Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, August 18, 1922, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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N N A .
is in m lira. i ( a i Bfiaatii i
Am I
.a: si-t ainr1am'i:;r3gm-
Toll us frankly do not hesitate
to criticise us. We want YOUIt
comment your criticism your
May we have it?
Farmers State Bank
Principal Events of the Wee :
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
- gust 5 was 7 per cent below normal
Thirty (houhAhd !lverr.ide tataon buBlnes9 was 7 per cent above
' - -
Successful Graduates
Are the Beit Recommendation of x
Thi. institution ottt'tn a thorough, practical, and standard education
Thi Mtu;,0(.n,0tIjl"h,II r-wh 0f the high school graduate.
It offers training for collegiate degrees in:
. i !..., Mines
Arlcultttw Ph.rm.ry
SS Economic Miiitary " .T,f
It offers training .W in: The School of Music. Physical Ldu
cation, Industrial Journalism,
Fall Term Open September 18.
For circulars of information and illustrated booklet write to
The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College,
Corvallit Oregon
uhMty staffs
with the cm
One of the most
g0od motor M'w&&
is, that it maintain its cnenuui ditionS
and its lubricating body under all conau
of engine operation.
it can no longer "l?nlfTe a
tween the bearing surfaces, and its va.
lubricant is destroyed.
- Certain crude oUs ljg
stability, than others Becau e thi
duction of practically every typ ng rf
company is free to choose tor t
Zerolene only those crudes wnicn a
ularly adapted for the purpose.
qhe Patented Vacuum Process
f Jiatiiline and refining these
In the process of d t import-
selected crudes, it of the gre , and
ance not to destroy "uSpy our own
stabUity. For this reason w JJP, By
this process the oil EJJJJjJ. ad stability of
Zllr .finer -X&
form of vacuum distillation . wo vacuum
in the United States uses as
as this company.
perfect lubrication perrmt
merit of maximum power, speea
more nowerfispeed
wfrirtion and wear
llrni Comd hibrka'don
There was one fatality in Oregon
due to industrial accidents during
the week ending August 10, according
to a report prepared by the state in
dustrial accident commission. The vic
tim was 8. K. Myers, electrician, of
Albany. A total of 667 accidents were riiii-lnff the week.
Production of the 126 mills report
ing to the West Coast Lumbermen's
association for the week ending au-
. . t
ta tim Jtr tCnntt. Glasses
AJTB c "vW w
fitted, satisfaction guaranteed. IVI-u
been planted In
flnKerlinKs have
Crater lake.
A nmitif u.ul.t.. If tfAutn'lr 4i,lt,ltifr snn
. ,.,, . ii.. v ii ni,w(, jwinmn
t!Kt by club members will be held in
tlie Hdo eoinmurilty Thursday.
Firo which cuuKht from sparks
from th engine room rtebtroyed a saw
mill belonging to Claud Chapman near
A rnrtnllitf? wuk holil In X'friHinifL lfl&t
woek for tho purpose of organizing a
uranen or trie r eaerai r arm loan m-
soclatlon. .
The report of the Bend postoffice
for July showed a 72 per cent increase
In rtnl business over the correspond
ing tnonlh of 1921.
Coroners from 20 counties In Oregon
met in Portland bint week for the
third annual convention of the Ore
gon Stute Coroners' association.
Funners of Yarnhlll county for the
mnut narl hdvA liOOtl a ffrpfillll V SlimrlS-
cd at the larger yield of their winter
uh..nt fii.ids han was anticipated.
Harry and Elmer Holverstott lost
.lifh anrl ft half tons of chittlm bark
when fire destroyed a building on the
Chris KeiiHch ulace near Cogullle.
