Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, January 31, 1895, Image 1

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    In tli matter i ,
I,()(JAi NI-.WM
always endeavors to I
raoKFT ui AOceuTi,
tut prefers se n racy of
SMIlllllellt lu blllllltl'llllg
A an--,
AtlvartialiiU Mdlum
slli. KN I i;liritlIO
la second li noiau lu l'lk
( uuniy.
always follow i refill ail vnr
liainv III swell 'r.
Eternal Vigilance in the Price of Liberty. Jffemon.
i.5o vKii yeah. ;:r,s:t
VOL. 2 NO. U
C-::itinH'l lini' Mn"h I"-
jirst National Bank
"' of Ii,J.llUiic.,Orroil,
C;yittl 8took,
114,000 00
, .ixi'irua.
W, U IIAwlKY, CualiliT.
, g. (wr. i.. w. u..!TiN..ii, i.ii
; iiniiiiii'Ki iii-"vii
j W. W. f-a.lHn.
a csnaral hanking bmliieaa ir f "' ''
l.ll..anl.-. II I'"'""-
I.""", mm I am. I" " '"
.it .r.ittHir t -uiifciH
bine nmr! . m. H" P.
Rational Bank!
Capital Slwk, .".),IIW.()U.
. I'icalili'lit.
View I'roalilcnt.
, A funeral hmiklnicaml oxi-him;o tni
iim transacted ; luuim imuli. Mil"- di
cnnnUvl, commercial crclll itrttnlcil ;
ttrKMiit rwlvt. on current nccoiitiJ
tlt.jH?t tOlluH'K, llltf f-t (Ultimo
' Jt. Y. 8111I1I1, A, Si'Ihoii. I. A. .VI Ifii .
II. H. Jmpcr-Hm. A. J. Goodman. !'. W.
Urn. It. HiiWiUr;r.
Garble vGranite
a. 1. u J n'h'.vs,
Indi'poiiik'm-o, O10
II eud stones,
' C'rnvHnlin'o I i t-i t ! .
: Meat Market
' -r -MCAI.KU IN-
Choice Meats.
CTS. KUNIUV8 FI50M 8 toO . 111.
4, Vrofi Dtilivcry to nil imrts
i of the city.
!alu 8trHt. - IiuUmii(Ioiico.
P, H. Murphy, Prop.
frh"'"B f
11 kllldH will
; reoelve
The lM't of
turned out on
aliort notice.
A share of your patronage
I is Bolicited. I
t'iin street, - Independence
M rruauable and work guarnnlwd
Promptly and
neatly done by
The Canh Blacksmith.
A Specialty.
Sash l
JaLN JL ',13
Doors (
, j
and Feed
Vim will remember that Goliath
wan vf rv iiiuwh surprised when
David XT ,. a I'lt him with a
HUHie .
11 v-
llofiil'l llmt "micli
a thing Inn never entered I .l.. f
hi head In-fore." N(.wlV'l
ideas lire tiiimcroti in our vttick. Wo
ulwitys liuvo what in InU nt, best uml
Several thousand pieces
Hifjh-nrade Music
at10c per copy.
Main St ret t.
OJS'hY ilITITie W'OHtt' TllRjlBD OUT.
..--s -T,rv Diirintf nt li'ttut Seven ntntcil period In
Don't be Sick!
When You are Well
JL1. J !LJ -L iJ I I J .! ! JL-
TI10 Traveler to Independence
f. V. '
'f v
Hh.iul.l not full to m.ikti
Ilia lmi,.'n'.i:rliiiil
Ifcim'tititcr, vo(;lvp Tlrnt
fins.' Jical.N lor $1.
We drlw y.
ur :i!riiiiuuo. nnrt If cnn-rnlly tircl incd f. 0.1
III. al l.l aci lll'u II. wo aullcll u IrlHl
C'AMIT.KI.I-, I'rop. ; C. XV. 11AYKS, Muu'gr.
Muin St., Iiidi'pi'iiileiiee, Or.
Eor Economy
Tlnit (Iocb not pconoinizo is not economy.
, eliii"inrf liiiHMiici'ei
wliicli will Iiihi tl lont'cft, keep tinio most
need tlio least repairing. .
Zxi Watohea - v.
You inav irct one for
former !' elieai, the
Poo SSraiacr.
If yon need n watch, nnd ho will tell you how to get a good
0110 for the leant pownible moiiev.
