Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, May 23, 1895, Image 2

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    1 '
& j
i !
gDltc GSutcvpvioe.
Going, Going, Gone! Another barrel oflliat 20 font CoHVo at Hit' Star Grocery.
I .i i.'.,...r Tailnni. .,!J I t - r i .!!.... . a
Enterprise Publishing Co., Publisher
J. T. ruKD. KJH.H-.
J. . MOlUN, Illl.llHH.. MHIINKI'r
Look Out for ltoeord HroaU
liiff liy.
ltalr4 l lb (Huim liHtrn.ltt(v., Or,
wuihI :-u mail uijui.t.
UBscKirrioN: 11.50 tkhykar
in i j . . . .. . 'i
7m members of General tilbsoii pott,
of this city, aro making elaborate pre
paratit to commemorate IX'coration
Jy in an appropriate and atriotic
manner. We believe thi is the first
uoit ever maJe in folk county to n?le
brate the 30th of May with civic, honor.
It u pre-eminently procr ami fitting
.that the memory of the nation' heroes,
who nobly gave un their lives that their
country ought live, ahorild be led in
grateful remumbrauoe, and the story of
their Mcrafice, hut grand ami
immortal victory, retold at each recur-
A Tine Track-Spl-ndiJ Mnsio-Ko
IlippodromiEg A Uallaut Coa
test GnrsntecJ.
i merchant. Fritter A ('nitron. o!
lover lU'tHi worth of machinery
is at present very ! Saturday forenoon.
Mix Childera, of Salem, Jm re
Our town
quiet. No excitement noiiiji on to
break the monotony 'f the p-iitle ! ...,...,,,1 to .-hool after more than u
nenhvrs and dust, they cohl to t ,.l1M.,.(,. caused by llie
assimilate perfectly, 'death of her father. Her ,imi)v
The graduating exerein s of the ! friend m il pal hi.- witn her in
tnihlto k-Iuu.1 Thursday cv.hiu).' ; In r trouble. Iler re-appearance is
.. ,. . : ... I. ... I., I ,. ,L lid till! i
i were excellent, moso me nu
'graduates who wero chosen to j one of the H'tiiors.
'represent their class did finely. : rmtibcll attended n
, . un.l i'rof. Hawley, ot the illiii- ;(J1(,1(irh. ,.,(im.i:t!,m at Eng-im
Nt-xtSrttunlay.Mayi.Miwniwoat ij,umj,V( delivered Hit elo-! s.llur(iv nf.einoon. A minting
tob Haily day, the nioM um.iue,. ltiit mKr,f.s Flowers wore m (f ,,,.,).,.,, nlll interchanging of
ami brilliant occasion that ever, ... .....i .i. ,,v.,r. .(ions were,,, ,1,.,. ,.ie,. km
omtrml in tho nmusement . ai.i.nU , bt.alUlfal. Iumi wa u . bi.U(,,, ,.,.,. nn,i !V j,l,.r rttn(.0
oi inucpiuK-iuv, mu,. ,.. :t.(Hul nisht drill by ei.Ul pnn.a.yi o( kl.UlvU,lI;t, gained thereby
ia iui no v...v. ...... ,.,((.,!,., iltfiiSCtl reailV I.H icili.ii.,1
The hicvelo tournainent will be
tho liveliest, most hotlv eont sted;
ii ....
with their dollies uttired likewi.e.
Iid von ever nit Hiui listen
In your pew on Sunday mom.
To the tinkle of the cow bell
Miss Marv Coats, one of Mon
a , . . I l li
i 1 . ii.i.i.L. .-I ii I I itndii t" h!S ...... . . I I I O
series ot races ever given in the ' niouui ; isUe itt weater rn.-.uniie uuvni
ai: ),.. .,..kl u)w...lni..ii cone to Eugene tor n vimi ainongj . , . . ,i. , )n...(,iu,r
throiiiihotit t!i vallev will contest 1 friend.-'. iy llt enjoy her do-. iv,ym U! tJrisiV word to wan h.
for the iirixe.-. Tortlnnd, Salem, j 'ryed res:
Albany, Corvnllis, McMinnvillo j jr! i;d in fad well and dun-.
