Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, March 14, 1895, Image 3

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    Motor Um TliMTable.
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loi Mii: ii m;cTOHY.
7 IOMKB WDM, "a ,
vaiiiliiN, AM nifiiilwm lu
amM alulllllll win "
Imilliw ami mivrrii IIibiii-
iiIvim nwunnimiT- lii
Knlulil r iii'""" "
axis i. iiuti jcit.7 rn ykici an
tnd Burgeon. Hrrrriary U. H. r.xuinln
ng Hurgpon. liiili'iK'iHli', Orcinm. uv
lu opera house, Muck,
Z.U KKTCIIUM, m. i.-omcF.
uid reldou.o, comer Railroad mm
4orauauih UCtvU, Independence.! Ore.
on. '
it-Uw, OilWc. over liidepcndiuiro
Mattoual Hunk, Independence, '
t 11 i. iM'l.Ii. - DENTIST
UValathOMMO building , Collfflo
itreet, Motimouili, Ore,
'action guaranteed.
UAb ARTIST, lias no superior In
Waving and HuIi-culllng. Oivo him
rour work. r3rshavlug l, '"If
mains 25o, lUlliH i'H!. Mnlu street.
IA8II and DOCKS! We carry o
all stark ol Hush, Doors. Mouldings,
j, ta-riirnlix rKiilt.v.
it Mitchell ATluhannon'e, Mnin Mrcct.
JAM I5S FLO V D. - Hlnmorlua
1 tut Brick Work of nil ktntU
tonot short notloti mul war
nld BHilefnctory. Audrcbs
Monmouth, Or.
mrber. Bum-er to H ,A. mi .NoriwU k.
r h8ir. Klmvlnj ISc liil.
Uiufi lioiicil on liurt iiollw.
loor to Fimt Nutiotml Uk. Imlrjifn-
.T'fwo bntli tul no tcJlotm ttKitinsf
II. M. LI M 1'lMt
CSTotary Public.
LI'" '' f'tr'
iumiu si. yvm-?""1"""
ff J. 1. JUVlNli,
Justice of the Peace,
Writ Iinuruin-eni"! nniki' llrrloii
1 H ilM-rllly,
t'ljjV Tobarro
If you tiiok( ckiiiw
bihI limpM-i ",,r lil,e
of pv bik! tolmoro.
Tln-y areiilif clmli-e -....J.
'' . ml very rwitwumlilo.
1 We re ollVrlnn fri Mh
cuikIU'n uinl iiuih 11 1
1 ' qh low ti price n wb t
t inif-nitil v etui. Simiilo J
our dliliMvnt klHiln. 1
l.VnrAU'H Nh 'k
TIIKHIO A UK bhots and!
ho3'!. Thoro are Mioes
y iu want anil SIiocb you
tfoii't want AVlien you
n actl Shoes,
:; Our Shoes aro
V The Shoes
You want.
illndewmlonco, in the SUta of Ore
V'ton, at tlio cloo of biisines.
- 5",. . : HUnli 6, 1KI5.
;i muoi''-
" n1 dlwonnl -
(lt wnml unit uncureU
v. , ihI Ki wcuri- olniuUllou
iwuaull V. M. Hullil)
(, urllli-a, He. , '
-Ium, fiirnlliir nitun-
. uu Nt'l IUnka( lliwrve !)
ton hii Hiikii nl UmiiKi-m
urn iirvil rii'rv mcm
nrt tillmr oh llrni" -
of nllior NhUiiiwI Onnka
,. nal i-r cunvii7,nli,ll"l
Ii-uEmiiwkv RoirnVB im!:
, ... f K.r.'uiii
1 .il-lmdiT nolo lu w
UHUmiillnn fluid wllh V. H. Trouurr,
. yf-Oiiit of olrculnllon) -
Jim u
2,KN Ml
1 .ins m
1, jiii in
I7.IMJ 11
I.iiin uA
Mj uu
M 34
M.' U
liUMUtt u
vM.lo. k llln KCS
fund - lu.0,l w
i.virtKl urollM. I"i" BI '"' ...
tKXa Imld - - - - - ,,iai
IXIonaU hunk linlM ontnllindllif
lutoMh. r NUoiiI Hmikii - - JJO "
inaloHimt Uuiker
wir.and cvnlltoaitn if dK-lt - -ivtrm
Mid bUl MMouluiWd -
ximcy of poi,i
I V V. Connaaray. l-ahlr of lha ahov-nnmed
uk do a..lMiinly nan lhal lh abiiva atatvuiriit
. uu lotlia beat of my knu li-rt and b-lli-f.
