Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, February 28, 1895, Image 3

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    ,r Tl" Tull.
Jlvu i I l.,'v'
jw-"tt 1 M miiMiiul ll
in . , in.
II mi y, hi,
4 mi "
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III . , 111.
I'J all ). III.
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i" f" P 111
IObEB LOOM, U, I, tf t.
Mt wry VVmlinwilny
wiilns. All iiimiiiiht in
k,hi tHiiiiiim win uko iIiih
HIllllW l"l " II
wlviwucConlluiilr lHliii
KiiImIiU are Invited U nl-
1111111 H 'hull tllllVDIlll'lll.
II. A. K HAM Kit, i'.V.
J. II. Moiiin, K, It. H.
i:iu .
rta i. iiirrw'-it.-i'iiYsims
1 Burgeon. Seerelury I'. M. l.ximilii
Hunjeonn, Independence, Oregon. Of
i In opera litiimu block,
;t.-1- iiAiuiiTT.-
yniclftnn und hingeon. hnchil nl
thill ; imld to diseases ol women.
Ice over ludeiieiiilciicc Nuiioinil Imnk.
J.Lee.M. 1). VV. Halibut, M. 1. O.
, Follow Trinity medical college.
I renldeiieo, corner iiikI
iimuutli street, 1iiiIcm ihIi ikv, 'i'i-
M. ltAKH.-. I. S
I - t .i I
i(V ol MichlKiin grwlvmie
lor Over iidecli'lelirt'
la.lMlepciideiicc, Oregon.
CO. U. N M IT 1 1 . A Tl'U 1 i N l' V
I-l W. Ollim over lndcn'inlciici
tional Hunk, liidcpcnileme
lrhoue UulltHiifl, ColUm"
it,Monmoult), Oro, buiii
Jtion gum run teed.
AL. AJt riST. Una no uiH-rlr hi
Mint lliilr-eutllug. 'ivc
jr work. JTSJ-shnvlng l.v
itliin"M nili iln
1 1 all-
.If d I).h ltS!-Wi- curry
I stock of iinii- I Moulding,
i. KW. jtCTTuriiinK a specialty.
Mitchell it iliiiii''i'i Mum street.
iiKHl l.V I. FlnV'n-liia
d Brick Work of till UlnUs
nton short noilco tmrt wor
ntd KNiiotactory. Addrcnn
jnmouili, Or.
15. FOUCIVIN I'l'l'l'-N I ' KMT
lr. tuiii-m'i' ! W.A.Vun .NiTluh k.
0 rlmlr. Mmviinf 16.'. Imtli -
or liuuml l'ft -ml'-r
to Hrxt N'uiiuiii'l i"k. Iii,-"-
7r0 bulli tlllw UkIioiih iIhK
fustic I the Peace,
p i?i jii:phniikni'K, one.
I'rllM Inmirunrr mill nutkrn "nlli-c Irnin
it lull) .
II. M. UM'-S
9'otnry Jublic.
sjw-.tirBml Klmlimiiraiiciy-
iMlKlUt INIIHI K.SPKM'K. IIK. .,,,..
.... si. vvir-MRi'..-'
If you Hiiioke ooinii
ml Innix'et our line
of pipe uild toliiiceo.
l 'I'lieyareqlilie cholre
' Biid'very reiiKoliiible.
Vie nru ollerlng frenli
euudlen uml nuln at
an low ii price iih w'o
niMMlhlvcuii. Sample
' our dllU-renl kinl.
Did one of our eiiHtoincra in one
of thorn) wliite, HtiUdicd liointeil
toe vlci kid Hboe that we ro
filing o many of and wu
wouldn't tak3 it out. Said
"Wrap up mv old one, llieni
aretooeonifo'rtablo and neat to
carry homo. '
II yon want nhoeii to w eiir, and
look neat, tliem a 'em.
And the Kucket Stor cixn (up-
Yours truly,
Annual Stockholder1! Meeting.
tt will be aiiterlal call nieelliiii of the
KkfcoMnr of tlie Polk Omnty Matrlct
ttT Aanoclnllvii, on Katnrduy, Mri-li in.
6,aoiclmH p. in., fur I lie inrHw of
ioUdc director and trnnnaot I ur iuoIi ntlier
tnraaan myoome before llio miwUng.
IH $ E. J. uo-itn, rro.
T MAHUll-l.
jMSCM)TT.At Oakland, Or.,
Sunday, February 24,, Archy
Adams, of Yoncolla, Or., and Miss
Fannie M. S;ott, of Independence,
Or. ;
Tbe fair bride la a Polk county girl
id site has made Independence her
nnefora number of yearn. She la
ic granddaughter of Mr. J. W.
atterson, of near Monmouth, and a
ieoe of A. 8. Locke, of tbl.i city. lira,
dama han a boat of friends in this
immunity who wish her unalloyed
tppiaeaain her new relations of life,
r. Adams Is a promluent citizen of
oncolla, and la a teacher by profca
on. r. Frlc'a Crcata lwiunr Pov dar
VorliTa Pair HIsheK Award,
A Full Lino of Sugars, syrups, coffees and teas, at Douty
Items of Local News.
