Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, December 01, 1922, Image 1

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. 4jt YEAIl-r-No. 15
funeral I Attended
Hundreds of Sor
rowing Friends
Hundred or friend paid tribute to j
r o. ...... .1 n if ...
'unrrsl ceremonies which were hcliHn
Ik M'ih"(liNt church last Sunday
Jwwwn. The edifice, Including: the!
:lcony w laxeu 10 capacity by
nrrowmi? friends. The casket wan
. i ...i.i. i ...
lIlttM wmi iiiuiiww iwimi,
There wan mimic by a choir, pmycr
I Bcv. J. S. Green, and a aermon
q Dr. H. Charlea Dunamore, who
gloflicd the uj-ritfht life which had
ItMl by the deceased. The Wood-
aa lodge, of which Mr. llunna hud
.n a menmer, auemioii me r.
In a body. Hurlal wan madu in
it (Kid Fellows cemetery.
Hunk" M-iUiHon received tf, 4.f
bctWCfll till) I'Vl.M I, .. l;
I ' Mil IIIH
h'K and cl.,.,.1 h,t Saturday when
the cur which ho wan driving collided
with a car belonging to County
Judge Ana U. lu,),tm)n (m(J p(irko(J
in rent of the Robin-tori home on
Monmouth street.
Mr. MattiHon did not see the Rob
inson ear and he struck it in the rear
without any (darkening of speed.
The jolt threw Mr. Mattison ain.t.
the wheel with sufficient force to
make him oblivious and the Robin-
aon cur wan punhcd down the street
Ueverul rods before Mr. Mattiaon
I was able to bring his machine to a
It was first thought that Mr. Mat
tinon was tteriously injured. He wax
taken to hi home, a physician sum
moned, and a thorough examination
showed that while he had Buffered
severe bruises and wrenches, no bones
i U'fr tiff. Iron n.t. L
. i n ti t iiw
rtor Keeney waa in charge. ... '
iu;uun car received
Jlr, JIaima waa born in Indiana
wty, I'm., March 30, 1875, where
u ipent Jin early yearn. Ho wa,i
rilfii in marriago to Maya Cesima
August, mi. In April, IH'j'J, he
m to Oregon and for a number of
4r wan engaged in the lumber
aim's with hia brother Hugh in
I'viUv country,
In In- came to Independence,
.ere w ah hii brother he engaged
hardware and farming enterprises
!t the name of lianna lirus.
:cr ii.ofiifif of the hardware
yncHK he moved to his farm outh i
town, where he had ninre resided, !
smashed radiator and fender, a bent
j (steering rod and other damatre. The
Robinson machine, which had but re
cently been repainted, received a
smashed fender, gasoline tank
punctured, and was scarred.
Concrete to Be Used
Two Uncompleted
The stute highw,' commission
has awarded a contract
paving with concrete tin road frorr.
Monmouth to the Hen ton county
line to La Pine & Cummings of
Portland. The distance is p.S miles
and the price is 1249,000. Using
the oame material a contract has
likewiHe been given to the Oregon
Contract company for the improve
ment of the road from Rickroa'I to
Holmes Gap, 5.67 miles, at a price
of $135,000. Both bids were 'sub-
School Board Sanctions Use
of Gymnasium for
Independence is to have a crack
i basketball team, according to present
IOr '.! XT .. ,' ,
juaiis. ougunauons nave oeen per
fected for the use of the high school
gymnasium for practice and games.
! .There are a dozen or more experienced
players a raring to go and systematic
drilling will be started in a few days.
An organization of a city teaam has
not been perfected, this being held in
abeyance pending the outcome of ne-
but this will soon be taken trp.
'The Krhnn! h(art Vtaa enpnif wJ iVtai
m.tted last spring, but were held In there must be no restriction to thigh
abeyance by the commission on the gchool activities. The city team will
account of litigation. vav t1 fl.Pnno, ita amo 0,i,0,iu onA
its practice so that they will not con-
Portland "Many organizations en-1
titled to exemptions from tax on
admissions are not complying with
an important provision of the 1
revenue law by which that exemp
tion can be obtained," said Clyde G.
