Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, March 21, 1895, Image 1

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St N
Aavartlelrttf Medium
laioeoud in none l P"1"
, Cull Illy.
rnorrtiBU rmolm
slwny" fiillow rriil artvur
tl.llM I" l,l'ur-
il Ilumui'Hii Muri'li
Ol lnaijK!iiilonri',OrPKi,
pltal Btook,
l w
Vlca frIJiil.
w. . i', CnnliUT.
I.CrtOIHT, L. W. K..I.ITUOII, J-cwU.
HeUiik.U. W. Wl.llonkcr,
V. V. Collin.
, .M.rml hanking taniwi lfii""i"l. "
I Mils tenant alllmvnrlaiil i'''. .
,( li.llwll.ii "If,
Wtfa Hrs: a. m. lu I it. in,
Rational Bank!
Capital Stock, fiD.OOO.Ot).
, HlRK'HHKUtl, Pteiildeiit.
;jtAM NKI-SOX, Vlin President.
,1. CONN A WAY, CuMliior.
A gnerul Unking ad exclmnuc bital
a transacted ; lomia made, I'M i
imiUmI, commercial rredU Rruiitcd ;
Mmlt received on current account
bjeet U clioc, InUTi-t miil oil tliu
. F. Smith, A. Neloi, I. A. Allen,
. II. JpcrM, A. J- (ioodliuill. D. W. Illrxtlilxirir.
Ilarble Granite
a. i. ir.nrn'ixs.
IndtiK,n.U..,Ji,t, " Or'
. . .Mourna-eiita,
Correspondence solicited.
Sperlirpg Bros.-,
Meat Market
Dhoice Meats.
PE.V 8UNHAYS FKOM 8 to 0 a.m.
Freo Delivery to all parts
of the city,
lain Street. - - Indei-endeiu-e.
P.H. Murphy, Prop.
U-imlrlnK of
The lii-Ht of
turned out op
short not lee.
II fcimlH wH
A dare of your patronage
I is solicited. I
Iain street. - Independence
m.T. BOBIDB 00., rwruiTOM.
M it(M of nr.l-olii tilo from 3 Inelici M)
21 lliolli. limn"!"
ruoss rss tiiOdband:
in 1 SI
Pen u .. n;
- ' Inch.!'.". W
m M 10 " I1
fetlmatM for Iny l" Tile promiitly ftirnlnliod
Md cunlmota taken. All work
giianinuwd antUflifUiry.
:-: STAGE :-:
leaves Independence every morn
jig (except Sunday) at 8:30 a. m.
leaves Salem at 2 p. in.
Leave onteni at Little Talaeo Hotel or
t 1'oBtofflee.
:rettrht and pa weiitfcra. carried onrea
.i We term,
4, 1HH1I. I
K3 I
i im - " JLtfirflftl w lubitmw u wo . - , n 1
: 1T "niimtfii 1 - xr a if r 'if 91. 1 K').".
VOL. 2 M). to j
5r and Feed, WoodT P STAR GROCERY
. Woodenware. . . l I w i i w
Our Sprint? Stock
Of lUruiiwiuiil Haddlcry (lunda, Willi,
tc, l ii" w ready for r''Ui
Don't Buy a Harness
Or unyllilnit t-lii In mr Mn, luforo yu
Imve mi'ii wlmt we "Hit ami K't ur I'"!:
WMUiuHiiruoiiriilKfUcttiiiiijI. bo cxoelleu
Our 1'riccH aro bo Low that you must bo 8aUnlUMl.
ONlV-MI'ISTIC. 0!3( TliWpD OliT.
' ......... . ... i....t U..UUH utiiliil lx riuJn In
Don't be Sick!
When You are Well
jjjji JJ-l-LLi. J ...L)r u i.
The Traveler to Independence
Klii.ulil not f.iU I" m.iko
lu lic-ml'iiittriemiil
ICi iiieinber, welv Tlrst
Iiixh MeaU tor ijtl.
we.' 'yZXTWt
CAMPBELL, Prop. ; C W. 1IAYKS, Man'gr.
Miiin St., iuU'ieudencc, Or.
M K-S . I
m. m
isupnlv theSieople of Independence with all
and Cured Meats, Hams, IJacon, Sausages,
Is now ready to
I.I...1.. if n I
iwiiu.-. ' . -
Lard, etc., at lowest possible
A A. o " -
A Fine Line
of Glasses.