(). A. KriiiniT. Jnwulir.
l'urli'Klnifiu'KKfiiriiil Hi I. I'"rI
W. U. Wrlglil, AlmlrMdn uikI Lohii",
DuIIum, Oro,
Dr. Kiiliy, thu di'iillnt, guuninU
mII IiIn work.
Ifyoii i-iil HlroiiK'ii Uivuil you will
Kut fut mill Mining.
KhmI Li'vi-ruK", of Mini counly, wiu
hi thu city Tui'mliiy.
l-ut trulu uml tlm oi-hI nwoniiMla
tloim oil tli' N. I'. 11. l.
11. M. Wa.lii A Co. nro cxcliihlvu
um niH fur llio Oliver kooiIh.
Ir. J-"Iiy, lln ilimilMt, Monmouth,
lm i-row ii mid lirlilK work,
Tim "Allen A" k,h' to Hull-in fvury
ilny In Hit) wwk, fxc-cjit Huoiliiy.
Mr. DocUmUiiiUt htt ri'iilcil tlio J.
V. IKiMttrr iiroj'i'rty in-ur tliu mi liool
V. II. Iluwli'y UK''"1 tr tlwN.I'.
II, U. will (hi kIwI tiHiunlo you rulf to
I III' V.iml,
Mlwi llitllltf Hull, of Allmny, I vImII
Iiik nt Mr. Knoll Lauliiiry'H, ofthU
oily, tliU wk.
It V. Hmllli, olio of LcwIkvIIIi-'a
IIII.Ml Xlllmlllllllill CIllAUIH, WIIH lU ll
i-liy Widiii-xilay.
Mr. Ili'iiry 1'uy, of Kiiki1"'. l vUlt
hiK in ihUrliy lit hi-r tiruiliiT, A. J.
(iiMnliimii, iiiul fuiiiHy.
JiuIki- llurU-y.of tliU illy, wu over
In tlm nijilliil t ll.V on IiiihIih'pwi ilurhi
llio r. .t'fU tt of tin- Mrrk.
Hiirlhx Hn. ominlit I'""
HiiuihI .iilii rfioni JkIiii JuuiKd, ofiSouji
CivcU, one ilii.V till wi'fll.
Ifymi will cull mnl K"t I'utleriMiirn
pilctmiii hlinayoil will lie convinced
llm! Uc ImcIiwIiii,' out lilii Hlock.
hlicrl.T riiiiiiiiicr I lruiiniilly mfii
iimiii llic nircciH of our city. Me wm
licn-oii iiillnhil Tmwlay.
hi i. ec K. M. WmliMt Co. liitvo tnkcn
tlictiilvcr itiHhlit H,iy liuvu rinluccd
tlio Intli plow und cxiniH.
Hi'V ('. I.. Hiiii'MMi w 111 hold M-rvlcc
tit tlii- ('lirMlini claircli next Kuiuluy
mornl.iK mid evening t tli imuul
Do ymi like cmiiicd coin, If you do
J. I. Irvluu'n In tint (iliice lutuiylt.
lit) In n-lllngH very clu-ai to out
J, M. Smrkn, of Halcin, wim In the
cliy llii week. Mr. ripark fornierly
riHldeil In llii' muillii-rn purl of till
IU v. D. V. 1'olltiK mid family, of
Allmny, are vlnltliiK with Mr. I'iiIiuk'h
paiviilN, Mr; und Mm. V. W. William,
of tliU .-ity.
When you want u suit ol clot lies,
niveW. II, I'lill rMin your order und
liuve litem iiumIc. If lluy do nol fit
ymi w 111 not liuve to pay.
(iei i ljihl dow i to llic front mid you
will llllll tllUM-Mlll'k pliiM ul Kiuiiier'H
tliu piviilent you ocr :iw for the
money. V nnd ':) wnt.
Mr. D.J. WhltiaUer luw taken n
.1..I r....t.. ii... 1 1 I ..... I I r , , I i.
ul, rZ ' ;ui;.oeo.,Wcd.
uehdiiy. Mrs. Wliltcukcr welcomed her
ut the train.
In purchasing garden needs It pay
to buy the U-l, ispeiluhy when they
eubt no uioro I bun uuy oilier. It. Ii.
Knoy. ban u large amount of the very
U'l garden need on the market.
J. W. F.lliot, of near Dullu, wan In
the city Tnesduy. Mr. Klliol Inl'orm
ii that bU wife, w ho ha been un In
valid for year, is badly ullllcled wHh
dropclciil swelling In tlio lower limb.
Walter fatiron arrived here from
Moncow, Idaho, on Wednesday's train.
