Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, January 10, 1895, Image 3

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ytlH I. IlUTllcir.-I HVPICIAN
' HuivNin. Newtary U. fcsaiiilii-
Hurg.Hiiii. Inlir""'M Oregon. Of
, a opera house block.
1H - 1,15 K IIAHIIITT.
Widens snd Hurgoohs. HikhiIuI at
'.Ion paid to diseases of women,
wovor liideiMmdence National Imiifc.
.jVUa.M. l. W. Babbitt, M. l. 0.
J., Fallow XrlitltV medical college.
frmlilKiiM, corner Itallruad ami
amoulh alrooU, liidN.ndim, Ore-
, vi.n n. I). H.. t'NI
i . - ... Mi.-hluan uraduate. Dental
triors over iinifn'u
auk. Independence, Oregon.
; r irir.V.V.
r.iI.r.iK All work wP-
Ollk over lml.ndnco
ational Hank, In.londeneo, Or.
ntit. The pro(o.lon practiced in all
I taratirhes. Hati.fucliou guaranteed,
ndeiiciidunce, Oregon.
vaiarhouM building. Col
tract, Monmouth, Ore.
action guaranteed.
V A. VANNOUTWICK.-IN-;i.tentarlr.
Two chairs. .
T JW. bull.. wri honed on
irt notice. Nt door to Urst
iallonal "k. In.lciH-ii.Vn..
Two USUI iuut-
AMI and lHOB8!-W carry a
,U a" k of Doors, Moulding.
Imm i Flc. jrrurninu a specialty,
t Mitchell ATkdtannim'a. M"1" ",r,"t
FsTV-M V lT" Plastering
Jfurlck Work of all kind.
SSao i horl nolle, and war
anted aullafHCtory. Address
ionmouth, Or. ;
IAL ARTIST, H no superior In
tein"a Hair-culling. JJIve M'U
aur work. fja-Hliavlui? Iftc, Hair
U.rK tt. Ku Mala at".
Udf IH'Kll.'IKV.
Xjrnfji and fonnstlloit it Law.
Collections epcclalty;
lr.V, Maim b,, . Ismti-sxDsst-a,
r ; ' i, ... 1 1 i
j: j. i. ihvin'e;
JusUcb of thB Peace,
Wrllcs Insurance and mukc Colleo loni
totary Public.
tiLyrinl rim lnurnix, r-J
ar. r,,B"r,s.2sSa sorktn
jy Agents-
w.nmt at one uTerywheni. Korftill
J purttfiilBM ildre
Indopenilonrw, Pnllc Co . Or.
- House
'.. . - V a f ..;1.u.iirt.inni4 III Ut
Jh oynl.Tii ! on liaud. lrlHle
"KfaaMniLWIIO. KA1W T.
' TltlllU'CO
If you ainoke coino
ami lnK.'Ct our Hue
of nlpi nod tnltacco.
They are quite choi oe
ana very rcnwinuuiw.
1 Wo are oflVrltig fresli
t ..iIIm mill until Mt . J&
caiulU-a aud uuUt at
aa low a prl(.-o an we
pnaalbly can. Hninplo
our diflereiit kinds.
CbihIIos r
. a r .
.'.i i. i.rhr itveo that ih aniiuai
r Vnt of the fiock lioldoni oi Tli Indo-
leooe water ana .iecirio i,nm v
.irf . th Indcuendmioo National Bank,
tvendeuoe, Oregon, oil Wlnediiy, tlo
i dr or January, at 1 o'clork p. in.,
the pnrpoM of ele'tlnn omcera for anld
sv. tpany andatujuaing 10 men oiurr n
KIM may osme be Tore aald meeting.
' A Million Friends.
a in Im a frltnd Indeed.
- 1 not leaa than one million people
. i ...... i. C..I.....I In Dr.
New Discovery for Consumption
ilia, and Colda. If you have never
f thla Oreut t ough Medicine, ono
1 will oonvlnee you that it has
iderful curative powers in alldiseaHe
'hroat. Chest and Lungs, Kach init
m ftuarauteed to do all that is clttiiin-fl
- jiouey will be refunded. Trial bott les
at y Drug store. Large
,.Ues 60c, and $1.00. 1
l m m 1 1
The Difference.
