Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, January 17, 1895, Image 1

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u il ntxiit-rof ,,
s Hie KM 'Klli'HlMR
tlwra en.lvaiort to M
MOMST eU lOtXXirt.
but prrnra am-iirary of
Uln.iil lo bluuUi'rlti-
A --
AdvartiaUitf Medium
laewwiid l r",k
raormiui mium
.wyi follow ourf fill clor- '
llalng lu iirab a r,
Eternal Vtfllanet it the, Vrir.e, of Liberty. Jefferson.
51.60 FKU YKAll. IZSSitt
VOL 2 NO. 7
's -
r':rst Jiatiorpal Bank
; of I mlepemlmir-f, Oregon,
CiplUl Btook,
j.a.uooraa. u w, nohKimoN.
w . M nwi.f , tnwiwr.
J I Cooler. 1.. W.WWUii,
jlXu k.U.AV. Whisker,
W. W. (Villi!.
A 'aeneral haaklna "'T2:
; Rational Bank!
I eT-apital Stock, 50,(X)O.00.
VIos l'reliliit.
. .. Cashier
& general ltMiiklnir nI K
n WmmwHml ; loans miule, bills lis
MBlitetl. commercial ereillu grunted
4jfjKwiU) ,t-rlvil n current account
..M.,.ii,iWi. intercut lU outline
, T. Smith. A. Nel"ll, I. A. AH"",
II. II. Jtwii, A. J.tioodwan, l. W
Jiean, II. HirecUWif.
One AW wet of poaWimoeJ
Tropical and domestic fruits, nuts,
etc., at whole-Bale audrretail-
garOnr Prl r the Loweat jf
Spetlirpg Bros.,
Meat Market
Choice Meats.
; Free Delivery to all parts
; filx) r'rtyv '
Main Street. - - Imliuxm.lonee.
P. H. Murphy, Prop.
Repairing o
ail It I mis will
, receive
, attention
Tiie Ik-hI of
turned out ou
dhort uoUco,
'A sliare of your patronage
j J is Bolicitod.
Main atrert, Incl.'pendence
O L. Ill
ufcturor of
MmiMHnibla aad work cuftrnntecil.
Promptly and
neatly -done by
The Caoh Blackaraitlu -
A Specialty.
Flour ,
and Feed
Wood ware.
A Yoa will rinnihr (hat Goliath
wan very much surprised when
l)vll IV. W t,il ,,i,n wil1' B
stone. 1 v Ho said that "such
a thing hud never entered I A r4
hit head ln-foro." New-W
ideas are numerous in our slock. Wo
alwuys luivo what in luU nt, best ami
Severalthousand pieces
High-grade Music
at10c per copy.
Main Htrft-t, ' InUninU"JH-c, Ore-
OjNhV jufnww WokiC tiIkjn'ei) oi!t.
TTVlrw .jjiyy-rrC Life a rwr.l alioitM I pwrvel or a
Jfo f It i'-nll't'?Zt mn' liken.!., a- follow:
MMtytffoi 1Yf Infatitli-Kl, Ilabylioo.1, Chll.lliKl, Itoy-
IttifX 1ttff,LMlk'& Yila Itooil, ManlioiMl, Mhl.lle age, Old age,
fFTV ft R'W ' CKAVKN the photogriulUor,
Ty ft-gSj wilt upply'you with thw llkineam at
Don't be Sick!
When You are Well
The Traveler to Independence
KliouM nut f"ll In inako
III. Iica'l.ilurlrlul
It-iiHiiibcr, we (five tl Flrt
clttMB McuIm for Ijtl.
Wed. nlreyourpnlronnno.Bn.t ircnn fully prriwrvd r.K.d and eourlrout trrat
" ' nutlllwSrelt. woMillfllatrlul.
L. CAMI'HKI.K, rn.p.i C W. I1AYKS, Man'gr.
M utii St., IiiduiN'iidcnce, Or.
