Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, March 07, 1895, Image 1

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    I the imit'.irof
v Hi. tNTMU'lllrfK
I ways imhIi uvorn l
but prtters mriiryiy ef
MiuttMiiHiii lo bltiiiarriuf
Aameamet null,
Ae u
AUvarllal.iU Ma.llum
--li fcN iKUHU"K
1 tun II I fl
utwuyi nillnw careful ! vr
lifting III such H"'r. i
Eternal Vigilance 1$ the J'rlce of Liberty, Jefferson,
1 N I ) H l'KN I ) ION C K, l'O I M CO U NT Y, 0 1 1 KG ON. THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1805.
$1.50 I'KIl YEAR.
month 9M.
1 fuontbR IMS
VOL. 2 NO. 11
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Sells Everything at - -
Cash Prices.
Ccur and Feed, Wood. Tf? p
. Wooden ware. . . I rvlw
1 "Vv
Coinnmmr.l iIiisiiiw. March 4, 1KW.
pirst National Bonk
0( IliilH'IMloiiru, Orrgoll,
Capital Itook,
I WKJI'kR. I- HonKlttHt.N.
PtMllll, VIM PrMllttHl.
w. M . iii.V, ChhIiIoi'.
I S. ( 4KIIXT, I.. W. JtoWt.MI, lWll
lielml. il,!. W. WhlUMktin
W. W. Cllln.
a .mitral laMli,
na wiiaaachana iiinni,i.riiii imhiiwi
,.lta rrr.tVOil ,'i !'
Mturllll. Cullwilmia nuul.
llltKni Ilimrs: a. III. I 4 a. .
. k ur un twrtlll.
Rational Bank!
Capital .Stock, 150,000.00.
Vin I'rpnltlt'lit.
A gunsrul banking uml ejoliniiire Imsi
Im transact!. I ; loiina iimlr, lill
wunWst, fimiiiHTriiil eriilit Kr'"ll,M'!
leuoaita rcc-hcl current timmiit
mlijiMH to chock, llltT!l 1'iiiJ outline
B. F. Sin I tit. A. N.-I..HI, I. A. Allen.
I, II. Jaaperson, A. J. tioiMimiii, I'. W.
ilium, li, lliraelitwrir.
Uarblo Granite
" (i.L. JJll'h'lXS.
IntU'lM'lllU'lHM', Ot'O
; J I rail 'stones,
. Curbing
Corrt'HjKiiulcnro gnlicilH.
Sperling Bros.,
Meat Market
hoice Meats.
)VtS .'BtSDAYS FUOM 8 toO . m.
Froe Delivery to all parts
' of tho city,
lain Street. - InilciMMxlonce.
P. H. Murphy, Prop.
tepalrlng of
II kind will
Tho li.'Mt of
til rued out on
uliort notice,
A share of your patronage
"JL. U Bolicitod.
fain Btrwt, - Indepcnilcncp
W. I. BDRRU8 CO., TioFmirtKM.
.11 (feel of nmU!l til ft-om S tiichci. lo
24 Inulito, mmiuraciuruil.
. 7 -
; .. i a ,
' ! Inch W
....... sm JO
llmaUM for lnylnii Tile promptly fiirnUlicd
nd wintrncU tkrn. All work
' mmrniiUwd iwtlftiPUry.
aves Independence every morn
ng (except Sunday) at 8:30 a. m.
Iyeaves Salem at 2 p. m.
,cftve orders at Wttle Pnlaoe Hotnl or
t r.wtoffloe.
'rel-ht and psngen carried on rea-B-mola
term. .
Our Spring Stock
Of llnniciw mi J Mu.l.llcry Uoo.1, Whip,
itto., In now ready for thu trail.
Don't Duy u Harness
Or anytliliiK else In our lino, before .vu
1ihvwmi whtweiMVraiidKotourrl.
Wo are uro our stock cannot bo uxcvlll
Our Tricon tiro ho Low that you must bo Batjufiwl.
y,l..h Diirlnn nt louHt Hcvt'ii Htiitnl mtI.I In
tfX'it' I,lf0 r,",l Hl""'1'1 1 i,rt,wrvwl "f s
-Wfift ,., I,k.,., w. follow.:
W.KUWX h.V tP'zJWJ lnf.uitlio.vl, Unl.yli.Hl, ChlMhoo,, H.y-
hWfVjV ''tMffiY$H o.l, Munh.Mul, .Ml.hlle io, Ol.l age,
Ji?n;vri ''H Zfctf'fyli ami IMI.CKAVKN thej. oKri)hcr,
frtt lftiSB'M will you wlih the Mem at
.W. yirs. ,, v.-o lowint rutin, w .. m a cull.
