Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, April 18, 1895, Image 3

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" " I rZr PBJR PAIR, 7B aBNTTS, .XlSID UPWARD.- .': -Tl
r 'jiui.-- 1
Laco Curtains, per pair, 75 cts and up.
Our Stock Is Now
Lovely Draperies. :
Boots and Shoes.
War is a Terrible Thing!
h BAD.-
In dealing lh yu ""I 1'"' nothing but iac, ptondtal gomM, n i
Xht i"l Icoint. don't hlo or r.ry ; have one prhe to nil
!nJ ilmt l"ir on We don't want Hit wrtli but a Mr profit con
m ni tly V cm. to ll our oo.l ut esmedlngly l;w prh .
I?iT. y... L. - iml l,.rU turnovers with fair return, .nd
nut n empty atoro villi now H...I again " b"l"".
. . J. W.THOMAS, . . .
27 CoiiH.uin Ht, Hulom, Oregon.
Motor Line Time TlIe.
... !"
I nl wi'i
!" M Mi'"""Oj
Minimum It
tO.KI ft. III.
IfcttO l. HI.
2-i "
4 l "
k M
r w , in,
hiu xi a,' in.
I n
13 W , III,
IB hi l ni.
1U0 "
4 ua
0 '
M -
1 w
"ioiKin ihkixtouy.
HOMIX wool, g. u, x. ? r.
MmU viry V1inly
VlllllR. ..." .
,,MM.indlnm lake Im
iMtllr enu T"H..1'"r"r
iM..rilhily Uiiin
Knmno iii'"'"
....I tvlin nonvrttlrnt.
J. It. Hum, K. It-
iiusini;ss cauiw.
and tfurgeoli. liwrtify -"'-Ing
Kurgoons. Iiide'iidi'Wo, Uretjon. ul'
flce In oerii house block.
IhTiciani und Kurgoon". Ni-cml at
tention ..aid to d.'-e ;I ''''
O...0vr IinlrjH!iiiliHH National ln.
T. J. I-e. M. I'- W. Ilntibltt. M. I', l
II.,Jfellow Triuitv medical wlli'ge.
nd. rfile"ii-, nwnor HUron.l iui
Monmuh llreetn, JnlpiuUim-e, Ore-
' Omo over lwlinrtoiir
5mrknl Bunk, Indroilnre, Or.
i iAL AitriHT. n" ""',.rr,"1r.1'!
LhimnKaiiJ Hlr-cuttln;. (ilve Mm
fuFrtlk o ftwS: Doom. Moul.U.r.
OImJ T Ktn. MrTurnltm n mecmlty.
iStchell ATJolmnnoii'., Min tret.
0. tt FOHC15. 1 N DKPF.N DENCfc
Hirksr. BiwecMor to W.A.Vm Nortwlrk.
Tiro chair. Hh.vlng lft. tatlw ft.
,Ktor honed on hort notice, ext
fiwr to Firit National Unk, Imlepon-
1. JTwo Uth tulHH-no totlloiii wnltlng
J., w II. M. LINKS,
Notary Public.
r- tlft nd Ktr lomimnof, w-J
Justice of thB Pbecb,
WrIU ItiiurD.-and mke Co llccloni
a tjicolally.
,' THERE ARE shoes and
ghoes. Thero aro Shoes
you want and Shoes you
don't want. When you
need Shoes,
Our Shoes aro
. The Shoes
You want.
H V Mrs, Tllman Shinn, H
Laundryinfl .'. Shirts J
X allTrlBrlyaMni1ayorTo
fi Oar. Iihr at Mr. Hblnu s rosWenc
l tidff
1 ' T&VT I
MRH. B. LEWIS, Railroad Bt
North Independen.
Will make grood Bait for $3.
OtbOT .werk In roportloa.
:;y ittln i rssIUfy. 75 ftiU i Day.
is an-
a m a
Items of Local News.
O. A. Krwiicr. Jeweler.
Dr. Kly, tlw UcutUt, itunranteca
nil hiu work.
Hhrrlir riumiiKT wan lu tha city on
ulllclnl IhikIiimw Friday.
K 11. Iturg la iitfmit for UuU, awu
liignvlo, tllvo hlin a call.
tv, J. H. UocMlmau ami wife re-turiM-d
(oKugt-ni) Monday.