I o punderetl dow n deep in our
j heaits
and other noints will be represent-; i,.rv. !S1, Mrs. MeUruder. of i nt;.ts. I W'h v cms would ei nn U) church.
ed." Indeed, it looks as if every-1 t.M :ty.Xy nf.cnioou with I'rof. 1 ),-. Crowley Inm bad u liiii.-hii
luuly who rides a bicveh will he : ,j;.in aml if,.. touch of paint put on hU residence
in the race The race will le, , kii wU al, ,n . u ,,.
under the rule, of the L. A. W . nnd . ; , ; u:!U!,,.
the oontestants are sure to aive H I " " . , .
ring' Decoration day. These won did!,.,,,, ,. ,., f;.i,t fliil iti.ns ,,f t.-i!, iallis, i,e va' ;i..-ei , .,jwitlist:ndini: the annoi'i;.'-
Nervous Tros ration
Could Not Sleep - Had No
Cured In Body and Mind by Hood'g
'I mi.toifd very miuU for lung time
lt in-rvena prvwtratlon, 1 Imil alxmt
tflvi'ii up all Ik ')
vt vvrr netting 1 t
tor Iivii IIihuI'i
mmiiii was
IWdiniiu iiiIrd t o
im anil 1 tn llrvo It
my duty to let
oilier auffxrera
knew tlio I'onolit I
ili'rlvi'it from It. I
Could Not Clooj
u si
4- A
t::u! himself iiecmted by the shenil i
v.' as wunteiij
I'.ifer. tUl
who informed him lie
not die in vain. They left a nobler human skill and' endurance everj
. . ........ . . . l.'i....i...l 1..v..t. 'PI..-..', IV lli I
immm. ... tiittiitinii riifti. t'i.i .mri.i ... .1 ilik oru ill vi.r... ..vv ...... ,
" 1 1 .it the court house v.
know before; a legacy for more
.. .i . 1.. .1
injj nau umi ou iy iiiu .'. i vi the!
waxmngion ami iireen, or Deueatnci j 'p,le nu.u track, is one uf the l.i.-b st i" i. -u. .
V. l. I.. ,.f ?.,ir...... nr tl.n on.' ml .l..lll.t it will til IP.1S UiU-t COliH1 V.
the mnfm of Webster. The ere t work bo a rtcor.l breaking day. j Mr. V. (. Cvv.-yy nnd
1 he medals will in on exnUn-: town .
:u i.l hot wet k tli St there would
ie no Monmouth item they n:
I . -. I . I Villi
rUt n-et'.., ant
'jsirt A iMw. Millie lt lilllo I lIM
AllMhMiy.l-a. eat I r uimlUnlo
keep en my utonmeh. After tkliig the
t'.r.l Ivttlo of lliHi.tu Harmiiun llU, whli h
ii-eieeit to do mo norm k,,u1, I trl.-.J a
m-conil (ind contluuctt to fit I bt-t'.ir. I
got up fwlliii;
Brlcit rr.d HofroMhod
tn tl nordii!.". I eeiillminl with th
inrdirli.cand ni l rure.t, tvily ami wiud,
cm ali-f.i v 1 It ami feel Ulier In tvury
wy. I tr'nilly rtvomnirnil itvmd's Cum
pa:IMto others." J. i::nv.!;i KltTLK,
1M ?.Ud!on Ave., .M! :r'niiy, l'u. ,
TT rs A rl ' Kt I'.'it.
JIkmio bipHr. V-v contest at li. curt J'- ! pear. Should yon u I lex wi.t,;.. p ut! 2 ' ftt
n U ;!i:l.onahk Troni start b, tisii.h:'"'1'''"- but e.,v.a.r. 1 , ,mi, u Ivrtland he w.o.i, ft iicr 2artUit
v. ,,WI!U.e w5U i. hot, hotter, hottest. :V M- 'V'-," -;:y- , ' ; imm -.batriy xeiana -i.e:. ami
llavin been nppointed nnit
tor three of the li adinK ....
of fhicHpt, I nni now preprel to
iinike n a puir of puulx,
1 In up r i heiiper than you t an
b.iy nut i'f lestdyniatle ltck.
