Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, January 03, 1895, Image 3

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    A Happy New Year Try out
"id 8urg.n. U. H. hMii.lii
Ilia Hurgeon. lndopen.lunro, Oregon. Of.
0ce lit opera Iiuiiho llutik.
JiivalcUn hiiJ Hingeon. NhwihI at
tention 11.1 Ui ulwwea "'"
OHIceovur in. '' '"" ' " " ' '., ,,'
T. J. M. I. W. Babbitt, M. I'. C.
, Follow Trinity ineuicui cunrau.
nd residence, corner llnllrimd and
Moumouth lreol, Independence, Ore
gnu, ".Triltv of Michigan graduate. Den U
parlor over lii.Ul"'"', ttl"""
lunik. IiiiK"m.i1ihV Oregon.
Monmouth. All
work war-
4 ttMi'Ml.-Ari'OUNKY
IVilw Otlle over l.i.l'...U.i.oe
allo..l Hunk, nde.iulcneu, or.
Hit. M.A. lHi:i.KHY.-l(KU'KNT
Dent t. ' 1 lit- .r.U-Hlon i.ri.. i "
T . . . . (... (rtwtrillltUCd.
tin lirllllCllCI.. PlHPmv
liidcjielidimce, Oregon.
. i-iMrit.- DENTIST.
w.i.Vhnuta ljuiiclliia. Colleo
iret, Monmouili, Q.'. Su
Mellon gun run teed.
V' ...7 .:.:,i-.r Two chair. Khnv
Vrr.7J";.'i (ivn. Plastering
JA ' I'lwnrk of all kind
r".- ijnciory. Addica.
Monmouth, Or.
Ill.'Vlfl I' THE
lllAL A IC'i'lST, Hu " "K.-rl.r In
'VA..r. " ... . ii. Lpuitliiur. Oivc him
CnVwo, "MTHh.vlu". lo, Half
J lldepvlldcllCi'.
Main atrecl
Attornfji ml Counsellors - tl
Collections especially;
Ornct, Maiv Sr., Ismcwmwi, Ok
JusticB of the Peace,
I N I) K 1' K N t K. N ( ' K , OUK.
Wrllas lusuiuiiceond makes Cullce, '""
Notary Public.
s t-- LHonmt Ktre Insurance, j
(iiimu.ii suK'ktun
Hi iikli'
Lady Agent
w.ntil nt onro every whcrit. Kur full
Hirllnuliir mirm
Imli-poiKlnniw, r'" r'
ChoD - House
In the tMt iiUiw In lnrt,'i'inlfi' ti iti-t
n iHil mi ni ul ull hoii.n on lirt "''';
Kroli i.ylTii nlwu.vii on lii.d. I rUnt
MUllll fill lltll (H.
pipe TbiKfO
5 If vou smoke coma J
mn1 liiKiiect our line
T .r u.i.l tnliiii.iMi. at
OI MIIT1 IIM iv..nv.. ... -r
Tliy ureqiilif flml.M!
bihI very ri-HB)uullo. A
We arc oflVrliiK frrl
J camllw and iiuIh at
bh low a price b wo
JMWMltllVfllll. Mtinpiu
our dlilert'iit kln.ln.
i Quarter Century Tet. "
' For a quarter of a century Dr. KliiR"
New Dlneovery haii been teHtwl, and
the mlllloiiH who lutvo recelveil lienetll
from lt uho leMtlfy to ltn wonderful eu
rutlve powers In ull dlHonwn of Throa
i:hent and liUii(?H. A remedy that lias
Blood the tent ho oik and that ia Riv
en so universal satiHfuetlon In no exie
rhneut. Kaeli bottle lHp.mll I vely guar
anteed to (five relief, or I lie money will
be refunded. It Is admitted to Ihj the
most reliable for Cotigha and Colda.
Trial Utllo Free at any
J)ruj? Store. Largo size 50 cents and
1.00. J
Stockholders' Meotiog.
' Kattoa I uTliy given Hint llio annual
uiortlm of the tockauldir ol The Indo
pendonr Waler mid Kleetrla Unlit Co. will
be held at the Independence National llunk,
Indniwndenee, Oregon, on Wetlneiduy, the
aoth day of January, !, at 7 ovine . m.,
ftirthe i.urpone of rtertln 4inaeri for fold
eonipanrandatlcndliiff to nu. li other biwl-
neM way come heforeiwld iiioeiuiK.