FVr aale a flno parlor orgnn at a bar
fculn. Call on Itcv. J. 8. Hmltli.
Claire Irvine wm vUltlug Torlland
the lint of I he week on bualiiean.
Mi. U. K. ('lodffllcrand Mr. V. II.
rnttiriHin vUlted Hali-m Haturlny.
Tatronlwj home huluxlry uad auioke
Igara iiiuMiifuiturvd by F. E. Orinith.
Hood'a fills have won high prulao fr
thclr prompt and clllclfnt yet cny ac
tion. "
Juat think. A hammock for 11.50 to
f:l.M) at Chnlfeltcr llroa. Old price fl
to V.
A. It. t'alder. Doaaengerairoiitof the
Canadian 1'acinc, waa In tho clly Kat.
Call at theclenr factory and aee how
cigaranre niudn, try one and ace how
you like them.
Attorney Oco. K. Chamborlalti, of
A lUny. waa In tho city on legal bual
lima taut Friday.
1. C, rattcraou kccjia conatantly ou
hand a choice line of the fineat tobac-
coa, alao rrfHii ornnin-a ana iriuoua.
J. II. lloblnaon and wife of
rtrllaud, are v bit lug hi parent,
Mr. uud Mr. Jauic Roliluaou, lu thl
city during the week
Are you going F.nt? Tho Jf. P. It
H. glvti Hm patron the bent accomoda
tion and the lowct rate. W. .
Hawit-y, agent, Independence.
Traveler who dcalre good aecoino-
dntlon always atop at tho Little
Pa!n hotel, while In Independence.!
Tho lNt room and the bent meals In
the cllv.
Makes Pure Blood. These three
words tell the whole atory oftho wonder
ful cures bv Hood's Saraaparilla. It is
tho best blood purifier and spring medi
cine. 5
Tho Hon Hon hn received a fresh
upply of bottled oda and the latent
In French randiest al) rrcoll rruiu,
nu'a of all kind, n well as tho finest
line of cigar and totmooo.
Tho ladle of Independcnco and
community ore cordially Invited to
cull and Inspect our slock of lino and
cheap millinery In the latest stylo and
shape. Mlsse rinkuam t an!)ra.
817 Commercial at root, 8alcm Oregou.
Charlie Doughty, editor of the
Dallas Observer, gave tho Enterpbisk
a pleasant call Monday. Charlie Is
having a severe tustle with the "grip,"
but the indication are that ho will
manage to keop on top of terra flrma.
Wo promised him a Beautiful obituary
If ho should suocomb la the fight, but
he assured ua ho prefered writing it
Her. J. II. Goodman and wltc, of
Eum-ne. were
visiting over Sunday
with their son, A. J. Goodman, 01 inis
city. Itev. Mr. Goodman 1. a ploueer
of 1852 and ho ha. been actively laenu-
i actively
with the material and social pro-
um mm "- I
gres of Laue county for the past forty
year, xi is .arge.y s ---""-
aud ratr ot o devotion 01 ucn men as
auu i ...
Mr. Goodman inai uregon own i
uutAnna a a moral ana civilized
. I
Claude Fryer left for San Jose, Cai.,
last Friday. II goe u me
home with hi grandparent. Judge
Fryor and wife, for the purpose of
" . . ...i.
r I
taking a high achool courao. ci.uae
grandparent, are now gettlngalong in
year., and having no w w.iu
they InslsUd that lie .nouia ma. ...
with them until ni. acnooi
oiurw vw-'"-'- -- i
w.a AAlYin uhMI. 1 .1KUUH 1 IWI I
nt. Mr. and Mr. T.J. Fryer, of thl
consented to MR going a mej
knw he would bavo Deuer euui
iional ortDortuniUe there than here,
. . Ar.lM1v haliha.
ha a atudlou. turn of mind and ruiiy
iha imDorUooe or a goou
,.ni.i nulnment. He 1 sur to lm
prove bl. opportunltie and Is to be con
gratulated upon a is gwm inum
V w li?h Mm biii .
Dr. Kulvy. dciitUt, Moumoutu
Hlmr "Uirl Wanted" at ClouTuiter
If you want a ro(k1 smoke call for
tie Itidfieudonoe cigar.
