In tlx mailer of l.CHJAI. N I W H ' w-fc.M r.Hl'IUK alway. rnitravon In tie , rnom-r tt AccuuTi. bill irrft. arenrary of sialuim-ut lu kluuirltt( As n- "s Advertising Martlum v.-1 he KNTKHI'IUKK aoutl none til Folk Cuuuty, raorrriiLi tuvvtt a,lwys full'1" rvful adver llahii lu wMr, Eternal Ylillanc U the Price of Liberty. -Jefferton. INDEWiNDENCE, W)LK COUNTY, OUEOON. THURSDAY, FKHHIMKY 28,1805. m i'eh yea n. ;:c:;:i:T VOL 2 NO. 13 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Govt Report : TRE STAR GROCERY Sells Everything at - -- - Cash Prices. (6? MM in HIM Cvimiii UuMiioii March 4, 1HH1. ( .... TIIK if , first' National Bank of lnd"pmidiiie, Oretfon, Ct; lUl Btook, Barytas, 100,000.00 $14,00000 u w. nohKiiTMOfi. ,il4l. Vlv rrliltnl. ' ' ', M. IIA"I., Cnnliixfi DIUT.CTOUH. J. 8. Oooimr, I.. W. ItoWtimn. le l Heln.lik, i. W. Whlleaker, W. W. IVMim. 4 ! heiikln; Iimiii ImnwlH. ur tail li.i.'" mii iilHiwrim I" Iwixwlla re-i "' at rlil. irullm lluiil uiwlr. ulm lu . m. in I-. THE INDEPENDENCE Rational Bankl Capital Stock, ISO.WIO.OO. II. MIBKCHDKIUl, - rrmtclfitt. AP.KAM NELSON", Vice President. WP, CONNAWAV, CiwIiIit. A guirrnl bftiiUiiK and exchnntr b'ti niM transacted ; Ioiiii iim'l"! Willi eounUd, commercial credit KrmiU-d; d(MMlti received on current account ubject to check, Interest mld on lime dcpoalta. ihkf.ctoks. . r. Smith, A. Nelson, I. A. Allen, II. II. Jasporson, A. J. tioodnmn, D. W. Mean, II. Hlrel.lHrTf. Carble Granite Q.L. HAWKINS, Inth,ix.mlom,o, Oit- ,.-' Monunwnts, Headstones, Curbing , Etc. i Correspondence solicited. Sperliipg Bros., Meat Market . 'if-- - ; DEALER IN- Clioice Meats. OPEN 8UNDAY8 FROM 8 to 0 a.m. Free Delivery to all parts y of the city. Mln8Uroot. - Independence. DOOT'-oSHOESHOP PH. Murphy, Prop. Ber-'lngof all V da will r jive pror- The b-t of work turned out ou abort notlee. A :;arc of your patronage : -y it solicited. ' IT-ii'jtreet, Independence KLr;i COUNTY TILE WORKS. .. T. tmnt 00., raoraiiMae. 4.11 a' of flniUclR. til. from I locho. to - 34 Inches mnufncUira. , nicu m TKoramo : 5 z.-7:X ::::::v.:::: 1 :::::::::: S Vh:::::::::::: m EMlm 'm for Uylnf Tile promptly furnUhed I onlrcU UKon. All work . t unrsntMd wturucturjr. JXZ .PEXDEXCE. OREGON SAI & INDEPENDENCE :-: : STAGE :-: j;R. TIIOMTSON Trop. Lrav s Independence every morn ing ( xcept Sunday) at 8:30 a. m. Uaves Salem at 2 p.m. Ieara orders at Little Palace Hotel or at I" 'office. Pre' t and paaaetifan. earned on rea ji...a tarm. I 'mm E The Moral is Plain .r. I!" A ml h- mu.l ... ..rm k I.Mll.1! ' All.1 lir lllllM 111 lr llllW it Willi ll Will II ' lllll"rillli ww. ... , V. I.- L..I,,. 1,1. lV"l." I.IM.,.I.I.-.I u....rM uf Kiild wlil.U li., M aliut, liuU uut rcwlveiI,-ijMp. nAa or Saddlery OimxIh, open your t-ytn to the fact that we xell the lxHt (tmaja for the leunt money, and pick uy tho porno of gdil by purchanind of ua. V. H. CRAVEN CO. A NEW ADV. Will occupy DON'T FAIL Don't be Sick! When You are Well I I PATTERSON 1 PINS- PINS For the members of the EASTERN STAR Will : Arrive :- This :- Week. Vj Theso Goods aro all of M f ilter. T)(isirna and will Perl The Traveler to Independence , SI,.-rka The City Restaurant Ken.en.lK.r, we gi ve 6 Flrat- .B7JXSS?Sif-'"rt' " cIuhm Meals for $1.,,orrt M RS . I CAMPBELL, Trop . ; C. W. HAYES, Man'gr. Main St., Independence, Or. Ths ladspeadeace Heat Uatket. JOllAX MVLLER, Prop. Is now ready to eupply the people of Independence with all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats, Hams, Bacon, Sausages, Lard, etc., at lowest possible rates. DDOOii WEST OF POST OFFICE, iNDKrESDESCK, OkKOOX. '-Wlint a .11 wuI''J ?.ILI nl. aiM'' , " " 'VrLJ " " ni. "".-'V " ..II ! ... I r..ll..W this space NEXT WEEK. TO READ IT. During at leant Bpven itated rioda in Ltfu a reiurd aliould he preserved or a fraou'a likeneMi, an follow.: I n fun I bond, lluli) hood,. Chll.lbotHl, Itoy- IiimmI, Manhood, Middle age. Old age, and 1. II. CUAVKN the photographer, will aupply you with these llkcneimea at the very lowtat rutea. Olva hlin a call. WE KNOW how it uiakei one feel to be.lck- Hut if you wl!l Reteiek miieiiibur that it in our biiHinew to aell Mvilit'ineM. We've hail conniiluruble ex-iwrifiH-e in pri'imrintr uitHliciiieii and know the advnnuifre of iibIhk fresh and piire Driign. We keep no othor kind. R KM EMBER that wo han dle many articles you may desire, bucIi as Jewelry, Silverware, Watches, Clocks, etc. BROS., Main St. Independence, Oregon IPINS U For the DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAI1 