.n-rlbd and aworn to bfiir air thla I day
f ilroh. Iiatt. Uau. A. HaiTia.
(.naxnr-Att-t Kotary i-uliUa
li MlHHCItllKAA. 1
A. Nklwim.
i ns j
.Ufsiclaii and Hurgcon. ripeetul at
otlon dirur 01 '"'icn.
Juireover IiiiU'im-iiiUiih'o National hunk,
r. i, Uo. M. I). W. Ilabbltt, M. i. u
J., r'ullow Trinity medical college.
I). W. MltAKa,
A Pull Line of Sugars, syrups, coffees and teas at Douty
Items of Local News.
O. A. Krmnor. Jowtiltir,
Purli'gliiriiKKfrilu' II. I i. Foul
Dr. Kplry, tlm ltiiitlt, gunrmilnwi
all bin work.
You emi vi .'10 )r coiit by buying
aliiHHt of 1'ntlrrwiMi
lfytm mt 8lnii, bit-nd you will
gi t fitt uinl Mtionif.
II. L. Ford inl funilly hv inovod
ovtr Into llilrd ward.
TvouiMraor TM bruan plim at the
ItuckuUtor for fiomiln.
Fttxt tritliot and tbo Unt aucomiHla
lloimoiitlmN. 1, It. II.
Mra. A.H. I.iH'ke la vlallhiK frlcii(U
lu Mu.MlniivllU tin wit k.
Mi. Clulro Irvlno n-liirnttl lioint)
Moniliiy fiiiio a vUU to McMiniivlllo
Hoy your br:id at Ihmly A lM:k'a.
Tlu-y ki'i p Hlronn'a homo nmdo bn-ud.
J, T. Ford and fittiilly wt-re vIhUIiik
rrldtlvr and frlourla In Muliinoulll liial
Julfr K't-niM-dy hna tit up a n"t
front ponli to bin rtwldoti 011 Itull
rtmd almit.
Dou'l forgt-t tho HI. I'utrlrk'a diiy
tlunr ut th ojH-ra liouae 011 tbo vi-ua
liiKofthu lHlli.
Tim Infant child of C. C. Mulkoy.of
Moiiiuoutli, U qulto 111 with nifiii
brunt ou croup.
A. II. Moore, rvcently on of I he
F.NTr.iiritmK force, ha ojM-ui d a racket
Hue lu DnytiMi, Waali.
Mm. V. K. ir'1!tli rcliirncd homo
Tuiwilny from a wick' vbdt with her
niri'iillii Mc.Mlfiiivllic.
Thti Inilipciidt'iice Junior DiiiiuIiik
Chili will kIvb u Ht. l'alrlck'a day
iliinte, Moinlay, Miircli 18.
Why go wlllioult lothin when Jcnkd
tho tailor will fiirnlnli you with a unit
for (14 or a nlr of puuU lor I t.
Cll.lo nf Jude II. Hurley,
of Tori laud, U vIhIiIii at hm unnlo',
Hon. A. M. Hurley, of thin city.
Cull and get Pulteraon'a price 011
nIkk'n, thou you will know what a anv
liiKyou caiiiuuke on a purclmim.
(Jiillcun Invtiiou of nnw (jikmI ar.
rived nl tlm Mercuntllo Ciiinjiaiiy'a
Mtore at Moiiiiioulh lut Moudny.
'I he Inf.itit ilmi(!hterof Mr. and Mm.
Chiincc Mulkey, of Monniouth, died
Tucwlav evening lifter a Miort lllnewi.
Mm. Armntronu, of Corvallla, him
Ikhu vhdthiK hero wllh her parentn,
Mr. uinl Mr. Duvkntender, during llio
TIib"A1IidA" leave Iiiilepciideneo
everv mornllllf at 0 o'clock a. lit., for
Kiileni, and rcluriiliig leave Htilcin at
1 ;:iO p. lit.
The tilcdiiu'r Altoiia inado t ex-
oui hIoii I rip to Kiilem butt Tuuduy.
tjulte a iiumU-r ol our citizen Joined
Ihu PXllllaiollldt.