Tommy Pa, teacher wants us
.o tell what is the difference be
tween" upeak" and "Ulk."
Mr. Figgs Um-lemtne aee. Gen
erally when I get into an argument
your mother she is outspoken
md I am out uiked. Indian ap
is Journal.
Items of Local News.
0. A. Kramer. Jawaler. J
Ojiera house, Wednesday, Jao. M. 0
Htrong's bread at the Htar arooery.
W, O. Wright, AbstracU and Loans
Diilliw, Oregon.
Mr. T. II. Taylor baa Uii quiUlll
during Ibo paat week.
To lrade-a watch for a gentle pooy.
rattlm.n, the Jeweler.
Ifvoii want good bread aud flakea,
call at Douty A IKrke'a.
l)r Knley, of Moniuouth,llted tl
state capital Wednesday.
The Hun seven times a week for toe
a mouth at Itroa.'
MlasHtellaHklff. of Hsl. m, Is visit
ing with friends In this city.
Atinrnev (J. A. Hinlth iiia.le a flying
trip te Dallas Wclnwday afternoon.
1'liMir.dter llnMk have added a pop.
corn Hpier to their establishment.
Aiinrnev (loneral Oeo, K. tharuber-
lain, of Albany, was In the city Tuet-
it, , llmrira Wells, of the Buena
Vista country, was lu this city Wednes
Miss Daisy Graves, of this city. Is
visiting with frleuds In Corvama
this week.
Mr. Thomas Hlowe. of Ikilleview, Is
vlsltluu at Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Lines',
In this city.
The officers of the A.O.U.W. lodge
of till olty were Instailea last mon
day evening.
Hon. I. M. BliniHion and Heuderson
HIiiihmii, of tue Lueklamute country,
were lu the city Tuesday.
I'ulloe Jutlge Iterry M.-bnillU, of
Portland. Is a Polk county ooy ana
brother to Hon. Ira H. Smith.
Prof. W. A. Wann. Dr. Epley and J.
K Hale, nvt the KsTKiU'iusi oftloe a
pleaaant call Tuesday morulng.
ir vmi w nt as e-ood a meal as I gtv
eu anywhere In I ndejeudenoe, call at
.... 1 a I a
the City IUtauraut. BIX meat ucaris
for II.
Mi.i.i.w.t at Christian church Bunday
morning, "The Head of the Church;"
evening, "Onloe and Work or tue noiy
All ladltM interested In the forma
tion of a W. K. C. are requested to call
st the post office aud euroll for char.
U-r members.
u. V. ItichardAon was awarded tha
....iiu, i foi furnbihliiB Indetiendence
sctintd district with wd at $1.90 per
cord, delivered.
iti.v. K. Blekafooao commenced a re
vival meeting at the Christian church
In this city last Tuesday even In J. We
understand these meetings will con
tinue Indefinitely.
The Multnomah county grand Jury
has found X. Bteveus gumy w
niatislaiiKhler lu the Sayer murder
We believe that Stevens at one
tlmu taught achool In this couuty.
All tH-rsona indebted to ine muat
luuke payment by January 10, as I
must, have money. All bllle not paid
bv that date, will be placed lu the
hands of a collector. Jas. Hilllard. 2t
V nude rstaud that Mrs. W. W.
Lines, of this city, who was operated
upon some time ago for cancer of the
i.r,.t. is fust recovering her health
and that her complete recovery Is now
fully assured.
llev. O. B. Whltmore, of the Con
gregational church, will preach at
Hiokreull next Sunday morning, and
l Indenendence lu the evening. Ser.
Ices at the usual hour, trie public is
cordially invited.
Mrs. Mia Btowe, of McMinnvllte,
a im hiiH been visiting at II. M. Lines',
In this city, left hereon Wednesday
mornlnir's train for the Little Elk,
where she will visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W . Lawrence.
J. TL Thompson, proprietor of the
Moumouth-8alem stage line, Informs
us thut the capital city Is beginning to
assume quite a lively appearance. A
numlier of legislators have already ar
rived and others are arriving dally. .
