Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, January 17, 1895, Image 3

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    II in
I tlK!
a try
!c7:s i. iiiiTMCit.- nivsiciAti
1 y'.ii-uwm. Heero urv V. n. I'.iiauiiii
I eons, Independence, Urcuon, 01
t. 1 . Hm IIDIIMO OHM'S.
0 L
' hi i
ill mill HlirUVOllH. Hllfclttl ut
-imlit to dim-uses of wimii'ii
r Inileiiciiilcncu National I Mink
I. M. D. W. IWibhltt, M. 1'. U
jw Trinity medics! college.
Idi'iico. corner lUllmad mid
itll streets, Independence, Ore
i juavi:h.-d. 1). 8
It of Michigan gruiluute,
(k ! over Inili'iH'iiilnin'o
Iacieiiiioiiee, urcgoii.
0. A. SMITH. A IK ) H N K Y
r-ljlW. OMe OVr ltldl'ICIldclll'e
ationid Hunk, lndeioiideiicc, Or.
8. A. Ml'LKKT.--)M':sll)KNT
enlist. The proli'Miloii pracl Iced in wll
btsiielicn. rutliinieHon guaranteed,
ttlcptmdcucc, Oregon.
Veler-houso building, Colluo
tr a, Monmouth, Ore. bull
iclioil guiuuntoeU.
axJiuli'fict! burlier. Two chair. Khsv
v ifm. Luilm liuxor honea on
t,n not leu. Next ilHr to Hrt
xiiinitl bunk. liidflxMidencu.
UTTwo Imtli tubs- no tedious wulting
iKII mnl I'OOH.Hl W curry n
II tork of Ktmli. jHMim, Moulding",
, KU. taTTiirnliitf i iliili)',
ililchell A iUilmiuion', Muln lwl.
iMT 1 I I-OVD. piHBterlrm
Id Lrlok Work of all klmU
Mm oil uliorl noiico and win
iHted aturiotory. Adclre
It. hknki.i.- tiih tonso.
AL Alt '1ST. Mux no superior In
VlllgHlld Illlll-CUllillH. (Jive him
Ur work. rJTishavliig lAc, Huir
llliijr'tt', liuilm ittu. Muln street,
Items of Local News.
iorsfji aid fouiiscllurs at law,
f Cl'lK lll'll H ('Wlllll'i
He, Mais hr. ItTKMKeic, Oil
fusticrj of thG Peace,
i,l)KrKxir..N(.i:, okb.
"rliealiisuraui-eaittl iiiiiKm Cullrc Ituia
I Hai'lHll'.
II. M. I.I X KS,
Notary Public.
. Life and Kin- hiniirom-c,-- - J
et KttNt iNllKfRNIIKXI'", MlK.
Mwltil. iH-iln SlMkt.ia
I t" lirnkli'
. A. Kruincr. Ji'wi'lcr.
HlroiiK'i uri'inl lit tlio Hluf Onx-xiry.
J. 1). Kelly, of Mct'oy, wu In tliu
i-lly Hiitnriliiy,
W, (1, Wrltflit, AIihIihcU uiui Lounv,
iiiilliix, OrcK"ii.
The Hun !I0 tliiu for (ki tiinix, ul
Cloilltlii'r JSi-om.'
Mink Jlun li,llio Itlrkrcnll iiii icliiint
wti In tlio city TiM'Hilay.
CIihICi'IIit liroM, dun wiw you inoiii-y i
on mili'riitloii fur liny Mrlolk'ut.
(1. V. Itroii Mini II. II. Jiimmthoii
vlnlli'd tliooiiltiil Momliiy, n lurnlng
lioiiit Tiit'Niluy.
Tliu Clly It'nluiiruiit mtvi-o iiiouIh
Hi nil lioum of t lio day or hIkIi. Hlx
nii'iil tlckcln fr 1 1.
MIkh. Jllnllo (Iclcliill, who lum In en
vUlilnjf In tliU clly, rcliirnt'il to Mn-
Mlniivlllu IuhI 1'Vlilny.
rrof. I). A, Iloi of tlio Hick mill
fi'liool, khvo the K.NTrui'jdHK ollli-o
lilt'iimiiit cull Kiituriliiy,
Hevernl of tlio IciiiIiiik clll.ciiM of (hi
liy uinl Moiiiuoutli iiili'iiiliil Oowrniir
I,ortl' Inuiigiiriil Wuiliiiniluy.
Mm. Thoinun Htowo, of Hcllirvuc,
who lirn Imcii vImIiIhk In tin) city Mini
vicinity t lit) j.ttMt wick, rctiirnctl lioinv
J ', Irvlna i'iiiiiu up from Mi-Mlun-
vlllu IiihI TucHiliiy Hint will rciimlu
Mivcrul tliiyn looking uftvr hi IiumIihdn
lulercHtii hero.
lion. N. I.. Jlutlcr, Nciuitor from thin
county, left licru on the Allmm Mon
clliy IIIOI'llllIK to bHHtlllHt IiIm lrgllll(lv
lltllll lit Ihu Clllllnl.
