s. HtmiNKNH (!AltlM. nun IJCI4 HAIIIHTT. n'v.u'l.i. ami 8ur,ioon. h)"M,' ; u,i"n dm.'.' V' '"T OfMeeMor ln.lr,Hm.hn.e Nat Uml bank. T J l-re. M. I. W, babbitt, M. D. C. M., Fellow Trinity medical college. K. L. K HTCIIUM, M. l - 1 'J Munmuutli itnuK lnilcMnd.'iieo, Ore full. IS. M. ICAVI.-I. I'M; T.riltr of Michigan graduate. Del , l parlor ovar lndeH'inlenco Nationn. bank. IndeixMiiIeuee, Oregon. II. C. KIM.KV. - DUNTIST, Monmouth. All work wm t i-u 11 ted. UKU. A. KMITIi.-An)HNi:V. at Uw. Office over iii.lfM'inl)iin National Hunk, Independence, Or . .1. II. I'HAKU.- DKNTJST. Wlrriiui building, Culleye alreot, Monmouth, Or. W. A. VANSOUTWICIC.-1N' di..lfw l..rlr. Tworhsir. In. It, hatha . ''l'1"r, bone.l on ll.ort mule. N.t d..r to Ural . I .. I. I ...lniu.lllll.tll... nut mum nana, 1- ... Two ball tuna HASH and lOOKHlWe carry a fall Block ul ". 1"., Moulding-. die., Kw. f,a"Tumunt special!. at Mitchell A IWihrniiiuH'.. Main id Hi lok Work or all kind ? don on Bliorl nolle una war ; ranted aaltwfiictory. Addreat ; Monmouth, Or. K. T. IIKNKMi-THK TONSO ItlAL AUTIrtT, Mux miwrl.ir In Hhavingand Hair-cutting. Uive hlni v.iur work. jrjrsl.avliig m, Hlr- t ultliur li'.e. halln mil &c. Slain street, J nilejieudeucr, IMpe Tobacco If von smoke come J ami Inspect ur line 2 of pipe ami tobacco, . They are ipille choice iukI very rraumable. P. C. PATTERSON We are i.fJVriuil frrh t candle and nut at it In a price a. we piwwlbl.v t an. Sample our dlllerent kind. CttlKlU'H Nut w i 8tookholdert' MeetloR. f Noli hm-i'y iiin ii'" aniMiiii Huh.Hiik or ll ! Iioldir tit I In- I'ulk Oiuniy I-aixt I'niufutiy will Ihi Ih'IiIuI Hit- ' iiitrK-iuliMiii Nuihuuil Hnk lliilllhiK, In- dri'inli'ii.i. On umi, on Mnnilny, lhflllliliiy r 1nwiiiIt, IMI, l l'H '"liH-k A. M., for llitf ynrHMviif I'liH-llniitinin-ni fur wild niinpniiy, ami aliomllii lomii li olln-r bimlni'M aaitiay eam before Mtld iihsjI I hi!. " It, V. riKAitii, K.i r'lnry. IX r. llll r , 114 s BickUi'i Arnlct EtU. Tli Hwt HaIvo In the world for Cut. BruliM, Hon, t'livr. Halt Uhfiim, '-vT Hon, Trtter, ( IiiiipiI J I ami. C'lilUilnlim, Com, ami nil Hkln Krupi Ion, ami positively rurv l'llc, or no My inquire! I. It I f;uuiaiilHtl to tflve prfe;t aatltfai-lloli. or money ivfumled. 11 les 2.' ern la jier bottle, tor t?W Hy Hmltlt llolu Ssalnd Bidi. )Notico i hereby Kivt'n that the UiiilerHigiiw! will receivo fic.UJ bids for IOOconIh of rod fir Fjilit Wood lour fit long. Tim wood to b d"liviro(l at th Iiide'ndctioo p'iublic school building. Said bid.i to bf received not lain- thn 7:"U j. , tt. Dt-cfinbiT 21, IH'J 1. Tin' Bchool board rfPerves the rigbt to nject ny or nil bidn. The wood munt bo duliniTfd on or ln-fore Si-jitem-bt-r J, 18'J-l. J. 1). IltVINR, Clerk School Difilrirt, No. 21). Pitted NovJJS, m. Cuirauteed Cure. Ve authorize our hiIvitIIhimI (1i'ii;kIhI n Mi ll Kliiir'H New Illm'iiverv for (JoiiHumpllon, CouIim nml CuIiIm, upon 11.1. ir Uin ioiiuiiiuiii a j im ..it ..i... fJouKlm, Cold or any Iaiuh, Tlnimt or Ulit'Hl lioiime, nnu win line uu n-iin-u.v as illrei h-il, (jIvIiik It a lair (rial, Mini eH'rlem-o no lieiielll, you may ret 111 n the liotllo ami have your money re fumVi'il. NVe eoiihl not make thin oiler jlli bi.im. Ilk.it li l.'linr'M NVvl- 111.1 '' .'' . 