A radio permit for commercial
broadcasting has been granted by the
i,.r,rim.nt nf commerce to the
Thomas Musical company of Marsh
field. A combined county fair and rodeo
hn holrl nt Klamath Falls the
first week In October, according to a
decision of the chamber of commerce
and business men.
r.ntraft tnr Bnrfaclnc the Mount
Hood loop In Clackamas county has
been awarded by the state highway
commisHion. The surfacing Job, lu
ii. - nun k hppn awarded to
III 11 O Ul -, "
T Kprn.
n w. nartlett of Corvallls has been
employed by the state highway com
mission to pave the new j'acinc nign
way through the town of Jefferson,
In southern Marion county, at a cost
The recent rain extinguished many
, tnrBut tWf which have been
j , ma -----
burning for Reveral weeks, according
to the state forester. As a result no
attempt will be made to postpone the
open season for deer, it was said.
The so-called gum spot aiue
which has Invaded fruit districts In
mnv narts of the United States has
threatened the prune orchards ot
Marlon county, according to a warning
Issued by the county fruit Inspector.
Fifty-four officers ana men oi um
Oregon naval reserve force left Port
land Saturday on the Eagle boat 38,
a 15-days' cruise in Aiasuan
. . . i . ll'san.
waters. Stops will De maue i ...-
i KPtrhlkan and other Alaskan
K. E. Baumgartner, engineer
charge of Investigations of the war
mineral claims commission, is on me
Pacific coast, on a trip which will
Include investigation of chrome and
manganese claims in Josepnine anu
Jackson counties.
Mrs. Joseph E. Walker, millionaire
and philanthropist, with headquarters
at the Dorchester noiei m ou
Cisco, has sent $500 to Dr. R. B. Lee
Steiner. superintendent of the Oregon
state hospital, as a -donation to vu
nm0nt fund of the institution.
ti, inrPRt near crop in the history
of the Rogue River valley has begun
and from now until late tali mere win
be daily shipments. Southern Pacific
m,.ii estimate the total pear crop
at mo cars, which is a 60 per cent
Increase over the largest previous out
The world war veterans siaie
commission, to date has approved 18,
063 claims for caBU bonus aggregating
ais nnd has passed on 2347
t, t
applications for loans amouuuus
$5 327 700. Ioans approved for pay-
number 842 ana aggregate
Tnat Sheriff Nelson was recaueu vy
of Clatsop county and
lUo v v
Wirlev J. Slusher was elected to suc-
him by a majority ui iuuj ow
Is indicated by the returns re-
a. n V mi Air-
ceived. The vote casi was u vw
thirds of that at the recent primary
Bids for the construction of approxi
mately 54 miles of highway and five
bridges will be considered at a meet
ing of the state highway commission
y.a in Portland. August 29. At
this meeting the commission also will
open bids lor me v..
highway bonds.
The totnl cost oi cunuuvuu3
- -ww nniini rliir-
hiBh schools Ot xanunn v;w..i.
inc the past year was
while the cost of conducting the grade
8Chools aggregated 26S 1,398,77 . jeoord
lg to a report prepared by S. S Dun
can, superintendent of schools for
Yamhill county. The average daUy at
tendance was 42S1 pupils, with 218
teachers employed.
and new business was 7 per cent above
production, according to a report jun
Issued. Shipments for the ween wer
10 per cent above production.
That money will not be so free in
Linn county this winter as formerly
Is evident from tho fact that many
farmers have harvested practically no
crop by reason of the dry weather.
The unprecedented drouth has stunt
ed the grain so that it could not db ,
cut, and the farmers are turning the
The potatoes in Union county are
not, generally speaking, fit tor seeu
.rt mention, according to E. R. JacK-
man, extension specialist of the Ore
gon Agricultural college, who nas jusi
examined 200 acres oi potatoes w.u.
fprtlfvinar them for seed.
Only one small field was passed by
Mr. Jaekman. Leaf mosaic wa i
chief cause of rejecting the crops for
rno and sixty-two citizens,
including "sixisy-two women of Marlon
county, were subpoenaed to appear ai
Salem Monday In the Olcott-Hall re-
. Thar werfl Cited 10
answer charges of illegal voting. The
list Included forty-seven resiuenw
from twelve precincts in Salem. The
largest number subpoenaed from any
one precinct was forty from Mount
Large yields of honey are Deing
reported by apiarists on the Hermis
ton project this year, which is prov
ing one of the best honey years
of the project. H. W.
ilk who has some 20 stands
I JJ uvi-t
of bees on his ranch northwest of
Hermlston, has kept an accurate ac
rniint of two extractions from one
4nrl itf ftOAtt linn has taken off 267
pounds from the single hive.
