Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, April 18, 1895, Image 1

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    J ' if
f 7 5 J if
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5 i J
In Hi Matter u--s
moiirr ui iomnuTi.
but prefer wurtpy of
muiutint to Ulunderinf
' Aaaeaaeeaieata,
f , f
Hotiopol Bonk
k o( ltnlriiilm,. Oregon,
. ioricn. lioitKHTHciN.
4 w.M llWI.KV,tlflll''f.
II fWor. L. WMt .l-rUon.
- . i I
'iui...r.ic.. w.whiiwkM,
Vv. W, Mmm.
a MMnl hatikini IiwIimhw r.nwl1. Bu
1 ETI. . eMiilri I "
I a. rt.i.H. rollwiliiiu marie.
Hotional Bank!
Capital Htoi-k, IW.OiXI.OO.
. I'ri'nUlt'iit.
Vice l'rfil!'iit.
. . Cuilili'r.
j,;Ar-l biikiiigid cxilmiiKo hu-l-im
trwi.-i-u.-.! ; 1 m:io, I'll'- ilic
ounUd, commwrW crHt giHi.twl;
txw'.ta wwlvfl on currtut nwoonl
urttocliec, liiU'rert JhM on time
r; ,i!uixtous.
. C...UI. 4 Wlwui. I. A.
I. H. Jroit. A. J.IUkmIhihii. D. W.
It'ur., It. Illrrt.l-T.
riarble Granite ,
1 ' cr.L.7AHVvVA.,f.
J I end .stones,
CorrfcpontleHco mdiciliHl.
Sperling Bros.,
4 Meat Market
Choice Meats.
v. t.ftvniv VUOM 8 toO . l-
froti Delivery to all pints
. V of the cit.v
Mala Btrtet.
P. H. Murphy, lrop.
KepalrlnR of
all ktiKlt will
rootlvo ,
I atuntlon
The lH't r
tornt'd out on
wliort notice.
A share of your patronage
in nolicited.
K-in street,. - Independence
C:ty : Feed : Stable.
JEli JoudsoN.Prop.
Uorses fed by the day,
week or month. Trun
iont to-k left in our
ears will be well at
tinin& to. Chargca
rln St., .- Independence.
-. '.
; CII AS. CLARK, R( ceivcr
i--iin. lth Htemer"HOMElV be-
Tii)lD and Km Franclico.
March t, I, th. rrwrved to chaog IUng date.
without notice.
Prr rrelght or patenter mu-i apply to any
. a ri ISC Riwlvir.
. ml
iro I
' B.HMn J .......
M Amnww; - . -
' ' - ... ,,,f,1v a Dm r i u . - $ I '0 PEK YEAH, tM.
. VM 0 . - . 1 i -
- " . . - i v.v;y.- : rriT riV Zjl.I MFWfi OF THE WEEK.
4. 1UM" r - Lr v
A Ladys Toilet
We bavo juet received a care
fully wleetwl nHHortinent tf
tho luti'Kl dehigns ....
von H AUK vixs,
Vewiin.oi.UmHdtoliavoyou call and iiwimct theno noveltU-i.
KRAMER, the Jeweler.
Tr v v -r r r
1? f
The City Itestauraut
Will iflv you SIX KOd
Hfl-cciit hh'uIi lor JjI. .
Don't be Sick!
When You . are Well
JOIIAX MULL Ell, Trap. .
f M now ready to supply tho people of Independence with all
kiTo! Fr!-Hh and Cured McaL, Hams, Bacon, Sausages,
Lard, etc., at lowest possible rates.
cost ;e dooeTwestofpost office,
iNUErENPfcNcB, Ouunox.
I have Jut received a
Ladies Fine bnoes
fXanri Oxford Ties.
, From now u nn i ividy i,iy...
r 5w uctnmftrsthebestbar-Hi
LsdieB Oxfonl Ties
" icl Kill .
" Fine Kid
" Heavy Shoes -
Men's Ither l'ic
kLHO A liAitui- rto-v,.
tJ-"'1T?"nl'VA.-'l ivVii1! sl'i
Will cost the people of
this year, it s bo every
If you will act judiciously in the
matter and take your work to
Is working for me
To I complete ltly'
toilet must have noma of
thorn' Ornaments which
fashion &. comfort demand.