'I . ....irt WseoviTy oould Ik- relleil upon. It never lu...w. (.... rr.'l.l I. ltli.it fi-i-ii ill nov Irtin Store. Jnrgu nize 50n. nml fl.tHI, S ' Kotioe. yotice. All iicion knowing thinnclve8 indebttd to uh will Elee call at once and petlle either y ensh or note. Call at Fiit Na tional Dank. WiM-ox, Bamjwis A Co I Awarded tilhcet Honors World Pair. CREAM a most perfect made Kl V I ' I4" Crape Of jm of Tartar Powder. Fra l4-nn A mmonia. Alum or any other adulterant, 40 VEARS THE STANDARD, Douty & Locke will have something ,nGv on this Items of Local News. O. A. Kramer. Jeweler. Hell your nnta at tlw Htar grocery. Men lie hi the lt"t b t rutturmiii'M nIumi atoru. Attorney H. T. JellVeya, of Cnrvallm, wa In tl.l city Monday, Mr. O. I. Butler lia ben ipllo III, but U luiiri)VlliK aomuwhat. Clnilfelter Jlroa. will hnvo a neat ofllce fUU'il up hi their u.rw. Free all ver U alrlht but not an khmI a Hint &U hiuiiiU ofdolil Iut wild at the Hlar icrtMrrj, J. II. Neainllli, of Itlekrenll, waa III th elly Wedneaihiy nml ulMlhitl for the J'.NTMiriUHK. tiiiltaniiinherofour clllzen have Ihhmi allenilliiu circuit court In wloii at Ditllaatlila week. MIhn Myrtle Miller, of Mix Cora Kinder' millinery entahllhiueiit, vlnlled I'urthimt hint Krlday. Several wllneHW were auhpoenaed from hero to npx-ar bi foi w J nut h e Hmltir court, at Dutla, Momhiy. The SlreKonlan'mo that "the Port land team uiiml liavu l.iM II ehryiimi tliemuni liMik III the lap of Delilah." Winn you wWi to et a boy' adoo never buy until you wo lh line of IhiMU kihU I'ultenon ha at the hoe Rtore, John MiI'iiIIih Ii Im (ho hvavlel tax. payer In Jaekaou precinct, paying on fH,W. 1'. M. Hen 'Kg In come m-couiI, pnyluK on ',U70. I Inn. I. M. HlnipiMiii I the hi-avlcid taxpayer In uiklmute precinct, pay lug on fll.7-'0. John Iturni come ai-colid, paying 011 llll.ttfu. Mr. Akiic Kinder aeomnpanleil Mr. Vumlegria ami her two little children a far u I'orlhttid l:it Krl day. ami returned Hutunlay. The atri-etH of liithH-iiiIunco aw m uted cjtittti a lively upearamx) laat Haturday. The Hue afternoon at tracted a good many fanner from the country. J. K. Hal", aenlnr niemlHr of the Miinmouth Mercantile Company, was doing the inetropi!ln oil bundle con nected with bin llriu during tdo early part of Hie week. John ColiiploU, a former l-enidi-nt of thl county hut who ha bi-cii living lu IJ1111 county for wveral yearn, ban rented Hon. I. W. llaley'a farm, three uilUw noiitd of thl city. A. K. Kellogg and wife (nee Minn May (Irifii), or Medford, are vlnltlng at J. H. llohaiiuoii thin week. Mr. KrlloKK wan tt renldi-nt of lliitt city dur ing her girlhood and I renew lug many old nciiualutunce. Prof. Uuuii. of Moiiuiouth, aivonr paiilcd by hi family, left for (Stanford Cnlvemlty lant Monday. The pro-fKHiirexM-ctM to lake a llnlnbed cnurae In higher inathvinallcn, which tudy In hi Hieclally an a teacher. T. W. Kate returned lionie from the Walla Walla country lat Thumday In rather poor health. He any that time are about the name there aa heitt, Monry I nearee anil work gm- a U'gglng at I hi aeanon of the year, Mr. Kanny Vandegria departed for her old home, Aiunrn, I milium, dint Friday. Mr. Vanibiirifl ban been connected with the millinery ilnn of Under A Vaiidegnft lu till city. Sde expect to reuiali) pennaueiitly lu Indiana. II. M. Line ban tilted up a neat and Mihntitntlal otlh-o mljoining tin City lUtitaurant on Main atrcet. He moved lu din furniture and otllco be longing lant Saturday, ami bin natron will always (I ml him ready to look after their Intercut. John Kuril', of Mm Lucklamute, nml Henry MeKluiurry, of I. Inn county, gave this olllee a pleanant call Thum day afternoon. Mr. Me Khun ny in an old-timer of Toll; county, but for neveral years ha been making bin home in Linn couuly Oco. O. Strong I preparing to open out a flint-clans bakery lu this city in I ho near future. He w ill promptly 1111 and deliver all order. Mr. Htrong ha dono work In thl line for yearn In IndeiM'iideiice, and our jieople know him to lie A No. 1 baker. All those who desire a knowledge of stenography and typewriting would do well to see 'or communicate with Miss Cora Coodwin, Independence, Or. Now la your opportunity' to ac quire this very useful study In a abort time and at reasonahlo rales. Private lessons given if desired. Certainly Senator Dolph cannot object to having opposition for re-election