A mi s Advertising Mtillum ll,K,NIKItl'HIHIC In ik'iiihI to mum III folk (muity. HoriTilUi tKIULTf always follow earefill adver tising III ui'li paper, In th ttiattr of LOCAL NIAVH the LNTKHI KlaK always endeavor to ha fROHPT Ml iOCWiTi. tint prefer innriirr of statement to bluuiiwlug A aaaaaema. Eternal Vigilance In the Price of Liberty. Jefferson. INDKl'KNDKNCK, POLK COUNTY, OKEGON. THURSDAY, FKIJKUAKY 7, 1805. $1.50 1'JiR YEAR. iSK VOL. 2 NO. 10 iflSa.TKC STAR SROGERY Higher of all in Leavening Power. Lait U. S. Govt Report Sells Everything at - - - Cash Prices. Mnufptit MM , .iifneed Humiii'M March 4, lMHll. 1 .i THE -4. "irst Hatiorpal Bank ii( Iiiditrsiiideiico, Oregon, Block, urplai, , 100,000.00 114,000 00 ,. I'KR. W. lloliKltTSON, " ' ' l-real.lani. v,l' Froalilenl. w, 11 iiAwi.it Y, Cashier. IUKWTOKS. V, Kola-rUnu. W. W. Collins. . H. ("iKitHT. tli uilek. li. W. WhlU-uUcr, The Moral is Plain The lii liineliolv traveler snlil! What a dreadful tlilnn It wonlil Imi If ' wnmnliurk l.llii.l!" And lie mii.t need. 'Mlk on ahead Willi M ryv 1 nil I,, iry In. It would seem If Uii" inlaiorniiis wr to ,"! 1 !, aii'lr, dotiiliiB iiliT I1I111, iileked up a pnr of gold which Ite, liu Inif his .! Mil III.. Illlll III. I KIUl.'iV'.l,-.1vMp. Have Fabnla J)ocet,X iZ ncsa or Saddlery Goods, open your eyes to tho fact that we sell tho iM-st good for tint least money, ami iick up tho purse of gold by purchasing of us. V. H GRAVEN CO. A irmial bask Ins Im.ltieaa tranaaeled. Illiy . . .,.........,,,.,. on Mil ii.iiM.rlt'itl imiIiiIw. I .,,,..,11. re. . l I iii.i"! I" in", k 'it on mil It ,w .f .lfli.ll, r,illrrll'lia al't. 1 iiluv B"ilfi a. HI lu 4 p. in. THE INDEPENDENCE Rational Bank! Capital Stock, $50,1X10.00. , IllKseilltr.Itti, KHAM NKION', . . F. CUXXAWAV, I'lCsi'll'Ilt Vice I'rewlilcht Cuhltr, A general UiiklntfaiHl exdmnire bus! ws tratiww:U:l;, loans made, ''Hit 'li" unu4. eoitfnuwial credit ;t iintfI pOIU IV.'eivi'il Oil etllTCIlt Ill'COIIIlt Idttctiovltitukviiilcrviil paid oil time HiU. IUUKCTOKS. 11. F. fiiiiitli. A. Nelson, I. A. Allen, if. Jih.ih ti.oii. A. J.tiutslimtn. ! W. art, II. Jlirselilwrif. IlarbleGranito ' ' ,;... ir.tircrx& Indcpv'ntli'iK-fs - Oiv. Monuments, , J lead tones, (hirbing Etc. Corri't-jKiiwloneo solicited. Jperlirpg Bros., Meat Market 1 V -PEAI.KIMV- Jhoice Meats. 1 UN SUXIUYS FKOMS to0 a.m. Free Delivery to all parts of tliu city. inStrtMit, - Imliipcnili'm-i'. DOT-uSHOESHOP ?. H. Murphy, Prop. "lairing of Kiuda will reuolvo iu ntlon Tho ln'nt of work lurnod out 00 short notice, VYou will remember tliatfioliath Wiin very much Hiirprineil whi-u Dnvi'l V.., Iiit him with a Hlone. a 1 Vy lluraiil that"nueh 11 lliiiif; liml never enteri'il 1 1 f din Imk.I liefure." Ni.vltl idt'iiM ure numerous in our etuck. Vn ulwayn liavo what iH latent, beHt and clieupeBl, Several thousand pieces High-grade Music atlCc per copy. 3 v. NEWS OF THE WEEK, WIImoii Kleetetl In WAHlihiKtoii. Jendluek atlll 011 at Haleni, CHINESE ENVOYS ARE SENT HOME. Books, Periodicals, Stationery, School Supplies. CLODFELTER BROS., Mniii Sti -ft, Intloi.endfiice, Ovt? , JfT i'XfjtyjLfv r&tZX", iAto 0 nliouM ms pttwrvfd of a i' 'j " "i'y 3$: xjJ. iH-rniHi'a hkeiiw, m fullown: f:-o; l'f W'.'iX InranilifKKl, H.U.yhmMl, Chll.Uiooil, Hoy- I t4'iu- fW) lio.nl, ManlMMHl. Mlchlle nKc, Old iiro, nnd I. II. CKAVi:X the pliol.raiiher, ". rk,-jsCh-r will mipply yu Willi lliew llkenwwa at V'. l"'i,'.y'-r''.',''r- -.''' (,, very lowcut mien. tiiv bint a call. Don'i be Sick! WE KNOW how it iuiiken one feel lo In- Hick Hut if you will pet nick rfmeiiiU-r tlnt it i nr lnn-inettH to cell Medicine. Xk'o'vo liatl consiilerublu ex pcrieiiiii in irei:uing .medicine and know the mlvanltnre o( nnin frcnh mid puro DriigH. We keep no other kind. When You are Well R KMKMltEH that wo lian- 11 - : . 