Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, January 17, 1895, Image 4

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    Only for moment in tho hall wcro
they Uo to le alono. Then liossio
hastily passed Drane a note, antUm-r.i-bcr
of small, heavy, mystorlous articles,
wrapped in a handkerchief, Ilo had
hr.rrly conoealed these ttilna in his
pivct when the matron approached.
' Hut your name?" whispered l)ranc,
I am hero as Mr. Lawrence Prune,
ho replied, with a blush. "Only tho
ivo of patienU can visit them on or
Unary days."
And she hurried away, leaving Drane
In delicious perplexity.
In bis room ho examined the note ana
tho bundle, i Tho former proved tJ bo
nn elaborate plan for his escape written
out with tbo. detail of a . l'reneli dc-j.-ctivc
novel." Tho latter w.-.s arrat of keys of all sorts r: They
l ad been" taken from tho doors in Mr.
itowcrV hoiuo, as tho noto explained,
and were of course designed to open
tloors In tho retreat.
Dtanc studied ho plan of escapo ro
Uriously. Ilo noted every place where
'-.cabduid po, and. tho number of tho
particular stair where ho r.iust breathe
in order to avoid detection, lu some
way llessio had discovered that the
-i:rd at tho door was changed at mtd-
i-;ht. Drano was to steal softly from
i room at U:oGK. As near that hour
t be could guess ho stole, according to
;rcotlons. having punched Uio key
r;ra his lock' and opened his door
villi ono of the bunch Bessie had
brought. ;
Ilo crept down the stair keeping in
mind tho various shrewd details of tho
nlot; where ho must hido to let tho
ruard pass him; how ho must do this,
that r.nd tho other thing which tho
ingenuity of tho girl had devised.
And now ho stood at tho bottom of
the lower stair. Tho guard was asleep
with his head against tho waU. This,
too, was according to programme.
Drano couli easily havo passed him to
nis placo of concoaliaent, but suddenly
a new and simpler phaso of tho problem
itruck. him. Ilo coughed. Tho guard
did not move. Then he went up to tho
fellow r and shook him. Tho guard
awoko. . .
"Ilere your he cried, sleepily; "go
back to your cage."
Drano seized him by tho neck;
dragged him to tho parlor door; pitched
Uim head first into tho room; and before
the man could recover his balance or
his howls could bring as-istaneo. Drone
had opened tho outsido door, and was
cavorting dowa tho street . ;..
' c a rnicE os iiis mad.
No sprinter ever made better timo
than did Mr. Drano in his first run from
the Ketrcat. A medal at the end of a
track is not half tho Inducement to
speed that a pursuer at tho beginning
IS. ll lawrvntu uiHi ilii - ----- "j
stop-watch it would probably havo ap
peared that ho had broken all records at
tho end of the first hundred yards; and
yet it seemed to him that ho was not
running half fast enough. The street
was absolutely deserted, but ho came
presently to the corner of an avenue
that was brilliantly lighted and lively
with many passers.
Then be stopped abruptly and walked
Blowly up tho avenuo for a short dis
tance. His heart was beating violently
with excitement and the exertion of lib
run, and ho knew that ho must get
somewhere out of sight at once. Just
ahead of him ho saw that tho street-car
tracks entered a tunnel, the sidewalks
and carriage-way rising over a hill abovo
it Believing that hero lay his oppor
tunity be entered . the tunnel and
talked through its half mile of length
without molestation savo from cars
that passed bim occasionally. Tho
drivers and conductors., looked at him
sharply, and that made him wish that
ho had staid above ground. It also im
pressed him with tho necessity of dis
guising himself.
At tho end of the tunnel he found
himself n front of the" "Grand Central
Depot, - Ii he could only taka a train
and go somowherol Instinctively his
hand went to his pocket and i.hen
remembered. Tho thought of passing
again through an experience of hunger
with its : possibilities of polico courts
and ferry-boat concerts so distressed
h,lin that ho had half a mind to return
to Jenkins and confess himself a
lunatic. Then probably ho would bo
put in a straight jacket and be. confined
In a loathsome cell for the rest of his
days. Horrible!