Tl.a travel I lllf 1)11 1(1 io will find NlC
. ' " o I
Little ralnce hotel complete lu all Its
appointments. The table is furnished
with the best the market atrorus, sua
the rooms are large, comfortable, and
,ell furnished. The object of the pro
prietor is to piease nis guests.
The Royal Arch Masons of this olty
will hold their regular annual Instal
lation at the Masonio hail this evening
or i n'nloek. 1 he Installation
ceremonies will be conducted by H. B.
Thlelsen. A number of guest nave
beeB Invited and a pleasant time la an-
ticlpated. Sapper will oe given oe
Little Palace hotel.
Editor Snyder, of the Dallas Tran.
script, Is quite philosophical and sens
ible lu regard to the county printing.
He says: "Transcript has made Its
bid, which is that It will do the print
ing at the same reasonable figures It
would charge an Individual no mr,
uo less." . ,.
The nuhllahers of Home Life, a fam
ily paper, will send free to any boy or
girl a handsome American watch.stem
wind and stem set, (fully guaranteed)
as payment for a lew hours worn.
Send a two cent atamp for full particu
lars and outfit, with testimonials from
mauy who have received and worn
these watches, to Home Life Co., Caro,
Once more we call the attention of
the O. A. R. to the time now set for
mustering of the new post. Owing to
the great storm of one week ago It was
impossible for the supplies to reacn as
in time for the date set, and as all is
nw In readiness the poet will be mus
tered on next Saturday at T p. as. at
the 1. 0. O. F. ball. AH tntereetea are
requested to he on hand
J. W. Vleteher, of MoCoy, was la the
city Saturday.
Wm. Fagna, of Parker,
elty Saturday.
vlaltad tb
Soma accommodating person has left
bis umbrella at this office. '
Samuel MoElnturry, of Wells, was la
the olty on busioess Tuesday.
J M Burks Is having the parlors of
J. M. Btaraa is Having lue pskiwra vi
the Little Palace Hotel enlarged.
Our fiohool Column" this week
will be found oo the edltoral page.
Clod MUr Bros, are bow ready to pay
you a goad price for your potatoes.
Don't fall to bear the Misses Tlltell
at the opera bouse next weanesuay
night. ;
Rev. P. V. Pollog Is assisting Rev.
Mr. Clapp In a revival meeting at Sa
lem this week.
Don't fiMvet tbst you can yet buy 20
pounds .best granulated sugar for a big
dollar at J . P. Irvine's.
V. Fl (iriffilth has rented the B. Y.
Whlteaker nmldeooe recently occupied
by J. F. ODonuell slid family.
Pleuty of flue Oregou lard In bulk
at J. P. Irvine's. Bring aloug your
buckets and get tbem filled cheap.
Iflraiu Mitchell, of Portland, son of
Knnator J . II. Mitchell, was a guest at
the Little Palace Hotel this week.
Mrs. A. J. Whiteaker returned boms
Tuesday from a Christmas and Few
Year's visit with her people at Albany.
Mra. n. V. Pollnt. of Albany, b ve
iling this week with hrr psrenta, Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Williams, of this
Wauted. On account of hard times,
wood and some produce to exchange
for watch work. Inquire of C. L. Pat-
Mrs. II. A. Clodfelter Is quite 111, and
has been confined to net bed ror me
last week with an attack 01 oiinous
fever aud a severe cold.
vf.r. tll A MoKitlup are pre
paring to open up a general second.
band store In lbs ouiioing eajotimiK
the linaendorf brick on the east side
of Main street.
We learn from the Statesman that
ih. lad lea of Salem will be given iuii
control of the columns of that paper
for ona day, January 22. The reocipis
of that day's Issue will be devoted to
the relief of the suffering.
F. E. Griffiltb opened up his cigar
parlors and manufactory last Tuesday.
He has a very tasteful display ot fine
cigars, both foreign and domestic
brands. His business Is located in tus
Little Pslace Hotel, facing C street.
Wh, could not our school arrange
to display the signal service flags each
day? We understaud that signal ser
vice reports are received nere aauy,
but are practically of no service to the
public because no signal service flags
are displayed.
