loth matter of LOCAL NRWH ' the ENTKIiPHMB I aya endeavor tu tM rtoxn 4 Aoonun. but fMfiii aeeu rcy of aUitemeiit In blundering A i wmmtm. At II Advrtlii0 M1lum . KNTKItl'HWB l around " I" folk ' riorrrAiu iiiulti ,lw!r Billow rifi: I adver- lining III auuu a ,.... Eternal Vigilance it the Price of Liberty.-Jeffenon. VOI,. 2 NO. 0 f hhnmkI . numvM .March 4, 1HH. irst . Hatiorpol Bonk. f o( Indwiiilmn'e.Orrg'iii CipHl Btook, 'afpt, . $60,000.00 14,000 00 ..CW'I-ICH. VI... frold.nl I'iMlitonl. . . i w. M. iuwLT,C"liier. .plUrXTOH. A -a. ,7"f '"" full''"'" urn- kn " i. r--l "'V" ' ,.. THE" INDEPENDENCE ... Notional Bank! 7 Caj.iUl Stock, (50,000.00. II.IIIUKCimKKO, - 1'riii.lm.t. ABKAM NKUWS, Vice lWdciil. W.l'.OUSSAWAV,--'. U-liler, A general l.nVlniff ami rliiK wl oeestranaactod; tanil. ' J1 counted, commercial crUU granted, depoait. rooflvea on current account mtyect to cheek. lntrot paid on tint depoilu. IilHI-.CTOKS. U r.SnHb.-i.JiN'loil, I. A. Allen, H. II. JiMrn,A. J.Wlun, 1. gear. II. Illretlilawjf. FRUIT-PARLOR ' (One lr went of itoniec v-.O.BKOBWAKEB.l' Tropical and domestic fruits, nuts, tc, at wholesale and retail.'" ss5yji! "10 ljrOur Prices are the I.owchI Sperling Bros., Meat Market V -DKAI.EIt IN , Choice Meats. C3 C:N SUNDAYS FKOM8 to 9 a.m. Krefl Delivery to all parts J of the city. Main Street. Independence. COOTuSHOE SHOP P. H. Murphy, Prop. Impairing or U Vln.U will receive The btt of work turned out ou ihort notice, prompt t ten Hon A ' share of your patronage ; 4 is' solicited. UJjVBtreet, r Independence t t i.- I . T. CROW nn'unioturer of ft.For . I Everybody.' I rtwi re.nblo ncl work guanatce iiLACKSMITHINO Promptly and ' neatly done by L i-, A,' JS UJki . ' The Cash Blacksmith. jpi! ( Jik5lMi a Sash S I Doors j Ilorseslioeiiig y A Specialty. (J CJBEET, - INPEPESDENCE. Flouj and reea wood ware. VYou will reniemtartljatfloliolh wan verv iniieh Hiirnrlmid when HtoiKt. 15 W He said that "such a thinir hud never enU'rod I Hn T hit head lM'foro." Newi itlciin are numerous in our stock. Wo always havo what is latent, hint and chvaH'st. Several thousand pieces High-grade Music at 10c per copy. CLODFELTER BROS., Main St toot, on'jiY mimm WokK tiIhjkd oiIt. ' -...si L3 .tl.l tu.rfwl-i In Itep't&Z.W&l if At Don't be Sick! When You are Well PATTERSON Jii V The Traveler to Independence HI1011UI not full to mako t.la lit'itdiUitriiKi Kcutomtier, weirlvo Flrst-t-lu.H! Meals 1'or 1. W r. your , -5w.TOKi SSS. 'Dd COUr,0U' trWU- MIJS. r. CAMPlELL,rroP.s . C. W. HAYES, Man'gr. Main St., Indepctidenco, Or. For Hooxxoxxvy That does not economize, is not economy. Economy In pur chasing timepieces coimiHts in getting that watch or clock which will lant tlid longusi, seep lime iuobv kcuioj need the least repairing. Von mav got one for former i's cheap, the 0oo IZraxxxor. if vn i..w.,l wrMi. one lor 1.110 ie.m H)hmiuio muuev -O. Furniture, Carpets and Wall Paper, Window Shades, Picture Frames, Ollice Desks, etc. Terms Strictly Cash and Prices Accordingly. The fadepe&deacd' Meat Market. JO II AX MULLEll, Prop. Is now ready to supply the people of Independence with all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats, Hams, Bacon, bausages, , Lard, etc., at lowest possible OUST El DOOR WEST OF POST OFFICE, Independence, Orrgon. Marble Granite Q.L.HAWKIXS, Independence, - Oro- MonuvwJits, Headstones, Curbing', Etc. Correspondence solicited. Independence, polk county, oregon. tiiuksday, januahy io, m. Tec star 3 Books, Periodicals, Stationery, School Supplies. Imlopemlenre, Oro- During at leot Heven Htated jicrlod In Lift) a record liould Ikj reMtrvcu 01 K.rn' likencwi, sh follows: Inf.intli.MHl, Bul.yliood, CIiIMIkmmI. oy- IkmhI, ManliiKKl, Middle age. Old age, and p.U. CHAV1CN the photogrsi.Ucr, will supply you wltU thew likened at the very lowest rates. Give himaeall. WE KNOW how It iimkes 0110 Icol to U) sick Hut it you wi:i Kct nU-lc rumeiiilwr that It i" our IiuhIjiciw 'to sell Medicines. We've had considerable ex- crieoc in preparina medicineji anI know tho tt.lviint.itfo of umIiiij fre h ami puns lrug. We keep no other kind. REMEMBER that wo han llo many articles you may desire, such an Jewelry, Silverware, Watches, Clocks, etc. BROS., Main St. Independence, Oregon JJJJJJJ-i-l The City Restaurant TI. mitnrnrt of EUC'ta IS ur coubUih I aim.' f-' while anothor w ill cont $100. The latter beautiful; neither is economical. nml ho will tell von how to get a good - A.. KZPL-A-MEFL W. O. COOK, Undertaker, MAIN ST., INDLPIHDSNCI. Dealer lu all kind, of COFFIN'S, CASKETS