Huntley, collector of internal reve
nue, today. "In order to secure this
tax exemption, it is necessary for
the organization desiring the same to jj
me witn this office, several days
in advance of the date of the enter-1
tainment, an affidavit claiming ex- ignition was perfect and quite a
emption and establishing the right cheery blaze for a cold morning
of the beneficiary to be relieved from I was well underway when "Bill"
Gasoline and Electric Spark
Start Rumpus in the .
Enterprise Office.
The Enterprise office was slightly
scorched Monday morning wheh a
ive wire electric came in contact
with a quantity of gasoline. The
flict with school athletics.
The high school has what is re-
- ...
E. Haselton has taken a con- garded as a very &ood team this sea
for clearinir readv for the.Bon- ably the best it has ever
plow 15 acres on the Livesley ranch !had and with a topnotcher city team,
south of town which is under the i inaepenience snoulu nave an exceed
management of II. E. Pankalla. !".' se son in
Operations were started Monday andtiricles"
will be pushed vigorously. The land
is covered with stumps and brush
anu powaer h tne motive power
The Kaleln Statesman eHitornillv
says: "The flax plant at the Oregon ;r
cime peiiiH-minry can lc man-.' to pay
nil the expenses of that institution;
to pay for all the buildings cvr built
IHai-.i (.ii,I (.. ull (I,.. K....I I
n.n.ik.,.. .7-
.Anna, lurn In Indiana county,!
1 ' ed away in I!ol at J'edee. '
I'll i ,1 trxfl ....... I.. ....... in..:..
. V. . P"'t of the cost of keeping up the
rn-,;m ktl 1nr..n.-..l I... C.......I ' 1
There was a familv iratherinc at.
which is being used. the A. L.. Kceney home yesterday,
Mr. Haselton has a crew of seve-, those present being Mrs. Mary Ed-
I men helping him. wards of Eugene, Mr. Keeney's
mother, and her sons, H. G. Keeney
and wife and C. II. Keeney, also of
Eugene; Mrs. Nellie S. Moore, Mrs.
.. ... ... 'Keeney's mother, and daughters,
then " V Mjsaes Mary and Neie of Eugene
1 " " o rwl nor enn Mar a TIT arwa. rs T-f
uiv v 4 uviif tl IV A'AVUJkC J . t VJ I
the payment of the tax."
Failure to make formal application
and receive exemption from payment
of the admission tar in advance of
the entertainment makes the person
or authority giving the entertain
ment liable to a penalty of not
more than $1000. If this failure, is
willful, the offender may be fined
110,000 or imprisoned for not more
than one year, or both.
Organizations entitled to- this ex
emption upon compliance with the
provirion of the revenue law referred
to by Collector Huntley include re
ligious, charitable and educational
basketball ' societies or institutions, the Ameri
can Legion, societies for the preven
tion of cruelty to children and ani
mals, agricultural fair associations,
and community improvement socie
ties, and then only when all of the
proceeds of the entertainment inure
to the benefit of any one or more of
the organizations enumerated.
If, ! ranees, Raymond Claire
He h aves eiiiht brothers and
"i. iiiit'n II. llunna. JrnleiieiuJence: r
u. n mini!, i-oruanu; 1. A. iian
iNew Kensington, Pa.; J. I. Han
i. Independence; .Jrs. C. W.
ith, Indiana, Pa.; Mrs. M. L.
1, llenniston. Ore.; Mrs, W. II.
Crady, Clc Hlum, Wash.
for the institution and
I., 1 1 ci i. tVi. ..II iltn ............... . r .u.
,;,,; f ,i i, . , ,i,n Sunday last, when her daughter , ,
iHitutnm for the feeble minded, and. .. . .. ... land.
j csiner Decame me orioe or josepn
Birkholz, son of Mr. and Mrs. II.
oLinnr man.- niMiiuuons.
There is no
a cent
Cockle injected a few jabs of Pyrene
onto the fire. Like the magic wand,
the effect was almost instantaneous
and leaving one instance of record
where there were copious quantitiet
of smoke and no fire.
The damage is light: a cracked
plate glass window, singed electric
wiring, a part of the keys of a
linotype melted off and a delicate
shade of mourning on the walls and
ceiling of the room. '
Preparations had been 'made for
the installation of an elecUic pot
under the linotype. This nad made
it necessary to install new wiring.