Krfitor T. J. Stltes. of the Albany
Democrat, has been appointed poet-
master of that city. We are glad that
Bro. Stltes received the appointment.
lie Is personally worthy or the appoint
mant. besides It is. In a certaiu seuee,
recognition of the newspaper frater
The waters of the Big Luckiamute
have been out of the embankments
during the recent storm. The narrow
gauge train was unable to cross the
Luckiamute last Friday evening and
returned to Monmouth. At Parker
the Luckiamute bottoms are over
flowed for s mile In width.
Rev. O. B. Whltmore has rented the
O. Raiiley residense on Fourth and D
streets, and will soon move witli bis
family to Independence. Rev. Mr
Whltmore is a very courteous and af
fable gentleman and the members of
the Coiisreiratlonal church are lortu
uate in receiving his services as their
The Alkl. a neat and bright publics
tloti lu the Interest of equal suffrage,
mitillahed at Puvallup. Wash., has
reached our editorial table. Ida Le
Fnvra is its editor, and her salutatory,
In the number before us, gives promise
of literary talent and ability to handle
the suffrage question In au Intelligent
The following pun Is going the
rounds of the Oregon press: "Gover- j
nor Pennoyer has received a dispatch
from a number of gentlemen In Pen-
AMan. savlnir: 'Please send a pardon
by return mall. Frank Fletcher, whom
you pardoned last June, has shot an-
1 1 n .nil ilA!m tit aava iti
oiucr v ....
expense of s trial and oouvlctlon."
Our new city officers took tbelr re
spective oaths of office last Monday
evening. The municipal officers now
,m Mavor. A.M. Hurley; recorder.
J. T. Ford treasurer, 3. W.Richard-
a . a am
on, Jr.i raarsnai, a. j. i upper;
eouncilmen, W. W. Fefctval, W. M.
Walker, First ward; Peter Cook, N. O.
Clodfelter. Second ward; Q. U.8tropg,
H, C. rlncn, Tniro wara. .
Hon. D, L. Keyt and Hon. Ira 8.
Smith passed through this city
Wednesday morning on their way to
Hlim. Wa n resume these gentlemen
are making a preliminary visit to the
.i.ta carjital before assuming their
aa rt-nresentatlvea of Polk
county. The people of Ibis county are
iwnA.Unt that thsss gentlemen WIH
make a good record both for them
elves and the county.
The little two-year-old &lld of Mr.
n.l Mra. J E. Shinn. of this city, on
last Monday upset a an of concent
rated lye, which Mre. I5binn was
nainv for washinc floors, and was bad.
Ir burned about the face and bands.
rtn nf tha child's eras were seriously
Injured, but It is hoped the eyesight
will not be lost,aod the lips are cruelly
blistered. Medical aid was immeoi
ately called and relief given the little
sufferer soon a possible
Wall, money Is gwttiaf scarce and
hard to set. but groceries are getting
cheaper at J. P. Irvine's Cash Grocery.
Mrs. LiUls Smith and Miss Birdie
Uetchell returned from McMlunvllle
last Saturday ,wurs they had been vis
iting with relatives and frlsuds.
Miss Kate Mackey, of Oorvallls, who
Uu wilu M Lw Wr";
r lhi. city, for several
H. E. Oweus, of this eity, for several
weeks past, returned bowa vu Batur
day's train.
Farmers, when you are in town and
waul any salt, sugar, coal oil, coffee,
sirup lu kegs or any other groceries, be
sure and get i. P. Irvine's prices If you
want to save uiouey.
Misses Dora aud Maud Cooper, who
have been spending the holidays with
their pareuts In this city, returned to
Eugeue last Saturday, where they are
attending the Stale University.
The first high water of tbeseasou
occurred last Saturday. The recent
warm rains, together with the melting
of the snow, caused the Willamette
river to overflow lu bauks, but so far
as we have learned, no serious damage
bas been done to property aloug the
river bottoms. '
Since the last'' appearance here of
those gifted young ladles they have
been the recipients of the most flatter
lug notices by the press snd the pub
lic Tacoma papers. The above re
fers to the Misses Tittell. At toe opera
bouse, Jan. 10. .
