Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 23, 1895, Image 3

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marmnn c tmeameaa 83 Beautiful Dress Goods.
111 M V. J J
A D v v a
Our Stock is Now Completo in m
Boota cxncl Shooa.
tr a -a
lovely sgimmer siliks,
.Tlao Very EBost of Hosiery. (
,7e would like to eall
our attention to our
irices on
PatUrou aro fixing up
x f . f f A ... .. Jhh tt ;A Ad m
LUH,Lpiiurru.,,u ,.,,.,.,.1,, fltduMBtVlu,
IIHII .....ii..'. ....- - ; -
I 1...o I l,u l.ililll" HlB
......1 u Iiii.hnr lo ' J "'" .'-'- - " .
Dr. lOplcy, l'iitlt, Miiiiiiiiiiith
Fifty wut uuWmo, alo liner gfudcmit at the Star tlrurrry,
M II, ,.!.,,'- ('mm i era l ll WIN) II ikjkuiiiiiik in . . - ...
. - ; ....r.i..., .1,' Northern racirm wmn you t ( .
Ladle haven fit when tln-y get the come into im iiiuikci, -i ' i.,(Urt. ,,f v. II. Hawli-y. V
i mi i.i : r.r
hihI vuli) for
1111 1 Ui kJHVJ-.U) J-iw .
Just now you want a wklo
rim Straw Hat, black band
with a silk cord to keep it
in sight of you when you
are out riding.
. .We have them at Interesting Prices..
!07 C'ihiiiii" rclul Nt,
s B. Sco our new Wall Trunks
rXwuvrJ- ' '
Niilein, Oregon.
Motor IJi"' Tunc T;tble.
M I l'
Whl'. ' MiMiMlli
ro."' J-""
i ft: Wl '
I' A I .
i, at.
J 3U
I ..
.i M ft, Itl.
U !' . lit.
',' -41 "
i ii
'O N.
IJ " l.
-.1 iukiutoicy.
4-1 . V- v. uli.a All I"'' I" '"
r? " wliin.ililili'l- M'l-l-'U ( IlHIlilllTM,
, KUICtll"
6 -..-"
xoKica wsss, ) , k, .f r.
V',-..l.-..l ,v
J Tui!v nml tlilrUi n iKiincr at
Uli.i V!i:iiu:iK IIoW(,. SaliinHj
nml NiiimIuj, r.Iay -" ml
Fiift ):kh alt round -iokory.
lcut only "." vnits.
. Items of Local News.
' ('. A. Kriuin'r. .Ii-wilrr.
t ;i mIkk- 4l..lni; lit iIk-llillvi-t tur.
. ian bwivii ':mii. i. i..
i . i.- i,ft,ia i,ri ini Mi'il
trml tt lu'i i'Hiiriii-ni.
A. K I! A M " I'i
ins, K. II. x.
H 1. llltriJiTl.-l'IIYIflAN
Mirgni. K'. n ii t . ti'M
nrijttiiiK. 'i'iii "'i ,,r, i;' " 1 '
ti jwiu Ikiiik' liliit-k.
. v iivniint.-
MlUII" Mint S'.irv''"!"'- f '"
.. ....I.I l.. li.-ai H I "iHIHli.
Ull ' , 1 1,
..vr Iii.triifiiiliMii'K Nuui'ii H I !i"v
i M il. XV. Hiil.l.iil. M,
Vliu'w lliiiltv im iti'Ml lM!:.v,
i. C.
, unrein"!, r.
...I.l.i,, c.ri'ir
noulh )u-! iiil' i
(ii i in:
linilU'Hil '.' I
a A. Mfl.Til-.Y.KIl'M:N';
IH 'lii .r..l.-"i ii l-nvM I i" '
(,.mp1ih. S.iiihim-iKiii iii:i'ii'i
,WiiK'iuv, Ur.-Kiui.
. A. sitn.-Arnt;sKY-,w
na... ovrr i.-.i.-r-iiii.-m
uniil llnnk . Ii.ilcu i'l'l"-'".
