HUN! NIMH UAH DM. ctih i. 1 u-r iTiTJt.-i i 1 Y K I c i an a Humeon. Hocretary U.H. I'.xauil ".Hurna. 1hI..m-,hI.....-, "' I 1 tu opera house block. H. LICK A 1AI"ITT.7 liclaii and Kurgemia. Hlelul at ,lon Mid t diseases ' women. o.ovr Iia..i..l..... Nu oiml , , w. M. P. W. liiibbltt, M. 1. v. ,Illow Trinity medical college. - UCTC1IUM. M. D.Oi'FIl I'. residence, eorncr Railroad and itnoutli streets, Inlfitat.iiH. Ore- i. ")uV,;i ' mH.Ibi.ii gradual... Rental urn over I ii.t.-j t-icW'tt'- .Nuhoi.u. lndeH'iidonec, Oregon. o:o. Kuonl Hunk A. K.irni.-Arr)iisKY. (iiiii'i. ovor independence Indcpeii'lcliii', wr. im'u a nit,i,Hl',.l.--l'',",,':N'1 lu.'.riA'namw,''tiMl;- street, Monmoutli, C'rfl, fui"4 faction uviaronteetl. xv A VANNOltTV. ICK.-1N- i.,.. mill l,. .ft- notice. Next l.Mir to J ' tm t "" V. .... I... I... N. 8AHii ...a .irL: mini, i ... - i . - .. .....'Oilill V 1,1, Mr. W " M.iiii htii'i l (till Blot lll.lM. Ktl t atiu i.'i ,v U..I..MHI.J.I , 71 M 1.(1 V 1. -Phstering 2nd Wick Work of nit MnOi 5Sn o! hort nolle- und 1 wu ranted BttiUIHutory. AOiitw Monntouth, Or. .,.,,.,. rp UKSlil.I TJli: TONKO UtAL ARTIST, IIhh no superior I.. UIAU ..,,,iir. llVf lilm HU.vii.ff ,,)C. Hair- CUtllKK ". Iiitlp"iuU-u?. tfiu. Main street. Items of Local News. lltHIXV&l'OTTKK. Arv)i - ai -'CvUBscllorB - t - fuiii-i-tlui". i-,iliyi Orrtc. M ''HE!')gX'.K' "' Justice of the Peace, i INH:rKNlKN(H, OKB. Wrluw lniirniiit .mil"" l'""''" a rtrt.'rlut.' II. M. I.I N I'M, jSoliiry Public. Llf"''l I-."' hiiirunw. Milt-Mill., lit. U.-i.Wli LOO'S, Chop - House .! Hl ' In'-'1' irlxit" ""KlIWoSanttBIBB. MAIS M. IMMH Tobacco If you smoke wmi' ..nil inspect our lino of ii x-m mill tt -They are quite i lmliio uml' very n-afntil!o. (). A. Kramer. Jeweler. Hlrnng'a bread nt tl Hlnr (jf.Mry. "OrKiiilmii" Jlcttktu U In very poor htmltli. W, (I, VrlK"t, AlmlruotH mitl Um, Dill liut, OrcK"H. Mm. h. ('iiiiiiIh'1I rt'lurnml from Allxdiy M'M.ilny. HiiKr liy Hi Hi'k ut J. P. Irvli.u'inl Piirduml rlwn for wh. Jiwlniii l, of Itli-kn ull, wun truiixiiclliig I.hhIiicmk In the city tlilw wtfk. Hi'V. 0. It. W'liM ii.oio Im hhnIhIIii In u wrl.K of iiici'IIiik ut OiiMtoi. Ilil" wci'k. Dr. Itoyiiton, of Hwiih VImIii, wii liiiiii.i'llni tniNliiuNM Iii I In; t'lly liixt hll...v. F. M. Cliiilfi ltt r Imim iiireliitwI un IntiTi ht In tl.o tllo fiK'lory of Itiirrun St AxcImhi. Mm. L. D. Mllltr uml (Jruw Tryon, of Allii.ny, uro vlwilng Mr. W. T. llllllUH. M IhN DuUy (Iriivi-H rcl n rnl l.oniu Turfluy from it vlull with frlvmU ut CorvulllM. K I IViirl oil dy tlio nt nh.I for n fi'r li.y, to work lt" a Ihik nt'U, ut J. i'. Irvlnu'it, . '1'lm City lU-Mtmirnnt wrvi-n iiicuIm nt nil li'Uii'rt of tl.u dny or iiIkIiI. Hlx inn.l tli ln l fur l. If j i. n wiiiil to hIoi nt n II mt flu w Iioiim. uliilulu luili'ix'iiili'i.ct1, ri iiii'itf Im r Unit tint Llltli! Piilu'! U Hint iIhmh In every ri Kpt-i't. Mr I'. J, Morrlii, who lum Ix-eii vl llliijf ri'liillvif) ut MoM Imi vlllo nidi Dlik'.v, ti'liirni'il Iioiiu! on hint Hulur ility fiiii'i.ooi.'H tri.lti. iirv Indi'liltcil to Hit klixiiii'M of h filiiiil lor thu vny milt wrltiup of tl.i'HoilaliitMr il Mih. A. II. Atklim on !nt Kt.ttirili.y t'vciilMK. l!-,'v ('. II. Mutton rituriii'il from the huiiiinU Mninliiy, where ho hinl lit-eu vlni'.iiiK IiIm mid. The old genlli inunV Ih ttllh U miii'li lnii!0Veit. Du oit iim i) any new t.? Ify n in, J .' P. In hie' in the 'luee to Imy, n he Iiiim n Imce htoi k to 'li k fimi. ami M'llri to null Un' llimn. I.ii i ilicln-8 to .'iiiiiotitieo to lil m- tMinn that lie owim uml vitutioU lU eliuii Ihi'.m'. iiikI t hut no one U' I. un iiitt rixi In it, im hits been hliiieil l y otiic. The new flrtu I nt the tup i:l It l gohiit to dtiy there, If low pilee. un.l fctuinliint ciuulity mo liiihieenieiiiH for iriiile. You will I;ml uh ut the mi. tiny ii