lu fact he cannot complain if be is not re-elected. The first time he was elected it was against the wish of iiluc-tcnih of the peo lo ot Oregon. Mr. Dolph cannot com plain nt taking n dose of hi own medicine. Dallas Transcript. Mrs. D. V. Poling joined l.er huu- haml at Albany hist Friday. She was accompanied by her mother, Mr. W. W. Williams. Wo are pleased to learn that Itev. Mr. Poling is meeting with enthusiastic support from his cougro gatiou. He la wortdy tde esteem and confidence of hia people for be 1 an Intelligent, genoroua and oousisteut cliiisliau gentleman. f pooS jo a. .Cs i(MAan ot a.wq nsr jCnn pu VpooS iCvpiiou, ;oauiXu a posj.ipun ii.Tq joh j -Mil wjiaj -IO '"HI P"B IHM nuS Puu 'no P"',s rvoii jno.C no puni 01 i'ni noXii .oi.imo ppno.w no.Cau e.w nw iCnnaJiw aH no Ji aiqi 'nui t)j'. o) siuoo no jaSb.u n,a.w aojj Huy your feed at the Hlar. Mr. W. II. Craven ha bn qulfo III, but U Improving. Flue decorated oblnaware for Chrlnt ma at J. 1. Irvine'. Mm. K. T. Henklo I about recovered from her recent lllue. Mark llureh.tbe Kbikn-all inerchant, waa In thl city Tuewlay. Wo underalauil that the warlot fever I beginning to ulilde In thl city. Jair Kennedy ha the new ware hnunit at Hie boat lamlli.jj well under way. J'allernon will a lailbw' abiai for Mo that Im Junt the thing for ladle winter wear. AIIH.g.H,landall tl.u price ul ........ s ttiiaraiiteeil If you buy at the Htar groiH-ry You can nave from a'10 to II r 1 u 1 mm ' - - - - - pair by buying your boota and lioe ..t l..l lt'U.hll 1,1 ........'... H per wnt money to loan on farm aeeurlly. Loan make ipilck. W. (i. Wrlgdt, Dalian, Oiegoll. Itev, I.. n. rinoi-r, u .wuin.. ...... wllll.reaedln the Calvary church ,.xt ' ..... Hev. L. H. Kinder, or Monmouth Kiiuilav at 3 11. in. All nre Invited. Minn Maggie Macau lay, ( Portland, came up on Tucnday' train, ami I vlnltlng at der uiother' In thl city. Mr. Hank Lewi, of Corvallln, in vlnltlng at her mother', Mm. M. A. Dice, a couple of mid' north of here. Don't forget to K'"t I" d get a chance at Hint line lamp at J. 1. Ir vine'. Kvery Mle canh pure haw get a ticket. Mr, (leo. W. Claggett I vlnltlng at her mother', Mm. Phillip, in Spring Valley, and will remain until after the holiday. D. 11. Clnilfelter, who ha la-en con tlued to hi bed with typhoid fever for the hint eight week, I U-gnliiing to nlowly recover. Win. Well, the iJuena Vinta hop buyer, I making din temporaiy dead ijuarti-mlu Inilepeuileiice during tde Imp K-Illng acBMon. Mm. Claire Irvine, of tdl city, re turned dome Tuenday from Corvalli wlieie ado dad been vlnlting with Mln Nora Spangler. The ladle of I lie M. K. church will givo a dime ma iul Friday evening of thin week at the home ot Mm- J. Steven. All are invited. Ticket No. 13 nerif "A," No. 2 nerlc "it," No. 2.1. aerie "C." wins the llmt three book at Clnilfelter Itro ' ltrlng in your ticket and get them. Prenidelit Chapman, of the State Univernlty, at Eugene, wa lu thl city Wediieilay oil hi way to McMinu. vlllo wiiero be I to deliver a lecture. Well, Hie election 1 over, and the ticket autu un all right, and we have dropin d the price of groeerica for canh way down, nt J. P. Irvine' Canh Oro ee ry. It no hapieim that the IndejiciHienee poatoltlee has no uncalled for leltera to advertine thl month. This is the Hrat time for year, perhaps, niuce a similar Incident occurred. On Tuesday night one of the arma ture nt the ICIcctrio plant was badly burn tl, caused by the communicator having worn out. A new communi cator will be put In at once, lte.rul.ir services ut the M. K. church next Huudav. Sunday school at 10 a. 111. and T :!0 u. 111. Subject of even. Ing ncrinon, 'Christianity vs. Heli irloii." Come and act as a Juror or a J witness. All are wirdlally invited. An old harness Is liable to break at any time, ami then your