Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 13, 1894, Image 4

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When lie reached tho bow of tho boat
aha was just making a landing, and in
another minute tho pates wero opened
and he walked ashore. Ho lin,?crcd a
moment in . th ferry.houeo with tho
i,1a. at .nol.-nniin-r to Billv and plead
ing temporary insanity, but that indi
vidual did' not appear. 1 be . erowa , v . tho uufarmnate so inter
unfod ff the ferry-boa and hurried . had thought it mlffht bo.
by Drano.' Ono lady evidently rceor-
pUcd him, for hp beard her say to ner
escort: 'Toor ftilow, bis vaico must
havs been wmdcrf u befora ruined
Riddled by this double-barreled in-
alt. Prane b.mff hs bead and made o.
up street, which, runs parallel w ith tho
1-ennsylvani, tracks for a few Uorks.
At tbe firs crossinff ho turned to tho
right and passed over tho confusion. of
rails at the imminent nsk of bis 1. e
V fcMW - -.
nf mlnrl wlmi e ntllision with
ihifting engine would have been
A freight train was being made up on j
a side track., and Drane crawled alor.j j
in tbe shadow or u im CO came to a ear
which looked as if it miht be entered.
l.Ie was on the point of trying it, when
a figure appeared from tho Ehadowj.
Drane was about to run, but perceiving
that the etner man nau a sirnuar uiwu
Von, ho unucpsioou caso uucv
on, ho vndojatood the caso at once.
MUold on," said he. "I wont hurt )
you. I'm looking for a free ndo on tnia
Vain, and bo are you, Isn't that so?''
' You've called it, boss," said the fci
ow, that's my game."
Well, I'm in with you," returned
Drano. "You know more about this
Vusiness than I do. Vi'hatshall we do?"
Tha tramp answerod by deeds, not
words. Ho pried open the door of tho
car and crawled in. Drano foltowcd.
The car appeared to bo freighted with
pig-iron or some other hcu.v substance
of which very littlo made a load, for
there was plenty of room. Drano and
his companion found tho most comfort
ablp placo they could in the darkness.
To tho former's great relief tbo train
toon started and ran with no stop for
nearly an hour. Then thor? came a halt.
Wcsently Drano heard a man step just
' putsido tho door by w hich tbey br:d en
tered. "Jimmy," said a Toice, "somebody's
)epn getting into this car."
t'Thundcr ttd turf," whispered the
tramp, ''we're in for it now. They'll
send, us up. Thero's just one chan.-e tor
.-ua. Yon stand on ono sido of the door
and I'll stand on the other. When they
plimb in well make a break."
- That exactly 'at tnpy Aii anJ
r as Pripe happened to jump out directly
vpon tho head of tho brakeaian on
guard, they escaped.
Intheb-a of a fence, a' few minutes
Jatcr, Drane was joined by his late ac
quaintance, whom ho bad outrun with
ease. Two or threo others struggled up
Jmmediately after.
'They've, cleaned, all tho boys ff the
train," the tramp' explained. "We're
.hung up here foa sure."
Thene was a hasty consultation, and
fromitDisna learned that they were
: Bear an eld barn which was wcH-
V?C , -Ml
fcnnirn to tho "nrofession as a harbor-1
. .,i, 1
ing place. It was decided that the best
thing to do was to put up in tins i-iaco j
for tho night. Drano fell into the line, ;
w ,1.1
u4 fiKi , . ' . i
entered thqtriimp 9 hottdtvith the mot-
ley crew.
rnntiinr those alrcadv in it, who
were aroused by tho entrance of his
party, there were nearly a dozen in til.
Through a great holo high up in the
wall tho moonlight streamed, and in :
(ho circle thus marked out tuo strange
TTmkirLcfow co-
SrZp? " P
ng w sictp. ... ,
"1 take it you'ro new to tho profes-
flon?" said tho man whose acquaint- .
anc 4Jrno M Vaao u ni
yard W bat s your name?"
.,st Hir y other
raln?15 called out one of the men.
"nSfol" SS. asi
dZrea'r Z
JtUlhfe HLta
to bis present situation. Ke thought it j
' '. , . tl'., ff Ma n ' fr rrw I
V", !
and a liar of great natural endowments.