turner. J. P. Irvine, n lending w. t Hide grocer, who hint been looking ufter hl leiitliiewt ii.teriitt hero for tlio Tew di.viL returned to MuMlnuvlllu lnt Frltlny uflerniKm. Mr T. (irveH, of Klii rlilau, w ho h:i U en vmlilng her sou Dr. V.. M. Craven '(llitl other rehitloiw of thlnelty mi'! of Mm. nth, returned home M. iiduy nfler noon. Tiiu Hehnrg Ilevlew of Jul.. 17,1ml lint ly Illustrated wild diwrintlve num ber. U c-tiitali.x Very liitereMing fketeheH (.f the Liupijiu volley mm tithe city f Pvomburg. The IteviutV Im u h u.iliig iind progrewl ve pupi r uml It r'cieillt t Oregon Juuriiullsni. Don't forget tliut we mutt nmko k em I' r our xprlng inereuntllti otiwlt, if you want good ut the lowest prhvit ever wold on iv legitimate deal 111 i'.;IU County call early uml procure choice elei!lionn. b.ilioi'l; for "npot Vi:i & "A'ilenx. Iiideiend'.-nee will soon have nn i.v.ji. in Wnr IihI'tc. Thorn) Interested ii.'ilvi K- nt work nrenalrlug fur U Dr. F.hy, deiitlHt, Moiiinoulh. Dr. Kplry, the dcnlUt, Btiarante ull IiIm work. Hub Clodftdter ltM.' flv ceut wlu dow tomorrow. Twoloiivia of fh bread for five ecuUi at Uouty A Loeku'a. ThoHtar Irmry m 10 loavea of Htrong'a lueud for SU enl. lr. Kliley, tho duntUt, Monmouth, cIin cm ii und bridge work, uy aoiim of Htrong'a homo inuile brcud-two loavea tlvo eenta. 'Unclo" Knoeh HIchiirdHon, of Per- rydule, ww lu the city We.lmmduy. Jmlmi Iturch uml wlfo were doing omo trudli.g In tho city Weducduy. JCverythlng llvocenlii each In Chul- feller ltroa. nhow window lomorrow. Out. L-reut bl allvcr dollar huy one big i'O pound of bet granulated augar ut J. P. Irvine. W JI. Wheeler, of Moiiinoulh, wa IHUHacling biiHlnewt In MeMlunville the llivtof the week. Don't ml thoxo live cent bargain In Clodfelter Urn.' hhow window to morrow, Hiocklon A I lenklehave made nwecp lug reduetloim In dri'H KhmI und clothing. Attorney Aiken, of the law firm of Daly, Sibley & Aiken, of DullaK, wa lit thu eity Weduen luy . All elothli.K ut Wt 1t cent reduction for cahh at Vuuduyii, Veiieas A W II et'x'a new hiereatlle More. We learn that Dr. W. II. IVirlnh, of Monmouth, I rut applicant for the niiperintcudency of the lnaue yh We un.lcrMund that A. J. Hldiard Hi.n, of Iluenu VUta, wa.iUtobea poHited HUiK'llntcudent of th'i .eniten- llary Iteo. Hccy.i . W. Claggctt, Perman ent Beoy.j W. Jl. Craven, Trm. A Plmant BooUl. Tho wmjIiU event of the mtaaoil wa Klv"' hy Mr. mid Mr. A. H. Atklim m their rettldunee mi Third and 11 atrceU Ut Hatunluy evening, tho ix:culou ljing their 31 wedding anulveraiy. The feulure of the evening won whlnt. A ni"nt pleua ant veiiliitf wu eiiloyetl by everytme 'i i.i. I rniiiiiiin murk a ' ItOHKIlTM III I UilelM-llneuiie, ore Charity Basting There will I iin ellng of tho cltlwsna of Independ ence and vicinity at the city hail on Monday evening, Jau. 28, at 7o'el.k P. M. for the purjKwfl of oIleltli.g aid fur the 'cbraitka nutfer. A. M. IIuiw.EY. Mayor. IIOUN. We Hell down to ' eicth Vumluyn, t P. C. PATTERSON J i We tire otlci lng fn hIi caudlea and nut at iim low a price a w e pnwtll'lv can. Saniplu tuir ilillerelil kind. Nuts Guaranteed Cure. We iiulhori.eour advert laed driigglK 'to aell Dr King' New Dlxcovery lor t'!,i.Hl.n.pti..n, Couglm and . ol.K t I thi ....million. I f you are alll ictcil w it h (Viugha, Cold or any Lung, lhroat I The" trouble, ami will .me tbl ivme.l.v ii..., .riv-iiiu It. a fair trial, nn "xiierie.i.'e nobenciU.youmay return the iM.ttle and have your ntomy re hi tided. We could not i.iitUt- thin ' ler did we lint know Mint Dr. King' New nUenverv could be relied upon. It ne r dlaapolntH. Trial b lib a free ut uny DrvV (Store. Large ai.o 50c. ami l.t i-4 . . 