Furniture, Carpets and Wall Paper, Window Shades, Picture Frames,
Ollice Desks, otc.
Terms Strictly Cash and Prices Accordingly.
Is now rendy to supply the people of Independence with all
kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats, Hams, Bacon, Sausages,
Lard, etc., at lowest possible rates.
SALEM & I N 1 ) K P K N D E N C E
:-: STAGE :-:
IeaveB Independence every morn
ing (except Sunday) at 8:30 a. m.
leaves Salem at 2 p. nt.
m -Lenve
onlersat Little Palace Hotel or
t roatofllcc.
Frelirht and passentrers carried on rea-
souabU term.
Xkz star
Books, Periodicals,
Stationery, School
Indt'iscjuU'iict', Ore
I.lfn niMiitl hIiouM lie jinwrvi-il of a
icrniii'n liki'in-Mi, oh fullovn:
Infiiiitlioiiil, HaliylKMHl, Childhooil, IJoy-
limitl, MiiiiIhmxI, MIJ1II0 . JII K('t
umlI . II. f:ltAVi:N this pliol(M-roi,lier,
w ill Miij.jily you with ihfHo liki"nf)wt at
vi-ry lowinl rl-H. lv him ufull.
WV. KNOW how it mules 0110 ft el to
U- ai -k Mm if you will tret i U
rcinciiihiT ihnt il i our luiciiii'i-K to Mill
McdiciiioH, Wi-'vc liml roimUtcrahlo fx-
IHTH'iicu in ircniriinf iin'iicim'H u:il
iio Hi" uilviiutiiiro of ukIiik frcnli uml
juiru I)n!Ki. V ki'i t no other kiml.
EMKMHKIt that we lian-
llo Jiuttiv articU's you
may fliire, .such as Jtv.'liy,
.Silverware, Wakiu, Clucks,
Main St.
Illll')Clllll'IICC, I l.VOII
The City Restaurant
TIip roiur.iii of aucata la
i:r L'onaijfciiluliii."
iiicd fi .1 nnd eotirlrnua treai-
Kconomv.i in i
in irt't tinir tliat wotrli or cloik
aiTiiratcly and
$2 while tinotliorNvill eo.t f 100. The
hitter luaiitil'iil ; nefther ia eeoiioniienl.
Hoiik r In ull kinds of
V. T. BORRJTS CO., hinanu.
All liica r flrat-rlitaa tll from S Ini lu to
2-4 lnrlxw, iiiMituluHured.
S Inch l.t 7 - tV,
4 l i !s .
5 " an 9 l(,oh TA
" SU 10 - I(aj
Kxtlmatra fur laying Tllr promptly furnlahcd
Mnd rontracta Ukken. All work
guarmDtel nllaarlorX'
liullotintf for L'liltod Htti((nHcn.
ator nt Kalcm.
Th Brootljn Strike Endd-The Ee
f 'm Wve In Ban Tranchco-Hio-'irIligua
iJill-Doublo Tragedy.
I'rom (lie Or"KnlHii, Hun, unci Htatcamun,
Rocaipti from tba Inotme Tu,
Wahiiixotom, Jan 21. An en
couraging report of the prosjieits of
an increase of government revenue
is given hy Representative McMil
lan, of TciiiKKHc, as the refiilt of
a talk with Secretary Carlisle. His
statement is the firrt authentic in
yf the administration's,1"" J'" ,,awtu lMU um Hl,""
view of the outlook, and shows the
rreeijits from tho income lx will
greatly exceed the estimates of the
Gold ttill Witlidrawi from tii Treiury.
Wasiii.xgtox, Jan 21. Ileports
from the assistant treasurer at New
York state that the aggregate gold
withdrawals from tho suhtreasury
today were $.'.,320,000, nearly all
of which was fr export. This
leaves the true amount of tho gold
reserve iC'J,721,42.S; of this amount
sM5,G!2.2SO is gold coin, and Ur
112,143 in gold bars.
A Doable Tragedy.
Si'KAOi K, Wash, Jan 24 A fatal
shooting scrape occurred nt Cou
pon's Ferry, on the Columbia river,
1 12 miles north of Wilbur, yester
'day. William Coiidjn became in
volved in a dispute with a man re
garding some cattle. Both men
j pulled their guns and commenced
shooting. Condon fdl dead at the
first shot. His assailant was fatal
ly wounded, dying soon after. Con
don was an old settler and possess
ed considerable property.