Dr. Knlcy. tho duutlat, Moniuouth,
dm- crown and bridge work,
O sov! haw you mu thoe 1,M)
baiiimiKtk at Clodfeltur Itrow.7
Tho KktkiiI'KIhr and Oregotilau
for (2 a year. Inquire at thl office.
J. C. Fletcher, one of McCoy' lead
ing buslucMt men, was In too city
II. H. Tortwood doe not bowit of hi
shoe sulo, but we notion that ho doe a
good bust uca.
Mil,w,l CI.tU Irvine latd ttVS In
terest on Independence district school
bond this week.
Marsh Oreeii cr.iue over from
Yaqultia Monday and I visiting at
J. H. Ikihaunou'a.
Humor, patho and fun at the opera
house Huturduy ulght bushel of It,
Come out and sec tin "Hpy."
ITneln" Knoeh Illchardaou, of Per-
rytlule, was In tho city Monday, and
gave the KntekI'KIHK a pleasant call.
Mls Mills, music teacher can I
seen at her home, accoim iioumj ou
west ldo of third street north of C
Tlekets ou Mule at Patterson Ilnm.,
for the great wardrama Baturday night.
Itt served seats M ceuts; gt-uerul admis
sion 2' cent.
The charter membership of Inde
pendence Camp No. 201, W. of iV.
recently orgauled carry, a totul Insur
ance of over tfW.OnO.
Prof. T. A. Have w somewhat
IndUposod the first of the week, o
hat he could not attend to his sclioul
duties Monday forenoon.
At Fort wood' shoe iore Is tho place
to buy yourhoe. Ho w ill give you
tho lest ouallty for the least money
of any bouso in the county,
Miss Miller, of Lebanon, wa visit
ing at Mr. and Mr. J.V. Irvlne'son
Thursday of last week. MUa. Wilier
had beeu attending the Presbylerlau
ynod at Dallas.
Dr. 8. A. Mulkey has a carpenter at
wora re-Brraiigiou mo ""
. i ... .1... u ..f i,u
dental parlor. The change ho I
making will add greatly to the con.
venlenco of his office.
The various churches of thl city
celebrated Foster with appropriate
f.relMea last 8uiidv evening. Home
of the programs were quite Interesting,
and the pcoplo showed their apprecia
tion by a lurge attendance.
We were nassinif Undo John Mc-
Ouerv's tdacc the other day and noticed
the old gentlcmau sawing plunk and
nailing down sidewalk. '1 lie remnm-
able thing about this is that Mr.
McQuery Is totally blind.
Local capital ruus several Industries
In liidepeudeuce. Let our Dullas cap
Itollils awake from their lethargic
t.n and eivo us such a monthly pay
roll as the running of the woolcu mill
w ould produce. Dallas Observer.
J. W. Clark has constructed a neat-
Iv arramred ieldler' wagon and will
cauvus tho country thl itiinnicr with
varied assortment ot merchandise,
fminv notions aud small tiuwaro. no
expects to take tho road next Monday.
U. U. lleflley, who live near Mon.
mouth, Informs us that heexpect bis
father on from Iuisim in a short time.
Mr. Hefl'.ey, Br vWteil tills country
several yours ago aud Is coming out
now with the expectation or locating
M. P. Baldwin, of this city, has
acooplod a position n agent ut bulem
forthelO. C. T. Co,ssleumer"Altoua.
Mr Uidilulu lsa careful business man
and every way competent to nil the 1m-
portaut posltlm. lib no ino oesi
wishes of his many menu nere.
J. E. Adoox, one of tho best watch.
makers on tho coust, will bo here this
k uud will locate In Iudepeutfenoe.
Mr. Adisojc i nreoared to do any work
that can lie douo In any oftho eastern
cities. Hi price will bo lu propor
tion to tho wage received by laborers.
n.. J. 8. BmitU will preach at
Buena Vista next Sunday moruing at
11 o'clock, aud at Independence at 8
m Kiindav ecbool at 10 a. in.
r- - Bub
mon! Angela and
j - - " - lllvittttlou to
J. F. O'Donnell ha a force of car-
-" " ' - rfc Mnlnvlllff ftBd tearinit
r""""" - -
j, ,iv KiiiWInM from tho Droperty
uom " . . - v
Mwmtlv Tuirchased of Geo.