team get frightened and vehicle's are ruined. Economy suggest that It pays to have a good harness. F. K. Slialcr sells the best for the least money. See him. Dr. J. P. Powell, of (iresdiam, and his daughter, Mm. W. K. Wishard, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Miller, of Monmouth, returned home on the Wednesday forenoon 1. I r,. In M rv Miller is Dr. Powell's daughter. A late Illinois paper tells a corn husking story that sounds somewhat apocryphal to we iieople of the Pacific Const. It ays that four stalwart fellows of Decatur husked 475 bushel of com in one day, the lowest being 100 and the highest 127 bushels. J. M Stark, of the Little Palace Ho tel, is fitting up a couple of fine sam ple rooms in the south w ing of bis hotel building. Mr. Stark Is also newly furnishing a number of bedrooms iu the latent stylo and w ith all the coii- veniecnes needed by the traveling pub lic. The newspaper business promises to be interesting at llarrisburg. The Linn County Review is already estab lished then1, und John Cartwrighl, f.irmerly manager of the Populist, is also arranging to publish a paper there, llarrisburg has a population of about 710. J. 1$. Slump and wife, of Salem, were In this cilv Wednesday. Mr. Stump Is an old pioneer, nud, we believe, be was p.ineipal of the first academic school taught lu AloiiuioutU. He was for years one of Polk county's proml uent citizens, but is now a permanent resident of the capital city. Willis Jordan, w ho baa becu aerv iug a short wntencc In the couuty jail, was tried before Justice Smith, of Dal las, on last Monday for trespassing uihiu the premises of Judge Hayffl and sentenced to nay a firm 'serve 7 days In the county jail. Not having 1 the necessary "free silver" Jordan was again committed lojaib tolii in huh: - hi:aih. Palis rir Alarm... L. C. (Jlluiore re ipicHl ua to slate that at li o'clmik p. in Haturday the Independence Water Work will blow a false lire alarm. Card ot Thanks. To Hie many kind friend wdo have given their sym pathy and nnnlntauce In our tad l rcavemoiit, wc extend our heartfelt (bniika -aim, for many beautiful flow er. Our friend will always lie rc inemliercd and their many kind ofllce never forgotten. Mil. and Mum, L. T. Pbici:. New Adi. Wo take pleasure In call ing public attention to the new aU of Menr. t ravail A ( 0 , of (hi city, mi l II. C. Kpley and J. II. Frawr, rtsid -ut Jde,,ilt of Monmouth. Nearly all of I lu.ii Iinliiri.it 1,1 mIvIh nr ikIm liiivo la-i ll fliailL'i'd III stvlo and wording thl westk and many lie announcement made. Our read r Will I1IHI lb 10 llieir lilivi. 'nv vo -jou win B,veriHng column a careful rending. ... . .... . will find It to their 1 11 teres t to give our A Wow Wirtkonse. Tim awner of (he steamer Kugene are preparing to build a new warehouse at this place, near the old Imat lauding below the Prescott & Vene sawmill. This ....,M..yMHSiU to engngu actively In I.i...... i,.n .1 a,,, 1 u.1 II iniikH a Htmmr river trafllo and will make a strong pull to secure a fair share of the Indi- la nuenee trade. I he I'.ugeue Is a staunch and reliable steamlsiat and Is well ndapted to the navigation of the Willamette river. A Revital Meeting. tiuiio an Inter cstlng revival mwting closed at the Itaptlst church last Sunday. There were eleven can versioiis, and six baptised by Immersion. The baptismal cere, tunny took place last Sunday evening. Itev. Mr. Jenkins Is doing a good work In awakening the religion sentiment of 'he people. He la quite a persuasive hs-aker and his presenta tion of moral and religious iruimt please as well as convince hi hearers. On next Sunday there will be a mem bership reception meeting. Firemen's Ball. The ball given by the Independence tire company on Thanksgiving evening was one of the hum! brilliant ami Micivssful social events of