" II. II. JAHl'KUHO.V, Kec.
Stockholder' Meeting.
The regular annual meeting f the lM-k-bolderiiof
Hi Independence National Hank
will be held on Tuesday, January . Wi, be
tween the honra of 10 a. in, and i p. in. at the
hank lorthe miriMiae of eleetluc a board of
directors and the trauaaetlon ef audi other
MAMlt mid POOlCHt We curry o
S,H k o I"". Moulding.
at Mitchell ABolmnnon', Main strut.
bualneaa that roy eome before the meeting,
Dated tiili I3lh day of December, 11.
W. P.lVmAwT,
t-.i 'lilr.
Items of Local News.
t). A. Kritmer. Jeweler.
Umbrella at ttio llncket Htor.
Additions! l.K-al on at.oond bk.
Htroiig'a bread at tlio Htnr (Ifowry.
Hell your out at tho Htartlroeary for
HublKir boola are cheap at the
Ituckct Htor.
OuIh, bran, aliorta and hay for auWi at
the Hlar (Jroeery,
J. W. Klllott, of Fulrvlew, wa In In-
depemleiicu thla week.
If you want K.mmI bread and enkea,
cull ut Douty A. l.K'k'.
iliM'k la U'liiir nut In at the
Alloua'a wart.hoimo IiuhIIiik.
A few more of tlume nobby hata at
Mra. A. M. Hurley', ntwmt.
When you aia In Ueud of wood leave
your order at ino ntur urw-nj,
(lood ooUhko for relit near bualneaa
porllou of ljwu. Iiiquiro at una
Clyde F.mbrei', of Dalian, vlalted
over Tueaday night with the editor of
Ihl paper.
Ticket No. 10, 27, 41, 57, 21, In "erica
P,1, K, O, 1", are omo winner at
CI.Mir. ller llroa
Htiicrlnteiideiit Hulcblnwin wa vl-
llhiK relative ami friend In thl city
diirliix the holldayx.
Dr. Mulkey hiw recently lecelvwl the
fiueat ronalKtinieiil of lcntltry teeth
that ever came to I'olk county.
Friali pure homo made buckwheat
Hour and the Unt of maple ayrup at
Knox' ('axli Urwry A llukery.
Mr. Mlllo Hmllh, of thl city, I
vMiIiik during tho New Year' holi
day with friend In MoMtnuvlllo.
Uuy your loudcd ahell at It. M.
Wade A (o.' They are chwlng outl
their large tH-k at reduced price.
If you want ailverware or Jewelry re
member that I'atteraou llnm. are m.11-
lug out their Htoek at bottom price.
MImn Hlrd (iitcbcll, of McMlnnvllle.
who ha been vIhUIiik at Mr. Hurley'
n thl city, returned hoiuu Tuesday.
Thl cold weather I delightful sit
(nit by a comfortable tttove. ou can
procure one very cheap ut It. M. Wude
A Co.',
Mr. J. I HoU-rtiMiii and daughter,
of Baleni. HHut the liollduy with
Mr. Klleii ItohertHon ami fuinlly of
thl cliy.
Prof. Alllngham, of the Indcpen-
denoe nubllo aehiKiU, am-ut holiday
week vlHltlng with hi parent,
Luue county.
MIhm Jcnnctte Wimlierly, of linker
City. Kent tho ChrUlnm holiday
with herlter. Mr. J. W. ItlchardHon
Jr., of thl city.
Mia Alice Savage, of Salem, ha
Ufii HiK-ndlng Chriatma holiday In
t hi city. M l Havage u formerly a
teacher In tho ludepcmieneo public
The Monmouth poatofllcH) lat month
exceeded any prevloua month hi the
hlrtorv of the oflleo lu the Issuing of
money order. Our e!uctionul center
1 coming to the front.
The tallurtthop, 0 afreet, Uthecheap
et iilnw in the city for clothing,
worknianehlp and material coimld
ered. We will prove It to you If you
w ill call -It will be no trouble.