Suddenly ho remembered that no had
been in tho habit of carrying a fifty
dollar bill in a little pocket unobtrusive
ly made at the waistband of his trousers.
Most of us would have thought of that
before, tent Mr. Drano had passed his
boyhood in the lap of luxury, and in his
manhood had not escaped from her leading-strings
until tho beginning of these
unhappy episodes, so that the where
withal was naturally tho last element
to enter into his consideration of practi
cal problems. In this case bo felt cer
tain that his enemy, tho tramp, must
havo overlooked that pocket. Ho thrust
a trembling finger into it. Glorious!
lie felt the soft but firm .tcxturo of a
bank note, and he knew that he was
caved. U marched proudly into the
depot and inquired about "trains for
Boston. That was still further away
from home, but ho had friends there
who would identify him and sec him out
of his trouble. A "train would leare in
the course of an hour. Good.. How
much? Five dollars. Very reasonable.
One ticket, please.
While the strip of paste-board was be
ing stamped Mr. Drane drew forth tho
bidden bill and unfolded it. - Then his
heart went down to bold sad com
no union with bis heels.
"1 beg your pardon,'' he faltered, ad
4iiii,th ii,-kft--llpr. "but I don't
.w.i..v i-il mt lf.ivi--s.ii tl'is f-Ynnimr.9 !
The bill was a two.
The tramp had been coinmcndably
tborogh la hU c arch through Mr.
Dr-anc's clothes, and, having found uso
for the fifty dollars, bad recognized the
utility ol an emergency fund and bad
iuitcd Lis reserve two dollar,
r.,.-i.i went out afulll into the
ivhyit wL. thut hehr.d new r boon ablo
lKforo tJ see nny tMu.T i tho philoso-
rhyofpeS;.lmi,m. UU1
unfeeling air of .New vom am:
olaiioii can not bo foun
In a situation whe.i a nun l r.3 is rtnch
as two dollars In his possi rulon. L.vv found It. Ko didn't t J t J
1 lioshva. anyway, far there v.-.a i;o;-'-e,
, tho '-oca the beautiful. tlis so-,-.Kr.t!sfy
' ln;r 'n.---Ji. Sbo was in K'v York, and
! at the thought tho utroo-pliora toolc ou
1 a sudden freshness as if it niis'.it havo
blown across a garden of roses. Per
' haps her littlo foot had preyed tho very
i stono on which ho suxxi! Lawrence
patted the stono gently with -his foot
; and felt comforted. He would run tho
' risk of courts and retreats for tho prlv
; ilogo of finding her.
I Mcantimo how far would two dollars
jarry bim? Ho must have a bed and a
I breakfast and a shave, Tho bed coat
i him half his pilo at a neighboring ho
1 tel. Tor prudential reasons ho regis-
ij ,,.liM-n assumed name, and for
once in this history no calamity is to bo
recorded as tho outcome of tho decep
tion. In tho morning a barber look
3if Mr. Dranc's moustacho for fifteen
xnts, and a modest meal reduced his
japital to half a dollar. Then he bought
a newspaper and cat down In a hotel
corridor to read and reflect. The news-
j paper was uncommonly Interesting.
! Conspicuously displayed on tho first
! pago was nn account of tbo ci-capo of
i a dangerous lunatic from Jenkins' Iie-
! tKAt- , . v .-.
The lunatic was supposed to bo thi
wealthy Mr. Lawrcnco Drane, ot
Kansas City. That unfortunate gentle
man's friends had como on to tako
! caro of him and had arrived at the
I Retreat but nn hour after tho escnp-.
I They immediately resolved io oSer
! a reward of five hundred dollar;
for his capture, and tho proprietor
of tho Ketreat supplemented that
inducement by an offer of fifty dollars
from hi own purso. Then followed a
minute description of tho missing man.
La-vrenco felt flattered, but stiil not
"Lvery man but tho millionaires in
the city is looking for me," bo thought,
and ho glanced cautiously over his pa
per at tho other occupants of tho room.
