Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, February 21, 1895, Image 1

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    ! tli mtur Ul
-lhs KNTfcHMUal
always endeavors to a
Hour? w ioctnun.
but rftrt amurey of
alalemeiit to blunilorlag
AUvarilelriur Maium
KKMXind to iiiiii lu Fulk
rorrriu sesolti
always rulluWiwrrful itvr
Using l iiM li l-Mlwr,
Eternal Vlllance U the rrloe of Liberty. Jeffenon.
VOL 2 NO. 12
j! Couinirivma Uuaina M'l KHI''
First Notional Bank
, ot ImW-pHilm-, Oregon, 1
i 0pl'l Block,
1 iMII'KII. ' KOHK'1"'
Jti-Ui.k,i. V.WIiilkn,
W. V.Ollin.
Wl ..Mrtimll. r.illrt-llom nile.
Rational Bcink!
'. Capital Stock, $.V,(KH).0().
H. HIUsClIHKIui, rodent.
ABKAM NK.IoN, Vlee, Prwddent.
W. I. CUNNAW.VY, VtmUler.
A Ijeneriil .ankiiiKiii'l exehniii:e '""I
no IrMtiox'tifl ; tonus nnd Mil" I"'
counted,!d credits ;
Jepo-iiN roenlrrd onrreiil nmmnt
vthject to t lirtK, littere.t Ji'l u tim1"
'. F. Hniitli, A. Nrlnon, 1. A. Altrn,
H. II. Jaepcntim. A. J.tioodmiui, 1. W.
knn. II. Ilirnclitwri!.
Marble Granite ;
, Monuments', t
' Ilcad.Htorws,
' Curbing
Correspond iei ted.
Sperling Bros.,
Meat Market
11EAI.KU ix-
Choice Meats.
OPEN' SUNDAYS FHOM H to 9 ft. in.
Frefl Delivery to nil iwrts
of tlio city.
Main Street. - Imllei.U"iic3.
P. H. Murphy, Prop.
KeiiulrliiK f
all ViikU will
The Ix'nt of
turned out ou
nhort uotlec.
- A share of your patronage
V. ' I is golicited.
Main street, Independence
W. t. BDtBOT 00.. riuruiTOM.
; All 'f llmt-clu tllo trom Inchn to
-- 24 Inchon, niHiiufiuiliirmi.
Inch..... " 7 " i-4?
, a I Inch...
, ... " DU 10 " '
I jtlmM. for laying Tllo promplly furnUhod
and ponrcU tBkn. All work
f....'. ' giiuniiiUKl tttl"fwl"ry.
wAepuxdexce. or eg ox
i x STAGE x
Ieaveg Independence every morn
ing (except Sunday) at 8:80 a. m.
Leaves Salem at 2 p. in.
Leav onler at LlUle Falaee Hotel or
1 1 Pnatoftlce.
'"reirlit and paenfera earned onrea
i aUterma.
The Moral is Plain ......
h, Tv h'.w 11 would .-.ii II Ihl. inLlorluii- wi-r.. in l. H iMii. , f
!r'.v"l"r,i'..iiiliii(iiil.'r l.lm, k. l i.iu'Ui, of kUI wlilrli Itu, lwHm "
n hul, litid ""I iM'rw Ivuil.-.l
Have Fttbnla ltortt-J IX"
ntmn or Kiiddli-ry GhxU, open your eye to the fact that we
M-ll the Lent kkm1k for tlm I'-ont money, ami pick up tlio
, pin mu uf Hold by puroluu-inK of "
VYoU will nmemliertliat(ioliath
wrtu vt-rv much Hiirprined wlicn
David V,iv 'i11' a
Mtmie. IleHaid tlmfnuch
h ihinK 1'"' iievrrentensl t
hi ( iHf.r.v" New JLU-a.
ideiiK urf nuiiM'ri'im in our htrn k. We
iilwuyn liuvt- wb:rt in laUct, Ih-hI and
elieu pent.
Several thousand pieces
HlQh-grade Music
atlOc per ccpy.
Main Sli t t t,
Don't be Sick!
When You are Well
Vox Ecoaomr IhuepiueM
ithi.-h will hir-t the
. X.
need tlio leawt repairiuc
You nn,y .t one (.,
former is cneuji, me
k .,,.,..1 ,it,.I,.
one lor tlio ient iohi
The Traveler to Independence
Hlionld lint
lila hetul
Itcnieinlier, wejrlve 0 Flrst
cIiimh Meals for $1.