For Hooao7'
That doe not economizo I not eeonomy. f.oonoiny in inir
cliitxiiiK tiinoiMfce coiiHirtU in geltnii; that wulcli or clock
w hich will hiHt the longest, keep time nest acciinitely and
need the least njniring.
You nmy g
fiii iiier is c
Poo Kraxnox-
You nmv get one for
fin iner in clieup. the
If you need a wntch, an.! ho will tell you how it get a good
one for the leant ihwhUiIo money.
O. -A.. ICPljnEEPl
Furniture, Carpets and Wall Paper,
Terms Strictly Cash and rrlees Accordingly.
The Independence Meat Market.
fs now ready to supply the people of Independence witfh all
kinds of Fret and Cured Meats, Hams, Bacon, Sausages,
Lard, etc., at lowest possible rafes.
Independence, Orhoon.
Marble Granite
Independence, - Oro-
Correspondence solicited.
Books, Periodicals,
Stationery, School
Durlnir at Iriuit Seven Mated porloda In
the vory Jowcut rte.
KNOW how itoiwkfi 0110 fcw to
Bii k- Hut H you will Ri't lc k
rvnminlipr that it in our itiirini'DH to Hen
Medicine. We've Imd ooimidi ruble ex
iwrience in prviurini iniHlii-ine and
know tlie lulvanlnm of wing frvh mid
pure lrug. We keep, no oilier kind.
rpKMKMUK-H that wo
IVllo many nitic
may (lesire, buo!i as
.Silvorwaro, Watcht's,
los you
Inili'l'IKUurf, UrPirrm.
The City Restaurant
The wmfort oriui't
2 while another will cost f 100. The
latter U-antiful ; mqitftor 'w cconoinual.
I filler In all kind, or
Window Shades, Tioture Frames,
City : Feed : Stable.
Eli Johnson, Prop.
Horse fed by the day,
week or month. Tran
tient stock left in onr
rare will be well at
tended to. Charge
Main St., Indrjudence,
General Warner Favor" a Nw
1'urty Along Hllver Linen.
Ao Extra Session of Oocgreis IVoUlle
The State Ti Levy-Harder at
Wilhoit Spriogi.
JKroin tlio OrpKonluu, Hun, and StuU'inn.
Thurntlrtv, .Tarmary lO.
Budd't Flurality.
Kackamento. The vote by
counties for governor was read in
joint session of the legislature to
day, showing Uudd's plurjity to
he 1 200. Licutennnt-Governor Mil
lard's plurality was 2178.
An Extra Setiioa Powibl.
Wahiijnton. President Cleve
luud has decided that an extra ses
sion of the incoming congress will
have to he railed if no legislation
for the relief of tihe treasury be
passed before March 4. He be
lieves a failure to act now will give
him no alternative.
IhaStaU Tax Levy-
Sai.em. The state board, con
sisting of he governor, the secre
tary and the treasurer, met today
and practically agreed upon the
tax levy for the expenses of the
state for 1895. A tax of 3 mills
will be levied on total taxable prop
erty t l the state as equalized by
the state board of equalization.
- Home for th Pmntflln- '
I'e.ndi.eto.v, Or. The Indian de
partment at Washington is consid
ering a proposition to devote $100,
000 to improve the homes
of the Indians of the Uma
tilla reservation. Agent Harper in
his annual rejHrt to the secretary
ot the interior showed that the In
dians were not self-supporting. The
secretary sent for information and
opinions as to how to make them
more independent. Harper recom
mended that money to the extent
of 1C0,000 front the sale of lands
now on deposit to the Indians
credit at Washington be appropri
ated to build homes. In ease rrt is
done all the houses will probably
bo built tinker one contract.
Murder at Wilhoit Spriugi.
OituriON City, Or. The discov
ery of the murder of James M.
