jus. Lotan ct. nl. The jury re
turned the following verdict: "We,
the jury in the above entitled ac-
tiuii, find the ileienuanis, ja.i..-B
Lotan and Sied Back, guilty aa
charged in the indictment. It. H-
Tyhon, Foreman of the Petit Jury.
Cl.incli Iiug Auiwarii.g In Kansas.
OrKX BfNKAYS lT.oM 8 to tt a.
Proo Delivery l' all parts
of the
Mftlu Stwt.
The City Kestaunurt
Oli I !.;:,
nn. I. It. t ii.V '-- I - "i '
will xuplily a "iili tli.c bUei.ef,. atj . , . al, rq,rtS
ve linn um.i.r ,..., n
iili,it ii bi-r Chicago cnerator was
j actively engaged covering shorts,
!i,u,w,n r.iso to b-Ji cent, wmt"
iprovodtobo thehightcBt point of
I the day. Tho tenisauon oi me m
! was a 2J cent drop in 15 minutes.
llu- very low .M rnui"
'L,w -
r.,.Ht night, he called at 'J o'clock at
John 11. HuthcrlinV.ontheUiripla
river, for supper. U him eating,
u.oiw.rtir, fovi red him with a Win
chester, after which they saddled
two horses and arrived here aiwiu
1 o'clock a. m.
li, rmnn Biniker Oppose Silver.
IIaxovkb, May 25. At a con
feronce of the German banks, a
resolution was passed today that
.. I A ci.niibl be made in the
HO Vllill'o '
pi-cent currency law.' AH efforts
to modify exiting laws in favor of
silver are regard, d by bankers as
U);-st pernicious, became of the
di, . fleet Bcl eQ-.rts wou.a
.,avc upon the money rituatiou.
Clon. will pny liu'.e.nnUy.
Losws, May 25.-I-. onic-ial
circles here the report that China
has refused to pay an aclitiomu in
ilen.iiity to Japan for the evacua- infectej bug8 wilh which
linn of Port Arthur V u j to stop the work of -destruction.
Tong peninsula is discredited. It j ch.nceIlor Snow has thousands of
Will k'ivo jmi Nl SJood
U.l-c.-nt mciiH lor -"SI.
We try t iniiUe our Sumlny I::
n. 'rs tho hot In IiKleiiei.iU'lKC.
minting several days, and the men
have been given up us lost.
Juverunr Lord on Fri Col imifo.
Salem, Or. May 27. Governor
Lord's expressions since the con
vention of republican clubs in Port
land indicate that he is in accord
with the sentiment expressed there
at on the monetary question. To
an advocate of the 1G to 1 cause,
who was a delegate to the conven
tion, the governor today said: "You
fellows got sat upon in the conven
tion. We dont want free and un
limited coinage of silver. That is
to much and would deluge us with
the white uictal."
Joe l'urr E."upe from Jul I.
PexnLETox, Or. May 27. There
was a sensational delivery Sunday
evening from the Umatilla county
jail in which one of the uast noto-
Topeka, Kan, May 20. The
ravages of chinch bugs in the wheat
. i T.r....oj lull!, ltt-
r.elU.H 01 l-jliswrii iwuoi ... - j
- i... . iot tKn firmera i rious characters of this couuty es-
of many counties are applying to raped- Ike Parr brought three
r the horses in from the reservation, two
rroiessor onuw, tnan....v - .
' state, requesting him to of then, for Joe and Henry I arr,
,-I ... ..i i- :,..;iu! in llm fnnntv
WHO lltlC J ilJ j7I 1. w II v. V. '
jail. A large bar was sawed off and
like a thunderclap, and j tra indemnity.
;a .ilal,t. on the contrary, that
the agreement has already been
signed between China, Japan and
the powers on the basis of an ex-
Mill.l Ht.
MJ W.lllW I I
Don't be Sick!
P. H. Murphy, Prop.
When You arc Well
114-pii.rniK ;..
The best of
tiirneil out or
xhort iiolh'e,
A share of your plranp
is solicited.
Main street,
City : Feed : Stable.
Ki.i Johnson, I'mp.
WK KNOW linw it imikes one leei u
iK-Kivk- ltnt it yon wl'.l jtel M'-k
rrineinber t hat it is our tui-ii.i- to m-II
Aleilleicos We'vo l.a.l ...iimleriilile ex
periene.) in in-ii-i ii iiie.lieines an.
know the u.ivi.iitnwo ol nsinit hvli
,u-e Prills. V, e kce no other laml.
KM KMl'.KH tliatAvo ban-
mnnv avtuvlow ytui
, , i....
niav (k'sirc, siii li as ,h'm.'o,
Silvcrwaro, Watciios, Clocks,
Main St.
Inilepeiuli-nre. Orepon .