- j r
Brey. Borne of the lumber I airoauy
.1 ..,.(. t.r Mr. O'Donnell
ou LUfl jiuuuun v. ...
lrapement building on Main and
. A. Morehead, wife and son, ot
I .. t.lBiii.
Mnnmnllin. II' I L UC1V vu iuwuuj -
" for an extended visit
home ln Mi(ur,. The,
- vUnallforll,aaIld Texas where
-- - lalu
" .
, k Tner expect lo uoaumjuv
" -
. .
about ten week
tobwork lust a little
ii ir iIihii anv other .hop in tho
county can do It, leave your order, at
th Kktkrprisk offloe. ineir wora-
men are arusis, u '
avoid onenwvo wmuiu.... ---
quently een in the work of would-be
"flrt-clas" printer, rnce art
as j-ou would have to pay for luferlor
wm k.
'Tl. Kv of Ucttyai'urg" at ui
oira house Haturday night
Frank Oelwlck arrived hero rrom
Itoseburg last Haturday and will re
main some two week before returning.
Uet. J. N. Hmltb, ltly patorof
mi Mouiuouth.
lUK Vl ir si - -
will remove hi family and household
effecU to Healths till weea.
rm. war dram. "KlV of
1 HO ,))Kiuiu " . -
Gettysburg," will bo played lu this
. - i . n iirt l.u
city Huturduy evening, yti -
the Uuena Vlsla drainatio club, under
tho aixiilee and for the benefit of the
Independence Amateur Atneieuc viuu.
VanUd 600 men to eat Blroug'
broad. Delivered hot every morning.
Lost. A gold pen lu a ca, on C
street between Main and 3rd street.
Finder please report at the Kackel Btor.
Unclaimed Lotteri. Following I the
list of uuclaimed letter remaining In
the Indcendeuoe post office, April 17,
Braulgar, D. W. Kelly, Rev. W. N.
McDuulel, Mrs. Johu J.
E. G. RoUrtson P. M
Hew Eindsy Bchool.-All tho friends
of the noble Sunday school cause living
near the Grace FIvangellcal church,
three miles north of Monmouth, will
please meet for organization In the
above named church next Sunday
April 21, IS'A at 3:30 p. m. Rev. L.
H, Fisher will first preach a short er
uiou aud then organize a Sunday
school. All are invited.
Aa Orchard Pt A comparatively
new pest 1 attacking tho cherry
orchard of this vicinity. It 1 asmall
dark gray bird that plucks the blossom
for the nuriMire of extracting thesweet
lull. from the Ktunieii. A dozen of
thenu voiaelou creatureg will niuKe
the ground w hite with blossoms Ina
few injnules. The bird Is apparantly
a new coiner in this sectiou.andour
orchardists sliould use every effort to
exterminate the pett.
Elected Deleeatci. The stalwart of
tho Independence Itepubllcan liuo
gathered at V hi leaker' hall Tuesday
evening and elected eight delegate to
attend the meetingof the State League
r l!Ui,nl,lir-urtaMul at I'orllund. The
delegates are: J. A. Venes W. P.
Conuuway, J. 8. Cooper, E. C. Pent
land, F. A. Douty, J. M. Vanduyn. J.
A. Wheeler aud D. B. Taylor. The
club will hold a meeting on the first
Wednesday In May tb'elect .officer. '
Council ProC80dlng.'i-City council
convened lu rfgulur session April 10.
Mtivor Hurlev lu the chair. Member
present: Cook, :iodfelter, Finch,
IVrcival and Walker. Absent: Strong.
Miuutesof previous mcetiug read and
nimroved. Finance committee re-
i,it..d that thev found Treasurer
Riclianlson'siiuarUrly report correct
report accepted. Ordinance comiuit
tee recommended that "ord'lnauce re
ferred nt last meeting relating to roads,
tiv do not nass." Moved that tho
council adopt the report of the com
mittee carried. On motion tho In
dependence Tito Co., oc't 1(5.38 was
ordered paid. Petition read asking
that a sidewalk be built aloug the
uorth side of lot No. 1 lu block No. 25
as follows: Begiuing at N. t. corner
of suid lot No. 1. thence west on uorth
side of lot No. S lu said block No. 25 to
H. II. Floater's Bldewulk. On motion
said petition referred tostreet commit
tee. Recorder' quarterly repori re
ferred to finance committee. On
motion council adjourned.