His blood chilled at once, for directly
oj-posito sat shrewd-looking fellow
spring hard at him. Tho fellow had a
copy of the same paper that Mr. Drano
was r.-adlng, too, in his hand. Ilo was
evidently a detective. Afwr a moment
of aony"tho detective rose and camo to
wards Sit. Drane, still looking sharply
at Mm.
"Now for a grand bluff," thought
Lawrence. Ho nerved himself for a
nif-bty effort, but tho stranger paused
awiivardly and said:
"Excuse me, sir; I see that I was mis
taken. I thought you were an old friend
of nine."
And he walked away. Lawrcnco liked
to h-vo choked with tho excitement
and relief, and ho felt that ho would
rather be captured than undergo such
another trial. Ho must get away.
Even his friends would discredit hi?
story and consign him to an asylum
Z::?o noreM'the
story again. It ended by saying tnat
the gentlemen 'm Kansas ' City had
cono to Boston on the midnight train
believing that -Mr. vranc naa nea ui
that city.
Atrain his thoughts reverted to ucssic.
She would help him, but ho dared not
rU0 wouia iieip mm, uuu uu uaxw
go to Mrs. Dowers' house. So he wrote
n note to Mrs Uowers inquiring if ho
might not call on tho young lady whom
itc i.-now nnlv liv the namo of Bessie,
and trust to her kindness to screen him
from capture during tho call. Itcosthlm
thirty-five cents to send this note by mes-jeni-r.
After what seemed intermin
able dele.y the messenger returned with
this answer:
Tho fauna laity yon refer to has re
turned to her friends. For her sake I
refrain from sending this to you by a
po'ieenuxr.. You may not bo insane, but
I am convinced tliat you aro a lml, bold
adventurer. So do not, on cry account,
expect any further assi;tanco from me.
Emii.v IIowkcs."
And what did poor Drano do then?
Ilo went down -to tho East river and
wonderod if somo condemned fool of a
hero wouldn't rcscuo him if ho should
pi ungo in and try to bo decently
drowned. The men at work thereabouts
didn't look much like heroes, but ap
pearances might bo deceptive, and Mr.
Drano gave up the idea. It was but a
passing frenzy. Ilia native vigor re
turned soon and it was reinforced by
tho Imago of Bessie's face that haunted Ilo wOllld SRek llCr if
it took tho rest of his lifo and cost him
hio fortuno when ho got possession of
it again.
During tho rest of the day ho wan
dered aimlessly about the docks and in
the quiet streets. His hunger ho ap
peased with a sandwich, reserving his
balance, eight cents, for another meal.
Tho more he wandered and tho moro ho
thought, the more desperate his situa
tion seemed; but relief camo from tbo
most unexpected quarter. Just as it was
growing dark whom should ho meet but
tbo original tramp. Each mado as if to
run at first sight, then they thought
better of it and stood facing each other.
Well," said Mr. Drano.
"Well," returned the tramp, "you've
done mo up nice, haven't you 7"
'Done yoil up?" exclaimed Lawrence;
"how about mo, you rascal? Havo you
read tho morning papers?"
"Read tho papers! Do I look as If I
.A". I.-.,"r
ford to read a bulletin board. No, I've i arousing interest and impressing
just como from the Island. Your Kan-1 f t j to jet r pupjl8 eee an
sas City friends said I was tho wrong! '. . ' , . , ,
man, and of course they had to let me j handle the animal to be studied.
jo." The best way to give your students
Lawrcnco was on tho point of bhow- . , , .. ... ,
tngtho tramp the .tory of tho escape clew idea of the animal kingdom
printed in tho paper, when a perfectly ' is to Study a few typical forms,
tremendous idea occurred to bim. " , Life i too short to tiy to master
wj so great that bis voice trembled , , , , , , ., A
he said: the numberless forms of life that
"That's good. Now, I am willing to ' gwarm this universe. Thia is the
let bygones be bygones. I am not out;, - ... . .
