nrtniimflmft r4 ... W1 MdS dSM3 1L ILJL U IT. 1 K 41st YEAH No. 9 . INDEPENDENT Fl ni?t!f!AM Twin A v irnn oa moo !0RN MANAGERS ARE SELECTED Wationi Ucing for Annual Corn Show Mad Arthur K. Horton, William Oockie ,mitue to handle tne corn now Prtmiiient It. M. Walker of tho .in MunhimU' association at the lajr nlht meeting. They will i UMin with Paul Carpenter, ,.v grrcnt, determine the dy for 'in the blir event, compile the i,im lint and e!cct a place for tor It. be com how in an interesting fiir md in past yearn hna attracted rrtt dcttl of attention. It U poiwi- tht thu ahow thin year will be rrrd to include apuda aa welt aa iindi of corn and corn product. ii has been an exceptionally y corn neanon and it la expected : the nhowing will be the bent h ha ever been made here. k county in the corn belt of the ,y and the acreage devoted to Krop U being steadily increased. i it the purpose of the committee :.ike the chow a real farm gather- ind it probable that in addi to the exhibit, there will be at !ive entertaining features. CITY IN BRIEF fi. H. Irvino was hi independence ihni raiuriuy greeting old frlendH. lie hits been ntaying with hi daugh ter, Mra. E. N. Johnnon at Salem for tin.! paHt few weeks. II. Hinuhberg, Dr, II. Charlie Duimmore and Ira Mix were in Mon iiwuth Jaat Friday night assisting William Stocho'm in commemorating hi C.lrd birthday anniversary. At the Polk County fair, Helen Alexander carried off tho first pre mium for penmanship and Helen Olm. atead received aecond premium on compoaition. Mra. Homer Hill has been cniovlntr . c a short visit from her father, O. Mar tin, and her nephew, Floyd Frazier. both of Roseburg. The gentlemen left Wednesday for Alberta. Canada The trip will bo mado in a Maxwell car. K. A. Dunckel returned Wednes day from Coqulllc, where he has been engaged for several days in over hauling the machinery in the laundry at that place. While there Mr. Dun ckel saw Crosby Dalton, who i in business In CoquiJle and reports he and his family as prosperous and in good health. I Oregon's World Champion jersey b I'RICKM TOUCH LOWEST LEVEL IN HISTORY C. G. Nelson and Robert Nea.Von of Portland spent Sunday at the Dr. 0. D. Hutler residence. Messrs. Sul livan and Nealson spent a few hours seeking Chinas, securing a few. h Ford Motor company sprung a :rie this week by announcing a -nt in the price of the touring and ,bout models, bringing the price - i vnujy me omui'V place. 'it factory the lowest in the com-1 vl. . . . t.... ... .,..Jxchanfe wlU be m8,,e t once unvui. v. n. r.iwoiL, roru R. Rue, who for the past year has been a tenant on the ranch of Mrs. Carrie Smiley, has rented a ranch near Dallas and Mr. Savery of Dallas will occupy the Smiley place. The iUny y. VMkx::sl);;r..'. 'm. f -.V ,A? (vh ri t ' ' r ' FLNDEKS OR RED EARS ARE NOT REVEALED LOCAL FOLKS FOR PORTLAND SHOW Finances were getting low in tho Methodist aid society treasury and I members of that organization were j waiting with an ear to the ground to discover some way of relieving the financial stringency. A field of un- husked corn on the W. S. Small ranch offered a solution of the problem, and - C 11 1 a 1 . i 1 . the contract. On FrHy afternoon I dependence in a receptive mood , i I during the visit of the caravan last assembled at the Small barn, prepared Mayor Baker and Caravan Are Given Welcome in Independence Mayor Baker and his caravan of boosters for the 1927 exposition found Here is Mrs. Sam J. McKee hold ing Lad's Iota, world champion Jer sey cow. Lad's Iota is deemed such a wonderful animal and so great an attraction that a special glass house is being erected for her upon the Pacific Livestock Exposition grounds in I ortland, where she will be shown from November 4 to 11. BABY LANDS ON FENDER OF CAR Mrs. Earl Klum Struck by Automobile With Babe in Arms tentative in Polk county, had ed no information that such a as even contemplated, if predicted in financial circles she Ford cut is but another step I r which is being waged by niea building the smaller cars. kurtions made on the various low 4 car from tho peak figures of IKO are: Overland, 49 percent; , 4H percent; Chevrolet, 36 per- Dodge IJrothers, 31 percent; ell, 23 percent. MI.NTOSH BUYS K. C. KLDRIDCE PROPERTY Tuesday, a deal was consumma- I'hereby Mrs. Lottie H. Mcintosh he the owner of tho K. C. Eld- property at the corner of Sev- nd Monmouth streets. Eldridge disposed of the prop- few