I. AltTIST. M.' '..h..,;.Ii. !
,-liiunil ltlMMitiln.j .iv.- hint,
work. jrCrKli.ivl.itf j:..-. Inlr-;
limi-, ititUtit -" .Mam '"" ,
pinii'u"- :
!!. i:i-i.y,
all liix ' i !
flu' liv fitMiu niilur in ii
liiiw, llioiij ra In-line
Cull fur lln- Imli'l ' " '
iiniiiuf.n ;iiicl ! I'. I', i.iii.lili.
i.i.l.-M K'.yl.Ki.f jIIiIh-I I'li-liia- frame
iinmliliii" ill 10. 11- l!iTj,V
Nli-k Tartar, tin- vi i.nui l".- l)t-IM'il.'i-K"--!
'" ll"-''''.' Ji.ttud'i.v.
Mm. K. I". blini'-r, i'i (-f.Uni,
vitiinir liit inln In itu i i:y U H't
llu' wit k.
Qtiili- niiiiilii-r i-f j'iiwnj;t-in Mi
,t ri tin- Altnliii !' J'.u-tlaiiil Moil-
tiny iiiui'iiiii;:.
I'rof. T. A. IJiyi- nUiri'id frmu
l!llK't"' 'I Hi'wl '.v. W'lu'l'C In- Im.l tn-fii
uiii iiiiinir llu (iliiiulluiiu! n v t-1 i I i n .
J, J,, Wlit. li r, mi Jii'l I'i'iiili-iii'C- i
..1i-,:hI- Ik t!i' I'itf i'''"!'I;i-"t "'"y.
Irit lur rin'ilimi on iiitH.iiij iu.i-1-
IHH.Ii'n tl'.lill.
I'lTn ri. !i 1 iiJ it (''""ii'ii'l P-"'1
Ir-ii tli. lni-iiiio ll.i- ll ''"1
i;,u,l liirl. mii; U-. all I. - .rjmiH with
Hfit, HumI'ii hars.i i. .1 i- t!;j gp.iit
li. mil i,niliiT
J H. t'in'1'.r. I- Tint ami inn!
J. M. Viuuluvn, !i'lf!iiri fniiii
lli.l.-..ll'u'IICO lilMUlllllCII t'lllll,
Iru.l. tl lh- li'iiilli'-a'.i t 'In!. nuvtii'K
h! I'liill.tml iUimIh.V.
I ,! Ili'liiik'll Ih iirrln t' 'tt
larffo I'loiimT m tin- vr
Utiltcl ftur mIhmk.
do lo I'loilft lli r liroH,
tlw "iuwii uf HllW'lt."
l)r. Kl'-y, tin) iluntlxt, Mouiiiniitli,
ill. fi'iiw a mii'I lirlil work.
Il.r inn imri-ly vi.i'tiil'li'.
luiriiiiiBH, fli'. rlive, ilu lint :ii r
Uiiii). "
Tax, nut nU Uix b it i-nrjii-t tutik;
liii'k imlli'i uiid ilr;vi.r ut Clio 'W
llanlwuri. 1". 10. (MihiiiImt.
If y. hi wmii t, ii Hi t ilu two 4t J
luitfy 'lifpi r tliiui you rmilJ f'fr v
la-i t, mil ut It. M. Wiiilo A Co.
1'iiliit your liimti with t'li'Viliiinl
t'nllHKu I'l'l'ir. fiii'ly iuUi"l t 'llu-'
.Sow lliinhviiri'. K. 10. t'liumln.1.
I'rii'i- ii ;iilliiii
ll.'mv nml to tin' City U.'ttirmit
1 fur your iliuin i yWuh- ila; , llo-y will .
In- iuinrii lit f-i'il nil Unit roliif.
Infant iiiuii'l IhmhI furjwnt!
mill iiiwnril, ut Mr. 1 lurliy'.
'1 11" liull l! HI 1,11 liT' lvi'l n flil-ll
Miiily uf lint i li-il wtflu ii'l t'11' lull'! j
In I'Vi-nrli . ini'liiv; itlu fnh fruil. :
mi' of nil lUinl', n will n the 11 in nt
lilli'H if rln-'il uii'l tnliucft).
Any nint ln.iiliiito tiike l'itn in
nil iulii!liitf r pai-It l iliiiwilii wiiillil
tin i. I In call mi Mr. K 10. Urillllh
on r Hired niitl fxaiiiiiiit lii-r work.