Brown, of Wilhoit Springs, has
caused considerable excitement in
that neighborhood. Brown had
been missing for alxnit a week
when a party of neighbors visited
the house- to see if they could find
any clue to his absence. They
found the chickens fastened up in
the coop and nearly starved. In
the house there were blood spots
on the floor. Everything indicated
that the ranch had been d"serted
for several duj-s. Further search
discovered the body about a quar
ter of a mile from the house, in the
corner of a worm-fence, covered
with burlaps and several fence
rails lying upon them. It was
pretty well known in the neighbor
hood that Brown had received
quite a Bum of pension money, and
it is supposed that robbery was the
object bin murderer had in view.
There is no clue to the identity of
his assassin.
Friday, January 11.
8 till Down. Down It Dropt.
Washington. Tihe gold reserve
is today down to $77,000,000.
Senator Hill Growl Faoetiooa.
Washington. A delegation from
the Merchants Manufacturing as
sociation of Baltimore was at the
capitol yesterday, after victims for
their annual banquet, -Senator
Hill listened o their stories of can
vasbacks, oysters and terrapin, and
languidly responded, with a blase
air: '"I am not much on going to
dinners, although I did make an
exception recently."
Kabonal Baoaints and Sjiburaamtota.
Washington. The treasury
statement issued today shows that
the expenditures this month ex
ceed tho receipts by $6,213,743,
WOlCU luases vue ueuuiency lor iuc
fiscal year to date $33,708,204. Of,
the total reos'pis so far this month
$7,297,244 is from customs, $-
ever'thi ng
uasn rnces.
017,947 from internal revenue and
5C9.111 from miscellaneous
sources. Total receipts since June
30 are $170,273,700; disbursements
Japaa WaoUTb Zarth-
Ixndo.n. The Standard's Berlin
correspondent telegraphs; "I learn
from a goud quarter that Japan's
conditions of peace,bvsides demand
ing a war indemity, will provide
that Corea be independent of China
and under Japanese suzerainty;
Uiat China must cede certain is
lands, raze tho 'forts at Taku, dis
mantle Port Arthur and Wei Hai-
Wei, demolish all fortifications on
tho route from Corea into China,
and that Japan shall fix the future
and type of Chinese warships,
The establishment of relations look
ing to a Chinese-Japanese alliance
will also be required""
Tha Wonderful Anti-Toxin.
Washington. United S t a tes
Consul Mason, at Frankfort, Ger
many, has submitted to the de
partment of state a most exhaust
ive report on anti toxine, the new
curative and preventative of diph
theria. Mr. Mason eives a clear
and detailed description of every
step in the process of the produc
tion of the new remedy, preceded
by an accurate history of rthe dis
coveiy and its development. In
72 cases of children treated within
two days of the first appearance of
diphtheria but two cases were fatal
and the death rate in such cases is
placed at 4 per cent. In Germany,
where the fatal cases used to aver
age GO per cent, the .mortal list has
been reduced to less than 15 per
cent, and will be still further re
duced when the country physicians
Genera Warner faron a Hew Party.
Washington. General A. J
Warner, president of the Bimetallic
league, in speaking today of the
conference recently held in this
city, said: "It was the decision of
the conference, and a strong and
growing sentiment as manifesting
itself in favor of uniting the friends
of bimetallism into a bimetallic
party and appealing directly to the
people on money issues alone. The
consideration which seems to be
leading to this result is the wide
spread conviction that there is no
hope of irestoring the bimetallic
standard through the republican
party or through the democratic
party as now controlled, and on
the other hand, it is equally impos
sible to accomplish this result
within the lines of the popnlUt
party, or to unite on the Omaha
platform those in favor of restoring
the bimetallic standard as it was
before 1873."
Saturday, January IS.
- Three Hundred Bollara Bewird.
Owegon City. A reward of $300
for the arrest and conviction of the
murderer of James M. Brown, of
Wilhoit Springs, was ordered yes
terday by Ihe countv court of
Clackamas counts'.
Death of an Zaatara Oregon Lawyer.