Latest Styles
and Shapes.
v "
r -v
Legal Blanks ii
kinds of
CII AS. CLARK, Receiver
'OMiiiertln. with Steamer -HOMER" be
Yaoulno and Knn Frnnrlsro.
8,,. K.D Fmnr, t u
Muroh 9, 10, Ui.
RlKlita rewrvfd to chnntfo aalime date
without nolle.
For freight wriengerrmtra apply to any
Cor -allla, Oregon
Chn Hendry, fm' A Co..
UH Market Hf.
Hun Kranrwo,la'w-
Duiint? nt lc-unt Hovun ntutwl jM riodH In
Life a word hIiouUI be prewrveu in
Iktmoii'm likt'iii'hn, m follovvH:
Infiinil.oml, Ilnl.yli'xi'l. i'lill.lliood, 1J-
l.i.od, Mniilu'od, Mlddlongt', Old nifo,
and IMI.CKAVKS Hie iiliotiigruiiliiT,
will you llll lliew IlkciieHm at
Ihevory lowt-Ht rtt. (ilvo him a call.
, KNOW how It uioUt'B one fil to
wlf lie mrn , . ..n
reniemU-r that it in our huPii.eHH to hcII
' Wm-V- Hut if you r.ipL.iH.K
Meilii iiH'B. Wo ve n.iu i-oiimii' '""v -
& I lie of iihIok '"!' ""J
pure DniBH. We keep no other kinl.
RKMKMHKK that wo han
dles many articles you
nmy desire, KUih an Jewelry,
Silverware, Watches, Clocks,
Main Ht.
Iiuleinileiice, Orcein .
The City Restaurant
. ri..i munCn'l of trnviili 1.
ur ciuluut uliu.'
Min d fixxl nnclcourleouiitrcivt-
rrr n i
A. A- N
jk A A -4 A. A
Jeweler & Optician.
-r r if
- v .v '
For sale
this Office.
City : Feed : Stable.
Eu Joiussom, Prop.
Horses feil by the day,
week or moot 11 . 1 ruu
nientHtock left in our
run- will lie well at
tended to. Clmrses
Main St., - ImlepeiMlencc.
Ths Weekly Oregonlaa 50 cts a Tear.
ThereeiilnrKiilwrlfllon price of th. K-
nrleeof The W.-eRlv nreemilnn I l. All
year can eel both '"' T?
an.l the Weekly rre..iilHii one yearf.r
A old nhnrrllK.r. paying the rsul-eripih n
K,r one year In advance will he enlllh-d to
Ihe nnief!i-r.
' j-.i.jihj .j-q-u'-iu u juurirr m
... . t-..- r. VrLfiA iP Llhcrtti.JrlTt'riion. "
Anierleaii Vswl Flr-1 on by a
HpiwilHh Mttii-ol'-War.
Sadden Ri la Siher G6Trnor
Ltughton Dead-Immleratioa
tVrciin Hie OrcKOiiluii, Kun nd Hlat.umrt.)
Th Eoijwroi' Ultuiutum to U Hunf CUr.g.
Taiiih, March 14,Tho Euro
pean addition of the Herald will
mibliwh tomorrow the following
dispatch dated hhanghai: . !
reported that Li Hung Chang is j
instructed to connent to inuemnuy,
also, if necessary, to a cession of .
territory. The Japanese will
Mancburia and Shantun
promontory of Formosa. The in
demnity will be guaranteed by
customs, which will be paid quin
qucnnially. China is also ready
to surrender the Southern squad-
.... . - 1 .. TU..
ron now hiding ai nanmn.
j emperor ami uowngcr cmireB
warned Li Hung Chang mai ne
need not return unless micccssrul.
They upbraided him for conceal
ing from them the deplorable con
dition of China, which, they said,
niieht easily have been victorious
if properly prepared."
Secretary Orcihaa ii Cauuouj.
Washisoton, March 14. The
department of tate is moying with
deliberation in making its case
ngainst the Spanish government
based on the firing by a Spanish
cruiser at tho American steamship
Allianca, hol-tina: that in matters
of such moment it is absolutely
essential that our government
should be in possession of the ex
act facts so as to avoid the humilia
tion of retraction through making
a demand that could not be sus
tained by evidence.