m JUST ARRIVED. tho most handsome and be sold cheap. ... H KRAMER, the Jeweler. n I I KSj -IS ILL NEWS OF -THE WEEK. The Oregon Henutorlnl Deadlock Itroken-MeIrliI,KeiiHtor.. -A . THE HAWAIIAN CABLE 13 DEFEATED. Fred Douglas is rd Tbe Astoria Eailroad A Hew 8ilm Party Hesry Oold, Imports. j Kniin tho Onuulan, Hun and HlaU-mn.) JapaDM laaa FtW BcporUd. Tokio, Feb. 21. The committee of the Japaneiie diet has. reported favorably on the new loan of 100 OUO.tKX) yen. The intcrcHt on the new loan will not exceed 6 per cent, lot Wuttd in South Dakota. Tieuke, S. D., Feb. 21. Woman suffrage met its Waterloo in the lcgihlature this afternoon. A vote was taken on the bill without debate, and tood 40 ayes and 34 noeu, and was declared lost. Iliiuie Ilreuker Arrested. Smith, a youth of 10, and a member of a highly respected family here, was arrested and put in jail for breaking into the house of L. F. Anderson. He Bccured property valued at $200. Korf CoacUrfitii ArrciUd. Walla Walla, Feb. 21. Sheriff Eljingsworth and Police Oillcer John son raided a counterfeiters den today and arretted Ur. II. Greenwood and an accomplice. The officers also discovered the dies and other pharnphernalia use by the counterfeiters. Ia Honor af Fredrick DoogUta. Raleiqh, N. C, Feb. 21. A great sensation was created here today by the adoption in the house of resolution introduced by a negro, that when the general assembly do adjourn, itadjorns in honor of Fred erick Douglaks. The resolution was passed by a vote of 34 to 20, all the democrats voting against it. Death of a Uarion Comity Pioneer. Salem, Or., Feb. 21. Alexander Spong. a resident of Marion county for 40 years, died at his fiirm home north ot Saltan Wednesday even ing., lie was 77 years old. He came to Oregon in 1851, locating at Oregon City for a short time; thence moving to Lafayette, Yam hill county, where he lived for two years, and then came to this county. He was proprietor of .Spong's ferry, connecting Marion and Polk counties at Lincoln, Hawaiian Cable Bill Defeats. Washington, Feb. 21. The Sen ate amendment to the Consular and diplomatic appropriation bills, appopriating $500,000 for the con struction of a cable to tho Hawaii an islands, was defeated in the house today by the decisive vote of 152 to 144. Herman decarled that the Pacific coast question of cable connection with Honolulu overshadowed and transonded all others save only that of the construction of the Nic aragua canal. The people of the Hawiian islands gave us 90 per cent of their trade. More of our ships entered the port of Honolulu than any other port in the world last year. The Hew Flag Law in Sew York But. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 22. Gover nor Morton today approved the act to prevent the display of foreign flags upon public buildings in this state. Inoomo-Tax Beeolution ApproTod. Washington, Feb. 22. The pres ident has approved the joint reso lution extending front March 1, 1895, to April 15, 185)o, the time for making returns of income tax provisions of the revenue act of 1894. The Taenia Bay Bill. Washington, Feb. 22. Tbe com mittee on rivers and harbors has authorized a favorable report upon Hermann's bill providing for a board of engineers to examine the bar of Yaquina bay. Hermann's rdan is to use this favorable report before the senate, believing it will greatly assist in procuring an amendment in the appropriation bill to embrace the provisions of hia bill. Killed a Littla Boy. Walla Walla, Feb. 22. At 11 o'clock today Charlen, the C-year old son of T. J. I'ose, a merchant of this city, was sho in the head and killed by Author Isitt, a 13 year old boy. Isitt used a 22-rifle. VuriouH reasons are given as to the intentions of Ihitt. He say he shot accident) y, but a companion says Isitt had threatened Itnse xeveral times during the morning. Ihitt is in the county jail and will have a hearing tomorrow. Arretted for EzLbeadement- ' Don Carlos Boyd was arrested here today and lodged in jail. He will be taken to Heppener to answer to a charge of embezzlement and forgery made by the Patterson Publishing Company. John Bull's Adrice to Brother Jonathan. IOndon, Feb. 22. The Statist sayg that the high rate of interest asked for tho United States loan is due to the belief that futher loans will soon be needed, and if the preg ident refuses to borrow and con gress does not act promptly gold will go to a premium. and disappear from circulation. This will be fol lowed by a panic in Wall street and the