1 ... (Uo many arurius vwu may desiro, such as Jcwolry, Silverware, atelies, Clocks, etc. PATTERSON BROS., Mnin Kt. lnile)endenco, Orepon. Tloaa "d - -v -S TV ' O Tlmt ilneB not eeoii(ifni.e ia not economy 1 clmxintt tiinonieces wiikihU in getting which will lunt the lonncpt, Keep time Economv4 in that watch or clock ci; most accurately ana need the least repairing, In, Watob..es You iiiiiv get one for J2 while another will eo;-t $1CH1. Tho former i-8 cheap, tho latter beautiful ; neither is economical. Ogq ZZxcltxlcz: If you need 11 wntch, nnd he will tell you how to got a good onu for the leant pohmIIiIo money. UJ. "arc of your patronage V, I ia solicited. 'netreet, - Independence : COUNTY TILE WORKS. V, T. BORRtJS A CO., riofUTOa. 1 or flnit-olHMii tll from 8 tiichca to 24 Iiitilii-H, niiiiiiilniaiireit. tllOU FES ThOUSAND: 1 , in 7 ?" ir Ji " an Inch ' o 10 " "", I Tor laying Tllo promptly fiirnlHlied 1 1 contract tAkPii. All work KimrntitoiHl Kdtlnfiictory. A & INDEPENDENCE -. STAGE :-: THOMPSON. Trop. Independence every morn ( oept Sunday) at 8:30 a. m. Leaves Salem at 2 p. m. - ; rder at Little Palace Hotel or 1- .ffloe. 1 1 and pannongers carried on rea 1 ie term. ' The Traveler to Independence The City Restaurant "The comfort of kucsIh is ur consian I uiin. We dcKlro your pntronnito. and If carefully urcimrcit food nnd conrlcons trent int iit will Hceuro It, wo Hollolt a trial. Khould not full to in alio lua lu':iiliiiurlMiit 1'iMiiotnber, wc(rlv i Fir.st elns.H JIcnls lor $1. MUS. L. CAMPBKLL, Prop. ; C. W. 1IAYKS, Mun'gr Jluin St., Independence, Or. I I ace J0UAX MULL ER, rrop. Is now ready to supply the people of Independence with nil kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats, Hams, Dacon, Sausages, Lard, etc., at lowest possible rates. OZCnTE! DOOR WEST OF POST OFFICE, Independence, Okkoox. The Weekly Oregonian 50 cts a Tear. Th. nfMMllnr anli.i'rl nl loo tirlo. oflhuFr- Tkbi-kimic iHjl.fiilaiiilllie n-siiliir (iihu-rlpllon prli-a of Tlio ?iy orecnuiiu i i- in i,kiilTllM. rorlhrKntrrprlw and w.T i,f vcur In 11rtvar.ee ean fd holh the Knlerprle and the Week I v nn-Koiilan one year for fsl HI. All old anlMcrlliempaylnir tlielrnlerlpilon for one year In advunoo will be entitled to the aame uU'er. Bncklea'i Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Rruiee, Hores, Ulcers, Salt Ithruin, Kver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, aud all Skin Erupt ions, aud positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. li lee 25 cents per bottle. For Sale By Smith A Holt. The Btormlug of Wei-Eai-Wei-A Dis grioefal Burnt in the IIoDie Strike Thrnatened. t'rointlio (irigonlaii, Hun and Ktatnmuii.) BiiAXfiiiAt, Jan. Ul.Tbe Bhang liai Mercury, in an extra edition, gaya that all of the main land nnd inland forts at W'ei-IIai-Wei end tho entire Chinese licet have been captured by the Japanese. Colli Withdrawal Yntorday. Wahhixotox, Jan, 31. The total withdrawals of gold today were $2,377.00. of which all but $100,000, withdrawn irom Chicago was taken from the sub-treasury at New York. This leaves tho irue amount of tho gold reserve Vl2, 3o'l,'Ji(i. FU Throngh c Trevle. OKKuotf Citv, Jan. 31. Herman Ilessc, of Portland, met his death Iact night by fulling from the irerftlfl of tho East Side railway tte, will) two companions, were returning to Portland, when Iiese fehpped und missing his footing fell a distance of 35 feet to the ground. lie received injuries from the effects of which he died in a few hours. Wu-Iiii-Wei Captured. Ciiee-Foo, Jan. 31. Wei Ilai- U'ei was captured Wednesday after two day's skiruiishiug. The Chinese "bolted" when the assault was luaue. It is stated their loss was over 2,000 men. Lui-Lung- Tau, an island near the city, on j wiucn tnc worusliops nnu some ! forts are, is still in the hands of U10 Chinese. All the Europeans in tho city escyied unhurt. It is reported that 'during the fighting all the Chinese men-of-war and ships in tho harbor sailed away uninjured. Ocnnan'i Eosclution of Inquiry. Washington, Jan. 31. The resolution of inquiry introduced by Senator