it IMMmmi jMm liKlitlmnd laid on Ms MM, I wm the point hor the Impostor od ou to bo allowed to go to his hotel I.w reneo turned, and with joyfully Wt lna heart uw tho companion of ni venture la tho park. Ho wm never m Kld to oo Anybody before, and forgot tinir his situation he cried: I am porfootly UoUhtod to yo again." T bs continued. II is strange thtit so many Intel ligent neonle opiHw iy clinngo in tho text books from an economic. standpoint, when we can contract for n w hook for the next six yours UtO per cent better H" tlnue that Iiiivm wiihout any extra V It"" .... . cost in exchange. F. Lono. i i r moment holding his chin In hia har.s'., while rofliM-Unsr upon tho krl course U .pursue. The action reminded him that ho needed a btinvo very mooh. and r.3 " tho barber shops of tho balls wero so situated that he could keep aa e.vo on tho slumbering1 thief, ho went l:nnd had tho last evidence of misfortune re moved, and tho unsuspecting wretch on tho' divan still slumbered. -As Drano emerged from tho building tho first thin ho saw was tho bluo coat of which ho was in search. A burly ' member of tho forco stood en tho cdjjo of tho sidewalk, aa if placed thcro by tho hand of justice, . "How wonderful are tho workings of chance," thought Prano, as he tool: in at a planco tho advantages of tho situa tion. "My look changed from tho in stant my cyos rested on that ticket." He decided not to call tbo ollleer into tho bath co long as ho showed no Kins ' of ffoias away, but to wait till tho thief catno out, clothed in his rasr-v to meet a fate still worse. Ho chuckled with a mean satisfaction at tho t' His g,., -. - -. :i "TAKti IKM IX." experience should liaVe taught hhn to pity, .tho poor fellow, but it didn't. Tficro can be no seal sympathy between costly apparel and tho habiliments of poverty. -Tho brotherhood of man can never Jo accomplished except by put ting all tho world in ono unvarying uni- , form , .... , . . So Drane stood there waiting for his reVcajre. Suddenly there was a hubbub at tbo door. An attendant rushed out , hurriedly and looked about. Behind bin Drano could sco tho thief expostu lating with tho man at tho desk. Then the attendant's eyes fell upon Drano. ' "Arrest that man," said ho to tho po- - llceman; "ho has stolen a man's clothes in our bath!" . "too frith me, sir," said the officer, lavinjf his hand upon Drane's shoulder. Tho blunderbuss of -vengeance had j , shot both ways again, as is the habit of that antiquated weapon. CHAPTER VL rr rrzzixo the judge. TVhile th" littlo party was on its way to tbo abodo of justice, Drano had time to bring his mind to ono definite and valuablo conclusion. His misfortunes on a similar occasion had been aggra vated by. his own injudicious utterances. Ho rqsolvcd to keep still this tine, even if ho had to biro somebody to gag him. It was little that ho know about Kew ; 1 . . .7. . , l would bo necessary to get some direct distanccs.and both these ho was prepared . ' ... , , uuUvtmw.u , y evl(icnc0 as to tjjo jdcntity of each to condemn, as emphatically a won id l , . , , ti t. i claimant to the name of Drane. anv reformer. Ho had not supposed , , , .v , ""J. ,. , , , t. "1 think, your honor," said the im- that his second arrest took place in the . . ., J. , . u.i can uaiibiy you. i bu'juiu ii.tu mj ! there to gc-t ray RTip and a decent suit of poise during tho snort journey to tbo j ' ' "J ,., , J k .i. ., story would sound wore likely. , .i i.s .1 Lawrence urjilod grimly at this, groaned under the temptation of men dacity. Uo was immorally certain that a good l'e would bo moro efiicacious in tho emergency than a guardian angel; but his gentlemanly Instincts revolted ul King, especially when ho know he ; wai'.i the right Moreover tho angel i was rresii-nt the court-room, though ! Lawrence di'.ln't know it and she had j not us yet discovered him. Perhaps her j influence had something to dt with in ! discing hiv.i to fuller an af.lrmativo to 1 1 j judge's question. Tho reply stlinn llatcdtao judge'3 memory wonderfully, i "You tried to pass yourself under two m.r.os then, didn't you?" ho conuuuru. "M:.y I explain, your honor" 'Did you or didn't you? Speak up!" "I did, vour honor, but there were eir- cumsunccs thrn that justUieu me. l v.