f ' Friday, August 11. iq ' INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE : Pace Eight rVV J A Tsj-ir lF0R SALE-IIouse and quarter jBUENA VISTA ITEMS t ' -" "" II i . in ' 77rr nr A h- , v J WANTED Evergreen blackberries, 3 cents a pound cash upon de livery of berries. Independence Seed & Feed Store. ll-2t FOR SALE House and quarter block, five rooms with bath, desir able location. Seasonable price on reasonable terms. E. L. Buchanan, Route 3, Salem. 23-tt Seeing through an idea is good seeing an idea through is better Get your hop tickets at the Enter prise office. Special facilities for handling them promptly and effectively. Drs. Hewett & Knott. Glasses fitted, satisfaction guaranteed. fl7-tf BUENA VISTA ITEMS DURING PAST WEEK NOTICE to HOP PICKERS If you wish to register to pick hops or for day work in our yards, or at the kilns, for us this season, please write at once as to the number ol pickers in your party (families pre ferred). Price, 50 cents per box and the prevailing price for day work at the time of picking. We furnish you tents, stoves, wood, tables, benches, and straw for bedding. We have an ideal sanitary camping ground. Will notify you later as to date of picking end a card will be sent notifying your registration. SPECIAL NOTICE to all picksrs It is imperative that all hops must be picked clean and it is expected that this rule will be strictly adhered to. Apply to WIGAN, RICHARDSON & CO., Wigrich Ranch, Independence, Oregon. 21-3t HOP PICKERS WANTED We will have a truck to carry pickers to and from yard. We would like to have all of our old pickers as well as others. Please make appli cation now. Hugh H. Hanna. ll-3t FOR SALE Cows, horses, hogs, goats, household goods and farm ing equipment. E. J. Ellis, Rick reall, Ore. 11-lt HOP MEN! You can get your Hop scoops in Independence We are specializing on this kind of w'ork Cabinet Making of All Kinds Ruef & Violette AT SH FOR SALE About 4 acres of field f corn, suitable for ensilage. Grace Yeater. 379 North Main St. 11-lt i r ORTBAND GUARANTEED in 30 Days We guarantee to teach you Karani Shorthand in 30 days or it costs you nothing. All that we ask of you is to attend our class from one to two hours daily For inf 6rmation call or write National School of Short hand ' 212-213 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Oregon Office Phone 788. Residence 1890J. 28-4t W. R. Bevcna, wife and little son Dean, of Portland, were here with friends last week and attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Amos Hol man of Pallas. Brief funeral services were held at the I. O. O. F. cemetery Friday ftaernoon and a largo number of friends gathered to pay their last respects to a good neighbor and friend. The traits, of joy fulness and good cheer she always showed for her family and friends is the ono that will endure with them so long as time shall last and constitute their most pleasant memory as she had spent almost her entire life here and was greatly loved. Mrs. Carl Stanley of Gresham, Ore., has joined her husband here. He has employment at the Edgar Lichty place. Mrs. E. J. Anderson left Sunday fov a week's stay with her daughter,' Mrs. Martin Congor and E. B. Gobat home near Suver. Miss Edna Schrunk of Idaho, who is spending the summer here with her mother left Saturday night for seve ral days stay with her sister in Al bany. Mrs. Georgie Sawyers and son Herbert, of Independence, are here for several days stay at the home of daughter, Mrs. Jessie Nash. J. R. Loy attended a directors' meeting of the Monmouth Coopera tive creamery Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Nash transac ted business and visited relatives Independence Monday. Guv Prather returned to Portland broueht ud was insurance on build after a week's stay with home folks, j ings. It was voted to renew all pre Mjss Addie Gobat returned to her I vailing policies and place ?4l0 on the ON MR. HOP GROWER in J The hop picking season is here and with it comet the necessity of replacing some of your equipment that has become wore and lost. Our stock of HOP SUPPLIES are complete. We have Lanterns, Thermometers, Jack Chains, Baling Twine and Needles. In fact we have everything that is needed on the hop farm. SJtoper Bros. & Cockle u J i .'' nmm mm wii I PIPE FITTING and repairing. C. L. Chamberlin, 316 Main St. ll-4t WANTED Hop pickers. We will run an auto truck to take pickers to and from work. Walker Bros. 4-2t FOR SALE 1 Rock Island 14-inch Sulkey plow. 1 Clover reaper, Mc Cormick. Both almose new. J. C. Collins, Phone 5124. 