All person Indebted to nie inunt
iiinke naviiicnt bv January 10, a I
iiiukI have money. All bill not paid
liv llmt dutn will lie iiluucd in the
hand of a collector. Ja. Hilliard. 2t
D. II. Craven Co. wlali their patron
a happy nun proapcnwi nt ivai,
and take pleaauro In Inforining t(iem
that"! hey have coiiHldernbly reduced
V X'....
the price of ncurly all arllcle they
bundle. If you need a harness cull on
The "beautiful hiiow" vWled Indo
Iieudenee and tho surrounding country
early Wednesday morning, out uur
Ing tho afleruoon a rapid thaw act In
and nature's w hite blanket melted iu
tn a hike of water and slush. "The
beautiful snow." Ugh!
Th I ravelin; nubllo will find, the
- ca
Little Tahiee hotel complete In all II
appointments. Tho table Is furnished
with the best the market afford, and
the rooms are large, comfortable, and
well furulahod. The object of the pro
pi Ictor Is to please his guests.
Special service begin nt the M. K.
church this (Thuraday) evening. There
wlll'be services on toinorruw evening
nt 7:30 o'clock. On Sunday the regu
lar services In the morning nt U a. in.
and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a.
ni. Epworth League at 6:80 p. m.
The aervicea will be coutloued during
the coming week, with a aerie of scr
inons on "rractical ChrUtlaulty."
Scott Lnuguary reiurnetl last Satur
day from Spokane, accompanied by
hi fair brido (nse Miss Mlnda Shupp.)
Mr. and Mrs. Laughary will make In
dcK'inlenco their future home. Mrs.
Laughary bus mauy old acquaintances
la this city who will give her a cordial
welcome. She Is the daughter of Itev.
Mr. Shupp, who formerly reside! here.
Mr. Laughary Is one of l'olk county'
most promialug young men, and he
ha a host of friends who wish liiin
well iu his new relation of life.
Oue would think from reading the
Oregonlaii eoiigrcfidoual reports that
Senator Dolph is the only reprcmMita
tlve the northwest has. However, one
of Mr. Dolph's action last week that
of the senator voting against the for
feiture of the railroad land grant,
which would throw Into the bands of
the common people of" this country
mauy mill! of land now controlled
by a grasplug monopoly. Ob, yea, J.
N. Dolph is a friend of the "dear peo
ple" with a vengeance. Palla Tran-
Apple Mutter mid Chow-chow in bulk, Celery Sauce and Dressing, at Douty & Looke'a
ovoraliom nt
W, 0, Wright, Abstract and Loan,
Dill I ioi, Oregon.
Ira Clod fuller made a buslne trip
to tho inutropoll thl week.
Dr. Mulkey and wife apent Christ
ma with Mr. Mulkey pareut In
W. W. Collin, of Huver precinct,
pay taxea on $li,70, and J. U. Stump
on 12,160.
Mr. V. 3. Morris, of thl dty, I vkt
Itlug relative thl ww.k at McMlnn
vl Hound Wiley.
Sixty-four Orma doing bulne In
IndeK'iiduoi) advertise In tho Kmtkb
I'BJfK thl wok.
For bargain hi millinery g.MMl cull
oil VanMeer A Catllu. J'rloea lower
than ever la-fore.
. 1'. C. MeCann arrived lu the city
at Thursday and will remain here for
a mouth or more.
II. lllrschbiirg, I). W. Sear and
Tho. Fenncll, of thl City, are visit
ing Portland tin week.
ltev. O. IJ. Whltmore will preach In
the Congregational church next Sun
day, morning and evening.
It. M. Wadu A Co. will sell their
entire line of heating stove ut actual
cost. Cull while stock I complete.
H, Windsor, of Spring Valley pre
cinct, pay luxe on 8.710, and W. M.
Walker pay on 7,0i.
J. E. Hale, aeiilor member of the
Monmouth Mercantile Co., made a fly
ing visit to Anilly last Friday,
Ml Dora Snuugler came down
fniin ('nrvalll Frldav to Mix'lid a few
day among her Indejicndcnce friends
Mia Maggie Macaulay returned to
Portland lat Friday after spending
Mid Chrlxlnia hollduy with her
( larcuce Irvine returned from Mc
Mlnnvllle Inst Monday, where he ha
been spending tho holiday with hi
W. II. Wheeler and family, of Moil
mouth, apr-nt the Christmas holiday
visiting with Mr. Wheeler's parent lu
Linn county
W. E. Mulkey, brother to Dr. S. A.
Mulkey, of this clly, has commenced
the study tif dentistry under the doc
tor' tutorage.