5 The Jtr1"lia .ire. Now tliat the Oregon lcgiwliitun in Peitsion I'vcr.vhmly will wni.i to read n newftpajier printeil i;i at Filein the ciipitul. They w i 1 . want n paper that give ull the neWH Thfl StalcKinan i jm't ctu I: tl !llii liri'.i', fj.ii-v. uctiv. ct rt tic. w! It ilil in'' .feed it in not fit" tut i-vi i v l..v. It rtU 1 0V( Hooking ii Eiimlo Jicia in r houste. Vour senutora und ; re wntativeB were electetl on n elilzi plutfl.rm, plcdped to carry i out certain policies of reform. You ? will want to watch their course in tliT lVndature and seo whether or not they ; remained truo to their iW -e. The !Stote8mun will Rive i von all of tliis and in are. t, for it 5 i8 a new paper in every senpo of tho word and every day of the ,..". The daily H Was a month Tho big 12-page Weekly i 12 a j. ir three months, W)c Address all fmmunicalion and make all iiioisf vs pay .!.!. w uteman Ph g Co.,. Salem. Or. are or:i:.!:'.iitlo:i. There vxUl here these coiiiliiion wlileh will enable Buch en illtt'.liUIIOII IO IllH.lllliUI.I.V (H.l-v , ...' thu plan laid down will, If ciuvful'y euii'.id out, prove to be profitable to the iiAiiiLei, a.t well u to the commu nity. J. C. SlioemaUer. who ha been run ning a fruit stand in Ihla elly the lat tlx or eight numlli, clewed out bui-ni.-.s lat week, and he und hi wife '.eft for Oregon City .Monday morning. Mr. iSlioeiuuker liiw aeeured a polilon l;i tiu-Oregon t'lly woolen mill, hav ing bien u former employe. Mr. and Mi. Hlioemaker are quite pleasant I'l'OpM ttml WO WIKIl liu-ui ouvm their new Held of labor. -i i,.. l.iilliH etllllo.i of tlio Salem Sla'.cHiuan, which w ill appear on Hie "i'lli Instant, I awakeiiliig consider nble intirest throughout the Middle Villnmetle Valley. A 1U4jarin1e.1t M ill h.. n iiresented bv acvcrul ladies of ibis cltv. Mrs. ). I. I'm most active co-worker. The proceeds , f ibis si-eclul Issue is to be giveu for ... itiiriioses. The paper will be on side at Clodfelter P.r.m. The memlier of tho M. E. Church, .-outli. gave tiieir pastor, riirner, a (lonatlon party in. me iiarsonago last Friday evening, 1 .I.tuditlll ta!iritt'lS( 1 I HweepluiC rediiellon In thop.leeof UimmIs for 'Vpot" eiwll at toe new ' (Utile store of Vauduyn, Veues & Wtleox. The ordinance of Immetsion wan ud .nln.Htered to hr. J. Jojui'" WedneHilay ufierntMiu by Rev. K. II. Slekaf(He. Mr. M. 1'orrU and MIkhTII'.Ic ..,.riK who have b.en visiting rela tive at MeMlunville, returned home Wediiei-day . "L'uele" Knoeh liielinrds -n. of Per ry.htle, wt... In the t Uy Wednesday. Mr. Klehardson i a pbmtvr f 11, aid Is oni'.f Polk fotinlyVtihUsl and moat worthy c!tleiM. it..v. O. H. Whitiii'ii-e will preach at . 1.... P.lekieull next Minuay i;ioiiuot- - usual hour, and In Ih'" '"i' 1,1 u,e evening. The pub'.;? Uconh.iMy Invi ted. Stockton & llenklo have reduced the rlw of their clothing away below all their competitor. They will aell you a suit of clothes much cheaper Hutu you can Ret It any other place, piality couslileretl. t uu aim get When you hear those sleigh belli jingle early In the morning you may know it Is Strong s ore.ui alwavs has with him re.l-hot buns and doughnuts und will ell them to you dirt cheap and give you 42 bread tick et for 11 Jut think 12 louves for f 1. The ladles of Independence and leinlty may lJ Interested lu the fact Hint Stockton & llenklo have made sweeping aductloiis in all kluds of dress ttoatls. They have many hand some patterns which they are selling cheaper than ever before offered In this city. Au effort is being made to organize a Women's Relief Corps in this city as an auxiliary of the U. A. R. post. The orguuhiii'.i'.n Is broad and catholic in ltiTpurpo.