Mr. ( ntlroon la In very feeble healllr
nnd bus cume down to stop aw hile
w illi hi mother, Mi-h. A. A. Cuttron.of
Moiiniotii h
(ieo. Landers nnd f.unlly, of near
Coltnx, Wnsli., have become resldciiln
of Monniiiutlu We believe that Mr,
Lnnile s resided In till county hi me 1"
years ago, moving from here to Ktwtein
W. (,'. Wills, the Cruok county mem
ber of the board of ciUnlly.ntinl was
In tbl- city Monday. Mr. Will wiuea
rcsbleiit of Mullas some tlt'teen years
ago. Heh. now actively engaged , In
t be stock business,
TheC W. 11. M. nsswled by the Y. 1.
S. I'. K. will hold n missionary nnd tem
perance meeting nl the Cliristlun
chuivli next Sunday week nt 0 :.'!, oc-
ellliv Imr the hour of the Endeavor
soelelv. A collection will betaken for
! mlfslounry work.
J. P, Irvine's ensh grocery Is selling
lots of augur for ho gives you u big
2tillw of grnuuluted for a dollar, ai.d
will make you a present of 20!bs fur
every dollar' worth bought, for cash,
that don't we'gh 201bs, and don't you
forget it- Cumtux hi yu muck a muck
A reception wna giveu Rev. O. It.
Whltniore by his church membership
Tuesday evening. A nice lunch was
served during the evening. It was a
very pleasant social gathering and
quite a surprise to Mr. aud Mrs. Willi
more. They highly appreciated the
thoughtful kindness shown them by
their guests. Mr. Whit more is a very
pleasant gentlenmn aud his inhibit ra
tions here aro (tearing good fruit.
We a re Informed that the grand nrmy
post of this city have under descussioii
the practicability of erecting a taber
nacle hull of sufficient capacity to seat
K00 era 1000 persons. The achenio is a
irood one and our citizens should con
tribute lilicra'ly ym-ards the erection of
such a building. It is aoiuetnmg uiai
has been needed here for yearn and
now is a good time to push tbe enter
prise tlong. A public hall is a benefit
to any city and is Juat what Indepen
dence needs, V
Dr. Kpley, iIi'mIIhI, MoiiiihmiIIi.
KiiMlcru Htiir filnn nt Kwtm r'i,
A trt hawker took In the town
luMt TucNilay ,
J. 1. Irvluo returned ! MeMlnu
vlllii Weilneiiday.
Frank Hull, of C'nmtoii, wim hi the
city Wedninilay.
HtroiiK' Iioiiio Hindu bread hcIIm on
ltd inerll Try K.
KucouriiKe lioinu enlerprlNe by iut
ronl.hiKtlMi "Allen A.''
Dr. H. A. Mulkey wm vImUIiik lit
tlio capital lt HuniJuy.
Tlio I,e(lHlnturi) bun njjourned but
tl.o N. I'. U.K. ill II ruim.
Oliver chilled plow und extrunut il.
M. Wudu A Vu' nt reduoeil prlcin.
Tiic Kn'ICHI'Iiimk mid OreKonlttii
fori-' a ynr. Iiu,iilret thin oilhu.
Vim luiIit-M ijuaricttu ut the I'hrMlmi
cliureh I provhiK a marked nucih wi.
Jtfjy your biviid ut Douty A Koi ke'.
They kei p Hlroiii' hoinu iinido bread.
The Intent fad U I hone Mpiirlno pin
ut Kiiimer'n. K mid ,20 eent euth.
U(ior pill aro purely vet-talile,
hiirinliH, elfective, do not pain or
ttrlpii. 'I
Twenty-five centH will buy one
pmmd No. 1 Vouiik llynott leu at J. 1".
Dr. K. M (iruvcH nM-nt part of lant
week In I'ortlund, returnluK home
lant Hunday.
J. 1'. Irvine camo up from MeMllin
vlilo Monday to look ufler hi huliie
liid-rextH here.
Now 1 the lime to buy your nhoe,
wldle l'utieiwm Iw1IIiik bin mock Ht
w liolinale price
OKI OicKoiil'in'H nr li:ikln hniiilH
ovcrOeo, V. MeMi lile' eleelinil to the
United Htatc nenalortihlj).
flureiMW Irvine vllled with hi
people ut McMlnnvllle over Huuduy
returning to thlnelty u Monduy.
The yomiK liidy qimrtetto ut the
(,'niKreiratloiiul tliurch ntlracted al
teutlnn by their IIuuiiiuhIo lunt Sunday
eve li I ii?.
The "Alice A" leaven Independence 10Ved to Jlenlon county. Mm. I'ut-t-very
uiornlngutO o'cb k n. in., for iihoii mid cliildivn left here lait tut
Suleiu, and returning leave Salem ut unlay und Mr. i'uttinoii remuiued over
I :;ll p. in. until thin week to nettle up hi buni.