The Hon Hon nlway curilii the
Ih-hI ami pureHt ciindlett, frech fruitH,
imtitof till klnilit, an well itH the II next
limn of cli?ur ami tohuccoa.
(!u-cll Cuniplic-ll, of Salt Creek, linn
recently returned from ail extended
lrli In H nulierii Oregon where he had
Ik-cii looking over the country.
Wo Hll you aewlng needle at 1 tent
ir piicr. Try Ihoni And curtain
rliigd at, well we liuvn't lliiren aiinill
enough to toll lb prlcu of 0110 .Hacket
J. 8. CnoperT prealdent of tho Flint
National bank of thl city, vl!ed over
Sunday with his daughter, who are
attending the State Unlveraily at Eu
gene. Cnriicntem have commenced work
on the front addition to (1. L. Hnw-
klii'd dwelling on the went bide of
Knllrnad Mreet.
In Rwnkluit of I'rof. IIuvcm' diploma
of honoialdi! men I Ion from the Colum
bian Fair Iho type made uh use the
word "miblliullon" hmteiul of "ier-
ferllon" In hint week' bmie.
11. K. Auderaoii U now at work for
II M. vVudu & Co.. of tbltt city. He
arrived from the 10unt on Friday hint,
coining here from Independence on
Mondav. McMiniivlllo 'Iileplione-
Tim country now ehmifrea from a
democratic administration to a licgu
live government. Tho next bouno it
reiuibllcan. but the neiiato is a iHH'aaw,
while the executive l.i democrat to. No
iMltlve lrirlslutioit 1 to he exinscted for
I wo year yet. 11 i lbb iro InUepeudeut.
Mt all stood jK-oplo who leave Cor
miIIIh to lielter tliemsolve eUewhere,
nltiiiiiitelv drift hack ajraiu. Corvalli
Times. We frequently hear the mime
rcniurk mado Ih rtgard to Indepcn-
ilen.Hi. It Is curious how provincial
conceit Influence and bins the opinion
of good natured, well meaning people
If you want Johwork just a little
heller than any other shop In the
county can dolt, leave your orders at
the Kstkki'KIhb office. Their work
men are artists, and know how to
avoid offensive combination so fre-
(jucutly seen In tho work of would-be
first-class" printers, rrlecs art as low
as you would have to pay for Inferior
The Sunday Ptatesniuu aays: "T.
J. Cheringtonof this city, filed with
the Klatesiuan yesterday afternoon a
hurblnger of spring In the shape of ft
twig loaded with beautiful, fully grown
and scented apple blossoms. The twig
came from one of bis trees oil bis
place on North Commercial street, and
the tree is one mass of fragrant blooms.
The rero-rhlden donlsens of the east
may gain a lesnoo In climatic varia
tions by the palpable reflection that
very day fruitage Is well under way
In Oregon on the 8th day of March,
while their expectations hack there are
exceedingly remote, tossy the least of
Dr. F.pley, dentist, Monmouth.
Wrong's home made bread sells on
It merit. Tiy I'-
Iteineniber Patterson' "boo sale
will not last always.
Knoourage borne enU rprlse by pat
ronlKlng tho "Alloc A.'
The legislature ha adjourned but
tboN. P.K.U. t I U runs,
Feed and garden seed lower thau
the lowest ut II. it. Knox'.
Dr. Lowe, the optician, I coming
soon. The wise will wait for him.
W, K. White and W. J. Klrkland, of
Jtlckroall, were In tho city Friday.
H. H. Hurg 1 tlie sole agent for the
singer sowing machine lu thl city.
Mr.Heott Jacob, a praollcul lluiicr
and plumber, Is lu the employ of It. M.
Wadu A Co.
W. II. lluwley agent for the N. P.
It. It. will lie glud to quote you rati- to
the Kant.
J. H. Hhli.n and family have moved
Into Mrs. D. II. Clodfcllcr' residence
near the Congregational church.
J. Fred Jenkins, a capitalist of
llosluii, and C. H. Haw ley, the M011
inoutu hunker, ore at tho KHinoiid.
Fori land Hun March 12.
Travelers who desire gssl acooino
dutlotis always stop at the Little
Paluco hotel, while lu Iiuicpelidence.
The best room and the best meals 111
tho city.
W. II. (-'raven bn moved his bar.
lies shop Into the building formerly
occupied hy Miss Cora Fisher' mil
linery establishment 011 w est side of
Main street.
ticrofiils, alt rheum, and ull disease of
the blood, dyspepsia, hcuduelie, kidney
and liver couinluints, and catuirh, are
cured by Hood' frursapsrilltt, the great
hlood puriller.