I. H. Tnylor III uNtlHt Mr. Locke
lii the Ktre during Mr. Ihnity' ab
neiicv in Ihu Ktittt, lirother Tiiylor
known how to Kelt KriK'crlcit, ainl "tlon't
you forget It."
We don't Ulleve Unit nny niun in
I'olk County hn t do voto of tlio comi
ty In h'n vent Pookcl to (Ic. I vet for Mr.
Iiolii, though hu in iy tliiulc o ever
no liiinl mnl limy luivt- luiulo tliu iroui
Diitlim TruiiKcrlpU
Hiiiiu rooiI work l lieliitf done iioii
our utiveli In clcuiiliit? oil" lite iiiii.I. Il
woiil 1 1 a g to I in v( on tli pin t ol
the city council to piuui an ordinance
prolilliltlng tlio hltclilnir of Umiiih iui.I
liormn nl.iiijt iinilii il n et.
A j oiiiig mull nt Mouiiioiith ly I lie
iiiiiii? (if 1'iHilti win mrldDiiliilly clu t
In the hind while hunddiiK mm 1 1
pocket pldlol. Tlio bullet mi)e!
throiij;!) the p!in of t lit) liuinl. lotlict
in'ii piilufol luit not wrloiin wotiud.
The recent wuriu riihm have nuiwtl
e Wllliinicile titer to overflow l;n
Dr. liplo.y, deutUt, Moiinioulh .
Adillllllonul liHinlaoli ccoiid pngu.
Dr. liphy, the (lenllnt, giiurmitvew
nil IiIh work,
Wunlcd. lluoou nml lard at the
Hlar Orooory,
All kind vt purti upliitu In hulk nt
tlio Htiir Oroeery.
Iln. J, iVhlU', of Crowley, w
In the clly Momliiy.
Dr. I'.plcy, the ileiitlut, Moiiiuoutli,
doc crown mnl lirhlxi) work.
If you wmit H goixl grade of tea or
colli-e buy It nt the Htnr (JriKiery.
Any one wuiillnjf good fuuey dairy
hullt-r, will do will to Ke J I. A.CIixl
feller. 'I'uke the dally Hun during leglMlu
liilurei (W cciiliiu niontli nt Cloilleller
Huly-two pupils enrol led ul the
HlcUreull hcIiooI ulxiut W itunllH he-
fongl hj.
H. A.ltlugtt, of Kulviii, MUD In the
clly JfHlerduy, vlnll lug hU duughU-r,
Mr. H. A. Mulkey.
Judge Chenowelh, of Klng' Vulley,
wiih In the c-lty Huturduy liHikng after
oino legul biiitliieiM b.fore Jintllce
1 rvliio'it court.
The Hewn rciiciii-il here limt night by
telephone, thai Hon. J. X. Dolph hud
received the ciiuiim Humiliation for
Mciiulor. Of coiiro lltl In i-ipiivaleiit to
elect Ioh.
the M'gitli; HiihIo I'eiinell played
'J Ionic, Mwcot Home" on the violin In
ndiulrublu ulylo. 'J'ho clmpUr pre
Heiilt'd 11. II, 'I'lilclMen, piwt high prlt'Ht,
with mi cBMy chnlr V. I', t'onnuw uy
nilldo l lie prcMOIitutloll Hicech In big
uhiiuI luippy iiiumier. Mr. TIiIuImui
replied, with marked feeling, In u few
appropriate word, 1'imt High i'rlent
'1'lilcU n Hitoii a limtullliig oniccr mid
tux levy wn to imy lntcrwt on boudu
ml IJ inllU todefruy i liool exiim
0. A.' R. Orgaalzid -TI.e (I. A. It.
poxl wan duly m oxtered on liwit Butiil
day idght by I'oitt ('oiumniidi-r J. C.
Cooper. The t I uumed in honor
of (leu. Win. Oibnou, of Ohio, mini
died during the month of December.
Tb followtng nfllcrra were clttted: J.
H. Hmllh, (viniiiiiiudert M. A. Maker,
W. -1. J'eet, or t.orvalll, wux grnml m.ur c-oiniiinudcr; T. J. Fryer,
miirHhiil- The following (.nicer were! ulliol. viw, e,,mnm.ui,.rt J. L. Htrnrk-
toimnwuy, ii. i-ljioii, quarter iiiiwter; KII JoIiohoii, nd-
Julmit: V. HtniiHberry, ehnpliilu; J. N.
IiihIiiIIi-iI: W. I
J. II. Morun. K.i K, L. Kelchuiu. K
(1. Ii. llawkhi. C. H.; II. It. I'ultcr.
ou, It. A. C; 1'. C. I'utternoii. 1'. H.
J. H. Cooper, trenxurer; O. At Hmllh,
xeert-lmy; SV. I. Hinlgin, tteullnil; J.
V. Khkluud.T. V'.j J. It. V.Jiuller,
H. V.,- It. It. I'urriMh, V. V. After the
I unlit I lot Ion ecu-motile were over vV.