Do y.ui know Hint every U or Id rent
il.-'0 yout.i.iil for cigar p- t liel
niitrt tumte other eliy union you
K kc li'iinu liiiiliufiietuieil elnr
Trawler who din Ire K'""' --
il.ilioiiM ulwny ttt"i nt lit I.iltle
l'liliuv liolel. Willi..' ill In.!eii-inlell.f.
The !( rniilu uml the heel iin ul In
tin- .liv.
Mr. I-'. t. KertMin, of Suit-in, !
M.liiIll tht week with relative In
Ihi city. We iiinli'ii-luiiii that Mr.
KitIkiiii I linikhi urriingiiiieut lo
move to I'tirllniiil.
U. M. Winh' A Co. nr" ole uei.l for
DeeriiiR iitul MeConiiick liiiiilei,
mower iilnl extra.
Aler. KiiUl.iinl, of lliekienl!, anil
I 1)11110 glHIll
K. ,M. wu.lo -" ! r,lv-.I in II.U. IIV TueMlay i-venli.K.
reverlh.. J U ,;ut j J"' J, , ,tho Ill(le.
I iimkllHr 111 new
i - n
. . . - -l m l. f. .
iHM'r lieuiJiimrier hi wrninu .
Ihlnjf your iiliw jtleturc to 10. H.
Iterc' furniture liru nml have him to
friiini'theiii. Ilu know hoxv.
lienilein wiiit fuetnry. .
On tht'tilili', S. 10. Adcos, tho nuxv
wiilcliiiiiiker, will lime "d reimlr
iluii(M ami nrami In u llrt c!ati mail,
m r ut uhimtonu liuif of tliu former
Mr. ami Mr. 'V. K. Crt-HV, of Mo"
Iaa Valnliiyn, a I'oitliui'l -n d I a 1 If t j u.(l fr Nt..,)liri Wetlne-i
am! Inolher of J.M. V.imluyfl, wi n ; (, tiujn ,ni.p., .nKnK l:ilh
In llio elty inn ior 1'ini "i "----
Mr. John Yuuntr. of ihl city, '
i IhIiIiii; lor fl'er Mr. J.v. liuler,
..f Hlierlil.ui, durliiK tliu jtnrl of
tlui week.
Mr. (i. L. ITuwklim Ih ut xvoikon a
neat immumeiit for the ("rave of lint
la'.v Hlv ;er Douly. Tin-onler wiih
nliifi'il villi
Ihmiwj IiunIiiiim there
llii! j
miiiiiii.'r. j
Tin. "Teak Hi!eiV' will give nil ei;-1
lerhiimiK lit (tt J'.iekreii!!, Monday, j
May I'". Tl eeiitertiiiniiiciit I K'veu i
under the uuttj)lieof the Conjireaa-j
timial i-hurch. !
Oiiii.! n lurL'e uudieiiee cri eted I In?
Mr. Iluwklu hy v. A. . . ti f . ,ri,lU,,,1,1i t.!,ur,., ut :
Dotily, of the linn f Di u'y & lyk' . ' , (.e . ra )m,k, UKl FriiJay eveiiiut,' In '
Ml. Miiii rvu Diividoii, of thi illy, I ,,r ' j',..,,!; iyter" entertainment. It .
ha ilaee.l u f.',t!'J older wl j as a very ik-u ;it ull'air ami greatly ;
lluwkin, I'li'l'iiitor i'f lint Ii"'!' I-"''- u;,.:n-iia!ed by til'.-auihence,
ileiiee; work, for a f plcmli't j jj,,, J'ruiik, wliili- vjMttiii Porllhnd
monument lor Ihu .rave of her una-, W(,(.k) f(., ,,, lUl i,UIH f u
huml. the lute Dr.J. K. Davidson. ' mI t .t-i-.v lingered Dt liluh uml ruhbeil of
The Marion county i' k in-eelor i v.;;- 0tl(! i;.,te j-.wt w u arreMed for
w ii In the J. 1!. 1'aiker lieiliii.irliiH)d, ! ui d,,. rtnleii money wa
ju-l ero the river f'oin lid I'l'i'. one ! f,,l w. ed ujt in the nkirl of her
day hint week li.klnK ufler theemi- ,j
ditloii of cattle timl Hlu-t-p. We under- j vyjjlinni Uhluiun coinitiltt.d Huieide
Maud that lie found uodi a--d Mock j ul 0,ryuyM 'tMHihy niornhig by
in that vicinity. i j,:,iikii Ho was nhout 60 years of
l'oiict; Jud-i) J. A. Camphell, o" c., led a widow', lour daughter and
San Fraiii.-ieo, urrived in thi city on j , The r.-uili act I bupjxwed to
Monday train, mid l e vlited Willi i :i,ve caued by temporary aher-old-tim'u
friends ut Miiiiiiiouth f'T ; ratiuu.
