Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 23, 1895, Image 4

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i 1
.Graduating- Excrctaes Held on
Thursday Evening, Mny 10.
tmyi, Bcitatiom and Musio Inter
citing Addreu by Prof. Hjj
Prtnttion of Diploma.
The third annual commence
ment of ihe IJiekrenll public school
took place last Thursday evening
at Orr's hall, which was tastefully
.decorated for tho occasion.
The board of directors and Prof.
Jlnyes having Ufii places on the
tage, the class, consisting of the
following: Aurejia Burcli, Isaac
Goodell, Edna Sinionton, John
jDrr, marched in, being led by
Jheir teacher, Mr. Hoag, and took
places on the stage.
The program was opened by
prayer by Mr. Goodell, followed by
a duet. Next was a recitation,
"The Eagles Hock" by Jessie
Heffron. Her delivery showed the
effects of good training.
"There is no Excellence With
out Great Labor" by Isaac Goodell,
was worthy of much praise. It
gave evidence of considerable
thought and much pains.
We were then favored by a male
ouartette which had an agreeable
effect uixm th audience.
Miss Edna Simonton delivered
an excellet.t comparison of "Life
,and the Seasons." Childhood be
ng compared to spring which is
jthe real beginning of the year just
,a8 childhood is the first period in
Jiuman life. After springtime,
.summer, eo after childhood, youth.
With middle age conies the autumn
,of life, the harvest time. And then
jcomes winter which very much
resemble the closing years of life.
The oration on "Mammoth Cave"
by John Orr was well composed
and was delivered iusuch a manner
fis to hold the audience in perfect
The Misses Orr then favored us
trith a duet.
The valedictorian, Miss Aurelia
-Burch, took for her subject the
jelasfl motto. "Deeds, not Hours are
the Measures of Life." It showed
evidence of much thought and
much pains and was delivered in a
4very pleasing and interesting man
ner. Prof. Hayes then addressed the
jelass in aa able manner, advising
ihem not to be contented .with a
public school education, but to
strive for something higher. As
Prof. Hutchinson did not conic as
.expected, Prof. Hayes also pre
sented the diplomas to the class of
The last number on the program
..was a quartette, after which the
crowd returned home. ,
Managed by the Polk County Teacher's As- i
relation, aud devoted to tiie advauccmeut
of tlie Public : School.
Independence, Oregou.
All communication.! relating to this work j
muil be addreHsea to llie cauor i ui.sae
wrtmeut. EEPOETS.
For the month ending May 3,
Jfumberdayg attendance 482
" enrolled, boya H, girls
17, total 2j
Average attendance
'iu.ilr tardies
Viaitorg during the uionth
Names on roll of honor, Phoebe
Cornwall, Laverne Burns and
Edith Fri
C. '. Graham, Teacher.
For eighth month.
.Knmber days attendance..
" , " absence
" tardies
" enrolled
Average number belonging
" daily attendance
Per cent of attendance
.Number neither absent nor tarby
." vinits from board
" " from natrons
, " " by teachers to patrons "8
" cases corporal punishment 2
" girls enrolled 105
" . boys " 171
.Total number enrollment during the
school year 336
Percent of attendance for the whole
term 94.1
Total number of tardies for whole
school year 295
Total iiuruber days attendance for
whole school year 37018
Total n nraber days absence for w hole
; -school year 2:4
' There were 2C0 boys and girls
that were never tardy, leaving all
the tardiness to 76 boys and girls,
with the greater part of this from
fifteen 'families. One family
urnihing 44 cases. With only an , year of the Dallas public schools: They were tree oysters, and I used to i you are niamed,' said old Mr. Bir
JJ months school to do nine uiouths j Prof. W. I. Reynolds, principal; ttfJT "1 K'te
work there were on,y a few t ul ires.
From the bib grade th?:e were no
'failures of those who tried to niiiko
j it, sonic dropped out who possibly
could have made tho grade by
hard work, but this they cither
could not or would not do.
