Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, March 14, 1895, Image 1

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    In Hid lnnttrrirf -
l.OUAL ni:wh
dm S i h.UI'tilxi;
I ways omli kvuk In l
fROttlT 4 ACJVBiTl.
but itrcrcra xiiirary iif
UilniKMil to t.luml. ring
A4rl'liy Medium
Isseeond t i li !l
r-ltiUI S.M0XTS
- follow eerend art r
At lu SUI'll Htr,
Eternal Vigilance it the rrloe of Liberty. -Jefferson,. '
$1.50 1KK YKAIt.
,0L. 2 NO. 15
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
Chi!-' J
r. f .
nt i
fc ti Hi
:rct National Bank
i ! of Iitdejiondence, Oregon,
atal tHock,
,AursB. t.. w. niiitKU'ntoM,
1 j ptWi4.nt. vi... rt.ia.w
I . V. ltnlr!itoii. l-nwhi
I. u.L.i.ii i: W. WliUtuilter.
. i. W. VVhi
V. V. Collins,
A firl fetAli bualiivM IrtiiiMfinl.
i ..u .11,l lisililtsV
tie (.iriuMil, l'olln'11'M'I
VMM ttaum . in. In 1'- '"
j- Rational Bankl
Capital Stock, IW.OOD.U).
'SI'abbamnkidn, -
Vice President
. . ' Cashier
le A ventral Unkliw and exehunce bind-
fness transacted; loans iumh bill
(counted, oommerelal credit Kninted ;
jdepositi twclved on eurrent neeminl
P!ibject toehafk, Interact paid on time
F. Smith, A, Nelson, I. A. Allen,
Mil. If. Jasper-on, A. J
MtMTI, H. HirwI'l'Cftf.
(iou.lumn, I). .
r -aaarzar.rcscBg,---J'
'Eirble Granito
lridIKnil'nc-, On; :
JfonuHU''is, " -Jleailxtoncs,
j Curbing
CorrffiKiii'loiict! pulicitnl.
.mSpetlirpg Bros.,
It " v I
i ' ; Meat Market
- " ' t.K- t I 1.-11 I"
Choice Meats.
OPEN SUNDAYS FKOM 8 to 0 a. m.
Free Dolivcry to all parts
of tlio city.
Muln Street, Inaoitndi'iH'i.
P, H. Murphy, Prop.
Re'ilrlnK of
It IlixU will
pror t
t .ention
Tlio Im'hI of
turned out 01;
nhoit notice.
A tin of your patronage
is solicited. I
ili'i Btrwt,
W. t. BDRRtJS 00., roriiT0M.
M of nnt-rlHM til" from 8 Inclio. to
inclH'N, iiiHiiufiu'turuu.
-.10 T " i
.'.".'.'.".'....?. u " 2?
I iict
" . wi Jo " 1,1,1
t In
M for laying Tile promptly ftirnlslicd
v ni KntnoU kcn. All work
gtiHnintred mitlHrHctory.
-SA' :m a independence
; x STAGE :-:
Iearcs Independence every morn
ing (except Sunday) at 8:30 a. m.
, Leaves Salem at 2 p. m.
Lrx't or.ler t Little Plce Hotl or
tic ilofllce.
Fre' t and pawnjera carried on realtor-
' term.
0 'slilfell!
Our Spring Stock
Of llrmiwan4 HliliTy (IimmIh, WIiIi,
uto., In now riwly fur tliu Ini'li'.
Don't Buy u Harness
Or anything t"Ne In our lino, In-fore you
Imve mvu w Tittt wt uflV-r nuJ Kt our i Iwn.
We ro mnu our lock eumiot be exwlleil
Our Trict-H aro b Ijow that ybu must bo MiUHfled.
t v
Don't bo Sick!
When You are Well
I I I I I I h LIJ U J ! UJ
TheTravelerlo Independence
H,,.hM ii'.l rtll l' m.llii)
til. Iivml itiurlciiiul
Ili-nii'mhor, wobI v (t FlrHl--Iiih.h
.Meals I't-r 1.
