Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, December 08, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Friday, December 8, 1922
t.i. .
I 10 gv,
! If t y
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Seventh Btri-et.
Under wan taker, quite crlti-
' yesterday r. hia
ftoi'ert Iliff, non f Mr. and Mrs.
rry 1). Iliff, j crHk.a)y , at hu
imtiio wnn pneumonia.
J- n. Elliott of I'crrydalo wa a
weekend visitor ut the home of hi
HiMter, Mrs. A. D. Craves.
Sullivan brothers, Pedee rancher,
fltf.tlipin.. I.. .- f l '
uuK nn(J snecp, were
Independence Thursday.
A Fine Watch
The Practical
Christmas Gift
We carry uch a large assortment of dependable
Watches that you may feel certain to find just
the kind you want and in keeping with your
contemplated expenditures.
A standard movement in solid gold or
Kold filled case selected from our
stock will afford him pleasure to ac
cept. Priced from
$12.00 to $75.00
Consider a dainty Wrist Watch, of
which we have a fine assortment. She
will surely appreciate your thoughtful
ness in making the selection. Priced at
$10.00 to $50.00
Let us be your Gift Counselors
Our New Illustrated
Catalog is Free
Send u your name and ad
dress on a postal card and we
will mail our catalog to you
at once.
Orders Promptly
Any article in our stock for
warded Immediately postage
prepaid, on receipt of the
price, and delivery guaran-teed.
A imall deposit reserves any article until wanted
THE JEWELER 206 Main St.
with friends in Cor-
lli'it ('run i being: confined to his
,n'e by illness.
C. H. Zumwalt and family were the
truest for several days of friends in
JV. L. H"gan, formerly of Inde
I cndeiw v has, opened dental parlors
in Eugene.
M. II. Gcnteniann, a dairv farmer
of the I'cdce country, was in town
yesterday trammeling business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Davidson were
recent dinner quests at the home of
Mr. Davidson's sister. Mrs. Allen Nvc
of Salem.
Arthur Smith and family fo Port
land came here Saturday and re
mained until Sunday evening ac he
home of Mr. and Mrs C. B. Smith.
Among 0. A. C. students home for
Thanksgiving vacation were Hazel
Calbreath, Opal and Gerald Hewett,
Ulla Dickinson, Bob Craven, and Glen
John McCution, wife and children
of Hood River returned to their home
Friday after spending Thanksgiving
at the home of Mr. and Mr,;, E.
Mrs. V. Nicholson and daughter
Mabel, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo McKin
soy were Sunday guests of Mrs.
Nicholson's (laughter, Mrs. F'lud of
Mr. and Mrs. V. M. McKir.ncy of
Albany, It. J. McKinney of O. A. C.
and Miss Mary Jane Collier of Port
land spent Thanksgiving and the
weekend at the William McKinuey
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Elliott and
Hons, Donald and Lynn, will leave
Saturday for Los Angeles, where Mr.
Elliott has business interests requir
ing his attention. They expect to be
gone about three weeks.
G. G. Godfrey and family are occu
pying their new bungalow, moving
from the Jones property Wednesday.
It is an attractive, modern home. The
Jones place has been taken by Mr.
and Mrs. McKee for the winter.
Mrs. C. 0. Jern of Mount Morris,
Illinois, in renewing her subscription
to the Enterprise says; "I enjoy the
Enterprise very much and do not
want to miss a single issue. Hearty
good wishes lor a prosperous new
Dr. Gilbert, Dr. Byrd and Dr. Mc
Allister of Willamette university
were in Independence yesterday in
the interest of the endowment fund
which is being raised for the univer
sity. They received a number of con
tributions. , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Compton and
Dr. Ketchum spent Thanksgiving day
at the Capt. Stidd home in Portland.
They were accompanied home by Miss
Gene Ketchum, who spent the week
end with relatives and friends in
this vicinity. .
A feature of the Parent-Teacher
association meeting Tuesday was a
highly interesting report of the state
convention at Eugene by Mrs. Halla
day, president of the local organiza-,
tion. The program included a bright,
rtt'e play l.y the pupils of the seventh
Raptist Church
Next Sunday morning Rev. II. L.
Proppe will discuss the subject of
"Divine Healing." Is it for us today?
Rev. Troppe has been in attendance
at the Albany meetings conducted by
Dr. Price. A friend of the evBncelit
lift WH privileged to sit on the pulpit
ana make careful examinations of the
meetings. Come and hear this mes
sage Sunday morning.