-.s in trouble and hardly knew what I v.-as.Vout." "V.'h.-.l possiblo clreuuu-.tances could have justified you in lying about your larm-V U instantly occurred to Lawrenco that hero was an opportunity to raauo a f;;l! explanation of bis situation, but co muih trouble had come to iir.n irom such r.ttei:ipt3 that ho renewal his de tor;:iia.i::on to say absolutely nothing. So l.o responded: I decline to say." This surprised and angereu tho judge and ho ordered tho o'Jeer to search Lawrence. They tvo'.: from hlr.i all lm pajwrs. his money and his watch. They considerately loft Mm his handkerchief, t'psct by the indignity of this proceed in;:, he exclaimed: "I will say and maintain that I am Lawrenco Dranc! I livo in Kansas City and am in JCew Yovk simply on my way ta Boston, v. hero I propose to negotiato capital for a railroad.'' "Very v. ell," said the judge, dryly, and turning to tho impostor: "Wbat have you to say to this?' "V-'W:" was tho reply, "that I am Lawrence Drano and that this fellow is tilling my story. Those papers and l.tters which you havo will probably make tho matter clear. Doubtless ho j glancrd at them at tho bath and 80 got his points." Tho judf;o looked at the papers, but they failed to satufy him. Ho asked for witnesses, and tho attendants at tho bath wero sworn. "Which of theso men?" asked tho judge, ' came to tbe bath in goodclothes, and which one in rags?" "I romombor," said tho witness, hes- i itating, "that I took a fellow in those i rairs to a room, and 1 think it was that ' one," pointing to Lawrence. "When he i was in tho sweating room." ho con- , tinned, "ho looked just about liko any ! body else." Tliero i3 an individuality in logs, but I few ticn recognize it, not even at I tondanto at baths who have unrestricted i opportunities for observation. Tho tes timony of these witnesses made it pret ty clear that Lawrence had left the bath with better clothes than he woro when ho entered, but they could do nothing to clear up the question of identity. Then Lawrenco requested the privi lege of examining tho plaintiff. This crraaled, ho confused tho fellow in short order by putting a sories of question dcsig ied to bring out his knovvledgo of Kansas City and his familiarity with tbe business mission in which ho pro tended to bo cngagod. Ibo scalo ap peared to bo turning in Mr. Drane's favor. Justice was still in doubt, how ever, and tho court declared that it SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. i i.v IN, Ik futility Tiiwlior'a A .,,. .. , .v amlit'votrd o " Hilvmrnviiiciit ol Ui Public School. KIITKi Y PHilK. T. A. IIAYKH, lutti'lH-nJolic. Oi'K. . .. ' ..i .i..... i, UiU work ,u"i ."ulud to U.e v.l.tor ol (hi. 0- purtmcitt. Pedagogue or DomagoKues? The OUt rvcr lust ti k, in on article on tho teachers' institute, aocust's tho teaelera of Iving dema-go-jues intcn.l of jHHlagognes. The article won!.! not have Keen no ticed wrre it not fr the fact that jome who no not uiiuusiuuv v... position inijiht think thcro were some truth in it. U e lo not bo- iit-vo fair nuiule-1 jieoplo will fee anything partis-an in having school rcnorts ami other hc1rk1 news col- ectcd and all printed in one paper, so that pupils, patrons and teach ers in all 'arid of the county may, know what is beins; done in all the sehjols.- We selected tins KsTErtrmss not because of its politics but because the terms offered by it wero more suitable '.han those offered by the other papers. The Observer was not consulted in the matter, and Unit is the probable cause of its bitter attack. We shall go right ,.n notwithstanding this spirited attack, and when th-j OUmver sees anything political or partisan in our work it will be time to raise a howl. However, killing enow birds wiih cannon is a usclt-ss waste of powder. The Observer should train a smaller gun on the teachers. rr iii.ic bchooi.h. Alleii.lniieo dilVH .tt.Wl Aloenoo day. Times Urdy ... Number enrolled Average number t'loiilng. . . .Vvemgo daily attendance. . . . Percent of atleudaiu'w Ncit!i rub.