This had been done, but the old lead
v -res into the building had ben left
hanging loose near the gasolire tank
which supplied the fuel for the
'burner. Monday morning, while it
was still dark and early, the "devil",
who is presumed to carry the burden
o" the office force, climbed up a step
ladder with a two-quart measure of
gasoline in his hands for th3 purpose
of refilling the tank. The aforesaid
W. Gill, who has been at Salem
i)orurily, but formerly a rancher
. . . I ... twill l 1 . U UIIDIIIVI c
whatever of the; ... ' Jt t. .
bm- ,,. ry ... . on dialing uniy xne immediate
i i ' i : 1 1 vcn fii i ni (iinitr Tiiririi weru
towards the!. ,
, . .... . , 111 Cl It l 1111111 II l.
lunv oi niainiaining me peniienuary,
or towards the cost of building,
maehinery, tools, or any thing else.
The Minnesota penitentiary at Still
water has paid for itself from the
1 . . t
ground up, onu u is now making a
profit of ulxiut $300,000 a year, in its j A magical performance which gives
twine factory; mostly binder twine, jeVery indication of being highly in
and the raw materials come from j teresting will be at the Isis theatre
abroad; the sisal from Yucatan, Thursday nicht. December 7th. under
When Mrs. E. A. Hougham re-
Mr. and Mrs. " Birkholz will make
their home in Independence
Idaho, has lvaaed the W
irp ranch t Parker and
n posHCHsion.
The ranch t-onslsts of 3(0 acres
1 during the pnst two seasons
operated by P T. Peterson, a
known Parker farmer.
Mr. Gill states that it is his inten-
n to raise utock principally. He
m a ro w Sampson tractor and will
" In as much erain as nossiblc
;wng the winter.
Mexico, an.l the manilla hemp from the auspices of Independence post,
i tne Philippines. In the case or the.
American Legion. It is a mystery
show, the performers being E.
Cooke Patton, a member of the Port
land Magical society, and Frank L.
Wager, member of the Society of
American Magicians.
At the close of the mystic perform
ance a demonstration of hypnotism
he flax and linen industries, can be riven, with the subjects taken
i havo three or four or a dozen or a'from the audience.
i score of profits as far as it is
found practicable to go; and some of
I Oregon penitentiary, the raw niater
. ials for the flax industry can be pro
'duced here, and all the money kept
at home. The Stillwater penitentiary
has only one profit; outside of the
cheap twine for the farmers of
Minnesota. The Oregon prison, in
started upon the ' Casoline and the aforesaid wire 'met.
n-ubs from a 35 Atld ifc did not take the "devil"
- 1 -. roaMia that Tlia WAS in thll S.TOft
predicament as the fellow - who
grabbed the bear by the tail. He
compromised by depositing his soot
ing gas well on the floor and graH ej
a "Well Done" fire gun, which was
in handy reach for just such emer-
banquet f t for kings, all to remind berg tract of geveraI hundred J genc,es. The gun was so well done
her that it was her 71st birthday and and lip3 wegt flf the galem it wouldn't 'shoot but the fire was
that her children had not forgotten! The smaI1 bs are out'"0 8 bit backward- If a feller ever
the fact. Needless to say,the occasion with a direct hau, but the . needed a friend it was about that
was one of enjoyment, the memory ' :n,.,Ha jKu .,. u,' .Itime. when in comes "Bill" Cockle.
of which Mrs. Hougham will loner , u A, . A few nasses and the fire slu
Work has been
removal of oak grub
1 u . r i t . .. . .
auic u-aui ox iana just nortn of lnae-1
pendence and belonging to H. Hirsch-'
turned from town Thursday evening tions &nd c A UcLn&On
she found her house illuminated the tractor wjth Wil, Wood athe
.Atnadtltlaotae. is furnishing the motive
and the dining table spread with a . Tl,. . 4.
i--... jo a wax b ui nit; nirstn-
lonS the old timers, and the Holt makes
easy work of it.
Mrs. Joo Tetherow was shopping
P Salem Thlirmlnv.