Don't be Sick!
When You ore Well
.'lL.M-J-l-i-i-LJ 1 1 1 J -1 1 j
! The Traveler to Independence
MIhxiIiI not f ill to iimUo
ll ll-lll'Hlll luint
IfCIII.MIltl.T, wetflvo l I'lrMt
!. MciiU lor t.
. . . ,. ,.. .,.1,1 ir.-ur.
Ill, 'VI M III m-VMI ... "w
MP.S. h. CAMI'IiKM.. l'ro;),; 0. W. 1IAYKS, Mun'gr.
Main St., Imloi'i'iiiloiu'c, Or.
The Independence
In now ready to Biipi'lv tho iople of Independence with all
kind of Freeh mid Cured Meat, llama, Bacon, Sausages,
Lard, etc., at lowest )o8iblo rates.
l.N'nBl'KNDKXOK, ()H1S(H)..
tl rnTT"PT?.Ti! riT.nrjTrs
I liave throo high jiviml Seth
Thomas Clocks that 1 will Fell
at just what thoy cost mo. For
particulars soo
KRAMER, the Jeweler-
kinds of
LegaL Blanks Jw.
ClIAS. CLARK, Receiver
Connwlln( with Htemer "HOMER" bo
Yaquln nd Bn Frncloo,
Htmlrvi Ban rranciivo:
Mitr'h ,14,2Un.
r:tmrtve Taqulna:
March . 19, tb.
RlghU rrwrred to rhnr Hilllnc date
without nolle.
For freight or pMarn(r ratot apply Uny
ClIAS CI.AHK. Rwlvrt,
Ch Hndry, ton a CVi
1 Ui Marltft Hf.
Jaa Kranolco. Calif.
KNOW how it miikfa on.! fed lo
k- Hut If you wl'.l k'ti a
Ut (Imt il in our" huflui'M to wl
MiHliciticc H'ts'vo Iiii.I coimliliTiible cx
ix rlfiicu in jiri'iiiiiiK hiv.,!.... -know
tho BitVMiiluiW o( iihIhk Irfch iimj
jmre UriiKi. We kwp no other kind.
liiviliriui'M ami
O KMKMUKR that wo han- in any artu-los
may k'sm huch
iSilvenvaro, Watc
as .hwi'lry,
u's, Clocks,
Main St.
lllll.'Pl'IMi.'lll-l', IIWN.
The City Restaurant
I'lieromrorl of kuckU i
niHv iiri imri'cl
foo.l and courtcou twit-
TT I Mil!
City : Feed ': Stable. Joiinkos, Prop.
llorsea fed by the day,
week or month. Tran
sient stock left in otir
care will lie well nt
tende.1 to. Charges
Main St.
The Weekly Ottejonlaa SO eta a Tear.
Tin rMrolar nmrripllon pri. of ihf K
tkhi'HIhk il.ftiind IIm rtv'UrolwTltUii
prloeof Th Wwilv omninlmi la J All
wlioautiaortlir H-Hn- Knli-rprlw and py one
yrr In ean grt Im.IIi Ihe KntflVtVM;
and Ihe Ve.'klv nrrolali one yrarfur i2.lll.
Aillllil .nw.iurnt, mi Mir.i.u.,,r,.
f.n-.Hieyenrln advawoe will be eatltled lo
Uie aatue o(?t.
The Fifty Third COnn-im
ruHHcd Into History.
HoUride'i Oradactiali-Tbe Monetary
CoDgrtn-. L. WiUon Foil- f
I (Krotn tho OrotioiilHii, Hun and HlaUmiian.
A Fatal Railroad AMidcnt.
City of Mexico, Feb. 28 An
excurniou train coining into the
city on the Inter-Oceanic r ilroad
met with a frightful accident thi
afternoon. While rounding a furvc
on tho Hid of a mountain, five
coaches jumped the track and went
down a canyon. Forty-two people
were killed and 1)0 or more, eer
ioiiHly injured.
Wilion Named for rotmater-Coneril.
Wahiiisoto.v, Feb. 28. The
. i.
president today nominated Repre
sentative W. L. Wilson, of Went
Virginia, to be postmaster-general,
to succeed W. S. Rissell, resigned.
The fact that Presideut Cleveland
intended to appoint Mr. Wilwm to
the position has been known for
several days to tho most intimate
friends of Mr. Wilon and to Mr.