D. W. Hears, chairman of the demo
cratic stateceulral committee, and A'.
II. Westlcott. a committeeman, are In
the city, with headfjuurter at the
Holtou Tuesday' Portlund Sun.
Tho sharp rift of snow Tuesday
morning afforded quite a contrast to
I he normal sorlnir weather we had been
enjoying for tho lust six weeks, but
the "lH-autiruI" soon meiieu away
before tho gclal rays of the iiioriilng
The Independence school board held
a special meeting Monday evening and
Director-Fleet Dornslfo and Clerk
elect Irvine were duly qualified nnd
the bond of the clerk approved. Direc
tor Bhluu was elected ehulrmiiu of I lie
Tbo eclipse of the moon was partly
obscured by clouds nt this place hist
Sunday evening. About nine o'clock,
however, us tho moon ascended the
wiilth, the view was very fine, and
ninny of our citizens enjoyed the raro
Tbo children of the Independence
public school paraded the street, with
flvlmr banner Tuesday afternoon.
The youngsters enjoyed the fuu splen
didly and everybody on llio street
were interested iu w utehlug the frol
icsome parade.
Miss Lottie Hedges was takeii sud
denly seriously ill lust Sunday with
heart trouble and has been in a critlcul
condition for several days. We under
stand that the attending physicians
consider bcr condition materially Im
proved att'.io present writing.
The hop-raisers of this vicinity have
been bu-y the past two weeks in gel
ling their yard ready for I he seasons
work. Wo have not Tieurd of single
yard that has been converted to
other purposes, and most of our hop
growers feel confident that this year's
prior wiil exceed those of lust year.
Jay P. Lucas has resigned the office
of elei k of Gilliam county nnd II. N.
Fruiter, formerly deputy clerk, has
been appointed to 'fill the viicuucy.
Mr. Frocr is a brother of Dr. J. H., of Monmouth. Mr. Lurus will
n turn to Polk county and tiilte charge
of bis mother's farm near Monmouth.
Mrs. Jay Luca is already hero
F, A. Douty and F.. K. Puddock ar
rived home lust F'rlilny evening from
their trip Fast. They visited Denver,
Minneapolis nutl other leading points.
Messrs. Paddock and Douty separated
nt Denver temporarily, the former
pushing on directly to Minneapolis
mid was so unlucky ns to get caught iu
tin- lilir blizzard, with this single ex
ception I hey each enjoyed a pleasant
trip und experienced uo exiremeiy
oold weather. -
The Siimlnv school entertainment at 1
the Christian church last I riduy even
ing was well attended and quite en
tertaining. Superintendent Hutchin
son gave a number of tine stereoptlcan
views of the Mazamus party's trip to
Mt. Hood lust summer. The views
Included scene all along the route,
cam pll re scenes, mountain sceuery and
also views along the line of ascent of
the snow-capjied peak. nr. Hutchin
son en livened the exhibition by giving
ninny humorous accounts of scenes and
incidents or tbo trip. I He entertain
ment wa well received by the audi
ence: Any information pertaining to better
method of lustructioii in our public
school is always of lutertst to the
community, and for this reason we are
glad to note that Kro. Wash, of the
Ite.niiier, is going to give the people of
Polk county the benefit of bis per
sonal knowledge gleaned In 30 years
experience iu the schoolroom. The
public schools are the bulwark of the
social and political institutions of this
country, and every public spirited citi
zen feels a deep Interest in the moral
and mental training of the youth of
our land. A timely word is always
Dr. F.pley, the dentist, Monmouth,
dis crow 11 and bridge work,
The "Alice A" gc to Haleiu every
day lu the week, except Sunday.
The Kmtkhi'KIHK and Oregoiilan
for $2 a year. Inquire at thl oiilco.
J. II. Nesmlth, of Illckreall, wa
transacting business lu the city Satur
day. Hood' PHI cure Jaundice, billion
ne, sick headache, constipation and all
liver III.
Ira Nosh, of Jluena Vista, gave the
Kn i khi'Iiisk ofllce a pleasant call last
Charlie Irvine I making some neat
Improvement to hi residence on
Sixth street.
Mr. M. Ileamer, of Salem, wa
visiting friends in this city lust Friday
and Sulurduy.