4-2t FOR SALE Folding Eastman Ko dak, post card size, used very little, bargain. Phone Main 1111, Independence 4-tf ; iSV DONT TRIFLE WITH YOUR Eyes-They are precious If your eyes bother or you have a headache come and see us. We use the most modern methods and scientific instruments to determine the defect of your eyes. We spec ialize in fitting ONE-PIECE TORIS BIFOCALS at reasonable prices. DR. WILL J. THOMSON Optometrist i Regular monthly visits Watch news columns for dates j home near Suver after a visit at the Harman-Anderson homes. Mesdames, N. C. and E. J. Ander son were among the Albany shoppers Friday. Miss Buelah Baylee of Salem .s here visiting Miss Etta Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Leonard and daughters Louise and Helen of Port land, passed the weekend with friends here. They were former residents here and their pleasant "How-do-you-do" is greeted by hosts of friends, who are always pleased to have them back. new annex and $000 on the stock buildings. Also more lights will b instated on the grounds. The matter of choosing the various judged was left in the hands of the secretary. Observer. Monmouth HAPPENINGS IN THE ELKINS COUNTRY FOR SALE 1 Mule, 11 years old. weight 1450 lbs., 1 Sorrel Mare, 13 years old, weight 1100 lbs. Both good gentle animals and good work ers. J. C. Collins. Phone 5124. 2t FOR SALE Two sows. J. C. Collins. Phone 5124 4-2t FOR RENT 120 acres H. Ellis. It FOR SALE 1 oil stove, good condi tion, three new brass electric light chandeliers which have never been installed, complete with latest style shades. Price very reasonable. Phone 5124 4-2t ; WANTED Hop pickers. Will run auto truck to and from yard for convenience of town pickers. Burton Estate. Phone Farm 914. Jj'28-4t WOOD SAWING promptly done, Sam Muhleman, phone F5113. Jnl6-6m A Classified Ad Will bring you a buyer. We Paint Signs Your Car, Your House or anything you may want, the way you want it Independence Paint Co. W. N. CHAPMAN Phone 9622, 273 Main Mrs. Henry Adams pt Lebam, Washington is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Loughary, Sr. Mrs. Fred Sfholl has returned to her home after a six weeks' stay with her mother in Falls City. Mrs. A. E. Tetherow and daughters, Ruth and Mildred, Mrs. A. Z. Ted row and Mrs. G. B. Jones were visitors in Salem Friday. Alfred Jones has been on the sick list. Mrs. Lizzie Bowman of Salem Jias been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roy Pitzer. A large number of friends from this community attended the funeral of Uda Burke held in Dallas Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hall of Mt. Solo, Washington, and Mrs. Retta flamar of Monmouth Heights, spent Tuesday with Mrs. C. C. Marks. Mrs. Lee Williams of Airlie visited her sister, Mrs . Roy Pitzer last week PLANS FOR COUNTY FAIR ARE BEING MADE FIRE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS LIABILITY BONDS Automobile Insurance George tW. Chesbro Beaver Hotel Block R. B. Swenson, editor of the Mon mouth Herald, left with his family early Friday morning by auto for a two-weeks' trip to the Yoaemite valley. Mr. Swenson will meet his brother, F. B. Swenson, an attorney i of Phoenix, Arizona, at the Yosemite! jpostoffiec. Before leaving, the Swcn-' sons printed this week's issue of the paper and delivered it to the post- j office. In the place of local news it ! contains contributions from subscri bers giving