Wilson himself.
Hotel from the Capital City-
Sai.em, Or.,' Feb. 28. Governor
Ird vetoed the Ida Teinpleton
biil, which w8 for .f.iOOO damages
I for injuries received from falling
through a Linn county bridge, and
also house till No. 14, which pro-j
vides mileage- for sheriffs of tho
ditferent counties for conveying
prisoners and pntient3 to Salem.
For chief of ordinance of the O.
N. Cr., Governor Lord has appointed
Sidney Collins, of Arlington.
Mrs. W. S. Broke was discharged
from the state insaneasylum today,
as cured.
An Awful Death.
Tacoma, Wash.. Feb. 28. David
T. Thomas, ti coalminer, met an
awful death at the Carbonado coal
mines yesterday. Connected with
tho mchinery of tho mines is a
large fan, tho parings of which re
quiro frequent oiling. Thomas
climbed to the fau and began the
work of oiling, when his blouse
caught in the revolving wings of
the big fan. Before he could ex
triato himself be was jerked from
his feet, dashed against the iron
supports and. frame work, and
whirled about with the fan until
there was scarcely a whole bone
left in his body. Thomas was 27
years old and left a widow and one
lira. M1 Kenuey Intoceut.
ErtiKXK, Or., Feb. 28. The pre
liminary examination of Mrs. J. L.
McKei.ny, on the charge of send
ing obscure matter through the
mail, was held thi" afternoon before
Commissioner J. J. Walton, and
resulted in her discharge and the
dismissal of th complaint.
Coinage Soring February.
Washington, March 1. The
coinage executed at the mints of
the United States dnringthe month
of February was as follows:
fiold ' ,1-K,S00
Silver 3!1,000
Minor Coin 57,:SOO
Total..... tC.5ii2.100.
Of the silver coined, $200,000 was
in standard silver dollars, the same
as duriug January.
The Cuban Bevalt.
Havana, March 1. Government
troops have captured the whole in
surgent band under command of
Antonio Lopez Coloma, who head
ed the upiising at Yberra in tl
Matanzaa district. The prisoners
have been conveyed to Matanzas.
Madkid, March 1. The govern
ment of Spain believes that the
rising in Cuba will be quelled with
out difficulty. There are 42,000
Spanish troops there. The rising
is said to be lacking of the union,
constitutional, antonomist and re
formist parties in Cuban politics,
which grops aro represented in the
cortex and united to pass Ihe Cuban
. ,t
'reform DllW of r ePTUary 1j,
Hew Xedial Board. ., Or., March 1. Governor
Lord has disignatcd tho following
as the slate bour.l of medical ex
aminers under the new law:
Allopaths W' II. Kaylor, of Port
land, five years; W. A. Cusic!:,
.Salem, three years; W. 15. Caril,
Oregon City, two years. Homeo
paths B. E. Miller, of Portland,
four years. Electric W. McCon
nell, of Newberg, one year.
A Biker County Xining Cimp Tragaay.
Rakkk Citv, Or., .March 1
X wb was brought to this city this.
evening that awful tragedy occurred
yesterday afternoon near Spartan
mining camp, situated thirty miles
from here, in whieh James George
lost his life and L. A. Lurchin wa
seriously wounded. The shooting
was done by G. E. Chamberlain
who used a Winchester thotgun
1.1 feeling had existed fur somet ime,
and arose over a disputed placer
claim. Chamberlain took his
victims unawares, coming upon
them while they were at work in
the mine. The first Ehot took
eflect in Larchin's neck, which fell
ed him to the ground, and ho was
left for dead. Chamberlain then
blew out Georges' brains. A 15
year old eon of the deceased was a
witness to the horriblo deed. The
bov started to run and was fired
upon tho shot scattering around
him. The deceased left a widow
and 11 children. Chamberlain is
still at large
Mcllridu'a Credentials Presented.
Washington, March 2. Mitchell
of Oregon interrupted the debate
on tho naval bill today to present
the credentials of Geo. W. McBride
as Senator from Oregon for the
term beginning March 4 next, to
succeed Mr. Dolph.
Imports nni Kx porta.
New York, March 2. The im
ports at the port of New York for
the week were:
Gold.. . - t4,435,9S3
Silver 24.M2
l)i v Goods 3.0S7.914
tieaeral .Mdso..,. 8,212,'JjO
The export of specie amounted to
.4G,000 in gold, and G33.84S in
Cash Balance and Reserve.