Suiis Ivom Sl-'J.oO and up.
.Paints iro;ii and up.
Perfect Fit & Workmansh;
v v :
the genfu
which these
men did, w ho fell ut ;
u 1
the ros-i'S. ;
wi:.' l-ft;
ttr ir s'.ir.niier :
vu e
iiinoiaiice i.-u
' ' tion nt t he l.ienie criiiinds M.ur res! ! n: .' :i X -u hji !. M i"S .'. .vbe! ;
tfanMoaa, Gettysburg, Chickamanaa !,Say m0niiug. Don't fail to see j will mC j..lii tuets. v.util ;,fur cu.n-;
and WilJerneaa, waa in giving to Anier- thein. i snenccmenl tit t !:e N'-rmal. i
lea a union of atates ine.arable and Come and et.j y the spt i t.
indivisible, a nation of one people. The! , Tll following weil known Ren- ,,.;, ;.;,i',''
f . ... I tlemeu have been ein.sen i'!hctr.- of , , ...
a 1
federal union as it exists todnv had no;
real exineiice nntil the lxtet Cuiic
aarremiereit its aword at Appomattox.
.That was tlie real day of the American i
union, the consolidation of dissevered
and discordant states. Thi is whvonr
people do honor to the tens of thousands
of nameless heroes on Pecotation day;
this is why they wreathe unknown
graves with the flowers ol spring; this
js why the orator's burning periods
glow with patriotic fir3 and why the
hearts of loth young and o!d on that
day feti the prond joy of beinjr citizens
of tlie great republic.
tlemeu have been chosen e!!ictr.- of
the day: Ib ferree, Kd X. Kdes, of
Salem; Judges, L. 11. lingers, of
McMinnville, C. (i.Coad. of l)a!l:-.s.
of AH-tinv: Starter,
s.l Tr
ii. t.m:i are
. , i -,.
loi! v to be w ise."
lhx A Ilex.
!:n;x vista.
A. J. I;'u li.ii.ison is ;tj;at:i one of j
uiir cummiiui: v. !
Ik Sure f 7UreS
Get 1 loocl s Vr.V -xZ I
Heed's Villa
titlld, iiw'i U.Uk eUl
The sturdy old pioneer, whose conrazo
and intelligent activity laid the founda
tions of a mighty commonwealth on the
pacific coast, is rapidly, pacing away.
. Peter II. Burnett, wbo died in San
Francisco on the afternoon of the 17th
Eugene Cuttron, of Monmouth;'
fr;.i,.. i-.... u v.- t: v ;k ..f
X 1 ill V IV 1 . ..;-.iii..i.
t. i ,i rr t. .. .1 T til
mcKreaii, ii. u. i auerso.i mm j.
E. Kirkland, of this city.
eh is the safest
method of t ravelin: '. i'.v !.ion;;.it
after his experience wills the wheel
h'. would drive. I .iks. wise be ;
started fer'li with his r.'nownel ;
trott-r a:id by oiim' i; i i" u t an u t ;
(XX'e.iviH'e he fill ft. l.i ll e cmt nt 1
heels of his liore r.nd lor :s 1
liilie trir:l his s'need bv keepte,;: t'.p 1
i :i" i oitcr, o! ivuem.
1 1 rust!;ii'; up u mn-io cia.-. i n t .
! '1
Vcrv.j T
hi.:e .lion
run. !
i ;; :).
siio.i i m
il i n'l I
- "rr;,'.'
LkgaL Blanks irii
lis c
li f.oilllljj
i II
U''-e, : i rr.'V
'!.e ei .-i'iIpc Ire' I I'M-
lil i ii n n t I'! it' '
I I.e, ii, t 'i t'i Vi s r I :i I, a
iloji lice are beptuin,' to ma!-e I habit ual i.i ei t !.e
tiieir npnearaneo in the litiemi I t m in t-me, tut ti'i.i
sl.'uuer i i'i :
een ii re! ;
i!n week have I
bei.iiit to tiie crops c.f this xieii.ity.l
rioeu mw
Vi.-t:v hoi) yards.