" ()uiuTti riii")
lUUn and Silver JittrhU'M.
v r v
Durlmr at kat Hoven Htnlcrt jMjrlodu In
...... ... u.) u.vHi i.t nlcd iktIdcIh In
Llfo a rord hIioiiKI l rTved of a
MTlU'l likcntt, m follow.:
IiifitnllHHKl, llaliyhowl, CIiII.IIkmxI, I!oy-
h.Hi.1, MunlKHwl, MUlUle.KB, Uuw,
nml IMI.CKAVHN tho i,liotor.iiliir,
will you with lliw-J llkincsmn ut
tho v-ry l"Ht rtm. (ilve him a call.
try to mako ..ur Sumlny IMn
nrra tin? bfht l ImU-lu'ii'lc"'-
Mnln HI.
I.MU.fl'.Nl'i' Nt'I-
KNOW how it inakiti one fii'l to
m'u-V- lint i( vou will K't i k
ri'liirinour ii- ' - .
Mcilii iitc We've had DiiciikTulnu x
iwrience in pivi""'11 i'"'l';i,:t,f
know tho wlvunUire of utslrjr. Iwli and
puro lrngH. Wo ki no other kiud.
1. I. I. l.m lniHN lO fVll
RKMEMUEH that wo lun
dlo many articles you
may ilcsirc, euch as Jewelry,
Silverware, WatchcB, Clock?,
. Miiiii St
1 nikpemli'ijre, Orefnn.
u... 1 i .,in p
gains ever offered in Oregon
- -.
j. no
H-rf Ktf-TI fVJsV I.r.S'J5.AXC4!uW
Tolk county many dollars
j. .w. - -
He employs only the most skilled
workmen, guarantees all his work,
and is as low in price as first-class
wiu jusuiy.
IVaco Has In Wiclarca Jie-
twri'D Clilna al Japan
Tb President Defines EU Position
Big Adrsnoe In Oll-BarTeit-crs
for Argentine.. f
Ktoinllie Orrgonlun, un nd IMliiiiM
Chloa Muit Xk To or Lom
Wakhinoton, April It Advices
received here indicate.that there is
little if any probability that a
satisfactory ierminatioh of the
pence negotiations Ulnfecn China
and Japan will 1k reached before
the expiration of tho armistice of
tho 20th. The failure to conclude
the negotiations by that date, it is
aid, will bo followed at onc,o oy
city, it is claimed, can bo invested
by the Japani-ne troops within two
u.m.lru ii ft it march brains. The
.IflllKflCll Bill M Vlk.l.i " - -
wceag aiit-r murvii
principal contention between the
1....:.,..l..i;.ria. fur tllR lftRt
pence plenipotentiaries for the last
ftw days ha been over uie pay
ment of tho war indemnity and
the occupation of Port Arthur.
Th Bio; AdTno ia OiL
Pittsbcho, April 11. The oil
excitement continues unabated.
Tho Standard Company put the
price up 15 cetita to $1.50. On
'chango cash' oil opene 1 at $1.50
and ol.l lit. to $1.('J. May option
oiioncd at $ 1.50 bid. The lirst sale
was at $1.00. It then broKe w
$158 and rallied to $1.00. on sales.
It was then bid up to $1.08 with
out sales at one o'clock. The
opening sales was a cah order for
10,000 barrels at $1.50. Tho next
nalo was made at ?1.502. The first
gale in May options was at $1.00.
This is tho behest oil has been
since 1S77, when it sold as high as
A Bold Eif hwyinn ia Colorado-.
Dksvek, April 11. A special to
the Times from Cripple Creek,
Colo., says: "The mail and ex
press wagon yyhich connects with
thfl Midland Terminal railroad at
Grassy, was robbed today, byMwo
men, who overpowered the driver,
RoWrt Smith, secured tne express
package, containing $16,000 and
escaped on horseback. There are
over 200 men on trail of tho rob- who will be run down with
blood hounds.
Oregon in Demand for Kent
iPvm.vTo. Or.. April 11.
Ruvers are negotiating for. tho pur
ehac-o of many thousand horses
from the Umatilla couuty ranges
for Klausrhterins:. It is not Known
where they are wanted, but it is
supiosd they will be sent to l on,
land. One man sold GO00 head.
Body Found in tha Eiver at Eugene.