" JB . . . 1 iia v nf kih i li7stiin. Ao more do we
31 my scrape vet. ana m-tween us we.
..M oihur rood dl. Ar
11 M"- --
vou jfreed?" .
"Yon don't wean to get me arrested
for taking your clothe, do your "
Maii.m.-.t by llie IN' tMiutjr TwUrr A
wiiiili'ii, nmt rtvil l llm mtvnnwiiivnl
o( tli I'MhlbrHrhuwl.
rrfrTKiWT,iioV. r. a. hay,
InitrjiriHlfiice, Orvitu,
muni tw aitdnwa lo llio willui- of ll Ui-
IxirliiR'iii. .
Teachers shouhl read tlto article
by Prof. Batcomb on "Zoology in
the Public School" Ihey win
jn jt 8u-jjjt8tions Hint will aid
. ... interring
I. p.,1.1;,. S.lnv lhcv win
tluni in giving niany interesting
and valuable Iwmhip, fvrn if they
do not find time to teach it in
Initituta Program.
Following is the program of ex
ercises for the county institute to
bo held at Kickreall on the first Sat
urday in February:
0eiiiiig exerviiH' ' sssiK-mtion
A, N l'lilkenMin.
MethtKl of Tent-King SiiU' tiricniimr. . . .
S.i-rititvmlc!it UuteliiiiHiu.
Fifth tirade lico::riiiliy
l'mf. W. A. Wunii. diiKMiwion
iong Awoi'lntion.
lutere)4iii! 1'arents in Sehmd Work....
Mif!" llattie Williams.
Kxenises Dixie geliool.
ImtiorUuiee -if Meinorv (it-mu
I'rof. T. A. Ilnyei-.
Myths ami Fairy Stories in Primary Kd-
m-ution Mary I'ollitis.
Ueuerul ditH'iif.-ion
Tlutfe on program finding it im
possible to attend will oblige the
association by sending a substitute.
Ejport of District No- 49.
For the month ending December
28, 1S94.
So. of scholars enrolled. . . .'. H
Average attemlanco H
Nmnes of tlmse not ub-tfiit: Clciiiuions
am', nolx-rt Fi.-lil-iu-k.
Kv.i Towxs, Tenelier.
f The nljovc report was pent in ton
late for last week's issue. En.
Zoology in ths Public Sohoolj.
"To liim who In I lie lovr "f Nalurf holds
Commiiniou with lior visible forms, she
A various lancnaiir; for Ills jnyf r hours
.She has a voire of ilailncss ttn.l a smile
And eloquenreor beauty; and sh rIUU-s
Into his darker niusliiK with a mild
And hrulhiK sympathy llmt steals away
Their shurpness cro he Is aware."
And it is this love of nature that
we should cultivate in the child
that ho may talk in this
various language. All admit the
necessity of the study of physiology
so that wo mny know how lo prop
erly care for these liodies of ours.
Few question tho introduction of
botany into our course of study.
And to read nature's language in
the modest violet nnd the gaudy
poppy is the delight of both youth
and nge. Who would object to
chemistry, which tells of the repair
anu wiuiie in ine uuncaie y;i c-
. laboratory of nature; the
different elements that we need to
sustain life and the foods in which
. , . .
they arc properly combined
foundation of all medicine, as well
disinfectants and antiseptics?
And why not zoology? More es
pecially since it is now claimed
that all diseases are but some lower
form of life that lives upon the un
healthy tissues. Why should the
scriptures be literally fulfilled with
the child s physical sense that
'"having eyes they see not and bav
ins ears they hear not" the busy
world of life that goes on all around
and about tlu-m? In tha ocean
and the land, burrowing in the soil
at their feet, swarming in the very
atmosphere they breathe and even
swimming, divinjr, floating in the
swal'ows of water the child takes
quench his thirst. The child
ill be interested to learn that the
leese as well as ''Old Ocean" is
plored by great numbers of "skip-
that the sweet sugar ana
sour vinegar each support a thriv-
iz nonulation; and that the but
ter gets old the same as "any other
city" by reason of the "crowded
condition of its inhabitants."