Washington Stat, tuu Peao. Again.
0I.VMWA, March-t-f.The fourth
session of Washington, legislature
adjourned sine dio at midnight. It
hud its work well in hand, avery
important bill was passed upon,
and tho eri camo without tne
usual crash or jam. Not a bill
was up during tho day that did
not receive proper consideration.
Woman Su2rag in California
SiruiMKTn. March 14. The
state senate today adopted a con
stitutional amendment giving,
women the right to vote. The
amendment has already been
adopted bp the assembly, and will
now be submitted to the voters of
the state.
Immigration Btft'.istioi.
Wasiuxotox, March 14. The
number of immigrants arriving
in this country during February
y 1S95, was VoUa, agatiusi uui
L ing February, 181)4. For tlw hist
W ei"ht months the total was 136,129,
as ngainst 100,129 during the same
period last year.
Items from tna Capital-
t Sai.em, aiarcn i-. "u"1-"
was received at the penitentiary
jh today for the term of one year, lie
I T i ,.,tltl
comes from Irving, immhoh
and his crime is breaking into a
The public echools of this couniy
are closing their doors for want of
fund The schools at Woodlmrni
and Silycrton closed last week, and
the Stavton and Cervais schools
close tomorrow.
Seoretary Greaham'i Cooky Cablegram.
Madrii). March 15. The follow-
ing cablegram has been received
here: "Taylor, U united oiaies
minister, Madrid Tliis depart
ment is informed that, on the 8th the United States mail
steamship Allianca, on her home
ward vayage from Colon to New
Y'ork, when six miles from the
coast'of Cuba, off Cape May, was
repeatedly fired njwn by a Spanish
gunboat, with solid shot, which
fortunately fell short.
"The windward passage, where
this occurred, is the natural and
usual highway for vet-scls plying
between ports of the United States
and Caribbean sea. Through it
Sells Every thing at. - -
Cash Prices.
revcral regular lines of American
mail and commercial steamers pans
weekly in eight of Cajio May.
They ore well known ami their
voyago embraced no Cuban port of
call. Forcible interference with
them cannot bo claimed as other
than a billigwnt act, whether
they pans within three miles of the
Cuban coant or not, nnd can under
no circumstances be tolerated
when noiitato of war exists. This
government will expect prompt
disavowal of the unauthorized act
and.due expression of regret upon
il.n tinrt .,f Snnin. and it mUfit ill-
sift that immediate and positive
0rdrs be given to Spanish naval
coniman,ler8 I10t to interfere with
j ilimato commerce passing
! throush that channel, and prohi-
bitinir all acts wantonly imperiling
lifo and property lawfully under
u,n ft nf th United States. You
will communicate this to the
j minister 01 foreign aua.ra mm
j urge tho imrK.rtanco of a prompt
land satisfactory response.
(Signed) Gbesham.
ttolian Couol'f Export
Washington, March 15. Gres-
ham today received from Uaron
Fava. Italian ambassador here,
transmitting the leport of the Ital
ian consul at Denver, regarding
the WaUenburg affair, in which
the consul says it is assumed the
men killed had not been natural
ized. In the note Faya expressed
the hope that the legal authorities
of Colorado would take prompt
action in punishing the offenders.
Mor Gold for th Treasury.
New York, March 15. The sum
of f 1,000,000 gold was transferred
today from depositing banks to the
Sudden Sua in Silysr-
New York, March 15. Silver
certificates to the amount of $ 5,000
Bold this morning on the stock ex
chance at 02. This is the highest
prico paid in a long time. One of
the leuding bullion brokers in this
city, speaking of the advance, said
that it was due to tho speculative
buyirg in London.'which market
governs the price of the metal here.
The chief factor in the rise was tho
expectation that peace would be
made between China and Japan,
which would increase the demand
for silver, independent of any war
indemnity that might be called for,
by opening up the Chinese trade to
the world.
Denrer hsi a Woman Politician.
Dexfeb, March 15. The key to
the spring municipal campaign in
this city is in the possession of a
woman, and it may be said that
Denver is the first city to develop
a woman political boss. This of
course is due to the experiment cf
,il Buffm which worked so
well Ust fall at the state election.