Eugene, Or., April 11. The
bodvofa man was found-in the
river here today, and the coroner
has not been able to completely
i.loniifv tho remains, it is-sup
posed, however, to be tho body of a
man who came here from Cali
fornia about December 1, suffering
violently from stricture. He told
th doctors w ho treated him at that
th. hi father was in the
tllUO V " -
East, but his name cannot bo re
vw 1ia Wtnr : He . was
i;micu 'j -" "
penniless, and threatened suicide
on account of his intense suffering.
Suieide of Paul Sobnlze.
Tacoma, Wash., April 12. Dis
hoapiennd bv financial difficulties
and his removal from an honorable
position, Paul Schulze, general
land agent of tho Kortnern racinc
railroad, killed himself this morn-
inz at 11:30 o'clock, lie put
Qi.aiilwr hullet in bis head from
a Smith & Weston revolver. The
body was not found until o:45 p.
m., and it was nearly 5 o'clock
before the coroner was notified.
nAwa became public after 0
o'clock, ami greatly surprised the
entire city.
the Administration and Coming- Campaign.
Anril 12. It is
now certain that several members
f the, ndministration will take a
prominent part iu the political
.amnaicn over the money question,
whirr, will be carried on in the
different states. The invitation of
the Chicaco business men to Presi-
(aiU, Will 00 lUllUiuu u"yv j lne j)roj)0.'"l uiTCHnij'""" J
apgrcsnivo movements againstfuoth jcretary Morton, Mr. P. P. Ar
t...i..i.. ,.A T..i;n urliw-h Uftpr :.l ,l,r. "TKb ahnrtaee
make an addrc Ihcre on tho cur
rency, has heen followed by inti
mations from . other place that
member of tho cabinet were
wailed to make .iruilar address
la order that the poaition of the
administration may be placed be
fore the country in a mot forcible
way. The campaign within the
democratic party against the free
coinage movement, will, no doubt,
lake its keynote from the presi
dents position, arid the srK-eches
which may be mado by members
of the cabinet. The campaign will
bo directed againrt the freeWiwagt
or silver at 1C to 1 and the asser
tion will be made that such coinage
would mean eilvei inonomctaliein.
Oimt Deer mm ia I opply of Bet
Chicago, April 12. Inferring to
mour said today: "ine uoriB
in the caiue supniy v n
principal western markets thus far
:. . n-r)v 970.
nan year umouiiio w nv......
(w0 jietlj compared with a year
nonnda of
. ' . '. , 1- t
ago. The sliortago in pouuuo v.
dressed beef this year, since ino
first of the year, figures out about
175,000,000, or nearly z.uw.uw
l:iv. At the same time the
price of live cattle has advanced
about 2 cents per pound
Boenring Baflroad Bight-oi-Way.
Astouia, Or., April 12. The
railroad right-of-way committee
r. tnrned lodav. after a very suc
cessful trip. They report mat a
greater numWrof deeds were se
cured than when a similar ehort
was mad j some time ago. Hopes
urn nter I ai ned that condemnation
proceeding will not be necessary,
and that the few property owners
. . i 1 1
ho have refused U give tne ueeus
requestetl may be induced to yield.
The actlm " of the citizens of
u-inier in crantiniz a 90-foot right
of way through the city has had a
Vr.nfi, ?:!! r fleet, and. it is inougui,
' . .
may bo largely muiruuicuw
the obdurate property-
owners to realize the importance of
tha railroad project.
Jp.pan'j tntiinatum to China.
Shanghai, April 13. The Mer-
curry today reporteu mai, ,
Japanese hive presented au um-
matum to IA Hung nang,
Chincsc peace commissioner, de-
thai . '"fihlna accent or
UIUIIUllI ...... .
refuse the terms offered by Japan
no latter than tomorrow. The
paper adds that Japan has reduced
k.i-' M.aS in for indemnity by 100,-
000,000 yen. is also satisfied with
tho cession of Sian Tong peninsula,
i J
on which Fort Arthur planus, mm
will not demand additional terri-
tory. It is reported tne peace
party is willing to accept tneeu
Kl Uic, K - -
-.v,o hut the iiunan . party jo
holding out.
Contraot Let for Three Torpedo Boata,
Washington, April 13. Secre
TIerliert today v decided to
award to the Columbia iron works,
of Baltimore," the contract for
building the three torpedo boats.
This firm was tho lowest bidder, at
$97,000 for each boat. They will
be built on designs drawn by the
navy department.