Church of. Chriat
Regular Sunday and midweek ser
vices. The only special announce
ment for the week is a C. E. social
to be held Saturday night at the
church. All young people are invited
to this social. When you feel lone
some, come to church and be at home.
Calvary Presbyterian Church
Preaching service at 11 in the morn
ing by Dr. II. Charles Dunsmore, the
pastor. The public is cordially invited.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Independence National Bank
will be held on the second Tuesday in
January (Tuesday, January 11, 1923),
between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4
p. m. at the bank, for the purpose
of selecting a board of directors and
the transaction of such other business
as may come before the meeting.
IRA MIX, Cashier.
Dated this 8th day of December,
Our Big
Big Carnival Ball
Brown's Orchestra of Portland will!
furnish music, Dreamland Rink, I
Salem, Ore., Saturday, December 9.
Large Crowd. 8-lt
Is attracting much
TH redactions of from
25 to 33 1-3 percent, our
big sale is proving highly sat
isfactory from a buyer's stand
point, judging by the amount
of business we are doing
The reductions are on stand
ard and seasonable goods of
recognized value and if you
have not taken advantage of it
do so now
The sale will only continue
fot only a few days longer.
Opening and Closing
Stewart Motor Co.
From now until February
15th we will open at 7:30 in
the morning and close at 6 p. m.
daily except Saturday and Sun
day which days we will remain
open until 9 p. m.
Stewart Motor Co.
Owner and Manager
The Big Store
"Say Tt Uiitb ?louw$"
Flowers fresh from our own green
houses. Immediate delivery in Inde
pendence and Monmouth of all orders
for $1 and over.
Potted Plants in full bloom.
Ferns and Palms.
All kinds of Fnueral work.
"Flower phone" M4511. 7th & E St.
I Trade your city property for
jacre farm one-half mile from Inde
pendence. Balance easy payments
land light interest. n "
We have nearly 15 acres 1 miles
; out, on paved road, 5 room house,
dandy good barn, family orchard, 2
j acres bearing strawberries, will trade
?15l)0 equity for property in some
good town in valley. This is located
on paved road. Price $4500.
We have some good business prop
erty on Main street for sale.
Here is a dandy 41 acres, one mile
out, on good road, modern house.,
large bam, all land pndei; plow for
?5000, part cash, balance good terms?
J. E. Hubbard. C. B. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs.
Albany yestei
Thomas Smith was a vinitor In
"id the first of the week.
j E. A. Dunckle leaves today, for J
j Medford to attend the annual conven-' t
. wi, lion 1I Wit v.Mi:4liJi ijuuiiuij wnnfia i
Thar.ksg.vuig gue.t at the M. t. vv"-; asS()t.ialion( of whi(.h orra;Zation he f
liams home. j. ()nu 0f the executive committee. j j
U. Wolfe were p,;) ((, 0f Mc.Minnviile was a I
i Ed. Loronce and family were in
i Td-p"idence for the weekend visiting
Mis, Norm Cooper of ValseU spent, with relatives,
weekend with, relatives here. 1
I Mr. and Mrs. II. U. Patterson
J- M. liowiml of Pcdee was .oiling' Corvallis spent Sunday at the J.
11 friends Sunday. I Mcintosh home.
Mi", and Mrs. II. W. Crow spent'
Frank Kirklnnd of Portland was in
at the Toi
Just to remind you that. quality
hand in hand in this establishment.
and service go
City Meat MarKet
GUS MILLER, Proprietor.
Mr. Dunckle goes as the representa-'
tive of the Willamette valley district
1 anil expects to return to Independence
I Sunday night.
George Cooper i;".d Charles Dawes
wire in Tiajuna, Mexico, a few days
fijro, according to a card received by
William Dawes. They left here a
little more than a ik nth ago in a
ear with the intention of spending the
winter in southern California with
no particular destination. They re
port that they had an uneventful
journey and their purpose is to do
more or less scouting around the
land of winter sunshine.
- The Royal ,Areh degree was con
ferred upon two candidates by In
dependence chapter, R. A. M., on
Thursday night of last week and
following the ceremonies a turkey
banquet was served with Carl An
derson officiating , as chef. The
wives of the members attended the
banquet. On the following night
the same degree was conferred upon
two additional candidates. j
Prs. Hewett & Knott. Glasses
fitted, satisfaction guaranteed. fl7-tf
Practical Gifts for Every one
Come in and look them over
i. D. i-Hibbs St Co.
S r-