W. I. Kkyxoi.m, lVin.
RICKKKAlX school,
For tho year ending May 14,
Number duvs tutiiiht
" A atumdiutvu
" lll)M.IUX
tardies "-'
enrolled boy W, girls
1. i.ltiitt... Ita'lltllLlilll? "O
" daily BtU'iiiiMiuo -HI
Per coat ot attendance ... Ml
Those, that were neither absent
nor tardy are: Amelia lUuch'tind
Jessie Heffron. Aimlia lUmh
was neither absent nor tardy last
1). A. IIoao, Teacher.
Tin: polk cointv ricKss.
News Items ami Editorial Ex
, prcssions.
Evangelist lloss is expected hero
from Southern Oregon the middle
of next week.
Thirteen persons were baptized
at Buell's chapel last Sunday and
a month from that lime quite a
number more will receive theoubr
01 oawm.
.... ...,..!.. 1
l he otiin .ueinoaisis i
agreid upon a plan for their new
edifice and will at otiee begin work
on it. It will be Loth handsome
and convenient. The estimated
cost is 2,5cX). but they hope to
reduce it below that figure. It will
occupy the tame spot where the old
church has stood for so many
years. The Christian church
people have kindly offered them
the use of their house during the
Win. Parker, of Eallston, is to
teach a summer school over in
There has been a slim attend
ance at circuit court except Ihosc
whose duties or interests brought
them here. JuJije Hewitt's de
partment of the court will begin
the first Monday in Jane.
The grand jury in making their
fipal report Buy they found ail the
officers aud books in good condition,
and records seem to bo correctly
kept. The county jail was reported
as in a bad condition and changes
and repairs were recommended.
The sheriff was in no wise to blame
for the condition oi the jail.
Some tiro year ago J. S. Michell
and wife, of Falls City, concluded
that they were nut congenially
mated and obtained a legal sep
aration As time went on each
saw the mistake they had made
aud regrtied their action. A full
reconciliation was made and last
Friday at the home ot JS. Chapin
they were reunited by Kev.
A. M.
Dallas bicyclists have built them j
a first-class course in the east'
part of town, along the rai
track. The boys are going to be
in this season for fun or chips. j is the man who buy.; gold briek.?. A
The late legislature certainly, 1 case of the lh-st sort has jir.eeurrt-.l
, , . . ,. , . , i m one of tho sutau-os ot INew lor.:
made a costly mistake lor the third ; dty Two youn;; Eien v,-er,. talking
judicial district in nut abolishing a together at noon in tho planing mill
extra judge. 1'olk county with a ! in which they work'.-d. Ono of thwa
. i , , i , (w, found an old revolver and flourished
circuit court docket of about 90.. t He di(n-t know it ww p)adcd, cf
cases, divided into two equal parts, cours0. But tho next mom.-ut hi i
is forced to hold court at two dif- companion was tk'::d. An nislanoo
ferent dates all told probably two Kola 1,rick jJiocy occurred i:t
, . . , , , , Lyons, la., where a wea.thv
ivw'kd. Lornierlv one tuner- would 1 . . , .. , .,
" " ' , .
handle tho same docket in one
weeK. Ut course, trie taxpayer pays
lor all improvements over the old
... ,.
style of doing things.
Superintendent Hutchinson has
sent out a circular
Polk county teachers announcing
that a summer normal institute
...ill 1.. V.,.1.1 ,t tl,a V1 1,,1
, , . , . . 1
building in Monmouth, and it is :
hoped that large number of teach-!
crs will take advantage of this i
. . i ii . -.- f i
training school. A small tuition of 1
probably $3 will be charged for
attendance to the school. i
The Dallas Curfew Ijell rang out i
its tuneful peal Wednesday even-(
ing; but Elton Connoway and '
Travis McDevitt forgot to obey its I
. , , . . J i
warning, and both the Iwys were :
brought before Recorder StoufTer j
yesterday and lined $5. Hoys j
should remember that the City
Dads were not funning when they
passed that curfew ordinance.
The following corps of teachers
have leen selected for the next:
Misses llattie llliams, Loretta j
Smith, Mary Parker ?.nd Ruth
iUV ITIIV. ......