MvMr. rn-xeolt A VetiuK aro nt iu?h. He Inw been Jeweler at Patter
work mm contrucl of nuw'iiig 10,(KK) .n Urn, drug store,
ruilioad tie for the Southern I'uclllej The Ilt of legWutive clerk fool up
company. j ' Kt flonl lo r' lr dtt' bvsiiv'
Hon W. H. Kimr, rpre nlatlve ' JK vUM clerk and their aiHtautn at
frun, Malhu.-r county, n-nt Sumlny f7.00 each. Verily our legi-
In till city u mi gucnliifhls
couiH i
Mm. W. V. William.
1 IIU IM'U Ol'tl llln,ln ...
l,ct and purc-t caii.lic. fivnh fruitn, j
niiiH of all klmlx. u- w ell a the lineal
line of i-lgnra und totuiciim.
T. J. (irnve, of MK'oy, w ho held a
jimiiiilltec clerliKhip during the legis
lature, tuiHMHl through Indepelidineu
Monday enroll te for home.
Hon, P. W. liulcy wun In the city
Friday, He hud U-en iitlendliig ;
meeting of the board of regent a urine
Monmouth Nonnul chool.
Ii. Pattlwui, who him been In tne
J) - lerhu.neMw.U,Pate1.n !,l
this place, is arranging to plunl n .n-
ncre prune orchurd lu Llnu county.
Wiley Vuughiili, of Kiistcrn Oregon,
i . ..t t.l.... i I... ..Ii.. fi- Vuliirbiill U'llS
i , : : ,t of t.,.. do, ...,d i
a brother of John Vniighan, of Hick
real I.
Travelers who desire good accomo
dations ulways stop at the Little
Palace hotel, while In Independence.
The lest rooms und tbe best meals In
the city.
Oh, say have you 40 cents you don't
want, if you have take it to J. P.
nine's and get u one pound can best
linking powder ami a 50 ceutdisll with
each Cuii.
Pure rich blood is essential to good
health, lieeiinse tlio blood is (bo vital
llii'ul which supplies all ti; organs w ith
lite. Hood's ' 'Sarsnpurilla in the great
blood purilieir. -
O. A. Kramer has just received fine
assortments of society pins lor the
Dnughtei'S of Holieknh nnd Enstern
Star nicinlicr. Ilundsonie designs.
Call and exuiuinu them.
Dick Kkstein, un employe lu F. E.
Orliriib's cltrnr innnufuetory nt this
plnee, bus gone to McMiunville to bo
treated for un iiillamed limb. Ho will
probably ho nbseiit several weeks.
Mrs. O H. Whltniore filled the Con
grcgiitlonal pulpit nt Diekreull hist
Sunday In the ubseiice of her husband,
KeV O. It. Whltniore, who was unable
lo Ik present owing to temporary
C. W. Hayes, who has been nianager
of the City restiiuratit here for the
pust six months, left for Chicago
Wednesday uiornlng. lie expects to
stop in i'ortlund a few days before
starting direct for Chicago. Mr.
Hayes was a pleasant gentleman and
nindo ninny friends w hile in this city.
The amendment to the Indepen-
li-nen charter has received the
covernor's signature. We understand
one provision of the amendment
lncMiall the road work within the
city limits under the control of the
city authorities. We have never seen
tlm amendment aud ennuot speak
advisedly ns to (he provisions. We
hope to is? able to give full purticulnrs
hi our next issue.
Hev. I). V. Polinp gave the ENTER
I'KisK office a pleasant cull Tucsdny
evening. Mr. J'oling informs us that
he has had 32 accessions to hi? church
since lie has taken pastorial charge,
and that Interest in church work is
growing very rapidly. He Is well
1 - itl, ill.nv ami It Kiirrouud-
Ing. In Mr. Toling's opinion the ex-
tentnmofthe O. P. railroad to an
Fjistero lermiuuswhTUe of great bene -
fit to Allmny.
It K. r'erminoii him it j.ulr of twin
valve ut hi piaee,
A number of Monmouth Mludetit
utU'iided the hitercollcKlate content ut
Forenl drove lnt I'rlday. '
The truvclhiir public upprwlute gol
Intlel ueeomodiitloiiN. The lnt In In
dciM'odciice will bo found ut the I.lltlu
I'Hliice hotel,
(Jovernor Lord ban uiIiiUmI lieiij.
Hcbolteld, A. Noltlier uml O. F. I'ux
tou un rciicntn of the Moumoulli
Normal hcIhmiI.
A nklir load of entbiiMlanln went
from here to Hulem ut ihmui Haturduy
to wltncM the cloning bourn of the
Hcuutorlal content.
C'oiiHlublu Morau "ld afulrnl.ed
yeur old liornH ut publle uuotlon Kat
urday nflerniKin. The uiilinul wan
knocked down to (jeo. A. Hmllh ut I2.J.