I'. Coumiwuy t-xtemlcd a oordlul luvi
tiitloli In heliulf of I lie chiipter t nil
the guiKlM piiHciit to partake of n up-
per "wlllioiil money and w ll limit eotl"
ut the 1,1 (tlo l'ulaco hotel. We uru In
fiii'iiied that XH'i piToii iurt(Mik of the
Hlippcr, Jlii! eiitertiiluiiieut w4 u
U'ery pleuHiint mid himjIuI affair. '
in iiomorlam. i lie ruiiowing poem
wii written by Mr. Cathurine Joint
on, of Monroe county, Iowu. lit mem
ory of her brother, I). II. Clod Teller,
who died in thl city Dec. 10, 18p4:,
(1 out hlecjM.
)p - House
l iiiu- in iiuii'm-iiii-iii- to mn
il ul itll liim.n mi uliurt n 'Hoi-,
rr ulwua on 1'ilviiU
.11: H.
j01t uniLoitia, MAIN IT.
.. , (
PI; j Tohurco
If VOU OllloUo Collie
nml Imipt'et our line
f f ptpeH mid tolineeo.
lwy are ijniio choice ,
eud'very leiiHonublc.
t lire oU'erllig frewli
culldlcH mid tint ut
' v low a price hh wo
t. ' ) odtibly ciin. Snmple
our dillereiit kind.
Cnaranteed Cure.
Te authorize our advert !Hed drtigglxt
ell Dr. King' New Diweovery for
iNumptlon, CoiigliKand Coldx, npmi
condition. If you are iillllctcd with
glut, Cold or any I, ung, Throat or
nt tro' 'de, mid will use thin remedy
frer'. ,', giving It n lair trial, mid
erle ' tf no benefit; you may return
hot lid have your money re
led. v could not make IIiIh otter
we r .know that Dr. KIhu'h New I
love. 7 could be relied upon. It never some
btuiltH. '1 he water wiih about two feet
higher I bun the rrtlwo eiuiKed by the
N't-w Year' thuw. Ho far we have not
licnrl of any damitgu being dotie by
the overllow.
".''iiillli, of rolls," 1 continually Imiu
biiigliplu (he publinhcd proceeding
of the li'Klxhiturc. We fell eonfldeut
that our Ira H. would iiiulte the legls
lutlte nweinbly reeognUo the fact that
i'ollt noiiuly had "a chlel mining them
tuklii' note.'
The tiuvellng publie will find the
j I.ltt'e l'aluce hot I complete In all it
iippolnlnicnlM. The tuMe I fiirnl.-Iicd
; wiih the bent the inarkit ttU'ordit, and
! t he rooms are lurjjp, comfortable, cinl i gum with
! u ,.tl riiiMil)ti.,r MMit i.lJofl ,f lh. nr.,. i lii-r orcltv
. j - i ,
pl'letor in to Jilcane bin gUCHtH.
The Trunwrlpt eniimerultn twenty
repiibllcuii iiewnpapcra In Oregon that
favor Hllver IcglMlatloii and three that
oipoHC, mid mention Mitchell, Her
mini, Kill, Fulton, Tongue, Thomp-
hoii and Lord u btlng on tlio allliin
Htlve of the (iiii'stloii mid Du'nli mid
Sinioll opp: Blllg,
We leai n from Itev. K. II. Hickiifoose
that an unfortunate accident occurred
nt Hellevue mi Jan. I). 4'o Utile
boy by I lie name of Conner were play
lug "shlney,1' when IJoy Coniier re
ceived n blow In the face which broke
the lower Jaw bone and knocked out a
number of teeth.
Kditor A. V. It. Hnyder, of the Dul
In Trnnacript, Was elected Jour
nal clerk of thu house with
out opposlttoii. The Kntkiu'HImk
feel grntilled that our editorial con
temporary was Hticcecsful lu getting a
good lucrative poult ion. We lire glad
to see k'glHlutlvc courleHle extended to
l'olk county
Mr. J. C. Wmith left here for Den
ver, Col., on last Friday' train, ticcotii
pan led by her daughter, Mrs. W. E.
Fence, of Des Moine, Iowa. Mr.
Smith iHuftliclcd with puralyxix of the
tliroat and ha lieen an invalid for
time. She goes to Denver for
i h Loglnlnturp.
'oir t" - the Oregon IcciHlature
n i
it a
Trial In. ttlt a free ut any i the purpone of testing the benelit of u
l.arge ni.o OUo. mid j cnilllg0 folliimte. She hud been liv
ing lit till cl.y for several month with
her dauirhter, Mrs. D. V. Htevetis.
F, A. Douty and Ii. H. Pmldock, two
of our intwtt enterprixlng cillzeim, nu
tlclpate titartiiig Kant next week toW
absent some six weeks. They will
visit Tnconui, (Seattle, Spokane, Minne
apolis Chicago,' Denver, ' etc. Mr.