Horses fed by the day.
week or mouth . 'tran
sient stoek left In our
i-re will I well at
tended to. Charues
INifl Tnrlfi,nt5ndence
M. W - r - "
i . i.. i i,n ,!. of Tiulerjondence with all
kl i id i f l' res h a i id t it red M eii t s , Hams, Bacon, Sausages,
Lard, etc.. at lnwct possible rates.
Mntii St.
CIIAS. CLARK, R reiver
... ... u.ioMKll" bc-
Yaquln nd Hn Kram-lco.
i.ivih Ymmliin:
"" Mum-Ii 9.
id, atii.
TUh.. rr-rvrd t ctanw !.
without nollw.
ForltalKht orr"-ir-"","-',,,Jr,0"nV
BD'- .r.t- n,
en a" ;.'nr..or,-io
Will cost the people of Polk county many dollars
this year. It's so every year. A portion of this
If vou will act judiciously in the
matter and take your work to
1 X 1 ) K P E N 1 ) K X C E , OREGON.
.it i
lie on. ploy 8 only the most skilled
workmen, guarantees nil his work,
and is as low in price as first class
work will jusuiy
In wot king f-r me
- a hpm
1 It-v SHOEI i
I... i;t. as fairlv turned down
whiloit lasted. Whole niocus
wheat were thrown over, and the
price went i cent and $ cent at a
.ii,, .-'.osiirf at 81 i cents for July.
v t t a
! Total transactions for the day were
j about s'ii.UOO.UUO bushels.
ll.imiJ Ovor lo tl.o iJnind Jury.
MKUKouuOr., May 23. William
liutuuian and ids mother, Mrs.
Xeathamtner, and William Ennis,
charged with stealing a large sum
of money from Mr. Xeathamtner,
...- Kiiind over to the grand jury
by Justice Bimpkins, at Woodville
j-osterday. Afar n preliminary cx
... : l.iiln.r ii.n-n davs. bail
UllllUUlll'll l""""U . .
w-aa lix.d as follows: liateinau
no00 Ennis, $1500; and Mrs
Xcathammer, !f750.
Korimwiv IXhI .red A Hepubllo.
un,ui A!nv 21. Formosa
!,,, .1,-elared itself a republic, the
lhig being a yellow dragon on a
i.l.i.. rrouud. 1 he governoi , vmu
Ting Sung, is made president, and
has notified tho foreign represent
Wlu-at Tukos A Tumble
Krw- YoiiK. May 2-1. Wheat'
upw ard movement received another
black eye today, and the bears felt
better than at any tune since ua
rise ttarted. Tho net losses in
,,ri.... n.r tho dav wero 2$ cents,
... L i . w f 1 r. ilk ilf ." cents from the
highest point.
llrvmi In limply t' Carlisle.
M,.Mrins. Mav 24 William J.
Uryan, the eloquent Xcbraskan, ad
i lnrc.a H.iilience at me
i.retMv -" r
nv,ul otK:ra-house tonight in reply
to Secretary Carli-le. Uryan made
it number of strong poiuU and was
i II
triiiBinstical v anniauiieu. ii
criticised Mr. Carlisle for not tell
ing the whole truth in regard to his
.u;,ir... no the money question in
1S78. In that speech Mr. Carlisle
said: -I am oposid to the free
coinage of either gold or silver, but
in favor of the unlimited coinage
of both metals upon terms of ex-
dosed bV
i act eqiumi,. -
pi saying that Secretary Carlisle bad
n.i, Victoria's r.lrthday.
London, May 25. Tho birthday
of Queen Victoria, the anniversary
of which occurred yesterday, was
ol'.iciallv celebrated in ibis city to-
i.. At iVih borse etiards, during
the'mcmi.-g many thousands of
witnessed the unmaui
spectacle of trooping colors. The
Grenadier guards, fecotcn tum.--guards
and Coldstream guards Iook
part in the ceremonies.
.t.i. !-'leld vm oi "win...
.-... ,.tv Mav 25. The
f...,;,.m.-.r save: "Jm-lice tweiu
J" '" - . . , . : i
of the suorcme court, is uneru
to remain on tho bench as long as
he has sullicieiu Ktr-nglh to per
form his duties. Speaking to a
K! deserted the "struggling mass"
f 1 I i V- r.Afltf ftifU.kl. Lilt
n iendhesaid: "I uill not leavetne
bench, if the Lord gives me strength
and life, so long as the present r.a-
..,;,ci,-itioi isin nower. A juuge
Hppointed to succeed me might be
so selected as to mane su.e
viewed the income-tax law as a
constitutional measure. Rat, as I
have said, if I am given strength
and life, I will remain on the bench
throughout this administration,
prev. nt such a result."
Two Yours for tl.o'-!-.ineuc
t nvnoN. SIav 25. Oscar Wi de's
trial having reached its final stage.