months ago to Mrs. Clara senlmrg of Portland in a tran- n whereby Mr. Eldridge ac i n apartment house property rtland and the place has been in of a caretaker since that time. one of the finest residence rtlcs in Independence with spa- beautiful grounds and shrub- and Mrs. Mcintosh are now "S into the new place. Mrs. I'osh's tnthpr. "IliKlrlv" Ilnrlcroa ' - c ake his home with them, vaca- ;,,e Hedges propertybn tho op- corner, which has been in the ssion of the Hedges family for 'han a score of years. Elfclns News The ladies of the Methodist church will give their annual dinner in the church basement Thursday, October 2Cth from 5 to 8 p. m . These dinners need no advertising and all attending arc assured of a bounteous meal. "just like mother used to cook," at an extremely moderate price. A masquerade dancing party for Odd Fellows and Rebekahs only will be held Tuesday evening, October 31, in tho I. 0. 0. F. hall. Lunch will be served and a silver offering taken for the children at the Odd Fellows homo in Portland. An examination wj!1 be held at Camp Lewis during the week begin ning October 23rd for the selection of second lieutenants of the regular army, in order that a number of va cancies in the commissioned personnel may be filled. George Bergeron, a partner of W. N. Chapman in the Independence Paint company, was here from Tilla mook Sunday consulting with Mr. Chapman. Messrs. Chapman and Bergeron are running an auto paint ing establishment at Tillamook. II. E. Pankalla, accompanied by Mrs. Pankalla and their sons, Allen and Emory, left Wednesday morning for southern Oregon, where the men folks will spend a few days deer hunting. Mrs. Earl Klum was struck by a car driven by George McLinn at the postoffice corner Tuesday afternoon, knocked down but sustained no mater ial injuries. She was carrying ,a baby in her arms and it was thrown between the hood and fender just back of a headlight without injury. Mr. McLinn was driving at a very moderate speed. Mrs. Klum, appar ently oblivious to the approaching car, attempted to cross the street just in frone of it. Mr. McLinn sounded his ironir and applied the emergency brakes to the extent of sliding the wheels, but the machine struck Mrs. Klum before it could be brought to a stop. The accident was witnessed by a number of persons, who went to Mrs. Klum's assistance erpecting that she had been seriously injured, but aside from the fright she declared that she was all right. BOOZE IS THRUST ON SHERIFF ORR Rum Runner Runs Against the Wrong Customer in Dallas MARRIED AT DALLAS; ' GO TO IIOQUIM, WASH. Miss Florence Hartman, a daugh ter of T. L. Hartman of Independ ence and W. II. Mode were married at Dallas last Saturday and have gone to Hoquim,' Wash., with the expecta tion of residing there. Mr. and Mrs. Mode have many friends here and felicitations are be ing extended to them. WILLAMETTE RED CROSS WILL MEET IN SALEM G. C. Skinner, Emerson Groves, G. G. Godfrey, James Robbie and Merle Nye of the Independence Garage, C. A. Elliott and A. L A'len of the Stewart Motor Co.. Tues !day night listened to a talk in the ' Myrtle and Mario Johnson, commercial club rooms, Salem, by Ray ve lately moved to this vic- 'rom Lewinvilln nfi.rl a,.K,w,l 3, .... vnvki vii oviiuui !!ly. A- E. Tetherow and daugh- iiared and Ruth, were visitors '( Cnnitol c. j i -'-y aaiuruay. nd Mra. E. A. Tedrow wern N: in Independence Saturday. auRnn Jones of Corvallis is "toff A fo... .1 , ... " - uuys visiting at tne 01 her son. Georo-e .Tnnf X A r, . leoirow and Miss ce Enschede were visitors in lcnce Saturday. an Mrs. DelH Springstein of Iwitk S ew duys the Past JP7 8- SP'ingstein'a brother, iwT.randfami,y- I in !'.,ama of Airlie is sawing L ls immunity ths week. Sffc6,0' -N-s-visited U01 Tuesday. fc!"d Mr8- E- Bedwell visi- m Pedee Sunday. and Grace Jones Sherman of Chicago on "Shop Profits." Highly optimistic over the future of the auto industry, Mr Sherman's mission is to put a little more "kick" into the men engaged in the work. Mrs. R. E. Williams of San Fran cisco and Mrs. B. J. Hedgpath of Tillamook arrived in Independence ,Wednesday for a visit at the home of their niece, Mrs. P. L. Hedges. "Aunt Jane" Hedgpath as she is familiarly known to her friends was, for years, a resident of Independence and old acquaintances will be pleased to greet her again. Mrs. F. R. Arrell was operated upon in tne i;eaconess nospaai, Salem, Wednesday