wvcral liny till week. The Jmk'e j A u-(.(l.i, par!n wnH instituted at
wu ttiile well ki:own in tlii vicinity j itn llw 17, ., iV.Mant, with uome
wime 18ori:oyiuiiii, when nymii:;r,niii(,ttiM Kll,mi)er 'ri.L. ,.!Vueis are :
man, ln-fore In- !.nd U-emiie l:;iown to ; j,, y J( 1,,;jlki v L i;l;i,i)ar(t)
fame or drea:ned of v emliig tLejudi- i j n AeltUitij?li, II. X. Woods, Al
cial ermine. (Dray, Ili H. Drowi., J. 0. liuKhej,
Jhuk m IJayif , oiM'of r.e.ilon couuty'n i iir;;;a;,I-.y, C. Y. llenkctt, (Jus. Das-
TM M"S 01" fl AI'VK'I'. M'.-don'l cliare you n icnffor t!a ,
w'.vlo ati'l I'111 v,r.v ,'"'t il" i-'""' tx"n ' CJlutlne-.
ori.iilhiiiiLiu theliliKo tuilt.'fiiri.i''i
Onrtiri-'fiBrciorcaonItIetlint they will arlnally a-Umleli .
yoii.iind our (ooiis are of the very la-t-t imility, and tho latent
Dtyleti. You will probhly womler why .
Anf vet of nitidi a hhh fcrmU: The quef tlcn I rendily nn
nwerrd ami voit will nt once f it hy, ttlit ii von Ii urn ilmt we
hamilatheluhiouiiWAhKM WtiOl.KN M1U. (..OOl'fi.
The Salem Woolen Mill Store
Salem, Oregon,
Ila nn enviable r-ru'iiiion for the elegit fit nml ub
rtnlial waliiy of all cVHhiin: tin u-dout ot their More. I he
,,-t that the cum .Hiiy employ ll'O haiidHidroiicliveevidenco
li.Ht tlit v are hoihk un in.meilrtJ hninei even in thee dull ,
Till- laCtUiW tliO.IlO lUICUIIlW WLSunma m 1'""'"""
alern Vxcoien Mill Store
l or l y o doinir von keep your money ut home inctpad of wnd
ii it ea-t, here it rannot efit y-.u or yot.r lihbor. l'at
naiize home iiiftitutions i the .',;; gva m.n of nieces.
I nc o
. .1.. I...,,' .1. 'It 1 . -n 1 ,
i-D a troml game anaaiK-Keiy emii-.- o1 .-nurcn worn win. nave nc'iamin .
e l battle iwxinited. The motor w ill , j.iy8 jor planning antl determining
..... "...ruiirlv ivery half hotir. lliun WOrk and methods of work. .
Ailuiivtsion r n,tn ' C4'"ls; bi 10jt;o and get ft spiritual uplit'Ung
Ilia l will uear you over iiio rnao,
bars and rock of ennui, duspair
Holid citizen, visiled this city h:rin
the pant week. Mr Hayes i the
original ilUemeK-r of Cie fiinious (io!d
Hill final tx led-e iu lH.".;i, which math
Southern Oregon noted the world over
m.i ei-eat iniiiiiisr iviriou. Mr. linyiH
w.-a ami Ii. t t'atiiphell.
r x-r., .-,,. ....... - ..!. "rwMt.,,t of r.i!U county in lh
,,, city .Mum...;,, .wi. . TlomraW,: 'CT remnved
of '.he dtleuale rrmu lali It Hie
D pulilienll elui.b imelilig ut l'orilaud
Wedm fduy.