Headquarters of Free-SilTer Leaden.
Chicago, April 13. The free
silver party established headquar
ter here today, mis morning
Gen, A. J. Warner, chairman of
the national committee, and bx
rvnirpsrnan J. C. Sibley -arrived
and wero met by Charles Miller,
Sibley's business partner; oionei
Turner, leader of the free-silver
nartv nf Michican, and General
wW.L This afternoon they were
ioined bv Senator Jones, of Nevada,
and tonight left for. Denver. Ar-
.orPTvipnts are beine made tor tne
aijj w
monster free-silver mass meeting
to offset one being arranged for by
rr.iemro eold men. If a meeting is
held, it will be after the one in
Denver. -
Harreatera for Argentine.
Stockton, CaL,' April 13. There
now beine constructed at the
siHin car. aericultural and
mfteriine works two harvesters, that
.r to le shiDDed to the Argentine
Republic. These will be the pio-
nr harvesters to enter that great
South American country. If these
machines prove satisfactory five
more will be constructed and sent
. .i li:-
Highest of aH to Ravening Power-
1 1 Cs
Ori'Kun'e I'owilnf Pioneer- J
Salem, Or., April 13. Peter
D'Arcy died at his home in Salem
at 1 1 a. . m. today. Mr. D'Arcy
commanded the respect of a large
circle of acquaintances, having
been in Oregon since 1857.
Ai-basy, Or., April 13. John
Smith, 93 years old, the oldest
resident and a respected pioneer of
1853, died today.
Tbo ProetdenV DeBnea bli Poeltlon,
Chicago. April 14. President
Cleveland, replying to the invita
tion of the Chicago business men
to address a meeting here, says
that the proprieties of his official
place oblige him to forego the en
joyment. The president then goes
over the financial situation, saying.
"niotfiiiHfl it as we may. the line of
battle is drawn between the forces
of aafe currency and those of silver
monometalism. I will not believe
that if our people are afforded an
inlellieent opportunity ior sooer
second thought they will sanction
tehfimea that, however cioaxeu,
mean disaster and confusion, nor
that they will consent by under
minim? the foundation of sate cur'
rency to endanger the beneficient
character and purpose of their
government." , :
Another "Jack Uie Kipper" at Work.
San Francisco. April 14. The
Emanul Baptist church, on Bart
lett street, between Twenty-second
and Twenty-third, in this city, has
been the scene of two of the most
atrocious murders ever committed
in the state. Yesterday the muti
lated and murdered Minnie Wil
liams was found in the library of
ho edifice. Today the dead bouy
of Blanche Lamont was found in
the tower of the same church, lhe
same hand, the authorities believe,
slew both girls, and W. "H. T.
Dm rant, the vounff man suspected
of both crimes, is now in custody.
An EnglbU Pnper on tbe Boundary question
London, April 14. The Post,
. i:..,:.,ll.T HimmAiltint Cn tliC
CUllrlfl Itti.J a
Anglo-Venezuelan boundary - trou
hles.savs: "It is difficult to see
u.- aoSah an intervene in the
nui4vie v
dispute, as Great Britain has not
invited her to arbitrate. Moreover,
arbitration is impossible until it is
arranged which questions shall be
Ipft to arbitration. Great Britain
is willing to take up the matter
nrhrft it was left in 1S41, wuen tne
survey was made, and, after agree
ing to a boundary which, cannot, oe
disputed by either side, to submit
the remaining territory to arbitra
tion. It may interest &enaior
Morgan to know thot the gold-field
district is not included in the ter
ritory covered by the former sur-
End of the Oriental War.
London, April 15. The Times'
correspondent in Shanghai says:
f.i TTiintr Chana's son-in-law teie-
graphs that tho treaty ot peace
was signed in Simoriosaki today,
ua. w
April 15, and that the terms are:
First. The indeiendenco of Corea.
Second. Japan's retention of the
conquered places. Third. Japan -retention
of the . territory , east of
the Lian river. Fourth. rerma-
nnt nossession of Formosa.
Fifth. Indemnity of $100,000,000.
Sixth. An offensive and deien-
sive alliauce between , Chma and
Japan. ,
The Tammany Election, .