V. UeU,rc your ,,,it and fnU, preyed ajj. and
MKS. L. CAMPBELL, Prop. ; C. W. HAYES, Man'gr.
Main St., Independence, Or.
The Independence Meat Market.
J01IAN MULLEll, rrop.
la now ready to supply the people of Independence with all
kinds of Fresh and Cuml Meat, Hams, Bacon, Sausages,
Lard, etc., at lowest possible rates.
Thi Weekly Oregoniu 50 eta a Year.
The rMrnlnr.nh.rrlpt Ion pric of the F-TKH(-KiKlfl.aiiidlheniili.ri.iilr1ptlon
nrlwof The WwKl.v lrrmilHn I. All
wl.ori.-rll for lb Kolerprl .nd pay
yTrTn ,dr.. en ,el boll. ' K"'" J
nit Ihr WrrklT On-.nln one erfor .
foroneyrarln dvuc will b. rnUUil to
Ui. Muue oiler.
Books, Periodicals,
Stationery, School
I mk'pemlt.'iif Oro-
Durlmi at leimt Kevi n titnteil NrludH lu
Life u reiHinl hoiiil be prttHTvetl or a
k'Iii'm likcntKH, n follow:
Infinitum"!, Hiil.vhHl. fliil.lliio.l, IJoy-
IiimmI, MiuiIkxmI. Middle ajfo, Old up-,
and J. II. CKAVHX the pliolojrriij.lior,
wtll supply ' "n I hew llki'iieff( at
(he vt-ry lwnt Mtcn. (iivK hltuaeull.
WF. KNOW how it iiuil-.i'P ohm feel u
Iwnk-.k- H"t if you will get Hi
rointMuUf thut it in our bnrineiw to wl
Mi'diLiiie. We've Imd coiiHtilc rahlo ex
pfiii'iuo in reiiriii nn'iliehieji mid
know the odvuiiUito ol uxliiif fn-h Mini
jnmi lrHB. We keep no other kiud.
EMKMBKH that wo ban-
do many uiu
mav desire, such ns Jewelry,
Silverware, Watelies, Clocks,
Main St.
Independence, )re(-on.
: .....
-onHiHtH in BtUn that h; or JoiL
lontfeHt, toep tnno most necuiatel anu
.n . u.l ixvinmiiv. JVOII01HV- "
2-wl,i!e an.rtl.erj; Ml eoel
inner wunim , -
mid he will tell you how to got a pood
oie money
Xrke The City Restaurant
"Tlio comfort, of ukU i
ur col)Hnilltftiln.,
Backlen'i Arnica Salva.
Th. Best Salve in the world for Cuta,
n - u . 1 TIiUm Unit lihl'lim.
Vvvr iSorws Tetter. ChanrHl Ia"ds.
t IlllliiaiiiK, v " "
Ions, and positively cure. Piles, or no
iv rejuirwl. It is fruaranteed Rive
perfect satisfaction, or money rerundcrt.
l'iloe25eenUper bottle. Foe Sale By
Smith A Holt.
Three Administration HIIU De
feated In Confront,
LI Hone Cbaog Again Id ftror An-
othr 8trike-FUl Eailroad
Oolliiios. -
iKrom Iha OroconlMi, Hun and HulfNirain,
KiniiUr luo T. Gray la Dtd.
City ov Mexico, via Laredo,
Ftb. 14. lHanc P. Gray, United
KtateM Minister to Mexico, died at
7:05, P. M. this eveninj, witlniut
regaining coiiscioimness.
For InUrnational BnnoUluin-
I'Atun. Feb. 14. Tho ocietyf
French oi?riculturifts lias resolved
U support the national bimetallic
league in its appeal to the govern
ment to negotiate with Great Brit
ain, Germany, the Unit States,
the Netherlands and the Latin
Union states for on international
agreement to rehabilitate silver.
11 Hong; fkMf Again In Fetor.
Ties Tbi, Feb. 14. The Em
perior has restored Li Hung Chang
tho yellow jacket, pf acock fcather
and other honors. lie will be
summoned to Pekin, where he will
be given an audience by the em
perior, thence he will procefd to
Japan to arrange terms of peace.