-iund nhould meet with en ei.uragemeiit from the ladles of this leluity. With a clianer me;iiuei smj. living tifil the fee Will bo put tloWll to tue niltilmuin rice of $1 each. The illy vns a pteasiini surprise in -, " ... .. . rm. .1.. :r. Turner unit 111s laniiiy. iiietu. nations consisted of nit at, flour, fruit, vegetables and groceries. A very pleasant und prolltable evening was enjoyed by those present. Rev. Turn- ... .iinn v I lllllKeil III V1SUOM l'ir their generous contribution. We have been shown a private lette written bv County Clerk A. It. Wilcox of Perkins county.'Neb., Inuring date . IS. instant. In w hich he states that Hie iicople of southwestern Ne braska, and of Perkins county 111 par ticular, are lu destitute circumstances, occasioned by the loss of two eon;-ccu-tive crops. "The talk that Perkius county can take care of its owu poor," nay he has bceu exposed as a land agent scheme." loi.t) in sini: - kais. ' Coar.o:i rroiseciUncs. -Council enn vened In call session Jan. iti, i?-, Mavor Hurley in the chair. Minutes previous meeting read and approved. Members present: Finch, Perelval, Cook, Btroug, Clodfelter and Walker. Moved und seconded that u committee of three, including the mayor, lie up - pointed to draft an amendment to tne city charter-earned ; commitU:.CiK)k, Clodi'clter and and Hurley. J. W. Fetzer elected night waleliuiau. i lie mavor ai.Dointeil the following staud- i.....,.iiimii.lees: tl nance. W. 11. Wallv- 1- ir U'l. ,..!. ..!l. er, 1 eter umii, it. v. ., .. nance, Peter Cock, U. U. fttrong, i. ... j 1 r I i I. o. Clodfelter: stiwis, 11. v. i ineu, Peter Cook, W. W. Perelval; lire, water, etc, W. . W. Perelval, l'eter CtKk, U. (. Strong; neaiin aim po lice, U. 0. Strong. W. W. l'ercival, x. . ... . . ....... . - ..r O. Clodfelter. wmirteny repons 01 treasurer and recorder referred to 11 liance committee. Fluanoe committee iustrtieted to tlx the tax levy on basis of $418,000 assessable property, per eer tttteute of county clerk, and report at no t regular meeting. Several bills referred to tho finance committee. The following bills were ordered paid: 11. S. Mi.l.liehain $ 2 5S J. 1'. Irvine 1 KstesttKlkius 4 i) IturiusA Axelsou Mllehell& llotianoti M J. 1). Irvine - 00 A. M Hurley 2 IK) J. W. Richardson. Jr S tkl J W. Fetzer "' A. J. Tupper, ftvs and labor S2 Ktl Intel est on city bonds M (K) lndependenee Water Coi.iuiny ... ftO 00 t. V. Keed, one month's salary iM 00 (i. VV. IletHt, livit lilvneut. . . .... .. . . iiiennirublo tjvent in me uvea 01 toe host and htrntewt, recalling the happy day which brought to each a new ex istence that changed tho current of their liven. The largo assemblage of friend testified to tho high esteem In which Mr. and Mrs. Atkhm are held by this community. An elegant lunch wu nerved at 1 1 :.'M p. 111. After lunch the guests j.uld their rcsiieet to their kind host und hostess, wishing thorn 11. uny huppy returns of their wedding anniversary, ami then departed for their respective homes. The guests were: Dr. t. U Rutler and wife, Dr. T.J. Lee und wire, J. A. Vciicwt and wife, W. P. Coniiuwuy and wife, J. II. Alexamler and wife, C K. Cld'lfeltcr and wife, M.O. Potter and wife, W.H. Patterson und wife, Claire Irvine und wife, JSyron Atklim und wife, K. K. Pinldotk anil wife, J. 10. Klrklaud uml wife und J. 8. Cooper. "Comradtji." This threes aot nielo dramu will be played at the opera house In this city Wednesday evening by souio of Ihe bn-.t diuiiiullo' talent of Iiiilependeiii-e. Comrades I wPhout any doubt, 0110 of Ceo. M. laker's most auvccHsful play. Unlike most druinu of this kind, every diameter in a strong one nud umple op'porttiully is ii Horded each player for superior work. Roy Manning wua uu oflieer lu the civil war. At the time the drama rep resent he is married to a proud girl, und a mistake on her part, causes much trouble and uuxiety. Malt Wiutfor is a tramp, but wu a fuithful soldier and Manning's sworn friend. Marcus Craves aud Uessie ltrudley are lovers w hose courtship is beseiged with many trials. While Simon Stone aud Nancy Nipper urn the great fun. mak ers for the occasion, aud t,hiso who at. tend will not be disiuiiHiiuted in their expectation to see a drama replete with pathos aud humor. (Jcncrul admis sion 25c; reserved seats, 35c, on sale at l'atteiiii Pros. 