ILetpner, Or. J. W. Dawson,
law partner of Congressman Ellis,
of this city, died at 7 p. m. today,
after an illuess of only four or five
days. He was a rising young at
torney and well liked by all who
knew him. He was not thought to
be seriously ill until this morning,
when his mother, who lives at Mc
Minnviile, was telegraphed for, and
is now on her way here.
Hear Tork'a Aaeoeiated Saaka-
Xew York. The weekly state
ment of the associated banks shows
the following changes:
Reserve, increase $5,930,150
Loans, decrease 3,707,400
Specie, decrease 354,300
Legal tenders, increase 6,923,200
Deposits, increase 2,555,000
Circnlatioo, increase 21,400
The banks now hold $41,792,200
in excess of the requirements f the
25 per cent rule.
Dialikes tho Amerioaa Oapitalut.
Liverpool. John Burns, M. P.
and labor leader, upon his arrival
from New York was interviewed.
He sard he likes the Americans
Highest of ail in Leavening
very much, but in his opinion the
American capitalist was an offen
sively glorified edition of his -English
prototype. Except in the
skilled trades, he said, the Ameri
can workingmeu are r.ot organized
to the. extent that the English
workingmen are.
Outlaw Bill Cook Captured.
Santa Ft, N. M. Marshal Hall
received the following telegram to
day from Deputy Marshal Perry,
dated Fort Stanton: '''Captured
Bill Cook, of Oklahoma Territory,
this morning. Will take him from
hene to Roswell, thence to Okla
homa Territory." Cook is the lead
er of the band that has been ter
rorizing the Indian Territory for
the last few months, and there is a
heavy reward offered for his cap
ture, dead or alive.
The Japan-China Feaoe Commission.
Washington. Mr. Kurino, Jap
anese minister, says he expects the
peace negotiations between the
plenipotentiaries of China and
Japan will begin about Feb. 1. The
Chinese peace commission left
Pekin Jan. 7. The minister says
the newspaper reports to the effect
that his government had given
notice that it would not receive
Shoo, one of the Chinese plenipo
tentiaries, because of the latter's
proclamation offering rewards for
Japanese heads, is incorrect.
Citizena' Meeting in San Fraaoiseo.
dan t rantisco. Citizens re
sponded by thousands to Sutro's
call for a mass meeting to protest
against the appointment of Mose
Gunst as police commissioner, to
denounce United States Attorney
Knignt tor nis refusal to issue a
warrant for the arrest of C. P,
Huntington for a violation of the
interstate commerce law, and to
denounce the frauds that were
committed at the last election
Metropolitan hall was crowded to
the doors and thousands of people
were turned away. The meeting
was composed of representee citi-
zens, ana resolutions oi ensure
were adopted in consonance with
the spirit of the call.
Sunday, January 13.
Flood ot ChehaUa.,
Chehalis, Wash. The lower
part of the town is submerged and
many families have been com
pelled to move. There is two feet
more water than last year, and the
water is higher than since 18(7.
Shipment of Silver Bullion to China.
Denver. Colorado's refined sil
ver bullion is Deing snipped oy
local smelters direct to China. No
exact details are obtainable, tor the
silver men decline to give any fig
ures. But it is positively known
that several hundred thousand
ounces have been shipped lately.
Formerly a Resident of Benton County.
Tacoma. J. P. Stewart, vice
president of the Puyallup Loan &
Trust Company, died of apoplexy
this morning at his home in Puy
allup. He was 61 years of age.
He wa8 stricken Saturday after
noon on the slreet
J. P. Stewart migrated to Ore
gon in 1855, locating at Cwvallis,
and served four years as sheriff of
Benton county.
NoKSoUl Standard Men Xeed Apply.