Interest! Why should not the
child's mind hunger and thirst for
this knowledge that so nearly con
cerns him and lies at the threshold
of every human being? Simply
knowing an animal's name or a de
scription of it in terms that are not
understood will not give a knowl
edge of the animal or make your
students enthusiastic in tho study.
As the eye is the most open inlet to
the soul, the Burest method of
j -i
enaegyor to encompass au mow i-
What is
retort is Dr. Samuel Pitehei- prtcriptioa for Infant.
Silt contain. ne.tbcr Opium Morputno or
MllnloTMotUcn, Coru
cure. Dlarrha. nl AVln.l Colic Cantoria relieve.
S troubles crt. eo.,.tl,i:itt u.ul llutu.oney.
ItorU assimilate, tho foo.l. rcCulatcs tho .tornuch
tU U tho UUdrou'- PrvW. Motber. rrlend.
-Cattorl Is an cw-Uut mwlfrlna for chit
inn. MOlH-rs h3r reitly Wi "
awxl fl!t u;oa tlwlr chiUlrB."
Pa. 0. C. 0o",
Cstor! U tlit Uvt r i!y fcr cliiUreu of
.hU M am W -luusL I ; f.o .l-jr U .
far dSrnt wh.oioUir Ulco iJ 'jftM rw'.l
fntenst ut U tr chll lrrn. a I V'.or U I
(toAd of ths various qu-k mMtrunui hlcli aru
d.-tn.Ttn Mu-ir lorml oaf 3, by furc!no:m.
Biorphlna, soothlug synip a.l oih. r li.irt .ul
aroU down meir mw".
a V prmaur sr.
. . . -
Couosy, Ark.
On tour Company, TT I-
edge as did the scholars of the mid
dle ages. Kven more than this, to
simply read of the world' advance
ment would require all one's time.
To illustrate: But yesterday it was
discovered that it was the working
of a small insect in the soil that
prepared it to raise our wheat, com
and iiotatoos, and for this reason
another crop could not bo ruiecd
upon the same soil until this ani
mal life had again increaicd in suf
ficient numbers to supply the pe
culiar substance that this particu
lar plant needed; thus linking lot
any, zoology and chemistry in a
natural science "triumvirate."
Today the scientist announces
the discovery of a new and inert
jus in the atmosphere. Vdo not
only have chemists, botanists and
zxilogiits, but men make a life
study of carbon compounds, fungi
and bacteria. So be Satisfied with
a little well done. A ge uine de
Hire for knowledge aroused in the
student is worth much more than
hundreds merely studied about.
This was vividly impressed upon
my mind while li.-teninfe some
years ago to President Jordan ol
Leland Stanford university, as he
told of his experience in tho cele
brated Natural History School of
Agassiz. He said that for many
days he was given tho same lish to
study, and although when he firdi
took the fish he thought that he
knew all about it, yet the longer
he studied it the more ho found to
learn, and he considered that he
owed more of his love for zoology
to that one circumstance than to
any other.
Let each or several, if preferred,
make a collection of some particu
lar order or family, helping each
other by saving all the specimens
that they find and giving them to
the one making a collection of that
particular family. Oral and writ
ten reports, with descriptions of
their "latest catch," will add inter
est and serve the purpose of ere
ating a pleasant rivalry. Incite
interest by investigating as far as
possible "some insect about which
there is an interest already aroused.
The chinch bug, that in many
parts of the world destroys annu
ally thousands of buoi.cls of wheat,
and in that connection the so
called "small pox" of the little bug.
I havo reference to the sporo
trichum discovered by Chancellor
Snow of the Kansas university. It
is a species of fungus that grows on
the bug, and by sowing a few in
fected bugs soon all the great army
a to wept away as by a istilence.