their vacation experien ces, a letter from Florence Heffley, who is travelling in France, Italy and Switzerland this summer, and Grandma Powell's account of the trip across the plains in 1851, published recently in the Powell history. Mrs. Ira C. Powell visited her sis ters in Seattle last week before their departure for the Hawaiian Islands ! where they expect to teach. Mrs. Jane Stout of Portland, a former Monmouth resident, is visit ing friends here. The F. E. Chambers family spent the weekend at Netarts. Mrs. V. F. Daniel, who formerly conducted a dry goods business in Monmouth, was in town lact week. Clark Hembree of Willows, Cali fornia, is visiting in Monmouth and vcinity. Tom Boothby, a brother of George, arrved from California Wednesday. .n , ,, lj,vi.lM..i , n, n , n , . I s Another G BS'B e Phone 5211 Reduction in Tire P rices See me before you buy M.J.O'DONNELL REPAIRS Honest, competent service is constantly adding patrons to our repair department. We fix it any make car and promptly. We do tractor and station ery engine repair work. If in trouble, phone for us CR.Eakright If all the plans that are now being made materialize the Polk county fair to be held in Dallas on October 5, 6 and 7 will be the biggest and best that has ever been held in the county. Outside of the exhibits and displays the main feature will be a round-up of which assurances have been given that it will be held. This in itself will draw a large number of people to this city. H. S. Butz, president of the county I fair board; C. C. Gardner, vice , president; Mrs. Robert Sachrler, sec- Iretary; W. L. Soehren, general sup erintendent, and W. V. Fuller, com prising the fair board, held a meet ing in' the Commercial club rooms Saturday morning and before ad journment had transacted a consider able business. The principal matter brought up was the booking of various attrac tions. A contract will in all proba bility be signed with the Browning Amusement company and the Hoyts, both of Salem. Thesa two companies present varied forms of entertain ment and will help to increase the at tendance during the three days in which the fair will be held. The features of entertainment will be in the hands of H. L. Fenton and W. L. Soehren. Hallie Parrish Hinges of SaleJn will be engaged to sing for at least two days out of the three. It is planned to have a number df noted speakers deliver addresses. Clothed in fall war costume about 100 Indians will be camped at the grounds under the leadership of Chief Johnnie Williams. The dances that! they will furnish will be a whole en tertainment in iUelf. i Other matters of importance' II. W. Grow, engaged as agricul tural teacher in the high school for the coming year, under the Smith Hughes act, left Tuesday for Colo rado where he will be married in a few days. Mr. Grow, accompanied by his bride, will return previous to the 25th of this month, as at that time his school duties will start. Mop Tickets As You Wan i Them i at the Enterprise Office CHERRO FLOUR Give the best results because every sack is uniform and made from the choicest grains, and the by products thoroughly mixed from formulas of cor rect balanced rations. Carried by most feed stores. J! ONLY $2.7 O INDEPENDENCE TO PORTLAND and return SALE DATES tTRV FRIDAY fofi&Z&Sfa SATURDAY LINES and SUNDAY RETURN LIMIT Tuesday following sale date ASK AGENT ABOUT 15 Day 'and Season Fares Frequent Service at Convenient Hours with all modern travel comforts. For further particulars ask agents JOHN M. SCOTT General 'Passenger Agent CHERRO Poultry Feeds -.Kvn.iv.ic ui 1 1UUI Jltv w JM aside a large quantity of old wheat flour, and at jr j pieseni prices this is a good time to buy your win- ;r ici a supply. Call for CHERRO at your Grocer and be sure of old wheat flour. Eat SS Bread Of H And reduce the High Cost of Living olstim Hiread IS THE CHEAPEST AS WELL AS THE MOST WHOLESOME FOOD ON THE MARKET BUT THAT EXTRA LOAF i2T Your Grocer Has It CITY I CHERRY BAKING COMP!