Mrs. Roy Miller attended a birth-
'y party jn Dallas Saturday night
vn by Miss Hernice Newbill.
this passed on to the insti
tution for the feeble minded, the
asylum for the insane, the deaf mute
and blind schools, etc. And to expert
workmen on the outside. With the
opportunities that are here, it would
be sheer idiocy for the taxpayers of
Oregon to keep, on prodiving money
for the expenses of the penitentiary,
or for buildings or machinery there.
Rev. H. L. Proppe of the Baptist
church and Mrs. Proppe were agree
ably surprised Tuesday night at their
home. Aroused by noises on the
north, thev soon ascertained the
Mr. and Mrs. John Forseman of;
Minneapolis, Minn., are guests at the
country home of Mr. Forseman's
uncle, T. L. Hartman, the two fam
ilies passing the day Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Grant McLaughlin.
Mr. and Mrs.. Forseman were for
mer residents of Oregon, but returned
to Minnesota several years ago. As
is the case, however, with most
people who have once cast their lot
in the Willamette valley, the call of
the west was too much for them,
and their intention now is to locate
permanenly in Portland.
A recent letter received by Job
McCloud from his son, First Lieu
tenant Clinton McCloud, recruiting
officer at Spokane, carried the news
of that young man's assignment to
The Dorcas Bible class mem- foreign service, the transfer to take
nnd Mr. W. II.- Harman were i The Minnesota prison
"Mess visitors in Salem Wednes-
Mr- and Mrs. G. B. Jones were
!itors Saturday in Corvallis at the
""e of Mr. Jones's mother, Mrs.
JSm Jones.
crl Tetherow of O. A. C. spent
'e Weekend with hia Barents. Mr.
!,dMrs. J. A, Tetherow. He was
mpunied by Frank Loughury,. Jr.
'C II. S.
E. Harman and Nelson Ander
of Huena Vista were business
t(i-8 in this vicinity Thursday.
c' W. price and family of Mon
"Mh attended the community party
a'ur night.
J"8- Grossman of Salem is visiting
daughter, Mrs. Charles Shipley.
(M'ses Hannah and Viola Nielson
," S. N. S. spent the weekend
Misses Tfiifh onJ ivr;i,i,.wi T.,th.
anl attended the
ad Mrs. A. F. Courtcr of
City were dinner quests Sun-
JHU i. . .
j,' We home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
"Cider! . liigin.
success. Everybody as
-u an entered heartily into the
n anrl . i.
"ts fttw,iea pjayea. lteiresn-
serveu at a late hour.
School proe-ram nnd the com
bers and friends of the Sunday school
were making a Thanksgiving offer-
borrowed I ing a complete dinner even to the
dessert to the Proppes .
Mr. and Mrs.' W. J. Clark and
money, in the first plnre, to buy
machinery, on debentures. But it
tin li I it: nil huek. with interest. The
taxpayers did not pay a cent. More sons, Horace and Bob of Forest
than this, the Stillwater prison is one Grove were weekend visitors at the
of tho finest and best regulated in home of Mrs. H. A. Childs.
tho world. Every prisoner there who I
OK cunt I
works receives wages, xii -
to SI a dav: whether ho works in the
fet.orv. the factory making
binders, mowers and rakes for the
farmers, or in the gardens or on the
farm, or as a tailor, barber, cook,
i..: , ,.iitnr nr what not. This
.tn, enn be duplicated here at our
. - . . , .i.. ...;m
priaon-but with an .miusrry uiai
j., loss with free laDor; one.
ih.t: will be much more profitable;
il ..i. ...Ill lonri a 11 the money at
one mat win -m'
(Vint, will keep all tne
nome, b"u - ...
money at home, and one that will
at the same time help in developing
greatest industry in Orepon-the
f.:,v industry, carried up through
all the grades to the making of fine
linens and fabrics."
place immediately. As is custom
ary in military orders, Lieut. Mc
Cloud does not know to what place! by Rev
ne nas Deen assigned, nor will he 'was made in the K
be enlightened on that point until south of Monmouth,
the day before sailing. Mr. McCloud' .