"Oh. ves. we've all been there," said .
LtS se tte '
that I met ypu In Mr. Goulds uee. 1 ,
dropped in w sell h.a a couple 01 raa- ;
It was utterly impolitic for Pmn? to '
ponvinco then, that ho was telling tbo
Tha mom rlnfM'lv ho stuck to
facU the louder they laugbea at ine cxr
tent and yarioty of his genius for false-,
"He'd make a good delegate for tho
convention," said Johnny. "What s the
. .-th os-ndinv him to Pittsburgh
hen the profession assembles?"
"He'd represent all tho liars in it,"
".ponded -.. j
UJ 1 " W O
id more than i2 'em justice.
I can't proaiU to P.-.'Jitd D.
vbat tha first man of you who finds
ma fa Kansas City and loarns the trutn
of what I hare told roa shall Have a nun-
Jred dollar, and a chantogo to work."
V ,1 J
.A .
7 n...lO'
I'll sell my chanco in that hundred
hancoin that hundred
a for tho cbaneo to go
for a rdr''1'1 of rlu
bad put Drano n
convention. - - i
to work, I don't want 1U I'll givo it j
AUojretber, Prano did not Una tma
est in? as ho had thought it miffbt be.
Hewii-livw from tho circle svnm and
cliniKvl hiffh up on tho hay till tbe mit
ers were just over his bead. Then ho
lay down to sleep, and dreams carried
. h
him to other ant tar amo-rent w vm
- j fMM f;uUlJ aW!iy
" ono hloU ,,;ul
"J r iu 0a hi, heart more
nte . knowtho f.u.c of the
llo had i,Pfriended and
11 reloinbotoj him.
K3.i nursuiuir her. Thoro was Uanjor
nrour.d then both. .Suddenly ho over
took her and tried to speak to her. hut
his voice would not come, lie was chok
ing. She seemed to read the a.ny in
hiscves, for her face gw,v riti'ul- Ho
was living at her foot. Tho hot sun tust
a tcrriUo red 'glare upon him. It was
descending from tho heavens to burn
him to a cinder.
With a struggle he threw tho hideous
ic! r.t.m hh-i ful awoke. Tho Kd
' " iU ,n bij cycs tbo cUokm.
fl "u t. li was on fire
in Oj ihnvil Thn barn was on U;
Already the hay below him was blaunj,
cutting off his estranc. The smoke was
like a visible demon clutching him. Ho
groped to tho wall and put his lips to a
little spaeo between tho boards, seeking
for air. but tho hot vapor from within
rushed out. and ho could not breathe.
The thought of death in that strange
placo crowded upon him a fata of
which those who loved hiia would never
hoar his ashes scattered to the winds.
I'rantically he struck the board before
him with his clenched hand. It yield
ed. Hope sprang up in bis heart. Ho
mined blows upon tho rotten wool, till
ho beat it from its fastening.---, a::d then
with a last effort ho forced his body
through the opening and swung himself
to tho ground.
It is a rnistako to judge wholly by ap
pearances, for even Jersey r.rad was not
created i'.i vaiu. To the gfr.ti.-, yield
ing nature of that substancu D'-ane
owed his preservation fro a serious iifc
jury 'when ho came tumbling down tho
side of tho barn. As it was, tho shock
was violent. IIo dragged himsoif with
some didculty to tho lco of a rock
fenco and mado a hasty examination,
which convinced him that no bono
were broln. There wa3 a soreness in
his throat and lung.j which mado every
breath ho drew seem full efthroo-cor-nered
files, but on tho' wholCTMas in
fair condition and ablo to walk, which
was fortunate, as no other mcaus of got
ting away were at band.
Before him was tho blazing barn,
now one massof fiio. IIo reflected with
tV shudder that perhaps some poor
wretch bad perished there, and ho bo
gan to reproach himself for having
rr.adc no effort to rcscuo those who had
been hia companions in misfortune.
Then tho recollection of the way tho
fiamcs had leaped up over tho hay as
sured him that ho need not charge him
self with cowardice. IIo recalled tha
fact that he had.clinbed up on tho ljft
and that tho othow had remained be
low, Where doubtless they had been
awakened while tho Cro cmoldercd, fill
ing tho burn with that smoke which
had nearly been the. death cf him.