J. D. Murphy I now running
meat market lu Monmouth. Johnny
told tiH the other dav that he was in
the busiues to tuy.
Chickens wauled at J. C. Shoe
maker by Uie dozen. Will pay 3J
cent a pound for young chicken and
6 and 5J cent for hen.
We don't want to put the damp
(IreiM muni buck In the shelve. Come
and make u an offer In cash for them
Koat'iidorf A Hirschberg.
F. E. GrlllUh I pushing the shclv
lug and arranging hi cigar room
and exjects to be ready for business
on the flint of the week. Ho ha the
apcarance of a pleasant and affable
A good time piece lasts a long while
w hen kept properly repaired. C. L.
I'uttlson I the manager of the new
Independence "watch hospital" aud
guarantee every patient admitted.
With l'attersou ltro.
Tho inciting snow damuged con
siderable goods for Iloi-endrof &
Hirschberg. The most of them were
ouly slightly wetted, but to get rid of
them they offer them for less thau
cost, but for cash only.
John O. Davidson, of 1'omcroy,
Wash., Is visiting relative and ao
qualntauecs m this city and vicinity.
Mr. Davidson 1 an old-time Polk
county boy. He was raised near
Uiieim Vista, but emigrated to Wash
ington with his father, llezaklah
Davidson, lu the early '80's.
Among the recent arrival in the
city are several parties from St. Paul,
Nebraska, who expect to make Inde
pendence their future home. They are
Mr. Welch, Otis Walch aud a niece
and nephew,. W. W. Khoneand Henry
Oberniiller. Mrs. Welch Is a relative
of II . O. Sccley, of this place
Tho Entkui'bisk Is Informed that a
Ktmiiir A. 1. A. organization lias
recenlly been formed lu Independence,
aud, It Is said, many of the leading
citizens are enrolled ua members.
Monmouth also has an organization.
Itissaid that McMinuvllle, who re
cently Joined the organization, now
has a membership of one hundred.
Prof. T. A. Hayes gave quite an in
teresting talk to his school Wednes
day morning on the mechaulcal con
struction aud modus operatic!! of the
liuotypo tyi sotting machine.
While attending the Teachers' State
Association, at Portland, the professor
visited the Orcgoulan ofTloe and saw
the type setting machlue in full opera
tion. The professor's talk wa quite
The New Year'a Issue of the Ore
goulan Is a mammoth sheet and is
prolitically illustrated. It is largely
descriptive of the splendid resources
of Oregon, and is a
the best and latest information on
the subjects discussed. It is the most
royal lme or Oregon' greatest news
paper, and Is a brilliant souvenir to
send East to your fi icuds.
F. O. Kertoon and family have
moved to Salem. Mr. Kertson was the
founder of tho Enteri-bisk aud re
ntal ned at the helm for one year. He
weathered the storm through the
most trying period oftheEsTaai'BisK S
existence and worked faithfully tn
make It an established fact la the
newspaper fie'd of Tolk county. Mr.
Kerlsou 1 a line compositor and a
good newspaper man. We wish him j
succew. i
DUVALL Near IndeiH-iideiiee, Or.,
December 20, W, to the wife of D.
M. Duvull, an ixtund duughter.
LK.MMON-LEMMON At the real
delict) of lh bride' parent, In till
city, on iho evening of Dec. 31, 1804,
Albert Lemmou am! Ml Dora Will-
moo, ltev. J. Fred Jeukln officiat
ing. The fair bride I one of the most
charming young ladle of Indepen
dence and 1 the daughter of Mr. Wm.
1 lamed, who Jive In South Iiideen
dtnee. The groom I the son of L.
Luinmon, Esq., one of Polk county'
leading farmer and best citizen.
Only a few relative were guel of the
occasion. A sumptuous supjwr was
served after the nuptial ceremony wa
performed. The young couple hava a
host of friend in thl vicinity who
Join In wishing them along aud pleas
ant Journey together thrmigli life.
They will make Independence their
fiiinrn liome. The Entkh I'MiiiK ex
tend It congratulation.
MA UTI N-COATS. At t he resi
dence of the bride's parent, near
Itlokreall, Polk county, Oregon,
Sunday, PecemUT 80, 1S04. Orlando
Martin and Mis Lenora II. Coats,
Justice J. D. Irvine, ofllcinting.