A iiumU r of our leading clliwn
ulteuded the li'Klnluture lunt Katuiduy.
Thu lant duy of the nenatorlul ntruKglo
wunthe drawing curd tliut uttructcd
tin-Ill thither. '
Mr. K. (1. KertHon, of Kulem, who
wiu vlHhig at her nlter'n, Mr. )Y. H.
I'utiemon, of thin city, during the
lutler part of thu w eek, returned home
IiinI Huturduy.
To get unyllihig like a correct Idea
of how muny dry mlollur will
buy, 111 neccMiry that you take It to
HliM-ktou A Jleukle'n hi exchange for
Home of their new nprlnggiMjiJn. '
Ml, of Kugene, curried ofl
thu bonoin in the inl r-coileglate con
lent in oratory at I'onnl Cirove lal
Fridiiy. Min Veu.le I u gruiiddaugh
terof the lute Mr. J. K. Iynle, of
1'rencott A Veiu-na ntiirU-d up their
nuwmill for a temporary run Momlay.
Tliey iiuve u largo number of logB
UmiiiiciI in the Iig Dui -kiuiuute ut Du
vlilnon'n bridge, but the w uter in too low
fur rufiiug ut ptewiit.
UlughaiiiM, culi(-M-n, dienn trlmiifing,
mid varlou other linen of good were
received ttiix week by Klockton A
llenkle. ' The Ik-hI part of It nil i that
they ciiuulid do sell rw low if not
lower, limn uuy other lioune in Iude-H-iidence.
C. h. Fattlwm and family nave
niiure nun oeeu euoiniun.ius wnu
vct:geani-e. Wonder how inuiiy of the
liieiubern ure no liberal with liicir own
).,...., I,..,,,l...r
i-.UUrcbaw bluak war-
j rnnty deedn, quil-cluiui ujeeds, tioiid
for deed, real estate uiortgugen, chattel
iiiorigiigeH (.tiling or recording,) crop
morlguges, relenne or niortgugvs, re
newal of chattel mortgages, or uny
other legal blank, cull nt this ofliev.
Mail orders prompt lj" filled. tend for
price lit
We -visited Una llloom's starch
factory one day this week, and was
siiowu ii sample of the starch manu
factured. ItnpH'iiis to tie first clots
in every particular, und we were in
formed Unit he w ill Ik able to turn
out ubout "0 pi muds of starch per
day, uNo that u bic-hel of potatoes will
J. P Irvine is investiKUting the In
dependence wuler system for the pur
pose of reporting to the McMiunville
water committee, of which he is chair
man. The people of .McMiunville con
template milking some ueeiWd chuuges
in their water works system, and with
lliis view in mind the committee is
Investigating the wutcr system of
neighboring citits
If you wutit jobwork just a little
Inciter than any other shop In the
county can do it, leave your orders ut
the KntkuI'iuwe office. Their work
men are artists, anil know how to'
uVoid oli'ensive combination so fre
iUently seen in the work of would-be
'lirst-eltiMi" printers. Price art as low
as you would have to pay for iuferior
There Is everv evidence that there
will be a decided improvement in the
busi ness outlook of Indepeudence the
coming season. There is not wanting
signs of increased vigor at the present
time In all lines of business. Inde
pendence is safely the leading com
mercial point of Polk county and with
average push ou the parts of its
eltixons w ill continue so lu .the future.
Besides the Eli Crowley family ?"00
monument which O. L. Hawkins has
about completed, he also has in hand
a largo Qui u cy granite monument with
blue atom; coping for the graves of Mr.
Hogtrs and wife, of Kings Valley. He
Is.o get $-VK) forthe Rogers luouument.
Mr. Hawkins is a
killful workman
and the splendid monuments which
he is turuiug out fwm Uia sbop aro
rapidly advertising his businegs.
' Uuele" David Parker gave the
Knteki'KIsk offli-e a substantial call
last Saturday. He is oue of those
solid democruts who believes in stand
ing by a paper that flies his poliilcal
colors. The old gentleman has passed
alK)iit80niile stones in life's journey
but he is hale and cheerful, and al
ways busy in lookiug atterthe material
as well as the spiritual blessings of
life. He is oue of our best cltizeus.
The following were successful lu se
curing a teacher's certificate last week:
Third grader-Mary K. Horner, Lin
coln; Walter Nichols, Kails City; Jessie
McOowau, J. K. Luce, Lydia Camp
bell, Hattie Adams, Evaliue Hibbard,
Dallas; Satie White, Falls City; Chas.
McCaleb, W. P. Palmer, Moumouth.
SeenJ grade Retta Halt, Leonard
Starr. L. M. Murray,, t. Bryant,
Falls Oty; M-on.
! dence; Zulu Mytr, Si.ilthfield.-Dnllan
hum: - iii:ai.
