Friday, December 15. 1922 . TMnppi?xmpxTri? ptt,'c,pdt?tcp . . ; ; i rfCUBllM AKKEDTOR 0CHOOLR OF CAPITAL ll'iMihtnjct1 Thai the nation' .iml should bo tho cfiitor of tho jjcitlonal lifo of thu nation, as well govermentnl mU-r, U di-numd- i In ft rww""" hi ino mi. convention of the National Edu ction assuvwuun hi liimion, and Iplwl y the old rUint of the !0bimtt"n board of education for ,j gnd half mllllonn to bring the dplul mnoois up to units. 0nO hundred and sixteen thousand pi-hem thoir rfprt'wntntlvi'M to (,,5 for the convention, where fry panned resolution which rends: "In M'wdftl t"f)nt! the school of .. I ..II.. I .1 )ig cap''"1 "'I'K U10 nation, I, brhitlf of tho tmthm we unk iim- put ut create uimro oi education .. ..I.. tlf...l. 1... . 4. . for im? rny Tainngun Whlth Jul! ho entirely free from party con pol, to have direct control of iU own financinl budget," and with a necure flwncial Income sufficient to make xm schools worthy of the capital ,ity of the nation." Washington nchoola art negated, na down, out of dati, have poo'.iy teachers; suffer from ovrrcrowd- the two platoon ayatcm and a policy of temporising on tha part of (ooifreaa, tho appropriating power for fithingtona whools. That the chil dren of the national capital should b? at leant ft good ft chsruo for an idoratiod aa ia given in a thousand iswll but intensely American and wholly enlightened town ancl cities, the thought behind tho resolution ptsd by the N. K. A., and the moral force behind tho demand of the pre at board of education for money enough to replace old building with irw, buy sufficient books, and pay Irtrhrra enough to keep good ones on the job of instructing the youth of the nation'a city. Page Seven You're the Goodest Old Santa ! . tin "7 'J I i ! NATIONAL ADVERTISING FOK OREGON I'RODUCTS Those who have atudied the qura- don of atatc development and betUr I dvertiiing for Oregon, point to the ing national advertising agency of the r ' - - - ! - J 'if . f ft lii A ' it' iV iy W ,j T?'j BERRY INTERESTS TO MEET AT SALEM WEDNESDAY Oregon City Woolen Mills have found particularly our fruits, salmon, lum ber, etc. It is setimatea inai camer as have many other advertisers, that by putting the merits of their prod ucts squarely before the nation, they have enlarged their business and thus absorbed the cost of advertising in the economics of operation. This advertising for the Oregon City Woolen Mills is handled by Bots-ford-Constantine company, the lcad- irtut need of more national advertis ing for Oregon product, Many of our renders probably saw in last wet-k'a issue of the Saturday Kvenlng Pot n double page center spread ad- w-UMTnetit in colors for the Oregon City Woolen Mill. In two different iuufs of the Saturday Evening Post thi year the Oregon City Woolen Mill have taken this great meiit, which i the largest ana mom eiM-iTive advertisement in the world. It's cont is 117,000 per Ukuv, but the northwest, with offices at Portland nnd Seattle. Botsford-Constantine company is also conducting large ad-i-pi-tisintr cumnai?ns in all parts of the country for such products as Till amook cheese, Hood River apples, Snowflake crackers, Albers cereals, Mapleine, Jantzen swimming suits, Goodyear rubier footwear, and others. Oregon is rapidly approaching the point where we should have many other nationally advertised products, nia cooperative associations and such products as the Del Monte canned goods are spending around six million dollars a year for national advertis ing. This has helped to build the wonderful reputation for California products which exists in all parts of the world. If you sit down and think you will realize these lower skirts are merely for higher education. Women powder their noses in pub lie, so why can't men shave on the street cars as they ride to work? Have you heard about the Scotch man hunting, a reasonable postoffice? Our idea of a good time is sitting around wondering how tired we would get if we were not too lazy. Salem The loganberry industry of this part of the Willamette valley which is again facing: a very uncer tain future, due to low prices, will be fully discussed at a meeting called of all berry growers of Oregon, to be held in the offices of the Oregon Growers' Cooperative association, ' Wednesday, December 20. The associations especially inter ested in the future of the loganberry and which will send delegates to the meeting- include the Woodburn Coop erative Berry Growers, Springbrook , Packing company, Producers Canning company of Salem, Willamette Valley Prune association of Salem, Oregon Growers1 Cooperative association of Salem and the Eugene Fruit Growers association of Eugene. During the season of 1922, there was canned in Oregon, 243,639 cases of loganberries. Figured on a basis of 30 pounds to a case, this