morning for tumor, the operation being success ful in every way, and she is slowly recuneratine. Mrs. Arrell was taken there Sunday by Mr. Arrell, who is IT8 Kathryn Tflll! "- vvruoc) v i Wo . Were Sunday visitors at dividing his time between his home The annual meeting of Willamette chapter, American Red Cross will be held at 2:30 p. m., October 25 at Keel Cross headquarters, 640 State street, Salem, for the purpose of electing a Jwaord of directors of 21 members for the coming year. All' persons holding 1922 membership cards are entitled to a vote in this meeting and urged to be present. Sheriff John W. . Orr runs up against many unusual circumstances in his official capacities. To be mis taken for one with an unquenchable thirst and have a gallon demijohn! or contraband thrust into bis hands was an occurence at Dallas a few nights ago. S'neriff Orr was lying in wait in the rear of a Dallas business place last Sundav rntrhf: fn-r a cncncntiirl I Moonshine peddler. A car came along the street, and without any material slackening of speed, a man jumped from the running board and started on a run for the rear of the building. The sheriff stepped in his path and was handed a copious quantity of shine. Sheriff Orr was expecting Paul Lundy of Falls City to be the peddler of the stuff, but Lundy had sent an emissary, and so the sheriff climbed into his gas wagon and headed 'er for Falls City. On the way there he got a "scent" which caused him to stop at the Ralph Thrasher place. He demanded admittance, but Thrash er allowed that it would be necessary to have a search warrant in order to make an inspection of the premisis. The sheriff continued his journey to i Falls City, arrested Lundy on the charge of selling moonshine, secured a search warrant from Justice J. J. Summons and . returning to the thrasher, place, found one of the best equipped stills which has been brought to light in Polk county, 80 gallons of the finished product and 600 gallons of corn mash. The still has a capacity of 80 gallons and was operated with three oilburner stoves. Thrasher was placed under arrest and taken to the county jail. for business and with a man or two in the field, Mrs. Carrie Smiley hauling the corn to the barn and will ing hands eager to dispose of it at that end, evening saw the corn husked and stowed away safe from the win ter's rain and the society's finances are once more looking up. The ladies all admit the presence of two red ears in the pile, but the most rigid cross examination failed to reveal the names of the finders, how ever, with Grandpa Kelley and Mr. Ingermansen the only two members of the sterner sex present at the husking, judicious questioning of these gentlemen might be advisable. i Next! Who has a job he wants done! with speed and expertness? PURVINE CAR GOES INTO DITCH HERE A car in which Mrs. Cyrus Purvine and son Allen were riding went into the ditch yesterday morning near the A rt Baker residence in the north part of the town. The machine turned over, Mrs. Purvine escaping with a few bruises and the son was unscathed. A couple of cans of cream which were being- brought from the Purvine ranch near McNary station to tie creamery here were srrilled. and there was some damage to the car. "The trouble was due to a defect in the steering apparatus of the mach ine. . Mrs. Purvine i3 the mother of Mrs. tleorge Graves and was taken to the .Graves home following the accident. POLK EXHIBIT TO PACIFIC LIVESTOCK SHOW The Polk county exhibit, shown at the Polk County fair, is to be shown at the Pacific International show in Portland. D Leaving D Oregon formal J.J. Handsaker of Portland, chair man of the Near East relief for Ore gon, addressed the students at the chapel hour on Monday morning. He presented the subject in a most vivid forceful way. In response to his appeal for help, $300 has already been raised and $100 more is pledged to be paid by the end of the week. Such a report reflects decidedlv nnnn the student body of O. NY S. Miss Taylor made a business trio to Portland last Thursday. A dancing party will be given in the gymnasium on Saturday evening. October 21. The arrangements for this party are in the hands of the seniors who are planning some feat ures characteristic of Hallowe'en. Local friends on the Normal's social list are cordially invited to attend this party. President Landers read an interest ing letter from Miss Clara