If you want a first-class J"b plumb
ing or llunlug call ou Scott Jacob at
It. M. Wude & Co.
liichardson lro. have been making
some repair 011 tho west end of the
Vauduyu mercantile bulldin
The truvellng public appreciate good
hotel accomodation. Tho best In lu
dcjieiidcuce will be found at tho Little
Puiucc hotel, -
Dr. T. J. Lee, of this city, and J. K
Miller, llio Monmouth druggist, were
transuding business lu the capital
city Mooduy. ,
Miss Puulioe Itobertson, daughter of
I). V. Itobcilsou of near PoiUtend, Is
visiting her cousin, Mis I jtsie Robert
sou, of this city .
Mrs. Klleu Lobertsofl aocldently
slipped oil the sidewalk in front of hi r
resldeu co one day lust week and budly
spmined her spine.
Tho ouly reliuble sewing machine,
tho Singer, for sale at 10. li. Derg's.
Those wanting a cheup, flt class
machine should give bim a cull,
FtiKer, Iho bluckHmlth, Is still lu
tswu autl doing better und cheaper
work for cash than any shop iu Polk
county. Y ou will liud hiiu ut the old
The settlement of the senatorial con
test iu Orvgou was followed by three
eurthquuke shocks. Statesman. Yes,
even uulure joined iu ratifying Hon.
Geo. W. Mcllride' election.
Isouo McKlmurry, of Liu 11 county,
wvs visiting iu this city during the
forepart of the week. Mr. McElmurry
Uaed to reside In this vicinity and is
well known lu Polk county.
Geo. W. Peed, our quaudom fellow
(on nsmaii but now of Salem, was
tdiuklug bunds Willi friends ou the
streets of thlscity lust Fitduy . George
Is as jolly and bouhommo a ever.
The con 11 t-cou vent ion of the W. C.
T. U., announced to convene iu Ibis
eity 011 the i!2d Umlaut, bus been post
poned to the eurly part of April. Au.
nouuet incuts will bo made iu due time.
John 11. Fisher - bus been visiting
here for several days with his sister,
Mrs. J. D. Irvine. Mr, Fisher has been
an invalid fybu paralysis for several
yeurs, but is improving quite material
ly of lute.
Prof. Shipley, of Monmouth public
school, returned from a busluess trip
to Corvallla lust Friday. Mr. Shipley
tins uot been in charge of his school
for several weeks owing to au attack
of lagrippc.
A pleasant surprlie party was given
Miss Fssie Itobertson by a number of
her friends 011 the evening of the 11th
Instant. The occasion being the 21st
anniversary of Miss Robertson's birth
day. The evcuiug was passed very
pleasantly. ,
(. . L. Huwkiua " has moved hi
marble wiirss shop to the 'west sideof
ltidlroiid street 011 to . lot which he
recently purchased of J. jk"ii'u'oU.:'..'..
Mr. Hawkins Is going to put a four
room frout addition to his dwelling In
I he near future.
Wo lenrn from the Statesman that
"Mra. Judge Bean, as business man
ager of the latlies issuo of the Daily
Statesman, has turned over to Mayor
F. 10. llodgkiu, r-ecretary of the Salem
board of charity, a check on Ludd &
Bush for f!l.!K, ns the net proceeds of j
that edition."
Kditor Noltner, of the Portland Dis
patch, gave the FXTEnriusK office a
pleat-ant call ou Thursday of last we -k.
Mr. Noltner is one of. Oregon' vt teran
editors, u life-long; '--democrat and a
pleasant gentleman." We are always
glud to receive culls from representa
tives of the presa. . t
If you want to purchase blank war
ranty deeds, quit-claim deeds, bond
for deeds, real estate ludVtgages, chattel
mortgages (tiling or recording,) crop
mortgages, release of mortgages, re
newal of chattel mortgages, or any
other legal bluuks, cull at this office.
Mail orders promptly filled. Send for
price list.
Karly lust Monday morning Gover
nor Lord was called upon to honor the
requsillou of the governor of Missouri
authorizing the arrost and return to
that state of Isaiah Hradley, colored,
who is under indictment at Kansas
City charged with illegal voting and
lulse registrotiou. Bradley has been
located at a l'orthiud hotel by oftUrs
of the law.
The home of F. M. Townaeiid iu
in Salem was burglarized last Monday
eveuiug by some unknown thief.