We clehlre yixir imtrniino. mul If enn
MliS. I.
CAMIT.K1.L. I'm;).; C W. HAVES, Mun'gr.
Main t., Independeneo, Or.
I now rendy to supply tbo tc o Independence with nil
kind of Fnvh and Cured MciHn, IIuiiif, Hacon, bausages,
Lurd, etc., at lowent pnsi-ililo rates.
A A A A A .M;
. .v j! A
A Fine Line
of Glasses.
Latest Styles
and Shapes.
f V f V t t t
Legal Blanks
kinds of
ConnoclInK with Steamer nOMKR" b
Yaqalna and San KrnneKco.
HU.ner leave. Ba. fh 4iittAih. leave! Yaqulna:
March 9, 1, ZiHh.
Itlnhla rcaerved to elianje
rttltout nolle.
salllnf datea
Forfrelirhl or ponnenger ratea apply to any
CHAS CLARK. neccler.
Caa Hendry, Bon Co.,
No.1 u Market BV.
Ilaa rraaetaco, Callt
Durlnu at leant Weven Htotet pcrlodn In
I Uoumm ittnltut mrtri(lM In
Life ii reconl Hiioulil be pnwrviMi or a
htiou'i likciiM, follow:
Iiif.intliiMKl, HiibylKMxl, Chliaiimul, Iloy-
IhhmI, ManlitMiil, MltMlo bk, Old titfe,
mill I. II. CHAVKN the ilioloKroilier,
will aupply you vltl1 ,1,t'" ' -- nt
the very lowint mtce. (live lilm ncull.
KNOW how it iiiuktu one fee! to
... ui..b tint, if von wl'.l iret ni. k
...........I..., ,l,i ii la uiir IiUhIih h to M-ll
.U(li ine. We've had wnKiderablo ex-iTiiMii-..
in prepurintf intHliciiuji and
know tlio advnntaim of unlnjl Ire"!! end
pure llnign. We keep no other kind.
KMKMBKIl that wo han-
iii any articles you
mav tU'siro, hucii as ji-wojij,
Silverware, Watches, Clocks,
Main St.
Independence. O.-efon
The City Restaurant
Tii romforl oriineU i
ur oi.iilnut iiliu.'
,rrinn'il f-Hiit nnd courteous trenl-
woK-illflla trial.
v A
V tv A
Jeweler & Optician.
-Sf f f V 'V'" V
For Bale
at this Office.
City : Feed : Stable.
Eli Johnson, rrop.
Horses fed by the day,
week or month. Tran
sient stork left in our
care will bo well at
tended to. Clmrjfes
Main St. - Iiulepernlonee.
The Weekly Oregonian 50 eta a Tear.
whoentMrriiw r..r thr Eni. ndee and Py .me
Thereculormihiioripllou price or the Ks-
T' f "?T,7.Z;.'.ZJ.ri.Vk !
rnrn vMrin AdTiDM will b en titled to
the mine offer.
f MUST . '
I'rolmblo TYriim of Peace Ile
tween Clilnn tinI Japan.
ATSew Illuminant DUoorered-Coal
Minni Strlk-Weily Ti
saDolal Statement
(Krom ttie Oregontan, Him and Ktateimon.)
YamgnU Appoirteil MlaitUn of War.
Yokohama, March 7. Field
Marshal Count Yatnagata, who
was coinniamier oi vno nrri,
eno army, bat who was invalided
homo from Manchuria, has Been
appointed minister of war
Zi-Ccn(rreman Sibley's Opinion.
Dknvkh, March 7. A letter
written by Ex-CongrcsHinan Sib
ley, proponed as the candidate for
president by tho silver party men,
to J. W. Pcim of this city, has;
b'V !? v..e j , , ' '
been made jiublic. He says, "If,if he would accept the nomination
hv lrLiiks loose in
country, Hie money powers, sub
sidized press and servile politicians
' will bo responsible. America needs
V V UWI vf .---Q - . j
Chat A. Dana Indicted far Libel.
Washington, March 7. The
grand jury of the supreme court
diBtrict has returned an indict
ment for criminal libel agains
Chas. A. Dana, editor, and William
Lailin, publisher, of the N. Y. Sun.