The fuir bride I tho daughter of Mr,
and Mr. J. J. Coats of thivfounty,
aud the groom I the son of the lute
Jacob Martin, an Oregon pioneer. Mr
Murtlu huubeen Identified with Polk
county ever since hi early boyhood
and Is oue of the leading farmer of the
Hnimuinll v where he lives. He Is a
gentleman of recognized worth ami
ha the reiect of a large circle of ac
quaintance. The ENTKKHRIHB ex
tend It lxt wishes to t!e nappy
couple, and may . their Journey upon
the proverbial breezy Eea of matrimony
lie pleasant aud propitious.
UEDFORlTilUO II EH -1 u ilucna Vis
Is, Or., t the residence of the bride's
father, January 1. 1W, John II. lSed
ford and Mis Emma K. Hughes,
Rev. J. S. Smith officiating1
The groom I a prominent and well
to-do young fanner of the Uuena Vista
nelghliorhood, and the bride ranks
among ltut iia ista's most accomplish
ed young ladles. Their many friends
wUh them well In their new relation
lu life.
P 0 KTE II P I E LI). In Indepen
dence, Or, Sunday, December 30,
1K04, of cholera infantum, Arthur
Marshal, tjn 14 mouths old child of
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Portorlield.
The little bov was stricken with
cholera Infantum on Chilstmas day
and lu spite of the teuderest care and
skillful medical treatment the fell
disease did its flal work lu a few
d.-iv. Tho funeral service were held
at the Baptist church Monday fore,
noun, Rev. J. Fred Jenkins ofllclut
Ing. The remains were interred iu the
Bueua Vista cemetery in the after
noon. The lieroaved parents have the
aympntuy of the community.
TOiVNSEND. At the homo of W,
C. Urown, in Dallas, Oregon, Sun
day. Decembtr 30, 1S94, Mrs. Har
riett Towuftoeud, ago 85 years.
Aunt Harriett Towiiscud was a Polk
count v nioneer of 1847. She
was the mother of Mrs. W. C. Drown
and the late Ira Townseud. She was
a noble womuu and her memory will
be revered by all who knew her. Rev.
J. L. Futrell preached the funeral ser
mon, and the remains were laid to rest
in tho Brown cemetery last Monday.
Daly Appreciated. .
The con fideuce placed iu us by the
many patrons of our establishment
during 1K94, and especially dining the
months of November and December,
as evinced by tho many sales made
during that time necessitates public
recognition on our part. And while
we take this opportunity of thanking
all therclor, we beg to state that iu the
future, as we have done in the past,
we shall uso every effort to secure for
our patrons the very best goods for the
least money. We take advautage of
lowest prices In tho market and give
our customers the advautage of all dis
Card of Thanks.
Wo wish to return our heartfelt
thanks to our many friends und kind
neighbors for their symputhy, atten
tion aud kind offices extended to us
during the recent fatal Illness of our
dear little boy.
M. M. Porter fikld.
Eva Poutkbkielu
AlOO Itewartl. 100.
The readers of this paper will be
nleasiil to learn that there is nt least
one dreaded disease that science lias
been uble to cure in nil Us stages auo
that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
la the onlv positive cure now known
to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh be
ing a constitutional disease, requires a
eoiiHiitiitianal treatment. Hall's Cat
arrh Cure is taken iuternally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous
enmnpiiriiiini of serracc Ol me system, ineiiruy ur
compenumm oi i,fc,wWli,n of the d srase.
ana giving tue paut-ni mivunm jj
loilliliiiir on the constitution and as.
sisting nature iu doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers, that they offer One
Hundred uoliars tor nyraw insi n
rail to cure. Send for list of lestimon
ials. Addre .
F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O,
6i.Sold by Druggists, 75c 8
Bncklea'i Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rlieuiu,
h-v.T Sores. Tetter. Chappett Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erupt
ions and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
iierfecl aausiacnou. or money muiium.
'lice 25 cent per bottle. For Sal By
ttmitn iioiu
Attsntloa EnlQUt. A peclal meet
ing of Homer Lodge, No. V,, will lie
held Friday evening, Jan. 4, at 7-'W
o'clock . All nu'iulier are requested
to be present. By order of H. Laugh
ary, O. C.
fa Our Patron!. We w Uh to per
sonally thant fir many friends and
customer for their very liberal patron
age during the year Jut closed. We
fully appreciated your effort, to muKe
your friend a merry Christina during
the present stringency, auu nope to
see you often at our place of business
during this year. Wishing you the
great eat success, we ure,
Very Truly our.