Tu8 Haiksd Ball. The musked bull
given under the uusplecaof the IndcM)li.
deuce Athelellu- Club on the 22d,
Instant wun a Inont ucecieful und
brtlllunt ulTulr. It wun by odds tbe
siM'lul event of the ncusoii. Tim music
by Prof. Hebrhig's orebenlrn wan a
most pleasant and enleriululng fcot ure
of the eiilertulnuicnt. At un curly
hour In the evenluf the slngo wan
crowded wit h Mecliitr nnd a number
fouudw-utn In the bull room and up lu
the gallery. The merry inuskem did
liotapjicar until about" o'clock. They
cume In puir nnd arrayed in all sorts
of costumes, unlipic, grotesque, fancy
aud pluhi. The Indian chief, clown,
knight temolur, prince and princess,
the Oyjisy queen, fairy queen, suilor
ly, uml other charucter Km numerous
to mention, were represented. The
grund march around the hall lusted for
some 40 or 60 minutcn und w as quite
interesting. Tbe Indies looked most
iwltchlng In their rare und unique
costumes. The spectutorn enjoyed
themselves trying y guess the person-
ullly or the masker, n " "
parutively ensv to recognize some, Din j
the Identity of others was completely I
conceukd by their skillfully urrauged :
costume. Atu given signal tbe iiiasl;!
were dropped und then the merry ;
dunce wan on. It was n Ijenutiful
sigh, to nee all those gayly wwtumed
dancers whirling hi the gracelul cvo.
lutionn of tbe inalzy waltz to the
rythme of music. The evening passed
ofrmiwt plensuntly and everyone pres
ent voted the aflalr n most brilliant
success. The committee, Meiwrs. Ihib
bltt, Hayes, ISurcli and Clodtelter de-m-rve
much praise for the very soccsh manlier in which they managed
M nft'oir. The tolid reeeiltls of the
were JM 2"i, the net receipts i
:) i)0.
Eoe Dairying Pay? The Salem
Statcsmuo quotes the follow ing facts
end figures from Geo. iV. Weekn, un
enterprising farmer ami Dairyman of
of Howell prairie, Marion county,
Oregon: "A report or Mi uairy ior me
past yeur allows the following results j Sunday evf niSg will be the sing
Amount of butter sold 3.1J. pounds, at , teUe under
10.M; amount of cream '';'1 th jship 0f Mrs. Claire Irvine.
iTslffLT Dr. Jiudan, a gifted Hindoo
iai,,.:,, 110; S heifers, C1 and la representative id the , great
UV1',IJU .iu.iiv-.. ' " i' . - -
As one gallon sepurator cream
exillil two isiuiias oi uuun " " -
1 ... i nta 7S4
j , . i...,. n.u !
cn'uiu reuueeu m miuci
. i . nil lliiu tin in t un fun I-
ill. uJd butter and cream amounting
to six pounds per week, or 312 pounds
jsr year, which should lie ndded Jo
the nbove figures. The skim mil'; is
fed to the pigs and Used to ruise young
cnl ves. This herd is of common grad
ed cows, w hich have, by careful feed
ing and breeding ten brought up to a
high milking standard. In fact feed
ing is largely responsible for there
suits. The expenditures aro feed and
help figured ns follows actual results
being the author of the following fig
ures: Cost of reed per day, per cow,
10c; help per month, per cow, $1 80; or
a total of f SSO." The above statement
is incontrovirible evidence that intelli
gent dairying will pay in this couutry,
given a fair local market and a steady
demand from nbroud fof the products
of lb j dairy.
A run Rt Etnrr. Dr. IT. B. Stanley
" .' ....... u....
wrnes - ---
Miguel, Cab, to the Dallas Trauscript.
... .1... T..ll..a Trunaerint .
lie takes the Kstkkprise to las
for hinting that his Lukeport beet
yarn wus a little out of the ordinary.
The doctor says that he has visited
one of Cbius Speckles beet sugar fac-
i..riM mnl witnessed some marvelous!
sights. We give the foltoivlug speci
men brick of the doctor's Manehausen
abilities as a story teller- "We renched
the works just in time to see the
teams come from the fields with loads
of roots. There were 27 of .the wagons
each having six horses hitched there
to. Only the running gears of the
wagons were used, the lieets lieing
piled on like great saw logs. Before
running the beets bctweeu the rollers
they were quartered
with circular
sawa and lifted to their places with
derricks. Say air, -t-merprise 1
think you had better travel a little.
. . i ; ... l. : ... I.. W.
Tliereare o.s . . "V
world beshtes oeets. 1 es, we quue
agree with the doctor, "there are lots
of big tilings in this world liesiiles
beets." ,
A Fituwer Cl 1S-J8. Mrs. Ruth Pugh,
wile of Ashbury Pugh, died ofhemorli
age of the brain in Spokane on the
25, instant. Mrs. Puu'li was au Ore
gon immigrant of LS4H. She and her
husband first selected a homestead in
Washington couuty, but In 1851 the
family moved to Linn county, and In
1 1881 moved to the Spokane couutry.