Allen, '22, at the chapel hour on Tuesday. The letter reported the activities of a most enthusiast'c group of Normal ites who set forth the needs of the Normal during the institute week in Astoria, Oregon. Thev r Friday evening. With a considerable din, the cara van arrived upon schedule time, and with a soap box as a speaker's stand at the intersection of Main and C streets, Mayor Walker welcomed the visitors on behalf of the city, and short talks were made by Rev. Charles MacCaughey, pastor of the Wilbur M. E. church, Portland; O. R. Hartwig, president of the Oregon State Federa tion of Labor; George L. Rauch, presi dent Portland Ad. club, and Mayor George L. Baker, in which the speak ers pointed to the purpose of the proposed exposition. At the conclusion of Mayor Baker's tak, he asked those in favor of letting Portland raise $3,000,000 for exposi tion purposes to make it manifest and there was a lusty response. There was one incident in connec tion with the caravan visit to Polk county which was not down on the itinerary. That wa's the arrest of Kirk Thompson of the Covey Motor, Car company on the charge of speed ing, the complainant being Marshal Stewart of Monmouth. Mr. Thomp son, on a motorcycle, was acting as an advance guard to the caravan and tore through Monmouth at an exces sive rate of speed, according to Mr. Stewart. He foUowed the rider here. vwho was taken before Justice Baker, ,who remitted the fine after allowing Mr. Stewart his fee of $2.40. This was paid by Mayor Walker. There were about 60 Drominent business and professional men of Portland in the caravan. It came here from Dallas and went from here to McMinnville. CITY TO INSTALLL NEW RECORD SYSTEM C. W. Irvine, A. L. Thomas and R. W. Baker have been selected as a committee by Mayor Walker to purchase and have installed a modern filing and record system for handling the city's affa'xs. DALLAS MAN OPENS HARNESS SHOP HERE WillHam P. Riley has opened a har ness shop in the Odd Fellows building on C street and has moved his family here from Dallas where he was for merly engaged in the same business. Monmouth Paul Tacheron is spending the week with his brother at firpshnm Miss Mildred McNight and Miss Allen are spending the week end with friends at Albany. The high school student body sub scribed $60 to the Near East reMef fund last Monday after Mr. Hand saker made his appeal. Rev. J. Farris Powell of Eugene spoke at the Christian church last Miss Eva L. Charles MouJton j weekend guests I Charles Irvine. Moulton and Mrs. of Portland were of Mr. and Mrs. better at present. i . f orousiy carrying on the campaign for ' Sunday and will occupy the pulpit a bigger and better O. N. S. again next Sunday. . President Landers addressed the I J- B. Hill is building a norch on his W. C. T. U. at McMinnville and the residence and making other im- county institute at Oregon City last ' provements. week. I Jack Rtit.W wno m.;io -.w i(. - ' ' " .jmivv o .ijy laob Saturday nisrht and Tlr Tt.rfU. t L urwoods book "The Valley of Silent I Independence was called. He is much luen win be shown in the chapel on Friday evening. The story is well known and should make an interesting picture. nends of Burton Belli are much gratified that he has sufficiently re covered his health to resume his school work. Mr. Bell is nrPsirW. of the student body organization this year. Mr. Beattie spoke at the institute in Baker county last week. The seniors held their class election last Thursday afternoon. The follow ing offcers were elected: Frances Lord, president. - Katheryn Peterson, vice-president. Marion Jenkins, secretary. Mabel Rae Green, treasurer. " J. 0. Burcham, Sargeant at Arms. Emily Bergen, song leader. MONMOUTH HEIGHTS NEWS IN BRIEF FORM Sam Galloway of Hillsboro was a guest of his cousins, P. L. and V. A. Fishback Saturday and Sunday. W. J. Miller and Jack Leask of Monmouth picked apples in the J. B. Stump orchard last week. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman of Morgan Idaho, and their daughter. MW Fannie Walkup of Clackamas. Oregon were guests last week of their r.U friends, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wun- der. Riddell Bros, are digging their potatoes. Clare Egleston of Monmouth m our midst Jast Fridav. James Dalrymple of .Washington was a visitor with Darrell Stump and family last week. John Stump is having his was George Jones harvested. . here and the hospital.