money market will be paralized until the elections next year are over. The true remedy for the cur rency crisis is a loan to call in and cancel the greenbacks. The Aaeocliited Uiinka Report. New York, Feb. 23. Following is the weekly bank statement of the associated Jxinks: Reserve, decrease 1 13,800,700 Loans " 70i,600 oecio " 6,986,000 Itral tenders, increase. ..., 2,876,600 Deposits, decrease 3,674,800 Circulutiun, increase 287.900 The banks now hold 129,822,775 in excess of the requirement of the 25 per cent law. Imports and Ex porta. New York, eb. 26. I no im ports and exports for the week were: Imports Exports Gold . $1,272,805 $101,985 Silver 2,582 489,102 Dry Goods 4,659,178 General Mdse. 7,069,765 Excitement In Wall Street. New York, Feb. 23. There is much excitement in Wall street over the allotment of bonds. It is said small investors and sayings banks will be given the preference. The syndicate has announced that the total subscription to the new 4 per cent loan in the United States amounts to $200,000,000. A United Btatcs Senator Elected. Salem, Or., Feb. 23. On the 60 th joint ballot of the joint session of Oregon's legislature and the 23d of the evening, Geo. W. McBride was elected United States senator to succeed Joseph N. Dolph, whose term will expire March 4, next. The decisive vote was: McBride 72; Hare 10; Haley 6; Weatherford 1; total 89; absent 1; necessary to a choice 45. Gold for the Bonds. - Washington, Feb. 23. Up to and including today the treasury department has received $29,675, 708 in gold on deposit on account of the Belmont-Morgan bond pur chase; it has issued $28,422,774 in certificates for the same, and has carried to the gold reserve $29,339, 289. The treasury interest pay ment on account of recent bond issues, and the gold bond issues up to date, aggregate this fiscal year $23,000,000, or about 11 per cent of the total receipts of the govern ment for the fiscal year to date Antl-ToxlneaSucceaa at Med lord. Medford, Or., Feb. 23. Wednes day of this week Dr. E. B. Pickel received from Dr. Mingus, of Portland, a bottle of anti-toxine. and the same afternoon adminis tered it to a child of John Norton, residing about four miles south of Medford. Today the patient was discharged by the physician. There have been several cases of diphthe ria here of late, and the result of administering this medicine has been watched, with interest, not only here, but by the medical pro fession all over the ttate, as it was the first case on which the medi cine was tried in the state. liurglary at Oregon City. OrkgonCitv, Or., Feb. 21. J. P. Iowe's jewelry store was roblx-d tonight. The nhow-window glass was broken, and three watches and two revolvers taken. No clue to tho identity of tbe burglars as yet. Mexico and Guatemala. Gactemala, Feb. 24. It is given out here that no positive settle ment had been reached here on the questions pending with Mexico. Minister lVLoan has telegraphed that the Mexican government still holds for the indemnity clause, and is not inclined to abate an iota From oflicial circles it is learned that GauUmala has made abso lutely no concessions to Mexico. Wonderful, If True. London, Feb. 24, The Daily Chronicle's Vienna correfpondent says ' Professor Wagner, of the Vienna university, expounded a cure for insanity to the medical society yesterday. He injects Koch's tuberculine, causing a fever, alter which the insanity is dimin ished. He repeated the treatment a few times, each injection lessen ing the insanity until eventually it vanished. Frane and American Cattle. Paris, Feb. 24. At the cabinet meeting today, M. Gadau, minister of agriculture, made an order in council forbidding the importation of American cattle into France on account of Texas fever and pleuro pneumonia, with which they are alleged to be infected. This order is undoublly the outcome of the persistent protectionist agitation in the rural districts in the north of France. Ever since the new cab inet entered office, M. Gadau has been besieged by agrarian deputa tions and petitions'. A Nehalem Settler Drowned. Astoria, Or., Feb 25. News was received here today of the drown ing in the Nehalem river yesterday of Charles Caldwell, a settler in that locality. He attemp"d to shoot the rapids in a small boat and was upset The body has not been recovered. Caldwell was a native of Ravenswood, W.Virginia. Tbe Astoria Railroad. Astoria, Or., Feb. 25. A letter received in this city today from an intimate friend of Bonner and Hammond, of Missoula, conveys