Morrison and V. A. VmI, "
Last fall .in a runaway cerapo
Mr. Joseph Mack had hi right
shoulder Injured and at times
since then it has given him much
pain. It went on until last Tluir
day Tr. Stanley oxHinined it aml
found it to Ih) dislocated. Assisted
bv Dr. Kmbreo ho proceeded to put
. i.i..: .
it hack in place, since which time;
Mr. l'daek has been resting much
easier than for months past
For sometime past mere nna
. i r
been a habit among Uio oos m
u'.mtonlv defacint! fences
buildings about . town. Hardly
. ...... . . i' ... ....
had Abel l glow got us -
built and painted wnen a iy
l.or lit whittled seveial pickets
thereof, thereby marling the beauty j p-adod school, witlmi my obrva
. o ,j oasiia and midtivet-
of tha fence. For this ho w as tuu. f i;i(.s,1(ix0,vist,!l(ir
taken befoee Judge Stou'der, Mou- j i,,,.,.,. n uLstiiuto f-f military
dav and lined Jfd.'iO. Tltis ought ! drill, nud emuo of them civato a now
to be a len to the young man , need for it. A PhkI .wwiian lav
u , .... . , , . 1 r.otboeiwtor gracetul;u pHxlarm
and to others, i hero is m ot ; o( w);i . )U.t,l ,lis niU
thi.-i rA'klcss destruoti.m of pro-1 y;. ch-ntpUci vv!ist" is not apt to
ncrtvand it is high t'nno a Mop luivo sitt:i:v .-liotti.!e:. Tl. r.HJtlwll
1 , ! c.itaia is s- jr.dded that a Kifo ju lg-
v'"s l'llt K u- ! ...... l-.iUv l o formed as to ht.i
West S.ilom is the lV.k county j
contingent of liat S.ilent in Marion ;
.oinify, and is growirg to bo unite .
a neat little city. They have just '
completed a new hall to meet the;
requirements of the pi.uo, and
other necessary buildings will so.ut '
foil )W. Cov. He'.cl.e!, ot In
and Post, is the moving
spirit of tho place, bun,;
from tho la!colas.
a rustier
r:- ::. ' -
Durability uf Kwili.
Sovcrsl years ago a farmor in north
! Msso-.iri madtf a seriea of esperiniiii.
with (hil'orottt kinds of wikk!.; to it
certain which would last bmp-st j
when e.viosod to nil the vici-itud.-s j
of wer.ther. llo too.: a iut::ii:'i- -f ;
stakes 2 foet lonnr and :n inch thi.-!;, ;
drove tUerA into t'.t-
gro-.nul nr.. I left
thorn thero for for.r yc:;ts. -a tue
At the
end of that time I.J found tur.t he
elm. ash. UicUory, whi:. pin k
and fir woro entiivly rotted. s. that
la some cases the ' r.tick could not l
drawn oat of the ground, aud in xev
oral it loft onlv a lino of rutt-.M veg-
etable tilx-r. Yellow pine and teak
wero decayed on tiie oniKido only,
the interior remaining firm and solid.
while tho host cedar wr.s ni goo. I as -
when put into the ground Tho 'X -
iwriment ought to bo of valua to
peopjo who make fences, also to
builders, as showing w hat kiii'l of
wood will best suit places where
dampness! and moistm-o are tho t-at-
ural conditions. St. Louis Glule-
a n..i,bt.. v.,iiu.ii GZs.
A cunosity in tho shaw of "an or -
cntre within an orange" fell to tl.o
snare or air. moms j. luoiaas oucu
in a lot of fruit purchased hy him.
TIio orango outside gavo no evideneo ;
of being other than aa ordinary one, '
but insido, when split in half, win ,
another and a perfect orange, excopt '
that it had no rind and was only
about an inch and a half in diamoter
Tf. nUn l.ntl n. sort of stem, ubtmt as i
--. r . rr.
Largo as a day pipo cton. running up
illirouah the center of what might l'
termed tho parent of tho baby oranso
! to tho main stem. 'Iho l;al
iy orango
was not m tho center ot trie larg.-r
one. but very closo to tho outside
rind farthest from tho iroiii. stem.
Baltimore American
Two CtaxsiM if riuimUut Iff.
Thero are two classes of in'-n r.bout
I whom tlio pubii'J arc actually tired
' t .....til-w n-.l Tl T,1!II1 ,vll,.
-id ."' j jt load. lL Thooliu,r
: pawl out Vi,w tor a uncc wortu
j OGO, and is, it goe3 without say-
; mg, oui ins i w .n.;n wi...