Goruan, and passed by the senate today calls on the secretary of the treasury to report the actual available cash balance in the treasury applicable to cur rent expenditures of tho govern ment January 1, .1894, giving specifically tho amounts, respect fully, of gold and bullion, less ull outstanding gold certificates; and standard silver dollars, less out standing certificates and current subsidiary silver coin; United States notes, less currency certifi cates outstanding, and treasury notes of July 14, 1S90; and national bank notes, less national bank 5 per cent fund; and show ing the aggregate of such available cash balances, not including, but stating tho actual amount of gold in the treasury as the reserve or redemption fund and tho out standing checks and drafts, and also a like statement respecting all the foregoing items on July 1, 1S93. Sugar Refinery to Resume Gperatioas. Philadelphia, Feb. 1 The Specke'.a sugar refinery, which has been idla for several weeks, will resumo operations on full time next week. The refinery employs 2000 men. John L- Wilson Eleoltd. OiAxiriA, Wash., Feb.l. John L. Wilson was elected United States senator today on the 23th joint ballot. Hie iinai vote stood as follows: Wilson, 80; Wescott, 24; Wallace, G; necessary to a choice, 56. Long and tumultuous ap plause greeted the announcement that John L. Wilson had been elected United States senator. A Disgraceful Soea in the Eons. Washington, Feb.l. There was a most exciting sceue in the nouse of representatives this morning when Breckinridge of Kentucky . . , f ,1: ? . 1 T an a iieara 01 .uissoun pas. iuc lie and came to blows in the center aisle in the middle of the hall, the conibattants were separated. They were then brought before the speakers dink nndatohgizcd to the house for their had manners. It is thought that nothing serious will come of the difficulty. Heavy Damag gait Salem. Or., Feb. 1. II, R. ptyan. an expressman who was injured nt tho Southern Pacific passenger depot in this city January 29, lH'H, by being struck by a locomo tive, whereby his right foot was torn ofT at the ankle-joint, necessi tating Amputation midway to the knee, and who received numerous other injuries, has filed a com plaint in tho circuit court against the company for $11,000 damages TheForflrt op. A stoma, Or., Feb. 1. Lion togge, publisher of the Paeifi manner, 01 1 ortianu, today oe posited with the water eommis sion a certified check for $10,000, as a forfiet, for the purchase of th Astoria water bonds by Kudolpl Ivleybalto it Co., of Cincinnati The commission is now engaged i considering certain pointa in the contract submitted by Mr. Stogge, which will probably be signed to morrow. Etill Fighting Around Wei-Hai-Wei. Tokio, Feb. 1. Tho followin dispatch from Marshal Oyama was received under todays date from Talien Wan: "All of the lan forts at Wei-Hai-Wei aro taken The enemy retreated beyond Fun jjin cm. ine ismncso warsmps were not captured, und are still firing at rts. I am inquiring as tnc Josses on notn sides, and am examining tho prisioners and spoils. -The Japanese torpedo- boats have been sunk and an iron clad disabled. No foreigners have been hurt. Wei-IIai-Wei is quiet." An Enelith View of the Hesnage. London, Feb. 1. The Stati says: "i'resident Cleveland s mes sage appears to bo wise and states manlike. As the law stands, it i quite clear that a large sum could not be borrowed in Europe, for there is doubt respecting the presi dent s jtouity to contract to pay gold. This would be fatal to any projected loan. Money can al ways be had at a price, but tho government of the United States cannot act a8 if it were bankrupt, T. I. 11. 