Viceroy Wang Wen Soa will take
temporary change at Pei-Yang.
Ccnfinnad by Kin:itar Sua.
Washington, Feb. 14. Secre
tary Greshnm has received the fol
lowi ng cable from United States
Minister iun, at Tokio, under
late of February 14: "Wei-IIai-Wei
fell February 12. Admiral
Ito reports that a Chinese gunboat
Hying a white ting brought Ad
miral Ting's messugo proposing
the surrender of the ships, forts
and orms.f provided the Jives of
tho crews, soldiers and foreigners
be spared. Tho formal surrender
is being accomplished."
?i-opar.n5 Icr tea Inevitable.
London, Feb. 14. The Stan
dard's correspondent in Berlin
says: "When IV kin Bhall be
seriously threatened, the Chinese
emperor will retirj to Palgan in
Mongolia. When Pekin shall be
captured, Prince Kung will be
authorized to conclude peace."
"Japan has altered her terms', and
declines to inform the powers yet
of her views but suggests that the
foreiun diplomats ascertain what
China is willing to pay and what
territory she will cede."
Tha Administration in Hard lack.
Washington,, Feb. 14. The
third attempt by tire administra
tion this session to secure legisla
tion looking to the relief of the
treasury fiiilcd in the house today.
First the Carlisle bill for the re
form of the currency system went
down, next the bill for the issue of
$500,000,000 gold bonds and the
retirement of the legal tenders,
recommended in the president s
snecial message, was defeated last
Thursday by a majority of 27, and
todav the house, by a majority of
47, refused to order a third read
ing of the resolution by which it
was proposed to aut horize the is
sue of $65,000,000 of 3 per cent
gold bonds to substitute for the 4
per cent 30-year bonds sold by
Secretary Carlisle under contract
with the Rothchild-Morgan Syndi
cate. ItWu the Last Appd
Washington, Feb. 15. There
seems to be little doubt thst yes
terday's fight was the final rally
in the campaign of the administra
tion democrats for financial legisla
tion in this congress.
Wast a Kooetary Confarenoa.
Beklin, Feb. 15. In the reich
stag today Count Mirbach urged
the government to call an inter
national conference with a view to
renionctizing silver. Count Bis
marck favored such a bill. Chan
cellor von Ilohenlohe intimated
that the government would be
willine to confer with the federal
government upon the question of
entering into negotiations with
Sells Everything at - -
Cash Prices.
other powern in regard to the
advisability of considering the
monetary system.
CriulK.d l Ix-alb la the Mud.
Ashland, Or., Feb. 15. Fred
Wills, the 13-year-old son of
James Wells, living three miles
north of Ashland, was killed in an
unusual and shocking manner lost
evening. Early in the afternoon
he left his farm homo to herd bis
father's sheep off a neighbor's
pasture, as ho had been in the
habit of doing. Not returning at
the usual hour his father and
brother started out to look for him.
They found tho boy and his horse
in a gulch hurried in the sticky
mud. Directly under the horse
and almost burried was the lifeless
body of the poor boy his body
lying lengthwise with the horse.
Tha Bcppner 8tage Ilsld np.
Pendleton, Or., Feb. 15, At
about 0 o'clock this evening, while
Mrs. Atkinson was driving the
stage from lleppner to Echo, a
band of highwaymen sprang from
the roadside at a point a little over
half wov to Echo, at a lonely spot
on the road, and fired several shots
at the bravo woman holding the
reins. Seeing that resistance was
useless, and one of the gang having
succeeded in getting hold of the
horses' heads, Mrs. Atkinson sur
rendered, and the robbers pro
ceeded to go through the stage and
the passengers. It is not known
at this writing what or how much
booty was secured, but it is be
lieved to have been very valuable.
Deputy United States Marshal
Bentley wUl go to the scene of the
holdup with all dispatch and give
chase to the scoundrels.
Charles Knowlee Under Arrest.
Okkoon City, Or. Feb. 15 Chas.
Knowles was arrested by Sheriff
Maddock at his home near Silver
ton last evening and brought to
the county jail this afternoon on a
warrant sworn out by Henry
Maztngo, charging him with the
murder of James M. Brown, on or
about the first of January. The
prisoner is a young man about 23
years of age. He denies the charge
against him, and says hecan prove
he was in Salem on New Year's
day. The evidence against him is
not fully disclosed, but it is under
stood to be that ho was seen in the
vicinity of the murdered man's
cabin about the time the crime
was supposed to have been com
mitted, and that he accounted for
his having money after that time
in a manner that did not bear in
vestigation. '
Sale or the Golden Star Mine.