Her husbaud survives her at tlie ripe
wit TK.i n.itinla AiiliDir-UIOII
- afpoi u years. w;f '
tliir triililf 11 WR IUUIU91 Uff . au.
rnuks'of the Oregon pioneers are fast
becoming decimated and within a few
years there will lie none lo respond to
the roll call.
She Final Strangle .The Oregoniau
legislative correspondent says: "At
(lie time the ballot was completed
Dolph had receive.! 30 yotei and Mi
Bride 41'. The first one t change his
vote was representative Smith of Polk,
then Teiupleton, then Bridges. This
(his made McBride , the number
necessary to a choice. Several mem
bers tbeu clamoring for recognition
and asking that their votes be changed,
Paxton jumped upon tlie desk and
moved that the votes of all republican
ni.iii tiers be counted for Meliride. Tbe
motion was carried, and President
Simon so ordered it.'
"Bel Har." The famous book will be
magnificently illustrated w ith stereop
tiean by lime light. In Independence
March 12. Dou't fail to see it
& Locke's.
a Wdrtuy
in (own
There Is no
tiuiii (irundpu
1 1, usler Hutu
ClislfelU-r. Athough bu bun ussed
bis 7!th milo stone on life's Journey
tuch day ho finds something for his
busy hand to do, What nn i wuode
or Industry and usefulness this grand
old geiilUmnii Is netting to ninny "f
our young nu-u If they would only
consider the lesson nnd profit thereby.
It was Just men un OruulMi Clisl
fi lter w ho Hindu thin country w bnt It
In tislay.
Bupt. T. O. JlutcliiiiHon wiu in
the city biilny.
IMitor J'oiitlanil was in Dallas
Oil WcdiicMlay.
We will publish th! uericriil np
propriation bill in fuM next wee...
Dr. 0. D. liutlcr in visiting a
few days with his father, Orval
liutler, at Rowland". Or.
Uev. J. M. Turner, of this city,
w ill commence a serie of meetings
ut Lewisvillo next Sunday.
The general appropriation bill
passed by the late kijihlature in
ji - , - ,; ,ff s than last vcar,
A Mr. Hudson, of Grants I ass,
has temporary charte ut the depot
during the illness of Agent Cary
of this city.
Monmouth State Normal .School
! tg sfjjo in the way of general
experises and tf,52(i for deficiencies,
mukiug a total of$2(j,52li.
V. A. VanNortwick is putting
in u new fcidewalk in front of his
residence strictly in accordance
with ordinance specifications.
Attorncvx V. II. Holmes, of
Siilein. and J. II. Town.iend, of Dal
las, were looking after legal husi-
ntss before J ustice Irvine toaay. .
Reprepentative Smith is looking
quite jolly after his legislative ex
periences. Mr. Smith made Pol it
county an industrious and conser
vative representative.
A special feature of the' services
at the Congregational church next
Unitarian church
at Sulcm this
, .c
, " . V j- )
M oman in India."
evening noon ore vuuu.v...
School Clerk J. D. Irvine has
jub. completed the enumeration for
UltriCt 0. Zi. xie uuuo
males and 220 females
of school
age, making a total of 453, This
year's enumeration is about 13 in
excess of last year.
Mr. II. Mills and family h3ve
rented the L. Lemons property re
cently occupied by Charles Sperling.
Mr. Mills recently arrived here and
is the lamer oi j. a. .urns ui un
He is quite well
racket store.
pleafed with Oregon.
Next Sunday at the Congrega-
lionni r-linreh. nreachins bv the
nastor at 1 1 a. m. Subject, 4iThe
Eilicacy of Prayer, Theoretical and
Script iral." and at 7:30 p. m.
"lhe Fort knowledge of God versus
Man's Moral Free Agency."
The Transcript says that at tb.
exanuiiai.vM - -------
examination lor teacner s ceru i -
,,tes helore &ui) -
r .. ..
inson last week Mi.s Lyd a Camt
bell was the only one who could
vv the names oi ine memuero ui
President Cleveland's cabinet.
Stockton &TIenkle undoubtedly
have as fine a stock of goods as was
ever, but
their determination to increase
their business during 1895 has led
them to mark all goods at a very
small profit. They feel confident
that if you deal with them you will
save money on your purchases.
Messrs. Scott & Riggs have the
contract of papering and painting
the new residence cottage, owned
by Veness it Wilcox, just com
pleted on Third street between D
and F. The papering is now well
mirlpr vr.iv and the buildins will
soon be ready for occupancy,
construction of the building
.lr the management of W
- -
The K of P. entertainment at
their Castle hall Wednesday even
ing was a very pleasant affair.
Only the members and their ladies
were present. The oration by M.
O. Potter was well received. Rev.
1). V. Poling and J. S. Patison, a
represoutative of the wholesale
house of Ralfour, Guthrie & Co.,
made some very appropriate re
marks. Refreshments were served
after program was rendered.