A crowd had now couccteu aoouctuo;
barn, and ho decided to go down and
minclo with it. lie uiu so, ana tuo aro.
ivonla he heard were- these: "ocmo
Liameu tramp uuki ibm
Every ono of 'em found in the county
to-day ought to be. put in jail." I
! ,.
Drane did not wait to discuss tho ,
IIo took a hastv and uncer
. i , I. r.m hn f o T, hm - 1 1 It
1 ... . ,
, .., ,. ., 4,.,,u .i,,,,.,! n, ., d
iioauc-i Liiiti"tii l"""1-"
.3 i rulod fences, till at length ho eamo to '
fl faclorv of solnc sort froa v,-bi,;h sover-
r Jitllo-br. ncn rai:road traclu ran to
41 IIILi. ..v,t. . ...
tho mam lino near uy. i-.tigui cars
, . j dod thcre. and Drano,
F.-cight cars ;
w-afbins bis chance, got aboard of ono
i unobserved On tho top of a big box ,
! asleep.
! TJifi trnln u-aq in motion v:hcn he
I awoke, it ran on for nearly an hoi:r. bo
tllOUgllt, ViUJUUl S.kJi.Ul. 1 111 Jl -MlliU
.. ,. .... .... t 'i-i
alotofbumiung and switching about,
followed by a prolonged pause, .-n-
in", bo heard a strange sound lil:o the
- IIo crept to the side1
P fl f , a through i
.hich ho peered.' To Mg a,)loni;,iimt.nt
ound he WM on a broad
SMIwbo been in Dallas ,he ,Bt
it vvas xcw York. Apparemly tho mt-j several months, left I hanksginng
tropolis was a hard placo to get away d!iy for Drain, to take charge of a
Tho float which bore the freight cars home talent company.
wa, pushed .gainst a pier. Drane stood emipamed by S m. hurb,S.
up and stretched his cramped limbs. j ( take Ju,g,,8 Burnett
"This isn t exactly a vestib:ii d palace-1
car," bethought, "but I Lave at least jan.I Hewitt long to put a court m
com through w New York without j
V'slUl.f,T'Ll "Xl'
K '- , ""o
l;-. PZ !!:.. d
out tnrough the bob- in l,.c u-o of the
car and wondered WuCtbt-r, out of re-
-' 1'--- - v . . . - -- - - - j r
into the dock. Then he noted the color
of the water and deci b-d that ho ought
not. However, he resolved to give an
imitation of a good citizen mating his
tnilot. so ho r ickeJ nn a niece of broken
glass from tho floor cf the car, and prop-
pmg it ag.nn auauj 01 uia.:n paiuion
a box heeombed hi hair with IU hands,
for bw-ai.a. But the rolls and co!Io I
didn't come. 1
i:y tbo exprciso of discretion he cs- j
eajied from Ujo ear anl from the pier,
and svood again in the streets of New
I wou n, m
jVor'y Tbea caac no-e wandenn?,
luero hunger, mow perplexity. At
noon ho found himself in a park which
looked familiar. He dropped n a
beneh and tried to deeldo whether it
was ih ono where lie had t with lier.
Then ho asked himself frankly whether
ho would rather eo her at that minute
or a sirloin steak with Mod potatoes
and a cup of coffee. , ,
News Item and IMUorlul Kx-
at tbo homo of thc
. , Mrs. t'vntha Tltr-
lilt !!iV.,, i,T .,.;ri
Tumuli: oihciaUn;;. bed I mint
The A. O. V. W. ollicials elect
are: l. L. Francis, A. ' aiaru ,
II. L Kenton, J. K. uitli, II. 1
Cospcr, W. T. Shaw, 0. U . M'k
and A. V. . Snyder.
John Jo.'irs. sccoiv.l o'.dcst son of
V. A. Jones, dlud last Friday ami
was buried on the follow inn d;ty.
Funeral services were held at the
M. K. church. Kov. Doll.u bide of
Ibiatcd. Mr. J.mes hs the sym
pathy of the entire citniniuiaty.