the season. There were some fifty. sld couples in nlteiidanee.auil gai ly I hev tripK'd the "light fantastic toe" liutil the gray sneaks of dawn warned the gallant 'young geutlemin that it wus lime to "go home with I lie girls in the morning " Pros. N. S. Hutler's orchestra, of Monmouth, furnished-the music. SupKT waa served at the Lit tle Palace Hold. The net receipts were about Sunny Elope ScUool. The people of acliiK.il Hii-lrict No. the new district west of Monmouth, have recently com pleted a neat school house, and the lis ricl's first tnn of school began lust Monday with ten pupil iu attendance. ml. I. ''.-,. T.nvi... UlHiwhcr. The school will be furnished with the lst style of patent scats, soon as Hie order airenuy wnt in can be filled. The pupils are using bench seats temporarily. The schiml house Is a necessity in every neighborhood for it is there that every boy and girl lay the foundations of a useful education. The money exeud .1 in l.nil.lifiir ..Ihool boii'cs is the saf est and best investment that any com munity can mane. 11 is oreau caat upon t lie waters. EiBariance Social. 'I he memliers of t lie Christian Endeavor held quite an interesting social at the Christian church in this city on Thanksgiving eve. A short but interesting program was rendered which consisted of reci tatinns and inline. Each member was pledged to ear twenty-five cents by manual lalmr for their contribution, and the "experiences'' were the comi cal feature of the entertainment. One young lady earned her contribution by sacking potatoes hy lamplight while her partner, a young geutletnau, did the digging; another young lady polished a young gentleman's boota and earned her contribution; oae lady sheaied a sheep skin and earued her mile; and another pared apples at the cannery and sold a g illou of vinej; ir to earn her mite; two ether young ladle polished a young gentleman's heating stove for their contribution, but while tloiuK so the stovepijie fell and broke a lamp chimney, which cost 1 hem 10 cents to replace, besides the lloor was covered with sut from Hie pipe. Every one appeared to en Joy the occasion and a very pleasant evening was whiled away. The gross receipts weie fl.i.lid.of which amount Jti.'.KI was admission fee. The City Election The municipal election held In this city on last Monday was quite a spirit ed contest, and the result cannot be claimed as a political victory for either parly. It is clearly evident thai the political fences were knwkcd down aud men scattered their votes in all directions. It i- ouly justice to say that A. S. Lorki , 1 he democratic can didate for city tl. . surer, did not have a fair chance in the race. He was placed in the field as a substitute can didate, much against his own judg ment, oulv a few days before the elec tion, lle'had no time to make a can vass before the people, w hich w as nec essary as his opponent is a strong man and the citv is known to be republican ........ 1. ut ,'ti.r mirlv vole. I imcr lllc circumstances he polled a highly cred itable vote. We herewith publish an unoftleiaj table showing the result of! ho election: Mayor. A. M. Hurl. y ;.. A. Smilli llei-ordiT. W.l, Wlikiyi J. T. Kurd..." Treasurer. lid - .n istrsi u $! n wj Mi T'l SI iN 1.1.1 i!l 44 SI 117; I. W. tilclianlMin, A. S. lx-ke Marshal, 3. V.. Hubbard ... A. J. Tapper Jr.' IT tl'lH1 1 511 41 l 11, 7 l"ij Hi al IT 111! IjlAO S CoutirUmrn, f 1 i U 1. Wlnu fI C Vine.. UPuVlicai- line each week. Hood's pills are hand made, and perfect in proportion and ajitiear ante. 2 There la inure Catarrh In thl wiilon of Hie country than all other disease put together, and until the lant few year wa supposed to be Incurable For a great many year doctor pro uouiicedit s local (Unease, and prescrib ed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Hch-nce ha proven catarrh lo m a constitutional disease and therefore require eohntltu tlouiil treatment, Hall's! atarrh Cure, manufactured bv K. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, la the only coustitutlnmil cure on the mat ket. Itmuiaeii inter nally lu doses from 10 drop to a tea spminful. It acts directly 011 the Mood and mucous surfaces of the system. They ofl'er one hundred dollar for any case It fall to cure. Send for circu lar and testimonials. Addres F. J. CH EN h V A CO, Toledo, O InTrUild by Druggist, 7-1c. 7 The most remarkable cures of scrofula on record have been ac complished by Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine i unequalled for dis ease of the blood. Take only Hoods 2 1 1 It. V. KIlAMKIt.-Iu Marlon county, near ludceinlence, lo Hie w fe of L. P. Kramer, a nine-pou., d gill, Decem ber", 1WU. CAI'.TEK Iu Marlon county, omxi site Iudi'KMideuci, to the wife of J. A.Carter, a daughter, December lhl4. MA It It 1 El . HASTINOSkOSIl At Monmouth, at the home of the bride, Nov. 21, I'.M, by itev. L. H. Fisher, of the Evangelical church, It. H. Hastings, of Aiiiie, and Mis E. J. Hose, of .Monmouth. Mm- ium.i-1 noil tnv nlwnv nccom- " j 1 - j 1 ,1 party them on the voyage ot life. LOFTEN SLOPEH. At Hndaville, Or., Decemlier :, 1H'J4, N. Lofteu and Miss Lillie Hlos;r. The fair bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mm. tV. H. Sloper wiio formerly resided in this city. Mm. Lofieu has many friends in this vicinity who wish her well in the new relations of lii',- which site has assumed. DIED. DAVIS On the PeeDee, Friday, Decemlier 39, 1:U, David Davis.aged 7; years. Mr. Davis was an old settler of this county, and has several children living in different parts of thestate. He was the husband by a second marriage to M.s. Mary Kurre, mother of Pe ter and John Kurrle, tw: prominent citizens of this county. The burial services were held at the King's Valley burying grounds on last Sunday. Meeting of the Poik County Teachers' Association, l'olk County Teachers' Associa tion met in the public school building in Monmouth, Dec., 1. Meeting called to order at 10:20 by President Reynolds, and after a couple of Bong by the association, Mrs. Tnggart b.-ing absent, Mr. Cortmlt introduced the subject of teaching numbers. He thinks that fracti'Uis and decimal numbers should be begun in the primary grades and that decimals and per centage should be begun as soon as one hundred is taught, and that interest should bo a method of teaching percentage. Remarks on this subject were made by Miss Smith. and Prol. Hayes, who did not arce wholly with Mr. Cornutt. Percy Butler then gave a recita tion which very much interested the teachers. Mr. lioag then advanced some ideas on "Literature in Public Schools." He was followed by several who brought out well wrought ideas. Profs. Long and and Fulkerson and Miss Clara Hall were appointed committee on pro grain and the association adjourned lor dinner. At 1 :30 the association sang some patriotic soncs, and then Miss Hall read a very interesting paper on "Language i ork. A double trio was then sung by the Monmouth pupils. M". Long then read a valuable pa tier on "How to Strengthen the Memory." There was considerable warm discussion on the subject, but all seemed to think that memory. like a muscle, was strengthened by constant use The idea of getting one of the county papers to act as the olhcial organ of the county teachers was discussed and Profs. Long, Hayes and Hong were appointed a com mittee to interview the county papers regarding the matter. Re lying on the supposition 'that "such arrangements would be made, Prof. Haves was elected editor of the teachers' column for two months at least. The r.SiM?iation accepted the in vitation of Prof. Hayes to meet in Independcnco the first Saturday