The Enter fB tag acknowledges the
receipt of a neatly printed and hand
somely Illustrated Christmas souvenir
from Messrs Palmer ex Key, of Port
land. This charming little pamphlet
has spendld photographic Illustrations
of the Bull Run water works, the falls
of the Willamette, Portland and Ore
gon City scenery and throe or four
mairulfloeut photos of the ascent
of ML Hood by tho Mazama party
last summer, also photos or the Fore
land board of trade and officers of the
Maxaina club.
Te Oar Friesdt and Patrons-,
Our clearance sale will continue
throughout the year, and while we do
not desire to take much of your time, we
would impress upon your mind the fact
that we can and are seiimg goode as
cheap as any other firm in the valley.
We always have remnants which we
sell st cost snd for less than cost.
We have never tried to give all these
bargains in one month, but just so long
as there is a remnant in our store me
clearance sate will last.
We have reduced the price on all our
clothing to the lowest living rate. When
you are in need of clothing, boots and
shoes, drees gooSs, etc., please get our
prices before purchasing. If yon want
remnants at any time we will sell vou
such as ws have as cheap aa the cheap-
eat. Stocktos & Uekkls.
The Sew Tear
Finds Hood's Bursa parllla leading
everything In ttye way of medicines lu
three Important particulars, namely:
Hood's Sarsapariila bas
1. The largest sale In the world. It
2. The greatest cures In the world. It
S. The largest Laboratory In the
iVhat more an be said? Hoods Sar
sapariila has merit Is peculiar to itself,
and most of all, Hood's Barsaparflla
cures. If you are sick, it Is the medi
olue for you to take.
$100 Howard. 100.
The readers of this paper will be
iUUUu.i i l..ani that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure lu all lis stages anu
that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
l-il..nlnnijltlv'. IMIH IMW knOWO
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be
ing a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall s Cat.
arrb Cure is taken luternally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous
serfaoea of the system, thereby des
troying the foundation of the Uistase,
and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and as.
slating nature in doiug Its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
I.. nnu-ora that thev offer One
Huudred Dollars for any case that it
falls to cure, rseno lormwoi lesmuou-
lain. aihj . . .
F. J. CH EN E Y A Co., Toledo, 0.
afVBold by Druggists, 75c. 8
Bncklea's arnica Salve.
Tha Best Salve In the world for Cuts.
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, bait Rheum,
f., i.po tvtter. Channel Hands.
Chilblalua, Corns, and all Kklu Erupt
ions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pav required, it is gunumwjru vu ...
bertect satisfaction, or money refunded.
ti ir 25 cents dot bottle. or hale uy
8mith a Holt
SPEBLINO. In Independence. Or.,
Jan. 5, 1895, to the wife of Charles
Sperling, a daughter.
OAAR-DeBOUD. At the residence
of Mr. Lotx, Whatcom, Wash., fct
urday, Dec 22, 1894, James E. Oasr
and Miss Lillie DeBord. Rev. Mr.
Cook officiating.
The bride Is a daughter of Mr. and
Mra. O. W. DeBord. of Parker, folk
county, Or., aud the groom Is a son of
E. E. Gaar. of Parker. The young, will make their. home at What
com. The bride and groom have many
acquaintances in this vicinity who
tah them well In their new relations
of life. .
Dr. Price's Craans Bakiag Fewder
World's Pair Highsat Awir-.
Wkeai Baby was afck, we f ker Caatorl.
Waea she wm a CUM. ska cried far Caatarta.
WW. aba kad CUdraa, she ewre taaam Maria.
L at P. Escttoa. At their regular
meeting lost evening Homer lodge Is'o.
Hi, K. of P., of this city, elected the
following officers for the ensuing term:
C. C, O. A. Kramer; V. C, J. W,
Richardson; Preiats, M. E. Maatersou;
K. of It. H., J. B. Morln; M. of W., U.
8. Laughary; M. A., D. II. Craven; M.
of P.. M. O. Potters M. of E., W. H.
Hawley; trustee, I. CJ. Singleton.