Mrs. Prof. Wilson, d Wcilsd.ile,
To The Fublic
with his trotii-.
with so;.:? one 1 when he gets ! was the puest of in r u.otht r
th: cli iiu'c. i'n f. nut bis ho so : ils. on last Moiidi: v.
T l.i .,... 1.. ., ....l.'T.. : . . 1 . ...
Hmirii'iiiSiaii nf llu ni:iliri il ns!sl:itiit .T , ... .. . . .1.
..... ,. .. ... m,. v.... i-i r .-txiiv i -rwi.'ii ... .
:;;i'ie oi o.i u U' I
iec, of Win. I'lirn ll, l.t-t w
M i s
1 J-liiUlk
I- Ju ne. i
menu-.,:. im : i iu i ' .-1 u a i , . . . ... , i
.....1 i..r,il un. i',;,-t ,riv..i. l! ..,.:ur.Ti.. .. . . . I.IOl..H U U: HI' (H
' i e i jus experience awtt'.' ire-tis town t
under my supcrintendeuvy, namely, i j .,. .. .i i ., j i v,...-j
the Mexican Vueca S.iapl Manufactory, i v..,i Vl.rv iref.::: v hv t he sidej ! S. Niisli and A. Halt pas.-. .1
by the public spirited citizens of this ! of ,;s'.,vheef. it teenu-il to 1 under through town last Wednendap eu
elty, especially t.. thefoliowii.g parties, 1 ,.,,,,1,','. . ,1 ,;i,,v it cr.ietlv ! Mi.te f. r MeMitmville.
.,K)i'-'r rests in tl.a wood.-hed at his h..:is-. J. l l'mt'-.-r and Win. V.V1 1... nnn amc r ;
t i.ri-jo, ununuo. u i
dealer i-: iVQ.
; U Ul
Leave I 'or' hi l d 'ill' m!,m , I b 'I
le a. e 1 ii-h j.i i.d. nee .'....i dr V ",
Leave Salem "
'lei .k ;i' llfllflV . mm. (J flij
i nil. ami i ) i liiv I. J !
k. -L. ii I . IVl Hi. ,v I I i .
Timo. Cheap Rati
to-wit: H. Hiisohle:';l J.
j. a. Wiipm). ii r i ithinTp AiuYMit.
der.CooDerDru'.'Co.. UoutvA Locke. ' A1 i'f'-iy surprise., ami ie-
um i it -.....i i. m litrhted his friends bv his Midden I "
"'J Jim, j. .... ia.iu.yii, n. .'i, . ,. C.I,,., 'f,,- I...
aritH'iirar.eo anions i ticin i mirsuav - ',
evening. He says he. came honiej
htsncrv, but whv shre.;!.! it be1
ales (mm
i. o. o. r.
the Jitieiia 'istn
k pii t a n!e;iiii'.l
inn .v I u e I' le
Wade & Co., .Stockton it lletikle, W. i
II. Ilawlev, J. w. Kirkland, Aoram ;
Nelson, H. II. Jasjieivou, W. O. (.'ojk, ;
J. M. Jinclsel!, J. i;oiiis:;e, tttumer
f pt.'i'trt i Ifi'l; ' - "
Xn l.t.i m Iim I .a
v p r " r
A number of lUiei a Visits pi
when lifli about. d and s'olil and
ito.i.i iir f ,i:i.itf f r. i,.. i other ores a:e fostml?
instant, was a leading character among;' , , ,, ' ' ' ' " .... r. i-
... i.utlcr, 1.. II. Knox, J. 11. Ceoper, 1 lie delegates to ti;o !nt;:)bcnn
-ine eany uregon inofiwrs. cumeiuirijuj, Itros., John Jlul'er, J. S. ! convent i-itl went to IMrtlasvl M.m
tLia country along with the great im-J Talbott, W. If. "Craven, Clodieiter j da y uioriiin en the te;i;i,tr Al
tnigration of 1S43, and was un .active ' Uros., J. A. Mills, I)r. ti. A. Mulkey i toria, e:;;iei ; i.i' lo have a ;:rarn!
factor in oreanizinga provisional govern-1 ir-Kt'tc!',,,1' ("tiai-le Staats. jiitm-. "to th" republicans
I t-"..;i 1,-w.s. Tl.iseuteri.ri is n;v m. asssuvd, May their enthusiasm neve;- grow .