New York, April 15.-The 160th
annual election of the Tammany
Columbian order, was
held here tonight, and nearly 500
faithful 'Tieers" of the ancient or
ganization paid the dollar poll tax
in order to vote tne regular mm
1- iMot nrinlerl It WOS the
ouijr j'-
first time in many moons that nw
material was drawn upon in the
Belection of the sachems. Eight,
:M,;nr Coneressman Burke
Cochran, were displaced, and
among the new rulers wereGeneral
T),r!M P'Je. A:u- J. C.:;r-
Latest U.S.Gov1 Report
... ....... .. i
m'mgs, Richard Crocker, Hugh J. a
Grant, George B.' McClellnn, (re-,
VICb LiiA J nviv nuo au tv
ment over the re-election of Crocker ,
and the turninguder of Ctxihran. s ,
Sweden puU aTartlfon BrwuJitBlU. 4
WAgmxaTON. Aoril 15. Sweden .
has now joined the other countries
of Europe in increasing the doty
on breadstuffs as is shown by a re t
port to the state department from .
U. 8. Consul lKyson at uotten
burg. The new duties are: Bread,
2 cents per kilo; rice, wheat, bar- ;
lev. Indian corn, peas and beans .,
99 cents per 100 kilos; flour, $1.74 ;
per 100 kilos;, malt, $1.34; other,
grains 99 cents; and , cement 10 .
cents per 100 kilos. . , ; . . , - t
Cuba's FatUot Canae. , ;
Havana, April 15. Maceo is 4
captured and Cuba's last hope is
gone. Crombet has. been killed.
Without these two leader?, all is '
chaos in the insurgent ranks, and "
liberty's most ardent friends admit '
that the Cuban cause - is lost.
Maceo's fate is known in advonce.
He will be put in old Morro castle's '
I'noinT nrison. kent there for some
O" -y f , t
time and then possibly be given a "
. - .... .('.-
mock trial. He wUt certainly oe -
garroted.. ' ,; ! "
W1I! be Paid In Tciibr ' ' '
London, April 16. A dispatch
from Tokio to the Central ewB
says the Chinese war indemnity
will be paid in teals.
The Silver Bauner Unfurled. , '."
Denver, April 16. The "openair
silver mass meeting, held from the
steps of the east entrance of the;,,'
capital this afternoon, . was the ,
largest that Denver has ever seen.
Various estimates place the number
present from 12,000 to 15,000. On " ''
the steps of the capitol and in the'-
vast concourse of people were men
and women of ev'ery division and ' '
shade of political affiliation and '
belief. ' Republicans, 'democrats
aud populists stood shoulder to
shoulder ando showed by their ,
cheeringHheir sympathy with ' the t
.n.rVo nf ihd sneakers. Ex-Con-
.J " - " j .r
gressman Sibley and" General A. J. ,',
Warner were the principal speakers. ,
Dtillcs City Warrant? at a Prerolum. t ,
Ths Dalles, Or., April 16. The ;
hirls for the $G0,0Od bond issue of ,
The Dalles were opened last night
in the presence of the city council, ,
and the bones sold in t wq iois. a. ,
IT. Curtis, of this city, bought $20,
000 of the'bon.ds at a premium of-
$2,020. The remaining t-iu.wu ,
was sold to Theis & Barroll,' ot '
Spokane, at a premium of 2 1 per
cent. The bonds are to be paid ia ;
25 years. ,t ,.v. . ,.
nr price's Cream Baking Powdet
AwarOed GoU MU MWwtatw Fr. San FlMO.ce.
f toKinj uiiiif, - .
A C,irr mullein- 24 We PaK Of
n a i m rt-rton rnm? itruu. uui tvu-.
OITIIIS ----- I .
r. ' s ' t'
Thi BeU Sprins ""dn , ' . ,
- i n
want to geUhe proper ipeJicme. If you .
wnsultyour physician be wU tell youto--4
Rnnri j.rvra
and that because s the ( fiver has very.
thing to do with toe blood U the "vef ,
is sluish lhe system is clogged, -
WooMomes Impure, and the" whoje,,..;.
bodv surfers- .Every medicine recorn
mended for the tlood is supposed to.
smunoNs liyer
. -RBQULflTOH; ;
It io tts wA well. nd tv fta
r ,.vt-'. ir iSrrtsr t,.jt r
- -'.-J in li ;wd or prv.'ivr.
t ..
i rilin,l. avkinir him to
Cb. Hn4rr, " A Co
Mia t to
at M
arkct f.
unit ' - j w