Friday. September 15, 1922 rHZ- hVv! i i "' ' " 1 ' '-' " ' i. ..I,. - . Kmmmammm tttity paj k&j j OHla S g PREPARATION PRECEDES RESULTS 5 PREPARATION PRECEDES RESULTS It is a well known fact that preparation always precedes re Hulto and it is therefore essen tial that the preparation be prop erly made. The right way to prepare for a steadily growing reserve fund is to make weekly deposits with the Fanners State Bank. Your account is invited. 4',"t Interct Paid on Savings Accounts Farmers State Bank INDEPENDENCE . OREGON 'I W " "i in- .... INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE n A A a. LIVE 0N NECTA" Department cf Aorlculture Correct WlMpprhtntlon About Food of th Humming Bird. Page Three Tinr nr ,,! misconceptions about the humming bird, the smallest f the f,r,l nice, but there are many misconceptions about other birds. However, the Department of Agricul ture desires to correct a very popular ntlnundwrictandlnsr as to what the lit tle humming bird eat. Rpcuklng through Its biologists and HRVDAV IH)M ANCKS TKANSCKM) NOVIX.S i woman patient in a Chicago ho. J m treated with a tube of am Inserted in an incision in her j, When the surgeon went lo &t it, it hail disappeared. Rather a have the doctor suffer the 1j:i thousand dollars, she sitted t another operation to re- .i . i .. i: u I I I mr tune wnun imu uuim-u ugh into another part of her w . .. . .. I L . in rnmum was iouiki aim ins Tin radium mine recovered. I Birmingham, Ala., man hail the t of sleep walking well developed. owner's Jury decided, after ho waa :.i with a bullet in him, that he committed suicide while asleep, i unique in annala of both law medicine. '!;ntreal, Canada, is filled with in ;ndent young women who do not jttw to abide by the dictate of ik Fashion, but who will wear the 1 ikirt of to-day regardless of it drc designers of Paris, Lon- h nd New York ay la the atyle. v".So Lung Skirt League" already hundreds of members pledged to if ikirt of present day length. I i Honolulu man has applied for a Raspberry Propagation Simple Propagation of red raspberries is a simple matter, Most of the varie ties ucker freely. The young plant may be set out when they are from 0 to autumn. Some purple-cane varieties propagate by tips, while others throw up suckers sparingly. Root-cutting? are usually made in autumn. Tho roots are cut into pieces 3 or 4 Inches long and stored for the winter in aand or moos in a cellar. If the .in. romrary to turnout universal be- Mi.' at.,. a . . --, me iiumiriing bird docs not live "pon tne nectar of flowers, though nectnr forms an Important part of Its dirt. The bird will hover In front of a cobweb, picking off Insects and perhaps the spiders entangled In the net. They will capture food on the wing, after the manner of the fly catchers. Ktomnch examinations show that a considerable part of the food of the bird consists of In sects, with sometimes a very little of vegetable mutter. The ruby throat Is the only humming bird which Inhabits the eastern part of the United States, nd It Is more; or less common every where In that region. It euts con centrated sweets, hut Its fuvorlte animal food Is spiders. Gnats or small tiles are eaten. KILLED ENEMIES BY PROXY Many Races of Savages Had Implicit Faith In Their Power to Brlnfl About Death. divorce. His wife, ho testifies, de- -...I.. I t.:... .u: ,, uuriy-seven years ago. uf wor,(, ah mi? years ne has been sure aim would return to him, but has finally Kiven up hope. He is awarded the prize, by his friends, of being the Vhampiori marital hoper in captivity. A Muakcgon, Mich., woman in an endeavor to settle a family quarrel, left nearly two hundred thousand dol lars to her daughter on condition that ahe ajtologue for her part in the quarrel to her brother. If she didn't be was to receive the money. Sympathetic magic used as a meuns of wreaking vengeance upon an absent enemy was believed In and practiced by Kavnges In widely separated parts j The principle on which the theory I was baaed was that like produces like. or that by hurting an Image of a man J'mi would thereby hurt him. The OJIbway Indian desiring to harm an enemy made a little wooden Image of Mm and ran a needle through Its bead or heart. Or he shot an arrow Into It, firmly convinced that hi foe would at the same Instant be seized with a ahnrp puln In a cornwpondlng part of his body. A Malay charm consisted In mak- Ing a wax Image of the person marked for deaf met Ion, In which were some or his hairs. The figure was acorched over a