Douty expects to visit hi boyhood
home nt ltoulder City. Col., mid while
he 1 taking the journey more for
tlglit-neelng than otherwise, Mr. rud
dock goes to attend to business mat
ters. We wisli the gentlemen a plea
ant Journey.
Itev. H. L. (Shelley hna lecn visiting
IIilIsiMiro for a week. He returned
jii everybody will wm.t
n newspaper printed at
the capital. They will
per that gives all the
j StatcHniun is hint uucli
per hriglit, fjiicy, ncljve, en
itiCi ill edited. It reports the
e:l i in detail every day,
, ov oking a eingle item in
-ter ! e. Your senators and
reec ives were elected on n
ed form, pledged to carry
ter'.. policies of reform.. You
1 wii-t to watch their course in
lesifcliture and sec w hether or home Inst Tuesday and Inform us that
ttiey remained true to their he has been employed to preueh for the
Iges, iTie Statesman will give j Christian church nt that place. He
; nli vi (Lib and mare, too, for it j may move hi family to Hlllsboro in
ft liewi-papcr in every sense of i the near future. We are sorry to lose
Mr. Shelley and hi estimable family
from our midst, but w hat is this coin
unity's loss is IlillMboro's gain. Mr.
Shelley is an IntelliRent, earnest and
pleasant geiuleniHii, and we are sure
Frank O'llrieti, one rf l'olk t-ounly'
leading citizens, sturt for Kl Louis,
Mo,, next Monday. He gi- vlu the
Northern rucitlo rallroml und expect
lo In ubseiit several moiitli.
1'rank O'Neill, traveling pneiiger
agent of tlio N'orthern I'ucllle
riiilroud, was In the city this week
hi the interest of hi com
pany, and nave this oDIce a plcusal.t
H. p. AinlorHon, IsKik kiH'K-r of the
firm of It. M. Wudo & Co, ol this
clly, slurl for MiiiucuHilitiext Halur
day. Ill people live In that city mid
he exH-t-t to lie nlN-iit about six
weeks. He goes by way of the North
ern I'neillo,
The publisher of Homo Life, n f.iiu
II v paper, will wnd free lo miv hoy or
;:lil u hnndsomu Anicilcuu u:i(.-!i,s!em
ti linl and stem st I, (fully giiiiMwiitvd)
u piiyuient Air ii fe-.v liotir work.
Send u two cent stamp for full particu
lar nnd oullil, vt l;!i its inmhlaU from
muliy who have iceelved and worn
these watches, to Home IJfct'o., faro,
The sjiecliil meelhigi ut tli M. K.
church are bilng ((Uitlnneil ihruiig'i
llil week w ith nil inercin-ing laterest.
While ll.e eongixuliiiti niv not large
I lie litleuilatiee U of the best. Next
.Sunday regular service w ill be held at
II u. m. und 7:(i0 p. in. Sunday school
ut 10 u. m. Kpwortl, League ul flr l'i p.
in. Subject of evening sermon, "The
Man that Keeps an Ox to(ioro his Fel
low Man." All ure cordially Invited,
Come every night mid bring n friend.
We ipi-ite the follow ing from an ex
change. Of course It doesn't apply to
the young ladies of Independence, but
It I n pen portrait of the girls in our
neighboring town: '(Jlrl arc!
of n few diiys and full of mischief, and
whoever is deceived by them is not
wise. When the fair girl t liewetii her
much litisto nnd stnmpeth
foot, then look out. She
eomcth forth in the evening in low
Heck and uliort sleeves, lint in tlio morn
ing she lleth In bed w hile her mother
Dr. H. IJ. Stanley, formerly of Dal
las, who Is tiow located nt I.ukepurt,
Cullfornln, tells a whopping beet story
In' last week's Transcript. Hear him
tal. "Tin largest beet I ever saw
ga-w in lite soil of Lake county After
being dug out of the jroiuid li
stood four feet, four Inches in
height, three feet four inches In cir
cumference nnd weighed 07 pounds."
It the doctor didn't IimII from Polk!
county we should consider the story
upocr. phal, but we never question un
Oivgonluii's veracity.
The news of the sudden death of Kx-
(j'overuur Chmlwl.ik at Salem on
Tuesday evening last was u shock to
I lie people of this state. Mr. t'hatl
wiek had long ix-cn recognized tig oue
of Oregon's most, prominent citizens.
He was a nitiu of good ability uud ster
ling integrity. ' lie came to Urcwii in
lsfll, locating In Douglas county, und
was the first Judge of that county. He
was quite prominent in (lie territorial
ilstory of Oregon nnd was a member
of the committee that framed the state
oustittnion. He was prcsddcnlbtl
elector in 1.S04 and IStjS.
The druiim '"Frou Frou" ut the
opera house on Wednesday evening,
an 10, wus finely rendered by the
ill toll sisters, und it Is seldom that an
dependence audience has the privi
lege of living entertained by such splen
did histrionic talent. The audience
manifested Its appreneiation of the
day by frqocut hursts of applause.