Washington, March 2. Today's
statement of tho condition cf the
treasury shows:
Available Cash balance 1117,930,000
Gold rese-i ve 8.,08,t0
Uc(;ulsltiou Papers' for Lydia Banker
Salem, Or., March 2 GovernjAr
T 1. i..... !nA,l!:fi-.i no narfl
. , J -T i i j
for the return of Lyda Banker, underb
arrest in Iowa, charged with oJ
Mininir monev under false pretfeti-
o .
bps fr.un the Ancient Order of
United Workmen.
Until Hraier'a IJooy Reeovered.
Astoria, Or., March 2. The
body of Hugh Frazer, who with
Charles Caldwell was .drowned in
the rapids of the Nehalum river a
few days ago, was recovered Tues
day. The Senate and the Monetary Conference.
Washington, March 3 The
Senate executive session closed at
2:15 l1
M. today, and ended with
the selection ot Teller, Jones and
Daniel by unanimous choice as
senate representatives to the in
ternational monetary conference-
The Total Appropriation.
Washington, March 3. The
total appropriations of this con
gress shows that the aggregate is
dangerously near the $500,000,000
mark. The grand total of approp
riations, subject to some few
changes, is found to be $497,994,004.
Another Victory for Japan.
London, March 3. -The Hei
Cheng correspondent of the Central
News agency telegraphs under the
date of February 23: "The first
army today attacked the enemy
encamped between the Liao Yang
and New Chang road. The fifth
brigade engaged the right wing,
routed it and drove it back toward
Tai Faton. The main column at
tacked and routed the enemy at
Chang Hotai. The sixth brigade
marched along the Liao Yang road,
. . ... ..a
'joined tne mam iu vision, "
l it occupieJ Tung Yen Tai and the
UX XA lit
immediate neighborhood in tho
direction ofLiaoYang. Tho Jap.
enese s8 was
wounded. Hie
10 killed and 82!
Chinese left 150
dead on the field.
A 111k I-'lrw at Toronto, Canada.
Toronto, March 3. The third
disastrous conflagration which
has visited this fire-stricken city
in less than two months occurred
this morning, and the lo.s by to
day's disaster is fully as great , as
either of the two preceding ones.
This time the fire originated in the
heart of the retail section of the
city, starting at 12:40 this morn
ing, in the splendid new depart
mental store of Robert Simpson,'
on the southwest corner of Yonge
and Queen streets. The ascer
tained losses foot up to $1,140,000,
and the insurance $500,000. Several
smaller losses among tenants and
roomers will increase the loss to
, Passed Into History.
Washington, March 4. At noon
today the United States senate
closed its final session of the 53d
congress amid crowded galleries,
congratulatory scenes, a parting
word from President Cleveland
and a brief valedictory by the vice-
president. The wonted dignity of
of the senate was preserved to the
end. except for the rush of business
incident to the last hours of a sess
ion. The vice-president rose as
the. clock pointed to two minutes
to 12, for a parting word to the
senate. After a few appropriate
words thanking the senators for
their uniform courtesy etc., he said:
"It only remains to make the offi
cial announcement that the senate
stands adjourned without day."
Russia Shows Her Hand.
London, March 4. The Stand
ard will tomorrow print the
following dispatch from its Berlin
correspondent: - "Men here who
know the situation in Eastern Asia
in regard to the negotiations be
tween Japan and China, believe
more strongly than ever that China
wishes to gain time to come to an
understanding with Russia. It is
stated that Russia is not disposed
to consider fayorably the large con-
cessians proposed oy a special
envoy, with a view of obtaining
possibly larger favors later on.
Oould-lhi Castellauo Nuptials.
ew Yokk, March 4. The mar
riage of Miss Anna Gould, daugh
ter of the late Jay Gould, of this
city, to Count Paul De Castellane,
was solemnized today at noon,
Archbishop Corrigan officiating, at
the residence of her brother, Geo. J,
Gould, sixty-seventh street and
Fifth avenue.
Japanese Armies Combined.
London, March 4. The Times
will print tomorrow a dispatch
from Hai Cheng saying that the
third Japanese division joined the
fifth division March 3, 24 miles
southwest of Liao Yang. It is es
timated that there are 15,000
Chinese ;troop8 at Liao Yang, 4,000
at Mateneye and 2,000 at Monkden.
Russia's Attitude Towards JajHin.
St. Peteksbvrg, March 4. The
Grashdanin says that if Japan
should insist on any. partition of
China, or on acquiring Corea, she
would assuredy have to reckon with
Russia as an armed antagonist.