'I he proceeds w ill be devoted to a most worthy object. A Creamorv Headed. Any city of 1,000 or 2.0UD population cuu easily support a creamery, and there is no reason wl.v it could net be made a lucrative business at this. place if prop criy managed . We understand that II. A. Clodfelter is willing to put In u plant If the farmer of this vicinity will guarantee bjm the milk from 2U0 cows. Mr. Clodfelter Informs us tbat he has had experience hi tuq business and is confident It can be innde a sue- cess. We (should oe iileasett to sec a creamery established here. It would not ouly fill n long felt want in sup plying the city with fresh butter, but would also givq-many fanners ready sale for their surplus milk. We should glve.the enterprise encouragement. A Kcw Ecrcriliie Firm. J. M. Van duyn ha formed a co-partnership with Messrs. J. A. Veness uud R. il. Wilcox in a general mercantile business. The new llrm will euUirgo the stock and add new lines of goods to their busi IK89. These getiRlenieu are well known to the people of Polk county as wide awake and conservative business men. They have each been dealing with the public for years Mr. Vanduyn in gen eral merchandise, Mr. Veness in the lumber trade end Mr. tVileox hi the grocery business. The combination is certainly n strong one, and the people of middle, sou; hern and eastern Polk county will be greatly benefited i" a large general merchandise stock to make selections from. 1 he !it V Drill w in oe pieuseti 10 greei tneii old patrons and the public generally 011 next Saturday, Jan; Ui, at their grand opening sale. The business will be contiiiu.'tl at the old stand on the Vauduyu corner. To Crganizo a G. A. P.. Po;l Tlio 0. A. R. post meets on Saturday at the 1. O. O. F. hall at 7:oi) p. m., sharp. All those whose names were upon the up ' plication for u charter will please be present, and all old soldiers desiring to enter as charter members are invited to come, and be sure to bring your dis charges, and be ready to enter at once. Let there be no holdiu ; We have already seen the necessity of a post in our midst, as was manifested by the promptness with, which the comrades looked uttcl the remains of John Clancy and gave them a eohlier's burial bust Sunday. Sacand Qairtsrly Ke3ll".3-Tne sec ond tuarter!y meeting of UtUJ year w ill be held at the M. 10 church on Satur day aud Sunday. There will lie preaching Saturday at 21W p. m., fol lowed by the quarterly conference, and at 7.30 p. 111. there will be services. Suuday: Sunday school at 10 a. in. ; preaching at 11, followed by. the sacra ment of tho Lord's supper; at 6:15 p. m., love feast, and preaching at 7:30 111 1 tie set i lws in - B'n.iiit-i gou, January 21, 1WW, to the wire of J. A. Itolwrt, a daughter. iii;i. CLANCY. 1 11 Independence, Or., Jan. Ill, 1H!1, John Clancy, of hem orrhage of the brain, agecd alxnit 00 year. Tho deeeawd cumo to Indepen dence ubout four mouth ago from Corvalli. Ho was a single man, so fur a known, and was with out any visible mean of support, ex. ceptlng light labor which ho picked up here and there. Ho was burled under the auspices of the C A. R. post of tills city. Ho saw service during the civil war, serving tu Company I, Kentucky Infantry, o:id also In Troop H, First United States cavalry. Hi funeral wks preached ut the M. 10. church Huuday morning. RICHARDSON'. Near Perry-dale, Or , Jan. 12, 1805, Alex Richardson, uged 42 years. The deceased was the son of "Uncle'' Enoch Richardson, who li'es tiear Ptrrydale, and had been an luvaiiu for scvenil years, auflerlng irom some pulmonary disease. cjaxlna t!. money qucrit taxpayer,, ho i doing tlie county servico that no Incumbetit of tho sheriiTs ofncu cyer did before Hood's pills are hand tnndo, and perfect in j.roportion nnd appear ance. 2 The tnHt remarkable cures of scrofula on record have been no compHsbed by Hood' Har.