Old Bailey courtroom was hiiea
with interested spectators today.
The iury found llde guuiy oi
all counts on the indictment. The
judge in pronouncing sentence
said: "There is no doubt that the
verdict is a just one, and I shall
give vou the full penalty allowed
by lav, and I only regret that it is
not more severe." The judge then
sentenced Wilde to bard labor for
the term of two year.
London Tlm " American Politics.
London, May 2G. The Times
discusses tho currency agitation in
a mn,;,- in an editorial this morn
ing, in which it expresses the be
i;..f that .minions are so equally
Jiri,U that it is unlikely that
the presidential election will be
fought on the silver question,
innnneers. it believes, will
prefer to raise some other issue, for
I for whom he formerly spote, rogult ta eilher party
I that even, without his leadership j the turest
bu.'s at his laboratories which are
diseased. To farmers he sends a
few of these bugs inoculated with
disease, and they are scattered in
the fields. The contagion immedi
ately spreads and the chinch bugs
die bv the million. Court Decides AgRlust Debs.
Washington. May 27. The Uni
ted States supremo court today de
nied the application ot Eugene .
Debs, the strike leader, for a writ
of habeas corpus. The conclusions
of the court were that the govern
ment of the United states has juris
diction over every foot of soil and
over every individual within the
boundaries of the United States,
and that, while it is one W lim
ited powers, it has sovereignty these limitations. It has
the power to invoke the civil court,
to remove obstructions to interstate
commerce, and tho civil courts
have the right to enjoin those who
make obstructions t such com
merce. The injunction was no bar
to criminal processes for acts done
i ,. violation of the injunction. The
circuit court, having final jurisdic
tion, its act was not reviewable v
the supreme court on the petition
for a writ of habeas corpus, and,
therefore, tho writ was denied.
The Ji.pauesc oil Formosa.
lloxo Konu, May 27. The Japa
nese have arrived off Tauisul, on
tho northwest coast of the island
..f Formosa, and lighting is expect
ed to occur. '
(iornmny Not Standing by Russia
tUuttn- Mav 27. Germany has
refused to co-operate with R.;ssia
in forcing Japan to withdraw ner
troopi from Corean territory.
Tbe Kiuuuuel Cburvli Murder.
s.v VnAwisco. May 27. The
..oU...,f Theodore Durant, charged
V. i '
with the murder of Blanche Lamoni
and Minnie Williams in manual
..i.w.l, Ivm lieen assigned to Su-
iruuivtif v
perior Judge Murphy, before whom
Durrant will be arraigned next
Wednesday. The work of the
detective department is completed,
dtheise practically ready to
t.roeetd without deby. Durrani's !
attorneys say they will not only
prove their client innocent oi
murders, but will t-how who the
real murderer is.
Krvenil Fishermen Drowned.
Astokta, Or, May 27. Reports J
bent down and Joe crawled through,
jumped on his horse and Hew to
the mountains. Henry l'arr was
to large to get through the opening.
The escape was made in broad day
lijiht. The ofiicers are chasing
Secretary Oresliaui Is Dead.
Washington. Mav 28. Secretary
Gresham died ut 1:15 o'clock this
(Tuesdav) morning at bis rooms
in the Arlington house. Aunougu
his recovery was practically
abandoned when his spell occurred,
littli before 0 last (Monday)
evening, the most powerful heart
stimulants known to medical
science were injected periodically,
a-id an infusion ot normal saline
solution was made through ati
open' vein in the arm. lie re
covered slightly, but owing to
vere rigors just before 11 oelock,
he began to fail rapidly and his
vitality began to ebb. At 1:4.
his breathing ceased; a peacelul
shadow passed over his pale
countenance, his poise uicwereu.
and the sorrowing iamuy
tbe presence ot ueatn. iur.
.... .t. ... t..u uhown tne most leu-
der patient and faithful devotion
a 1.. ... hnuhanil. Slie said many
lO lie. .''"" . - ... .
times since his sickness: If he
dies I lose all. '
n7Price's Cream Bakins Powdj
Iriol Cold MW,nFrcc
Is Life " -Worth
That depends npon tho
liver. If the Liver ia
inactive the whole byb
tern is out of order the
fcreath is bad, digestion
poor, head dull or aching,
energy and hopefulnesa
pone, the spirit is de
pressed, a heavy weight
cxist3 after eating, with
ceneral despondency and
f the blues. The Liver " ,
the housekeeper of the s
health; and a harmless,
eimple remedy that acta
like Nature, does not
constipate afterwarda or
require, constant taking,
does not interfere with
business or pleasure dur
ing its use, makes Bim
xnons Liver Regulator a
medical perfection.
H. Ions. Htxm. t -
h. Hndrr. R..nC".
Ha to Mrkl