the information that those gentle men will leave Missoula for As toria, at an early day, and that work will begin on the Goble railroad March 1. , Murder aDd Suicide. Chehalis, Wash., Feb, 25. J. A. Phillips, a logger about 35 years old, shot and killed his wife at Centralia about 4 o'clock this afternoon. After writing a note explaining the cause of ths tragedy he blew out his brain3. Both died within an hour. The affair grew out of Phillips' jealousy of his who. The Earth Quaked at Oregon City. Oregon City, Feb. 25. The earthquake was distinctly felt here this morning at 4:48 o'clock. A number of people were awakened at that time without knowing what disturbed them, but many clearly recognized the shock as an earthquake. The motion appeared to be easterly and westerly, and the shaking continued about six seconds. A Free 8!lver Party. Washington, Feb. 25. It is understood that the leaders in the movement to organize a free-silver party have received advices from different parts of the country that such progress has been made as to make them feel confident that they will be able to organize a new party, which will command the support of silver men throughout the country. A plattorm Has Deen agreed upon which plants the whole party on the plan of frt- silver, eliminating all other de mands of the jtfipulint platform of 1892. It ix understood that General Weaver ia the leader of tho movement, supported by Geu eral Warner and Mr. Bland. Funeral ol the Colored Orator. Washington, Feb. 25. Not since' the unveiling of the Lincoln eman cipation statue in 1878 has there been such a popular outpouring of colored people to pey tribute to a oeneiactor oi tneir race as was wit neeoed today in and about tho rrt ...n..i:A ir.:.. i; i luc.ii'imau Airicuu iMeuioulst Episcopal chnrch, where thefuner al services over the remains of Frederick Douglass took place. Mtmy prominent persons were present. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. J. G. Jenifer, pastor oi the church. 1 he remains .-Ml 1.. ...1 A - I . in u io jwcneewr, a. I. I. i a li naa ren at uiympia. Olympia, Wash., Feb. 25, Tho earthquake was felt here at 4:45 this morning. It was more remark able for length of duration than for its severity. An Editor's Bard Luck. Heppeneb, Or., Feb. 25. Editor D. C. Boyd, who is charged with lorgery, was brought down from W alia Walla by Sheriff Harrington yesterday morning. Ho waived examination today," and his bond was 'placed at i 00, which ho was unable to give. Hareonrt Oppose Free Silver. London, Fob. 25. The Standard says that Sir William Hareonrt will, on behalf of the government, take a verv strong line acainst the resolution that will be submitted to the house of commons by Robert L. Everett, declaring that a national agreement to restore free coinage and the full legal tender power of silver is desirable. French Embargo on American Meata, Chicago, Feb. 26. Speaking of the decree issned by the French government prohibiting the im portation of American cattle, Nel son Morris, a well-known packer, said: "We shipped $18,000,000 worth of cattle and produce to France last year, and this great trorlo la nKenl 11 talv attmvMl Kv the order of the French goyern ment. I knew this was coming, and with the exception of two or three boat loads, not any cattle or auy product has been sent to France in the last ten days. The effect of the German and Belgium embargo has been to reduce the price of cattle of the classes ship ped to these countries by $10 a head, and this French edict will even more unjustly affect the stockyards." " ......... Botes from the Capital. Salem, Or., Feb. 26. Governor Lord today appointed the follow ing Dr. Herbert W. Caldwell, surgeon-general, Portland; David M. Dunn, commissary-general, Portland; Notaries; Louis J. AdanjB Silyerton; A. W. Severance, Tilla mook; C. F. Beltmenrother, Ban don; L. M. Robinson, Baker Cityf N. J. Henton, Albany; Albert Tog ier, Portland. Julia Crosby, 32 vears old. and John Johnson, 42 years old, both of Multnomah county were brought to the state insana asylum today, and s. n. Bennett, who was committed from Marion county was discharged. Chester Lawerence, of Astoria, 14 years old, was committed to the reform school today. The total number of boys in the school is A Monument for Colonel Baker. Sacramento, Cal, Feb. 26. In the assembly today, the ways ami -meats committee reported favor ably a bill for the ereevwa h $15,000 monument to the memory. of Colonel E. D. Baker. Dr. Price's Cream ik,n