Musical Entertainment.
A musical entertainment will he
given at the opera house Friday
evening, March 1, under the
auspices of the ladies of the Presby
terian church. An interesting
nrnm-.mi w ill be rendered bv some
choice talent from abroad assisted
bv some of our best local talent.
A special feature will be ft violin
solo bv Master Karl Sharp, a five-year-old
musical prodigy of Salem.
There will also be a drill entitled,
"Flags of the Nations." Lunch
will Ikj served immediately after
the program. General admission
i0 cents. Lunch 10 cents.
The following program will be
M nsio Prof, Sehri njr's Orel tra
Vocal Solo Z '.. Mrs. B i. Sharp
Violin Solo . Matter Karl Sharp
Vocal So''
Miss siekler
Cello Soki
Mis-s Bow den
Vocal SoIo... .Master Mn fnsrp
Master Earl Sharp;
Music Prof.'strrct.estraj "Atanoraoy other USUm
K1h of the Nations from Ammoiua. Alumy
Good Night
Gathered from onr Various Eichangei
Throughout the Stata.
Corvnllis it enjoying the luxury -of
a ladies' hand.
Thrt Ilalsey News suspeniled '
lUh'i'-aliou lust wirk.
Th Lukeview Kxaniiner is cir'
ctihitin? a petition tor the establish
iiicnt of ;i miliiiirv iinst nt that
j dace.
j A hinder an idcntly shot a steer
ne:ir Union hist Week. It is not
known w hether he mistook it for ft
! il r or a prairie chicken.
Walter Landers, a Oervais youth
of K yenrs, Inst 1 wo lingers of his'
left hand while helping a younger (
brother cut down u tree. lie push
ed while hid brother chopped.
John Cams, w hile d runk, attack
ed City Marshal Xeal, at McMinn
ville, last Saturday, with a knife, ,
and was promptly knocked down
and put in jail. He was given 10
days for disorderly conduct instead
of being charged with assault with
a deadly weapon.
The professional men of Port
land are decidedly in the front. A
minister is under arrest for bank '
robbery a lawyer has been con
victed of manslaugther, a doctor '
is in jail on tho charge of kidnap
ping, nnd an editor made a con
summate donkey ot himself on the
senatorial question.
C-nbernatorial Brevity
Governor Lord's vetoes have tbe
merit of brevity. His veto mes
sage of senate bill No. 107, known
a the pure food law, is as follows:
"To the legislative assembly My
objection to senate bill 197 to pre-
vent the sale of unwholesome food,
etc., is that its requirements are
complicated and its provisions too
meddlewme for the doing of busi
ness." ' . ' . .
; Mr. R. Suitor, of this city, is on
the sick list.
;iIon. N. L. Bntler, of Mon
mouth, is in Dallas on business. ;
Our marshal has been teaching
the boys to respect the law.
If reports be true there is a good
deal of nettv thieving going on m
. .- uv, unnA
the Mill creek neighborhood.
T. 0. Hutchinson preached from
the Christian church pulpit last
Sunday. ; , -
The majority of the republicans
of this city are sick over' the way
the senatorial election turned ouV.
Several parties from Liberty and
Salt Creek were doing business in
Dallas Saturday.
The reading circle, of the M. B.
church. South, met Monday even-
I ing at the residence of W. I.
The revival meetings at, Rickre
atl are proving a success under the
! ministrations of Rev, Regan.
. Re. JIr gl-rr of t);s c;tVr na8
brother visiting him fromSalem.
Some of the newspa F cc8e
- - . &
, ..." . Ar -n nl nh eiectlon..
!. f Mr.
, ... . .... -r. iiriv.
r - - -- - -
h- t f official duty
entire session of the
1 WnlCn 13 a misiac. iui. """J
during the entire
Oregon legislature. ; ,:
The exercises given in honor of
Washington's , birthday, by the
jublic schools of this city, was the
best entertainment .that has been
given in Dallas this winter, and
was attended by ai large crowd of
people, who gathered at tho city
hall to hear what the children
hud to say for the father of this
grand republic.
- . . ; . ' : ' Grover.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned have known
for the last 15 vears. and
belie'ye him" perfectly honorable in all
business transactions anu nuaueiun
-: , . ' ..n., nhtitnitinn lllRflA
aoie to carry uui uj
bv their firm. , "
West & Tkpax, Wholesale DruggisU,
Toledo, O. 'Waldino, Kixnam A
Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is tuken Inter
nally, acting oireetly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 76e. per
bottle. Sold bv nil druju'ists.. V
VTtxen Tk&y ; sick, m gar her Castoria.
Waan she wm a Child, she cried for Castorta.
When she became Mtas, she clung to Cti.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Highest Honors World' F
; , , T . p0WJ.
re Crape Cream of TirUr rowjer.
Ammonia. Alum "y-f