Dro. Wa.h i so exivsnlvely moileht
in finuiun tin- prill'. of "tho Unt
r. il .M'i.l,,.T li. ri.iiii.U out hi
"""" : at.d ltieUn-all
huhH in a uiKioiei. of...."", i"""" , , ,(,.:;v on Mondi v.
........ .. V . .. -. .r ....."J .
rluM- in vocal
Tiie reader of llii paper will L
pleated l learn that there i at least
.ii diea.'.vd disease that science, has
Uvii able loeuie. in all its stages and
that biCiitanii. liail's Catairii Cure
it the only positive cure now known
to Hie medical fraternity. Catarrh lie
iii'T a constitutional di-vase, reiUifc-s a
eiiimtituiirtiial treatment. Hall's Cat-
ivr Y.ider l.ui or -anized arrii Cure w taken internally, nntiua;
il. loilir nas oijm.u, . , , .. Ui,
and iiiMru'i-eiitid I ,t. ,.,., tit.rhv il
i wima reideiit of TolU county
'early 't-t.lV, but ftlolii'utMHiJ'CT reiimvi
i to Denton county, where he haa fcince
l'rof. T
. . .1 II!.. .ll..l...Ul,.l:ll II...V
K.vnitf. .e p. one .' I ttllJ Vedne,day ofe:icU wee
are to take what he .0 h with a ,aiu ;
, j lesson in iiius.o to persons dcUrin;
Mr.ui.dMr. I.I...hiri(.iii uroveioj . . y,,.,. u
j mu.-ieiaii of experience and proficiency
and liatt the repu'.iilioa of giving aaiis-
faction lo hia pupils.
Three of our unialeur wheelmen, whit
urn, i. at Huena Vista, ludeneiidence i t rnviiiLf (lie foundation of the disease,
mid cive instructions ami civi-ig the patient strengin oy
lllilllllll llJ 111 1-iiiiaium.tvu ......
: .. ....... i. .1. .1 ,,,r 1:u ivurL. The
,r;riiii.-. inn.., ..w,..a .... - -
l....... . ., Ii ft.ilh ill Its
,"-k of sn'.. I'o-. M...l.i;.
F.I. n'-rTiiniimi a t-pcelall.
itrhclU r.oliiinnon'H, Minn t'tn-et.
. i unlay
,,,, ; on lie
K. FO K ( TO .-1 M r 1 r. i. ;y r.
r. HiK-c-HHur to XV. A .Van Nortwick. ,
I'lmlm. Shavlnir l'"e. Imth -
r hoin-1 on Hhnvt t.otiee. M-xt ;
to Firnt Nulioiml lunik, IiuU-pell-
"Two liRth tuh r.o tedious wailinR j
II. M. MN10S,
"otary Public.
Ll'ooii'l I'lre liiNiiriim,i'.
asa-" "Brer--
ii nd Ihmr
of the Iliri'ii.idelii'i' .Mill
This w ill he a great eouve. dene nml
enable Mr. llehiiSck to slo.e a large
nmouiil of grain daily.
The City Ihiud will give a grand hull
... ii... ,...r,i house, III till city, Sat
.ii i iiv "j- -
t veiling, M".V -' Ji"i;ei s:
ra ami the City Hand will j
fiimWi mu--hr for I he oi cnsion. I werv
ell'.-rt will lie niade o mal e the Imll
oiio of the most plca-aut gal ht iin;; of
the seiiMin. 'i ick' ts 7o n lilseucli.
John Coulee, eniiviclrd in I lie cir
cuit "rl 1),l1:,H w,"'k "'
l.irecnr, wa sentenced I'.v Jude.e
Jlurm.'tt. to livn and half year In the
slate prison, Sheri'V l'hininier took
him In Iht' peullenli iry Saturday.
Cmlee hail from Hie Salt Creek
n lghtioih')"d. fund for poultry a nd
at the Star (tracer;.
Independence the -first of the werK to
visit, their daughter. In returuh'g
Monday they hud an tiiiiiMiul experi
fliee. They were admiring an apple
oieli.iri; ami did not observe that a cow
wa lying in the. road. The buggy
Htruck the cow and wmm overlurned,
throwing Ihciu h"th out, but neither
r..-cei.ed any Injury. Yamhill County
A very pleayaut greeting occurred at
the depot Saturday when the south
bound train came In. The occasion
was tlie urilvulof Isaac Howard und
wife, of Fulton county, 111,, who found
In uiiltinir lor Iheni tlieir olil-lime
i nrimnetois have so mueii faith i
il'-' i-.-.riiive unuiTi. that thev offer
ta ! 1 Imidivd UollaM for oiiv case that
a ! fails to cure. Semi for list of Testimon
ials. AUili'i-".
