Friday, October 20. igjjo ii? crv"Ls t" V Ml ihzrn A v TT l r,.'T. mas Silence is Golden Because the Voice "Carries i i ' and 3y PERCY L. CROSBY ADVANTAGES OF TRADING AT HOME Most of the reasons why many peopie trade with mail-order houses and in nearby large cities rather than in their own town can be found in the business houses of the home itself: Failure to find out what the cus tomer wants, and to have it in stock when they call. Failure to play up and capitalize on these advantages: Personal touch, proximity to customers which enables from, especially in woman them to inspect the goods ana 10 i-syi-iuuui.i easily oduuu ucuiki w.iv r. " - lrtu Lack of progressive sales methods The above summary is from a well and alert sals persons. thought out letter to merchants by Unattractive stores; dirty exte- Wilted L. White, Mructormj riors. poor window displays, illogical deparmcnt of economics Univers. y lack of proper solicitation on part of of Colorado. Mr. nnue tha nmtintrement. pari. Failure to study the customer's buy ing habits and motives. About the only advantages of dis tant stores located in large cities are: Greater variety ot goous 10 cnuut,e a garment., tomers are concerned. They can c. of a Sree to your .tore, make a purchase .and . f la T,t rn home in a fraction of the in A progressive store located in a small town can undersell one in a Inro-nr citv. If two stores otlcr me which it would take to ul to some mail order house or to go to a mr by city. Some people do not rcaluo this. West Trade. nvi Y (INK FILES FOR riTY OFFICE, DALLAS j NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of gTlNcf of aS disl'ric! ff&2 needed by the f fiscal year beginning : on June it, ,19 --. and ".mounts t'Q be ret.eived mated..ln fflautr school fund, elementary rpedai'distrkrtax; and ail other moneys of the district: BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICE SaJary perYear Principal High School Teachers 00'00 Grade Teachers jq.'oo Janitors 150.00 Cle,rk " 400.00 Other services Dallas With one exception mum-. same quality and service the sma ie t - default. I one can soil medium and price n JS v th k merchandise at lower price " "0 wrifc in on a blank; its overhead charges are less It , , h ' ,yr, council-1 estimated mat a Hn.a.t " k man-it-large and ward cuneilmen. store can operate at a cost of abou man aU a, ki 17 percent, while a larger one mus m x have an operating margin of neaHy or and . , school fund, 24 P on net sales. As against this, de partment stores wll average more tnan zo percent. . u.-. , ()ct. primarily due to high rents the need h-ny ot the i thf of more advertising m the larger,"-. ..... - - cities, heavier loss from bad debts, Section Nun o f th p t m which are not cii.ui.-i i " . ' , has a desire to succeed niniHeu. The office to be filled by the eli-c- filt-d to succeed h?mself. Time for filing for nomination fur anv ot tne cuy oivk Total MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES Furniture (desks, stoves, curtams.etc.) onn'oo Supplies (chalk erasers, etc.) QqM Library books 2500 Fla?s , .: ioo!oo Janitor's supplies 800.00 Fuel 050 00 Light, Power and Heat Water 25 00 Postage and stationery $17735.00 Total .'. Construction Maintenance and repairs . . ; Assessments (H ghWays, Roads, Streets, Bridges) Indebtedness Bonded, and interest thereon Warrant, and interest thereon Insurance Miscellaneous ' Total estimated amount of money for all purposes during the year ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund during the cormng school year $3o00.00 (Use amount of county school fund received last year as basis in making th s estimate.) From State school fund during the coming school year (Use Amount of' state school "fund 'received iast 'year a basis in making this estimate.) . From elementary school fund during the coming school Estimate of' probable unexpended balance at end of current year ' $2050.00 $300.00 400.00 125.00 4505.00 200.00 250.00 500.00 and added servxes needed in a sma"l locality. To offset this advantage of buy ing at home, there is the disadvantage of not be ng able to carry complete lines of merchandise. This is a ser ious handicap for many merchants and cannot be completely overcome because a merchant in a Small city cannot afford to carry the same as sortment of sizes that is absolute y essential in a larger store. However, something can be done. tii.n next month, to become effective January 1st next are mayor, council- nian-at-lurge ami one vuum v from the third and fourth wnrd each, respectively, to succeed L mines iN. Belieu and Charles Hayes, res pectively, and two each from the first and second wards. Representative ' from these two wards who retire are Walter S. Muir and A. W. Thornton, ' first ward, and John II. Allgood and Comtey Walheir The solution is to Una out wnat . K b rt Van Qrsdel. second ward. ballot These wid bo reviewed in the; Jena NirolU of Eugene and tin ' JU'inizcr at a later duto. gnn ti rower ah J Eugene & T4 alwt have new plants of lia t! Tho horticultural producti ut'M V. Drivr Willit New recirculation dryer, have Wnjthe Exin-riment Itation wiUUf stalled on the farm., of C. It. Wid-jto hw th drier .mUsoUw . . 1 .... t, .. ft u hit fill fx , n,i it. Itiirci v at A liany ana on wut - - - your customers want and have tne s, Pi priul measures and char goods on your shelves when they!tj.r ainenjmcnt9 wiU be on the city the A. L. Fare frm at Jeffernon. call for it. You can do this by re-; cording every request for merchan- horticultural pruducU builditf. 