A Yamhill Pionear Stricken wiih Paralyse.
LaFayktte, Ore, Jan 24. Amos
Cook, one of Oregon's earliest pio
neers.was stricktn with paralysis at
his farm adjoining this place
Wednesday.' Mr. Cook is over 70
years old, and he is in a very cri
tical condition.
The Saor Bicckade Eaised.
Sissox's, Cal., Jan. 25. The
blockade was raised today. Two
northbound trains, which have
been snow bound at Dunsmuir,
went north this morning. Trains
from the north are expected
through tonight.
Nicaragua Cunut Hill fanned.
Washington, Jan. 2.5. The bill
pledging the faith of the United
States to do the construction work
of tho Nicaragua canal passed the
Senate tonight by a decisive vote of
31 to 21. The bill directs the issue
of $70,000,000 Nicaragua canal
bonds. The United States guaran
tees the payment of said bonds by
tho Maritime Canal Co. of Nicara
gua. The Drain on the Gold Reserve. -I'i
Washington, Jan. 25. There
was withdrawn from the treasury
today $5,700,000, which decreases
the gold reserve to $5S,024,42S.
Fell from a Bailroad Train.
Tacoma, Jan. 2o. Benjamin
Holgate, well known here, fell from
a Northern Pacific train between
Tacotna and Puyallup this morn
ing and was killed.
The Brooklyn Strike Still On.
Bkooki-yn, Jan. 25. All thought
of withdrawing any of the militia
has been abandoned.. It is impos
sible to run cars tonight. The san
itary arrangements and the expos
ure are begining to tell on the
troops. Many members of the
regiments arelying in the hospitals.
An Important Cabinet Sitting.
Washington-, Jan. 25. Today's
cabinet meeting was almost entire
ly devoted to tho consideration of
the financial condition of the treas
ury in all its aspects. The cabinet
was in session a littlo longer than
usual. Intimations are made in
ofliiial circles that the president
may consider it proper in afewjpart in the commercial history of
.lavs ta officially call attention to Pnrl San Francio. lie came
days to officially call attention to
everMhi ng
at Cash Prices.
the continued drain on the trtusury
reserve, and to submit certain
nvthods of providing a remedy to
meet the existing conditions.
The E'-fcrm Wave in tan FraccUoo
Sa.v Fkaxx-isco, Jan. 25. Mayor
Hutro, in an interview said, that
the neglect of the legislature to op
point a commit too to look into local
affairs and expose corruption
wherever it exist, would not cause
him to relax his energy in discharg
ing duties incumbent oii him. If
it could be rhown that he, as May
or, had authority to appoint an in.
vestigtting committee, he would
not waste an hour in naming his
men for the work.
The Sundry Civil BJ1
WAsniN(iTo.vJan.25. Thesundry
..:..:! i . : 1 1 i i ... .
eai, nine o lar Known on recora.
It was under consideration only
three days. As parsed, the bill
carried $38,125,721.
Mexico and 0'antcmnla.
Washington, Jan. 25. Iiac Gray,
American minister to Mexico, ar
rived in Washington to day, and
visited tho department of state,
lie said he did not think that war
would be declared between Mexico
Gautemala, but in his opinion the
difference between the two coun
tries would bo adjusted through
peaceful negotiations.
M. DcGIcrs I ;Dcad.
St Petkiisihko, Jan. 23. M.
DeGiers, Russian minister of for
eign affairs, i3 dead.
A Wornans First DiUut.
Denver, Jan. 23. Tho house to
day passed the bill raising the aga
of consent for girls from 1G to 21
years, This bill was introduced by
Mrs. Holly ,the representative from
Tlio Administration Endorsed
Washington, Jan. 2G. The Vest
sunsitute to the Hawaiian question
indorsing theeourseof thoadmiuis-
tration and advising non-interfer-
enco was adopted in tho senate by
a vote of 24 to 22. The vote was
on party lines with the exception
of Pittigrew (Rep.)of South Dakota,
who voted with the Democrats.
A Hoy Drowued ut Astoria
Astoria, Or., Jan. 2(5. Albert
: t. .1. o . , ,
iuui&en, me o-year-oiu son ot a
etorj keeper in this e'tv, was
drowned yesterday at El mores
cannery. With a number of other
boys, tho lad had been coasting
clown a slip leading from second
n.-.. . . .1 , .
e u wi io uie cannery, ana Deing
unable to control his sled, he was
carried off the wharf. The tide
was high at the time, and the water
muddy, making it impossible for
any one to locate his whereabouts
until too late. The body was re
covered after being in tho water for
nearly an hour.