1 its creau wouia stana as nigh as that of any country in the world f congress would only do its duty tho present congress does not act, it is greatly feared that it will be too late to appeal to the new congress, for before it can bo called together a crisis will probably have occurred." The Lost Marshal of France. Paris, Feb. 2. Marshal Can- robert, last of the marshals of France, was laid to rest in the Hotel des Invalides with state honors and with an imposing military display. Gens. Billot, Nigrier, Jamout, Boisdeffre, Ad mirals Duperre and Kieunier were pall bearers. Paid Dear for a Forgetful Memory. Fresno, Cal., Feb. 2. In the superior court today W. T. Warner (obtained judgement against the Southern Pacific Railroad Com pany for $5,000 damages for being put out of a car between Fresno and Fowler in 1S93, when he had already paid his fare. The con ductor forgot that he had collected Warner's fare. Another Bond Issue Probable. , Washington, Feb. 2. There is no longer any doubt that negota- tious are about completed for the sale in New York of $100,000,000 of 4 per cent 30-year bonds. While the prospective purchasers are New York parties, it is known that the bonds are expected to be disposed of by London bankers, and to be paid for entirely with foreign gold. Iteilly'a Refunding Bill Is Dead. Washington,-Feb. 2. Tho Pa cific railways refunding bill is dead. After three days' discussion in the house it was recommitted, to committee on Pacific railways, at the close of a somewhat exciting An&QlTJ'ZEILV. PURE Several attempts were made to absolutely secure additional timo in which to debate 1 lie biJl, but they wero all objected to by friends c-f the measure, who, like tha opponents, until tho decisive vote was taken, were of the opinion generally that the bill would pass by a small majority. occ! Export and Im porta. New York, Feb. 2. The exports of Biietie from tho port of New York for the week amounted to 47,2();V !90 in gold and $572,552 in silver. Tho imports for the week are: Gold $ 1 60,107 Silver 55,740 Dry goods 875.07C uenerat merchandise. . . o.iio.iio Ni-ht York Associated Banks. New York, Feb. 2. The weekly statement of the csfociated bank of Ne n York show these changes Reserve, decrease 9,1 28,950 Loans, increase 186,800 Specie, increase 579,900 Legal tender, decrease. 12,445,700 powerlexs Deposits, decrease ... 12,547,400 Circulation, increase. .. 51,500 The banks now hold $36,751,500 in excess of the requirements bv law. Ex-Quccn Lllenokatant Arrested. Acki.and, N. Z, Feb. 2. News by steamer from Hawaii states that Ex-Queen Liliuokalani was arrested at Honolulu for complicity with the insurgents. Strong cvl dence was found against her, a large supply of arms, ammunition and dynamito bombs being die covered at her residence. The leaders of the revolt, Robert Wil cox, fcamuel owlein and Henry Bertelman, were caught, and are on trial lor treason, order Das been completely restored. Another Strike Threatened, San Francisco, Feb. 2. Chief Arthur, of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, was in con sultation with the engineers of the Southern Pacific company today Chief Arthur said: '"The engv neers have a serious grievance, and t will be impossible for me to say how it will end. There has been a sweeping reduction of wages with out any good reason for it. If the company does not make the con cessions which we think is right and just, there will be a strike ordered." An Insane Mother. Napa, Cal., Feb. 2. An awful tragedy occurred here early this morning in the home of Peter Meternich, who resides in this city. Mrs. Meternich, while in ane, undertook to kill her four children, and succeeded in doin them all serious injury. Her mania was a religious one, and she had the delusion that she had greatly sinned against God, and as punishment for her sin her children were to be sold into slavery, and to avoid this she at temped to kill them." An Engineer's Foolish Act, Cascade Locks, Or., Feb. 2. Peter Valentine, an engineer who was recently returned, today threw the throttle wide open when he entered the cab of his locomotive, the engine was totally wrecked on obstructions on the edge of a 90 foot enbankment. Contractor I. N. Day immediately