"c """" " " - " ' fact, but its exigence is la.-.-elv ; 1.
it tl
last Tliur-d.iy umrniii
to take ! lie i-tt i n.i r (m
slei: ftTl cut land:!:;;
I C Ml.!
-a.i m, but
I Hun- w .
It. i. I.l:i
waiiin imj'a'iei.'.ly two
1848, and was elected the first territorial
governor in 1860. Many of I'olk
county's old pioneers will remember
Cx-Governor Burnett as one of Oregon's
piont active, resourceful and cnthusiaii
ile early pioneers, a man of kindly dis
position, urbane manners and hili
Thb contrast between the climate of
the region east of the Kockies and the
' elimate of the Pacific coast is becoming
more noticable everv vear as the busi
ness anij spoial relations of the two
sections become more intimate. The
mild and equable winters and pleasant
'summers of this ccast are beginning to
attract the attention of the people of the
East, where the cyclone and blizzard
devastate crops and destroy human life
and property. There is not wanting
evidence that an increased immigration
"will pour into this country within the
next two years. There is certainly
room in the Willamette valley for double
its present imputation. Thousands of
acres of virgin soil awaits the hand of
- 'the industrious toiler, untried and un
. developed resources still remain in a
state of nature ready to spring into life
' at the magic touch of human skill and
human energy. There is land for the
firmer, jsreut forests of timber for the j
lumberman, mineral wealth for the
miner, grazing lands for the Etockraiser,
"business opportunities for the capitalist
and a genial, healthful climate for a.'l.
The Pacific coast in general, and the
Willamette valley in particular is des
tined in the near future to be the most
interesting, progressive and prosperous
portion of the United States.
due to the encouragement pi veil t by
tile people of Independence. Mr. J.
X. Fox, an Kasteru capitalist, is to he
imimtgcj, witn the unders'iuied us
suermlemlent. It is our purpose to
manufacture first grade aonpa only,
inferior to no brands now mi the mar
ket, and Huperior to the majority.
Encourage home industry by buying
the Mexican Yucca soaps. We only
nk that the public will give our soaps
a fair test. Afterwards they will not
do without it.
H.J . Uoetz.max.
Tin public press is gossiping about
President Cleveland turning author and
' writing a book. Perhaps a 'suitable
title for bis supposititious" book would
be, "The Anglomaniac Tendency of my
Second Administration."
Yhai the May and June showers
etart to growing the July sunshine will
rijien. The inhabitants of the Willara
etta valley do not' lack for diversity of
climate. "
Independence vs, ClieaiawB. The In
dependence ami (;lieuiawa oast- ball
tennis played their first game of the
season tit the Taitiicme base bull
irrounds last Saturday afternoon. A
fair Kized crowd w,. pi'i-scnt ami the
irame was called a littln after 2 oVIoclc.
The Chcimtwas proved in be good field
ers but pour batters. Independence
led the panic from stin t to finish as Hie
aiipeiided fcore will indicate. Th
Independence team has some heavy
batters and fielders, but t he boys need
more practice. The score is m follows :
iNdcpendeuce !i 4 0 0 ii G 0 20
Chemawa (I 0 0 1 2 II (I 2 7.
The Eaess. The prospects ore
now (jiute llaneniiK tor a Hplemtid
gathering of fast horses and noted
liorsemeu rt the June mee'ltig of the
I'olk County District Fair association.
The secretary has just received a nnin-lic-rof
letters from horsemen asking
for more entry blanks, saying there
will tx a pood "The com
mittee has authorized XV. XV. I'ercival
to put the race track in condition, and
every effort will he made to have it in
nrt class shape. iNow that the
weather is favorable for the work, there
Is no doubt that the track will soon be
in fine condition. The association is
already receiving more than usual encouragement.
j The concert given by the NovoMn i
'quartette Saturday evening was!
well received by i; full houe. The
boys sustained ti.'ir rej:;;:a!inn,
and if tho club at l' eij y
th'jir eampaign sors as well
the ni'.dience here did, v.e yndiet
for them n royal greeting wlienevcr
they appear.