2700.00 Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax Balance, amount to be raised by district tax .... $11,150.00 $14,915.00 Dated this 27th day of September, 1922. Attest: C. G. IRVINE District Clerk M. H. PENGRA Chairman Board of Directors ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET OK1Uli SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 29 in.- ftf-r-e is made in compliance with section 231-A of This origma. e-tim-.e is maae ,olumns he unit costs of fevSl services material nd supplies for the three fiscal year . next pre- fc of saes me 5dSf th. current year, the detail exper , ! ures for the t o"- r,, d alert ,,,,, pcopl, If peo tnree preceui.iB r" " civ of the current year" means months ol tne current, v QlA IHV""J v w 1 1 months of the last scnooi ye.. vc;at.P.l Expenditures for three fiscal years ITEM $2200.00 5850.00 7200.00 1350.00 expenditures for the ensuing school year Personal Service: Principal High School Teachers . . . Grade School Teachers . Tnnilnrd . .-... Clerk 150-00 0theiric!!. :::::: ::::::iS55 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: -Furniture (desks, etc.) .. - Supplies fdialk, etc.) ... 200.00 Library books 100.00 Flags J5-U0 Playground equipment 25.00 Jan tor's supplies 100.W Fuel 800.UU Light, Power and heat 250.00 y'ater 150.00 Postage and stationery 25.00 Total $1875.00 Construction Annnn Maintenance and Repairs ... 400.00 Assessments (Highways ,Roads, Streets, Bridges) : 125.00 Indebtedness Bonded and interest thereon., 4505.00 Warrant, and interest thereon 200.00 Total indebtedness ?4705.00 Insurance r'! Miscellaneous 500.00 GRAND TOTAL $25,005.00 next preceding the last school year Last Year 2nd Year 1st Year $12875.00 $10700.00 $7855.00 dise which is not m stock at the time of the request. You can do it by putting out "feelers" just prior to a purchasing trip. You can do it by closely watching the social, business and political leaders of your city to ?;2fi 0C5 00 ' see that they are purchasing from you and your competitors. You can- do it by reading both the trade pub l'cation and general magazines in order to find out what they recom mend. The second advantage you have over your out-of-town competitors is that, assuming that you are not primarily a cut-price store, you do offer merchandise of quality equal to that of these competitors. National advertising has been a boon to the smaller merchants because they can now offer standardized merchandise equal in every respect to that of fered in the most exclusive store in New York city. Do you make use of this advantage? This question is partially answer ed by the third reason why so many people trade outside of their own th- ple leave your store without being wait ed upon, it is not so much because they are in a hurry for service. Many customers will not ask a clerk to wait upon them; they will stand for a few minutes and then walk out in disgust, vowing never to come back. The advantage which you can util ize is that of convenience of location. The main reason why most groceries are purchased in the home city is that groceries are a convenience goods. Although you may not be sellng a convenience goods, you have a conven ient location as far as the local cus- the six $1960.00 $350.00 $400.00 $130.00 $4860.00 $300.00 $500.00 $21,375.00 $1985.00 $375.00 $378.00 $123.00 $2200.00 $265.00 $500.00 $16,526.00 $1121.00 $300.00 $128.00 $4342.00 $246.00 $400.00 $14392.00 IT'S TOASTED k T C G Irvine, do hereby certify that the above estimate of expenditures ffnr vear lvVi)23 was prepared by me and that the expenditures and tor ne year v ' (u r,f ih Mimnt war and the expenditures -Tu Yft alloweriM for sx mrnths of the current year ana vne expeimiiiuo ;du. ;ti . , .o - nrt,ot,A-r the current year as shown above &Teen corned rom the records in my charge and are true and correct one extra process which gives a delicious flavor m it m I ' "nPJiT v . ... -.,raMMMl';: ...J SO I DISCOUNTING THE COUNT ! A COUNT used to be a man in charge of a count of 500 persons to whom he was a sort of overlord. This is not true today because of altered political conditions. We still have Counts, but the Count business has changed somewhat. Business, of all kinds, has undergone something of a revolution. It was not so many years ago that pack peddlers were the sole distributors and transporters of many of the household articles of the day. Their logs set the limits for most distribution problems in those days. Modern transportation, progressive sales methods and advertising have broken the shackles of time. They make a speedy job of what used to take years. Through advertising many an article has been introduced simulta neously in stores all over the country. ' Advertising today is the method used by business to tell you why you should have certain goods and how to identify those goods. The advertisements you find here are a truthf ul catalog of needed merchandise. Articles of all kinds and for all purposes are presented in a pleasant way through the medium of type and picture. The outstanding requirements of every member of the family are met by offers of good merchandise proved value. USE THE ADVERTISEMENTS FOR GUIDANCE AND YOU WILL BE A CONSTANT GAINER 'I 1 "ft "m"