A Iannis Tils. W. T. Burru hai
placed in this office for public lustx!'
tloii a sample Joint or eigui-incii iiimg
manufactured by the firm of Burrua 4
Axelson. Mr. Burrus has had large
experience lu laying tile and he say
exitenence iu iujiii m mm
that the company Is manufacturing as j
.in.. a. Mn maniifuctured
mmv i
anywhere. Ho especially requests that
persons familiar with tiling and who
know a good quality when tney ace u,
would call at this office and examine
tbe sample left here for exhibition.
Anvona wlshlnir to nurchase tiling
Is Invited to call and examine the sam
ple at this office.
The Big Ditch. The big tile ditch is
being put lu by JW. T. jBurrls and
Frank Axelson between Third and
Fourth streets Is progressing quite sU
iHfactorl v . The main ditch Is already
completed south of Monmouth street
aud will be finished in a few days.
This ditch is to have a total full of
three and a half feet and will drain all
of central Independence. We are in
formed that numerous lateral drains
will be connected with the main
ditch, tbe property owners generally
sdopting this system of drainage. It
would greatly improve the sanitary
condition of Independence if the en
tire city was thoroughly tiled, and our
citizens should see that it Is done.
Tsschsrs' Institute.- The Polk County
Teachers Institute which convened
hire last Saturday, owing to the in
clemency of the weather, was not large
ly attended, but considerable Interest
... . . it
was manifested lu lue proceeuiugu o
the meeting. Several Interesting pa
pers were read before the Institute,
notably by Prof. Balcomb and Mrs.
Tuck. Mrs. Tuck's paper "Is pub
lished In the "teachers' column" of thia
issue and Prof. Bulcomb's paper will
follow next week. Tbe subject of zo
ology brought out various expreswlons
of opinion from the teacher, as to the
nnurtlcabllitv of teneliine it In the pub
lic school, some favoring it and others
opposing it. The Institute will hold
Its next monthly meeting at Kickrenl
on the first Saturday in February.
Aa TJnlockT AccltJeaL-J. C. Rose,
teamster from Monmouth, had the
miarorf une to iret a valuable work horse
drowned in tbe river near the steam
boat landing at this place Wednesday
morning. Mr. Rose came over from
Monmouth with a four horse team for
some freight, and uumtcuing ma
"leaders," tied them by the double
tree to a cable rope fastened to a fir
tree near the river bank. While Mr.
While Sir
the freight
and aeel-
Rose was looking after
the horses became re lees
dentally fell over the bank into the
river. The force of the rail released
the horses from the rope cable and
they floated down the stream, and in
the struggle one of the horses was
drowued. The other was rescued aud
brought to shore about three hundred
yards below tbe boat lauding.
The TlllsmooX Country. The New
Year's issue of the Tilla
mook Headlight is quite a readable
uumbcr, giviug as it does au interest
ing sketch of the varied resources of
Tillamook county. The Tillamook
country has devtloped iuto one of the
fluect lumbering and dairying regions
iu Oregon, if not on the coast. When
but a little boy we visited the Tilla
mook, lu company with a surveying
party, iu the nutumu of 1859, aud the
chang.s that have been made in that
country since then are remarkable.
We found only a primitive settlement,
composed of a few hardy pioneers,
quite destitute of the comforts of civil
ized life, but cheerful, healthy and
hospitable to a fault. Many of these
settlers parched wheat and ground it
in a commou coffee mill to make meal
for bread. We distinctly remember
the oVHirht of Mrs. Harris, v. ho lived
on South Piairie, in gettingsome flour
fmm our nartv to make biscuit. All
kinds of vegetables grew proliiieally in
the rich soil. When a boy we stoutly
maintained that Tillamook could pro
duce the tiuest cabbages, tbe biggest
snuds" and the prettiest gins in an
Oregeu, aud we were about right.
A Handsome Residence. J. F. O'Don-
nell and family moved into their hand
some resideuce on Moumoutu aua
Sixth streets lost Friday. Mr. O'Don-
nell will have one of the finest resi-
dtnees In the city when i'. iscomplet-
,.,1 Messrs. Cmnpbeil & Son, with
their assietauts, are busy putting on
the finishing touches, while Messrs.