means that 7,309,170 pounds of fresh berries were used in the 1922 pask of canned goods.' In addition to loganberries canned, King's Products company evaporated 4,000,000 pounds. It is also estimated that in Oregon there was barrelled 3000 barrels of 385 pounds each, amounting to 1,115,000 pounds. It is estimated there was made into juice 200,000 pounds of loganberries. Among those deeply interested in this great Oregon industry, it is felt that all will depend upon increasing the consumption of loganberry prod ucts. In other words, following the example of California growers in ad vancing the sale of raisins when the market was so low that the industry was about to collapse, something must be done to bring the merits of the berry before a larger consuming public Figures are not available as to the acreage of fruits for 1922 as asses sore are obliged to make a report only every other year. Hence the 1921 reports on acreages in the state are the latest Based on the 1921 horticultural re port of acreages in each county, the total loganberry acreage of the state for the year was 6253. In the central Willamette valley the county acreage in 1921 was as follows: Benton, 100; Clackamas, 204; Linn, 167; Marion, 38G8; Polk, 268; Washington, 319, and Yamhill. 423, a total of 5349 acres for thij immediate section of the valley. Comparing the year 1920 and 1921 report, it is estimated that there was an increase of several hundred acres throughout the state. In the Willam ette valley counties, there ras a slight decrease. Many growers claim that the in dustry cannot survive on a price of four cents a pound. Many are asking for six cents the coming season, but those who are familiar with the in dustry at both the growing and sell ing end, are of the opinion that if loganberry growing is to continue profitable, there must be a great in crease in markets and a much greater consuming public. PROFESSIONAL CARDS D. H FLETCHER Cooper Building Attorney INDEPENDENCE. OR tste piilr 51 Quick. iarting! 100 WINTER DRIVING buy Quick-starting RED CROWN fmm these, denfers - g m M r rfww -- Fill your tank with "Red Crown" and nothing else, and you won't have any trouble starting, no matter how cold it gets. "Red Crown" vaporizes readily, even in zero weather yields 100 power at the first jump of the spark. Look for the Red Crown sign displayed by service stations, garages and dealers everywhere. They carry quick-starting insurance the quickest-starting gas oline on the market today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Zerolene good oils eland lubricate p; fectlyin ro weather-pro tret the bearings-m""6 he power and flebd.ty of your engine. IndTTEWART MOTOR CO. M. J. O'DONNELL SLOPER Bros. & CUCM-t VAN'S TIRE SHOP M0TrAh7m & SON Pedeui.VEATCH AirHwlNNERT & WILLIAMS Kings Valley CHAMBERS ESTATE J. V. PRICE & CO. Suver FRED STUMP FRANK RIDDER Buena Vista O. R. MACK Rickreall PETER COOK lwai.ii in."""1 "mm OREGON BREVITIES William II. Klepper, president of the Portland club of the Pacific Coast league, was forever barred from furth er participation In the affairs of the National Association of Professional Baseball leagues, in a resolution adopt ed by the board of arbitration of the organization. Klepper was charged with making and filling an alleged false statement relative to the capital stock of the Tacoma (Wash.) club, which he organized. Real and personal property of the Portland Flour Mills company in Mult nomah county was bid In for an aggre gate of $1,172,670 at sheriff's sales held in Portland. Wallace McCamant, on behalf of a committee holding $3, 000,000 of the company's outstanding 8 per cent mortgage bonds, acquired title at the forclosure sale, this be ing the first step in the plan for turn ing the properties over to the Sperry Flouring company of San Francisco. The Northwest Association of Sher iffs and Police, which convenes in Portland January 18, 19 and 20 for its second annual convention, will pay particular attention to the problem of enforcing the prohibition laws, accord ing to word received by Chief of Police Jenkins of Portland, vice president of the association, from L. 8. May, presi dent, a noted criminologist. The or ganization, starting out with 100 mem bers, has increased its membership to 400. A clear-cut resolution in favor of strict enforcement of the -dry laws is expected at the session. Five state senators met in Pendle ton and agreed to continue to support Senator Jay H. Upton of Prlneville for president of the state senate. The senators present were Ritner, Robert son, Dennis, Taylor and Ellis. Senators Upton and Strayer were not present, j The senators comprise me .eastern Oregon delegation who had met in caucus before and agreed to support Upton. Senator Strayer of Baker, was in communication with the '"sage