I- .1. CJHOXIOY & Co., Toledo, O.
t'?- So'd by "ruifgists, "i". X
cents: lad'.e and vehicle frie,
V,-anted.-A iK.y Ixlw 13 and 18
year of age to Kara the baker's trade.
Must be willing to work and of steady
habits, for further particulars imiuire
of tleo. O. Strong, the baker.
ElCTCiisU Attention.-Y'ou will find
cold drinks and ice cream parlors at
Cl.-dfelter Dros.
Wool! AVool! Woo!
P.osendorf & Hirscbberg, Indepen, Or., ore buying w.h.1 and as
usual pay higher prices than anybody
else. See them lx-fore si-Hi ng.
A fine UnTofTate. style shapes, just
arrived from San Francisco, at Mrs.
Vlio ideal P-nacea.
James rF.aneis, Ahlerman, Chicajro,
gave: "I repud Dr. King -New Dis
covery as an Ideal t'aiiauea lor cout'::",
Coids and latin: Cuniuhtinta, having
useal it in my family for tlie last Jive
vear, to tile exclusion of physician s
prescriptions or other preparations."
Jtev- John Uurg;a, Keokuk, Iowa,
writes: "I have been a Aiiuister of the
Methodist lOpiscopal Cliurcn rorouyears
or more, and have never found nny
t!iit)JHtbeiielieial,or that gave mi) such
Hieetly relief a Dr. Kiitit'M New Dis
covery." Trv this Ideal Congo Kemeuy
now. Trial Bottlca Frje at Any Drug
Store. c
li)Ll IX Sll10 - IliOADS.
have no fear of haul work or patience,
w ith a slow steed, made a ijuicl; trip
from Khkieall lust Friday. . Frank
Duich, Kd Clitdfelter and ihivuiond
Ui'iiUle mounted their 'cycle in front
of Uihson it liuvch's store and w ithin
in iiiiuiit-s they were driving like mad
through the streets ot Iu.ierici.ib'tiee. ,ieiiee (i
a dislanee of eight miles. The h'J's ijin. hest
C-.:xin3 The amateurs of the Mon
mouth' 'Normal, who so successfully
performed Loudon Assurance a few
weeks ago, will reproduce this cele
brated eomedy at the opera house itl
this city Thursday evening. May SO,
i n I r tiie auspices of tlie Jn lepeur
A. Ii. post
amateur performances ever
and indifference, You will then .
return to the duties of life with a
whole-heartedness and brightness
in your pathway fcliiniug unto a.
better day.
J. B. Lister,
Cor. Sec. 0. C M. C,
Bccklen's Arnica Salvo.
The Itest falve iu the world for
Cuts. Bruises, Seres, Ulcers, Salt
llheuni, Fever Sores, Tetter,
Chapped Hands, Chilblain-?, Corn,
and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Tiles or no pajr re
quired. It is guaranteed U give
perfect galipfaction or money re
funded. Price 23 cents per box.
For pale by all druggists.
Dr. Price's Cream Eafcioz Fovdef
World's Fair Highest Award.
noKied four larga hk-yciO
disiilay bills eliroute, uelua
ill alioui wl mini! es.
friend. Mr. und Mrs. It. N. Tharp, of '"c ms.a..w
thi city. Mr. and Mr, llowaid arei Kaymoud Iletisle is not very big, but
viailiug thin louutry for the Ills: time j ilt. mounted on his unturned wheel
and expect to remain several months, j 10 drives like oi l Jehu. Ti e other
Their visit is purely one cf pleasure I ,i,V while exercising with the boys, ho
and recreation. I dashed into Frank Kureh's cyel
The J. F. O'Doiinell
beeilling to lecelve ill v
and cxnect n laixe Invoice of hauiwaie
.. i i i i.- .1,.. .'.'.ih
inn, - - . . .. , ii..
company w ill carry a lull liueof agri-1 graceful, artistic ri.n r, aim iu,...,e .
cultural implements, binding twine headlong with increased momentum ,
and hardware. They w iil be fully towards the attraction of gravily. lhe
cpiipped for busiiie.- iu a few days ! broken wheel was sent to tin expert ,
and w ill have a grand o-iiiug June 1. ' for repairs. :
They solicit a fairshareot public pal- -pil0re i,, H)) old man in town who!