This is tho result of the paper's
attack on Editor Xoycs, of the
Washington Star, who is an ofli
cial of a rival news association.
PeJi of Hr.yproitcu of Tho DiUet-
The, Or., March 7.
Hon. G. V. Uolton, mayor of this
city, and for several years cashier
of French & Co's bank, died at an
early hour this morning, aged 32.
He nad been ill with consumption
for several months, and nil hope
of his recovery had long figo been
given up. Mr. Bolton was uni
versally ree peeled by the citizens
of The Dalits, and there is no one
whoso dttilh could call forth greater
expressions of regret. He left a
widow and two children.
Eenatcr I oup IU-E!coted.
Roise, Idaho, March 7. George
L. Soup has been re-elected United
States enator. The vote today
was: Soup 27; Sweet 12; Crook 14;
absent 1; necessary to choico 27.
The finish was closo and exciting.
When the pint assembly met a
populist member who had been for
Sweet, moved a call of tho house.
The speaker refused to order a call,
announcing that they were pro
ceeding under a federal statute
which contemplated nothing but
balloting. An appeal 'was taken;
tho ppeakc-r refused to entertain it
and tho ballot began. This play
arose from the absence of a popu
list member, which made an elec
tion possible.
England and American Moats.
London, March 7. The presi
dent of the board of agriculture, in
the house of commons today, was
asked by Mr. Jeffreys, member for
North Bampshire, whether his at
tention had been called to an
article in the Times concerning
the nrenarinsr and packing of meat
at Chicago, said to be diseased, and
ntended for exportation to ling-
land, and whether he had reason
to believe that, though a bullock at
Chicaeo might be condemned as
diseased and unfit for food, yet the
ported, while its fat was made 5",!
oleomargarine; and wheth
tier it was I
a fact that in many instances
meat which had been condemned
had nevertheless been taken out of
had nevertheless been taken ou oi
the packer's tank,, and then pre-
serv ed and exported to England
Mr. Jeffreys asked whether the
....nruivnrt wnnlil endeavor to
gVflllUUlu. :
prevent such meat being used as
food in England.
Unite States Treasury Statement
Washington, March 8. The
. . , ,vanaijle cash in the treasury
, .mounts to $83,371,495 over
and above 1110 iw.iaw,wu ju -
i i . AAit ah t oYtl.l rMprrfl
" i
whicli U 80.745,591. The trea
sury officials have no anxiety as to
their ability to meet all obligations
in the immediate future with face.
and arc confident that the expected
revival of business will assure the
Comparison ofCong-rtMioul Appropriatfoni.
Wabiu.voton, March 8. Repre
sentative I). R. Henderson of Iowa,
lh rankinir remiblican member of
- -" - o -
the house committee on approp
riations committees, has prepared
an elaborate review of the approp
riations for the pist five yeurs
Ho summarizes the appropriation
. mauc ua ioi.ow
Forty-ninth Congress..
1 71,312,40
Fiftieth "
lifty-fir-t "
Fifty-scrond "
Hot t Wi4 Thing to Da.
PiTTsnuKci, Pa., March 8. Hon.
Joseph C. Sibley was asked today
this'of the silverites for president, he
"It would not le a wise thing
to refuse a thing that has not been
offered. I cannot tell what I will
do until 1 see what is expected oi
The President Goes Qvaauxg
Cape Hatteras, X. C, March 8
The lighthouse steamer Violet, with
it President Cleyeland, Dr. O'Reily
and party aboard, anchored in
Pamlico sound, off Cape Hatteras
lighthouse, this morning. Cleve
land is in excellent health and
spirits. An early start will be
made for the blinds tomorrow, and
a big days shooting is expected.
The JapaiiCM) I'unhlur Ahead.
London, March 8. The Chen
Yuen, one of the Chinese vessels
surrendered to the Japanese, at
Wei-IIai-Wei, is being repaired at
Port Arthur by Chinese workmen.
Japanese troops are reported to
haye reached a point west of the
Liao riverv
Wul Hold a Tea Days Bute Fair.