in January. The committee reported the fol lowing program: Opening Exercises of the Insti tute, A. . Fulkcrson. Practical work for the teachers in morals and manners, T. O. Hutchinson. Recitation. First month's work of a begin ning pirpii, Mrs. Tuck. MKIX A model recitation in seventh grade. Geography -w ' ' WATCH McCOV. F. I). Gardner wan Ir. Dallas Monday. Miss Myrtle Davis returned home from Dallas Wednesday. Mrs. S. Turner, of Sheridan, U visiting her parents, at Hethel. Dave Cruiserof Sa'.em, is visit ing with his brother, (. A. Cruise. Miss Kll.i Carpenter, of Dalliuv was the guest of Miss Myrtle Davis last wek. Mr. rinl Mn. Owenp, of Mc- Minnville, were i.i town Saturday and Sunilav, the gucbt of Jas. Wann and wife. Dr. J. A MolTctt left Motili ty for Grants Pass, where he exjie- ts lo locate for a while, ut least. We wish him bucccmh. Mr. McKinnon and non, father and half-brother of our townsman A. C. McKinnon, are here visiting and looking after the estate of J. C. McKinnon, deceased. Their home is in Nova Scotia. Grandpa and Grandma DeVoe moved this week from A. J. Teel ing'g houae into the house with Mike McXulty. Mr. Tilling and family will soon move from their rented farm to town, Mr. Teeling having sold his farm interests to Mr. Fred Smith, of Amity. The entertainment, given by the Sunday school at Bethel last Thursday evening, was largely at tended and heartily enjoyed by every one present. An excellent supper was served. Amount re alized was $25.60. Axon AIKLIE. Isaac Simpson sold his hops recently for 7 cent per pound. Mrs. 0. M. Staats killed a lot of pigs ten months old that a eraged 217 pound. Brown Bros., of Tampico, are in these parts every few days buying up all kinds of stock, excepthor.es. Hastings Bros, will soon dissolve partnership. Green will take charge of the store und Sam will move out on his farm near Kings Valley Penis in this part of Uncle Sam's garden seems to be pretty scarce, although we have had our share of weddings, and now the farmers are busy extracting the backbone and spare ribs from their porkers. During the first two months of school at this place, the following pupils have had their names placed on the roll of honor. Cecil and Eva Staats, Floyd, Wesley and Willie Williams, "Otto Simpson, Anna Brinkley, Iva Hooker and Claude Bcvenp. A.JAX. DALLAS. Rev. Futrell preached 'at Rick- reall Sunday. The main boom in Dallas is postage stamp collections. A number of persons from dif ferent parts of the country "are at tending circuit court here this week. The Dallas and Monmouth foot ball teams expect to play at this place next Saturday. Mrs. Alice Dompsey, of Dixie, is in town visiting relatives and at tending circuit court. The reading circle will give a social next Monday evening at ihc residence of Prof. Reynolds. ' Dallas is in need of a city mar shal who will enforce our laws when certain rowdy boys disturb public gatherings. Thanksgiving is gone and some of our church members are very happy over the many blessings and much money they received. Our city council is going to pass an ordinance prohibiting certain organizations in this city from establishing eating houses on pub lic days, because it takes business away from the hotels. G ROVER. LHWISYILLE. Our school is progressing nicely. Quite a number of parties are on the program for this winter. Revs. Coleman and Yost held a series of meetings here recently. Ben Zumwalt was triming his thumb nail on the planer in Ronco'8 mill recently, and of course ho is now one thumb less. Porsev Turner and Frank Gil- liatli were out bear huntins several days aj:, when Dorsey's gun was accident ly dircharged and crippled a bear. Frank soon finished Bruin. Fifteen couples spent the night dancing at W. Norton's recently. Twenty-five couples 6hook the mud from off their boots at