Dr. Fraz-.-r's friends are iileapcd
fo see him oa the streets r.gain
after l.U iicciiieiit.
I'rof. Ti. L. Swarm has been
chosen jiriucipnl of too JUietia
Yi.--ta puilic school. Tho fe'ectioti
is a wise one. Ir'ucecvs to uti.-
Prt.f. Bios?, president of the
statu agricultural school r.f Cor-j
viiliis, h.Tture;! in tho Normal I
chapel Friday evening The lecture
was worth listening to an the p:o
feasor is on iiitcrestint; speaker.
Talk about Monmouth not beint
hours the were compelled ton
i.jfti hi.ine. Thi- ftcahic l.'ill'ioe
dt dim 1 1 t i take ,,ri a:;y more pa - -t
i;l"I having on hoard abottl i's
(ie"!;i!o lin.::. A 'lie.!.- s.-rely
i;-sap...;nteil lot nf p.-otde srldoiu
.t -j n : le here in llueim Vista
Mis. H,
ii'i'l'KM i
I f iL i iLLSMulO t iJouu
A V'-
o( Watertown,
is i.ii:ii, her n. other, Mrs. (J
Josep.ii Miiler, of this pine
Im ! tif ,ji'.tU
Sl.c.V:. ; ; ;..,.r S. t'. In J'"t,
LNDLPK.NUlN'n:, UiiKl-O.V. ;
, . . a j. j. 4 i v it v a. s u
This Hpaco is rtvsiTvod fin
will eoiiinu'iice liiisim
Mis-i Annie Olsen, .i s-tmlcnt cf ,
the X'innid at Monmouth, was
vi-itii with Miss A;;nes Calbreath
Satuidav and Sunday.
The Silver literary society el 'ct- '
'd the following oll'icers: Pres.,!
(J. S. TLomlison; Vice I'reB., Miss1 l IP' i ji't' (if C! "'v" "" 1 ' "
j ..Hill. IIIHi "I i Ullll it I' , , , , ,
Miss Helen
Hubbard; Sec
; Treas., Miss Mable Thurs- i
Critic, C. M. Uradley; Mar- i
I 0 . ( - f. . I . . ... i 1
-jcitibfucticii uuar-dnteea
business town! Our hardware
Dr. Price's Cream Kr.iilnjr P.vvCvr
World'sFair Ki;hc.','i 'tlaiSu! aa .' t'l-)l-:i..i
'or, ' y S
.A -7
s!k.', f Irant Elj,'in
Our town is coming hi the front,
there, beiu two dwelling houses
tii:iii r construction ut present.
Wcik in the hop yards is mar
iii cenip't ti-in in this vicinity,
ib'js i.ti; lookinjr fine, and as yet
there an; no indications of lice.
Lilly Kerr has .piit his old
":!ai;i ," i;lid got ii new oil';.
Freaching here next Sunday .it
11 a. in. and at ." . in. by cy. J.
ii. Lister
Iud"peidetii:e, ( )r.
Our road
Win. Fii-
1 i
l,t 1
I J I I I u Utll,
Riglit Arm Paralyzed!
Saved from St. Vitus Dance.
Comb and enjoy the picnic with us
next Fatflrday. - It w ill be a gaily day,
a red-letter day for all of Polk county.
4 . .3.. - .TT
Ouegox weather may tie as change
able at "the "Queen of Boees,' but it is
jlso as charming.
W. F. Cauthorn has been quite
ill, but is now improving.
Crops are looking fine and hops
pretty well advanced in this
Mr. James will-build a new bop
house this season.
The little town of Suver is crow-
,v,..v ou..v. 0 ,1nimllt,.. I.,.,,. .
The people of Suver and vicinity teen years of aire! had been tf.rrihi
will hold a picnic Saturday, June 1, amicted with nervousness, and had
A fine time is anticipated. , e1nt.ire,Hsc ofJuel' "fht arm.