Salem, Or., March 0. The state
board of agriculture met at 2:30 p.
m. today, and again at 7:39 this
evening. It has been decided to hold
a 10 day state fair, opening Wed
nesday, September 2a, at b a. in.,
and closing Friday, October 4. The
board will be in session again to
morrow, revising premium lists.
Eleven out of the twelve members
were present.
Wi ll-known In Oregon.
La Grand, Or., March 9. Dr.
John J. McDonald died today at
4:15 j). in., of a complication of
es, the immediate cause of
death being pneumonia. Ho left a
widow and one child.
An Opium Cuclie.
Seattle. Wash., March 9. A
cache of 80 pounds of opium was
discovered hy J. C. Mace, of Vashon
island, this morning near his
home,. He at once came to Seattle
and informed the custom authori
ties. Mr. Mace stated that for
several days past a sloop had been
cruising up and down the coast
opposite his place whero the opium
was found. The owner of the
sloop, Geo. Ginerier, has been ar
rested on suspicion that he cachet!
the opium.
Showing or the Bauks.
New York, March 9. The
weekly statement of tho associated
banks make the following showing:
Reserve, decrease I o,2to,h.'
Loans, increase . 5,125,000
Siieeie, decrease ... 2,868,500
lA'ual tender, decrease 3,013.000
Deposits, decrease 470,!XK)
in ex
cess of requirements
New York"a Imports and Export.,
New York, March 9. The ex-
of ffom of
New York for the week were
Exports Imports
Gold il,714,400 $1,700,352
I'll n . ..... i
The imports of dry goods amounted
Silver o,300 oa,.-uo
to $3,143,480 and of general mer-
handise, fG,ioO,0,0.
The Striking Miners Gaining the Day,
rrrrsBiRO, March 9. Miners
predict a victory in their stnfce lor
Jirhpr wares. This morning .
o o
Rend, a Chicago operator, at
11 C 3a a
whose mines over 700 men are em
ployed, granted the demands for
G9 cents a ton, and the miners re
turned to work. J. M. Rischer,
who employs 200 men on the
Monongahela river, also granted
the Increase. The scale committee
of the Operators' Association today
decided to call a general meeting
A New Illuminant.
New Yohk, March 9. The an
nouncement is made of a remark
able discovery of a means producing
illuminating gas at a cost of about
7 cents for the same amount of
light as is now furnished by ordi
nary gas at $1.25. Factories are
already completed and the gas will
be offered for general use within a
short time.
Killed by Live Wire.
Portland, Or., March 9. Edgar
Mayer, 16-year-old son of S. J.
Mayer, a leading wholesale liquor
dealer, was instantly killed this
afternoon by contact with live
electric wires. The boy had been
cmpioypd about four months by
the Portland General Electric Co.
While dismantling an old switch
board in the station of the com
pany at the foot of Montgomery
street, he took in both hands the
only two live wires connecting
with the board. The men work
ing about 20 feet from him heard
a gurgle but before they could
reach him, he was dead.
Accused or Forgery.
Ecgene, Or., March 9. R. M.
Hewitt, a well-to-do farmer, living
about four miles from, .Juaction
City, was arrested last evening and
today was indicted for raising a
check on the Merchants' bank of
Junction City. The check was
drawn by J. C. Sabin, last Janu
rary for $78 and was raised to $93.
Rev. Do Witt Is Thankful.
New YonK, March 10. The Rev.
Dr. Talmage preached in the Acad
emy ot Music touay; in nis prayer
said: "We thank thee that the
Congress of this nation has depart
ed, that many of those who repre
sented the people in public offices
will no more represent them. We
pray that you will forgive them for
the damage they have done this
Eofluenxa Uagcs In Germany-
Berlin, March 10. The death
rate has been raised rapidly in the
last week by the epidemic of cn-
fluenza throughout the empire.
Hamburg has suffered most
severely. The Princess of Saxe
Meiningen is just recovering from
a severe attack.
ronee Possibly in Sight.