Cixjpfki.tkb Bros,
B. A. M. ilnstallation.-The newly
elected officer or Independence Chap
ter, No. 2., It. A. M., will be Installed
on Thursday evening, Juu. 10, W.
All master masons and their famine
are expected to be present, as well lis
a few Invited guest. '1 bo installation
ceremonies will lie followed by a short
nrouram In the lodge room, after
which the member and guest will
proceed to tho opera house, where
dancing will be Indulged in until up.
per lime. The supper will be served
at the Little Palace hotel. The In
Mtallatlou ceremonies will begin at
7:30 o'clock, p. m.
A Pleasant Social. A social party
wa given at the home of Miss Cora
Fisher on Wednesday evening of this
week. Theguests were Ira Clodfeltei, 1
Miss Bessie Butler. W. II . I law ley,
Min Maude Cooper, Ed Masteraon,
Mis Dora Cooper, Joshua Talbott,
Miss Essie Robertson, Oris Robertson,
Misse Ella and Susie Feline:!. The
amusement consisted of parlor games,
instrumental and vocal muiic. Oyster
iupier was served with cake and
coffee, etc. A most pleasant und social
time was enjoyed by all. The guests
complimented Sllss Fisher upon her
efforts in giving them so pleasant an
evening' entertainment.
Worts of Condoloace. Grandpa Clod
felter Is in receipt of a letter from his
nephew, N. J. Clodfelter.of Crawfords
ville, Indiana, which affords him a
great deal or comfort, from which we
quote a brief extract: "I Just this
morning received a marked copy of the
Extkkpribk, of j our city, conveying
the sad Intelligence of the death of
Cousin David II. lean convey to you
and aunt and all or our kiudred there
the-beart-felt symputhy or each and
every member of father's family.
Death visits us so quietly, but so Be
vcrcly, that It Is only a matter of a few
years to tell the tory of each genera
tion. We must at all times
be ready to Uar our burdens. They
often surprise us in their appearance
I hojyou and aunt are well etc."
The Kew Tears Ball. The New
Year's ball given under the auspices
of be Independence City band on Is ew
Year's eve was one or the most bril
liant social eveuts or the season. Some
fifty odd couple were present, just
enough to fill the opera house com
fortably, and yet plenty of room for
the quadrilles, polkas, waltzes, etc.
The P.utler orchestra and the city
band furnished Hoe music for the oc
casion. It was never the writer's good
fortune to witness a nioro genteel aud
orderly assemblage of people in a ball
room than was present at tho opera
house last Monday night. Eveiy
thing pass off smoothly, pleasantly
und courte ously. It wa a rare gather
ii.gof the beauty and chivalry of In
depeudeuc. Much praise is due the
band boys for their splendid manage
ment of the affair.
A Kew Tear's Watch Party. About
fifty persons gathered at the residence
or Rev. J. S. Smith's on New Year's
eve to watch the departure of the old
year and the iueoming of the new.
The social amusements consisted of
parlor games, singing and refresh
ments. A very pleasant aud social
time was enjoyed by all. Just before
midnight prayer was offered up by
Rev. Mr. Smith, and as the merry
chimes of the church bells rang in the
New Year, congratulations were or-
fered aud "a Happy New ear" greet-
lii! extended to each aud all. These
social gatherings aro very pleasant af
fairs aud should be encouraged in this
community more than what they are.
It is social tutereourso that makes life
worth living, and without it this i a
dull, prosaic world.
T!ie Santa Claus, Jr., Cantata. The
entertainment at the opera house last
Saturday eveniug, under the auspices
of the Christian aud Congregational
Sunday schools, was a most success
ful aud entertaining afhur. the ball
was crowded to its, fullest seating
capacity with quite a number iu the
gallery. The program was finely ar
ranged aud well rendered, senator
Doughty, of Monmouth, made a star
Santa tiaus aud his singing was excel
lent. The boys biigade performed
their evolutions iu fine style and their
dialogues aud singing were highly ap
preciated by the audience. A troop or
little girls costumed iu white repre
sented a group of fairies with their
queen, which was a most, beautiful
sight. Little Ethel Smith aud Louise
Waller elicited much applauso by the
very cute manner in which they
rendered -.heir recitations. Everyone
present, so far as we have learned, ex
pressed themselves as greatly pletised
with the entertainment The iustru
lueutal music was furnished by Mrs.