"vt; . L,-lt
dors passes comprehension. oad-
vist) th(Jln t0 ibe for a newspa-
'per and by closo application to its
oi learning oy exjjerwnce,
Hctarei.fLir.Ii.OI.1 Ku-jpt
Among the most interesting of the
vVltr)glavls and drawings of tho
paintings and sculptures in tho rock
t('hs of El-Kal, or Nekheb, as it
was formerly called, are thoso which
. , . , . , t . , .
illustrate the daily life of the ancient
Egyptians 3,000 B.C. and later. Thero
you can see men hunting and fo-hing,
making wine, harvesting corn, plow
irvr mid Limms. fookiii"- mid so on.
There are representations of funerals
and merry makings, with dancing
Bjrto and mmsicians, boating on tho
Nile, etc. At least one picture shows
tLat contrarj. to the common belief,
tho Egyptians had somo knowledge
pei-spcctive. London Wote
Wllil Oyiten.
A traveler who has eaten oysters
in all lands has this to say about wild
oysters: "I never want to cat bettor
oysters than some I found growing
in tho trees at Station Creek, Port
p . I u.xl to go out before break-
fast and pick enough for a f oast. '
com,.s to there 10 or 12 feet
high, and the trees were submergexl j
i wi "verv ".'4 Ijoiu-r. ana tno o sirs
uKkod lu them, And ibey ftald Uuv" When itto lute
wont out, tl.ey woiv stranded high
and dry, and laity fellows like myself
were glad to out them."
Suf mid l f llubbtir
RuW.ier articles that lb ait in water
and nro elastic mid mft aro harmless.
Ulack rublH i dnlla that nro colored
throughout the mas ami tho mate
rial jf which Mus in water coiituiu
load and arc dangerous.
lied and brown rubber' oonUun
mil tttt.Mlti' milohido. mid when col-
oml tmiU,,iuut tho mass mv not
dangerous, as the antimony noes not
dissolve in tho saliva or in milk.
!...,,. vhIOm.v mutants nine oxido
. t VIH'.
. ,s dangerous in any articles uko-
. . . ... . . .i... .......ii.
iy to ik pin mm "
i - .. : .!..., .L. ..tb i.ii I utKlin
laioiHT u m ..- "
taOo tti ui.iiio.-Aicatcni e h.
Th Military Urlll.
; WiiUo Uy0 (h,,r (lm( ,vr
. U11,iue, attoution m most or tho
; -aii,..r0l, m hi-'u schools, but in tho
ii.itur.d "line.'." 1 f.t a b-tun l
hid: :1itum s. (:: t- tno a no:H'N;vrt j
t.)lvhisd:tnw:ivem::r:;:i. lalu-o
' b.;!l (ho pire'iert
; o'.i; . rvof t hav
::u '. o .t'l oc:ii.'.t;'.i :
p::r'el with a!l Lis j
i ii-.i:-.:r:-.l snaoo to e
;. t.i- f'.il'Vvd '
! ball.
! A ir.illt.wy tlrlA lcvohp the w'.sok
i man, hctid, cV.esC, r.vntsr.iid lo;r pro
i iH.ftionato'.v. and t.- prouioi.-s .yin
j ino;ry !U1 1 e,.: :ve;s the o.v.v.'.-; of
o'.h. v4ovir.i of t-xoretsc. U t
I qu.el.iu'-s ..f ey. :id car. l.ttud
i foot, iU.; i. o n t- step nn 1 net i.i
; u:iwui, tenl.ia mlxtttUautioii. ma ,
I 1 .vst e i 1:11, (;tl:tl;.'i.'S a l.i.Ul t serw
i country. If.T.jumin Ii.iriijoa (,t
j Ceu'.ury Magu.--.iuo.
UuftUn I'tliiui-tit..