Falls City oorrcfpoiulctico
At the end of this month Uev.
Eli Fisher will 1'.' hil""-
with the Christian church here and
go to work, at Med ford and tirants
Cass. There is no dissati.-ftcthm
.... )l,on.,,t of lither hiinscli' or his
iMtnrreiTation, but
lS1f health cf hi;
wife dcniur.ds a ch-ii
., . 1 .... i
i i... t n-..i,.'a ,,..M,..,ee. which I
... . .., vii.i IK- l,".t r.iveil liv lire !at
week. The "work is to cost about
4s l,5ti0, and thj judtje "ill then
have one of the most elegant homes
in tho county. Tho iusoraiicf
company allowed him l.OtM) on
the house and :?7u0 on tho furni
ture. (Observer.)
Hurrah for the Delias hook
la Jtkr company.
Mrs. A. Downing died at her
home i; ear IVrrydahj Nov. 27, ol
Sclnol Superintendent Huh bin-
ij clou-lv rrcovi'riin' frt)lU LU
late attack of typhoid fever.
, , . .. .
Tho Dallas Social cum, at, us evening, j
entertained Jtuke Ceo. H- Burnt tt
n,-,,l n-if:, n.ul Jude K. S. Strahn
in a gocial gum 3 of whist.
Chas. Farley for the past few
weeks has been threated with tha
loss of the sight of one of his eyes.
We hope he will not be so badly af
flicted and that he will Boon regain
hia si'ht.
The grand jury sent in a true bill I ;
. : n, , ,.-:n:-... ir.. I
aeainsi iieii ana i luiam iiu ueu, ,
charging them with carrying dan- 7
gerous we.tpons. They were ar- Our corrsponden. e class, consis -
raigned before Judge Hewitt, and VW ofthe f blowing: Ldna and Add-
pleading guilty were fined WUeach.; 1 Simonton, Aure ha and (.race
m r r v- 1 ' 1 1 r, a Bureh.Iva Kuykc.dail, JehsieSton
Mr. E. C. kirkpalnck and MicSi T . ,, , .
1 . , er and Iaac doodtll are doing
io.ry Hagoou were united in mar-i . ,
. 7 1 , - K, ! some very good work,
nage ednesday, December o, i .)4.
n.. r..,.n ,:,i .1, . oi i O.ily one more week s work and
"h igh twelve," and at 1 o'clock the
LUtJ l- t; x V v. tvyv rv
f..r Tv.rth.r,,!
happy couple
where they will remain a few days!
before returning to Dallas, tbe.r
,tuture home. II
he contracting pur
nuionz our best known
young people, arm toe uioum'i
-lns in vf tin., thorn well.
iicre it" i.jC uiai
4 T TT
Herri is the grand jury:
J. A. !
gram, J.
P. Ila-'
Smith, '
. "
worth, N. Garwood,
V. V.
L-, ,. !...,...,. ,! if,., i",rli-
The old piano in ih
ha'.', souiola
, rf j ,jk S3
between a
pair ot tin cai.s ana an nntuntu
horse-fiddle. It should he tuned.
.... t . i
-.!:r: I i u in i r a ia iu niiuuio
ft T.I . 1 1 Cf '
assistant in oli.ce, J. S. Ahbbaugo,
co.iveniently arranged
c j o
in the new ofiice. It looks like
Arthur Moore, the clever actor
runnig o'fler. They arrived from
i Salt-in Mondav ai 'J a. m. and at
;?alein Monday at 'J a. lo.
0:15 things were grindhm lively at
the seat of j oft ice. Such a jmJi
'ary is 3 c redit to any district or
any etate.
j That Senator Dolph is a man of
! broad ideas; that he has eerved the
people very well, no one will ques
tion. But there are other men
equally capable, whose views are
wholly 111 accordance with the in-
tertsts of the entire northwest, and
would therefore work with better
ff0ia u.ereiore wora wnu u.i.c.
reful t for the peope than a man
ffj.0 ja j,jg utterances in th? past
, ,
prove htm to be an open enemy of
jour greateft industries.
J io
of tli I'uliltcKehool". '
Tiuiku hv'ruoK. T. a.,
IniUawintoiiee, Oreiion.