discharged Val entine, who did not take kindly to the reprimand and discharge. Hot words and blows followed. The engineer drew a large jack knife and in attempting to stab Day, the knifo closed on his own hand, blashing it fearfully. The Peace hiavoys Sent Homo. London, Feb. 3. The Central News Agency's correspondent in Hiroshima telegraphs under to day's date: Premier Count I to and Viscount Mtsu had a second interview with China's peace en voys. The ministers found the session of over six hours today, by 'credentials of the envoys to bo the decisive vote of 177 to 10f. I very imperfect, and to leave them to conduct binding negotation. They r fused nt om;e lo continue th negotiations, nnd rixmested the envoy to leave the country as soon as possible. A Prominent Hanker Ik-nd. Astoria. Or., Feb. 3. -I. W. Case, the pioneer banker of As toria, and prominent in the his tory and development of this city, died here at 6 o'clock this evening. A Mans; of Counterfeiters Rod Down. Walla Walla, Feb. 3. The au thorities have unearthed a gang of counterfeiters that have been sui cessfully passing counterfeit half dollars. The place raided was th residence of one Munroe. Th men arrested are Munroe and his three sons, and one Peasner, a young man who resides within s block of the Munroes. A Veteran of the Civil War. Oregon City, Or., Feb. 4. James U. Nicholson, a veteran of the civil war, aged about GO years, died last night at his home mid way between Union Mills and Clark's, in this county. He left a widow, son and daughter in com fortable circumstances. Reed Has A Financial Expedient. Washington, Feb. 4. Rep resentative Reed, of Maine has, in hand a financial expedient which he will submit to congress if hia plan can command snffioient sup port to ma ke it factor in the fight. First, his plan proposes to restrict the law of 1875 which authorises the secretary of the treasury to issue bonds to redeem the green backs, to 3 per cent bonds. Second, to authorize the secretary of the treasury, when there is a deficit, U issue certificates of indebtedness to-1 pay current expnces, the certif icates to be in sums of $25, $50 and $100, and any multiples thereof bearing interest at 3 per cent pay able in coin. The bill, as Reed ex plained, is but a temporary expe dient to tide over the present dis- trwi Tf ia ttiftllfrlif tlint 4 Itu iiI.n W V7. AW lO .IIUUg.4. WUUV ,IJU 1(111 will receive the endorsement of a urge number of the silver element. The Senatorial Battle. Salem, Or., Feb. 5. The 12th ballot for United States senator was taken today. The changes were few, the most important bo ng Cooper, from Dolph to Her mann. J he result was as follows: Dolph . . . 41 Hermann. ; 12 Hare 10 Lord . 3 Weatherford 8 Lowell ' S Williams 11 Absent. 8 Suraors of War. City of Mexico, Feb. 5, There was no change in the situation to day. The government has not given out any information. While the city is full of rumors as to war. nothing authentic can be learned from the Mexican authorities. Minister, de Leon stated tonight that he was awaiting important letters from his country, Gaute mala, which he thought would settle the controversy between Mexico and Gautemala. Ex-Surveyor J. C. Hall Drowned. Hillsboro, Or., Feb. 5. News has reached here that J. C HalL x-county surveyor and a respect able citizen of this county, who recently traded for a farm on the Big Nestncea river, in Tillamook county, had been found drowned in the river near his home. He had been having considerable financial trouble of late, and was being sued by a heavy creditor. He had been so much worried by . this that his oldest son, C. E. Hall, took matters into his own hands, and was at Hillsboro last Friday attempting to straighten up some afiVns for his father, when be was suddenly summoned home by telegram announcing the finding of his father's body in the river. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pewd, A aarit OoU Mrtal Midwaler raw, a