Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, October 20, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Friday, October 20, 1922
Page Five
Wis Not a idrala
and enjoy all the music from
the World's greatest artists
and musicians.
We have a plan that
makes it easy for you to
have a Victrola in your home
. mu irs. w, T. House and
daughter Helen of GrcBham were
weekend guests of relatives in the
Herman Rune was in t
Monday. For a time he was assoc !
luted with Curl Anderson in the'
J'ulaco restaurant. He is now located
at Salem.
Horn, at the Portland sanitarium,
October 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. William
V. Casshly, a son. Mrs. Cassidy will
be remembered as Miss Beulah
Murphy, formerly of this city.
M. L. Neil has traded hill rnnh
north of town for a ranch near Her-
miston, and with his family will
leave for his new location about th.
first of the month.
Come in today and let us demonstrate the
Victrola and Victor Records
Craven & Walker
l, A. Weddio was a
Salem visitor
Mr. M. J. O'Donnrll
xlay in Portland.
spent Wed-
Word has been received here to the
effect that Mrs. Dole I'omeroy is quite j
ill in Portland. i
Mrs. William Dame was here from
Portland and spent the weekend with
her husband, bookkeeper at the Stan
dard Oil plant here.
Miss Grace Seamans has resigned
her position in the Citv meat mnrkt
end (the has been succeeded by Miss
wauel duller of Hillsboro.
Lieutenant Clinton McLeod, with
his wife and infant son, after a visit
of ten days with relatives and friends,
iert Monday for their home in
M. II. Pengra, Ross II. Nelson and
,11. A Joslin went to Eugene last Sat
.urday and witnessed the Multnomah
club of Port "and take the university
football team down the lihe to the
extent of 20 to 0.
Veatch traded with Mr. Taylor a
farm in Washington county, Oregon,
for the tore property. Mr. Veatch
was formerly located at Cottage
Grove, and is an enterprising, pro
gressive business man.
W, R. JfailMe is movmjr his familv
to Portland, and Mr. Maillie is con
templating the establishment of a
barber business at Long Bell, the new
town which is being brought into ex
istence just across the river from
Kelso, Wash.
Ted Irvine of Salem spent Sunday
with his mother, Mrs. T.W.IIart. Ted
has been ill for many weeks. Another
operation was performed upon him
Monday, which is expected to start
him upon the road to complete re
covery. The grading of the highway from
Ed. Steele's to a point 2y miles
south bt practically completed. This
was a part of the Hiltibrand contract
sublet to Jim Shidley. The road
follows an entirely new course with
no bridges or cuFverts. There are
several pipe spillways and concrete
heads and these are being built by
Kullander Bros.
Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Davidson left
Thursday morning for a stay
several days at their cottage at Bar
J. F. O'Donnell of Briggs, Idaho,
. i Ktonnwl A fow tin at a fltia i.rl, i.U
w ' r ,.
ur. u. u. Uutler home. He is a
brother-in-law of Dr. Butler, and was
enroute from California to his home,
W, N, Chapman is on the job
again at the Independence Paint com
pany establishment after being laid
up for about 10 days by illness.
Mrs. McCloud and two children of
Renvorton passed the weekend with
Mrs. McCIoud's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Ingernuinson.
Mrs. M. F. Ford has returned to her
home here after an extended visit
with her daughter, Mrs. William
Probst, at Salem.
1 and
In The Churches
M E Church
mere will be regular services at
the Methodist church next Sunday at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The choir
under the directorship of Mrs. Lottie
Mcintosh has been reorganized, seve
ral new musical instruments added,
and special music will be a feature of
the meetings.
is now spending a few days in with Jesus?"
Church of Christ
Revival' services every night
7:45, Teddy Leavitt, evangelist.
Friday evening, "What shall I
County Agent Paul Carpenter was
Independence last Saturday.
in. W. C. Dullis and little daugh-
were Sunday visitors In Hoskins.!
C. A. K.liott was in Portland yes-j
iiy attending to business matters.
Mrs. Burns of Rickreall spent Mon
ty md Tuesday at the home of Mrs.
A. Weddle. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Ilougham and
' two children, and mother, Mrs. Houg-
n Misses Ilant and Rose of thehnmt mtored to Hoskins Sunday to
rrirh ranrh were visitors In Snlo-n, pnH tnc ,jay wjtn Mr. Hougham's
"ky- winter, Mrs. George Soule.
Hijor W. Lewis Rose of the Wig-: Hen Johnson is building concrete
a ranch, accompanied by Mrs. Rose, piers for the new foot bridge on Mon
"jmed yesterday from Portland, mouth street. The superstructure
ere he spent several days attending will be of wood and wfl be built by
liiujiess matters. Frank Bush.
Your Jext
Should be a Tailored to Measure Suit.
Especially so if you are hard to fit.
We are making Special Prices on the
Ed V. Price line and if you compare our
Prices you will find there a big difference
and the saving is yours.
Let us show you
Buds for Men
Indepenctence, Oregon
Saturday evening, "Excuses."
bundav mnrnino- 11 nVWt "TK.
. - . 1 v w vil. A 4i
uut oi town guests at the E. A . unlifted Christ."
r)llrwlf a! ltnvA ........ H f 1 if n ! n .