,-l l to tho editor of IUI n-
Our Object Stated.
At the Inst meeting of lU lVlk
County Teachers tissooialion il was
decided to niako terms with ono of
the county papers, such paper to
be the ollicial organ of the teachers
of tho county. The given by
the pajur was to be tlevotid to
school news, such (is monthly re
ports, articles that mipht bo con
tributed by tho teachers oi wie
!cminty and other school notes.
Messrs. 1. Long, 1. A, llonnanJ
T. A. Hayes, after considering
propositions of several papers, de
cided to accept the terms olleredby
the Kntkkpuisk. The paper if to
con'ain school notes each week and
to be sent to each school in the
county during the school term.
Tin- object is to bring the schools
of theHfounty into a closer rela
tionship, to create a spirit of rivalry
and to awaken n general interest in
scl.i-ol work. The truth is, patrons,
as a rule, do not t:ilco interest
enough in our-school. The schools
rf tho county are cf prime import
ance, tnu llicy Will lievei uu."'-
are in any way connected with
them take more interest in the
work. It is our duty as teachers to
try lo awaken this interest.
Kach teacher should see to it
that tho reports (it least are read in
s -hoi.l nt.d the result compared
with their own report, (let the
children intcivstid and then th' ir
parents wijl laconic intere-ted
Thera is no reason why, with the
court. ii 8 extemU.i by the En'TEU
rnisK, we thould not, mule a fcivat
advance in school work in th'jnext
six months.
Teacher.-, do your duty. H-.lp
i us out in this matter.
I Rick-.vall aUwlf na-lo some
Miilvnnn! in nor lino of work. A
" , ,
correspondence class ,s organised,
The county papers are ko, , . file
at the scha; l for the cniMren to
r nJ, and school noted are contrib
uted to the various papers. Other
schools should ad-pt tfliis plan.
Kf'.OM Itl KltrAl.L.
'i'h" foliowtug persons attended
ler.try exercise oi our senooi
,y i.l'tt rnooii: Misses Mollie
a"-- .-'.IB ouu-.i i.-n, . .-.o
then we v. .U have a rest before
Starting in on the new year, i'hen
start, on tne new year let
Us as veacners unu pupim iimoive v
make the reiimi rider of the school
year better in every respect than
the first part. As pupils let us re
solve to be more diligent and regu
lar in attendance and always on
time. We should not gei in the
habit of always being behind time
while we ary young, because habits
tht are formed in youth are very
lively to remain with lis through
lifo. D. A. IIoa, Teacher.
ko'Jhai.e at this okkick. '"'JsI.-
LO0K HERE-?;.'
1,'end tliiH a!:il ftnile
We have alu;:t
60 Ladies' and
Yi'iiieli we inliHt fell at once r-
lecK cf eot. See tin priee"
come riiiining, for they will long :
McnV long l;ulil-r Hoot' (Wixjiix-Uet)
Men's t-lmrt Kullx!r I!xi!h
Children' A 1 fr-chool iShocs..
Clothing and Dress Goods any
way to suit you, for cash.
A short time only
ABnc line of samples t
v., lw. t,,",
HlW't fl.
SakUFaeHen Guaranteed
Independence, Or.
is manufactured by the
V. II. McCAliK A CO, Vl"
rrico""lo"uit tbo times.
Ollico and factory
. . . t . ill vnr in'tt l"ITf
..f .'il l ' IfH "I"'" - "llttltt Olil'lf it
liir''ll lw " truiiim'. i-vmi...
I. ul aniimnl.... Unit no "Oi. r a. al. r III ll..
Sliilf will U .h.-ill'i'i' H"" '1o'
Wo are ch'sinn out our line of
Gents' Furnishing Goads
At id mil" (Wf.
H. S.' Portwood,
Monmouth, Oreg.ti.
; Mies Sophia Goff. J
1 1 its lately returned from San
r'nilicisro and prepared In
give her patrons the bviutU
of a new sylein ( f
Dress Cutling int rittlnjr.
Cur. Uallnui'l ntnl lSts,
1 n i. Ki' i:n df.n 1 1 k, t 1: i : : ' x -
:-: STAGE y.