Olympia, Wash. Contrary to
expectation, the free, silver issue is
not generally discussed in connec
tion with the senatorial fight. All
the candidates seem to be in favor
of the white metal, and no ques
tions are asked in regard lo the
much mooted problem. The free
coinage plank introduced in the
republican state platform at Spo
kane, after a most bUter conven
tion fight, seems to have put a
quietus on the enemies of free sil
ver. No candidate for senator can
afford to do anything but say he
will uphold and support the plat
form. In any other event he might
as well refine from the field.
Power "latest U.S. Gov't Report
Ankeny. Wilson, Allen, JoitfS,
Shaw and Belknap are favorable
to silver.
Ji Kdrm-Hund KIkjoIk lllmnolf.
The Dalles, Or. John Reins,
a farm-hand from Sherman county
and a stranger in town, shot and
mortally wounded himself last eve
ning about C o'clock. On hearing
the pistol shot several persons
rushed out on the street in the
east'ond of town -and found Reins
lying in the snow with a revolver
in his hand. At first he claimed
to have shot himself purposely, but
afterward said that it was acci
dental. The bullet penetrated the
groin and ranged upward towards
the spine. The attending physi
cian pronounces his recovery im
possible. Monday, January 14.
The IwjlMlature Convene.
Sai.em, Or. The eighteenth hi--
ennial session of the Oregon legis
lature convened this morning.;
One of Secretary of Stase Kincaid'tf
first official sets was the swearing
in of the members of the house. Jo
simon was eiscteu president ot tne
senate on first ballot. The vote
ntnod Simnn IS TTncitnn 7 Vtn.-
ueruurg j. i. .uoores was elect
ed speaker of the house. Vote;
ff e . '.- ..
Moores 51, Stewart 7. .
. A Comoromltte Currener Bill.
Washington Jones.of Arkansas
is prepainng a compromise curitn-
cy till, which, it is claimed, will se
cure tne support Ql Doth the gold
and silver elements. The bill will
provide for the issuance of two and
one half per cent bonds to the
amount of $500,000,000, which are
to be paid in gold, and are to be
useu ooin lor tne purpose oi meet
ing the current expenses of the
government and the redemption of
TTiiirAfl Ktatra nrwl t ran our. riAl.i
The bill will also provide for the
issue of bank notes to take the place
of tho treasury notes in such a"way
as not to produce contraction of
the currency. Banks shall be al
Inwprl to issne nn to their nar rliii.
and the tax on national bank cir
culation, is fixed at of 1 per cent.
In the interest of silver the bill pro
vides for its unlimited coining under
the condition that the holder of
silver bullion may take it . to the
mint and have n coined into silver
dollars, the government retaining
as seigniorage the difference be
tween the ooiuing value of the bul
lion and its market value on the
day that the bullion is taken to the
mints. The bill also provides for
the withdrawal from circulation of
all greenbacks, treasury nodes and
national bank notes below $20, ''
which are to be payable in silver.
The bill will contain provisions
providing against either' undue in
flation or rontractton
Ex-Goreruur Chadwlck Dead.
Salem, Or. Ex-Governor S. F.
Chadwick died suddenly tonight,
having been Stricken with apop- .
lexy at his house in this city while
at supper. Mrs. Dr. Owens-Adair
i. . i - : 3
was ins guest. ir. .luair exerciser
her professional still quickly and
applied restoratives, but to no pur
pose. The aid of other physicians
was summoned, but without avail.
Caslmar-rerier Uaa Resigned.
Paris. The ministerial crisis ;
has caused Cannier Pener to re
sign the exalted office of president
of the French republic. Tho res-
gnation was announced this eve
ning. . .
A Terrible r.iplosion,
niTTTc Mnnl Vir broke out
last night in the Koyal Milling
company's warehouse, and sprea-J
. . 1 T "V .-, n 1 1 WAM-hAtlM "
to lire iveuruu-vuim.ii ..-. ,
in which were stored several car
r.ri'onl nnirAer .Tuat a- tti
firemen were closing in around the
building a terrible explosion oc
curred which killed or wounded
more than 75 persons.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pow4