..wv,. Hume ircie mi. ujiu iurs. o. sunrnv ovoninn. V
j uuiiji ai. me
R. Johnson of Portland, Mr. and Door." Solo, "The Holy Citv" bv
m. iir:ii:i.. t i- i i . ' J J
i-i.a. milium L.anceiieia ana son ciaui e Npp v nf Tr:,,nn0
, i -
Pau): of Amity and Mr.
Will Collins of Dallas.
and Mrs.
Fish asici Oysters
We carry Halibut, Salmon, Crabs and Oysters.
If you want nvst.prs. however, it is better to place
your order ahead in order that we may be able
foeet your requirements.
Meat Prices Continue Low.
Let us supply your wants
City Meat Market
GUS MILLER. Proprietor.
Dr. and Mrs. William Cavanaugh
of Portland were guests at the G.
C Skinner home over the weekend.
In the company of Mr. Skinner, Dr.
Cavanaugh spent a part of his time
here in quest of Chinas.
Bert Cross started work yesterday
on the improvement of Log Cabin
street in the north part of the city.
He is grading the street and will
cover it with gravel.
Attorney C R. Ellis, who has
formed a partnership with D. E.
Fletcher, has moved his family here
and is occupying the Barnett resi
dence on Third street.
Attorney B. F. Swope was here
Tuesday attending to legal matters.
Mr. Swope expresses himself as
being weM satisfied with his law
offices in Dallas.
The concrete foundation for the
D. P. Lamb residence on West Mon
mouth street is being builded, and
Contractor C D. Smiley will soon
start upon the carpenter work.
M. C. Williams and Willard E.
Craven, disciples of the renowned
Izaak, returned Wednesday night
from Newport, where they had a few
days of fine sport landing "Silver
sides" from the bay. They got a
score or more of fine, big ones, and
the outing otherwise proved enjoy
. able. j
The Wmnn's Relief Corps will have
! as its honored guest on Saturday,
October 21, Department President
Clara SVhol! of Hubbard. There will
be an official inspection of the corps
I and a basket lunch. All members of
I the W. R. C. and G. A. R. are in
j vited.
! H. II. Hansen, superintendent of'
the niun'Jcipal lighting and power
' plant at Bandon, Coos county, in a I
letter to the Enterprise, expresses
himseff as being highly pleased with
his situation and the prosperous
little city. Mr. Hansen was in . the
I battery bus'hess here before going to
B. R. Wolfe was in Dallas last Fri-
rlay night and attended a convocation
: of the Dallas Masonic lodge. Work i
! in the master's degree was put on by !
Hie un ana lciwii, vihw. .a itwftinu
as one of the best in the state. Mr.
Wolfe was accompanied by; James
D. Moore of Monmouth. The Dallas
team is to go to Salem November
3 and exemplify the work.
I. H. Veatch, who took possession
of the Clay S. Taylor store at Pedee
the first of the month, was in Inde-
1 pendence Wednesday, accompanied
' by his son, Dale S. Veatch. Mr.
Baptismal services, Sunday p. m. at
the nver. Bible school 10 a. m.
Everybody is welcome.
Examine cj'osely
tS7" Thompson's method of eye
examination and his system of glass
fitting and you will readily see -why
you can find comfort and satisfaction
here, when possibly you have failed
to do so elsewhere. Consult him
about your eyes next visit Tuesday,
October 31. Local hotel all day.
' 20-2t
Neighbors' of Woodcraft
Meetings of Independence Circle
No. 69 are held the 2nd and 4th
Friday of each month.
Special business will be transacted
at the next meet'ng and all members
are requested to be present. 20-4t
The New Fall Coats
We are particularly well pleased with our
new Fall Coats. Of the latest creations,
they are certainly attractive, well made
Marvelle cloth and Scotch Tweeds, with
plain and fur collars. We have an excellent
range in sizes and styles. We will be
pleased to have you see them.
We are making our first showing of New
Fall Sweaters for ladies and misses. They
come in all colors attractive, well made of
substantial materials.
Eddy & Carbray
Independence, Oregon.
Express To Your Door
We will deliver and collect for
shipment all express matter within
the city limits.
8-4t Charles E Kurre, Agent.
Lottie Hedges Mcintosh
Voice and Piano
Trade your city property for 52 If a bird is worth treating for
acre farm one-half mile from Inde- j disease it is before she is half dead,
pendence. Balance easy payments Prevention rather than cure, first,
and Mght interest. last and always.
We have nearly 15 acres 1 miles
out, on paved road, 5 room house,
dandy good barn, family orchard, 2
acres bearing strawberries, will trade
$1500 equity for property in some
good town in valley. This is located
on paved road. Price $4500.
We have some good business prop
erty on Main street for sale.
Here is a dandy 41 acres, one mile
out, on good road, modern house,
large barn, all land under plow for
$5000, part cash, balance good terms.
J. E. Hubbard. C. B. Smith.
Residence Phone 4821
Accredited High School
jFall Term Begins Oct. 1st
Before putting up that Heater give the floor a new
It will cheer you all winter
If it is a stain and var
nish finish our Mar-not
is the best made for the
If it is a painted sur
face our S. W. P. floor
Paint has the body and
gloss to wear well.
Don't forget that there are only a few more days left to paint that porch
floor or outside windows.
& (So-