I tlil.H Lie. I 111!" Al,i j
ell Company are ! a thousand of brick, smashing the rim , im u.ents
invoices of,'.,f Frank's wheel into smithereens this troupe
, aiel causing that gallant youug genuemaii , ...... -
The ; to suddenly lose Ids beautiful po-e a a . is well
j given in the state, the acting in some
i puilieillars being superior to many ofj grounus.
I lhe professional troupes of t lie country.
! 'i he i-ople who attend will be giveu a
'rare mat. Wit, humor, pathos and
; eo:i:edy combined in interesting and
! stnrtiing antithesis, a continual stream
like l of laughable nirprses aim soui siuiuis
ineii'.euts The dramatis persona? of
e are a raro coiuhination of
liivt class amateur talent. Every part
11 studied and reiulerett w itn an
inif i-ent insia it lino iuesiiru nuu
meaning ot tliepiay. nevt-iai hi-crs
ago I lie Normal amateurs rendered this
play before a large audience in Mou
niouth, and eveiy one present speak
in the highest praise of the peifor-
manee. At the earnesi soiieuaiii.u m
The Turner CoaTentioa,lS95.
The Turner Convent u of,th
Christian church will t-fttntnenc
June 21 and hold over to June 3U
There is a promise, a'cording t
thu program, of a ric pi- "
feasting for all who attend. There
are to bo minister!! from other
state.", and new men out of our
own Oregon. The seating and
rostrum are to he bo arranged as to
afford a fitness between tho speaker
and his audience. Oa Sundays,
thu 23rd and 30th, there will b a
This is one ofj gate .03 ot IU cents cnargeu au dus
the campers. Campers will have
the privileges of tin? camping
Jh, wood ana straw uuiing
the ten days meeting' at $1.00 per
camp. There will be a reetauiant
and dining hall with everything to
suit in price, quality and quantity.
The choirs of neighboring cities'
have been invited to attend and
furnish the best mu?ic in stated
half-hours. The beautiful grounds
and the great. Tabernacle are an
attraction alone. All would do
well to go to Turner nnd stay
throuzhoin, the convention. You
will gather true worth in niw ideas j
of christian service and brother- j
hood. The different departments
15 cents
THERE ARE shoes and
shoes. There are Shot?
you -want and Shoes ycu
don't want. When you
need Bhces,
tur Shoes ar .
The Shoes
You v. ant.
MIWv D. LEWIS, ' Eailroad St.
Xertli Inilependenee. "
Will mala; g-ootl Suits for $3
Other work li proportion.'
Dav Scttiia ia Families, 75 mis Day.
Coffee House
Open Day and Night
Lnncliea from oc up, '
A. T. JI0SIER, (Successor to Loo)
romigu ami invite inspection of their ,)ag iu0 declared a eoiiini.m urunkard j ;i"npr.ll (:ll)!i(, jM,st tlie Normal
Lots of It
Kut all you can, and what
you Cttn't cat you catni.n.
Masons Fruit Cans have never l.een
go low as now ; xve la-op them in all sizes.
The finest lino of Uuby
and l.i-orat''l (ilasswarc
ever effen-d in this city is
now being sold hy us.
Don't purchase cheap out-of-date
ware when yo-i
can get the best ami new
est for the santo price at
good. Their place or tmsiness is i , t)l0 city vomlt.i but he is kIiuosi,
loeated ou wel sule ot .Mam wieei, j., y Ul,dt.r ti,e inlluence ot liquor, anil
opposite Mitchell & Itohauou's sash j nfc t'lnie9 I.,i;C8 himself a public li'd
ami door factory. Bance by his besotted ami drunken
Tlie concert given by l'rof. T. M. 1 condition. He is an oui oueuuei ue
Voder ami company ut tlie Odd Fel-! fore, tho recorder's court, aud usually
low's hall lat Monday evening wits i pays tlio H-iialty of hia unfortunate
favorably received hy all. The in-1 and degrading habit hy servm
..,i ,1,,,.! I.v Voder and St. I his sentence iu the city tail.