We take pleasure lu recommending this
company to tlio public as artists of a
high order. They poses the drnnintie
ilent, und the Tittell sisters especially
ltd Itji hi it'ucf, nor kivi
IhI IiIiI IiIh uiiui'lHrioiiK
A iirt In ur Ills r.ui'imifiJ ilrlt up
To liln elt rmil liuuie.
Hixlri-p. In pniN', O, piin'nl.di ur.
Hull, Mill lumy fnii'ttrll.
lint, l.r jIlnT, Kuiip with Fiiluts to dwell.
Kun-wvl I, nweel oiiit, furewi'll.
He nli'ij). lu 1 hi r, un J. Dlkti-r di-nr,
W Iwik wrtj I lie Mrtitiii,
lly lit ltd tre view llisl Ii-ihI.t oijo
WIiii gout) rruiii uiir tiioiuai'H.
He sleep In m-uw: and, tiruthur, nutr y
Our lirullier'n koiih above,
Althouitli In Him not lil III jearn, - - .
You'll ne'er forspt III lVf.
Un li'p. In dunr bmllier lifs.
All fi el Imri fi ami mourn.
We iiiIkh lilm, O, wd nils liliu;
Hut hi) In wire ul liuuift.
lie sltn-pK lo i-nc. , lovlnff one,
Vltlllllll flllX'MT tlllllt
No; w will MS! thee khiii again.
Whorciurtliitf U i.ouion-.
lie uleeps In H-nro; onil, rhlldreu llcnr,
Vou'll ne'er forjtet liln mi lli-,
lit. luvlim v.u) , lilk mi mild,
Tlmutili limit rar. roiuu unil kj.
ilv niri'tH, tleur wife; Jesuit cuiii'l.
We'll ay "fliy will bj a-mo,"
And wlit-ii wu erin the Jonlun trra:n
Wo'll met tlii in mifaat bunu'.
He ilifi In pcaci-j
Hut lirotlit- la on lilt:
lii Ixuly i-l i,
(J, bleaiied lliu-.iKlil wllcre no one weea
And pleifuriK never dlu.
We, too, shall leepi our bislli t ulep, ;
When eulled above III.) kklcs,
And tin-it nwny on nnic I's wIiikd,
l.lko brollicr we slmll'w.
Then wake ut lrtsl and !ecp no more,
And with deur lirolher uliiirc
The islorle or the lilct ooovc,
In reluus Iirijsht und Inlr.
A Hovt Tax Law Pro?03aJ. The Ore-
goulan Is authority for the statemf ut
thut "Mr. Ira smith, of Monmouth,
ono of the representatives of l'olk
county, says Unit t!o regents of the
Htute Normal school, nt Monmouth,
will ask for n small appropriation, so
us to meet the running expenses of the
institution of learning. He will also
introduce a bill amending the present
assessment law, so thut the collection
of tuxes can be tnuilo at dilll-rent
IK-rlods of the ui the spring mid
fa'l. Also thut the state, county und
school t' slmll nut only receive
their full proportion of the collections,
but be mude to stand their proportion
of losses, on iiceount of uncollected
taxes. The bill will provide ft 6-per-ceut
.'iialty, and 8 per cent interest on
ull delinquent tuxes, and ulso that the
publication of the delinquent list in u
paper of general circulation will be suf
licient notice, doing away with Ihu ex
pense of the sheriU's mnk ing a levy ou
the property, Mr. Smith was former
ly sheriir and tax collector of l'olk
county, nu I has inudo the assessment
laws u special stiitly, and through his
experience Hopes lo remedy existing
AL3aliaj Fiiaaor Gono. In the death
of Hon: lUilph C. Greer, Marion
Couuty bus lost one of her oldest and
most iiillueiitiul pioneer citizens. Mr.
Greer emigrated to Oregon in 1S47.
He wus prominently associated with
the pioneer history of Muriou County,
both socially and politically. He was
a member of the legislature of l.Sot),
which met nt Oregon CHy,' and was
appointed a member on the state house
board, it having beeu first voted that
Salem should be the capital, He was
also it member of the legislature of
liS5t. H.iucrofl's hist.iry of Oregon
says; "ltulpli lircer was the pioueer
nurseryman of Marlon County. He
also taught the first public school in
the sect iou where he settled, having oO
pupils in IMS, ull but four of whom
were living SO years afterwurd." The
deceased died, of paralysis, on thollth
ins;aiit, nnd wus 78 years of age. His
death causes another vacancy In the
broken ranks of the Oregon Pioueer
ass.H'iatioli. i
School Tax Levied. Pursuant to pub
lished not lee of theschoo) boards large
mi ii i her of the taxpayers of District
No. !) met at the school house In this
Voorhlcs, officer of tlio day) Joseph
Wliiu, oljlecr of gunrdi John Dugger,
Hurgeon. A cominittee consisting of
Comrade HtH'ktoii, Ntansberry and
Wiim wus appointed to secure the
requisite number of name for n W, It.