If von waut to purchase blank war
ranty deeds, quit-claim deeds, bond
for deeds, real estate mortgages, chattel
mortgages (filing or recording,) crop
mortgages, release of mortgages, re
newal of chuttel mortgages, or any
other legal blanks, call at this office.
Mall order promptly filled, beua ior
price list. la mnro Piitnrrh in this section
oftho country than all other diseases
..... tnm,lhiF anil until tllft lust feW
pill VV'fc, V-1 ... , . .
years was supposed to be incurable.
nouneed it a local disease, and prescrib
ed local remedies, and by constantly
failing to cure wun local uvauueui,
pronounced it Incurable. Science ha9
proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall'sCatarrh Cure,
manufactured by V. J. Cheney A Co., ri.i, la i iii milv constitutional
euro on tho market. It is taken inter
nally In dose from 10 drops to a tea
spoouful. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surface of the system.
They offer one hundred dollar for any
case It lulls to cure. cn iur iireu-
v i I'H FX KY A CO. Toledo. O
g-Sold by Druggists, 70c t
Highest Honors-WorW W.
A rure C-jr Cm of Tartir Pwdr. FV- ;
iom Ammonia. Alumor.ny other iduherant ,
Arbor Day Exercise.
The Indejiendenoe public gchooli
duly celebrated Arbor day Inst Fri
day, April 12, with appropriate ex
ercise. and the planting of a maple
sapling in the front school house
yard. About 1:30 p. m. quite a
crowd of Independence people con
gregated in the grove on the school
ground. Tho roll of tho drum
announced that tne exercise, were
about to begin. The school filed
out of the building in solid column
led by Mr. Tuck a primary depart
ment. After reaching the -pot
where the tree planting won to take
place the pupil formed a sort of
hollow aquarfl and in one voice re
peated the invocation. After the
tree was placed in the ground the
pupil, filed back in line to the
front utepa-of the school house,
where the following program was
rendered :
1. Salute to the flag; 2. Song.
"America," by the school. 3.
Dialogue by pupils of second grade; j
4. Song, by pupils of first grade; ;
5. Recitation by ellie Wntea
ker; 7, Concert recitation by fourth
grade; 8, Music, by school orches
tra; 9, Guardians of the forest, by
3d and 4th grade"; 10, Essay,
"Treei,"by Ann Mann; 11, Recita
tion, by Charlie Richardson; 12,
Music, by school orchestra; 13,
Recitation, by Ivy Burton: 14;
Recitation, by Lillian Connaway;
15, Song, by 8lh grade; 16. Solo
and chorus, "lied White and Blue."
Various states of the Union have
striven to encourage tree-planting
by appointing a certain day in the
year to be known as Arbor Day,
for the voluntary planting of trees
by tho ieople. We believe that
the honor of originating Arbor day
belongs to Secretary of Agriculture
J. Sterling Morton. The Nebraska
Board of Agriculture in 1874 rec
ommended tho second Wednesday
of April a n day dedicated to the
work of planting trees. This was
the first public step taken towards
inaugurating Arbor day, since
then the custom has been adopted
by 44 of the states; in 21 states
by act of legislature; in six states,
as legal holiday; in five as holidays
for schools.
KIMBALL. At tho residence of Dr.
Boynton, In Bucna Vista, Or., April
12, 1895, Mary Sophia Kimball, of
paralysis, in her 09th year.
Mis Kimball was bom in Bradford,
Mass., 1826. She was a graduate of
Bradford Academy and later on grad
ual ed from the State Normal at Salem,
Mass. Mhe taught school lu Missouri,
and in 1849 emigrated to California.
Miss Kimball was made principal of
tho Oakland public school, which posi
tion she tilled acceptably for twenty Khu rptimii friim the school
room some two years ago, and about!
one year laier sue was sirieucu u
nervous prostratiou, which was the
primary cause of her death. Rev. O.