-vut nor lardy 'M by school Kianl Viits ty pnlroiis Yihils to pulroiH by leuchers. lorioMl iHUilsliineut, W. I. liKYNOl.US, I'rim iptil. "Whut nrrt tbo last toctll that .... ,' , . I .. 1.... coiner hskou ii icaener i uvr v in physiology. "False treth, mum." replied a lny who had just waked np onJthe back seat. Kxchange. tuvi k;:i '.m i."i;i .wtt 170 3 (4 41 EEFOETS- samo judicial district in which his came to pass. By reason of his rcha tatioa his nerves had maintained a fair I then realized that ho was lw.'.nd to ap pear before tho same justice v. ho had lectured him but a day or two previous ly, they fell to quivering ominously. Keverthcless ho kept up appearances and entered tho court room with an air of dignified self-possession. Tho bulk of tho day's business had been cleared away, so he and his com panion in distrCbS were summoned at t . ,'V;once to tho bar. ' ' .'"What is this case?" demanded the ledge. "This man," responded the police man, jerking his thumb towards tho Tagged tramp, "accuses this gentleman of stealing his clothes." " The judgo glanced in surprise from one to tbo other of tho parties, and he looked sharply at Lawrenco as if the faco reminded him of somebody. Then ho ordered tho complainant to step up and asked him his name. "Lawrenco Drane," w as the cool reply. Again the judgo seemed to bo trying to recall something out of the dim re cesses of his memory, but the effort ; failed, and he composed himself to lis ten to tho complainant's story. Tho false Drane told exactly what had hap pened at tho batb-house, not deviating in tbe slightest particular from the truth, except as bis story implied his claim to ownership In tho clothes which tbe real Drane had on. "Did you ever see the prisoner be fore?" asked tho judge, "I think I saw him not more than throe days ago," replied tho impostor; - "It was late in the afternoon and ho had askato on. I remember him because of these rags which bo wore at the time." . The judgo turned to Mr. Drane, who had been listening .'ntently, anil began the examination in the usual way, by asking his name. Lawrence was vehe mently moved to denounce his accuser, but bo recalled his determination to control his tongue in this episode; there fore ho responded simply "Lawrence Drane." j - A big scowl tangled the judge's eye- I . brows and puckered np his lips. Judicial memory was again in process of castiga tion. This time the mental prodding tumej up a clew. "Haven't you been liereLTefore!" he demanded sternly. Hi. Drane's conscience wriggled and for ho knew too well how truo it wa3. Things had changed. The clothes wero on another man's back and ho in turn was victimised by them. "I'll send an officer with you to the hotel," said tho judge. Just then the angel appeared. It was tho young widow whom Lawrenco had met in the park up-town. She was in court with Mrs. liowers, assisting that cbaritahlj lady in her work and at tho samo time kocping an eye open for her thieving maid, who might bo expected to turn up at any time among tho pris- K1 II J X E E T EN D K. f E Pt III.IC SCHOOLS. For the month ending Dec. 21, I89J: Xunilier of days taught l-s Number of holidays '-' Number of davs iitteiidanco .4.S57 Number of days absence 'Mi Excuses for absences. . . .sickness or work. Number of tardies Kxi-uses Numlier enrolled, boys lo-.'; girls Hi total Average number belonging Average daily attendance l'ercent of attendance on average number Iwlonijiiig Xum'uer of new pupils udmitted, bovs 7 : girls 4 ; total Number of cases of corporal pun ishment ( Number of visitors, directors 5 ; pa trons 17; teachers d; total "7 Number ot rhetorical exercises dur ing tiie mouth 2 Number of pupils participating. . . . about half encli term. Mrs. Tuck's room is entitled to the credit of having the best per cent of attendance and the fewest number of tardies for the number enrolled, the per cent of attendance being 9-" tardies was made in the eighth a grade. However, we shall make a strenuous effort at the begiiining of the new year to