Among tho valuable stoleu were
black diagonal coat almost new, two
pairs of di.igouul pants, a hat, two gold
rings, a $2.50 piece and two 25 cent
gold pieces, keepsake of Mis. Tiwn
send, two pocket books containing $5oD
worth of notes, (TOO of stoek In the
Oregon Hedge Feuce Company and
other vuluablc papers.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Fov der
World's Fair Highest Award!.
tolii iv hidi: - iii:ai.
Looalello BeciUUoBS.-The editor
of thl pajier had the pleasure of visit
ing Prof. U-ollu L, Hwanii' depart
ment of the Moumouili public chool
last Friday afternoon. The jeclal
feature of the t-xerclse wa selection
from Longfellow' poem. The ong,
a well a the recitations, were from
Longfellow. Only the fifth grade por
tlclpatetl in the exercise. Prof. Swann
ba charge of the fifth and alxtb
grade, and he hit rhetorical regularly
twice month, the grades alternating.
The exercise !ut Friday afternoon
were quite well rendered. All the
pupil did well and they show evi
dence of careful training Borne, pcr
haiM. snoke with less embarrasmeut
than other, but thl Is a peculiarity of
tempcrmctit rather thau a nicntai at
tribute. Application and practice will
overcome thl defect. The professor
ha some M pupil lu hi department
and a brighter or more Intelligent look
(ng lot of children and youth I hard
to find anywhere. Tbo good, order
and decorum which pervades the
room I very creditable to the moral
lone and discipline ol the school.
Prof. Swann 1 a young man but lie
evidently bo tho happy faculty of
gaining the esteem of hi pupil, and
the d sclpllno which be exact show
(bat be Is not wanting in executive
ability. There were several visitor
present, mostly of the fair sex, and all
expressed themselves o pleased with
the exercises.
Insane Aiylcm Eeport. The fialem
Statemnu says that "the report of Supt.
L. L. Rowland of the state Insane
asylum for the month of February has
Is-en filed In the governor' office. It
shows the highest overage number of
patients of uuy month iu tho history
of the institution and its lust duy found
the highest number remaitiiug at the
close of any month In its existence.
Death was also unusually busy among
the patients during the month, eight
unfortunate having lieeii called away.
Five of these died of la grippe, the
younger one having complications of
pneumonia, but the older one going
with the simple la g rippe. The sixth,
J. O, West of Coo county, died from
the effect of the explosion of giant
powder which wa the cause of bis de
mentia and from which bis life was
considered in danger at the time. He
wa at the asylum only a few weeks.
The other two death were from
ordinary raise", Following are the
statistical figure of the report:
Male. Female Ttl.
Number of patient at
bcgluuing of Feb
ruary 6S1 314 095
N u m beer rtcei ved d u r-
In; month 17 11 28
Total C98 325 1,023
"Bea Eur" Entertainment. The cele
brated religio-bistorlcal romance "Ben
Hur" as delinialed by stereopticon
views at the Congregational church ou
Tuesday evening last was quite inter
esting aud Instructive. A deep relig
ious purpose runs through the entire
work and ninny of thesceuesdillneated
events In the earthly pilgrimage of
"i'he Man of Nazareth." Thecauvas
pictured many of the customs of Rome
and Judca in the time of Jesus that
were real und life-like. The audience
gave close attention during the entire
entertainment aud all felt that they
bad enjoyed a rare treat. Many who
have never read the book will now
want to know somethiug more about
the soul stiriug events which were
secu ou the cauvos lust Tuesday
eveuiug, aud there will probably be
a new demand iu this vicinity for Gen.
Lew .Wallace's wondeiful romance.
The receipts of the evening amounted
to f 25.
rrrotuia. The types made 28 tardies
lu l fit t'a',; f'hool report last week,
when the correct "iluX.V ' was 14.
Don't Put It Off.
The necessity of a spring niedicirio Is
universally admitted. This fs the best
time of the year in which to purify the
blood, to restore the lost appetite, and
to build up the entire system, ns the
body is now peculiarly susceptible to
benefit from uicdit inc. The great pop
ularity attained by Hoods Samiprilia,
owing to its real merit and its remark
able success, has established it as the
very best medicine to take in tho spring
It cures acofula. Rait rheum, and all
huuiorc, biliousncfs, dyspepsia, head
ache, kidney and liver complaints, ca
tarrh, and all affections caused or
promoted by low state of the system
or impure blood. Don't put It off, but
take HikkI's Sarsaprilla now. It will
do good.