1'eleii were well executed, also the j mau is truly to be pit tied, for he is the
New Millinery.
Of Salem, has just opened out J
anew hue of Sptiug Mllli- J
nery. JOverytlung
amateurs have consented lo appear bo- j
fore the footlights at tho opera house
in this city uu the evening of Decora-,
tion day for the benefit of the post, j
The public is guaranteed a brilliant
entertainment ou that occasion. Re
.Kervcd seat o5 cents, general admis
sion -o cents. Tickets on sale at l at- ( p
terson I5ro.
Sunday Basel Call. The In depend- ; V
When Bqby was slct, wo gave her Castoria.
Tieji she was a ChiM, sha cried for Costoi-ia.
When she became Kiss, she c'.uaj to Castoria.
When she haJ Chitdren, sha cave them Castoria,
-:-and- Stylish, J
,d at prices 25 par cent low-
er tluia you cau uujr .-, w
wl-.eiv. jj.
Sailor Hats at 12 cts each.
n. W. Fraser & Co
----- t
- - - W V M Alilll JlJt
" . : .. ..i....i...i
violin and organ duets by i oiler and vietini of thu uisease know as an , u, hall nine will cross bats with
Caldwell. W. 10. Ia-reh, known lure ism, om, urn pe.a.. . -',. A1Ulllv llille
us -Fatty, the tree man,-' amused all cUndest.nely supply mm. .iu d fieid Sunday afternoon, May
.... i.i. T ib siiiirimr 1V liuuor is nir me. ... .v .........
i . v . ..... v. r, - - - --cts? : a
Misses Prut her and Davis was well
linnet l te. ONo one
sahHtns sell whisky to this man, but it
work of some depraved and
m the Talmage
ly afternoou, ?Iay
Phe eame will be called l.roiupto i !,!
douc, both being In excellent vou-e.
Several of tlie performers are pupil of
Pi-.,r YmliT who is a teaeherof instru-lis tho
mental music, and himself a fino per-j conscienceless outsider,
former. Sheridan Sun. I xt will be a source of great satisfact-
mong the i.umU-r of new resi-jion to U. F. Williams' many l'olk
dem-18 reeeiitly completed in thiseity,! county friends to learn that he was
.. i. v ti...,.,'- in v..Mi..lo..eiid-1 recently aciuitted of every chaige
tL.V.if the neatest and most against him by a jury of his piers ; j
nr, 'n.ri..,n.,.,ri-olk!lwist.m. Idaho. The Mos-mw Mirror
-ouiUj' MUbstaiitiul citizens, uml lie j of May 10,
.- . . . ...... i. ... . .j , .. ... T.
.........a .llt.Ulllir I IIII..1K..1 1 .e.i.Tt? tun OkdlO "
l" . p ... ,.-!. .......I...- -fi..p..,... Hiidiiitwt-ntv
lH.-rmaiient place 01 resilience, uc.juij jn... - ----- -
ow ns a line farm on the Liickh.ii.utc : minutes returned a verdict of not
and hi interests are thoroughly ! guilty' ami the defendant was .
Identified with tho farming com- char sl nnd the other counts again
niuuitv, lhe l..e and sinew of the ; hi... were dismissed." i he - books ot
countrV. The old gentleman Is justly ! the city and the Farmer s 1'
,.r,...,l nf hi c 'V reilenou auu lam in cun iuu ... -
- ... Jl
in showlnir his ttieiid the lit every paiueuiar.
tliau lie, who is a . -i .,,,..... ThnAlbanv team nuts ti
believes that the.
Highest NVorld's Fair,
'llo! J Mc-d..!, MidwlnU-r Fair.
I in I r : I
r. -i
says: "The case of the
F. Williams went to the
The Mirror fur-
" ...... ..i . nroiHKH-s ther tays: "1 He i Ppr.
adding to his home as lime aud ci.- by the het cititens of Lcwiston and
cumstani-rt pemdt. t lh' citJ"-
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
One srallon Can
only25ctsat the
Star Grocery.