Claire Irviue and was reudered iu that
lady's usual happy style. Too much
praise cannot 'be given Miss Essie
Robertsou and Mrs. Claire Ir
vine for their very successful manae
uentof the cantata. The total re
ceipts of the evening amounted to
AttentJoi Ladies. AH the ladies in
terested in the organization of a
Woman Relief Crm, especially wive
and daughter of old soldier, aro In
vlted to incut with f hoO. A. It. Pl
on Saturday evening at 8 p. m. to take
tep for orgn.iI.ating.
Attention, Old goldler!-Tliere will 1
a new Pt of the O. A. K. n.uaUred
ut the I. O. O, F. hall on next Hatur
duy evening at 1 p. m All old sol.
rllcr dcxirlng to become charter mem
bers are Invited to bo present, and
all member of the O. A. R. in g'
standing hi other pout are requested
to be present and unite In the service.
Piisi Dipt. Couim-wnler Col. J. C.
Cooler will muster tho post and lu
Hlull the officer.
Karshal'iSolico of Eal.
To whom It may concerns
Notice ! hereby given that I have Inkeu
up and Impounded, while running t lurge
within the limit of the City of Indepen
dence, one yellowlnh gray home, about years
old; one yellowlnh gray mare.about 5 years
The owner U hereby notified that unless
thesumeis Uucn away and all fwti and
expennes paid within ten day from dale,
tliey will be sold at public auction en Kulur
day, Jan. 2). W", at 2 o'clock p. m., to the
blithest bidder for cash in hand.
Independence, Ore., Dee. iW.lsui.
Clly Marshal.
Special School Meeting.
Notice la hereby given to the legal voters of
School District No. !, of l'olk covnty, Sluto
of Oregon, that pclnl school meeting of
said district will bo held at the school build
ing 4n the lih day of January, Wrt, at 7:30
o'clock In the afternoon, for the following
obje-rts: For the purpose of voting a special
tnx to pay the Interest on bonds aud for the
maintenance of a free school the remoluder
of the school year.
Attest: J. 1 STOCKTON,
J. l. IRVINE, Cli'n Hoard Dlr'trg.
DUtrict Clerk.
Dated Jan. , IkSW,
It is paid that Caj.lain
Htill boldd the fort near
Hood's jiills act easily, yet
promptly and effectively, on the
liver and bowela. 25c 6
"Tony" Noltner. editor of the
Portland Dispatch, was the guest
of W. W. Williams and family a
lew days this week.
W. T. Wilson, of Oakdale, Wash ,
is visiting at his brother's. It. J.
Wilson, who lives in the northern
suburbs of this city.
A few intimate frieods met atjthe
residence of Mrs. Ellen KoberUon
in this city and held a watch meet
ing on New Year's eve.
The way to reach catarrh i
through the blood. Hood's Sar
saparilla, by purifying the blood,
removes the cause of the disease
and permanently cures catarrh.
Take only Hood's. 6
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Fov- der
World's Fair Highest Award.
Dallas had a happy New Year.
John Grant was elected marshal
of this city.
Uncle Cage Morrison is on the
sick list this week.
Rev. J. L. Futrell preached at
Perry dale Suuday.
Several watch night meetings
in Dallas Monday evening.
Prof. Reynolds made a flying
trip to Portland last week.
The academy and public school
will start up again Wednesday.
Mrs. T. J. Hayler and son Carey
visited relatives in Dixie Monday.
Marsh Embree, of Kings Valley,
has been visiting relatives in this
The M. E. brethren will have a
grand temperance rally next Mon
day evening.
The Christian Endeavor holds
union meetings iu the Christian
church in this city.
Rev. Parsons, P. E. of the M. E.
church, preached in this city Mon
day evening.
The Epworth League, of the M.
E. church gave a sociable at Mr.
Elliot's residence Wednesday even
ing. The young members of the M. E.
church, South, gave a sooiahle at
W. M. Kersey's resideuce Thursday
Mrs. Gwinn, 'of this place, lost
several dollars' worth of bncon and
lard Wednesday. The thief has
not been caught yet.