The rnfe buds:et commission treat
ed by the 1921 session of the state leg
iBiature held its initial . conference
with heads of state institutions at
Salem. Estimated financial needs of
the Institutions for the biennlum of
moo oi gum discussed and it was
said another meeting will be held in j
about two weeks. The members of
the commission are Governor Olcott,
Secretary of State Kozer and State
Treasurer Hoff.
The winter wheat crop in this state
Is turning out better than ,was expect
ed and the quality or tne crop js bu
erally good, according to a report on
the Oregon crop situation preparea uy
F. L. Kent, agricultural statistician of
the bureau of agricultural economics
f h deDartment of agriculture. . The
report said that with the exception
of the winter wheat crop, nowever,
crops throughout the state showed a
a nf.itna In rnndltlon.
Utilization of the Deschutes nver i
and Its tributaries lor irrigation oi
approximately 14,000 acres in the Des
chutes basin, with incidental power
1 1 i. AU A
development, was recommenaea to iu-
federal power commission in a repon
of a board, of engineers. By using
the upper Deschutes for Irrigation an
aggregate of 555,000 horsepower could
be developed on the lower river,
engineers found, and if . the upper
Deschutes storage be used for power.
' 1 J V
the aggregate horsepower woum
increased to 613,000.
rnnarvative estimates place the
ia nr tho rAent rain at $1,000,000
VR1UO v. i
to western Oregon, juBging from the ,
i 1 1 I
standpoint or increased agiicuumai r
. ! . i,i v, ..o ii .id Viv the I
crops wnicn wm uc "" -
arrival of the much needed moisture.
At the same time the rain was said
to have caused some damage to cut
hay and , grain crops, but this was
believed to have been immaterial com
pared to the benefit. While the rain
came too late to have any appreciable
nnnn the erain crops it will
prove a great stimulus to the potato
and various vegetable crops and to
the pastures, many or wnicn nau neou
burned out by the dry weather. It
.hi oian heln materially the apple,
pear and prune crops ana wm prove ul
some benefit to the nops.
The initial step by the recall-elected
public service commission looking to
a reduction of the rates oi ine racing
Telephone & Telegraph company in
Oregpn was taken at an executive ses
sion of that body held in Salem. The
action of, the commission was based
on a resolution which provided that
the attorney-general withdraw his
answer to the complaint in the suit
filed by Robert Duncan and others of
Portland, to set aside an oraer or tu
-u .s,.kii. aorvioB. commission ifiued
UiU JJUUii ,
February 28, 1921, authorizing an in-
... mi rri
orRJ!.f, in the rtes ot tne Racine ieie
i jr. ToiPE-ranh company. It is
said that if the provisions of the reso
iin r rarried out by the attorney-
general it will mean that the case will
k,, Hpfnult. Bnd the teiepnonecum-
6u uj .
pany will have no alternative omei
than throwing the entire rate proceed
ings in tho courts.
We Paint Signs
Your Car, Your House
nr an vthinsr vou may
want, the way you want
Independence Paint Co.
Phone 9622, 273 Main
- i.1 i. Vm nn.
Notice is hereby given tnoi,
dersigned executors of the estate of
August Quasdorf, deceased, have
filed their final account in the County
Court of the State oi uregon m
Polk County, and that wonaay i
21st day of August, 1922, nt the hour
of 10 A. M. thereof, at the court room
of the said County uoun m me w
of Dallas, Oregon, has been appointed
by said court as the time and place
nbiectiona to the
said final account and the settlement
thereof. .
Executors of the estate of
August Quasdorf, deceased.