-'ftpnrilla. ThistnedicinM m iiittiall l for dis eases of the blood. Take only II0...I to recover tills money, and in the mean time it will be fmnd out which of our county utTierTS i (jiiilty of palpablo'negligenee. f Ct.o. Tin: FOLIC COUNTY iki:s3. f(il()f Hcv.ard. $IO). Tlie reader of this paper will I t pleased to b urn thut there I at l"tt one dreaded diseuco that science It: s been able to cure in ull its stuges and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure i tne only positive cure no know 11 to the medical fraternity. Catarrh l Ing a coui titiitioniil disease, reoulri a constitutinnal treatment. Hail's Cut. arrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the bloi! and mucous scifuce of the system, thereby dn iroylug the foundation of the (llsensc, ami giving the patient strength by building up tho constitution and as. slstlng ualure in doing Its work. TI.'J proprietors have so much faith In Its curative power, that they offer One Hundred Dollar for any case that it fails to cure. (Send for list of Testimon ial. Add , F. J. CHIONEY & Co., Toledo, O. BiSo!d Iy Druggists, 75c. ) Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The Rest Salve in tlie world for Cuts, Pi-uisci!, Sores, Ulcer, Salt Rheum, F-ver Sorts, Tetter, Clianis d Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erupt ions, ami positively cures 1 inn, or pay required. It Is guaranteed to give .riect saiisiacisou, i iu"' j 1 Ice 25 cents per bottle. For Sale Uy Smith & Holt. Xcwu ItoiiiH and iMtiiorini ex pressions. (Transcript.) Dfttween the wind and high wa ter, (luile a little damage wa done to property in this vicinity, beet weighing 21 pounds and measuring about two feet in length is to be seen in tho window of J. J. Wiseman's bazar. Tii3 beet wa3 nUcil nrion the farm of Robert Howe, west of town. Up at Lewisville a few days ugo there was a little difficulty between a Bchoolmr.ster and ona of his pu pils. Tlie teacher punished the boy and called forth the wrath of the boy's elder brother, who beat the teacher unmercifully. The teacher came to Dallas Monday and swore out a warrant for the boy's arrest Last W'e lnefday night at Prof. Faulk's writing school, there was 80U13 unnecessary disturbance among the boys and Friday even ing Deputy Marshall Lynch read warrants to thre3 of our most es tunable young men. Saturday morning the trial was set for Mon day at 10 o'clock, at whicn time two of them plead cuuty and the other was acquitted. Dr. Prlcs's Cream Daklng Fov der World's Fair Hizheat Award. MONMOUTH. Itl'KNA VIMTA. " A.J. Richardson P"hl the jA tal city a vi:-!t Urt week. The usgengcr boat, jUtona, land ed here last Sunday and loaded 0 tnll ot bailed hay wi.icli was sold by James Prat her t itenrge L. limy. - i . ' ' , 10. X. Hull butchered 10 Hue. porkers li wpcU. An induttrlotis always ha on hand, or ought to liyve, something to fccll. J. I'.. Wi'liiiins, Win. Durrell, Dr. llovn'oti ai d wife, paid a visit ii' r'alcm l i.-t Mondav. Mrs. J. I). King, of Portland, is visitinu with her parents, Mr. and Mr?. Krcutz, the former has been quite bii k, but is rapidly improv ing. But NO. DALLAS. (Jtemuer.) The oounty court ordered that tlie bounty for wild animal scalps be discontinued. James Happy, while chopping wood tho other dayv cut a severe gash in his instep. Eunon Commons, aged 74 years, who has resided on the Ncstucca sinci 1S90, died Jan. 4th. Ora, the 13 year old daughter of John Dick r. of Ballston. diid last week and was buried at Harmony Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Campbell, Jan. 12, a fine boy The