(,'. mid the feu for charter niemlK-rshlp
wim fixed nt the minimum iff I for nil
Indies entering nt the time of orgiiuiir.
Ing, provided JW or more can be se
cured. At bust CO riaincf. should be
secured ul once.
in Dnlimclf Doatll. A Heppner (l!n
patcli aniioiiinTH tlio and lutelllgenee
that young Attorney J.""'. Dutrson died
lu thut clly on the Jan. 1, of poeu
moni:), uftcr a short illness of only n
few days. Mr. Dawson was n 1'olU
county imy, it bout Z yeurs of nge and
wus a most proinlsiiig young attorney.
He wus a graduate of Ann Arbor.Mlch-
igan, and was well equippi d by educa
tion mid study. His father, Judj.e
Duw'son, died several year ago nt
Moiiiuoutli, and Ills mother i now.
w e believe, a resident of McMinnviile.
Mr. i'ttn'son's many friend hi I'olk
eotmly will be grieved tcj li'irii of hi
untimely death.
A t'ow Dancing Cinb. Tlio amuse
ment loving clement unioug llieyoung
people of Independence has rece ntly
orgnnied n new dancing elub uud:?r
the nume of the Indejiendence Junior
Dancing dull. The Juniors will give
their first entertainment a grunil ball
nt Hie opera hull this evening
(Thursday, Jan. 17.) (j. XV. lk-lt, J
D. Whittuker und A. W. Dockstender
arc on the Invitrftlon committee, and
Myron Atkins ami J. 8. Talb itt will
act as floor tnuungers. Musio will he
fiiriiished by H.utler'sorchestrait Mon
mouth. The dance will begin at 1
o'clock p. in. Tickets are on sale at 50
cents each.
Tho Coaaf y Printing Awird. The
county printing for ISitj was awarded
to the West Side by the county court
Inst Th u rsd ty. -The competitors were
the West Bide, Transcript, Itemwer
and ExTKltl'ltlSE. The West tide's
bid wus ns follows ; Letter heads, per
thousand, $1.90; lurgesize legal blanks,
per hundred,' fl.OD; small size legul
blanks, per hundred, 59els; assessment
blanks, per tliou-tuiul, 1'2.8-r; publish
ing bills allowed, Sets per month; pub
lishing legul notices, Dots per square;
twenty circuit court dockets, $8.50.
Jurors. The following persons were
selected by Ihc county court to serve
us Jurors from Independence precinct
during the ensuiujr year: A IJ Atkins,
It D Cooper, T-l T t row, J Dornslfe, A
J Goodmau, G V Ilinkle, L It Hill, II
II Jusperson, J Ii Kirkloud, J M Vau
duyu, S 15 Walker, J L Williams, John
Young, II Hirsehbcrg, J S Cooper, TH
Huntley, G W Whiteaker, A Huston
L Damon. M" P Biddwin, W O Cook,
H U 1" tttersou, M Merwin, G XV Shinu,
H Collins.
well at-
about 18. It wan very
teii'le.f C'jrisnlrniig
Not'-jB are up cnlling for n rjiec
ial acliuol- uieeting to vole a two
mnl on" half mill tax to pay the
Indebtedness nrining from tlin diyl-
! e . I .1! !. . '
sion of the mi ,tiicl.
. ' . '
Tlio- dorr Ir.t. , went inbi effect on
Ed Williams and Guv Deminif,
tho ntoriu.y iof Independence.' have Lreii livinif
I SI. I ...... J . L-
on. Minn (lucK ani (fis)ft) iracaa in
this vicinity for aeternl dayi. '
Tlmt "wandering' Jew'1 who was
fired out of Fnlld City with hi
"eludings heip for cash" had
hard tifiif i';niiii.rf , p!u.t lo put
up f.r the nielli in their part. t
secure a man to take his place so
thut there will ho no break in the
A meeting was called at the
Christian church Monday evening
for the purpose of making up a car
loud of provisions for the Nebraska
sufferer?. Two commit tees were
appointed ono -w solicit contribu
tion" in town and tho other in the
country. The former was coin
ione I of MesdatncB Murphv, David-
boh and Jiently and the latter of
F. b. Towel!, Dr. FraZcr and Ham
ilton Mulkey.
Jan. loth and jhtj canine owners
are in mie utruitai -whether to part
with the dutf or I he dollar hi tho '
(picHtiiin of thchour. ' I-Mi'Furhind talkiof inovinjt
The henvywind of .faturd-iy !?:,,,--- :
night c.imed hhhc of our jieojde tor Full City Cornet Rind ha new
le u fraid their h itMcg were not :o ' o.'lic-rs. F. C. Itayniond is lender
ing in siiimi w e nave ueaiM ol n a.ui tin?ru are fiitoeu pieces.
huilJings king demolished ho,-- j A s-.iet'ial s. honl mcMlng U Called
j for J:i!i. 2ii. Iu iibject is to author
Itev. J. N. Smith will leave hero izo the ichool Iward to levy a tail
for his charge at .Seattle on March 1. 1 F.,n ,P. ... ...