lamp every night for seven nights with the following words: "It la not wux I am scorching, but It Is the liver, heart and spleen of So-and-Ho that I scorch." After the seventh time the figure was burned and the Red ItuHphrrries Do Well The acreage put in red raspberry plantations on the Pacific coast has been steadily increasing in recent years. The climate is favorable. Red raspberries are grown not only in small orchards as a companion crop for the home and local market, but in snnift rtiona are a valnntila ram. , , . , , . .. Monarch Admired American Post. i , . . ,--; i0ula L Kln( of Bavaria, was one should be located near a ready mar-of E(lKr A1Ian Voi..a gmitet admlr- ktt. 1 ff hnrriiM HrA hard in uhin u they cruah and deteriorate rapidly. If the fruit is to be shipped long dis tances it is essential that quick trans portation and refrigerator-car service be available. O. A. C. Experiment stateion, rany tnrow out a sucker at that point which can later be planted. 0. A. C, Experiment station. GOING TO CHURCH Concerned as they are with broad principles of fraternity and sound , 1 : a. at, . Abamar It 1 lr inn. 8 Inchc. high in the early 8llltent in indorsing the movement for a "go-to-church day," which haa as its purpose the extension of a prac tice fundamentally desirable from the viewpoint of community interest. The statement of the resolution that "there is no force in the world to day as potent as the various churches in the United States" for furthering all endeavors that make for the better citizenship of the state and nation " """ j d0es not err on the side of overempha- sis. It is quite capable of proof, and tew Weeding Pays it is conceded by all but a negligible The cost of ra.sing a calf to the few of the hopelesaly pessimistic that weanbig atage on the range is the the great need of the people wre coat of running the cow plus depre- reigion in their daily Hve8. Un. v.uw.,11, iiuerem, ana Duai service, pro viding there is a calf for every cow. If there in only 60 percent of a calf crop, the cost of the calf is 1.4 times the coBt of running one cow. The larger the calf crop, therefore, the cheaper the production. Begin more economical production by weeding out' time to time to observe an oarren cows and such as are d:- - The familiar question, "What is seased. Success in the livestock bus- the matter the church?" sug- iness will hinge on careful manage- gests the answer that those who meni lenciine toward cuttinc out. . t.. a i r " r ' IIlUBb IICUUL'ILLIV ill 111 leilBL Wl Lt 11 doubtedly the hope accompanies the plea for church attendance on at least one day of the year that this will grow into the habit of attendance on other days also. Such indeed is the genius of the various "days" and , "weeks" that we are called on from leaks. O. A. C. Extension service. TO STUDY FLIGHT Or UHD'c $tudenta of Aviat.on Seek to CJvt Riddle of the Albatross and Other "Soarer." in good faith are wont to ask it are prone to cavil on the strength of in adequate information, or of misin formation, or both. The distractions of modern life have imposed upon religion a good many competitive interests not of its own choosing and have fostered a tendency to neglect spiritual duties and obligations not calculated to promote the welfare either of the individual or of neigh borhoods as a whole. It is profoundly Ktuilent.s of aviation are trying tt solve the- riddle of how the aibu.-os and other great "sonreiri" uuiiie cii'ort Ices lllght without wing beats. Speclul liiveHtljjutlon of this phe nomenon will be made during the m.- to be desired that a large measure of torlcss flying carnivals In I "ranee, Ger- the spirit of reverence, of apprecia tion of the things of the soul as well and a boon to everyone concerned.--Oregonian. , ' "' ', . Candy Fillings From Apples Apple pomace makes an excellent pure and healthful candy filling. The pomace is selected from a suit able variety of apple. The pulp is parboiled and run through some find kind of screen to separate the seeds, skins and stems from the pulp. A certain proportion of sweetening is added. The pulp is cooked down to the desired consistency and rolled out to a suitable thickness. The product is finally dried. O. A. Experiment station. COMING TO SALEM Dr.lt1ellenthin SPECIALIST in Internal Medicine for the past eleven years. DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at MARION HOTEL Thursday, September 21st Uiiice Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation as of the flesh, may be