KRAMER. Iu Independence. Or.,
March 13, 1895, to the wife or O. A.
Kramer, an 8 pound girl.
BOH ANNON. In Independence, Or.,
March 12, 1895, at the residence oHls
parents, Hermann P., the infant
sou of J. S. and Netta Buluuinon,
aged 11 months and 4 days.
The little sufferer wa suddenly
taken off by a severe attack of conges
tion of the lungs. The funeral services
were held at the family residence at
2 o'clock in the afternoon of today
(Thursday) aud the remains were laid
to rest in the Odd Fellow cemetery.
Rev. D. V. Poling officiating. The
bereaved parents have the sympathy ot
the community in their sad affliction.
Following ar- tlir appointments nf M. K
clMirrhaonin oflnUeiH-ndpiuv ririnl.; U.ulH
vllle. Ut Sunday at li a. m- lnd-r iidenoa
JdSunilav, morntnr at 11 a. m.. evcniiis at 7
p. m.: IVrslw, 1 Simkay at II a. m.. 1-onla
vllle at 7 p. m.: th Sunday, Independent
marnlns andevealui T,.,vri
& Locke's.
Joo Turk, of Hulom, visiting
Menus in this city.
IlnU, caps, hair ornaments and
novelties at Mrs. Hurley's.
A new arc light Is to be put In
at tho Intersection of Third and E
Sco the display of chronogrnpa
in Clorifi-Her Hros. windows to-!
T. C. Cilmore Is having tlio
frame work of the city water tower
W. II. CatnpUU has auMed a
naat paling front to his resident
L. D. .Mulkey and wife, of Amity,
were visitiug Dr. and Mrs. Mulkey
last Sunday.
Walter Cattron is dang-rous!-ill
at his mother's. Mrs. A, A. Cat
tron,. in Monmouth.
Mrs. S. A. Rigg. of Salem, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs, 8. A.
Mulkc, ol this city.
Salem is having a religious re
vival. Several noted evangelists
from the Eat are holding forth.
fr O. It. Whitmore. of this
city, attended a W. C. T. U. social
at Itickreall Wednesday evening.
Tnsnect the chronocrarh at Clod-
felter IkjB. It is a good thing.
Your money back if not satisfac
tory. left for Winlock.
Wash., Wednesday afternoon to
look after business interests over
Mrs. Armstrong returned to
Corvallis Wednesday forenoon, ac
companied by her sister, Miss
Hattie Dockstcadcr, ol mis cny.
E. N. Ford, vice president of the
McMinnviile bank, who had been
viBitintr in this citv with his old
time friend Dr. Mulkey, returned
to McMinnviile Monaay.
Sperling Bro.. have purchased
a nart of the F. A. Doutv lot ad
joining the Davidson brick on the
east side of Mam street, ana are
arraneins to immediately nut up a
one story brick building.
Next Sunday at the Congrega
tional church preaching by the
pastor at 11 a.m. Subject: "Prayer:
Hovr and What May we Pray for."
At 7:30 p. ni., subject: "The Best
Method. Uospei, Jaw or juetu
cine," which is a temperance dis
course. Regular services at the M. E.
church next Sunday morning and
evening. The morning sermon
will be upon an unpopular subj'Kit.
The evening subject will be "Traps
for Men and Boys." Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Epworth League
at 6-45. All are cordially invited.
The Salem Statesman's reporter
has been interviewing the local
ministers on the subject of Sunday
saloon closing and the suppression
of gambling. Of course it goes
without saying that they all
strongly favor theclosingof saloons
and the suppression of gambling.
The W. R. C. and G. A. R. are
arranging for a grand concert to be
given at their hall on Saturday
evening, March 23. Tho program
will be fine and the price of ad
mission only 10 cents. Let every
body bear this in mind and make
their plans for an evening of pleas
John D. Denman, of Corvallis,
was committed to the ineane asy
lum Tuesday. This is his secoud
commitment and his insanity is
supposed to be the result of brain
fever with which he was afflicted
several years ago. Mr. De man
used to be a resident of this city
and is well known here.
Oar-Geld Sutton, Arthur Robison
and William ilimtley escaped
from the reform school fit Salem
last Saturday. They ,then stole a
team from tho 6table of J. E.