Denver's woman boss is Mrs. Frank
Hall, wifo of the city treasurer.
Heavy Decrease in Bank Keseive
New Yokk, March lb. Ihe
weekly bank stateaient is as fol
lows: Kcserve, decrease $ 3,.1.f,-'Sn
In:lll. ..1 .,.
IVposilf, decrease M',3'-'
Circn'alion, increase 1S2,000
The banks now hold $17,598,. 75 in
excess of all requirements.
j New York, March 10. Ihe 1111-
ports anu exports u. e.. .v, ....
from New York during the week
Imports Exports
i 1 AiO.iloS 14t..01
j siv
.0.. -c-.l
The imports of dry goods amounted
to $3,867,116, and of general nier
ehandise 8,303,669.
Chang Travel in Royal State.
Washington. March 1G. The
Japanese legation has received a
cahle message confirming the press
dispatches of the departure of Li
Hung Chang from Tien-Tein for
Japan to arrange terms of peace.
Negotiations will be conducted at
Simonosaki. instead of Hiroshima.
MnlonOMKi, niMi-au vi
. . , 1
it is siaieu av i5 n-givi"
sertions that terms of peace have
been arranged already
roneoiis. No details, i
are er-
is said,
Higheit of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Cot Report
have been settled. Minister Denby
lias cabled the state department J
.nnflrmtnff I n TP inrt of the de-
VUI.U.".'ii -l I
narture of Li Hung Chang from
Shanghai for Japan. Ho says the
vicero sailed in royal state with
100 persons embarked on twoships.
Orvgoo Ilrccdlng Rii'l Hwed Amoclotlon.
Sai.em, Or., March 10. A called
meeting of the stockholders of the
Oregon Breeding and Speed As
sociation was held today. A
majority of the stockholders were
present. According to the by-Jaws,
assessments against stock must
paid before stock can be voted.
motion that a spring meeting
held was carried by a vote of 54
to 4 1 shares.
Governor Langliton Dctx.1.
Tacoma. March 1C Charles E.
Langhton, "the fiddling governor,"
irl ror-liiiifnant-eovernor of
Washington and Nevada, died at
8:20 tonieht. at the Bohemian Club,
of heart failure, caused by kidney
trouble, dropsy etc. Mr. Langhton
was born in Bangor, Me., where
his father still lives, and was 49
years old. In 1882, he was elected
lieutenant-governor of Nevada,
serving four years, and in 1889 was
elected to the same office in this
state, for three years. He was
Hcting governor for six months
during 1890.
Secretary Carlisle for the Senate. .
Fbaxkfokt, Ry., March 17. It
is generally believed that Carlisle
will be a candidate for United
States senate against Blackburn,
McCreary and Brown at the proper
time. He will arrive in Kentucky
in a few weeks and open up the
campaign in Danvil'e.
Antl-Toxlnc Free.
Sax Francisco, March 17. Cal
ifornia is the first state in the
union to manufacture anti-toxine
for free distribution. In JSew
York tho now famous cure for
diphtheria is being prepared, but
it is made at the expense ot the
a 1 1 . t
citv. The state board ot neann
has arranged that the remedy shall
be prepared by the recently estab
lished veterinary department of
the university of California. The
appropriation of $G,000 must last
for two vears. As some time is re
quired for the preparation of anti-
toxine, a temporary supply nas
been ordered from the East for im
mediate necessities. It will bo
distributed among the members of
the state board of health to be used
in the various districts as occasion
rnnn rKi There will ue ausoiuieir
no charge to diphtheretic patients
for the drug. .
a Joint Demonstration rrobabio.
St. Petersburg, March 17. It
w renorted that all the Russian
Mediterranean Fquadron has been
ordered to tho Pacific to be in
readiness to make a positivo de-
rtl Ul IireO W Alia V - - '
lllUiIPI.1 iXl iVJ 11 111 vviii-v . w
Britain in regard to the Japaneso
demands on China.
Chinese sourso orsnppiies cut oir.
r Ar,n 17 A Rhnncliiii
1 Attic, iuaitu - - a
disnatch states that the Japanese
' - 1 -11
army at New tjnwang capiureu au
c-nrMvli.w nf provisions, etc.
which were intended to last the
Chinese three months. They also
hold all the other ports from which
supplies could arrive. Thus, the
Chinese troops in- Manchuria will
be compelled either to yield or to
speedily retire in the direction of
Captain Croasman'a Story Corroborated.