J. 11. TlIOMl'ON l'ro;..
Leaves Independence every morn
ing (except Sunday) at S:."!) a. 111.
Leaves .S.tletn ul - p. m.
Leave orders t.t Little 1'al.iee Unti l or
lit I'oHttlfllCf.
Freight and pawengers eurried on rea
sonable tei in.
Estss & Elkins,
City Draymen
.mi kinds of Hauling
in or out of thG city
Promptly aUciik'l to.
Ch nryeff reasonable.
ki:uj:v it uov, prop.
HurreiworH lo A. V. lmeklealer.
Good turnouts for (lommerc'al rr.rn
Horses bonnled by tl week or month.
ixi)i:rKNin;r.'CF, on.
light lifter joji!
whi'.a tie weep.
Children's Jackets
ii 1 I
. 1.M
Turn-! l:&4-miT
If tho tnoiTlmnt
f art'tmnts mitl
his good to pay
niul inU-roHt on
l'or the t tiHtoiiior if nu'tt haiit vtu)u t
his huHiuoss on 11 rdrictly rash lmsiH. Ho Iiiih
no itot'il for 11 fori'o of htMikkft'Dviu iiiul tiH
i-olloftois; ho ligurra n no hm from .had
ihdds, nml ho lian no inti'ifht to pay on out
stiiinliiig nionoy. HocatiHo wo t'oinluct our
luisinrss without givitig t-n-tlit wo aro able to
givo yon tho hnvt-st juicoH for gotalii that you.
tun obtain unvuhtif. Coinoaml tout our ollVru.
The Monmoiitli
( stands fir (Jiiesti.m, tinality nd Qtiiintity. The
0& (iint qursliuli. is here can you buy tho lcl
Stoves, llurdware, t'ttthry, Cnx kery, KU; lU weoml
iii-stiii is, w here can you buy the incut fur tho least
A stands fur Answer. The uner to tho flritt ipics.
lion is, at Fr.'izer ,t Sun's. The nnwer ta tho
second tpiention is, nt Fia.i-r A Son's.
1 st'imls f r proof. Th" proof of the pinMing U tn
the e.itini;. The proof cf th" bI'V0 nssi'l'lioij in
in the fa.-t uur trad. tht year fimhteraby ex
ceeds last year's.
SALHM, I'OltTLANI) wavus5IM;
T:, Altonaj
1 Leave Portland Tui-fultiyn. Thttrsdayit and Satuniaytt, C:00n. in. J
t Leave Iirh penth nco Mmiduys, Wcdnrdday and KriduVH i:S0 "
I Leave S:t em
Fast Time.
il it rr-y n rrV( JJI 1 1
wi jk h
0 (
is tin; projier
The utoro in open every Sunday.
New Goods!
Clothing, Boots and
L. JvIilLSO,
Ha F J '
Alexander-Cooper Drug Co
Always aim to pleurc and keep on lmnd f
V.' rnihhrf,
yiinprB, ks
Prescriptions :-: Carefully -:- Compounde
Duy or Night. ,
jrrit7- "'rA
kVilfr 07y& ts,m
T: A '; -' i
taktH care tf a hugti yUiU
'"rgoH r HtillU'iont rw Tur
tiny 1hh from. bul cro.lilors
outtuii.liiir, ai-cyunl. Hut
Mercantile Co.
Cheap Rates, f
The dear llctlo eliap that iiuith.r Him; J
Tlir great lilgluii that Utr likes;
I b Irrllatliig cb Unit uotMXiy U.t j
All agree w lib tho lnlill(?al cli
w lio wiy that
pl.ieo to get your
TJewelry utoro in connection. t
New Prices!
Shoes, Etc., at JJJS
.... H
CiRurj, ,
T hfrmomto',t
Pen, i
J&i'2k-r Lie, i- t
During at least Heven mated perlodi'1
Iifc a record nbould be preserved 01
peraon'a likened, aa followa:
Infanthnntl, Hh Iioo-I, Childhood, M
hood, Manh.Mjd, Middle age, Old
and I. II. C'HAYi;N the Td'otoKrapb
w ill supply you with tlieao IlkeneMd
tbe very lowest rate. Girt hit"