Roberts and started in the direc
tion of Jefferson. An officer im
mediately followed on their trail
and succeeded in arresting them at
Lydell Baker, clerk of the railroad
commission, received a telegram
yesterday evening from his brother,
E. Yv. Baker of Barry, Illinois to
the effect that his father was very
low. As Mr. Baker's father is near
ly eighty-two years old, the chances
are against his recovery. He is
tbn Inst surviving member of the
family of Col. E. 1). Baker, at one
time United states senator irom
Oregon. Mr. Baker starts tonight
for his old home in Illinois in order
to see his father once more ere he
dies. Statesman.
The Athletic Club is getting its
rooms, back of Clodfelter Bros,
store, in fairly good shape, A
reading room and also a bath room
have been partitioned off and the
papering is about finished. There
is some talk that the club will re
duce the initiation fee, but nothing
tlefinite has been done in that
direction as yet. Besides athle
tics, the club will have tho daily
newspapers and reading periodicals
on their reading table. Curds,
chess and checkers witt add to the
social interest of tlie meeting. The
members will be assessed a small
monthly tax to defray the current
expenses of the club
Spring Opening.
Mra Ilnrlev will have her dis
play of spring and summer hats
March 22 and 23. Ladies please
call and inspect.
J. M. Sloncr, of McCoy, I vlit
friends in this city,
Gustave Bperlintr. is happy hit
ha gold his bucking bicycle.
Ladies waists from 60 cents to
1.25 in the latent stylos at Mrs.
Jas. Floyd, of Monmouth, has
the contract of nutting up th
Sperling Bros' brick. ,
Homer lodge, No. 45, K of P.,
will work in tho rank of Tags
next Wed life-day evening
A calendar for 09 years and In
terest ot a glance, for any amount
at any rate, any time, at Clodfelter
M. 0. Welch gave tho Emtkb
prise a pleasant call one day this
week, lie is a recent arrival front
The local W. C. T. U., will meet
nt the Christian church Friday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.. A cordial
invitation is extended to visitors..
H. J. Goetzman inform us that
unmpfif thf machinery of th BOT
factory has arrived and that h
will have the plant ready lor oper
ation ' in about ten days. Mr.
fnfzmAn ia wiilo-awake-and lie is
sure to make a success of the busi
Rev. Iledgepeth preached her
last Sunday evening.
Our Sunday school meets at IT
o'clock every Sunday with Henry
Berry as superintendent.
Guy Deming left here last week
with Tarter Bros., horse, Paddy
Ryan, bound for Eugene.
Miss Mary Berry is the owner of
a bran splinter new buggy. Twas
presented to her by her father last
week. He also made his youngest
son a present of a nice watch.
Jim Sebring, Marion Waters,
Dorscy Turner L. Grant and Wilt
Clark will be the experts cm
ployed in 1. M. Simpson's hop yard
this spring. Mac Turner has just
finished setting the poles in bin
10 acre yard.
J. M. Flynn, the jolly peddler
from Monmouth, made his first,
trip through here last week. His
bmtber iust from Ireland, accom
panied him, and is well pleased
with this country.
Great excitement prevailed in
our quiet little burg for a short
time last Sunday when it was lound
that two of -our . leading citizens
were engaged in, nearly a mortal
combat. One is now carrying his
eye in a sling,( while the other is
wearing about three yards of bacon
rind around hu neck to draw out
the tooth marks.
Deafuess Cannot be Cured
by local application, as tbey cannot
reach the diseased portion ot tbe ear.
There is only one way. to cure Deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deaf lies is caused by au inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the
Kustachian Tube. When tbi tube get
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
impeifect hearing, and when it i en
tirely closed Deafness is the result, and
unless the lnrlamation can be Uken oat
and this tube restored to its normal con
dition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever ; nine cases out of ten are caused
I bv catarrh, which is notlung but an m
i flamed condition ot the mucous surface.
We will give One Hundred Uollar
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY i CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 6
A Bright Eye
is the sign of good health and an
alert mind. Strange that it should
almost always depend on tbe staift
of digestion, but it does. A Ripan
Tabulo taken after meals gives the
little artificial help most grown
people need.
VThm Bxhy ns sick, w raro bcr Caatorta.
When he was a Child, sua cried f or Caatorbv
When she became Mhs, she clung to Cfcatcrkw
Whea ahe haul Children, abe gareUaaia (
Highest Honors Worii Fil.
A pure Crarc Cream w i " ."T:J"r