AND UNDERTAK ERS' GOODS. rates City : Feed : Stable. ' ,v ' Em Jonssox, Frop. Horse fed br the day, week or month . Tran lient stock left in our care will be well at tended to. Chargea reasonable. Independence. grocery 3; NEWS OF THE WEEK. Our TurlfT Schedules Cause Trouble with Kuropo. A FRENCH BENEDICT ARNOLD PUNISHED OoTernor fennoyer'i Gift-The Storm South of Us Gongrejimsn Post is Dead. Prom tliaOrrgontaii, Hun, and HUtanD. Thurnduv, January 3. Tha Oregon FaciiU and Conflraut uoa. Corvai.uh, Or. Judge Fuller ton convened the circuit cour at 2 p. in. today for tho purpose of con sidering the matter of the confirm ation ot the recent sale of the Ore gon Pacific to Bonner & Hammond. A number . of leading attorneys were present representing the in terests of creditors and argued against the confirmation )f the sale. Judge Fullerton has taken the case under advisement until Jan. 19. Subbed E11 H-fBraUiar. North Yakima. Yesterday af ternoon John Pell stabbed his half brother, Jell Hargus, in the side side with a knife. The trouble grew out of Hargus wanting to make love to Pell's step-daughter. The wound is not considered dan gerous. The Blnefleldi ASut. Washington. The president submitted to the senate today a full report of the Bluefields affair. The administration has practically succeeded in settling one of the most annoyinf international ques tions that has perplexed this gov ernment for 50 years. The contro versy resulted from efforts of the United States to open a shorter sea route to California, through Nicaragua. Great Britain has maintained a protectorate over the east coast of Nicaragua since 1850 until now, and the Mosquito coast has been a bono of contention be tween the two countries, but, as shown in the report, the Mosquitos havo finally been completely in corporated ujdcr Niearagnan sov ereignity, and Great Britain has surrendered all claims and recog nized the "paramount sovereignity of tho government of Nicaragua." Saonunento't Vigflano Committ. Sacramento. The, intenso ex citement prevailing in this city over the recent murder of the Web bers has ended in the organization of a vigilance committee ot 100 men. These men havo formed themselves into a close secret or der, and they are very reticent as to what they intend doing. The preliminary meeting was open to the public and was held in the old pavilion. Many prominent citi zens addressed the meeting. Rev. Chas. Banks, pastor of the Baptist church, of which the Webbers were members, said: ''There is not a man's house nor a man's life safe in this city today, and we must change this condition and change it now." B. S. Laweon, a pioneer, said that these things would not have been allowed in 1849, and that they must not be allowed now, etc. Friday, January 4. China and Japan Cloeely Watohed. Vienna. A leading journal, which publishes ofiicial news from every capital in Europe, had this paragraph today: "The French, Enclish and llussian ministers at Tokio have been instructed to keep themselves closely informed of the daily course of negotiations be tween China apd Japan. These three powers cannot permit their interests to be violated nor allow European influence to be elbowed out of eastern Asia, so that Japan may monopolize the Chinese trade. Their squadrons in ' Eastern waters are sufficiently itrong to give ef fect to their wishes and those of the United States." Ella la trod no . a M amoriaL Washington. In the senate this morning Hale offered a memorial in the interest of native-born Unit Sells r"thi na asn rriccs. ed States citizens living in Turkish- Armenia, whose lives, property and lawful occupations, tho memorial says, aro frequently imperilled. The memorial shows that in Asiatic Turkey there is a permanent force of nearly 250 American mission aries, who hold over (2,000,000 of Armenian property. In the east ern Turkey mission there are 50 adult missionaries who have under their charge 42 churches, 1G9 school.!, a hospital and a large medical work. The sources of dan ger pointed out are the lawlessness of numerous highwaymen who in fest the country; tho fanatical Moslem population of cities and the hostility of Turkish officials, who have encouraged attacks upon the home and property of Amer ican citizens. Jim Turk Ii Dead. Tacoma. James Turk, the no torious sailor boarding house mas ter, who has operated at Portland and Astoria for the last 28 years, and whose reputation is known in every port in the world, died at the home of his sons in this city this evening, aged C3. In Hi unory