Scott A Riggs have ouly fairly begun
the painting. The style of the build-
inir la East Lake finish, two alone
high, with a larg6 basement, a double
front porch, six rooms in the low er
story and four in the upper. The par
lor, sitting rooiiiauddiulug room have
double folding doors wbich are so ar
ranged that all three rooms can be
made practically one room. These
rooms have a redwood-ash finish. The
kitchen, bath room aud cloak room
are located on the first floor. The sec
ond story is divided into four large
bedrooms, which are very oonveuieut
ly arranged. A hallway divides these
rooms In such a wsy aa to utilize every
available squsre foot of apace. All the
rooms, except the parlor, sitting and
dining rooms have waiuscoting finish.
The building wilt be bejrted by steam
radiators and pipes from a boik-r aud
furnim located in the oasemeni. Air.
ice locft'.ea in ine laanimn. it.
pleated with their new home.
Mrs. Btunip. ol Dallas. wn veil
ing at Mr. Hitton's laxt week.
On account of sicklies last week
Freddie Thiclsen was tinahlo to re
turn to school at Monmouth.
Uev. Whitmore, of the Congrega
tional church, will preach here
next Sunday, morning and eve-
J. J. Coats and family, who hove ; ...,
W i living on L. Martin's place, I .veral of our business tntn tn
b, ... t f. 4. .V... receivinsr frcsitht lr river trane-
farm juet below Dcrry
Clifton McCarthur, who has Un
....-..B -
for the past two weeks, turMd t
hi home in Portland last batur
Joo Svetk has started a shoe
choD in Mr. Cook's dryer, from
what we have heard he docs good
work and hii charges are very rea
Holt McDaniul was thoughtless
ir. rormrd in hi sheen during the
recent freshet and consequently
. . a. T ..til.
had 101) head drowned, uououcps
he will be on the lookout next
Onite a number of trees were
broken down around here by the
snow. A portion of one of the
large trees in Irontof Judge liurch s
hoiine went crashing through his
parlor window from the weight of
the snow.
Charles A. Miller, director, yis-
ited school Monday. This is the
first time that any cf the directors
v, - vi.itpfl schndl this year. It
is stated in the Oregon echool law
that each director snoum vwi
school each month. If this law
were enforced once in awhile they
would pay more attention to it.
Mrs. J. E. Chandler is quite sick
at present.
. President P. L. Campbell visited
Salem Saturday
Sheriff Plnmmer, of Dallas was
in town Monday on business.
Henry Morris, formerly of this
placo but now of Salem, is visiting
relatives here.
We are informed that D,S.Takmi
has purchased an interest in W.A
Moreher.d's store.
James Wann, of Balloon, is
visiting his brother, Prof. W. A.
Wann, of this place.
n,o ctnrmv weather of the past
week cut down the attendence of
the public school considerably.
With two barbers in town and
the price reduced to 15c for hair
cutting and 10c for shaving we
ouzht all to present a respectable
. T gmUh ha8 ten(ord
"c oa actlP of the
Christian church and will go to
w i a rLiwuri it i illM lHvvk w
Seattle. Bro. Smith is an energetic
Christian woiker and his many
friends regret to seo him go.
tv,o VnV County Observer man
seems to bo of the opinion that
-r,, f .-nr touchers will be rele
gated to grubbing. It is difticult
to account for the editors illtemper
of late He ought not to kick at
tho teachers, however, for we hard
ly think they are, to blame because
he does not receive the support
that he desires.
The new city council was sworn
in Monday night and the following
committees were appointed: on fi
nance and taxiiuon,
Hawley .Powell and Bentleyjon ac
counts, Powell Boothby and Ship
lev; on public buildings, Shipley,
Hawley and Powell; on streets and
sidewalks, Boothby, Shipley and
Bentley. S.D. Coats was appointed
street commissioner.
rienty of water in Dallas this
Rev. J. S. Futrell preached at
Rickreall Sunday.
Prayer meeting every night this
week at tho M. E. church.
Several new scholars attended
the public school Monday.
Special School Meeting.