Clod felter's on Thanksgiving night, and about twelve couples "tripped the light fantastic" at II. D. Staats' Friday night Last winter several entertain ' ts were given at this plac -rrvw. ' sisir IT. II". J. ISakef Korth I'tmbrok., Mass. After the Grip Relief from Hood's iaraaparUl Wonderful and Permanent. "tt Hood A Co., Low.II, Hun 1 had klilnojr trouble and mwi pain la mj back, which iu brouibt about by .old contracted wlillttacamp at Llnnfleld In lau. I bars ho tronbkd aiore or ! ilnea that lime and bav. bn unahl. lo do any neay work, tnui-h lJ miy llltln. I reciled only umimrarv relief from mo.lielnel. Last iprlrig i bad n attack ot Ui grip, which left em wilb A Bad Cough, Very Weak phyileaUy, In fact my iytm wa completely rundown, ltrtedabottla of Hood's Sarsapa rilla and It made m feel much better that I eontluued Uklng !t. and hae taken lx botlfea. It has done womleri lor me. M I have not beea to free from my old pain and trouble tine. Ua Hood's Cures war. I eomlder Hood'i SarsapvllU a Ood-ut blMingtotlieiufferii)." William J. Back. Kortu Fembroke, Alau. Hood'a Pills cur. CoD.tipation by restor mi the peril UMc actios of toe alimentary canal. MONMOUTH. Items are not very plentiful this week. P. J. Barighman is ou ' the jury at Dallas this week. Miss Ora Morehead's school at Cochrane closed last week. Uncle Max Haley is doing con siderable work on his house. One of John Hubbard's little girls is seriously ill with erysipelas. A new sidewalk has been built the full length of Whitman street. Mr. Turnbow is moving into the house recently occupied by Prof. Dunn. Rev. Sherman preached in tha Baptist church Sunday morning and evening. The meeting at the Evangelical church continues. Some interest is manifested. - AVm. N. Boots, our rustling and) energetic insurance man, visited Dallas on business Tuesday. Rev. J. N. Smith was unable to. fill his place in the pulpit last Sun day evening on account of neural gia. C. P. Jordan and family - intend moving to Portland soon.' He haa secured employment in a store there. Mr. Fann has fitted up quite a neat store in the building formerly occupied by Fred Miller as a meat market. The dinner given by the Ladien Aid Society was not a brilliant suc cess financially. Only about $22 was cleared. We understand that a new meal market will be opened here soon. Some man is a good judge of a location for business. Mr. and Mrs. McElvaine, who have been sojourning in our midst for some time, left for Missouri Monday to make their future home. Dr. H. C. Epley visited Salem on Saturday returning Sunday. Mrs. Epley returned with him to spend a short time visiting relatives and friends. The new house on Motor street which is being built by Mr Carr, is assuming fair proportions. B. M Sloan is the carpenter in charga of the work. President Campbell returned from a visit to Southern Oregon Monday where he had been attend ing an institute in the interests of the Normal school. School opened in the new dis-" trict west of here Monday. As they were unable to obtain, their seats, the pupils are seated as they .1 -1 1 were in ye oiuen nme. Sir. C. N. Faulk, a professional' penman, is endeavoring to organ, ize classes in penmanship here A meeting will be held at the public school for that purpose on Friday evening at 7 30. Prof. Ginnis busy preparing for the next concert which is to be held about the loth. The v pro fessor is an indefatigable worker and the public may well look for ward to a rare treat at that time. , Prof. Murphy is petting extrawi gant in tho line of hair cutting. He had bis hair shingled thre times the past week. The next time he w ill have Jones do the job in the first place and then it will be sure to suit him. Prof. J. L. Dunn and famP started for Palo Alto, Califorr Monday, w here he goes to t special course in n r J.