Ti c:i .i i.- . . e Je:,red, fct- ""9 dance, and tried
inc ,cbi, ,j,uc eav uie nreiiiesi, i uio oesfc nn vsicians. with nr. i.nn(it
girl at the Saver Sunday school i ?!le has taken three bottles of Dr. I
was dressed in black. Last Sun-1 ?iiie!i XiM a"d as pained 31,
day the prettiest girU came oyer 1;
with trot. Hall in V anderpool'e pone, she attends school regularly,
flying machine. and has. recovered complete' use of
f. i u tti -i- ' ber arm. her appetite is "splendid.''
Mr. and Mrs. Ilecker are visiting MUi.ji.ii. bcIIouk. BriShton n Y
their eon over at Scio, i H- ht 1VT i
There will be another dance at ""S NeiTine I
Suver Friday evening. Dancing! CUTC5?. !
swins to be very much the fashion 1 r,- Ul, .
c r l " , Dr. Miles Nervine m poftlT i
On ooap CrceK. ! rnaranu-etlianli.i5r.tvMi mil WntBu :
I ITT JokTR AliaruffCKiaatUUat tn ut f.,rr 1
1111 s JUklB. it will oewnt, pn fiia. on rtiai of vnr
ty me lr. Miles ii flical Co- Kikiiart. IfaO.
r . . - ..3 -I , ..III. AH-,.,
qua, ia having the loads put in'
line condition in this district. j
war r'uniiay school i
nicely under tie; able
of Mi.-'s Agnes Calbrea
Mas lately rebinied from Sun
i- iMie l-co ami !-, pr- pared to
eive her palrotiH the hem-fit
f a new svtciii of
iJiess Ciit(in;r and Fitting.
Cor. Ilailroad and 1) Hts,
IN 1 ilI'I''.N'I)K.I)i;. OUF.fiOX.
!7iTv r
I triad it I
I fimii ence, 1
'" ' " just ones,
?,.' , ' - '!f .j
1 ..,:, ;.,-y .i
r v - v.
! 1 N
But I'll Neve:
I'calcrH ia
New and Second-Hand Goods.
We would like f buy several second hand Stoves
Karnes?, .Saddles; also Furniture, Etc. '
Ours is The Bargain House.
INDEI'ENDENCE, OppositeVaiiduyn'H OUEfiON.
- lUso f-li
Do It
Any More.
I'titc with a v man when fht"
our m.Mil in,. !;(, (,v nlu,H to bliViT
kno-.vs wliat h!iu is t.ilkiii'' al.otit.
fr. "''' " ''mmmw"m'mmmmimmmmmmZZ' ,
lijCity Truck & Transfer Co. li
. w. jmjuksthadeii, i'i,i.. fj
I'l'.'iH'y-Mivi'is; pin. talku nki
"il.Ic wmnaii
UUJM T U'X n'X('US(' yurwlf for piinj; to
t t!:t )- jilorc iiiKtciul S ottrn. Voilt J
tliiUyoti can oiler n . uas-.n that can t... kh fli-w t, fa.
i-r.-A tl.o store wlioic th,; ;, and Cheapest jo t-etluT. j
DON'T .iy,' y,mr wf" t-i ncty.Mi lAuwj
ir yi.ii".' Lee;! to b;.iho otltt-r titurt!,
ours when she cxpn-ly t .1,1 v,nl t , I'f
xpiTt t) livi long au! krepfj
l tlios-c
iriir on
things if you ex
: I-
j J ; Hauling- done at reasoii
; -able rates
I'ianosiiiKl Furniture f.-ire-n ;
fully ii.oel. .... : ! ;
i iirnisiu,.- (,'n, ,1-! axd rorn-rooT wood ion ,v.. ,;.'
1 1
Jill j j,l. (M !rnj. in ai'ft
mil- lino nf f Mutbiii''. I1,
",( s I'ry V. Is and (Jmtrrit 1
1 1 1 li i- i.r .!'. I :.. .1 . I
fl...,..,, . ,.; " , ' l"f COtHllV, aim ,
lowfht prices on earth. Co,,,,. .,,,,1 ...
...... (1, v . ,
nave tin; IjU L'csf. lin,
Monmouth Mercantile Co, I