A Plum for A. N. Gilbert.
Salem, Or., March 4. It has
been an opeir secret for days here
that the Hon. A. N. Gilbert would
be the successor to Geo. S. Down
ing, superintendent of the peniten
tiary. The resignation of Mr.
Downing was receivea ana accept
ed today, and the governor
appointed Mr. Gilbert.
Annual Stockholder's Meeting.
There will be a special call meet ho; of the
stockholders of the Polk County District
Pair Association, on Saturday, March 10,
lCl o'clock p. m., for the purnowof
electing directors and transactlnK such her
bullae as my come before Ihe meeting.
B. 1. Cooi-aa, rre.
li:;islati i:i:s wokk.
(Continued from page 4)
board of fivu who have Iwen phy- f
lclans ir wvn years, three reg-
ulars, one electric and one homeo
No. 220 Provides for organiza
tion and government ol irrigation
d. strict.
No. 28 Defining a fulony. .
No. 24 Extend time for judg
ment debtors to redeem in one year.
The bill to amend the attach"
ment law make no important
change but only makes the law
clearer. Approved Feb. 23. No
emergency clause.
No. 15 exempts all land with
in the bounds of a county road
free from taxation. Approved
Feb. 25.
No. 23 Provides for recording
assignments, transfers, and satis
faction of mortgages to be recorded
at full length. In effect Feb. 2.J.
No 156 Providing for building
of branch insane asylum at Union
Or., and appropriates $140,000
Approved and in effect since Feb.
C. Superintendent to have $(J a
No. 113 Makes all streets and
alleys in unincorporated towns
public highways.
No. 214 Authorizes county
court of Lane connty to operate a
free ferry.
No. 61 Amends road law to al
low county court to construct
puncheon or plank road. ,
No. 1 Repeals jute mill act.
No. 33 Amends attachment
law. '
No. 8 Authorizes mayors of in
corporated towns to bid in proper
ty sold for taxes.
No. 74 Raises age of consent to
sixteen years.
No. 74 Amends contagious dis
ease of animals act.
No. 112 Require superintend
ent of asylum to resort to county,
death or discharge of patpients.
, . ... . , li
No. 41 Autnonzes scnooi nis
tricts of 25,000 population and over
to borrow money. Approved Jan.
No. 65 To authorize sjovernor
to appoint timber land commis
sioner to select lieu school lands,
approved Feb. 19. '
No. 382 General appropriation
bill. AnDroved Feb. 23.
No. 92 Fixing salaries of coun
ty treasurers.
No. 321 Authorizing governor
to lease to any firm or person con
vict labor not - to exceed 10 yeurs,
at not less than thirty-five cents a ,
dav. Approved Feb. 23 and in
effect. .
No. 375 Creates office of sur
veyor of lumber in the log for Coos
and Lane counties.
Xo 2 Creates State board ot
Horticulture to be appointed by
governor, secretary of state and
treasurer, composed of six ruem
ders, appropriates $9,000. Ap-
nr.nnc.A Vi,K 9M o n t in pffiset-
piu,vu a. v.'. ... -
To am mend charter. Florence,
Lano county.
To ammend charter McMinn
ville. To authorize city of Astoria to
condem, purchase or acquira a
bridee across loungs bay, and
issue $100,000 bonds therefor.
To amend charter of City of
To amend charter of Dallas,
To incorporate Gold Hill' Jack
son county.
To amend charter of Sheridan.
To amend charter of Mt. Angel.
To amend charter of Prairie City,
Grant county.
To legalize bonded indebtedness
of citv of Astoria.
To amend charter of Ashland.
To amend charter of Independ-
.. I Ml . .1 ..I. ... -
ence. Also ouis lonuieuuuuaiwi
Oakland, Canyon City, Portland
Dalles City, Hamburg, Rums,
Hubbard, Woxiburn, Corvallis,
East Cottage Grove, Or gon City,
Athena, Brownsville. Baker City, ot Lincoln auueu m u
judicial district, Hillsboro, Dundee,
Albany, uornenus, r ossu. Aiuauj
Administration Uotioa.
Notice Is hereby given that I have been
appointed by the county court ai roia
countv. State of Oregon, administratrix of
the estate ot P. H. Clodfclter. deceased. All
persons having claims against said astala
are nolltled to present the same to me, duly
verified, as requested by tew, wlthlnalx
months from this date. At Independence,
Hill K.l
Paled March 7.
Dr Price's Cream liakins PowK
A"rJi CcU Meia Xiiwmtc Fsir. i rMca.