ot His Son. Wilmamsto.v, Mass. Governor Pennoyer of Oregon has endowed Williams College with a scholar ship of (3,450 in memory of his son, who died here last term. The money is to be used for the sup port of needy and deserving stu dents, preference being given to Oregon students when such are in college. Haw Offisw Will be Eaublished. Washington. The postal busi ness of the government has in creased at a highly satisfactory rate during the past iour .months, and it has been decided by the bead of the department .o estab lish 29 international money order offices, 90 domestic money order of fices and 102 limited money order offices on or about Jan. 7. Batnrned to Their Old Love- Atlanta, Ga. The county elec tions throughout Georgia show! heavy democratic gains every where. Many counties which went strongly populist at the two last elections have given democratic majorities. The negroes in many counties voted solidly democratic. Out of 130 counties the total num ber carried by the populists will not exceed 15 at moBt. Another Baker City Bobbery. Baker City, Or. Three masked robbers entered the store of P. Campbell, near the depot, last eve ning, and with drawn revolvers ordered the proprietor to open the safe and deliver over the money. The command was obeyed and the contents, amounting to 15, were handed over. Two of them, being Mexican pieces, were returned. Mr. Campbell had sent a large sum of money on the evening train to Union, payment for a shipment of flour, which accouuted for the small haul. Saturday, January 5 The Storm South of Ua. Sis90N8, Cal. Today's north bound Oregon express, No. 15, has been cancelled on this division on account of a big snowslide near the 18th crossing, seven miles south of Sissons. The rotary snow plow is hemmed in between this place and Dunsmuir. One hundred and fif teen shovelers were sent to the scene of the slide from here this afternoon. Today's south bound train is reported 10 hours late out of Ashland. It is snowing heavily this evening. An Embenling School dark Suieidea. Pendleton. Or. It is reported here this afternoon that W. O. Warren, living six miles from Pen dleton, shot himself as officers were arresting him for embezzlement Warren was the clerk of the school district at Warren station and was short 150. He had been sued to recover the money, and then crimi nal action was instituted. The showing on his own books left no Highest cf til in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov! Report hope for acquittal. He was a wheat boyer, a wealthy farmer, and was a delegato to the last republican state convention. This is the third suicide here in tho last 10 days. Won Than Death Paris. Captain Dreyfus, who was sentenced by court martial to military degredation and banish ment, was publicly degraded on Jan. 5 in front of the military school of this city. He was stripped of the insignia of rank, his sword broken and thrown at his feet and he was compelled to march bare headed before the throng. The court martial found him guilty of betraying important military se crets to the German government. Dreyfus will be banished to the Isle du Saint, off the coast of Guiana, which is a French penal colony. Ou Tariff Schedule Camas Trouble. Washington. Austria's protest against the American discriminat ing duty on sugar, supplementing, as it does, similar action by Ger many, is giving the administration grave concern. An evidence of this was a conference today, last ing about an hour, between Secre tary Gresham, Secretary Carlisle and Attorney General Olney. The Austrian minister undertakes to 6how that imposition of the differ ential duty of one-tenth of ono cent per pound is in violation of article 3 of the treaty of 1829, be tween the United States and A us tria-Hungary, etc. Sunday, January G. Congretamaa Poet Dead Washington. General Phillip Post, member of Congress from the Tenth district of Illinois, died at the Hamilton, hotel, in this city, this morning after an illnes of but one day. Death was caused by heart failure, resulting from acute gastritis. The War in the Orient San Francisco. Advices from Tokio, by the steamship China which arrived today from Yokoha ma, indicates that peace negotia tions have advanced with great ra pidity in tho last two weeks and China fully recognizes that her powers of defense have broken down and she is willing to make any reasonable concessions and Japan is disposed to act honorably. Arretted for Counterfeiting. Lebanon, Or. Deputy United States Marshal George Humphrey arrested "Doc" Davenport yesterday at his residence, eight miles from here, on the charge of counterfeiting $1 silver coins. The prisoner has served a term iu the Oregon peni tentiary for the same offense. Several plaster-of-paris molds were found on the premises and considerable money of his manufacture is now in the possession of the officers. Perished tn Sight of Home. Spokane. Particulars of the death of F. W. Hoyt, a well known resident of this county, have been received. It appears that the body was found yesterday morning by his little sou 150 yards from his farm-house, on White Bluff prai rie, six miles west of this city. He had come to town last Friday and is supposed to have indulged freely in drink. In going home he un dertook to make a short cut across his field. He probably stopped to rest, fell asleep and froze to death. Was on Her Wedding Trip Tacoma. Mrs. Marie Jasous, who was killed by walking off a train near Ashland, Or., yesterday, was the possessor of a romance, a handsome home in the North End and other property estimated to be worth nearly (250,000. Five years ago her first husband, Mr. Bern hardy, died. She has since lived a quiet life here. Her home joined thi in terstate fair grounds and dur ing the progress of the fair she be came acquainted with .Mr. jasous, $i.r,o wax yeah. ;;: 2iL r'c r 11) ) a handiome young Turk em ployed in his brother's bazar. They were mutually attocted to one anolW, and were married in November, They went to California and were returning home when the fatal ac cident occurred. A Contradictory Report. London. The Times hears frota its correspondent in Pekin that the Chinese peace envoy to Japan had a farewell audience with the emperor yesterday. Japan re fuses to conclude an armistice. Minister Denhy . believes that the present negotiations will be fruit- . less, for the Japanese will wit hold their terms until their army shall have occupied Pekin. Japanese landing parties are exploring the bays on the east coast of Shaa Tung. Monday, January 7, Kale of the Cal! Confirmed. : 1 San Francisco. Circuit Judg McKenna today confirmed there- port of Master in Chancery Ilea coclc of the sale of the Morning Call at auction last Friday to C. M. Shortridge for (360,000. fitaDford L'Qlvenitjr Opened. Palo Alto. Stanford Univer sity opened today. The registra tion of students is not complete,bul it will exceed 1,100. Prof. W. W. Willoughby has been added to tha faculty and will take a chair tn th economic department. A Portland Counterfeiter Caughk Carthage, Mo. Woolford Reed, who was under a (5,000 bond In Portland, Or., charged with court terfeiting gold coin, and who dis appeared from that place some timo ago, was arrested here today. Ha will be taken back to Portland. Believes In a Finished Product. ; Locisviiak, Ky. Cassias M. Clay is carrying out his plan of ed ucating his yonng wife to fit her for her new station iu life. Mrs. Clay is only 15 years old, and has little more than the rudiments of an ed ucation. A competent lady tutor has been employed to make a fin ished lady of Mrs. Clay. China Will Not Surrender Territory. Paris. A Herald despatch from Shanghai will say tomorrow: "China's peace envoys to Japan have been instructed not to sur render any territory. China is merely willing to concede the inde pendence of Corea and to pay an indemnity. The failure of the ne gotiations is regarded in Shanghai . as a foregone conclusion. Tuesday, January 8. Sibley'a Karaoua Ulceration. Washington. In the debate on the currency question Representa tive Sibley, ot Pennsylvania, made a most sensational speech. He said: "If ever a rebuke was need ed for one who has attempted to trample down tha prerogatives of the people, it is needed for him who has attempted to usurp this entire government to himself. The tinr.e has oome when there should ce something more than brains, belly and brass to this government." Three More Arrests for Counterfeiting. Lebanon, Or. Andy and Luke Jennincs, of Waterloo, were arrest ed today, charged with counter feiting. The oflicers also had m warrant for the arrest of Frank Jennings, but Frank heard of it and came here and gave himself up They are supposed to be ao complices of "Doc" Davenport, who was arrested a lew days ago. Accidentally Shot in the Lef. Wallsbiro, Or. While out duck shooting last Monday after noon Hugh Roberta accidentally fell while crossing the railroad track, his gun fell from his handa and was discharged, the load strik ing him in the left leg, below the knee. nr Price's Cream B-Mar Pi Main St..