Notice is berely given to the lcsl voters of
School District No. 23. of Im covnty, Stutc
ofOrcttou, that a special school meeting or
aid district will be held ut the school build
ing on the Wih day or January, lS!,nt7:;
o'clock In the afternoon, for the following
objects: For the purpose or voting a special
...... u imprest on bonds and for the
maintenance of a free school the remainder
of tha school year.
attest: J. I ssiia-rviu-, .
J. D. IIIVINK, t'h'n Board Dlr'etrs.
District Clerk.
Dated Jan, , 1S
Highest Honors World's Fair.
rT.rtP0u.Jer. Free'
a. pure crape unm -" . !.
CAmmoni. Alum of any other adulterant
Ciilton Mciarmur, who inn own . a r i-
visiting friends and Natives hero rnnrch, South, met Monday eve
: . . . i . i . nincr at Mr. Dunn's resdlence.
m aar
About 15 Inches of mow fell at
Dallas during the receipt storm.
B. F. Mnlkf 7 preached from tha
Christian pulpit in this city last
A writing school will be orgaa
izeti at the school house Wednes
day evening.
A largo amount of pork and lard
is being t lacked by the pacxing
pnmnnnv in Ihla ritv.
portatton via Independence.
Tho reading society of the M. E.
- 1 O ...I . . If - .
niug at Mr. Dunn's resdience.
Mr. I'.liimmpr a brother of OUf
sheriff, exjiects to move his hard-
ware store from this city W sen-
Tl, rtnllna.CiaUm atairn had to
Inv over tha last of last week On SC-
count of high water between Perry
and Kola.
TKa iTtnnf. ninrJ rf tha lnWOf th
. . V J VUI "" " "I"
League held a prayer meeting Tues
day evening at "Uncle" Carer Km
bree'8 resident:.
The Temperance rally at the M".
E. church Sunday evening waa al-
thni;i:itif! neonle of all political
parties and denominations. After ,
hearing temperance speechea ana
fringing they all went home well
pleased and determined to push'
tho temiHsranee question u tne
Plenty of rain and a fair proa- -
pect of high water.
IT T? TTall rntnrnafl home last '
Sunday from a visit to Newport.
Monroe Kreutx has been quite
sick the past week.
Ho there, boysl Have you heard
the news? Who was it got lelt
Sunday night? Ha-ha!
Rev. Ba'lantyne has been hold
ing protracted meetings all week at
the Evangelical church.
J. W. Burgess, of King's valley,'
passed through town last week ea
route for Independence.
M. Getty, who recently moved
into our midst, has purchased 5t
acre3 of land of J. Simpson, of Cof-
vallia nno-linlf mile wast of tOWn.
paying $40 per acre. , .
Jim Prather snd a hired man
during the latt freshet were in
a skiff working out iu the timber.
The swift current dashed their boat
against some trees and upset it. The
boys climbed into a tree and yelled
P t-.1 V ' I. tr.Am . ft AC
they had been treed for an hour or
Dr. Brown is kept busy these
days looking after the sick.
The snow is said to be three feet
deep a few miles above Falls City.
II. R. Grant is in Portland tfcis
n-oft Tie is a witness in an im
portant land case before the circuit
court of Multnomah county.
The second term ot school began
T-nretta Hart. L M.Mur
ray, Vina C. Gibbert.and Frank Mc-
Murt hv are among me new pupus
Mat. Glaze, the eenial "Mayor
of Tater Hill'' was in town a few
davs ago. Mat. has a turning-
lathe run by water power and he
makes good use of it these rainy
A petition is being circulated
asking for the vacation of a part of
the road leading over the Brown
hill towards Lewisville. This is a
move in the right direction. Few
er and lx-tter worked roads should
be the motto. ,
Cleo. '
One Night Only,
Wednesday, January 18, 1S35,
Essie and
Supported by their own
company of players, in a
charming comedietta in
one act,
My Uncle Will,"
k a f .Haw-wI Kv Aurafi-
Villi Ai iv - - j
tin Daly's beautiful com
edy drama in five acts,
"Frou - Frou,"
Seats lew aa sue at ra.wra--
. . nraa ha Bad Ti ta
itors. Popalsr Iicas ess