New York, March 10. A cable
gram to the World, dated Tokio,
today, says: "China has been in
formed in general terms of the
conditions upon which Japan will
consent to peace. Japan- has been
notified that China is ready to ac
cept these conditions and sign a
ti-eatv. Tho correspondence by
means of whicli this agreement
was arrived at was carried on
through the United States minis
ters to the two countries, Dun at
lokio, and Denby at Pekin.
Arms and Ammunition for China.
New Haven, March 10. Tho
Winchester Repeating Arms Co.,
shipped 2,000,000 cartridges to the
Chinese government Since the
beginning of the hostilities, the
com nan v has shipped 20.000 stand
of arms to China and is now work
ing on an additional cartridge or
der for that government.
The Effect of Fee's Decision.
Pexdlkton, Or, March 10
Umatilla county had an addition
to its citizenship of 1,000 Indians
yesterday, when Judge Fee rendei
ml bis decision. The effect, no
doubt, if sustained by the higher
court, is to remove all restrictions
from them, excepting in handling
their lands, which were allotted
under conditions. Agent Harper
say?: "I called the troops because
Judge Fee's decision removes all
my authority ovtr thelndisn.. No
power now exists to prevent the
Indians becoming intoxicated and
endangering the lives of all on the
reservation, They are now free to
follow their natural Inclinations
and drift back to savagery."
The Gold Itencrre.
Washington, March 11. The
treasury gold reserve at the close
of business toJay stood at $90,003,
COS. a gain since yesterday of $280,
luue of Bl.'vcr Duilam.
Washington, March 11. The
issue of standard silver dollars for
last week was $319,314.
An Income-Tax Killing.
Washington. March 11. Treas
ury officials have made an impor
tant ruling to the effect dividends
received by a resident of the United
States from corporations, foreign or
otherwise, doing business wholly
without the United States and hav
ing principal officers and property
out.-ide the United States, such
corporations not being liable on
net profits, must be returned as in
come by persons recovering the
same. .
Treasury Statement.
Washington, March .. 11. Tho
treasury condition for the first
third of March ehdws the receipts
to have aggregated $9,325,000, and
the expenses $11,354,000, or an ex
cess of $2,090,000. An element of
uncertainty not heretofore entering
into the treasury calculations has
now to be considered. It is the
large sums of money appropriated
by congress in the deficiency ap
propriation and sundry civil ser-.
vice appropriation bills. Many 9f
thete items are made .immediately
available, and the payment today
of 015,000 on the civil and miscel
laneous account shows that eome
of them have begun to reach the--cashier's
desk. The easterns re-:
ceipt3 show a continued and sus
tained improvement, being for the
fiscal year up to date $105,877,000,
or nearly a million more than for
the same time last year. Internal
revenue receipts are $5,000,000 ia
excese of this time last year.
Impudence o(a Spanish Nural Officer.
New York, March 12. The
American mail steamship Alliance,
while proceeding from Colon to
New York on the 8th inst., waa
fired upon by a Spanish man-of-war.
Tae Ameaican vessel was at
least two leagues from shore when
it was fired upon. Captain Cross
man, of the Alliance, has sub
mitted a full report of the outrago
to Secretary Gresham.
White Laborers Fire upon Negroes.
New Orleans, March 12. A
mob of about 200 white laborers
this morning fired upon the
colored non union workmen on the
ships loading at the docks. There
were three negroes killed out
right, while a number were wound
ed. ' The attack was uncalled for,
cowardly and bruti.l.
Capital City Notes.
Salem, Or., March 12. Gover
nor Lord today issued a requisition
on Governor Budd, of California,
for R. A. Wilson, alias Henderson,
who is charged with larceny from
the person in Multnomah county.
Goyernor Lord yesterday re
ceived a check from the treasurer
of the National Home for disabled
Volunteers of Conneticutt, for
$337.53, to be applied to mainten
ance of old soldiers in Oregon's
Soldier's Home. This is the
amount due from the national
government, according to the
number represented as inmates of
the home from the opening. De
cember 4, 1S93, to December 31,
Dr. price's Cream Baking Powd
Anrfee Go '