revived as an offset to the too materialistic mani festations of the times. It is deeply significant that the clearly marked tram-, charge that Christianity has failed to fulfill expectations emanates from muiiy aiil Switzerland. All blrIx which liave this wonderful power of tclidlng here and there with motionless ' outstretched wings are alike In one respect. Underneath their widespread wings, iik they extend them In sourit!tr, are verse riil;ie. What puniw those underneath-wlng those who are least inclined, it would rays or ridges serve Is, at present a to jve Christianit a tria mystery; hut the significant fact Is c . , . ' , . , that all Kreat soarers have them. Stf m away from church 18 Plainl' whereas IMrds which do not soar, but not the WW to co-operate in making move only by constant wing beats, tne church all that it ought to be and have no nuch rldses. all that its sincerest supporters wish An Ingenious theory Is that by means that it were. It so often happens that of these "ridges" the blrda focus, or those who have one to gpoff uaiP w. uKiirt- compres. wind eddies as they sweep Tom , . " . , victim was then thought to have died. ' i. ,u 1 , a remained to pray that more general viiiuii wun uirn iiiuugiH i" i.ayc un-u. beneath the wings, and so manage to ' 6 extract not only an upward "lift," but"urc" nuance wowa seem xo De also a propulsive effort from them. , wel1 worth while, as an experiment Another explanation Is that the bird f nothing more. We have never Is able to vibrate lis apparently mo-1 heard of a case of a man who was tionless wing, bo that the transverse hurt by it and there are instances rays" accelerate the wind flow under innumerable that testify to the power era, Weather Rots Unpointed Buildings Can You Afford to Rebuild in a Few Years? A writer for the Figaro chanced one day to leave by mistake the proofs of an article on Poe where It came to the attention of King Louis. The king sought the writer to question him. "Until then," runs the description of the scene that took place, "the king's munrier had been quiet and gentle al most to effeminacy, but the moment Poe's name wan mentioned he became all eagerness and animation. Ills magnificent eyes lit up, his Hps quiv ered and his whole face was beaming and radiant. 'Is it a personal account of hlinr he asked, referring to the proofs. 'Did you know Poe? Of course you did not though ; you are too young. I cannot tell you how dis appointed I am. Just for a moment I thought I was in the presence of some one who had actually known that most wonderful of all writers, and who could, accordingly, tell me something definite and authentic about his Inner life.' " Dr. Mellenthin is a regular grad uate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. He visits professionally the more impor tant towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip free consul tation, except the expense of treat ment when desired. According to his method of treat ment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adnoids. He has to his credit wonderful re sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blod, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments If you have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any better, do not fail to call, as improper measures rather than disease are very often the cause of your long standing trouble. Remember above date, that con sultation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be accompa nied by their husbands. the will and obtain a reaction which of actiye participation in religiou.,j Address: 336 Boston Block, Minne- drivei the bird forward visible wlug effort. without any matters as a regenerator of character apolis, Minn. 1.1. , depreciate! in it . t- . VOUR a rapidly un Outlier by paint A rotting building is a heavy ttpense. It means either coatly Kpair.ns or total rebuilding. 't saves tl,i cost. Use paint The next question is what J to use. Use the best. It s less in the long run. The best paint spreads easily av labor cost. It covers ?.urfa,:c P gallon than "wp paint. And the bci p,inl wilJ Mrve you Wint. m"rB yM" tmrt ,l"m "eP" Wint your building, when they Tint's nefd it and una the dm! paint. a dollar-saving policy. The bet paints are scientific in formula and preparation. We've made them for 73 yean to meet the weither conditions in the West. The but materiil PIONEER WHITE LEAD, pure linseed oil. pure sine and pure color-are combined In Fuller's Paints in scientifically ex act proportion with long time skill Free Advice on Painting 1 Aik ar affix I tM. lot nrd, it. A lha Fulln SpmU"' tin DrtiM ibsal ' mi dmtrabla tolor (rbraiM, lot kuawai ui r ' Flow Mm. All-ru l"V I. Varaiibaa. Sllkaawblia Eaanal. rillnilor-Hori V.talJi. W..kall. Wall riDlA. 