The church here will endeavor to L:..J..,""" . . 7 . . ' i""1
i'i-h- i';tH3 i; vi;i jr it VW
iiing. There aro about twelv
tnemUrs, and good work is being
done. J. Jfait iK President ana
W. C. Urynnt .Secretary. ,
Bert Dermis arrived at the ago of
twenty on last Friday, and th
event was duly celebraleJ. . Tha
young genlleman'a friends were In
vited in, and game, etc., were
carried on until a late houf,
The Epworth League elected nW
ofheers luot Sunday evening u
follows: Miss Elsie Montgomery
president; Hrv. C. (i. Harmon, first
vice president; Mrs. McFarlane.j
second vice president; Mii8 Saidie"
White, third vice president; Mill
MaggieTravis.fonrth vice president;
Miss Vina C. Gilbert,t!ecretary, and.
Miiss Winnio Oillrt, treasurer.
We believe there is no town in the
state that has improved more in
proportion to population during th
past twelve months than Falls CTtv..
In proof of this aBsertioa witness
the following new residences: Geo.
M. Tice, C. J. Puckett. Wm. Elli.
Geo. M. Courter, Chas Illingworth,.
John Calwell, J. N. Hart. C. J.
llopkins.also E. E Gilliam, an ad
dition to residence, and J. S. Couri
er, an ekzant new Lam and house
Dick Torn and family spent Sun
day with Frank Brown.
Item.", like money, are very
scarce, but we mean well, if our let
ter is as uninteresting as a Chinese
autopey. ' . .,
Ellis David-on was in Indepen
dence having dental work done
Clinton Bradley has been suffer
ing from a severe attack of erysip
elas but is recovering.
'l'k. 1. I, ,
iiv.ii: una ul-uii two iiiti raises , i,i r.t .
of tho Luckiamute this winter with S "P-8. 0lfl" improvemenU in
, aii.iuc ut eiuewams, narns, lencing
no damage that we can hear
Our only Wm. P. Kerr wishes it
Known mm nis Jawiui name is
Win. P. Pea body. The error arose
from being an orphan and was
raised by his grandparents. '
Sii.ah B.
UUySKLL. Iu Independence, Ore.
January 11, 1S03, to the wife of Loyd
llus.tell, a son. :
$100 iteward. tjtlOO.
Tlie readers of this paper will be
pleased to leurn that there is at leas
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in nil its stages and
that lsCatanli. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known
to llie medical fraternity. Catarrh be
ing n constitutional disease, requires a
eo:istitutii)iial treatment. Hall a Cut
anil Cure Is taken interna lly, acting
directly upon the blood nnd mucous
serfuccs of the system, thereby des
troying (tie touinliiuon or the disease,
ami inviiig t lie patient streiisrth tiv
buililiiii; un the constitution nnd us.
sistmg nature in doing its work, inc.
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers, that they oiler One
Huudeed Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of Testimon
ials. Address
F. J. CHKXKY & Co., Toledo, O
KCB.S"ld by Druggists, 7oc. 8
Bsckloa's arnica Salve.
The Ilest Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Itheum,
bVver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and nil Sktn l-.ruii'.-
ions, nnd iiositively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaiauteed to give
fiei teet satislaetion, or money reiunded.
'lice 2o cents tier bottle. For Sale By
Miiltn Alloiu , ; , ?
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Fovder
World Fair iiiehest Award.
It-used to learn that this company will j
Islt Independence about every sis
wet ks during the remainder of the ! ,,m" "T"i '' J- 11
j clerk, read (he notice w
word and every day of tho
k. The daily is 50c a month,
he Mg 12-page Weekly is $2 a
1 tin ! months, 50c Address
com nits ns -v!r-i" nnd make all
leys i .ulj to Statesman Pub
ii g Co.. Salem. Or. .
nut tnr iti Irpuuoa IMm fio1illi u ill lu.
i.liy un. ii :u i;viiis.i,i.
meeting wus called to order by Chair
1). Irvin , scIhhi!
lilch staged the
object of the meeting to tie for the pur
pose of voting a tux to pay interest on
the district bonds and fort lie mainten
ance of a free school during tho re
mainder of the school year. After
wane discussion In it gurd to the legal
ity of the proceedings of the board a
motion prevailed that a tax of 4! mills
be levied. Ttie motion carried by an
majority. Director
R. A. B. Installation. On Thursday
evening, Jan. IU, Chapter Xo. '2'x, It.
A. M., held a public installation nt
Masonic hall In this city, with appro
priate exercises. Mrs. W. H. Putter,
son snug a solo, Mrs. Claire Irvine ac
companying on the organ; Miss Uow- ! overwhelming
den played a cello solo, accompanied . Stockton etated that the current ex
by Mrs. V. Babbitt ou the organ; pauses of (he school district this year
Quite a large number fioni here
visited Salem Tuesday.
M!iss Opal Hall ia seriously ill
with tpyhoid pneumonia.- : -:
Prof. W A. Ginn visited Dallas
Monday, returning Tuesday.