Havana, March 18. The com
mander of the Spanish cruiser,
Conde e"a"aue. " '"T
j on March 8, while cruising oft the
mtern coat of the lEinna, iie
SteS a steamer heading for!
g.?;fLnt Th steamer's course i
. r
to the northeast. The cruiser
hoisted a flag and the steamer re-
a. i;pd hv raisinz an hneusn Hag
The cruiser signaled the steamer
10 Stop, UUli niviiuu.
the steamer proceetled at full speed
In lhamatierot-
always endeavor lu lie
MOIIrT sal aOCOlaTI.
but prrfere aeeuriicy of
mucin. M to blundering
1.50 PER YKAK.
1 aiuulh,
the cruiser fired two b'.'ank shots,
and then' two solid shots. Tho
commander says he did not desire
' .
to hit the steamer, but merely to
cause her to heavo to. He asserts
that the steamer was but one and a
half miles from the Cuban coast.
Whitney (live Ilia Opln Ion of the Outrage.
New York, March 18. W. C.
Whitney, ex-secretary of the navy,
sends tho following cablegram to
the New York Times today, under
date of Naples, in reply to a mes
sage sent him by the editor of the
Times: "In considering what
should be done concerning tho out
rages perpetrated by the Spanish
man-of-war in firing on the Allinca,
one fact should not be lost sight of.
It was deliberate and with full
knowledge of the act. Itiscertain
that no person in command of any
.... 1 1 1
war vessel in the world wouia do
ignorant that firing upon a mer
chant vessel of another nation on
tho high seas in time of peace
would violate the law of nations.
There is not a subordinate officer of
any man-of-war who is not
sufficiently instructed to know that.
It is, therefore, a case of willful in
sult to the American flag and
people. I do not recall so wanton
an outrage as happening to any
first class power m 50 years. An
apology scarcely wipes out such an
affront. The truth is we have
happened to come in for a piece of
the general brutality and ruffian
ism that holds Cuba. The thing
is a relic of thejniddle ages. It is
a disgrace to us that it lies at our
doorstep. Yon can gather what
my opinion is. What the govern
ment Ehould do is an other matter.
The president, in such matters, is
a safe person to follow, but as yott
ask my opinion, there it is."
Chang Arrive at SlmonoakakU .
Simoxosaki, March 19. Viceroy
Li Hung Chang and suite arrived
here this morning to negotiate for
peace between China and Japan.
Envoys from the Japanese foreign
ollico immediately visited the
steamer conveying the Chinese
viceory. Later Li Hung Chang,
accoropaincd by John W. Foster,
American adviser for China, visited
the Japanese minister of foreign
M i n Isler Thurston to be recalled.
Washington, March 19. It is
reported today that Secretary
Grcsham had demanded the recall
of Hawaiian Minister Thurston, on
the ground that he was persfma
non grata. v hen Secretary ores-
j ham's attention was called to it, he
refused to say anything in con-
J firtiiation or denial. It is known,
j however, that there has been much
t.tMinn Kptween the minister and
the state department on transac
tions dating back to Tbnrston's
x a D-Lo Kl v Kim aura
l '."-. a 1
of tho state of feeline
unnniriTmeilL. & .vulvar a..-
iiu n uo -
j toward him, the minister has al-
ways been guarueu m
j ances. As far as can be recalled
' nrv effort has been made to
1 1 , v . v . -
; discnise the real state 01 anairs
.. . .
Internal Revenue Receipts.
Washington, March 19.- A
statement prepaired by the com
missioner of internal revenue
shows receipts during the eight
months of the present fiscal year as
compared with the same period of
of lat year to have been as follows:
. vi ft.-S .V 14.0H5.7liS
spirits , 1 no.- IKM
Tobacco 1.TCL41 1M
1 ..-I lienors 2U.un.Mw
: Oleoti.araarine...... LW;27
I100,632,4o6 f5,180,61'3
i p the month of February,
Dunn de-
- - . tu ,
crease in the receipts compared
with February, 1894, of $l,401,44o.
The "Alice A1' will make apecW
tri to Salem and other river iolnU.
Renoiiable rutea.
or Price's Cream Baking: Pwd