diminish the num ber of tardies in nil the grades. Sickness was the cause of most of the absences. T. A. Hayes, Principal (Transcript.) Mrs. I. Levins has been very ill the past week. Our school is progressing nicely under the management of I'rof. J. N'll.irl. Falls City correspondent. The jxxir, abused suyar trust has justiered its quarterly dividend if o per cent, thanks to ti e prcs n congress. It's a con fun nd pity that an Am erican can't sit down tj his dinner table having a P.ritish lion on the bottom of his plate staring him in the face. An expert remarks: "Football players should never loso their heads." Of course nn eye, or a broken m se. or a couple of ribs amount to nothing. "Keep, your head." Grand Master L. C. l'arker reached home Sunday, via Salem. from Iiis trip throughout various tortious of Oregon i:i the i itercst of Odd Fellowship, lie was gone nigh onto six weeks, and reportsan excellent time duiii g the entire trip, and it is usless for hi in to tell i', fur he returns the perfect picture of health being several jmunds heavier than he has ever weighed befure. TAILORING. samples always on hs"'1 lo M'loot frtttn. Satisfaction Guaranteed T. UYTON JENK3, Independent, Or. ARE YOU A TENDERFOOT? irvuu nr. c wittil to V""' "t"' 1,1 l.,.l ltf fit- l...tll !. Ilin'll liiMHiliotililc. H.'lllny BOOTS & SHOES but aim nt ii ice Hint n tlir il.-alt-r 111 I no stale will nu ll cli,tn'f ll'tn ' X We are closing out our line of Gents' Furnishing Goods At Arlu il 't. H. S. Poilwood, Montuouth, Ore ton. CREDIT PAYS If tho nuTi'liant tnki'H nii'onf a Inio nyHU'nj of tTount and clmrgcH a HvillU-U'iit price his gmnln to pay any 1hh fnnu luul t'mlitti : iii.I iiifiTi'st mi tmtflandint aenmntx. IT IS BETTER 0- f i I I ii It ' i . and lil DRESS MAKING Miss Sophia Goff. Hits lately returned frmu Sun Frunclseo ami I prepared to pivo hrr patron the belielU of a new sylein of tres Cnttliifr nod rittlna:. Cur. Itallrtmtl mid I) St. in';ki'i:mi:nj)i:, ouKtuix. For tli" fiiftonu'i' if jiH'itliant condm hirt ImsincHH on a ftiiclly hikIi lanin. no need for a foreo of liookktrj't'iH eollectoi'M; lie fiui'crt tn no Iohh Trout lm? del.tx, and he Iuh no inteieKt to pay on our utanding nmney. l'eeanmt W(. eontluct ou luijdiuKsi williont niv in: eretlit w aro aide t: j;ivt yon the lowest yrivv for piodn that ym i can ohtaiu anvwhere. (Vnteand tent our olhri I The II loiimoulli Mercantile i A : I MONMOUTH OREGON. Co. FfRAZER & SON.- You can't live without Eating BREAD And you i-an.t cat without lin.Mil. If you want the tctf :-: STAGE :: J. II. TllOMl'SON rro). Leaves Independence every morn ing (except Sunday) at !S:."l) a. in. Leaves Salem at '- p. in. f.eiive orilemnl Little l'la(H Hotel or nt I'oHtofflev. Freight itml piuwciifcera earrieil nu rea Hon tenu". I? A Z E R & Estes & Elkins, s I o N olandji for (jmtitn, (Quality ntul (juimtily. Tho lirtt tiiti"H, i a lo -re inn yon iny tne im-ki Stoves, Iliad arc, t tilhry, I rnkery, Me,; the n-coml iiicstion is, w lu re can you I uy the most for the leant money? A Mauds for Answer. The niiMvcr to tho first qucii tion d, ul Kriuer A Son's The answer to the snund tincstion is, nt Fmzer A Sen's. stands for proof. The proof of the pudding U In the fitting. The eioof (if the hIh.vd ni.i rtion is in the fact that our trade this yenr considerably e-end-t last year's. PRAZER & SON, MiiNMOt'TII, OltK. P -Lend! g- ilcliveiedat your diKir tvery morn- Injr buy it at Ihu NEW BAKERY. GEO. G. STRONG, Po. X a Marble Granite The greatest number of i ' , r ,.,,,,.,.,, O re HI" KAMK WAS JOKKS. , . MONMOUTH PUBLIC SCHOOL. Report of the Monmouth public school for a term of three months, ending Dec. 21, 1891: Xunilier of dara tanirht 58 Xumber of holidays 2 Nurnlet.enrolled ,177 Average daily attendance Ho Per cent of attendance of average numoer belonging Those neither absent nor tardy during the term: Uosa Smith. Ralph Fisher, Herbert VanDuyne, Nellie Stockman, Delia Kramer, Lillia Wolf, Clide Hale, Truman Banghinan, Claude Wainsley, Wal ter Crosby, Harry Smith, Robbie Bruce, Oliver Rexford. There are thirteen pupils in the eighth grade, all enrolled the first day. The following is the number j of days absent: First month 8 Second month 2'j Third month V, i Independence, Monuments, Headstones, Curbingt Etc. Correspondence solicited. City Draymen All kinds of Hauling' in or out of the city rroniptly attended to. Ch a ryvH rvason a bl e. FOR CITY LIVERY SALIC and FKKD STAI'.LKS. KKLLKY & HOY, Vn. Mu'Hirii In A. W. ISirkHliuiler. JL"A all SALKiM, PORTLAND w-avusiun;.