brush" group by long distance tele phone, and Is said to favor the agree ment to support Upton. Incendiarism was responsible for the conflagration which destroyed the business section of Astoria, according to both Mayor Bremmer and Chief of Police Carlson, and local radicals are under suspicion-. Investigation proved that the fire at the outset began in two separate places, simultaneously, ac cording to Chief Carlson. At least a dozen citizens who were in the vicin ity of the Bee Hive department store when the conflagration started said they were certain that two restaurants one at either side of the department store-p-were rgaing furnaces, while the store showed no sign of fire. The value of taxable property in each county in Oregon, including that equalized by county boards and that equalized and apportioned by the state tax commission, is $1,009,499,160.38, ac cording to a report prepared by the state tax commission. The value of taxable property in each county as assessed and equalized by the state tax commission and apportioned ac cording to th respective county ratios aggregated $123,707,064.54, while the value of taxable property assessed by the county assessors and equalized by the county boards of equalization to taled $885,792,095.84. The report shows a total of 10,508,027.02 acres of tillable lands in Oregon, with an aggregate assessed value of $250,827,512. Tim- Efficient Service Courteous Treatment A. L. KEENEY Funeral Director and Licensed - Embalmer -Calls Promptly Answered Day or Night Reasonable Prices Phones 9821; 9822 Independence, Oregon Real Estate and Stock Sales t G. SATTERLEE Auctioneer Wire me at my expense. I will come and see you Phones, Res. 1211J, Office, 1177 Salem, Oregon I ---------- - ...... I Wind Mi II BarberShop I f We appreciate your trad. f FIRE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS LIABILITY BONDS Automobile Insurance j George V. Chesbro Beaver Hotel Block j L. M. HUM Care of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. Has medicine which will cure any known disease Not open on Sundays 152 South High Street Salem, Oregon . Phone 28 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, the duly appointed quali fied and acting Administrator c.t.a. of the estate of LAUCIOUS RICE, deceased, has filed his final account in said estate in the County Court of Polk County, Oregon, and said Coui-t has fixed Saturday the 20 day of January, 1923, at the County Court Room in Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing ob jections if any there be to said 'ac count. c a. Mclaughlin Administrator Aforesaid John R. Sibley. . Attorney for Administrator. dl5-5t EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given, to whom it may concern, that the undersigned, W. B. Cuthbert, has been duly ap pointed erecutor of the last will and testament of Joseph Bezanson, de ceased, by the Honorable County Court of Polk County, State of Ore gon, and has qualified. All persons hoiding claims against 436,895. The assessed value of 12,492, 445.50 acres of non-tillable lands in the state is $90,812,562. Advertising pays. Try it and see. Isniri estate are herebv notified t ber lands aggregate 3,379,073.32 acres, nt fte game fo the assessed value being fixed at $64. if . d Qn or before gix month JOC Onr rpV nntmc-K vail-to nt 19i(l9.' from the date hereof, at Independ ence, Oregon, and all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediaf" settlement of the same, with the U dersigned executor. Date of first publication Decembb 8th, 1922. W. B. CUTHBERT Executor of the Estate of Joseph Bezanson, deceased, Independ ence, Oregon. Fletcher & Ellis, Attorneys for the Estate. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR ' Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Oscar Hayter, has been appointed administrator of the estate of Rebecca Dornsife, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Polk County, and has duly qualified. All persons having claims against the said estate are required to present them, with the proper vouchers, with in six months frem the date of this notice to the said administrator at bis law office in the Dallas City Bank Building, in the City of Dallas in said County. Dated and first published Novem ber 24, 1922. OSCAR HAYTER, Administrator of the Estate of Rebecca Dornsife, deceased. n24-5t ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS NOTICE is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders cf the Independence National Bank will be held on the second Tuesday in January (Tuesday, January 11, 1923), between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. at the bank, for the purpose of selecting a board of directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. IRA MIX, Cashier. Dated this 8th day of December, 1922.