If von invito a litissiau to dinner,
nuiiio a poitd i.f .tl'or::i:: h:;.i ik'o'ro (
ho takes h' a: t!:. iuluo c.-M..;ii t
liovs tt'tottvro.. ami ..'oovo all do :nt ;
; ror.,..t tt aivommny tln-M wi:n a ;
j drain of spirits. Tin str.:!:?T tho ;
! latter the liighcr tho Kti.-Mau g:t.-t
1 vv,',j t.eteeu . Uw ttntertainer, v. ho
; taust sjut tho cognac out Uinneif,
nut int.. a liipior glass, but int. a!
j ilonii.:nix gla.-., and it is indi;on.;:i- j
j tj,at :0 hlmuld drain the enure j
i Jumper to tho health f his guest lie- ;
! f,vo t!lL, latter has time to put his;
i Ei;LvJ tJ j,u lips. F-tch lime you make :
; u x-ech at dinner, or Tit any n;mi-t. !
j 1m (..Uvful to have your g!;ui tilled to
; tllo .j, ) f,jro you U-.;i:i spooking,'
, r ...j t'i0 moment you have cor.i hided '
j your n.mari; drain your glsu- f Uw
j vtry i;Wt drop at a gulp, miieo that if
tho !,!;;;h;e.-,thoe!t:ip remains it meanu
in tiie eves ot the 1.u-.s-.;.hh taut your
reraarka havo Kvn in uuoero. -lVtito
! l-publajuo rnuice.
Tltti Irt.S V. iiiiiuii ut t'.ft 1114:1k.
t , ' 1 . t-, ........ . f . . . . i . . m i . I - . I . . t t . .
o.u . ........ . ... ...v.
origin entered a town :ivi::gs
bank tho olUer day aud walked up to
tho desk.
"Do you want to draw or deposit r"
asked tho fre.itlemauly cl.rk.
-Naw, Oi do.ui t. Oi wtiut tur put.
somo in," was the ivp!y
Tho clt-rk Irtlshttl u; the book for
i Uer sigtuttuii'. aud intiicatiug tho
: placo saw. oin on mu lino, i
' pleaso.
Above it or below iti"
"JiiHt above it."
"llo wholo natnoi"
"Before Oi was married?"
''No, ju..t as it i.i now."
"Oi can't write." Boston
KlilrjrB 1'rwfrr tiie Miiiil?:n inltli.
Our Odessa correjr.ndont nays that
tho Russian orthodox missionaries
havo so failed in their proselytizing
eiTorts nmomr tho Khirireso that tho
lais-sions will prdtbly Iw shortly j b'tid, and tho red picturo which U
withdrawn. Nearly tho whole of tho j tints obtuined is ti.v.'d and btirncl r.e
stenno tribes, tronerallv deserilx.-d as cording to tho usmil proecKs. The
"heathens," are now adopting, al-
most "en masse," the Mohammedan
faith, which is spread among them
chiefly by Tartar teaehcrs. Tho Mo
hammedan Tartars havo always en
joyed the right of free prowlyti.-nn
unioug the natives of tho Khirgeao
, mjf,A.-.uiwoll f.VK.
j A u,- cw
, They mot by chance in the waiting
room of a railway f tatiou.
"My friend," began tho man with
tho valine full of tracts, persuasively,
'havo you ever reflected ' i thoshort
ness of life, tho uncer. nty of ull
things hero below, and ; ,.a fact that
death is inevitable?"
"Have Ii" replied the man in tho
shaggy overcoat cheerfully. "Well,
I should reckon 1 I'm a lifo insurance
agent !"
"Ah urn looks as if we wero go
ing to have more snow, doesn't it
paid tho other, lockinghis valiso again
with a snap. Chicago Tribune.
Kxif.niilve Wall Covering.
Register Gates of the land oflioo
tells a story of the most expensive
wull pajmr he ever heard of. It was
in a houso in College street, Jackson,
Tenn. One of the rooms was papered
with kind grants belonging to ono of
tho volumo-s of the land grant ofi'ico
for western Tennessee. Theso p:in'i-s
had te;n lost since the war and repre
sented more than $2,000,000 ui value.
These pajno-s were carefully detached
and preserved for future refereuoo.
New York Herald.
tier ICxcum.
'Well, I am very sorry you are not
as happy as you expected to lx now
for you leaped."
"I did look, papa." she replied,
"dut; you know iiuuys a nrar
for Infanti
"roim.-., "r rrml t II wllh.; ."?:
It t, hJ...t rrmrd, r..r ;-. ChlMri
lit. -r,r t..u. It U h.rm!..fcrhlHr.JV. !.!