Cottage Grove, Or., Feb. 16 A
Chicago syndicate has bought the
Golden Star mine on Martin creek,
about three miles from Bohemia.
The Barbarian Chinese
London, Feb. 16. The emperor
of China has ordered the behead
ing of all civil, military and naval
officers connected with the defense
of Wei-Hai-Wei.
11 Proved to be a Fake.
Pkn-dleton. Or.. Feb. 16. The
United States deputy marshal re
turned here today, and says that
the story of the Echo-Heppner
stage robbery is a "fake.'
Exports and Imports.
New York, Feb. 16. The ex
ports and imports for the week
from this port were:
Exports Imports
fir,!,! 63.206 $ 217.898
Silver 540,643 8,203
Dry goods 2,207,652
General merchandise. . . 4,J!61,dil
Secretary Blaaall to Retire.
Washington, Feb. 17. It is un
derstood that Postmaster-General
Bissell will voluntarily retire from
office in a few months to resume
the practice of law in Buffalo. Mr
Bissell is to retire because ne is
of snendine $20,000 a year
more than his salary for the pleas
ure and honor of sitting at t resi
dent Cleveland's council board.
TwantT-two IGUioaa Deposited-
New York, Feb. 16. Of the
1 22.000.000 eold deposited in New
York and other cities, $1,000,000
has been deposited out of town, at
Highest of all in Leavening Poweb Latest U. 3. Govt Report
AnsoiUTEEV pane
San Francisco and Baltimore. It
was reported in Wall street, al
though the managers of the syndi
cate decline to confirm the report,
that the syndicate has sold $30,
000,000 worth of bonds at 11 1 f.
leaving only $2,500,000 more bonds
to be placed in this country.
Both Fleet and Fort Surrendered.
Washington, Feb 17. The
secretary of the navy today re
ceived the following dispatch from
Admiral Carpenter, commanding
the Asiastic squadron, dated Che-
Foo. February 16: "The Chinese
fleet and the Chinese island forts at
Wei-Hai-Wei. China, have sur
rendered. Tho Chinese admiral
and the Chinese generals com
mitted suicidt. Have sent ' the
United Steamship Charleston to
watch the movements."
Comment ol the London Press.
London. Feb. 16. The Statis,
commenting on the new gold loan,
says: "Three and one-half per
cent bonds are a good investment,
and will be eagerly Bought, but
they will not end the crisis. Gold
will go to a premium, but the
United States will pay its creditors
gold, though its domestic currency
is silver, the same ae Russia and
India pay gold." The Economist
savs it is absurd to pretend tnat
the United States is under obliga
tions to Day eold. The case, the
paper says, is identical with that of
India, which, if it elects a gold
loan, can , borrow at a less rate
than 3 oer cent, but has to pay an
additional one per cent for a rupee
Kansas City, Feb. 17. A pas-
sen srer train on the Atchison &
Topeka was wrecked near Pitts
burg, Kansas, last night, and eight
passengers injured.
' Mneh Suffering In the Btrip.
Hennessy. O. T., Feb. 17. An
aurjeal for aid has been issued by
thesettlere in the Cherokee strip,
Hundreds of families are absolutely
starvins. eating prairie dogs and
horses. The suffering is unparal
leled. Cattle have been dying in
droves as a result of the unprece
dented "northers" which visited
both territories and Texas within
the past few weeks. .
Two Collisions on tha Atchison & Topeka,
Guthrie, O. T.,Feb. 17. Through
a misunderstanding of orders, the
southbound Galveston express on
the Atchison & Tepeka. heavily
loaded with day excursionists, and
a northbound livestock extra col
lided at 11:45 o'clock last night,
while rounding a curve five miles
south of Guthrie. One man was
instantly killed, two fatally in
jured and 18 received serious
wounds. The dead man's name is
Charles Appleby, of Topeka, the
freight engineer.
It Is an Editor this Time,
HurPNER. Or., Feb. 17. D. C.