The young people ef this city
had a trrand time at the grand ball
Mnndav evening. The members of
the M.'E. church held a "donation
meetinsr" at their church New
Year's eve.
About a week of nice cold weath
er. Farmers all on the dry dock at
E. X. Hall and family spent Xew
Year's at Woodburn.
Dee Smith, president of the Ore
gon Pottery Works, was in town a
lew days last week on business.
Born. To the wife of Wm. Dur
ell, on Christmas eve, a six pound
daughter. Mother and child doing
- By a little mistake on the part
of the ferryman the ferryboat here
Sell K 1 1 UOSIl Uiuu t--
punctured a hole through the hot-
torn and sunk the boat. It was
hhi. ,1 ilns-n nnon a cable ist ana
bauld ashore and mended and 1
now running n'iiin.
Two parties In this burg tki ring
tho week. One at Mr. A. HhW.
which was an enjoyable affair; nd
Monday nigbt there waa a wctcU
party at Allio McLaughlin's to be
to lli prepuce of thewanins cf tho
old year and thecomlng of the new.
Dr. Epley visited Saleoi Tuesday,
Jus. Tetherow brought a big load
of turkey to town Monday.
This has been the dullest week
for items vr have ever seen.
The meeting of the Baptist ov
ciatioa was not Terjr well attended,
Tho Philharmonic Male Quartet
sert'tindtxl the town In excellent
style Monday night.
Miss Elva Adkins, of Lane
county, is here taking lessons in in
strumental music.
Frank Fiaher filled P. 8. Ta
tom's place in Moorhead'a Btore
during the latter'a absence.
Vol. Ilubcr, who has been o
journing in eastern Oregon for the
past summer, has returuea.
Ad. Haley smiled at the ladies
from behind Wheeler'a counter
during the Litter's absence.
A protracted meeting will be
held at the Christian church be
ginning Wednesday evening.
A very pleasant reception wa
given by the students at the Nor
mal chapel New Year's night.
Rev. J. N. Smith delivered an ;
address to the meeting of the En
deavorers at Dallas Saturday.
F. A. Stacy paid a Tisit to Scio
this week. He is thinking of mov
ing to that part of the country.
Mr. Nofler returned from Cooa
bay Saturday. He reporta times
brightening up in that country.
D. M. Hewitt lost 600 bushels of
wheat in the recent fire. He b4
no insurance, so it will be a total"
loss to hiin.
Mies Avers, formerly one ol the
teachers in the Normal, but now of '
Ellensburg, Wash., spent the holi
days in town.
E. R. Case, of Corrallis, is look
ing over town with a view of open
ing another barber shop. We think
the field is too limited.
Mr. Cook was unfortunate enough
to lose a $20 piece recently. He
had entrusted it to his wifa for aafe
keeping, and what has become of It
is a mystery to him. Perhaps h
will put his money in the bank
next time.
J. C. McFarlane attended the in
auguration at Salem.
Mr. Bryan, of Albany, is visit
ing Rev. and Mrs. C. G. Hormoo.
Mr. Gilliam, of McMinnville.
spent the holidays with relative
II. H. Starr was recently elected
school director in this district, Mr.
J. M. Parry having resigned.
Misses Vina and Winnie Gilbert
entertained a number of their
friends on New Year's eve. uames
and social chat were kept up un
til the wee small hours.
The vnune neople of our publie
school conduct a literary and debat
ing society, which is not only in
teresting but profitable to them.
The question debated last Friday
eveniug was, "nesoiveu
women should be given the right
of elective franchise." Five young
ladies alhrmed while five young
men denied. It is needless to sav
that the young ladies carried off
the laurels.
A wandering jew, from Portland,
or somewhere else, came driving
into town a few days ago with a
hack load of second hand "clod
ings sheep for sale." He also
brought with him a deck of well
worn playing cards and a few bot
tles of beer. While he was here
our town boys had some where to
go of nights; but now, all that
ended, for the gentleman was
waited upon and politely asked
to leave the town.
When Baby wa sick, we her Casterla.
When she waa a Child, he cried for Caasorta.
When she become Miss, she dune to Castor,
When she hsd Children, she garaUiem (
Highest Honors WerW F-
. r r,..m rJ Tartar PewJs. rrJ
Mip". " .w,K,,,bil!.r.
4om AmniooiJ, AhOTW ay .JulWrwr,
S pur. " - hs-liiH,
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