AuotliiT Official Found Short.
Pout Angeles, Wash., Jan. 26.
M. J. Clump, ex treasurer of Clal
lam .county, was found short over
$1300 when he turned over the
office to his successor, A. B. Dorsey.
He and his bondsmen were allowed
until yesterday to make good the
shortage. Experts yesterday morn
ing found $120 i additional shortage
in tho tax collection of 1S93.
Clump's bondsmen refused to make
up the amount, and he was arrested
last evening, but was allowed to
sleep in a private room in charge
ot a deputy. During the night
Clump escaped from a window
with outside help, and is still at
A Jackson Park Souvenir Stolen,
Chicago, Jan. 27. The Field
Columbian museum at Jackson
Park was robbed of Egyptian gold
necklaces valued at $5,000. Two
men are locked up in the Hyde
Park station charged with being
the thieves. The necklaces were
of a very rare design and were pur
chased in Egypt by Curator Skiff.
IValh of a Snn Francisco Pioneer.
San Francisco, Jan. 27. Wm.
Ireland, Sr. father of the ex-state
mineralogist, died today. He was !
84 years old. lie took a notable !
early San Francisco. He came
Highest of all in Leavening
IX llZZZZSei &
here in 1850 on the famous threo
masted schooner Spray, and estah-
lished tho first fchipbtiilding yards
opened in this city at Kincon
Siirrouudliig Wel Hoi-Wcl.
Lox'don, Jan. 27. A dispatch to
tho ; Central News from Che-Fco
says that Wei-Hai-Wci was infect
ed yesterday by a lleet of 20 Japan
ese warships, 19 transports and 20
torpedo boats, which entered Shan
Tung bay. Tho English and Ger
man flagships arc als3 in the vicin
ity. The land forces of the Japan
ese are now advancing iroin tr.e
bay, intending to completely sur
round tho city.
A Htcamsliiii War On.
San FitANcisco, Jan. 27. A
traffic war has Injen begun between
the Pacific Coast Steamship Com
pany and the Meyer and Akerman
line, plying between Puget sound
ports and San Francisco. The
former yesterday cut cabin fares to
Victoria, Tacorna and Seattle $4
and steerage $2.50. Today the
steamer Farallon of the opposition
went $2 under the cu, and the
rates now are $14 and $5.50 for the
first and second clas3 respectively.
The New French Cabinet.
Paris, Jan. 27. It is announced
that the cabinet has been comple
ted except the ministers of war and
marine, which General Lamont
and Vice-Admiral Besnard haye
been requested to take, but have
not yet accepted. The cabinet is
as follows; Premiership and finance,
Ilebot; foreign affairs, Hanotaux;
interior, Leyques; justice, Dutemps;
public instruction, Toincarre;
colonies, Chad'emps; agriculture,
Gardand' comuierce. Audre Lcbon
. . Burglary Near Salem.
SALem, Or., Jan. 28. Saturday
night the residence of Mrs. Pla
niondon, nt Piety hill, was burglar
ized and a highly prized silk shawl,
some silverware, gold rings . and
bracelets were taken. ... t
Hermann Not a Candidate.
Washington, Jan. 23. Repre
sentative. Hermann said today his
position in the senatorial contest is
the same as it has been. He is not
a candidate, yet if the contest,
reaches a point whero there is a
deadlock, he. would esteem it u
great honor to be elected.
Patek's Slayer Acquitted.
Chehalis, Wash.. Jan. 2S. Max
Haas, the slayer of Joe Patek, is a
free man. The case went to the
jury at miunignt Saturday, ana
the jary came in with a verdict of
acquittal at 9 o'clock this morn
ing, liaas was overwhelmed witti
congratulations as he walked up
the Btrcet after the verdict was
A Morning Blnzo at Corvallis.
Corvallis, Jan. 2S. The first
fare, attended with serious loss,
that has occured in Corvallis for
many months, broke out at
4:30 thi3 morning in the grocery
store of Pearse, Clark & Co. The
buildings burned were wooden
structures. The total log's is about
$5,400 covered by $4,000 insurance.
Sam" Case was severely burned
about the face and hands, from an
explosion of powder, and Sol.