Boyd, who has been in the employ
of the Patterson Publishing Com
vmnv for the past six weeks, has
skipped to parts unknown. A
warrant is out for his arrest, and
if found he will no doubt be sent
to Salem. He forged three checks
on the company for a total amount
of $55. Two of the checks were
cashed at the bank. The other one
for $25, was cashed by Robert
Krick. a saloon keeper here, ani
refused at the bank. This caused
an investigation with the above
result As Boyd is well known to
the newsDaDer fraternity through
out the state, it is thought that he
cannot escape.
Japanese Fire a Salnte of Honor.
Che-Foo. Feb. 18. The foreign-
ers who were taken prisoners at
Wei-Hai-Wei, with the exception
of Howe, have arrived here. The
steamship Kang Chi brought the
bodies of the Chinese naval officers
who committed suicide. The Japan
ese saluted the Kang Chi, bidding
a solemn and reverent farewell to
Admiral Ting's body. The Chinese
33 FwfcS
were greatly impressed. The Japan
eso will not come to Che-Foo.
Junks brought the Chinese sol
diers from Wi-Ifai-Wei.
ToPtotrwt Forelf nera,
London, Feb. 18. A Pekin dis
patch says that marines are ar
riving at various foreign legations
for the purpose ot protecting tbem.
The Chinese are suspicious of their
presence, and trouble is feared.
The Grand Jury Found True Bills.
BakebCity, Or., Feb. 18 The
grand jury has found true bills
against the Giuglea boys for com
plicity in the Warshauer hotel
robbery, which occured sometime
in November last. Emil Webber
has also been indicted lor aiding in
the escape of prisoners.
Two County officials Hhort. ,,
Boise, Idaho, Feb. 18. An ex
pert has disclosed the fact that Ex-
Auditor V. C. Wickersham. of
Elmore county, is heavily Bhort in
his accounts; also Ex-Sheriff J. D.
Gray, The latter's shortage in
about $15,000, and the former's is
said to reach $10,000.
A Bold Hotc for the White Ketat.
Washington, Feb, 18. By a
bold parliamentary move the siWer
men of the senate, under the
leadership of Jones, of Arkansas,
forced aside all other pending busi
ness, and, by a vote of 30 to 27,
made the bill for the unrestricted
coinage of silver unfinished busi
ness before the senate. Having
succeeded in this, Jones gavs
notice that the silver bill would be
kept before the senate until s
final vote was secured before ad-
journment tomorrow. t
Binkt Among Electrical Workers.
New York, Feb. 18. In accord
ance with their notice to the as
sociation of electrical contractor
that they must be granted , eight
hours instead of nine per da after
February 15, 900 electrical workers
struck today. The board of dele
gates say that if any nonunion
men are put in their places other
trades will be called out. iney
say they will call out 80,000 inen
if necessary. The contractors say
the men did not give them tha
notice they were entitled to." They
are willing to grant the men eight
hours after April 1.
China Must Come to Japan.
Shanghai, Feb. 19. Japan has
refused to negotiate with China at
Port Arthur or anywhere else ex
cept in Japan.
The Senatorial Deadlock.
Salem, Or. Feb. 19 The 24th
ballot for United States senator to
day resulted as follows: Dolph,
40; Lowell, 29; Hare, 10; Raley, 6;
Cogswell, 1; absent, 4
A Wasco County Pioneer Dead.
The Dalles, Or., Feb. 19. Mr.
Lvon Newman, a pioneer resident
of The Dalles, died at his home
from an apoplectic stroke at 11
o'clock this morning, aged 62,
Hone's Coinage Bill.
Washington, Feb. 19. At
o'clock tonight, the senate ad
journed after a fruitless effort on.
the part of the silver men, lead bj
Mr. Jones, of Arkansas', to pass a.
bill for the unrestricted coinage of
silver. Mr. Jones himself made
the motion to adjourn, after i had
been made evident that a voting:
quorum of enators could not be
held in the senate chamber for an
allnight struggle.
Valuable Mining Property Slid
Baker City, Or., Feb. 19. The
property of the Oregon Gold Min
ing Company, at Cornucopia,
Union county, was sold this after
noon at 2 o'clock, in this city,
under foreclosure. The property
sold includes several mines, among
which is the Red Jacket, one of the
gold properties on the coast, and a
quartz mill which was built several
years ago at a cost of $450,000. It
was bid in for the sum of $9,000.
Or Price's Cream EaUnr IVw