11. W hit more, of Independence,
preached the funeral sermon last Sun
day, and the remains were laid to rest
in I. O. O. F". cemetery at Buena
Vista. I. n.
Bncklen's Arnica Salve. .
The best falvo ia the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,
Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns,
and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money re
funded. Price 25 cents per box.
For salo by all druggists. "
20 bars Soap 75c
1 Shoe Brush 15
I Stoe 15
1 Scrub 15
4 Cans Concen
trated Lye 25
Cash or Prodnoe is
Til VT'8 OUR ADVICE. We don't limryo yon a eent for tho
ailviee, and but vr little more for an el (ant suit of Cloth,
or anything in.tb Ime of gents' furnishings
Our price are o reasonable that they will actually astonish
you, and our goods reof llie terr bel quality, and lh latest
styles. You will probably wonder why
And yet of such a high grade. The qnertion I resdily an-
The Salem Woolen Mill Store
Salem, Oregon,
Ho, eained an enviable reputation for the elegant fit and wb
.nuitial ouality of all Nothing turned out of their tor. Th
fat laX winpany employ. V hand.l.concloslv.evld.neo
that the? are doing an immense hasiness even In these dull
times. The fact also should stimulate consumer, to patrooii.
The Salem Woolen Mill Store
For bv so doing yon keep your money at home instead of nd- , ,
lJ It east where it cannot benefit you or your neighbor. Fating-It
.7.:..:.-i. th Stue aua non ot KiceeM.
rotllze UOBie msn"
Tks DUcot.ry Saved Els W-
Mr G. Caillouctte, Druggift. Beavers
ville.Ill., ay: "To Pr. King'. New
Disciver; I owe my life- Was taken
with La Grippe and tried all the physi
cian. Ior miles about, but ol no avail
and wa. given up and told I could not
live. Having Dr. King's New Dupery
in my store I sent for a bottle and be
gan its use and from the first dose began
f .v.,...-. .n,l aftr rminir three bottles
was op and about again, It is worth its
weight in gold. We won't keep store or
house without it." Get a free trial at
any drug store.
HILLIARD. In Independence, Or.,
April 11, 1895, to the wifeofE.S.
Hilliard. a daughter.
Having disposed of hi interest in the
Polk County Tile Work, the under
signed ha no more connection with
the said fln,,.n.nymaerwveer.
Independence, Or., March 21, 1895.
Whea Baby was itck, we her CaoHa.
Wheu she wa a Child, she cried tor CaaWrl.
When iha bocame MIm, she clung to Caitsrta.
When she had CbJMren, she gT theta (
Dr. Price's Cream Bakiae FeWer
World. Feu Highest Award.
Don't Go Away
To purchase your millinery
goods, when you will find
that we have a carefully se
lected stock from among
the latest styles hats, trim
mings and novelties. .
Wo sell as cheap as any
house in the valley.
..Catlin & Kinney,..
Canned Mushrooms.
our Motto and it's a
And remember that w have
the balls and bats.
We have them at all arieee.
Baae balls from 6 nnto to f 1.60
each. Bat from 10 ct to $1 each. ,
Our "wagon-tongue" bat I an
exceptionally good one.
Clodfelter Bros..
For Ladies Only.
We have on hand an elegant
assortment of
Which , we believe, we a el
ing as cheap a any other deal
er in fclie
There is no dooM the
I . ll, fiaaat Ink of 14 W
and children', hosiery U the
1 '
HATS, '.-.-y
T.ta.t atrlaa sarin.
cheap as iheeheapeet
Mrs. A. M. Hurlty.
i - . -
15 cents
Coffet HM
Opoa Day and Btgle f
Lunches from fle '
A. T. HOSIER, (Successor to Loo)
t New Millinery.
5 Of Salem, has just opened out , Z
a UCW line oi opinio
X nerv. Everything
- ani. Mini. a
j New-:-and Stylish,
and at prices 25 P" o"'?''
er than you can buy else-
T. .l...ra
J Sailor Hats at 12J eta eewsh.
n. W. Fraser & Co.
1 lb Raisins
1 Can Com
1 Can Tomatoes
1 Can Oysters-
1 bottle Pepper
good one to lire up to
-10 1
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