demit v county clerk feels as big a a hogshead, if not larger The new hose csrt and hook and ladder out tit arrived Monday even ing and to sity that the tiro laddies are pleased with their liend fight ing paraphanalia is putting it mildly. Newton Frakes, who died near Mitchell, Crook county, Oregon, on the 2Gth of I ist month, was born and raised in Polk county, where be has many friends, lie was about 40 year3 of ago, and leaves a wife and three children to mourn his lo.s. L." D. Jones, the barber, is build ,1'.; .... .k. .An. nf kij ing an aauiuon onio mo i. "a barber shop, to be ued as a read ing room. Pev. J. X. Smith visited The Dalles this week. Ha started Mon day expecting to be gone only a few days. According to our prediction, the new meat market did not run very lone. What the attraction w for so many ouicuer suopa n, imagine. There is a good living for one shop but that is about all. Mr. L. O. Stockman's baby is quite sick with pneumonia. County Clerk Mulkey was in town a short time Tuesday. . Mr P. J. Eaughman is 011 the sick list. Mrs. Helen D. Harford delivered an interesting series" of lectures at the Christian church. She is an eloquent and interesting speaker and her whole heart secras to be in tho work in which shs is engag-d. A urotracted meeting will be held in tho Christian church beginning on Sunday evening, Jan. 27. Every one is cordially invited to attenu. There seems to be considerable sickness in town at present. Just what is the cause we cannot say. The car load of provisions for the Nebraska sufferers started on its way Tuesday morning. J. E. Chandler lias charge or tne Dallas station and Win. Seckles has his place here. J. E. Hale and G. O. Graves vis ited Portland this week. They go to select their spring stock of goods. Hector. Ilev. J. L. Futrell was quite sick Sunday evening. Dr. Embree made a trip to Dixie Friday. Dallas was visited by a light -snowstorm Sunday. The woolen mills is the liveliest place in tbo city. Hon. J. J. Daly has one of the finest residences in the city. Mr. Simonton and Mrs. Alice Dcmpsey, of Dixie, were in Dallas Saturday. Mr. Swain, of Harney county was visiting relatives in this city last week. The M. E. church held a sociable at Mrs. Stevens' residence Wednes day evening. . i The reading society of the M. K.. church. South, met .Monday even ing at the residence of Prot. Rey nolds The legal voters of this school district met Saturday at the court house and voted a two-mill tax for school purposes. Rev.-Moore preached an interest ing sermon at the Baptist church in this city Sunday and Monday evening". Mr. Moore is endeavor ing to raise money to take him to Argentine Republic where ho will engage in missionary work among the people of that country. Gbover. f Dallas. All t 50 Kl....rie l.iuht Com null V -1 Total 34 74 L 0. 0. F. Installation Officers of Valley Lodge Xo. 42 were In stalled Thursday evening last. Tb U'llt-i. nfl'iiwra were- J. A. Hoberl. X. O.; J. M. Vanduyu, V. O.; J . A. Mills, i Claggctt, O. G bv Rev. S. A. Starr, ure cordially Invited. PMmitah Icitslktioa. Tho officers of Clover Leaf I-ode No. 56 w ere in t..It,..l nt Otld Fellow ball oil lust Thursday evening. A large attend anee of tbemembcrHhip was present. Tlie officers are as follows: Mrs. J. II Alexander. N O.; Mrs. K. T. llenkle, V,C.; Mrs. F. 1. Meyers, Secy.; Mrs O W. Reed, Treas. ; Mrs. J. W.Graves, warden; Miss. Sophia Cotf, conductor; A. J. Goodman. R. S. X. G.; Mrs. Mot ile Stine.L. S. N'. G.; Mrs. J. V. Irvine, n S. V.G.tMrs. J. S. Talbott, L. K V (3 Mrs. G. V. C laggoll. I. C; G. W W!vn Baby irM lick, -wt hw Catorla. Wlteo she ra CUM, the cried for CMtotta. When he became MlM, he clung to Cantoris. Wben she had Children, sha ptvethem Cutccla. Awarded Highest Honors World' fW . FALLS CITY. A. N. Robinson, of this place, hss