Smith's leg was broken by his fall
ing through a trap door.
' Is it a Baflroail War?
Chicago, Jan. 23. Tho Grand
Trunk has notified all the western
roads that it will not advance rates
to Calilornia and racitic coast
points. It was notified, in return,
that the western roads would de
mand full percentages on all trans
Missouri and transcontinental bus
iness, and under no circumstances
will any reductions be accepted
No progress had been made with
the Union Facific in its row with
the Western lines. It demands a
share of the Puget sound business,
and the other lines are equally df-1
termined it shall net have it. Un-1
termined it shall net have it
Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
a a aTB m i j l m m wmm a
less poiiiething givej war, there it
bound to ho a fiht ia passungar
, rates.
On tlie Kvo ol War.
City of Mexico, Jan. 28.
liinoincr cabinet council inHetii..'
was held this afternoon to consider
Gautemala's reply to Mexico's final
demands. The nature of this reply
has not been revealed, but the
general understanding - is that
Gantemala is merely fencing for
time. The only positive clue of the
governments programme iq found
in the fact that the government's
small arrri3 factory where the work
is pressed forward with unflagging
energy every hour of the day and
night. Yesterday an electric light
plant wa3 placed in the building to
facilitate tho night work. Ranks
of regiments are filling rapidly and
apparently every thing is in readi
ness for a sudden mobilization.
Tlie Railway Magnates Win.
New Yoek, Jan. 23. The great
Brooklyn car strike is virturally
over, but the disorderly clement i
not subdued. Many mohpmen.
and conductors who left wotk two
weeks ago were seeking to regain
their positions today. There was
a serious conflict between the
strikers and police. The police
used revolvers for the first time as
if they meant business. One of
the disoiderly men- was shot and
wounded so seriously that his
death is expected. There ( was a
considerable amount of car.stoning
and window breaking and a few
'wires' cut. The police made a
number of arrests. There is some
probability the difficulty will be
settled on the old terms, viz; two
dollars per day for motormcn and
and conductors having full day
cars, and not less, than $1.50 for
those running trippers. , "; "
The Balloting ot Rulem.
Salem, Or, Jan. 29. There was
little chango in tho vote for.United
States senator yesterday. The vote
on the several ballots was as follows:
1 2 3 .4 h 6
D'oTii'h' " .... -W 44 42 42 42 42
Hare - i.. 10 10 10 10 10 10
Hermann 4 0 10 8 8 7
Weatherford ... ; 0 0 0 8 8 8
Williams . 1 1 .-.3- 4 8 10
Lord ." 2 I t 3 2 4 5
Moore . 17 19 11 r) 3 S
Lowell 0' 0: 1- '3 2 3
Barklev . 0 0 1 3 2 3
Ton-ue 0 0 0 1 1 0
Bennett ,. . ...; 8 8 8 ,0 0 0
Simon 0 0 0 1 0 0
jvI.xkIc 0 4 0 0 0 0
Klnea'id .. 0 2 .0 0 0 0
Absent 1 0 2 2 2 2
The Scgar Dnty Repealed,
Washington, Jan. 29 The bill
to repeal the discriminating duty
imposed by the tariff law on 6ugar
imported from bounty-paying coun
tries passed the house today by a
vote of 239 to 31.
A Forger Captured at Sulem.
Salem, Or., Jan. ' 29. A man
giving the name of C. O. Keogh
and the alias C. A. Combs was ar
rested here this afternoon when
about to board the north bound
mail train, for passing two checks
of $87 each with the name of Leo
V illis, of this citj", attached there
to. !
No Change in Idaho..
Boise, Idaho, Jan 9. The joint
convention of the legislature today
took two ballots for senator with
out any changes. The result was:
Soup, 20; Sweet, 19; Claggett, 15.
The Senatorial Fight at Olympla.
Olympia, Wash., Jan. 29. Only
two ballots were taken in the joint
session of the legislature at noon
today. The 2Gth joint boilotstood:
Ankeny, 30; Wilson, 28; Allen, 13;
McMilien, 9; Sharpslein, 6; Mau
ing, 24. The Joint fession then
dissolved. The republicans met in
caucus tonight for the second time.
The vote stood: Wilson, 37: Ank
eny, 35. Wilson lacked but four
votes short of the numler to nomi
nate. price's Cream liakinf; Powckn.
Awlnkd Gou m6ja Miwr Fr, !a Fraadao.