-' Steamer Altona Leave Portland Tin sdays. Thursday and Saturdays, (i:lK)a. m. l avc Iii lepcndeiice Mondays, ednesduvs ami l' ridavs -:.5l " r Leave Sale. n " " " " Tl-ll " Fast Time. Cheap Rates. ..k m&wd-h .i ..... ?v 1rl outs fciii ((Mid turnouts for Commercial men Horses boarded by the Wfek or month. 1 N I K I ' K N I KN ( K, Olt. The Iniependence Meat Market, JOHAX MIILLER, Prop. Is now ready to supply the people of Independence w ith all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats, Hams, liacon, Sausages, Lard, etc., at lowest pot-sible rates. 13 can oiiers. During tho examination of Law rence and tho impostor sho had boon busy with Mrs. liowers in another part of tho room, and so had not heard a word of tho case. It takes an acute ear to dctoct any thing that irocb on in a XcAf York court, even when one stands beside tho iudjro himself. Tho vounr Jady had chanced to see Mr. Drane's ! those who fail to complete the grade, Z Jt ?p V TT TV0 The teachers here all wished ment citocted on it by the barber and tho radical chaDge in his parb, sho rcc- j their pupils a merry Christmas in onized him. It was not immediate, i a substantial war, duu nan iiui. ai tcri;, Lllur Dure auo Total What clas3 in the county show a better record? There is a general determination among the pupils not to be among OITB DOOR WEST OF POST OFFICE, Independence, Okkoon. EHAFi 44v1VV m IwrJt H The ilrsr littlo chaii that inotlifr likrt The Kri-iit big clmp that slstsr l The Irritating chap that nobody lik All nureu w llh the lusdli al eh w lio say I hat v -DRUG' ST0RE: PATTERSON BROS, is the proper plat e to get your f DRUGS and MEDICINES. Tho Btoro .8 open vrry Sunday. JfIjFJew dry store in connection. I f 111 l8iP IS STILL OPEN New Goods! New Prices! L00K HERE- -Wc lire right lifter you! Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Etc., at Ij. JvliISO, Ii,oij,iotor. ait Read this and smile while se weep. We have about whispered excitedly to Mrs. liowers: "f-'e! is not that the pentlcman who assisted mo the other morning?" Mrs. Bowers, had recourse to her glasses. ."I nhjvd think so," she replied. "Xronj b clothes, to forgca them." "So, no; I mean the other one. I The teachers of Polk countv should have full sympathy for the Observer until he recovers his men- j tal equilibrium. It seems that he is trying to do the thing that he j pretends to oppose. Since we have a political organ must ro up and see." I iiation (?) we Bhould immediately Mrs. liower-disapprovedof this heart- j v ' ... , Uy, but the young widow took her own j decide who 1 most suitable for way, and presently Mr. Drane felt a I president of the United States. I shouldn't be likely I 60 Ladies' and Children's Jackets Which we must ell at once regard lees of codt. Hee these prices and come running, for they will not last long : Men's long Rubber Hoots (Woon socket) :.7fV Men's ebort Rubber Hoots'i Children's A I School Shoes l.OO Clothing and Dress Goods any way to suit you, for cash. A short time only. STOCKTON & HENKLE. Alexander-Cooper Drug Co; Perfumes, Stationery, Paints, Oils, YarnitdieK, Jirushes, Combs, Soaps, Syringes, Always aim to please and keep on hand fjw Hubher Goods, 3& t Sulphur, r Patent Medi.infi Cigars, r Thermomstori Hooks, Pens, I Penci!, Etc., Ktc I Prescriptions :-: Carefully Compounded Day or Niht. ' I '"Tic- i'-' -C "" 3 IllirllliT III louul ui a I A1 lUflldl I Iife a record should be preserved f jx-rson's hkeneMi, as follows: Infiinth.MHl, lUhyliiMMl, Childbootl, Boy hood, ManluMMl, Middle ag, Old gi and 1. H. C'HAVEN the photogrei'lifr, ; will supply you with these llkenesw Hie very lowest rates. Oive lilul '' I