Study of the cicada with hi. noisy
orchestra. Find out whether "Katy
did" or "Katy didn't." Study the
June bug and hi. gaudy wing; the
"daddy long-legs," who teaches
"where to find the cows:' the glow
worm with his "flash light;" the
orn fly that has lately appeared
among cattle; the f ilk worm, whose
fatal shroud" is so much prized
by the fairer half of the genu.
homo; the mosquito, who "present
his bill" in such a noisy and nn
Iertintiit way; and more of the
many others that will be euggested
to your pupils' minds. I
- Cwtorla li so wll a-lnplnl toeMUrs-n that
I nvuiuuu-na It assuror u.y ynw ij.UuB
f.uolot.u-." ir. A. Asensa, M. D ,
m So. otf.r-i , nnwiiiyo, n. v.
-OWBkn-" th s dprt
m.ut tu. s: LfcUy ""'" "'
t-ito In URlr outsWo r-..-i t itetoiU,
ai.d a!U.iu;h " "
mloal su 4lrt lu: U J-"" " M,'"'if
, r,hiei. yt r.x lo couli Uw U
!h rl:s of CaMoria lu ,u
lavor uio It."
Vsitso liuarrrai. wo Pisranv,
IkMtua, ataca,
A lux C. Brr,
orroy Strt, N.wr York City.
1 These are a few of the suggestions
of tho many method that may U
'employed to incite interest and the
'gaining of practical knowledge,
and more than thin, the leaching
!0f the habit of observation ami
! thouvhtfulncss i-f uiiiiiuiU and in
sect that he inert! etcry day; fo.
wherever he is nnd whatever he
may be doing he will be learning
u new lesson from the grent book ol
nature. P.ut where U the time?
That is the question that mutt h
awsweritl by those in charge ol
schools. Tho curriculum seems
already crowded and some othet
study mny suffer.
It i-i not my purpose to under
value any of the other studies, and
yet may I mention "economy of
time," that trite expression of the
pedagogue. Could it not be intro
duc i! in connection with opening
exercises, or as a special exercise
for Friday afternoon? Or if no
other way can be devised have il
alternate with some other study
trtice or tliiict! a week. Once get
the students thoroughly eiithusi.ts
tic and tliey will curry on the study
idniont wholly by ihenisel ves. Thev
will almost load you down with
Let me mention in conclusion a
few books that will greatly aid
both teacher and pupil : NaMin
Headers, Seaside and Wayside
(four numbers, published by 1). 0.
heath it Co., Chicago); Wood's
Natural History and Jordan's
Vertebrates of North America, f
any book dealer, and tho maga
zines American Naturalist and
l'jpular Science Monthly.
Someone has said that "natural
science is ho placed in the. front ol
the studies of tho present age that
to object lo their study is simply to
writ) one's self a laggard behind
the times."
E. E. n.
Ili-alt Ii is loiioiiiy.
A well man can do as much
work as two men who arc "under
the weather," and do it belter. A
box of Ripans TahulcH in the office
will save clerk-hire.
TH 10
Harness Shop
F. E. Siiafku, Prop.
Bulls the l't linnil muln liurm-sa
unci other sndrtlcry kimxIs for Ii-mi
money than evr Ix'Tnrc olli-ri-cl.
Don't huy fiictory marie stock when
you cad Kft the hnnd mariu for the
suine money.
ltepah'n(f ueatlu and
promptly done.
C ST., IxUKi'K.NDESCE, Okkoon.
Estes & Elkins,
City Draymen
ah kind, of Hauling
in or out of the city
Promptly attenll to.
Charges reasonable.
Qur Busness
It to buy
The rcimU
a large
Clothing, Dress Goods,
Furnishing uooas, etc.
Tlmt w"t
A Clearance Sale
ilesiru myllMh
(food, ot
goutl quality,
know that
we cii n ami III
sell tllt'llt 10
clicni'ier than
nny lln'r
IlIlllWI In
Polk Comity. J
ti i
vy Wife
And I never
ly. Hut even then ilillrrencc . itt
iimtaucr: We needed hhih liHrdwarf nnd (to
crv. She wan in favor of hininf at
Frazer & Son's, Monmouth,
Steamer Altona
Leave Portland Ttiendayn. Tburfdaya ami Saturday, C:(()a. in,
Iave Independence Momlay, Wcdnefihiyn and Fridnva-i :.') " ,
Leave Salem " " " i
Fast Time, Cheap Bates,
Alexander-Cooper Drug Co
Always aim to please and Veep on hand
v Rubber Good,
J Oil-,
Con fan,
Prescriptions :-: Carefully -:- Compounde!