B. F. Swope, attorney.
Automobile Insurance
George ,W. Chesbro
Beaver Hotel Block
Campbell Building
Cooper Building
C. C. WRIGHT, M. D. C.
Residence, "Uncle Billv'"
. . -1 - r.f evwution
By virtue oi a win, ------
asafnst the property hereinafter de-
scribed, auiy iucu "j - -
stnucu, u nwcrnn. on
Clerk ot rout yuunw,, t
the 14th. day of August , 1922 . rto
me the unaersiu,
County, airecieu, v ,
w,u. j 4 fnrPflosure ana
ment oi a u. nw..
sale, given and maac oy w
Court of the. State of Oregon, for
said County oi foiK, on ic
of August, 1922, in a certain
in said County,
McBeth was .plaintiff and Ff C.
McLean, yum -rr-- K.
Kpwev. viara ""'wi .
Spaulding Logging to?
Raster No. 5531, which decree Waa
given in favor of said Pjamtrff and
optnallv due the
sumor$533.5i th interest thereon
: T onmini. since
at six per rou, ,
Aueust 11, 1922, I am commanded to
feU at public auction in the . manner
prescribed fcy law the following real
P: Zlti int fifi feet south
f romKthe southeast corner of B lock 5
in Patterson's Aaaiuoi. w -'X'ni;
Independence, in Polk County, State
of Oregon, and running thence south
cnains; "w" n" , r i
chains; thence north 1.90 chains
and thence easi o.6o u
place of beginning -'
acre, more or leaa, "J JT
easement which tne su
Logging Company has on a strip
thereof lying along the banks of the
South r orK oi ash wi
That on Saturday, the 16th day of
2. vi 1000 ot the hour of one
o'clock, in the afternoon of sa d i day j
at the front door of the County Court
House, in the City of Dallas, in said
County, I will sell the real property
j..hi t nubhc
nere noexorc fnr
auction, . to tne g "-7 ZyZ
cash in hana on aay i o., , ----purpose
of satisfying the said decree,
r..f j. A .f. snip. SUh-
witn interest iu -
i- iHn in the manner pro
ject io.ii:uciuli..v.. ... , . . . -xv,-
vided by law, and subject to the
. . nvnnonv itivkil lu
mortgage on "al' yr-- c ,
said defendants Bewley, dated Sept-
ember zo, wzv, recuiueu
day, at page 223 ot Mortgage
42 of said County.
Dated this 15th dayoAugust
Sheriff of Polk County, Oregon.
Brotherhood of
American Yeomen
Meet in K. P. Hall 2nd and n
Wednesday nights. Visiting Mem
bers Always Welcome.
Foreman. Bliss B. Byers.
Arthur Black, Cor.
Efficient Service Courteoui
Funeral Director and Licensed
Calls Promptly Answered 'h7
or Night
Reasonable Prices
Phones 9821; 9822
Independence, Oregon
i Windfall Barber Shcp
I We appreciate your trade.
We guarantee to teach you
Karam onui tiiauu w j -
or it costs you nouiing.
. i r . n
All that we asK or yu
attend our class from one to
two hours daily
For information call or write
National bcriooi oi anvn
hand 212-213 Oregon Bldg.,
Salem, Oregon
Office Phone 788. Residence 1890J.
Road dort,erbon,Bn metlprUclM
from engine wt.r-iU .hould be
dealer. 0 Calol Flu.hing Oil for fe
ty and thoroaghnms: They refill with
acrolein wi
cigarettes I
Tk lVoe of Literature. Science
and the Art with 22 departmenia.
n.. nmrMnnnil schools of Archi-
. ..I.
tecture Business Administration,
Education-Graduate Study-law
Medicine Music Physical Educa
tion Sociology.
The 47th Year Opens October 2. 1922
Fnr nmtaloiueoranX) information
vorite Th Regittrar, Untvertitp of
Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. -
They are
Bay this Cigarette aniSateMoney
l. m. Hum
Care of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medicine and
: Tea Co.
Has medicine which will
cure any known disease
Not open on Sundays
152 South High Street
Salem, Oregon Phone 281
I , kW sat SML