been a)iointed a Notary Pub lic by Gov. Lord. Mr. and Mrs. Ray have a new girl, born Jan. 17. F. G. Raymond and M. G. Flinn were members of the third house at Salem this week Rock Creek settlers have petiti oned for a post oliice to be estab lished at Rock Creek, and a post route.froui Falls City to Norton on the 0. P. Mrs. Dr. Hall is qui to sick The only son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hall, nged 10 years and three months, died Jan. 17, 1893. Citizens hero arc considerably worked up over the fact that nearly 1 200 -special school tax, voted by the district last year has not bet'n collected; and the curious side ot it that parties who have not paid a cent special tix, havo lejeipts in fall for cania ana an mner taxes. It U evident that somebody is to blame for this, but j. ist who we do not know. The new law makes it the dntv of sheriffs to collect spec ial school tax, a3 well .13 all other, and we might suppose that the fault is here, but, upon inquiry. Sheriff Plummer and hx-Sherin Wells say that these receipts in full aie for all taxes shown on their books. County Clerk Mulkey says hf! is not to bla'ioa in the matter for tiro Pftfll! pir ro;i: MOST PERI-LCI maue. - r-e Cre:m cf Tartar Powder. re -mo: in, Alum or any other adulterant. . 40 YEASS THS STANDARD. (Observer.) Tho Rebekah Lodge of Dallas have filed articles of incorporation w ith the secretary of Stale. The only son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hill died Wednesday at his home in Falls City, aged 12 years. Claud Lewis, of Lewisville, was fined bv Justice Smith '2-3 for an assault on the teacher- from the Lewisville school. - The tax levy has been made. For school, 5 mills; state, 3 mills; S,0 phuply "multiplies the amount Polk county, 5 mills. This will grease the machinery for 1S'J. Mr. Sam Gould, who has been employed as a section band on the S. P. railroad at this place, remov ed with his family to a farm in Marion county, Tuesday. Sheriff Plummer is a rustler from iwav back. From the way he is Afoncli ,nin' Assessment by tne taxrate." Assessor Beckett shields himself by saying that tho maps furnished "him "by the county court were inacurate, and hence his ex tension of the assessment roll could not be orrect. Judge Rurch is to hear from yet, but we presume that An Ancient SlaldelTs Conrt.hlp. She was a spinster of only too cer- tain age. Her long, pale face was , surmounted by a magnificently lux nriotis ml wig; ner bony figure stood 5 feet Hi in her maidenly gaitew, , and her relatives had long been per- x suaded that only death could deprive 4 them of her. . Mr. Jones was a dear neighbor , and a mild man. When his wife fell ; UL Miss SamantLa. was most atten- j . tive When Mi's. Jonea departed, ., then did the spinster raxigniz the , rising of that tide in her affairs , wbicliwas to lead her oa to Jar- SoVrsistently and warmly did she console the widower iUt ii,.o.i in nn atmosuhere lurid wita her wis and was swallowed In thft : vortex of her fascinations without., murmur. From the grave bhe k4.: him at once to the altar, and tiv hours after Mrs. Jonea the first k v her home for the last timeMr..,' Jones the second crossed the twt ; old a triumphant bride. It is recorded of the daed hnde groom that, when asked if he wouM , toko Samantha for hiswif- he . -. swered mournfully : "I s' pose I mought ft well. f like the Lord U never quit trompfca on my toeltoa."- York JonmaL Too French win crop this year W better than it baa bewi ia many Jwm. Tlio yield the piestnt year la wtimafc! at l,22S.0Ut',CHK) gallon against S,- 000,000 last year. K. imo neonle ht, re an idea that tiey - near iro m yet, u - - p - . comfortUe aiEicted when they grM he will ay that the uitr it saouia , . drir, hem furnish its )OW-r ' T ih a nans soul. Uiard will probably bring suit'