Mrs. W. II. Fulkerson was quite
The,1 sick the fore part of the week.
Mrs Dr. Epley of Salem visited
her husband here Sunday and
T. I.. Hash went to McMinnviile
Tuesday to attend the funeral of
his brother J, W. Dawson. '
Prof. Faulk is conducting a writ
ing class at Dallas. We understand
he is meeting with good success.
Miss Mattie Swann,-f Crawfords
vilk Linn county, "visited her
brother and sitter here tbe latter
part of last week.
Dallas is very dull thiH week.
The LaCreole was very high dur
ing the late ram.
J. B. Embree and several other
persons are quite sick this week.
John Grant, our city marshal.
visited Portland one day last week.
Oticar Ilaytel came home from
Oregon City Wednesday, quite
J. T. Ford, editor of the E.vttr
phise, was in Dallas last week on
business. . , ,
Gen. Grant fell into the creek
Inst week and camo very near
drowning. .
The teachers of the Dallas public
seiiool held a meeting at the school
house Tuesday evening.
Our city marshal arrested four
boys for disturbing the writing
school Wednesday evening.
Several Dallas men sold their
hops lately, the price ranging from
sevcu to ciglit cents per pound.
There were no services at the
Christian church Sundav, on ac
count of the absence of the imstor
Dr. Morrow " of this city, left
for Gaston, Or., Mondav, where he
expecti' to practice - his profession.
Man 3' of the relatives and friends
of "Grandpa" Embree gathered at
hw residence last Friday, the occa-
s'io'i. being his 89th birthday anni
versary. A number of those pres
ent crossed the plains with hini in
1S44. A very pleasant social time
was had, and the grand old gentle
men related many amusing as well
as pathetic stories of early life in
Oregon. .
and the like, nnmerous. We have-
two stores, "a drug store, four saw
mills in the vicinity, one shingle
mill and a sash and I door factory ;
two churches end a grog shop; alio
an elegant new school building, and
one of the b6t schools in Folk
county. Falls City has a bright
future. , . ... , ' '
: .' . . Cusa,
iimt hi ennLireirBtion will bo nlensed Ethel "smith sans; a song, accompanied were over ;.w less ttian lust year, and 1 ne entertainment given oy ine
with Ida ministration. I by her mother, Mrs. G. A. Smith, oi 1 lie also explained that 3 mill of (he ntlil tie association netted them I not .et home till Sunday
W. E. Williams got in one day j
plowing last week.
J. D. Bevcns at.d wife" were given
a surprise one night last week.
Ask Chrs. M. if the late wind
storm had anj' eti'ect on any of his
Will Barker is doing some car
penter work on the house occupied
by J. H, Cochran.
McFfdamca T. B. and Wes Wil-
iams have been visit-" ng le'atives
in Portland for a couple of weeks.
Sammy Tetherownnd Bob Tarter
mvc been making it quite tropical
for the slv old fox and coyotes tac
past week. . ,
A. X. Fulkerson, having closed
successful term of school the first
of the year, has been encai-cd for
another term.
- The late-snow stoim did consid
erable damage to sheds ai d trees.
Mr. Tut net's niachii e vlitd fell in
and damaged hu machinery to
some extent.
Sevtr:'l of the boys from here
took in a dance at Hugh Williams'
Frida-- night, and as the Luc!:ia
mute got on a rampage, they did
D. M. Calbreath, of Tarter wu
in town last week. '
Mrs Wm. Wells returned heme
from Portland last week.
Anybody wishing some fine stock
hogs, English coach dogs or Brah
ma chickens will do well to call on
Win. Durrell of this place.
Rev. Ballantyne held meeting
every evening last week at the
United Evangelical church at thin
place but resulted in no conver
sions. -
A terrible wind storm raged ..
in our vicinity last Satu'dav night
which blew down a good deal of
fencing but did no damage to
Farmers, do you know that rain
rusts iron and steel? It would be
a wise idea to place yonr imple
ments under shelter, especially (lur
ing winter.
Charles and Clarence Culver last
week moved from here to near
Albany Thev have a small piece .
of ground which they will cultivate -and
raise garden truck for the
Albany market. - i
There has lieen quite a lot of pet- ,
ty thieving going on in our com
munity this winter. Although the
thieves have been pretty quiet for '
awhile, they again visited the
house of II. R. Hall last Friday '
night and made off with a quarter
of beef. The people of this ctm-
munity ought to investigate smh -
doings. If a man can not make a
living without stealing he is what
we commonly call lazy, hut if he
needs the necessaries of life he
should appeal to the people for help.
If he had rsther steal than to work
or aslc lor help, hurt him down
and punish him accordingly. :
When E&by rras sick, we gave her Castorta,
When she was a Child, she cried for Cantoris.
When she became Hiss, ho clung to Caateria,
Wheu she luul Chtklreo, she gam them Cutorla.
Highest Honors World' Fct
. DEI" --- i
Cnr.m of Tirlar To.
from Ammenii. Alum or any olhaf UlljWk