Day or Night.
uf Legal Blanks
Dray & Truck Co.
Drayiiifr of all kinds in and
out of the city will receive
prompt and careful atten
tion if entriiKtcd to
A. W. Docksteader,
(Huifi-ssor to Chaa. HtnaU)
Our prices- are the lowent.
CHAS. CLARK, Iliccivcr
ronnrrtlnt with Hloamrr "KOMEH" bo
Yaiiilnu and Han PrandNco.
HU tiiiN lesvrs Man Kranclsro;
March 4, 14, 24th.
HI earner Iravr Yaqulna:
Marrh , IS, JMh.
nilits rrwrvml lo chanc aalllng dat
rllhout noUr.
For freight or jascnircr raU-s apply to aajr
A tent.
CHAS CI. A tt K. RMlvr,
Oi vallls, iirritoa
Chas llendrr. Ron 4rn,
.Nos 1 Icil Market hi-,
Han KrsoeiiH-a.l llf.
ito.hU. M't not dllhcull to ik'II
rlulitly iMHiul.t. "hy I10
toll Uim mry. lUirliiK tstM tlm
market w very unt'ly,
mut w lM.nKia .r.'iiy
freely tint lie I'N'Haw,
elected latest
Ntvlea ami
' Best qualities.
U, w have
hock ui
l' ,d durlinf tlio n't f'
wm-kii In ortler int 'r, ""'i'
Mock up lo Hi Uihm, mnl follow
our iMitlcy l lukliiu silvmilniio
of Uim low lluVItt ll" mar
ket. r llie"' reason
vtv livt coiiitiieni'td
httt will roiitltiiio until llio bivmU nr all
iM. Wi ilo not llk to sell at coal, or
for leas Uiuiirost.l'utwelMiil rutlitr
I..... a Unlit now tllUII 10 llttVU
our siak on Ibo slielvu
until next )''r, u.t
tlien Imvit lo "K'U
tlicui at Imll
(esMes ruiiiilnir
tho risk of lusliig nmiiy
of our customer by olWlnil
them oo.l and yearoM.
Mercantile Co.
have nny altercation, and our iieiufcf
U.r marvel at the c n!ciiiuiity. v nm inr rj
sou for thia blcHctd utato of nfTaimf you
Well, when tsrKt our two thnddiing hrarta wrt
made one. we cutablitdicd a aort of n act of rule1
which Uith of u have adhered to very tcadf,m:
where, fhe iiiMed, tiny were Ibe cheapest. !'
favored p-'ii fj to Portland fir them. She want
her way and I wanted mine. Uid w qtinrici'
'ot a bit of it we i flirted a coin pro m ine. TUli
on uKrentblo viav of celtliit(f iuli Jif lite, yo
know. Where did we buy tho gitotU? Il'in-.
well, we l oui-hl llieui Viero my w ifo tid, .
Fraxer A. Son' and avcd fevcral h.llar. (
Patent Medii'iw
Cigar, "
Jtook. ?
Pen, :
Pencil, I
Ktc, K"
sj fTJ ,
1 "a,--.,,.
For nalo
in Oflice
G . u . . . -i vim
jr nMJ"-
rs of Has of
line K.iln"""2
worsmsiisW; I,,
it bars is U-
IkoIII"- ,
trie t-"ff,
with His HrrJ
W also mauuractura, a. oor works l
A MY MM PI! nftSFKhl
s oeljr Os. rnlOBnMirnln "r?'"7B v
ul ..l, mails In An.ertia. '"as.
atalnat use if ,t.l oil. in.iiraf"
tMnd ( ealal.'."""
Stationary and Marine Ecr
, iiTrsTcaB ,f
v,! a St., S '