ZUmYnUh. U will ..JMJ1Jjf
rlulJ'n in.!.J.
f,;,t,.rli prrrenti vnmUlnrj Vr CnrA.
rntrU fvr I)ti.rrt.n. unit ',
r:-.tpt-ln rMv T-ot'i'nn TrmiM .
Cn'-liX-f f:.,'ntl.w n't rintntrnrf.
-.... .In nnl'.'irutM lf' frt
Tho Tin
Children Cry vor
J i
A II' In it L' Sold cheaper by
I v ih than by my olio r
tiler in the couuty.
Hardware ci Tinware
We are .oiling nt
oniiara!ive!v low.
i one:
Fnwv& Cat
t ? X J1
j flS2i-.clliClGI -J
j " , -. ....
hw:v aim to
Prescriptions :-: Carefully -:- Compounded
I lay or Nittlit.
ijDEiTiTisroirisrcii!, Oregon.
Jtctilnt; I'!iiilor;tii i.i. Claim.
It is now found that in tho urt of
etching photographs on f.Iassa ve: y
satinfiu-tory ntailt may bo weured l y
covering tho surfaeo with a solution
of gum mado sensitive with biehro
mate of potash, and print ing tho same
under a negative. After tho i-niio.o
ban in this manner lw-en produecd, it
is dnnted over with minium or red
; c-a.ily t-ohihlo red ;
IKS whieh conn
is treated with
from this tm-ihod
strong mlphurii' acid, when a white
matte '.' .-I'.n i. pro,i;:eeil, ii!:d t!fpi
turn iippeaw by trittinidlled li-'iti,;i
a jiti-. e. Stiino spccimciiit m tin t
line: by Meriean are ileseril.i d
an c-:;hi..;t!tig laipei'ior niei it, a-ico-ii-ptired
i.'ith the.-d produced by or h
nary means. Now York Sun.
A I'Htiti, Hfiil u ;nr;.l
A c.cic, Kcrat.hing for food f'a -
timself and hi 1h, fr,d a pro -
;ioua stone, on which ho na-H: "If
,-our own-r bad foun.l th.oatid not
I, bo would havo taken tho up and
set then in thy first i stato, but 1 )xi vo
found tlu o for no purpoo. 1 would
rather have ono barleycorn than all
tho jewels i:t t'io world. Iluwevir,
on Koeond con:iid!.-r.ttioii, thou wilt
make a good addition to tho travel
: that i in my craw and may help to
correct tho slight dyspepsia that htm
troubled ino of late." This Haiti, tho
cock ceased moralizing and swal
lowed tho jewel.
Moral Thero nro a great many
people who wear diamonds for their
health. Uallo.
No 'u-. l or Alnrm.
"Then?, I oiipiioho my dn-ss is n
iixwl fore-vt r."
landlady What is tho matter?
"Mary (.pilled milk all over tho
Landlady -Never mind that now.
.Tlluf r.U !.... r.u 41. n ...... .1..!
you can brush tho chalk right off.-
v,uu;i!g( m-r v-eau.
borne AUthkiin names aro: Ahgf
uietbelanaghaniute, AiigulakjMt-ha-mate,
Chokfoktologhamute, Kjth
lukhtughamute, KennaiOijUjaghaio
ute, Kyktoltowtin. Ouin lii.i'.iini.i..
j Teeuahotozna and Akguluragiglat
and Children.
Cfn" a.
PJtchcr'o Castorin.
::: TOOLS:::!
pre ' M
I Mil 'I
ot r !! il, nui
.u d sec for voiirndf.
M)V,o; Til.
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NlH'i'lMHiri. In A. W. Iiik IikIi hiIit.
t ..... V b.itvv '' ,
i urrt-i ; -f 'A-T, Hours
iooil tttrnotitH for (Nimmi-reial men
I!on-eiiho:iriled by (h w i-ek or month.
Abide ir n-iiiiin-il en tdmit,
notii'c, and at luwrxl ki
hil.le pricrH,
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Estos & Elkit(
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in or out of the
Promptly attcnlel i
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the best work. You wid .
enabled to secure the
from vour investinent. '
some fine
stock: cm5.
Jf X3rtnr prices are the l"1
II I I I m nun
ft I K I II
sighted. 'Exchange.