Monmouth -Mrs. Lucina Dunn
Rash died at 11:45 o'clock p. m.,
Thursday, November 23rd, at her
heme in Monmouth of heart trouble.
She is survived by her husband, John
Rash, two daughters, Mrs. Arthur
Jepson, Mrs. V. L. Eutler of Mon
mouth and one son, Glen Rash of
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, besides
a sister, two brothers and several
She was born in Ogden, Utah,
February 25th, 1861; was a descen
dant of the Bakers, a pioneer family
of McMinnville, Oregon, a member
of the Presbyterian church and the
Lady Maccabees lodge.
Her life was one of service for
others, generous and kind. The fun
eral was held in the Baptist church
on Tuesday, at 2 o'clock, conducted
E. B. Pace and interment
P. cemeterv
A few passes and the fire slunk inta
And so endth another lesson.
Gasoline and live wires do not dwell
in peace; and live wires which you
may think are dead some times come
to life. The Devil.
left Sunday for Spokane to be with j LOCAL CONCERN GETS
his son for
short time before
A delightful lunch followed by a
nm.i.,1 session tearoreu
. (ln ar of tne
. .1. TTocforTl
A..h ehanter. Order oi we
. . . mi
Sineat which time officers will
eSd, will be held on December
11 Locals Ifl
11 i rn Tiir-f' i i 1 1 n ii -i rni'rr 'f -" "Tl " 1 PTl
Uir7i Sam Anthracite, our local flyer,
GiT0KRy I11- i J' -Js? s.v he's (toing to smash all records
Lit I U TMt R -1 'r for altitule this winter.
,-gp: ' laZb diVf"
ri -il KSr I Lost, strayed or stolen Our pet i
l.r r7ffr, rr,mthe big demsnd for catLibersl reward if returned to
W Considerable Owner Cropa. Address R. F. D. No. 3. j
I Vl WfrmsnUtloniroinR on around these i :
i opines Guythe grocer. J I J
UKr:- -
The Independence iron works has se
cured a contract for the construc
tion of a mammoth steel chain for
Pugh & Imlay, operators of the
gravel plant at West Salem It con
sists of 500 links of 19 inches each
in length.
Messrs. Justin & Wood, propriet
ors of the iron works, had to compete
with Portland bidders in landing the
job, but had the advantage of having
builded a like chain for this concern,
which has 'given excellent satisfac
tion. One of these chains lasts
about a year.
At the Presbyterian manse Tues
day evening, November 28th, oc
curred the marriage of George Henry
Osborne to Cleo Ida Rose, Dr. H.
C. Dunsmore officiating.
The young people will make their
Model encampment, No. 35, I . O .
O. F., Wednesday night elected of
ficers: C. P. P. O. Black.
H. P. W. E. Craven.
S. W. C. II . Boothby.
J. W.J. S. Robbie.
Scribe Paul Tacheron. ; .
Treasurer George Grover.
W. E. Wadsworth of Harrisburg,
grand patriarch, and H. K. Sicka
foose of Monmounth, grand senior
warden were in attendance at the
meeting and both gave inspiring
The Royal Purple degree was con
ferred and a lunch was served.
There were about 60 in attendance
at the meeting, including delega
tions from Dallas and Salem.
Mrs. Willard Cauthorn of WelJs
dale received $151 for IJ7 turkeys,
delivered dressed at Albany a fe
days ago. Mr. Cauthorn bus beel
practically helpless and the turkey
were a project of Mrs. Cauthorn.
When it came time to prepare them
for market, she was assisted by Dell
Alexander and wife. W. N. Alex
ander, Gail Alexander and Henry Mc
Elmurry. Mr. McElmurry took Mr.
and Mrs. Caurhorn to Corvallis last
Friday, where Mr. Caathorn is re
ceiving medical treatment.
Nelson Agee has moved his fam
ily from Sheridan to the farm resi
dence of S. J. McElmurry recently
vacated by Oren McElmurry. Mr.
Agee owns 30 acres adjoining the
McElmun-y place, which has no '
dwelling house and it is his intention
home at the Davidson and Hedges to Operate his farm and eventually
ranch, where Mr. Osborne has been build a home. Mr. Agee's family con
employed for some time. Isists of a wife and several children.