4 Ban and KoM Pilni. n. riONtta VUIIK LEAD. Punish Flirts With Death Penalty. Flirts are not tolerated In Zululand on the east coust of Africa, according to Olaf Llnck, Danish author and explorer. The Zulus usually kill men when thov iniike advances to married woni- ' en. The slut iis of women Iihh greatly I Improved, the explorer fmind, The I high coal of living has bad the effect I of limiting the practice of polygamy i . ... .. .. i to tne extremely pi n. " "" it man could purchase n wife for eight j oxen, but now the price hns gone up to almost twice that number of anl- J ninl. I'arentK are adopting the ex- j pedlent of dlnposlng of their marriage tile ihniirbters on the installment ' plan, the terms generally being two oxen down and the remaining at fixed Intervals. If a hncbiind defaults on his payments then' Is a law which provides for his going to work In the service of bin father-in-law until the value Is covered. Fu Bier Is artCIFICATIQM House Paints Phoenla Pur Point Pure Prepared Pol Wetu,. by W. P. P.1W Jk Co., Dopt. 24, S BruclM la It CltUa la .. 'jjiyylii'ijjiflHJIIJIUilii -U atlc rU.f' Sraalleallaa Ho ttinf oil hr tuwr'n A"" 1 The Chcsrful Robin. It would go hard with the birds If their case were left to be de cided upon argument alone. But robins are their own best advo cates, says the Detroit Free Press. They come In the spring vandals that . ...a .. .1 .....1 .. ..InMVWW they are anu atari. uwrv jinuu emnmilgn to cultivate friendship. The deep ihsm not: they never brushes nor flee the presence of man. Instead they choose the lawn for a hunting ground, build their nests even on porches and window Hills, and never let the sun go down without a t)ong delivered from the most con spicuous perch on the place. The robin's cheerfulness Is Irresistible; his nelghborllness compelling. It Is abso lutely Impossible not lo like him when he offers such convincing proofs every dav that he likes men. everybody's woods know skulk In the 1 knew him when he was a hoy h i ail p y What one it there of us that has not felt the glow of satisfaction over the outstanding success of a life-long friend! Often a sur prise seemingly "all of a sudden." Yet neither surpriiing nor sudden, when you stop to think back over each step of his progress. United States Rubber Company makers of U. S. Royal Corda were Erst to conceive, make and announce the balanced tire, A tire in which there is sucK com plete unity of action in tread and carcass that neither will give way before the other. First to conceive, make and announce a complete a tire tor every need ot price and use under one l over the outstanding success of a life 'long friendl Often a sur- fir yy'JfilS M rudden, when you stop to think back over each step of his progress. ) hflf m ' K m v''mt:i. iz Asrrfi! :i ' I.Mr , ik S VVHOTwiU give way before the other. WS M f CI line of tires a tire for every need of price and use under one iZtXm intT'kmjZ 5 legitimate dealer and get a legitimate tire.") gVv ; , u UWjm ) First abo to arouse IndustriU .ad trade ?yryi1JSt7t& N THESE high spots along the U. S. fgf&lM MEM'.SX XX$& road to leademhip indicate the iff ? J intent -the will to win by the fluai. f'SMJ M ffl1lr:yM A Aw ft I rll. I bMMkB i i ilMl1 v w!3mti mm $ loyal Cord Tires K talcs Rubber Company fiS? wSUr Ortmii i World tirt-w Unnchn StvVi, ayU" ," Z 0 line of tires itontLard of quality. First to tell the public about the good and bad In tire-retailing. (You remember the phrase "Go to legitimate dealer and get a legitimate tire.") First also to arouse industrial and trade mind to the need of a neur kind of tire competition. (Competition for better and better values. Greater Bad greater pub lic confidence.) , THESE high spots along the U. S. road to leadership indicate the intent the will to win by the quaU ity route in a price market. Now that so many car-owners have civen their verdict for quality tires in general, and u.s. iires in particular a number of dealers and car-owners whose vision has been clouded by "dis counts," "sales" and what not, are beginning to re mml-M that rhevulrnew him when he was a boy." United States Drcs Cood Tires Wficrc You Can Buy XJSTire$i Independence Garage INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Will ard . Craven